Poker software at PokerStars. Programs for PokerStars: what is allowed and what is prohibited? What programs can be used on pokerstars

Playing online poker involves the ability to use many auxiliary programs that are designed to simplify or facilitate the gaming process.

On the official website there is a list of allowed and prohibited programs that can be used when running client room.

Allowed programs for PokerStars

PokerStars allows programs that:

  • Provide basic information on the game (pot odds, hand strength);
  • Statistical and reference information (charts starting hands);
  • Monitor and provide game statistics on opponents.

Thus, at PokerStars you can use the following programs:

  • and - programs for collecting game statistics, organizing information and analyzing your game.
  • StarsHelper is a program for optimizing and simplifying the gameplay.
  • is a statistical site that collects all the information on the results of poker tournaments.
  • Hypertracker - for tracking sessions and sharing data.
  • PokerStrategy SideKick is a hand evaluation software.
  • SmartBuddy - selection of the right opponents.
  • Stud Indicator - will simplify the adoption of most decisions thanks to a clear and visual numerical expression.
  • Table Tamer is a program for collecting poker statistics.
  • Xeester is a poker statistics collection program.

Prohibited programs for PokerStars

The PokerStars security service may block your account for using third-party programs that have the following functionality:

  • Creation of a common database (mining) and other programs that make it possible team game(collusion);
  • Play without human intervention (bots), or reduce the need for human participation in the game (auto-fold);
  • Collection of statistical data on players if you are not present at the table;
  • Provide tips for playing in real time (hints);
  • Provides the ability to manipulate opponents in games where table selection is not possible (e.g. Spin&Go tournaments)

List hprohibited programs on PokerStars:

  • SessionLord is a program for automatic seating at tables.
  • SpinWiz is a program that helps you choose tables in Spin&Go tournaments.
  • WarBot, PokerBot+ are programs that fully or partially play instead of a person.
  • Advanced Poker Calculator - a calculator that calculates the best hand in Hold'em
  • CardHider - closes new board cards in All-in situations when nothing depends on us.
  • HhSmithy is a program that provides hand histories.
  • Holdem Spy is a program that analyzes your game.
  • MyPokerIntel is a program for collecting statistics.
  • Online Poker Bot - the program creates poker bots.
  • Poker Edge - online poker=tracker.
  • Poker Table Manager - multi-tabling software
  • Preflop Autofolder is a program for autofolding.
  • SpinWiz is a program for collecting statistics on players.
  • TableScan Turbo is a table selection software.
  • WinHoldem is a poker bot.
  • AlphaPoker is a hint program.
  • Frogbot is a poker bot.
  • HHCollector is a tooltip that collects statistics on players.

You can find the full list of prohibited programs at

We already wrote that from March 1, PokerStars will introduce new rules regarding auxiliary software that carry and auto-landing for them. However, this is far from full list changes and the ban will also affect the operation of the HUD and some other aspects.

In the comments to the last article, the players asked for more details about the ban and for providing the source of information, so we have prepared a complete list of changes that will allow you to understand what has been and what will happen in the poker room from March 1st. The rules themselves are given in the original, in English, to avoid discrepancies, and below you will see short comments from us.

Table selection software

old rules

1.4) Macros and hotkeys that have nothing to do with game logic...

3.2) Any programs or services that work with a common database of players, their hands, results and profiles are prohibited.
3.6) Any programs or services that are designed to manipulate opponents in games where you cannot choose the game table yourself, such as in Spin & Go's, are prohibited.

As you can see, it was previously allowed to use programs that select tables based on the color labels of players or the data available in the database of the poker tracker, which made any sit scripts completely legal, such as table scanners, such as .

New rules

- Any programs or services that are designed to manipulate opponents in games where you cannot choose the game table yourself, such as in Spin & Go's, are prohibited.
- Any programs or services designed for effective table selection that in any way filter or sort available tables, as well as automate or semi-automate the process of seating at the table, based on statistics and/or notes/tags of opponents, are prohibited. For example, sit scripts that seat you at tables where players average above or below a given value or process pre-assigned player labels. It is allowed to use only those sit scripts that simply add the required number of tables to you, without taking into account opponents.

What means?

In fact, this means a complete ban on all programs that somehow filter or sort players, and also allow you to automate and simplify the process of sitting at the table to some extent, based on the player’s statistics from the tracker database or notes / tags in the client poker room.

These are the most dramatic changes that have affected auxiliary programs and have already been covered in one way or another earlier. Judging by the comments and response of the players, most of these innovations are assessed quite positively.

It is worth noting that programs remain allowed that allow you to add the required number of tables, without taking into account the players sitting at them, that is, simply "open X tables of such and such a limit/buy-in".

Helper programs and hotkeys

old rules

1.4) Macros and hotkeys that are not related to game logic. For example, you can use the AutoHotKey, MacroExpress or AutoIt3 programs to place a pot-sized bet when you press the "P" button, but you cannot use programs that will fold bad starting hands for you or recommend that or other play action.

3.3) Any programs or services that allow you to play without human intervention ("bots") or reduce the requirements for a person to play are prohibited. For example, any auto-folders are prohibited.

The simplest macros were allowed, it was possible to determine the current trading street, display to the player his pot odds and the visibility of the time bank button. At the same time, it was forbidden to use a relative position (understanding whether we are on the opponent in a position or without it), take into account his current action and the strength of the hand, regardless of whether these are our cards or whether they are common on the table.

New rules

1.4) Macros and hotkeys, which are designed to increase the efficiency of the gameplay, but at the same time do not reduce the requirements for the decision maker...

3.1) Any programs and services that play without your intervention ("bots") or reduce the human need to make decisions...
3.3) Any programs and services that delay the player's decision by a given or random amount.

The restrictions that were there have remained, but they were supplemented by a ban on making bets of a random size, and all programs that allowed setting the player’s action delay to a constant or random value were also banned.

What means?

In general, it cannot be said that any cardinal changes have taken place in this section, however, "the nuts have been tightened a little." You can still set yourself a bet of a given value, for example, 50% of the pot or 75% of the pot, but you cannot set a random bet in the range from 50 to 75% with one hot key.

Also under the ban were programs such as TimeMojo, which allowed you to randomize and change the timing of your bets. In other words, you will not be able to quickly “click” on the button, but at the same time you won’t be able to burn yourself with your insta-actions.

Charts and other supporting material

old rules

1.2) Programs and services that are static reference material and are of a basic nature, for example, a simple table with a chart of starting hands.

2.1) Any tool or reference material that offers advice or commentary beyond a basic level, such as a set of individual starting hand tables based on stack spacing, decision trees, or huds that dynamically change based on player actions and strength his hands.

All regular starting hand charts or Nash charts were allowed and did not change based on table action. Any advanced charts that adjusted to your position or the actions of your opponents were banned.

New rules

1.2) Reference material that is inherently static and basic, such as simple tables based on starting hands that show whether or not they should be played in an open raise situation.

2.1) Reference material that provides advice beyond the basics, such as a large collection of tables giving advice other than how to play hands or not in open pots.
2.2) Programs and services that are designed specifically to facilitate access to reference materials.
3.2) Any software or service that provides real-time advice on what action to take based on the current state of the game (“bots”).

PokerStars has significantly clarified the rules regarding the use of hand charts and now they can be used if they meet the following 2 conditions:

  • The chart should show what combination of starting hands to play or not to play, given that the player enters the game first. Moreover, it is forbidden to indicate the% with which the player needs to call / raise a certain hand.
  • The chart must be converted into 9 matrices 13\13, which give a hint to play / not play / mix this hand without specifying proportions.

What means?

The terms may seem a bit confusing on first reading, so let's be clear. The first point actually concerns software developers. Previously, it was enough for programs to simply "freeze" the ability to switch tabs if the poker client was turned on, and the rest of the time they could still be quite dynamic, now you need to either completely "dark" the displayed information, or force quit the software when you turn on the PokerStars client.

The second point means that virtually all Nash charts will be banned from March 1, because it includes too many options depending on the size of the stack and does not fit into the given framework. In theory, you can create new charts that will pass the requirements if the stack size is divided in just 9 clusters.

Poker trackers and HUD

old rules

1.3) Programs and services that track and display digital statistics in the game, but at the same time use only the data that you have collected yourself during the game.

2.1) Any software or service that offers solutions and advice that go beyond the basic level, such as a set of separate tables of starting hands based on stack size, decision trees or HUDs that dynamically change depending on the actions of the player or his strength hands.

Dynamic hoods were banned, which could change statistics right during the game depending on the current street, the actions of opponents, or even the cards that came out on the board. It was also forbidden to automatically divide and mark opponents based on their tendencies and actions. Any charts (ala NoteCaddy Scatter) and complex charts were banned, but it was allowed to use a "temperature gauge", for example from 0 to 100, displaying the player's VPIP.

At the same time, it was allowed to automatically change the hood depending on the indicators that were known at the time of the distribution (stacks, position, etc.), which made it possible to legally use the positional hood from Hand2Note.

New rules

1.3) ... There are qualitative restrictions on any statistics displayed in the game, such as the inability to separate them based on the strength of your hand. There are also limitations to the functions of the programs that display statistics, regarding the inability to automatically change the displayed data depending on the state of the game or the tendencies of opponents.
HUDs cannot dynamically change depending on any information about the current state of the game, except for the format of the game or the nicknames of opponents. For example, changing the statistics displayed based on stack sizes or position at the table is prohibited.

Now, the conditions have been tightened even more and the ban has affected the change in thin depending on the size of the stack or the position of the opponents, as well as other parameters that do not determine the type of game.

What means?

As a result, positional HUDs are now banned on PokerStars, which reduces the advantages of Hand2Note over other trackers to almost zero. It is allowed to use only the usual static hoods, which do not change in any way during the distribution. However, the following automatic HUD adjustments are allowed:

    Automatic change of HUD when changing the level of blinds in tournaments.

    Automatic change of HUD when moving to the HU stage in a tournament.

    Auto-hide the HUD if the player folded.

    By pressing a hot key, the HUD view can change as you like.

The last point, nevertheless, allows you to take advantage of a number of advantages of positional thin, though already in semi-automatic mode. The developers of Hand2Note assured that these changes will be made to the program in the near future.


Summing up, we can say that these changes, although they cut down a number of opportunities for regulars, are nevertheless, on the whole, quite adequate. PokerStars didn't go off the rails and completely ban all poker software, but only cut a number of automated functions. Personally, I regret most of all from the entire list the impossibility of using the positional , which was a fairly convenient tool for the game, which made it possible to significantly reduce the size of the hood without losing efficiency.

If you play at PokerStars, then make sure that by March 1 you will have updated all the used poker software, which by that time the developers will have to bring to the modern requirements of the poker room, and also be careful with those programs that have been abandoned (for example, the same TimeMojo), because they can substitute you for a ban.

Star Caption is a companion program for PokerStars and FullTilt. It supports .com/.eu and most national versions of poker clients, including multi-client support.

The program works free at micros(for NL10 and $3 tournaments inclusive). If the program detects any other tables, it closes automatically without any warning.
To use the program at any limits, you need to request a trial. To do this, launch the poker client, log in and click "License / ". After activating the trial, we will be able to use the program for one month without any restrictions on the limits played. After the end of the trial, the program will again work only at micro limits.

StarsCaption works with any PokerStars/FullTilt layout without any prior configuration (although you may need to restart the program after changing the layout in the client settings). StarsCaption does not require a chat or any other special client settings, except for the following:

1. StarsCaption is necessary run as admin. Right-click on the program shortcut, select Properties, then tabCompatibility and check the box there Run this program as an administrator.

2. Must be enabled in the poker client English language.

3. System time must be correct on the computer, taking into account the selected time zone, otherwise the program may not work (the message "License server is not responding" will appear at startup).To synchronize the time, do the following: click on the clock in the lower right corner, selectChange date and time settings / Internet time / Change settings / Update now. If after that the time on the computer does not match your local time, set the correct time zone.

Short list of features:

1. Betscript:
- predefined bet sizes for different game situations(the value is entered into the betbox when the hero gets a turn),
- betting hotkeys with formula support,

On-screen bid buttons with formula support.

2. Hotkeys:
- bet/raise, Sit out next bb, Sit out next bb at all tables, I am back, Fold to any bet, close the table, etc.

3. wheel you can set the change in the bet in half a blind or any other value, you can change the direction of the change in the bet with the wheel, on the postflop you can change the bet in% of the pot.

4. Customizable HUD with the ability to display a wide variety of information - limit, blind level, number of tables at which the move reached the hero, total number of tables, SPR, potodds, pot size and stack size on the next street (taking into account the current value in the betbox and the size of the pot), value in the betbox in % of the pot, number of players in the pot, time bank, tournament stats - average stack, number of remaining players in the tournament, tournament position, number of UTMs; deduction of hero and opponent positions, deduction of countries, persistent deduction of actions/sizings/timings of opponents' actions and much more.
Numerical information in the HUD can be automatically colored depending on the value, the coloring of positions is also configured; position names can be customized for any table size.

5. Various options:
Auto I "am back (separately for cash and tournaments), the table under the mouse rises, auto time bank, transferring stacks / bets / pot to bb (separately for cash and tournaments), also betbox in bb, cutting tables - removing the heading, removing the heading and frames.

All successful players use poker programs, and this is understandable. With them, it becomes much easier to analyze the current situation at the table, you can quickly perform all the necessary calculations and get advice on the most optimal moves.

Since the poker software opens up to the player great amount advantages, many beginners also decide to use it. But what are the best poker software to download? Let's say right away that there is a lot of poker software that deserves the attention of players. However, today we decided to announce the top 10 poker software.

1. Hold'em Manager

A very important and necessary poker software - This software has literally revolutionized the way card game. After all, it allows you to get a huge amount of statistical data both on your game and on the game of your opponents. By analyzing them and using them during the hands, you will increase your skill and profit from the game. The main distinguishing features of this program for poker are as follows:

  • collection of statistics at each stage of the game;
  • formation of a database and the possibility of importing it, including to cloud storages;
  • synchronization of statistical information with other databases and devices;
  • displaying statistics in online mode directly on the gaming table;
  • creation of reports according to the required parameters;
  • analysis of game actions with the possibility of using filters;
  • presentation of data in several formats, including graphs and charts.

Let's say right away that such a program for online poker provided for a fee. Its value in standard version is $99.99. But a demo mode of such software is provided. You can also download the eternal trial directly from our website. To do this, just follow this link:

2. Poker tracker

It is impossible not to include software in the list of the best poker software. It is a worthy alternative to Holdem Manager. It is also designed to collect statistical data and analyze them. Let's highlight the main features of such a program:

  • the ability to display results on the success of a single or several gaming sessions, indicating certain limits;
  • re-viewing played hands;
  • output of errors that the player makes within the distributions;
  • the ability to make notes on your opponents;
  • scanning gaming tables in order to find the most optimal one for you in accordance with the level and features of your game.

With the help of Poker Tracker software you will be able to receive statistical and other information in the most convenient format. You can build graphs, create charts, display tables, and so on.

3. TableScan Turbo

You should definitely download the TableScan Turbo poker software. If Holdem Manager is intended primarily for collecting and analyzing statistical data, then this poker software has a different function. He will help you choose the most profitable tables for playing in poker rooms. You will have the opportunity to “hunt” the weakest fish opponents and quickly move up the limits.

This poker software is easily configured according to a variety of parameters. You will be able to make labels, select shortcuts, indicate the lines used, scan tables at once in several rooms.

An additional plus of TableScan Turbo is the presence of the HUD function. Thanks to it, you will be able to collect statistics and analyze how much the field has become tougher.

TableScan Turbo is suitable for players of different levels. If necessary, the poker player will be able to independently set the VPIP and PFR ranges, get acquainted with the list of players at the cash table in advance, and much more.

You can use the TableScan Turbo poker software in most poker rooms, including the rooms of the iPoker network.


Let's continue to consider poker programs, and now let's focus on PokerStove. This software is very popular among players, which is understandable. With its help, you can calculate the equity of your hand against a specific range, compare it with the odds of the bank and, based on the calculations received, decide on further actions within the distribution.

Using the PokerStove poker software, you can set not only your pocket cards, but also the cards on the board. It will also be possible to indicate "dead" cards and make calculations in wide ranges.

The peculiarity of PokerStove is that it provides two options for calculating probabilities. The first of them is standard and carries out a complete search of options, and the second is accelerated, which is relevant when calculating equity for several opponents.

With PokerStove poker software, you can calculate up to 10 players at the same time. This means that you will be able to work out the probabilities on various tables, both small and full.

An additional plus is the output of the Expected Value, which will help you understand the probability of winning under certain circumstances. PokerStove is a free poker software. You can download it right now by following this link:

5. Leak Buster

To consistently excel at poker, you need to work on improving your skill level. This becomes possible only when you identify your mistakes in the game and work on them. But it is not always possible to find their shortcomings. That's why successful players use the Leak Buster poker program specifically for this. It is designed to promptly notify the poker player about frequently made mistakes.

A feature of Leak Buster poker software is that it splits the entire hand or tournament match into several parts. Then he performs a thorough analysis of each of them. Further displays information about what mistakes were made during the game. Based on this, it becomes clear to the player how to increase the size of his win rate.

The main advantage of Leak Buster is the presence of 52 analytical functions. You can activate the necessary ones and disable the unnecessary ones at your own discretion. When they change, you can look at the played hand from different angles and identify all the erroneous moments.

6 Table Ninja

Free poker software is not uncommon, but still the most best programs provided on a fee basis. One of these is Table Ninja. What is its peculiarity and why is it necessary for a poker player?

home distinguishing feature Table Ninja is that it is able to increase the success of the game at multiple tables. As a result: significantly increase the poker player's profit.

Fans of the multi-table mode know how difficult it is to control the situation at several tables at once. Even for fairly experienced players, concentration is lost, and the probability of winning pots begins to go to zero.

But with the Table Ninja program, everything will be different. It is endowed with all the necessary functionality so that you can successfully manage all active tables. You will control and keep records of bets, track statistical information, receive data on optimal moves, and so on.

7. Simple Nash

It is worth downloading a poker program in Russian for free called Simple Nash. It is a multifunctional calculator for short stack strategy players and push-fold tactics. With it, you can perform all the necessary calculations, as well as calculate the equilibrium ranges of mixed unrestricted strategies, taking into account pots and draws.

Such a calculator will become indispensable for fans of tournaments in the MTT format and Sit and go. Its additional advantage lies in the collection of statistical data. They are further subjected to thorough analysis based on complex algorithms, which allows you to identify errors in the poker player's game.

8 Tournament Shark

As we said above, there are not many free poker programs, and Tournament Shark, unfortunately, is not one of them. But we will offer you its trial version so that you can evaluate the capabilities of this software. It will be an excellent choice for those players who prefer tournament poker.

A distinctive feature of the program for poker Tournament Shark is that it allows you to get all the necessary information about your opponents right during the game. You will see the number of hands played by the player, his frequency of hitting prize money, preferred limits, win rate level and other important parameters.

Knowing the success and qualifications of your opponents, it will be much easier for you to make decisions during tournament game. Due to this, you will be able to get into the prize money more often.

9. Note Caddy

Note Caddy is a poker software that allows you to take notes on your opponents. As you know, they are essential for a successful game. By distinguishing between weak and strong opponents, noting their style of play and other features, you will be able to make the most correct moves against them.

The main feature of Note Caddy is that it not only remembers and displays your notes, but also reads information on hand history, analyzes it and automatically creates additional notes on your opponents. They reflect the main notes on their game - weaknesses and strengths.

Note that Note Caddy is the best addition to Holdem Manager poker software. It works tightly with all its options.

10. Tilt Breaker

What do you think determines the success of a player? Do you think that it is solely from experience and a competent strategy? Not at all! even professional player can seriously lose if he goes on tilt and cannot control his emotions. After all, he will begin to unwisely dispose of his bankroll.

However, in this case, there is a special program for poker. It's called Tilt Breaker and is a nice addition to Holdem Manager. The main purpose of such a poker program is to help the player manage their bankroll properly. Its developers have provided ample opportunities for setting options. You can use it to play in tournaments and at cash tables on:

  • herd;
  • Razzu;
  • Omaha;
  • Badugi;
  • Hold'em;
  • Draw poker.

Such a poker program in Russian is not yet available for free. But there is a trial for 15 days. You can use it and evaluate the need for such software, as well as its functionality.

As you can see, it is quite possible to download some poker programs in Russian for free. Others are presented only in the trial version. But in any case, using poker software is extremely important. With it, you can improve your game and increase your win rate.

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