Far cry primal walkthrough cave. Passage of game Far Cry: Primal

Action-adventure with an original open world. Like all representatives of this genre, the game combines elements of action and quest. Game mode: single.

Ten thousand years ago, a man named Takkar lived and hunted in Europe at that time. He belonged to the prehistoric Vinja tribe and, together with his fellow tribesmen, fought for his own survival. Walkthrough Far Cry Primal will allow us to plunge into the life of the people of that era with Takkar.

Far Cry Primal Walkthrough

Way to Urus

The plot of the game begins with hunting for mammoths - a common thing for Takkar and his fellow tribesmen. This is a training mission during which main character learn to hunt and throw a spear. A successful hunt is interrupted by a terrible event - an attack by a saber-toothed tiger on the protagonist's tribe. Only Takkar survives.

After that, he is left alone and unarmed. For further passage Far Cry Primal we need to make a bow. We find Alder, Reed and Slate. Look for resources near the stream using the Hunter's Vision. After that, in the "Manufacturing" tab, you can create a bow.

You will need meat for food and skins for clothing. You need to kill three goats with a bow - the Hunter's Vision will help you shoot them. Shoot in the head, otherwise the animals will hide and you will have to look for them.

After that, find the cave. In it you need to make a fire with the help of Wood, make a club, and from it - a torch.

At the end of the first episode of Far Cry Primal, you will find the Urus settlement.

deep wounds

Here you will meet Seyla, a girl from her tribe. She is injured by the tiger's claws. Seyla talks about a hostile Udam tribe that has appeared in the area and is now a threat to Vinj.

You need to heal Seyla, but this requires green leaves growing in water (turn red in "Hunter's Vision"). Along the way, you will meet several savages from the Udam tribe - kill them all, preferably by shooting from a bow first.

After you bring the healing leaves to Sale, she will tell you about the village. From now on, you have access to all the features of the open world of Far Cry Primal. So far, the population of the village is only two people: you and Seyla. In the process of passing Far Cry Primal, you will have to convince other people to join your tribe.

Campfire Nakuti

A special place appears on the map, marked with a fire - "Nakuti Fireplace". This is a huge pyramid of wood, ready to be set on fire. Shoot it with a burning arrow - and you will set fire to a signal fire.

The fire will attract new residents to your village, and its population will immediately increase to 5 people, without any additional effort on your part.

Vision: Beasts

In the process of further passage of Far Cry Primal, you need to find the shaman Vinja Tinsei (yellow symbol and gray icon on the map).

After that, you need to find an owl, and fly for a while, controlling it. The bird will be your guide. After that, you can follow the owl past wild animals that will not pay any attention to you. A new place will appear on the map (white rhombus) - there is a person from your tribe, guarded by warriors of the Udam tribe. Kill them and the released prisoner will go to your village.

Thus, during the passage of this mission, you will gain a useful skill to control the owl.

Beast Master

In this mission, Takkar will tame the white wolf. First, you will need to take the corresponding task from Tinsei. Then kill Udam, who hunt wolves. Having made meat bait, we will get the opportunity to treat the wolf to it. Then everything is simple - while the wolf will savor the treat, we initiate the procedure for taming it.

Tamed animals are displayed in a special menu. Now you can give commands to your animals, for example, attack the specified target. If your beast is wounded, you can restore its strength with food, and if it is killed, then resurrect it. Or you can not resurrect, but tame another of the same beast.

Now use your tame white wolf to kill two enemies from the Udam tribe. Keep in mind that when you enter your village, your animals leave you, and return as soon as you go outside.

Seila hut, Tinsei hut, Takkara cave

In the process of passing Far Cry Primal, you will be able to improve these buildings. To do this, you need to collect the necessary resources.

Udam attack

Seyla will give you a club. Repel the Udam attack on the village using a bow, melee weapons and your beasts. Enemies will throw containers of green poisonous gas at you - avoid its puffs.

Then go to the village of Udam ("Vault of Torn Flesh") and kill the opponents located there. It is advisable to do this in secret. Destroy three Udam Bone Trees by hitting them with a club.

Duel of beasts

Approach the entrance to Chinsei's hut and find the bowl. After drinking from it, you will get a mammoth under your control. Find and destroy rhinos.

Avoid stepping on the ice - you can fall through and drown. But it is very convenient to lure opponents there.

Chase the spirit of the rhinoceros and fight him at the end of the mission!

Jaime. On the hunt.

During the passage of this mission, you will meet the huntress Jayma, who will give you the task to kill the bear. Follow the footprints and then kill him with your bow and spears. Jaime will join your tribe.

Master Wuga

Follow the point indicated on the map. You will find yourself in a cave where you need to find Master Wug. You will find a dead jaguar, from whose body you need to remove the hook - you will need it. Move around the cave, clinging with a hook, find Master Vug and talk to him. He will give you a task that you will need to complete in the next mission.

Blood of the Urus

Find an elevated position that overlooks a huge depression. It contains Udam. Kill enemies. Going down with a hook, you will see large black growths. These will be the stones called "Blood of the Urus" (seen in red in the hunter's view).

After completing the mission, Master Vuga will move to your village.

Warrior Karush. brother in misfortune

Warrior Karush

Help the warrior Karush defeat the savages from Udam. The fight will be long and hard. Keep an eye on your ally's health bar - don't let him die.

Cave of bones

This quest will give you Sale. First you will need to find and heal the wounded hunter Vinj. At the same time, tame the cave lion.

Jayma's hut

Build a hut for huntress Jayma.

big moose

Hunting for big elk will take place at night. Follow the fireflies that will lead you to the waterfall. True, it turns out that you are not alone in taking part in the hunt - Udam will also be here. While you are dealing with competitors, send the beast to chase the elk.

Then catch up with the moose, kill and skin it. This completes the passage of the mission.

Woogie's hut

Build a hut for Master Woogie.

Urus Peak

Walkthrough Far Cry Primal will continue the mission in which you need to get rare eagle feathers for Master Woogie.

Find Urus Peak and climb to its summit. Look for feathers in eagles' nests. After you find four feathers, jump into the water from the edge of the fallen tree.

Hut Karusha

Chat with Karush and build a hut for him.

Crush Udam

Go to the marker on the map until you hear the cries of the mammoth. He is what you need. Mammoth is surrounded by Udam. Kill them yourself or using an owl. Climb the mammoth and control the huge animal to crush all of the Udam bone trees. You will be attacked by savages. You can kill them but it is not necessary to complete the mission.

Big Darva Fort

Attack the cannibal fort. It is more convenient to do this by capturing a mammoth. Finally, you need to kill the main cannibal on the estate of Daa. Sitting on a mammoth, it will not be difficult to do this.

Vision "Ice"

The new mission of Far Cry Primal will be given to you by the shaman Tinsei, who trains the main character. You will have to make your way through the cave with Udam, which will gradually become more and more. Chase the ice statue of a woman running away from you. Kill all the Udam and start throwing clubs at the statue. That's how you break it.

Bloodfang Hunt

This is a long and difficult mission. Remember that saber-toothed tiger that attacked Vinj at the very beginning of Far Cry Primal. So, now he will need to be hunted down and killed. During the day, set traps for a large animal - they will help you in the battle with the Blood Fang, and at night, camp around the fire. The Blood Fang will appear at nightfall. Use traps, bee bombs and the help of your pet animals.

When the tiger has received severe enough wounds, it will retreat to its lair. Go to Bloodfang's lair and finish him off. However, when the beast's health approaches zero, tame it! Once you get a saber-toothed tiger as a pet, you can even ride it!

Captured Vinja

It is necessary to find the camp of the Izila tribe, where the Vinja captured by them are kept. Follow the trail of Vinj's burnt bodies. Reach the rocks of Mash Baya. Dive into the river and open the underwater tunnel. In the middle of it is a place where you can emerge. Climb up the rock using the grappling hook. Vinja prisoners are kept in a pit in the center of the gorge.

Izil's camp is made of wood - and this is its weak point. Start a fire by shooting all wooden structures with flaming arrows. Kill all the enemies and head towards the exit from the camp.

Warm welcome Vinja

While you were away from the village, your fellow tribesmen decided to kill the captured Daa. They put him in a cage and left him in a place with rising water. However, Thakkar believes it's not worth killing Daa. To prevent him from drowning, you need to find and close four places where water flows out.

Hut Daa

In this mission, you need to build a hut for Daa.

bone dust

You need to find bone dust in the camp of the Mother of Stone, inhabited by Udam. Follow the Daa icon. It is best to go on the road on a saber-toothed tiger, as the path to the goal is not short.

Find the bone dust in the skull in one of the tents. You can kill all opponents or act covertly. After you find what you are looking for, leave the camp.

Hunt for Big Scar

This is an extremely difficult mission. Big Scar is an extremely strong bear. The people of Izil are already hunting him. When you get to the place where the Big Scar is located - do not rush to join the battle. Izil hunters have already attacked him - let them distract each other for now.

Set traps and order the saber-toothed tiger to attack the bear. In this fight, the tiger will inevitably be killed, but you can revive it.

The wounded bear will hide in the cave. Use traps and shoot at the stalact on the ceiling - it will fall on the bear's head.

After that, chase Big Scar on the tiger and finally finish him off in the den. After that, you will need to tame the Big Scar.

Fly like a bird

In this mission, you will meet a new Far Cry Primal hero named Urki. He will ask Takkar to bring him the skins of four different creatures: turtle, mud-fish, crow and snowbird. Hunting such small creatures will be difficult, but you can successfully complete this mission with dexterity and patience.

Firescream Fort

Clear the fort and defeat the leader named Rushani. This heavily armed warrior is a member of the Isila tribe. Use the saber-toothed tiger to destroy enemies and the owl to throw bombs.

When all opponents are killed, Rushani will be in a cage. Talk to him. He will talk about the seeds of the sun.

sun seeds

In this Far Cry Primal mission, you need to find three bags of seeds. Their locations are marked in yellow (in the hunter's vision - in red). It is not necessary to kill enemies, the main thing is to meet a certain time. If you can't collect all the bags in time, the members of the Izil tribe will find them and take them.

Vision: Fire

It's time to deal with Izil finally. The heart of this tribe are the four standing stones guarded by Batari, the tribal priestess. By this time, you will have a powerful bow capable of shooting several fire arrows at once. Destroy all four stones. After that, shoot at the moon. Killing Izil warriors running up will help you reload your bow. After 5-6 shots, the moon will explode and the mission will be over.

Lost Totem

Master Wuga gives Takkar the task of finding the stolen totem. Look for the kidnappers with the help of an owl. Then kill them and search the bodies. Parts of the totem will be found.

great beast

In this mission, Jaina gives us a task to kill a giant mammoth. Annoy the beast with a bow shot and ride the saber-toothed tiger to your village. Climb up the hill and throw spears at the mammoth from a safe place.

An eye for an eye

Karush is wounded and captured by Udam. He needs help. We need to find him in the cave of Frozen Knives. Kill the enemies at the entrance and give Karush the healing leaves. If you do not have them with you, then you need to get them. After that, run away with Karush. You will be attacked by a lot of Udam, and Karush cannot fight now. You will have to make your way through the crowds of enemies, and at the same time save your friend from death.

Blood Tusk

The next task in the passage of Far Cry Primal will be the destruction of an extremely cruel and strong mammoth named Bloody Tusk. Follow the red footprints behind him using the hunter's vision. Mammoth can be in three locations. Look for him, set traps and attack.

After losing a third of its health, Blood Tusk will move to another area - follow him and keep attacking until you get him down.

In the land of Udam

Seyla will ask Takkar to bring her a rare yellow leaf and kill Ulla, the leader of the Udam tribe. However, as soon as you touch the desired leaves, you will lose consciousness, and wake up as a prisoner of Ulla. After talking with Chief Udam, you will be able to flee. To do this, you need to get out of the cave. Kill Udam warriors in your path, although this is not the main thing in the mission. It's very cold here, keep warm to survive!

Bring the leaves to Sale.

Strong like a stone

This quest will give you Urka. Collect three stones for him in enemy territory (marked in red in the hunter's vision). After that, Urka will ask you to throw a spear at his chest.

Krati mask

Tensei will tell Takkar about the Krati Mask and how it can help in the fight against Batari. In order to get the mask, you need to get into the tomb of Krati. In this mission, you must act covertly. So drive the tiger away from you. There are too many enemies inside the tomb and he won't help you. Don't even try to defeat all opponents - just grab the mask and run away. Kill only those who get in your way.

Return with the mask to Tensei.

Icewolf hunting

Follow the red tracks and kill the three Ice Wolf Leaders. Follow them on the red tracks. In the process of completing this Far Cry Primal mission, you will come across the hunters Izil and the captive Vinja. In addition to the leaders, ordinary wolves will attack you.

The last of the three ice wolf leaders can be tamed.

Rushani hut

Build a hut for Rushani.

blood sacrifice

This mission takes place in the "Stones of Brajiman" location. Here, the Izil tribe will try to sacrifice the captive Vinj. Priestess Izil will run to the prisoner - you need to kill her, and then deal with the rest of the enemies.

Homeland Udam

The passage of Far Cry Primal is drawing to a close. It remains for Takkar to deal with Vinj's main opponents. Find the icon with the image of Ulla on the map and hit the road.

The road will not be easy. First you will have to cross the poisonous canyons. An antidote from previously worn yellow leaves will help you. Kill all opponents you meet on the way. Get to the signal fire and light it.

Finally, you will reach the Ulla Cave. Chief Udam is very strong, and besides, he is helped by ordinary opponents. Shoot the icicles hanging from the ceiling of the cave when Ull is under them. This will stun the enemy, and you will be able to attack him with impunity. Also use fire bombs.

The task will be completed when Ull dies.

Izil's homeland

This is the last mission of Far Cry Primal. Move to the battery icon. Break the cells with the prisoners of Vinj, and release your fellow tribesmen to freedom. They will help you.

After that, you will have to fight with Batari herself. Put on the Krati Mask - it will help you in battle. Shoot at Batari and kill the savages from Izil who run up to her aid.

When Batari is dead, Far Cry Primal will end.

Animals in the game

The passage of Far Cry Primal involves the use of animals, each of which has its own characteristics and points of Strength, Stealth and Speed.

These are the animals:

  • A dog - its main advantage is secrecy. Dogs are very quiet, but weak. They can rob the dead.
  • Rare wild dog - also has stealth. It is slightly more advanced than their regular dog, but has the same characteristics.
  • Wolf, White Wolf and Rare Wolf are the same as dogs, only stronger and faster. Able to growl at enemies, serving as an indicator of their approach. To get a rare wolf, you need to kill or tame a common one.
  • Jaguar and Rare black jaguar - moves very quickly, doing it imperceptibly. They can be used to kill.
  • The leopard is stronger than the jaguar, but not as stealthy. Able to detect other animals.
  • The Cave Lion and the Rare Black Lion are strong, stealthy and fast animals that can mark people on the map. A rare black lion is not afraid of fire.
  • The badger is secretive and strong. However, it cannot be poisoned and is very difficult to notice.
  • The saber-toothed tiger is the most dangerous predator. Very fast, deadly and brutal.
  • The Brown Bear and the Rare Cave Bear are huge and powerful beasts, but, alas, not very fast. The cave bear is clumsy, but can distract enemies.

The passage of Far Cry Primal complicates the presence of Great animals, which are very dangerous opponents: Blood Tusk (killer mammoth), Ice Wolf, Blood Fang (saber-toothed tiger that can be saddled), Great Scar.

Among animals, distribution in the food chain can be traced, as well as a hierarchy in terms of key characteristics. So, tamed animals will be stronger than the same, only wild ones.

During the passage of Far Cry Primal, you will meet not only killer animals, but also friends, such as the girl Sale. She will push you to the main goal - revenge for the killed tribe.

Enemies are also available - people who are represented by two tribes.

Tribes in Far Cry Primal

Cannibal tribe in Far Cry Primal

There are three tribes in the game:

  • Udam - a tribe of cannibals. In Urus, these are indigenous people. They are cruel and primitive.
    Their main weapons are spears and clubs, but they can also use poison bombs. They also tolerate frost well and are able to heal quickly and effectively.
    Representatives of the tribe: the leader Ull, the warrior Mog, and Daa, who was taken prisoner by the Vinja. He taught them how to make poison bombs.
  • Vinja - a separate faction, a tribe for which Takkar avenges. They are in second place in terms of development in the game. They lead a sedentary lifestyle, know their habitat and vegetation perfectly, and are capable of sneak attacks. They have access to spears, bows, clubs, slings and bee bombs. During the passage of Far Cry Primal, Takkar will learn how to use these types of weapons. Representatives of the tribe: the leader Takkar, the gatherer of Sale, the warrior Karush, the shaman Tensei, the huntress Jayma, the master Vuga, the inventor Urki. Religion is animism.
  • Isila is a faction that sees the whole point in serving the God of the Sun. They use fire weapons, which they are very good at.
    They can sacrifice their people, believing that by doing so they please the Gods. Representatives: leader Batari, Sunwalker Rushani and Katya.

During the passage of Far Cry Primal, the heroes use a fictional language, which is based on Proto-Indo-European. For sales in Russian-speaking countries, the game is supplemented with Russian subtitles.

Far Cry Primal is definitely worth a purchase for both fans of the Far Cry series and anyone who loves adventure in the open world, and its passage will bring many exciting moments.

Who do you think you would be in? A dangerous and deadly predator? Or maybe a cowardly victim? The events of the game unfold in the Stone Age, where at the top of the food chain is not a man, but wild animals: saber-toothed tigers, wolves, mammoths and other prehistoric animals. People take the place of the most delicious meat. To survive in this harsh world, you, in the shoes of the Neanderthal Takkar, will have to hunt animals, build a shelter, create weapons, and even create a strong primitive community. Are you ready not to become food for wild animals or even for local savages?

Look for full walkthrough? Any difficulties? Dear friends, you can find the walkthrough on the major gaming portal "". Moreover, in addition to the fact that we have a passage storyline, we have helpful tips and a complete explanation of the storyline!

Part - 1: In search of Vinja

As soon as the game starts, time is transferred to 10,000 years before our era. An unknown shaman tells the story that the "Vinja" found a huge mainland "Urus", which a little later came in danger - wild tribes that ate their own kind. However, there is hope and it lies in the lost "vinja brothers" who came to the "Urus" to save everyone from the savages.

Soon another cutscene begins, where Takkar, along with his fellow tribesman, is hunting for mammoths. At some point, control will pass to you, so the first task will appear: . I think that the task is quite understandable - work clearly on stealth. Try to keep up with him too much so that you don’t accidentally get crushed by a mammoth, because here this is quite real and natural. What do you need to do on this hunt? It is necessary to separate the little mammoth from the herd so that your tribe can then feast on it. Keep in mind that if you fall behind Dalso, most likely he or even you will be killed by a mammoth, after which the task will fail. However, in the end, you will get to the animal that is the easiest to catch. At this moment, your tribesmen will come out with fire arrows, which will scare away the big mammoth, and the small mammoth will start to run away. So you get a new task: . And keep in mind that during the pursuit, you must already run away, otherwise the mammoth will run away from you and the task will again fail. By the way, try not to get into the fire, otherwise your character will catch fire.

When you drive the animal into a dead end, you have to learn how to throw a spear. To do this, first aim at the animal and only after that throw a spear at it. As soon as you lose your spear, take a new one on the right and throw spears to the extent that the animal does not fall tightly. Although you can approach the animal and simply plug it to death with a spear - it's up to you to choose. Once the animal is killed, a cutscene will begin.

It would seem that what can ruin a completed hunt with success? A saber-toothed tiger comes to the place of killing a mammoth and kills almost all of your fellow tribesmen, except for Dalso. Your strength is not enough to kill this animal, and he understands this perfectly, so he decides to jump down the cliff with you. You are flying far down, falling from a great height. Soon everything is covered by a black screen.

Part - 2: The path to the Urus

Takkar survives after such a hard fall, which cannot be said about Dalso ... Unfortunately, a sharp object pierced his stomach and he dies very quickly, however, he manages to finally tell Takkar what to do. The main character will have to go to the Urus and find the lost Vinja brothers there. He also gives Takkar his amulet. After the funeral, the GG (the main character) decides that it is necessary to get weapons, because the enemy is not asleep and is probably on his heels. And you never know what lies ahead for you. Your new task: . What do you need to make a bow? It is necessary to get: five pieces of alder, two reeds and two slates.

It is best to start your search for resources from the slate, because it is located on the left side, a little behind you. Plus, it will light up. And without going far from the place with slate, look at the protruding sticks (brown) in front - this is alder. Break a couple of branches for yourself and thus get all five pieces. It remains now to find the reed. The reed is closer to the water, and will also be highlighted. As soon as you have all the necessary resources, a new task will appear: . Go to the crafting menu and make weapons there.

After you have made your first weapon for yourself, a new task appears: . Takkar will say that to be strong, you need to eat, so now you have to hunt. Who do you need to kill? So far, nothing complicated: you need to kill three wild goats.

Advice: Sooner or later there comes a time when you need to go hunting. To hunt effectively, it is best to crouch and approach your prey very slowly. In addition, the animals will also have to be hunted down in pairs, so the hunter's vision and bloody footprints, which also need to be highlighted, will help you here. And always remember that if you get too close to your prey, it will either run away from you or rush to kill you.

Killing a goat is very simple: they found prey with the help of their "thermal imager", crouched down, crept up, shot an arrow in the head and removed everything that might be useful to you from the animal. And yes, it is always better to shoot at the head, because this way you can not only get more experience, but also instantly kill the animal. But if it turned out that the animal is running away because you hit it in another part of the body, then do not immediately go looking for another prey or madly chase a wounded animal, because it is better to activate your vision, which will highlight the bloody trail, thanks to which you will calmly look for wounded prey. In general, you perform the above procedure three times, after which the main character says that the night is coming, so you need to find a safe haven. So you get a new task: . Along the way, take a lot of wood with you, because on the spot you will need to build a fire and create a club a little later. And as soon as you are in place and make a fire, a cutscene will begin.

Takkar builds a fire and accidentally finds a Vinja arrow, realizing that he is heading in the right direction. But since it is night, it is necessary to make a torch in order to move on and scare away the animals. So you get a new task: . Go back to the crafting menu. To create a club, you will need three alder jokes, that is, branches, so if you don’t have the necessary resources with you, you will have to find it, if you have, then calmly make a weapon and a new task will appear. New task: . To do this, go to the fire and just set fire to your weapon. The next task will be: . The tracks lead through vines that are so overgrown that they blocked the way further, but now you have a torch and you can just burn this barrier. Once the path is open, continue down the linear path. Going down much lower in the gorge, you can soon find the corpse of a wolf, searching which you will get a lot of experience. If you activate your thermal imager (hunter's vision), you can see the footprints of other people leading you forward. So a person is clearly behind the killing of an animal. Soon you will come across wild wolves, so you will have to scare them away with your torch.

Advice: If it happens that your torch has burned out, and you can no longer drive away animals with fire, then you can quickly set fire to any weapon with the help of animal fat. At some point in the game, this can save a life, given that any animal is afraid of fire.

Since the path is completely linear, you will definitely not get lost. It is enough that you move forward. Sooner or later in the cave you will stumble upon a fire, which again indicates that you are on the right path - the "vinja" is nearby. Since the path breaks further, you need to jump down, but do not be afraid, because there is water below and nothing critical will happen to you. When you get to a huge pile of sticks that you can set on fire, then turn your attention to the fact that here you can climb onto a stone ledge. Thanks to this ledge, you will be able to cross to the other side of the cave, which is separated by a small abyss, at the bottom of which there is water. Either way, keep moving on. Soon you will have to crawl under a rock. Then climb up to the ledge. Upstairs is another place where you can create a fire pit, so if you need a bigger fire on the way, set fire to this bunch of sticks. Keep moving forward along the linear road. When you again have to jump into the water, then swim a little further, you will see a man. Swim forward to the ledges at the end, where another cutscene will start.

Takkar came across a girl who is wary of him, but it doesn't matter now, because during the conversation a saber-toothed tiger attacks. Takkar, as if according to a pre-planned plan: kindles a torch, takes the girl away, scares away the beast and leaves through a gap in the cave. After a successful rescue, it turns out that this gap leads through the cave to the lands of the Urus. In addition, the girl says that her name is Seyla. She offers to go to her hideout, where, if you believe it, there is food and a safe place to rest.

Part - 3: Deep Wounds

You learn from the savage woman that a certain Ull, also known as the leader of the Udam tribe, destroyed the houses of the Vinja. Therefore, they no longer have a home on the territory of the Urus. But more importantly now, Seyla is badly injured after being attacked by a saber-toothed tiger, so she asks you to find special leaves that can heal her deep wound. Your task: . In total, you need to collect four green leaves.

Advice: If you don't know, Takkar has a stash. A cache is a place where your collected resources and items of various kinds are stored. The cache is marked with a special icon on the map. The cache can be accessed in the following places: in the village, in the captured outpost, or at the signal or regular fire. In addition, objects appear in the cache from time to time. The more outposts you capture and the larger your village's population, the more items you will receive. So don't forget to check the stash for items from time to time.

The yellow marker on the map (which indicates the number of meters) shows the purpose of the task, so go to the indicated place to collect leaves. Get down to the river on the right and go down it. By the way, try not to leave the task area, because otherwise it will fail. For now, you can't deviate from the itinerary. As soon as you arrive at the indicated place, an area will appear in which you will need to search for leaves, but nothing complicated. As soon as you have all four sheets, the task will be updated:.

As soon as you return to the savage, a cutscene will begin. She teaches Takkar to heal wounds with those same green leaves, after which she hears that GG is forced to go in search of the Urus. Seyla warns that in addition to wild animals, they will also encounter savages from the Udam tribe, who are not particularly merciful. But she does not refuse to help Takkar, so she offers to send everyone found by her fellow tribesman to her. cave on this moment is the safest place.

Advice: Please note that the night is a completely different game. Much more dangerous at night than during the day. Your visibility drops, and most of the dangerous predators hunt most often at night. However, this does not mean that you cannot be in the forest at night. For example, at night it will be possible to find unique animals, plants and even collectibles. But wandering through the forest at night is only necessary if you are prepared. The most important thing to have with you at night is a torch. The torch will always help to escape and win the battle.

Part - 4: Shaman Tinsei

It's time to complete the task: . Why is it needed? He will teach Takkar very useful and important skills - he will teach the hero how to tame animals and summon an owl. Beasts greatly facilitate the game and perform a number of tasks that help in combat and the capture of the same outposts. But before you go to the shaman, you will have to capture the signal fire - "Nakuti Fireplace". So it appears additional task: . Why do it? First, it will be possible to quickly move around the map. Secondly, there will be an additional respawn point. Thirdly, you will increase the population and gain experience. So this task is recommended to be done simply in order to become stronger.

The path to the fire, as well as to the shaman, is not close. You have to go very, very far. Therefore, along the way, stock up on leaves, flint, fat and meat. So that you can always start a fire, there will always be a weapon, and so that you can always heal your wounds. When on the move, always have your bow at the ready to strike first. And if you're ready, then it's time to hit the road!

So, when you are already approaching the signal fire, then keep in mind that in order to capture the fire, you will first need to kill all the enemies nearby, so get ready for a fight. As soon as all the enemies are dead and the fire is lit, go to the shaman.

Advice: Don't forget that after capturing the campfire, you have the option to fast travel. This is especially useful when you need to quickly move to a village to build or upgrade a hut. And just moving quickly will save time!

It turns out that the shaman lives near a place called "Stone Fingers" and in order to find him, you have to go inside the cave. As soon as you meet the shaman, a cutscene will begin. The shaman, as expected, turns out to be not too healthy on the head, so he makes a mixture of the blood of Takkar and other animals, after which he gives this mixture to our GG to drink. However, a typical ritual for the Stone Age.

Part - 5: Vision: Beasts

After Takkar drank the blood from the skull, he fell unconscious and appears in some incomprehensible place. Your task: . Before you will be very colorful and interesting world animals. Each creature will be highlighted in gold. From you at this stage of the game you only need to move forward. The path will lead Takkar to the altar with the owl. After a short introduction, the main character falls off the cliff, but, not reaching the water below, begins to fly. The task remains the same, so fly after the owl. At some point, the owl falls into the water, so you will need to do the same. In the water, keep chasing your guide. When the character falls into the water, you have to surface and swim to the shore, where an owl is again waiting for your appearance. Keep chasing the bird. At the end of the path, Takkar turns to the bird, but as a result, the pursuit in the air begins again, and at the end, again, the fall down. In general, all actions in this dream are of the same type and do not differ in particular complexity: fly, walk, swim. The main thing from the bird is not to stay too strong. In the end, Thakkar will be able to tame the Owl, after which she will become his eyes and ears in the sky.

Part - 6: Master of the Beasts

When Takkar wakes up after a drunken vision, the shaman tells him that he is the Master of the Beasts. And the purpose of our hero is to pacify the wild spirits. Get them to help you. After the cutscene, Tinsei says that it's time to learn how to tame the howling beast - the wolf. You will have to find the white wolf, the leader of the pack, in order to tame his wild spirit and subdue it to your will.

Advice: Remember now that you have an owl, calling which you can mark enemies while flying in the sky. An owl, like any of the other tamed animals, can be pumped, but this will require a shaman hut in the village, mind you.

To begin with, you have to find the den of wolves, which is located in a northerly direction. Now along the way you will meet not only wild animals, but also savages, and not like you, but those who are initially hostile, so be careful. Upon arrival at the right place, take the task, and the first task will appear: . When you use the owl to find people from the enemy tribe (by simply flying to the checkpoint on the assignment), the following task will appear:. After reconnaissance, switch back to Takkar and go to the place where the members of the Udam tribe are located. Kill all savages. In total there will be three savages, and it is best to attack with a bow. Try to shoot in the head, because this way the enemy dies instantly. In addition, for hitting the head they give additional experience.

When the massacre ends in success, then it's time to move on to the search for the wolf's lair. To do this, you get the following task: . Since the savages from the Udam tribe hunted these animals, they left traces by which one can determine where the wolf's lair is. Where to move now? First, activate the hunter's vision and then look at the path that leads up. There will be those very bloody footprints on the path, so follow them up. In fact, the tracks go clearly along the path, which in turn goes to the cave and ends there, so you need to get to that cave. If you are going in the right direction, then you will reach a place called "Valkva's Cave" (which is exactly what you need).

Advice: How to tame an animal? Of course, you can't fight an animal. So you will never tame anyone. The beast needs to be appeased and in the game this can be done with the help of bait. The bait can be made in the crafting menu, so when you have it, throw it in the direction of the desired animal and while the animal is eating food, you will have to slowly and carefully sneak up to it, so that you can then use the appropriate keys to tame it.

It's time to complete the following task: . Choose a bait, throw it closer to the marked animal and sneak carefully up to it. As soon as you find yourself next to the eating beast, press the corresponding key. If you did everything right, then the white wolf will become your pet.

Advice: Always remember that you can give commands to your tamed animals. For example, you can order the same wolf to attack the specified target, or send it to reconnaissance at some specific point. You just need to aim and press the appropriate button. And do not forget that absolutely any of your animals can be injured, so try to restore their health in time. However, if your animal has died, then don't be discouraged, because you can always revive it in the animals menu, or find an animal of the same type again and tame it again.

It's time to test the white wolf in combat. Your new task: . Go to the marked point on the map (it is located nearby), give the appropriate command and attack the enemy. It's just skill training, so it's not hard. Plus, there will be only two savages, so feel free to send a white wolf to attack enemies, but do not forget to give commands. After killing the savages from the enemy tribe, the task is completed, and you can go to do the next one.

Advice: Don't forget to check out the menu called "Beasts" for a list of the animals you can tame. In addition, in this menu, you can always either call the animal or let it go, but on the condition that it is already following you. And don't forget about the skills that can be useful for both you and the animals.

Part - 7: Attack of the udam

Next story mission it’s not so easy to start, because immediately after taming the white wolf, you need to equip the village. Return to Sale. From her you learn that you need to build several houses: a hut for Seyla, the shaman Tinsei and equip a cave for Takkar. How to build them and what is required for construction? The first step is to gather resources. You can find out what resources are needed and in what quantities on the stone tablets that will be marked on the map (the tablets are located near the Seila cave). Go to the forest and collect the resources indicated on the stone tablet. Also, do not forget about your cache, where residents put useful resources. The last building will be the hut for the shaman Tinsei, after which you will need to talk to Seyla.

The girl will tell you that a member of the Udam tribe was recently killed, from whom she cut off his ear and took his club. She will hand over the found club to you. After a short cutscene, exit the cave. Outside, a new cutscene will start. In it, savages from the Udam tribe will come to you. They are clearly not well-disposed. Why did they come? They want to do what they used to do - kill all the "vinja".

As soon as control passes to you, the first task will appear: . The attack on the village will take place according to the familiar principle: first they attack from one side, and then from the other. And so several times. It will be exactly the same here. Keep an eye on the mini-map at the bottom left to know which side the enemy is attacking from and where to run to repel the attack. Although the massacre takes place during the storyline, especially at the beginning, there is still a chance that you will die.

The first thing you need to know when fighting the savages from the Udam tribe is to use your tamed beast. A wolf can be sent to attack a single target, and with the help of an owl, you can quickly find out how many and which enemies are about to attack you. But try not to abuse the power of, for example, a wolf. The animal can be both wounded and killed. If you do not have time to cure him with meat, he will die and you will have to look for a new animal. During the defense, it is better to run with a bow, and take a club only as a last resort. The fact is that in addition to you, there is also a group of Vinja warriors, so they will always be on the front line. You can kill enemies with a bow until they come close to you. After all, it is inconvenient to run and beat enemies with a club.

After you repel two or three attacks of savages, new units will appear. They will throw poisonous bombs at you and your tribesmen. It is with this type of enemies that problems arise, as a result of which it happens that you fail the task. For example, if you do not have a high level of complexity, everything is simple. Enemies don't cause much trouble. But when the difficulty level is high enough, you have to sweat. Fighting with a club is inconvenient, and savages with poisonous bombs constantly throw you over and just poison you. So if you see an enemy with poisonous bombs, then rather try to kill them and it is better to do it with a bow, because after death they fall, and all the bombs they have explode, thereby again poisoning you.

Otherwise, everything is simple: run from side to side, kill the "Udamites", in extreme cases, take a club and crush the skulls of enemies. Immediately after repulsing the attack, a new task will appear: . The girl is still in the village, so quickly find her and you can discuss the plan of action with her.

Sale is determined. She is really “burning” with the desire to repulse the “Udamites”, therefore she suggests not to hesitate and strike back. Sale says that in the camp of the savages who attacked you there are "bone trees" that need to be burned to show that this is your territory, and you will not tolerate strangers hostile here. Your new task: . Go to the marked place, to which you will have to walk almost a kilometer. The control point is located in the eastern part of your village.

When you are already on the way to the "Udam" camp (aka "Shelter of Torn Flesh"), call your owl and scout the area + mark the enemies. Your task in this place: . There will be three "bone trees" in total, and each of them will be guarded by several savages. I would advise you to start clearing from the top of the cliff, which literally hangs over the camp, but if you come in such a way that you are at the bottom, then going up can lose a lot of time. However, the method of attack does not change: shoot with a bow first, send the wolf into battle, and if the enemy comes too close, prepare a club. If it's still hard enough to fight and you're dying, then go up to the top of the cliff nearby and just shoot the Udams with your bow like they were dogs. Once all the savages have been killed, destroy the "bone trees" with a club or fire. By the way, even if you destroy all the indicated objects, while leaving a couple of enemies in this camp, they still have to be killed. In this case, your task will be: . In any case, sooner or later you will succeed: the area will be cleared of enemies, and the “bone trees” will be destroyed. So the task will come to its logical conclusion.

Part - 8: Cannibal Daa

It is worth noting that thanks to this task you will receive a new master who will teach you and your fellow tribesmen how to make poisonous mixtures. But that's not all, because as soon as you bring him to your village, a new vision will begin, which relates to the storyline.

The new master will be a savage from the “Udam” tribe, so in order to capture him, you will first have to capture the village of the “Udam” and it’s better to do this on horseback on a mammoth (which can only be saddled with the appropriate perk). You can capture the camp with the help of other animals, for example, a bear. Do not forget that the camp where the cannibal Daa is located is located in the mountains, so it is cold there, so either stock up on fat for torches or make warm clothes. In any case, your task is: .

In fact, there will be a lot of enemies in the camp, so absolutely everything will come in handy in battle: from spears and arrows to the most common meat and fat. In addition, pay attention to the health scale in the middle - this is the health scale of the cannibal Daa. Yes, there is the same leader, so in order to catch him, you first have to kill all the savages in the camp. Only after that it will be possible to grab Daa, having previously defeated him.

Advice: As mentioned above, the easiest way to capture the camp is riding on the moment. The mammoth is very strong and tenacious, so you can just run around the camp and literally trample all the enemies into the ground. mammoth the best option not just because this animal has huge damage. The fact is that there will be more than a dozen savages in the camp, so it’s easier to break into the camp on horseback on a tenacious and huge animal in order to quickly kill everyone.

Once the camp is captured, a cutscene will begin. Takkar will fight and defeat the cannibal Daa, so he will capture this savage and therefore force him to teach the "vinj" how to create a putrefactive poison.

Part - 9: Vision: Ice

As soon as Takkar manages to capture the "Udamian" Daa, a cutscene begins, during which he will again come to the shaman Tinsei for a new vision. This time, the crazy old man will make a special concoction because it now has "Udam" eyes in it. He believes that if Thakkar drinks this, he will have a vision that will help him fight the Udam tribe. And so the task begins:

Takkar finds himself in a dream again, but this time the area is covered in ice and snow. The first task will be: . The path is linear, go ahead. When Takkar approaches the statue, around which there are a lot of “Udamites” grieving about something, a new cutscene will begin, which will transfer the GG to another area. And when this happens, Takkar will receive an interesting spiked club that can be thrown or just used to fight. At this stage of the game, the path is the same and linear: go forward and kill enemies along the way.

When you get to the huge statue of a stone woman, the statue will constantly move away from you, so you will need to pursue it. Move forward through the huge cave. Along the way, you will meet enemies, but nothing particularly difficult. Also, keep an eye on the airflow that comes from the statue as it moves away. This stream will knock you down and deal damage, so be careful.

As soon as the statue reaches a place that resembles a certain hall, a new task will appear: . At this point, you have to fight with numerous and constantly advancing enemies. Be careful with the savages who have big clubs and bone masks, because they deal a lot of damage and even kill you along with the rest. And when you manage to fight off the enemies, a task will appear:. Throw a club at the statue and the vision will end. Takkar will wake up.

If the vision is to be believed, then the "Udam" have a statue of a stone woman whom they worship, but who, as it turned out, stopped hearing them. And she stopped hearing them at the most difficult moment.

Part - 10: A Warm Welcome to Vinja

When a mark with a task appears near the cage of the cannibal Daa, it turns out that he is no longer there. Seyla will tell Thakkar that the Vija have decided to execute this Udam man, since you cannot bring into the house those who exterminate you and your fellow tribesmen. No one even wants to listen to you about the fact that he was supposed to make you stronger, therefore, due to the fact that the “vinja” is driven by revenge, your task is:. The place where they want to drown Daa is located in the northeast of your village, so move as close as possible to the key point, sit on some animal and jump to the place of execution.

When you get to a place called "Pit Mazga", get the task:. Getting him out of here is not so easy, because the "Udam" is literally nailed to a stone, so you have to stop the water. New task: . How to do it? There are four holes in the cave through which water enters this part of the cave and eventually floods it. You have to plug these cracks with stones to stop the flow of water. Nothing complicated, the main thing is not to delay. The fish that live here do not pose a particular danger, so you can either swim calmly past them or kill them along the way - you choose.

If you plugged the holes in time, then you will get the following task: . Returning to the "udamets", the screensaver begins. In it, Takkar explains to everyone that Daa needs a "vinja" in order for him to teach them how to create a putrefactive poison and thereby make them stronger. And when to die Daa - it's up to Takkara to decide.

Part - 11: Vision: fire

Before moving on to the next task, complete the additional tasks, you can take new ones from the rescued Daa. He will be able to teach you new poisons in the future that will make your life easier. So, having thoroughly pumped, go to the shaman's hut, he has already prepared a new potion for you. This time you need to learn the weaknesses of the Izil, and for this you will need to get the fire of Krati. After moving to another world, go forward and touch Krati.

Get to the standing stones. You now have a powerful firebow that can fire a meteor volley, but it will require you to kill five Isill. With such a weapon, it will be easy for you to fight your way further, move to the yellow marker. Having run to the stones, destroy them with your bow, shoot several times at the stones, after their destruction you will be transported to another place. Here you need to shoot the moon using triple shot. To charge it, kill with an izil bow. You will need to shoot at the moon several times, after its explosion the task will be completed.

Part - 12: In the land of Udam

Go to Seyla's hut, a cutscene will start there, after which you will have a new task. First you need to go to the north of Urus and get a rare yellow northern leaf. Go to the quest zone, activate the hunter's vision on the spot, it will help you find these leaves (they are in large numbers behind unusual stones). As soon as you touch them, you will lose consciousness, and wake up already in captivity.

Escape from the cave. After talking with Ull, turn back and run along the cave, climb the ledge, pick up the hook-cat near the corpse (the things were taken from you). Turn around and catch the cat on the ledge above, swing and fly over the locked cage. You will find your equipment near the exit from the cave, it will be guarded by one savage, it will not be difficult to sneak up and kill him. Run through the snowstorm to a cave nearby, be careful there - most of the savages are masked and it will be difficult to kill them unnoticed with a bow. Deal with everyone or quietly go through the cave, again go through the blizzard to the next cave. There are also a lot of enemies here, but it is almost impossible to pass secretly. You need to kill the guard of the cave, who is standing near the exit. Run to the exit (it is not necessary to kill everyone), as soon as you exit the cave, the task will be completed and you will find yourself in Seyla's hut.

Part - 13: Krati Mask

Visit the shaman in your village, he will instruct you to get the Krati Mask, it will help in the fight against Batari and Izil warriors. In order for the quest to appear on the map, you may need to capture the fort in the south and complete several tasks for Urka.

Enter Krati's tomb and steal the mask. Go to the marker on the map, the goal of your task is in the cave. In the cave, dive under the water and swim to the cave exit. You will enter the tomb - here it is represented by a spacious cave with good protection. Deal with the first guard and climb up the vine.

Fight your way through the guards to the yellow marker, or you can just run past everyone and grab the mask. As soon as you take it, a cutscene will start, after which you need to escape from the tomb as quickly as possible.

Part - 14: Homeland Udam

Head to the northeast of Urus and go through the poisonous fumes to reach the leader of the udam, Ulla. To get past the poisonous veil in the gorge, make a special antidote in the crafting menu. On the way to the boss, you will need to cross a large canyon that is teeming with ouds. It is best to move covertly, and let your owl go for reconnaissance. When you get to the raider's camp, prepare for battle. It will not work to pass secretly here, so you should take an advantageous position and use your animals. Once in Hunter Valley, get to the signal fire and light it for the vinj. Follow the yellow marker and you will come to a signal fire, kill all the savages there.

Get to Ulla Cave. After you have lit the fire, go to the cave of the udam leader. The passage to the cave is guarded by several people, for you they do not pose a big threat. Go along the cave, killing the savages along the way, who will be in your way. Ull will be waiting for you at the end of the cave, in its frozen part. Shoot at the hanging icicles to injure and stun Ull. At first he won't notice you, take advantage of this and drop a huge icicle on him, when he is stunned, go behind him and hit him hard. Nothing is effective against this enemy, not even bombs, so get him under the hanging icicles and use them to stun him. After the victory, return to Sale.

Part - 15: Homeland of Izil (Final)

Head to the south of Urus. To get to the task, you will need the power of a mammoth, without it you will not be able to open the gate. Right at the gate, a mammoth will be waiting for you, saddle it and break into the gate. Release the Vinja to support your attack on the Batari Temple. The location is quite large and complex, so do not leave your mammoth. All prisoners will be marked on your map with a yellow marker, getting and freeing them will not be difficult. After releasing all the prisoners, meet them near the temple. To break into the temple, cut the rope that holds the obelisk. After that, kill the izil that prevent your people from moving the boulder. When the bridge is built, put on a mask and run to the temple, because of the mask, the savages will only run away from you. Go through the cave, Batari will meet you right behind it. The battle with her will not be too difficult. Attack her while she calls for reinforcements, then deal with the savages who came to her aid, and so on until you win. Keep in mind, Batari is immune to fire, and in order to deprive her of protection, it is necessary to destroy the raised braziers. After the victory, return to the village and visit the captive udam and izal, then watch the final cutscene.

Here is the light and saw the next part of the Far Cry series. Far Cry Primal is not a full-fledged new part of the Far Cry series, but is a spin-off, like Far Cry Blood Dragon used to be. And although, apart from the primitive time, the game does not particularly bring anything new to the gameplay - the same hunting, the same murders, a couple of interesting features were added, and in general it is quite interesting to play the game. But we are here not to write a review, but to answer some questions that arise during the passage of the game. Therefore, let's go.

Far Cry Primal, map, locations of all collectibles. Where to find Vinja Bracelets, Spirit Totems, Rock Paintings, Izil Masks, Daisha's Hands?
In total in the game you can find:
--12 totems
--22 rock paintings
--25 bracelets
--25 masks
--100 Daisha hands
To make it easier for you, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the map of all Far Cry Primal items that you can collect:

On the map:
--Totems are marked with a little man
--Plain hand drawings
-- Circle bracelets
--Masks are indicated by a triangle
--Daisha's hands are marked with a hand in a so-called drop.
Actually, that's all. All you need is patience to collect all these items.

Far Cry Primal how to get warm, winter clothes to survive the harsh cold? How long is it in the cold?
In order to make it easier to endure severe, primeval frosts, the game has the so-called winter clothing. Initially, it is not available and you need to fulfill certain conditions in order to get it. In this case, you must find and bring to your tribe Karush - a strong, one-eyed warrior. You can find it in the northeast of your settlement. Help him fight off the Udam warriors and he will agree to join your tribe.
Actually now you just need to build him a hut and improve it to the maximum. In turn, Karush will teach new ways of killing, unlock new skills, allow you to craft weapons, as well as winter clothes.
By the way, the carousel is here:

Animals in Far Cry Primal. Who can be tamed? What animal can you ride? What features do animals have in the game?
In the game Far Cry Primal, the developers introduced as many as 17 representatives of the wild. Some of them are subspecies of the same species and have similar abilities. Let's look at each of them in more detail.
--1. Red wolf, or wild dog. At rest, it shows the resources that you can collect around, and also automatically collects resources from those killed by you.
--2. Rare red wolf (rare wild dog). It has the same abilities as a normal member of the species, but also gives you resistance to fire.
--3.Wolf. With its growl, it warns you that there are enemies nearby. Reveals an area up to 100 meters away from your current location.
--4. A white wolf is no different from an ordinary wolf.
--5. Rare striped wolf. It has the same abilities as an ordinary wolf, but after taming it gives you resistance to fire.
--6.Jaguar - able to attack and kill unsuspecting enemies without disturbing others.
--7. Rare black jaguar - same features, but also enhances your fire resistance.
--8. Leopard - in a short distance from the current position, it is able to notice and mark other animals, so that it would be easier for you to find them.
--9. Cave leopard - features similar to the common leopard species.
--10.Rare black lion. gives resistance to fire, but otherwise the properties are the same as those of the leopard.
--11. The badger is an extremely unusual animal that is absolutely fearless, able to resurrect itself after death, and also instills fear in all other animals of the Urus. In addition to all this, the animal has absolute immunity to poison.
--12. Brown bear - during the battle is able to distract the attacks of enemies on itself. When you are doing nothing and just standing there, the bear will point you to resources nearby. If you have the skill of a rider, you can use the Brown Bear as a mount.
--13. The saber-toothed tiger is the fastest predator in the Urus. Can be used as a vehicle if you have the appropriate skill.
--14. The cave bear is the most powerful predator, but all he can do is distract opponents during the battle.
--15. Big bear with a scar. Same as the cave bear, but the stealth skill is better developed.
--16.Blood Sabertooth has the same abilities as Sabertooth and can also be used for riding.
--17. Bloody snow wolf completely copies the properties of a normal wolf.

As you can see, there are not many animals, but the world of the game Far Cry Primal has enough of it. Only the following can be used as mounts:
brown bear, saber-toothed tiger and bloody saber-tooth.

How to increase Vinja tribe in Far Cry Primal? Where to find settlers?
The expansion of your tribe is made in the game not only for show. Some tribesmen are key and can unlock new skills, teach you how to craft new weapons, traps and other means to survive in wild, primitive conditions. Fortunately, in order to increase your tribe, you do not need to perform any special rituals. All you need to do is complete the tasks of the Vinja tribe, which are marked with an orange symbol on the map.
Tribal quests include destroying camps, hunting, killing a specific target, and so on. Also, random events appear on the map from time to time, after passing which, you can also increase the number of settlers in the Vinja tribe.

In turn, expanding the tribe gives the following bonuses:
-- Settlement with 20 strength - one bag for weapons and food as a daily reward.
-- Settlements with 40 strength - two bags for weapons and food as a daily reward.
--60 strength - three weapon bags and food as a daily reward.
-70 strength - 2% experience bonus for every 10 Vinj saved.

Far Cry Primal how to collect resources faster, disable search animation?
In the game, you will need a fairly large amount of resources for almost everything: from improving the settlement, to crafting various weapons. The resource gathering animation itself takes a decent amount of time. You can save this very time by simply turning off this animation.
1.Open the game settings.
2.Select off next to the Search Animation setting
3.Save and continue the game.
In the long term, this little thing saves a lot of time and allows you not to watch the same movement three hundred times.

Far Cry Primal where to download crack, torrent? When will crack be released?
This question is somewhat more difficult. The point is that the game uses new system Denuvo protection, which has not yet been hacked by any hacker group, and 3DM, which usually deal with hacks, have completely retired for a whole year. Therefore, in the near future, most likely the game will not appear on torrents and neither it nor the crack will be able to download for free. We are waiting for more details on this issue.
The only way out, if you don't want to wait, but want to play right now, is to buy the game.

Where to get, how to get feathers in Far Cry Primal?
Feathers, one of the main resources in the game, which is used both for crafting and for upgrading the quiver. Naturally, feathers can be found by hunting birds.
Flying birds are extremely difficult to kill, so head to the northern part of the map and hunt flocks of flightless birds. The easiest way to find them is south of the mountain stream. Do not scare, otherwise the birds will fly away.
Or you can challenge yourself and try to kill the eagle. Track the bird with the hunter's vision, then wait for the eagle to land on the ground to grab food. You will have a couple of seconds to shoot the feathered predator.

Far Cry Primal error 88500014 on Steam?
In this case, try the following:
1.Open Uplay and switch to offline mode.
2. Return to Steam and try to launch the game.
Yes, everything is simple - the conflict between Uplay and Steam. If it didn't help:
1.Disable firewall, antivirus.
2.Turn off Steam/Uplay overlay.

Far Cry Primal how to use, activate SMAA? SMAA not active?
This situation only occurs when you use SLI. When using this technology, you will not be able to activate SMAA.

Far Cry Primal low FPS, lags, freezes?
Well, in this case, we will advise you a standard set of actions:
1.Update the drivers for the video card, directx.
2.Perform defragmentation of game files, system files.
3. Disable all background processes: disk archiving, virus scanning by antivirus, automatic system update.
4. Turn off the firewall, antivirus for the duration of the game.
5.Make sure the system drive has more than 15% free space.
6. Close all unnecessary applications, services.
7.Make sure that your hardware still meets the requirements of the game.
8.Install the latest patch for the game.
9. Try to run the game using special software: Razer Cortex: Game Booster for example.
10.Make sure that you are not running the game on the built-in video card.
11.Turn off Steam/Uplay overlay.
In general, this is all for now.

Far Cry Primal no sound, what to do?
The solution is entirely from a similar topic about Far Cry 4.
Turn off the 5.1 (7.1) sound system in the OS and switch to using 2-channel sound.
To change the mode, go to the control panel, then sound, select your active sound device on the playback tab and click configure. In the window that appears, select Stereo.
In addition, again go to the control panel, then sound, select the default device on the playback tab and select Properties. On the Advanced tab, select the default format Compact disc (lowest overall).

If all else fails, try the following:
1. Find the System32 and SysWOW64 folders in the C->Windows drive and delete the files from x3daudio1_0.dll to x3daudio1_7.dll, as well as the files from XAudio2_0.dll to XAudio2_7.dll.
2.Install Directx from the Support folder of Far Cry 4
3. Restart your PC
4.Try to start the game.

Far Cry Primal failing to capture an outpost? Can't find and kill the last person?
This problem may be solved with the release of patches, but for now just move away from the outpost and the capture will happen automatically.

Far Cry Primal bloody snow wolf not spawning in camp?
Fast travel to the nearest location and then walk back to the mission area. The wolf should appear and you can go further in the mission.

Far Cry Primal error MSVCR100.dll / MSVCP100.dll

Far Cry Primal won't launch?
1. Use 64 bit OS, 4 core processor, and 4 GB or more RAM.
2.Check the game cache in Steam/Uplay.
3.Use a graphics card that supports Directx 11 and the latest drivers
4.Make sure that the game is running on a discrete graphics card, and not on the built-in one.
5. Try to run the game in compatibility mode, run as administrator or enable DEP for the game - all can be found in the search on our site.
6.Start the game with the internet disabled.

Far Cry Primal black screen, how to run the game on a dual core processor?
To run the game on a 2-core processor, we will use the same program as for Far Cry 4 - Extreme Injector. Select Far Cry Primal exe file, add dll file for implementation and press inject.
Download the program directly from our server

If you just have a black screen at startup, but your PC meets the requirements of the game, then try:
1.Run the game as an administrator.
2. Turn off unnecessary USB and other devices for the duration of the game - a gamepad, for example.
3.Install/update system software: DirectX, Microsoft Visual C++, Microsoft . NET Framework and also update your drivers.

Far Cry Primal how to disable/skip intro videos?
To do this, if you're playing on Steam, select Far Cry from the list of games, right-click on properties, and click set launch options. In the window that appears, paste -skipintro and click OK.
If you run the game from the desktop or not through Steam, then create a shortcut for the FCPrimal.exe file, right-click on the shortcut and add the object after the quotes -skipintro to the field

Far Cry Primal crashes? Computer shutting down while playing?
In this case, everything is simple:
1.Update your graphics card drivers and make sure your graphics card is not overheating.
2. Make sure that the processor does not overheat, the coolers are working normally.
3.Clean the system unit from dust, change the thermal paste on the CPU and GPU.
4.Check the RAM, make sure there are no problems with it using Memtest. Also make sure you have enough memory for the game.
5.Check that there are no problems with the hard drive using HDDScan.
6.Finally, try enabling DEP for FCPrimal.exe

W.I.P. - if you have any questions, ask them in the comments.

After a short introductory video in which the Shaman talks about the mainland Urus and the dangers there, you will find yourself on the hunt.

Crouching, follow Dalso
Now you're on a mammoth hunt, all you have to do is walk crouched. Do not go far from your fellow tribesman, otherwise you will simply be crushed. When you sneak up on a mammoth that has strayed from the herd, wait for fire arrows to fly at it, only after that join the battle. Throw spears at the mammoth (you can just hit with a spear) until it falls to the ground. Unfortunately, your celebration will be interrupted by a saber-toothed tiger. After his attack, you will be left alone without a weapon. And the first thing you need to do is make a bow.

Gather resources to craft a bow
The clearing where you ended up is full of different materials (do not miss this opportunity and take a good look around), here you need to collect: Alder, Cane and Slate. In search of resources, the hunter's vision will help you - R3, you will find the most resources near a small stream.

Finally, having collected the necessary ingredients, go to inventory and create a bow (to create arrows you will need Alder). Armed with it, you can go hunting for three goats. The hunter's vision will help you find your prey. Having obtained the necessary skins, go to the cave where the marker on the mini-map indicates to you. Here you need to build a fire, for this you will need Wood. To go further, you need to make a club. To do this, go to inventory and make it. Set fire to the resulting club with a fire, now you have a torch (not eternal), and you can burn the vines that prevented you from passing.

Follow in the footsteps of the vinj
Turn on the hunter's vision and go forward. Next, you need to jump off the ledge. Follow the tracks to the corpse of the wolf, inspect it and move on. If you are attacked by wolves, scare them away with a torch, the tracks will lead you to the cave. Climb down, examine the coals of an already extinguished fire and jump into the water. Go along the cave and climb the ledge (near the fire you can find the fat of the beast and bones). Go through the waterfall and jump over the abyss, if your torch goes out, you can set it on fire again in your inventory (you need fat for this). Onions can also be set on fire. Go along the cave to the ledge, jump into the water and swim along the river to the wall, along which you can climb up. After the video, you will be in Uruse and you need help Sayle.

deep wounds

After talking with Seyla, you will learn that your tribe is in danger of extinction due to the war with the Ud. Therefore, throughout the game, you must save your fellow tribesmen and build your new home.

Gather green leaves for Sale

The girl was injured by a tiger and she needs medicine, now only you can help her. Go to the map menu and study it carefully. Here, as in the previous parts, there are a lot of symbols, you need a yellow area (this is the task area), this is where you will find the necessary ingredients. When setting out on the road, don't forget to collect various crafting ingredients along the way, and don't let your guard down - the fauna of these places is not very friendly to the player.

Hostile savages await you in the quest area. Killing them is not difficult (especially if you act stealthily), but it is better to get rid of them first and only then collect the leaves. Don't get too carried away adventuring until you're free to explore the world and leave the quest zone. After collecting the leaves, return to the girl and help her treat the wound. After completing this quest, you are free to explore open world and save their fellow tribesmen by sending them to the cave to Seila.

Vision: Beasts

According to the plot, you must go in search of a local shaman. It is located far away, and you will meet a lot of enemies along the way. Following the landmark on the mini-map, hit the road. There are analogues of towers here - bonfires, but they have a plot purpose and help to increase pumping. Therefore, if you have a bonfire on your way, be sure to grab it and light it, that way you can accept more people into your tribe and progress through the story. The shaman you need lives in a cave, no one guards it, and there is a direct tropic nearby that will lead you to the entrance. A cutscene will start in the cave, in which you will be transported to another world (as in all parts of the Far Cry series).

Find a guide
You will find yourself in a place very similar to, here you need to go forward along the stream and find the altar on which the owl sits. As soon as Takkar touches it, you will be in free flight. Take control and follow the owl certain moment the owl will fall into the water, dive after it. Swim to the surface, exit and follow the owl. Approach her, after that you will fly after her again. During the flight, avoid various obstacles, if you crash, the task will fail. At the end of your journey, you will tame an owl.

This is your tactical ally. You can control it, mark enemies for yourself and explore the area. In the future, you can improve her skills and fully apply in battle.

Beast Master

The shaman sees in you the chosen one - the one who can tame the wild spirits. The first will be the spirit of the white wolf. Head north from the cave, on the way you can meet a lot of enemy savages. You can sneak past them, or kill them all. Do not forget to use the owl, it can help you a lot in preparing for battle. Based on the mini-map, approach the dead ox, after which you will start the task.

Find Udam with the help of an owl
Call the owl and inspect the task area. After scouting the area, arm yourself with a bow and kill all enemies in the area. After clearing the area, activate the hunter's vision and follow the bloody footprints that the hunters left for the oud. They will lead you to the den of the wolves, here you need to craft the bait in your inventory and use it to lure the white wolf. To do this, just drop the meat near the cave, when the wolf starts eating meat, you will have to sneak up on him and tame him.

After the completed operations, you will have a new ally - the wolf, this is a kind of "partner", he will walk near you and help in battle, you can also mark targets for him to attack. Now you need to finish off the remaining hunters, for this use the wolf, send it to the hunters. Remember, your pets are not immortal and they need your help. After completing the task, you can tame animals (using bait). You can summon or withdraw animals at any time. To tame new allies, you need to upgrade skills in the section - "Beasts".

Udam attack

Once you're done with the insane shaman, return to Saleh. It turns out that you need to equip the village, for this you will need resources, such as:

  • Alder- 10 pieces.;
  • Slate- 8 pcs.;
  • Cane- 6 pcs.;
  • Deer and wolf skin- 2 pcs.;
  • Goat skin- 4 things.

If you followed the advice at the beginning of the walkthrough, you will already have the necessary materials. And if you are missing something, go to the car menu and see where you can find the resources you need (in sufficient quantities, everything you need can be found near your village). After finishing building houses for the residents, talk to Seyla and go to sleep. Already in the morning it will turn out that your village is being attacked by ouds.

Protect your village
The boss will not be difficult, because the inhabitants will help you and you have your pets. Most importantly, do not climb into the center of the battle, it is better to stay away and shoot enemies with a bow. The wolf is a great weapon in this fight, send it to enemies who throw bombs or archers at you. After repulsing the attack of the savages, talk to Seyla. She will instruct you to attack the nearest udam camp, thus proving the strength of the vinj.

Get to the udam camp

Head east from your village to " Shrine of Torn Flesh". Let not close, and this is a great opportunity to collect resources along the way again. Once in place, call your owl, mark all the savages with it. The best solution is to bypass the savage camp and attack from the cliff above the camp. Climb up there, send the wolf to nearby enemies and help him with your bow. After clearing the camp, destroy 3 bone trees using your club.

Duel of beasts

Once you're done with the udam, return to Seila, and after the cutscene, go to Chinsei's hut. There you will again have to drink an unusual substance, after which your spirit will move into a mammoth.

Find the mammoth killers
Taking control of the mammoth, go along the road. After a couple of meters you will meet rhinos - you need to kill them. Take your time to kill the rhinos, one by one they do not pose a threat to you, but if you run into the crowd, you will simply be beaten.

Clear the area of ​​rhinos, large boulders that are located throughout the territory will help you, and you can also lure enemies onto the ice, which falls under their weight. After clearing several areas, at the end of your path you will meet a very strong rhinoceros spirit. It is distinguished by greater survivability and a strong running attack, do not try to dodge it, it is quite difficult to do so. The best tactic is to push on your enemy and not let him rest. After defeating him, you will move to the shaman's hut.

Big Darva Fort/Vision: Ice

Big Darva Fort

To complete this task, you need to gain a large number of skills, the most important is the ability to ride a mammoth. Also, before capturing the fort, you need to complete the special tasks that you received from Seyla after the battle with the udam. All these tasks come down to helping the vinja or hunting for a special beast. After completing them, you get a unique character that will help you gain new skills. Each such character will have his own hut, improving which you will receive new skills.

Capture the fort
Daa lives in the mountains, capturing which, you will advance in the story. He lives in the cold edge of the Urus, and is guarded by a crowd of savages. The easiest way to complete the task is to ride the mammoth and kill all the savages in the camp. But you need to come to the camp, the path will be dangerous because of the severe frost in these parts. You can fight him, and it's pretty easy, you just need to light a torch or warm yourself by a fire. You can also make winter clothes, which is in the crafting menu, it only needs animal skins.

The tactics with the mammoth is very simple - go in and kill everything that moves in the fort, while you are practically immortal. But if you decide to clear the camp manually, then an owl and your wolf will help you. Upon arrival, study it with the help of an owl. After that, act stealthily and kill everyone with a bow, periodically sending a wolf to distract or finish off the enemy. When you complete your task, a cutscene will play in which Daa will be captured and imprisoned, now he will teach your brothers how to make poison bombs.

Vision: Ice

Once you're done with the fort, you'll be transported to the Shaman. He will again offer you his signature drink, you cannot refuse it. You will be transported to a dark forest, which is dotted with strange crystals.

Find a statue of a woman
Go to the yellow sign, it will lead you to the statue, unfortunately, as soon as you approach it, you will be transferred to another place.

Go through the fog and go down, there is an udam camp, kill them and move on. The statue of a woman has become huge and is located in a cave, run after her, killing the savages along the way. After reaching the statue, the task will be completed.

Captured Vinja/Vinja's warm welcome

Captured Vinja

To complete this quest, you may need to upgrade a few huts in the village, and it is also desirable to complete additional tasks, such as - a big hunt (they are optional, but can give you useful skills).

Head to the Shaman Tensei's hut, as soon as you enter, a cutscene will start. From it you will learn that the Vinja were captured and they need your help, leave the village and move to the marker on the map. On the spot, confirm the task and activate the hunter's vision, be careful in this area - rhinos live here. Use the hunter's vision to follow the bloody footprints and burnt bodies.

Find the captured Vinja
Approach the bodies and search them, this way you will get additional information about what happened here. Jump into the narrow river and swim along, sailing to the bridge, you will see the execution of the captives.

Wait until the enemy savages leave, swim across the bridge and dive under the waterfall, emerge in the first opening (do not swim further). Use the hook here and climb up. Kill two guards on the towers, and then use the owl and inspect the area. After that, you must set fire to the enemy camp, set fire to your arrows or clubs and burn all the wooden buildings (there are many fires from which you can set fire to weapons), then finish off the remaining savages - izil. Having dealt with them, run to the exit from the camp, unfortunately, you will be grabbed and taken to batteries- the leader of the izil. After talking with her, you will be thrown into the fire, but you can get out of there, for this, dive into the water and swim through the cave. Leave the camp, after which a cutscene will start, where you will find yourself at a funeral in the village.

Warm welcome Vinja

After the cutscene ends, visit Daa, the Udam you adopted. It turns out that they are going to execute him without your knowledge, after talking with Sale, head to the execution site - Pit Mazga.

You need to interrupt the executions and save Daa, for this you need to stop the incoming water. Activate the hunter's vision, so you can see the place where the water comes from, swim to four places and close the gaps. Yes, it will be saved.

Vision: fire

Before proceeding to the next task, take care of the additional tasks, you can take new ones from the rescued Daa. He will be able to teach you new poisons in the future that will make your life easier. So, having thoroughly pumped, go to the shaman's hut, he has already prepared a new potion for you. This time you need to find out the weaknesses of the izil, and for this you will need to get fire Krati. After moving to another world, go forward and touch Krati.

Reach the standing stones
You now have a powerful firebow that can fire a meteor volley, but it will require you to kill five Isill. With such a weapon, it will be easy for you to fight your way further, move to the yellow marker. Having run to the stones, destroy them with your bow, shoot several times at the stones, after their destruction you will be transported to another place.

Here you need to shoot the moon using triple shot. To charge it, kill with an izil bow. You will need to shoot at the moon several times, after its explosion the task will be completed.

In the land of Udam

Go to Seyla's hut, a cutscene will start there, after which you will have a new task. First you need to go to the north of Urus and get a rare yellow northern leaf. Go to the quest zone, activate the hunter's vision on the spot, it will help you find these leaves (they are in large numbers behind unusual stones). As soon as you touch them, you will lose consciousness, and wake up already in captivity.

Escape from the cave
After talking with Ullom turn back and run along the cave, climb the ledge, pick up the hook-cat near the corpse (the things were taken from you). Turn around and catch the cat on the ledge above, swing and fly over the locked cage. You will find your equipment near the exit from the cave, it will be guarded by one savage, it will not be difficult to sneak up and kill him. Run through the snowstorm to a nearby cave, be careful there - most of the savages are masked and it will be difficult to kill them unnoticed with a bow. Deal with everyone or quietly go through the cave, again go through the blizzard to the next cave. There are also a lot of enemies here, but it is almost impossible to pass secretly. You need to kill the guard of the cave, who is standing near the exit. Run to the exit (it is not necessary to kill everyone), as soon as you exit the cave, the task will be completed and you will find yourself in Seyla's hut.

Krati mask

Visit the shaman in your village, he will instruct you to get Krati mask, she will help in the fight against Batari and Izil warriors. In order for the quest to appear on the map, you may need to capture the fort in the south and complete several tasks to Urki.

Enter Krati's tomb and steal the mask
Go to the marker on the map, the goal of your task is in the cave. In the cave, dive under the water and swim to the cave exit. You will enter the tomb - here it is represented by a spacious cave with good protection. Deal with the first guard and climb up the vine.

Fight your way through the guards to the yellow marker, or you can just run past everyone and grab the mask. As soon as you take it, a cutscene will start, after which you need to escape from the tomb as quickly as possible.

Homeland Udam

Travel to the northeast of Urus and go through the poisonous fumes to reach the udam leader - Ulla. To get past the poisonous veil in the gorge, make a special antidote in the crafting menu. On the way to the boss, you will need to cross a large canyon that is teeming with ouds. It is best to move covertly, and let your owl go for reconnaissance. When you get to the raider's camp, prepare for battle. It will not work to pass secretly here, so you should take an advantageous position and use your animals. Caught in Valley of the Hunters, get to the signal fire and light it for the vinj. Follow the yellow marker and you will come to a signal fire, kill all the savages there.

Get to Ulla Cave
After you have lit the fire, go to the cave of the udam leader. The passage to the cave is guarded by several people, for you they do not pose a big threat. Go along the cave, killing the savages along the way, who will be in your way. Ull will be waiting for you at the end of the cave, in its frozen part. Shoot at hanging icicles to injure and stun Ulla. At first he won't notice you, take advantage of this and drop a huge icicle on him, when he is stunned, go behind him and hit him hard. Nothing is effective against this enemy, not even bombs, so get him under the hanging icicles and use them to stun him.

After winning, return to Sale.

Izil's homeland

Head to the south of Urus. To get to the task, you will need the power of a mammoth, without it you will not be able to open the gate. Right at the gate, a mammoth will be waiting for you, saddle it and break into the gate.

Release the Vinja to support your attack on Batari Temple.
The location is quite large and complex, so do not leave your mammoth. All prisoners will be marked on your map with a yellow marker, getting and freeing them will not be difficult. After releasing all the prisoners, meet them near the temple. To break into the temple, cut the rope that holds the obelisk. After that, kill the izil that prevent your people from moving the boulder. When the bridge is built, put on a mask and run to the temple, because of the mask, the savages will only run away from you. Go through the cave, right behind it you will be met batteries. The battle with her will not be too difficult. Attack her while she calls for reinforcements, then deal with the savages who came to her aid, and so on until you win.

Keep in mind, Battery is invulnerable to fire, and in order to deprive her of protection, it is necessary to destroy the raised braziers. After the victory, return to the village and visit the captive udam and izal, then watch the final cutscene.

Gathering skills in Far Cry Primal play a very important role as they are required for crafting. Gathering rare and useful plants and resources will help you in assembly and construction. Thanks to this, you will be able to improve caves, build huts, create weapons and much more, which will ensure a 100% completion of the game.

Far Cry Primal: Survival Skills Guide

One of the initial development branches of the main character, Takkar, in the game is survival skills. Thanks to these skills, Takkar will repeatedly cope with the most unforeseen situations, without which it will be impossible to survive in the harsh world of Far Cry Primal.

Far Cry Primal: Animal Taming Guide

Far Cry Primal has a huge variety of beasts to tame as companions and mounts. With their help, you can fight with opponents and hunt. This guide presents the entire list of animals available for taming and their features.

CryPrimal: Winter clothing guide

In Far Cry Primal winter clothes are simply impossible to do without. Thanks to it, your resistance to harsh climatic conditions will be increased, thus you can easily explore the northern part of Urus without fear of freezing. To get winter clothes in the game, you need to complete several tasks and invite a specialist to your tribe.

Far Cry Primal: Beginner's Guide and Game Tips

If we compare Primal with the previous parts of the series, here the fire is the most high-tech thing in the world, since the game takes place tens of thousands of years before our era. At the beginning of the game, it is quite difficult to navigate and understand what you need to do on the map. With the help of this guide, you will learn how to spend your time in Far Cry Primal in the most productive and interesting way.

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