Call of duty infinity warfare game plot. Discussing the Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare story campaign with Narrative Director Taylor Kurosaki

Set outside of Earth, players find themselves in the midst of a war that spans the entire solar system. The protagonist of the game, Captain Reyes, unexpectedly takes command of the Retribution, one of the remaining combat spaceships of the Earth's fleet.

We caught up with Taylor Kurosaki, Narrative Director of Infinity Ward, to talk about the epic story and development process of Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare.

Let's start from the beginning. How did you get into the game development industry?

Taylor Kurosaki: My first game was Crash Bandicoot. I was the second employee at Naughty Dog and most of the game was made by a team of five, including the two founders of the company. As far as I remember, there were eight of us at the time of release. After working on Crash Bandicoot, I decided to take a break from video games. I already had experience in TV and the film industry, so I returned to the world of television. Some time later, at the end of 2003, I got a call from Naughty Dog and asked: “Hi, can you help us with some cutscenes and dialogue?”. So I returned to Naughty Dog. By this point, there were already 35 or 40. I worked on Jak 3 and for about a decade on all four parts of the Uncharted series, until my move to Infinity Ward in 2014.

Tell us about how you literally dragged your ex-Naughty Dog co-star Jacob Minkoff out of the jungle to join you on Infinite Warfare?

Taylor Kurosaki: Jacob Minkoff and I have been through a lot and worked together at Naughty Dog for many years. But one day he just decided to take a break from business, sold his house and truck, gave someone his dog, got rid of a bunch of other things, and before he left for the jungle, he settled with me, waiting for the completion of all transactions.

While he was living at my house, I started talking to Infinity Ward about the possibility of working with them, and Jacob and I started watching old war movies, playing Call of Duty, and bouncing ideas about what we could do for Call of Duty together. . I said, “Look, I really would love to work with you on this project. I don't want you to go to the jungle." And he said, "Yes, that would be fun, but maybe some other time."

He flew away, and I continued my communication with Infinity Ward. When they proposed to me, I emailed Jacob and received an auto reply that he had gone upriver and would be completely unavailable. About a month later, he reached the nearest town and was able to check his mail. I sent him a message and just wrote: “I really would like you to work with me, but I understand that this is not destined to happen. I hope when you get this message in a couple of weeks, you will know that my offer is still valid.

I got a response from Jacob the very next day. He was still in town and wrote, "Oh, most of the people in my camp came down with malaria and I wouldn't want that, so I'm in." And he just flew from the jungle to Infinity Ward, and we soon started working together on Infinite Warfare.

Let's talk about the plot of the game. Why did you choose space as the setting for the new game?

Taylor Kurosaki: The team at Infinity Ward had very interesting ideas about what they could do in the next Call of Duty. For example, the non-stop gameplay approach was perfect for Jacob and me. No loading screens. Just imagine: you take a gamepad and nothing else distracts you. We were very inspired by this.

They also had some ideas about the possibility of choosing side missions, which, again, was something new for Call Series of duty. This was a really interesting challenge, as all of our previous games were fairly linear in structure.

After watching a lot of movies and reading books about the war, we noticed two patterns. There are stories told from the perspective of an ordinary soldier, an infantryman, and there are stories from the perspective of a commander. We thought that since you have a choice side quests then, of course, you are the leader. You decide what to do next.

So we started there and never stopped. We decided to tell the story from the point of view of the leader, and as you can see for yourself, the goal of the leader is not to fight alongside friends and bring everyone back home. The leader's goal is to complete the task, and the task must come first.

In Saving Private Ryan, Captain Miller (Tom Hanks) learns that the main thing is not to return home to his wife, not to deliver all his subordinates to their relatives, the main thing is to save Private Ryan. We wanted to tell a story that follows these same principles, and so we have Captain Reyes, who has to realize in a very short time that he is no longer just a squad leader who has to bring all his guys home, but a real leader, and most importantly for him - the execution of the task.

Sacrificing for a purpose is an important part of the history of Infinite Warfare. Why is this issue so important to you?

Taylor Kurosaki: We wanted to tell a realistic story. If you want to talk about the burden of leadership, you have to credibly show what it's like to send people to the bullets and live with the consequences of it. And there are always consequences. We do not want to tell stories in which you would be a member of a superhero squad, and all missions would be calm and safe. We want to honor the service of real soldiers, to tell about it without embellishment.

One of the most unusual characters in the game is the Enhanced Tactical Humanoid Model 3 (e3n), or simply Ethan. He is a robot, but in many ways seems more human than some of the human characters we meet throughout the story. Tell us more about the history of its creation. Was this hero originally conceived as a sentient machine?

Taylor Kurosaki: When we start developing characters, we are not tied to gender or race. We draw diagrams and discuss. We knew what we needed main character. We knew that he would need a best friend and right hand, but we also knew that someone else would have to join them. And in the end, this “other” became “completely different”. Machine.

Then no. Ethan was not originally conceived as a machine, just as Salter was not conceived as a woman. The whole point was to reveal their characters, to find a “trick”. We wouldn't make Ethan a robot if we realized that his character wouldn't work like that. From the very beginning, we promised ourselves that we would not make him a robot if we felt that such a hero would not fit into the Call of Duty universe.

Robot heroes are featured in many games, TV shows and movies. We said to ourselves: “What is special about our guy? Why does he have to be a robot? – and almost at the same moment we realized that we wanted to create a universal soldier. Such a soldier should not only be the best on the battlefield, but also an ideal support for his squad.

This means that if you look at the war from the perspective of a soldier, you will see that the main thing for him is to protect his comrade. The main thing is to make sure that everyone returns home. Therefore, Ethan's most important goal is to always protect his associates, and in some cases, Reyes, his commander. This is his way of thinking.

How do soldiers who find themselves in the midst of hostilities support each other? In most cases, humor helps them. It's strange, but jokes help you get through all this trouble. In war there is a lot of routine and boredom, there are many extremely dangerous, tense situations, and very few moments between these extremes.

To get through it all, to survive dangerous situations and tense moments, the soldiers use humor to distract each other from the thought that death can be waiting for them just around the corner. Ethan is able to joke - and this part of his personality gives him the opportunity to fit into a squad of living fighters.

He is very different from them. He doesn't look like anyone. It became extremely important to give him the opportunity to intermarry with other fighters in battle. With people like Omar. Omar is a real fighter who believes in the power of weapons and head-to-head combat without resorting to technical bells and whistles - which is why he is skeptical of Ethan. But Omar is no fool. Gradually, he recognizes Ethan as a valuable member of the team and eventually takes "for his own."

You mentioned Saving Private Ryan earlier. What other works have been a source of inspiration for you?

Taylor Kurosaki: Speaking of war stories, we have studied great amount materials - from "The Gates of Fire" by Stephen Pressfield, where we are talking about the Spartan warriors at Thermopylae, to Black Hawk Down and Saving Private Ryan.

If we talk about the sources of inspiration among science fiction, then we can separately note the industrial design in the films of James Cameron - he always skillfully combined recognizable elements with unfamiliar ones. If they are properly mixed, then your fictional universe will become more mundane and similar to the real one.

The Call of Duty series always takes place in a universe where there are no monsters, aliens, or giant blue humanoids. In Infinite Warfare, we tell a story about human conflict in the setting of a realistic future. When we go to unfamiliar worlds, we take familiar elements with us - just like David Cameron. The glass cockpits of the aircraft, the heavy valves on the doors, the helmets look like straight from the Vietnam War.

We have carefully studied the aesthetics of the modern fleet and carefully transferred to the game the elements that make up real warships. We reproduced colors, materials, aesthetics - and then combined this with the design that NASA follows - because our ships plow not the seas, but the expanses of space.

By combining all these elements, we created the Retribution, a ship that looks real because it is made up of many real-life fleet and NASA elements. Many of the players have probably never been on the real warship, but I'm almost 100% sure that none of them have ever been near Titan or Europa, or on the surface of Mars. When you go to fantastic places, you take something familiar with you, a piece of home, which is what we tried to achieve in game design.

The story campaign is full of various game situations - classic shootouts, space horror, fighter duels and much more. It is very difficult to combine all this and make it work within the framework of one game. Can you tell us about the most difficult task you faced during development?

Taylor Kurosaki: We always ask ourselves, "Does this feel like part of Call of Duty?" - can we add certain elements without fundamentally changing the concept of the game? Call of Duty, Call of Duty 2, Modern Warfare are games that have had a huge impact on us. Our goal during the creation of the game was to honor the roots of the legendary game series, but at the same time to qualitatively develop its components.

Imagine an abandoned mining colony on a rapidly spinning asteroid near the sun itself. What happened here? Where did the miners go? Secret. The next question is, can we tell such a story in Call of Duty? Will it feel like Call of Duty? At some moments we said to ourselves: “Yes, it’s really possible to do it!”, and we did it. When we felt that we were deviating from the canon, we said: “Stop!”, and began to work out the next concept.

The legendary "Space Odyssey 2010" unequivocally warned us that it is better not to meddle in Europe, but it is on this satellite of Jupiter that the events of Infinite Warfare begin. Admit it - is this a deliberate reference to the classics?

Taylor Kurosaki: Yes, we were heavily inspired by science fiction such as Robert Heinlein's The Moon is a Harsh Mistress. Of course, we are well acquainted with other popular works and their versions of the cosmos, planets and moons.

The bottom line is that Europe has a lot of water. This is a place that you will definitely want to appropriate - this is a source of resources, and in war, the possession of resources is a key factor in victory. If this or that resource ends on Earth, and at the same time it will be rarely found in the expanses of the solar system, a conflict between those who wish cannot be avoided.

This thought was a great starting point - as fans of science fiction and war stories, we built the narrative, inspired by them. You can see the fruits of our labor in Infinite Warfare.

Additional information about Call of Duty is available on the official Russian-language Call of Duty Facebook page, as well as in @CallofDuty accounts and @InfinityWard V

The first hour of the game produces rather contradictory impressions. Although we are bombarded with all sorts of beautiful staged scenes, they do not carry any value and removing them will not change much in the history or gameplay of CoD: Infinite Warfare. Well, let's be honest, today you won't impress anyone like that. However, after this hour, the “log” still pulls out its first trump card and puts us at the helm of a fighter and sends us into earth orbit, where an arcade, but still very epic space battle will take place.

The game does not stop there and shows the next trump card and gives the protagonist Nick Reyes under the command of the space cruiser Retribution. We will really be in command, since side effects appear in the game, so we choose where to fly and what to do. Thanks to this, all tasks have become more like full-fledged operations that start with penetration, then some actions follow, and at the end - a good fight on fighters and an escape. However, this is Call, hell, of Duty and along with side quests call walkthrough of Duty: Infinite Warfare takes eight hours to complete. To the credit of the developers, it should be noted that half of the side missions are not inferior to the story ones (and the disguise mission is generally superior), but this is still very little.

Unfortunately, the shooter component is not much refreshed. As if science fiction should provoke developers to some serious innovations, but most weapons cannot boast of anything fantastic, with the exception of some rare specimens that we will hold in our hands from 1 to 5 minutes. The jetpack, which for a double jump into modern shooters was NOT put only by the lazy, did not provide the expected verticality of the gameplay.

Infinity Ward was able to smooth out these shortcomings thanks to: all sorts of small details on various locations and interfaces; new types of grenades and the ability to hack robots; repeated space battles on a fighter jet; beautiful scenery; and, most importantly, the excellent direction of half of the missions, which can be compared with the best in the series and which, remembering in a year, we will be able to say "it was incredible." However, even the good direction of the tasks could not cover the bad plot and the antagonist in the series.

Story in Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare

Everything happens in the unknown distant future, where the planet Earth ran out of resources and humanity began to colonize other satellites and planets of the solar system in order to extract minerals from there. Under such conditions, people on Mars achieved independence, by unknown means gathered a gigantic army and vowed to destroy the earthlings. For what? I've been asking myself this question throughout the game. The antagonist Salen Kotch should answer it, but as it turned out, Jon Snow himself does not know anything. Kit Harington's character appears on screen less than the Joker in the current "Suicide Squad", and his dialogue boils down to "I will destroy you. Mars is eternal! So it turns out, war for the sake of war, and Salen does and says bad things because he is a villain, and not through his own life reasons. And how, after this, to perceive the plot in Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare?

On bright side- and here everyone is divided into bad and exceptionally good - everything is a little better and the characters are more like people. True, there is a lack of someone charismatic. For example, Modern Warware had Captain Price, Black Ops- Frank Woods. These were the characters we were proud to fight with and were willing to risk our virtual lives with. In Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare, the most interesting and most humane robot is Ethan, ROBOT! All the rest, along with the main character, the modest captain. "No, no, don't call me that" - these are one-dimensional amoebas, endowed with the ability to speak.

Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare raises the issue of loyalty, the value of human life and courage, but tells almost nothing about all these people, but they could. Why not do it like in StarCraft 2? Why not let Nick talk, for example, with Ethan who could tell something about his farm brain while playing chess, with Omar who could talk about his children, with Lieutenant Salter (they definitely have a lot in common) . There is not enough sincerity, and without it, the story is like a children's production. Although no, in fact, there are two spiritual moments. One makes me want to cry, it's so funny and naive, and the second is really without sarcasm, a good and atypical ending, and, again, Ethan could not do without merit. And if we summarize all of the above, we can safely put a giant stamp "WASTED" on history.

Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare multiplayer review

But not the same plot. Multiplayer this year is well optimized, but at the same time almost unchanged. Whether this is a problem or not is up to you. However, over the past 2 years, Destiny, Halo 5, Rainbow Six: Siege, Doom, Overwatch, Battlefield 1, Titanfall 2 - even Battleborn gave dozens of good and fresh watches, and on top of all that, Activision has released a competitor to itself in the form of a remaster of Modern Warfare. It is not surprising that Infinite Warfare is played not by tens of thousands on the PC, as before, but only by a few thousand in general, this is the skill of the player, and therefore there is nothing for newcomers to MP to do.

According to innovations, there are still some noticeable ones, for example, scrap metal, crafting, weapons of different quality, a task for the match. Some of the maps are well balanced, and the modified Terminal map from Modern Warfare 2 brought special joy. However, unfortunately, the other part of the maps is very cramped and full of holes, because we have a rod and respawn from all sides, and the jetpack worsens this whole situation even more.

Co-op mode is probably the only place where Call of Duty developers can afford to be creative. Unfortunately, Infinite Ward did not continue to develop their theme of aliens, and special operations generally remained far in the past. However, the result is still amazing. Although the principle of the game has not changed, we will continue to shoot waves of zombies in a team of 4, clog windows with boards and open new areas for the collected currency, the whole highlight lies in the locations and atmosphere.

After a hilarious introductory video, the game takes us to an 80s amusement park called Spaceland. Appropriate music plays in the background, like I Wanna Rock, The Final Countdown, and since we're in an amusement park, there are several different related mini-games waiting for us, from slides to ball tossing, to be reborn. The characters' hilarious phrases and a lot of easter eggs make the mode very fun, however, unfortunately, in order to play this on PC now, I had to sit in a lobby for 30 minutes in which there was not even a chat. In short, if you are very interested in the online modes of Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare, buy only the console version.

Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare was supposed to return the series to its former glory. The developers really tried to refresh the campaign, added something new, and in general, it was interesting to go through a new "log", but because of problems with the story mode, I just don't want to return to the game. Unless you are interested in a mindless attraction, then perhaps Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare is worthy of attention. And so the greatest value of this game is the Modern Warfare remaster, which the cunning Activision is still selling only with Infinite Warfare.

Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare game officially presented. Following the leaked "spy" trailer, the full official version appeared, some details of the game were revealed.

The story campaign, as has been mentioned more than once, is again dedicated to the future. The story will take the player beyond the atmosphere, the entire solar system will become a testing ground. And in the trailer, we can watch moments of space combat.

According to the plot, the Earth of the future is not in the best position due to overpopulation and the depletion of its resources. Colonies on other planets and asteroids have become a source of minerals. The radical organization The Front seeks to control all this wealth in order to tighten the noose around the neck of the earthly community. We will play as the captain of the first rank Reyes, who will be at the forefront of the struggle of the coalition forces against a ruthless enemy.

The campaign will feature skirmishes on different combat space vehicles, and the campaign itself will offer a seamless combination of different game moments, when ground moments will smoothly flow into vehicle collisions. The game will feature a large warship, The Retribution, which will be the base for the resistance, and the player will have a personal Jackal fighter.

The game will have cooperative mode Zombies with a separate plot. Once again, a dynamic innovative multiplayer with a modified system of movement and interaction with the environment is promised.

Also, the new game will receive a Remastered version of Call Of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, which will improve textures, lighting and other graphical aspects. This will allow beginners to get acquainted with one of the best games Call Of Duty series, and for old players to get new experiences from classic game. In addition to the story campaign, the Remastered version will receive 10 multiplayer maps from Modern Warfare. Screenshots from new version Modern Warfare are listed below.

After the failed Call of Duty: Ghosts, few believed that Infinity Ward would bounce back and create something as groundbreaking as Modern Warfare. It became even scarier for the creators of the series when excellent Advanced Warfare and Black Ops 3. The question arose: would Infinity Ward be able to next game keep the bar at least at the same level or raise it even higher?

Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare is trying to get away from a direct answer. On the one hand, the new part is an obvious step back, but on the other hand, it is one of the best games in the series.

The roar of the spaceport

Distant future. Mankind has long conquered space - however, so far only within the native solar system. On Europa, a satellite of Jupiter, the latest weapons are being developed, on Titan, which is next to Saturn, oil is being extracted, and on the Moon they are taking spaceships- a special port was built for this.

On Mars, the shipyard of the Colonial Defense Front, a paramilitary organization that has been developing and building up military power all this time, functions. The Terrans are aware of the existence of the Front, but ignore it - until Admiral Salen Kotch attacks a group of Earth military in a remote sector of the system.

The front took the earthlings by surprise. For the sake of a big holiday, they pulled all the troops into one city, not counting on someone having the courage to attack the planet.

From that moment on, the story is rapidly gaining momentum: the villains manage to break through to the Earth, break its defenses and destroy the lion's share of the space fleet capable of repelling the invaders. Nevertheless, at the cost of hundreds of lives, the Front's attack is repelled.

We play as Lieutenant Nick Reyes, who is appointed captain of the surviving vessel Retribution within half an hour after the start of the game. Reyes is ordered to destroy the enemy supply station and buy Earth time to rebuild the fleet. "Retribution" becomes the main base for the hero, and space - the battlefield.

Sirens of Titan

No matter what anyone says, but it is the setting that is the main advantage of the new game. Infinity Ward has created levels in space before, but in Infinite Warfare, the developers seem to have thrown off the shackles and unleashed their imagination. The death of an astronaut from an atomic explosion and clumsy skirmishes in zero gravity are a thing of the past. From now on, the authors use the chosen theme to the fullest, throwing the player either on the moon of Jupiter, completely covered with ice, or on the same Titan, where you want to escape from an important task and photograph the rings of Saturn.

Sometimes Infinite Warfare quotes Christopher Nolan's Interstellar verbatim.

One of the most memorable scenes is the same mission on the asteroid that the creators have shown at exhibitions more than once. The celestial body, for some unknown reason, has left its orbit and is now flying directly towards the Sun. The problem is that the asteroid turns the necessary base to the star every few minutes, so we will run from compartment to compartment only in the “dark” time of the day - otherwise we will burn out.

At the same time, Infinity Ward deftly plays on emotions, over and over again offering situations that differ markedly from each other in mood. An asteroid mission, for example, starts out as a horror story and ends with an epic scene and a fight between the heroes. The music written by composer Sarah Schachner (Assassin's Creed: Unity) also works to create the right mood.

Yes, and with the "Alien" by Ridley Scott, the developers are familiar.

With the robot Ethan, one of Reyes' partners, the lion's share of jokes in the game is connected.

But the work with the characters raises questions. If Captain Reyes and the crew of the Retribution behave like human beings and follow clear, if sometimes dubious ideals You can't say the same about villains. It is generally difficult to say something sensible about them - they turned out to be so faded and uninteresting. It's especially a shame for Salen Kotch, played by Kit Harington (Jon Snow from Game of Thrones). The actor himself did an excellent job with his role, another thing is that his role is a conditional anti-hero who appears two or three times per game. Wandering around the captain's cabin on the Retribution and reading the dossier on the top of the Front, you can find out about Kotch's youth, but this is catastrophically small.

martian chronicles

If you decide to delve deeper into the Infinite Warfare universe and read the dossier on Admiral Kotch, you will find out that he O spent most of his life on Mars.

A man who grew up on the Red Planet is no longer a fantasy. Recently, SpaceX founder and Tesla CEO Elon Musk wants to send the first man to Mars by 2025. Of course, so far there is no talk of any colony on a neighboring planet, but this is only a matter of time. Years will pass, and if Musk's attempts to conquer Mars are successful, someone may be able to rightfully call himself a Martian. Someone like Salen Kotch, angry and resentful of earthlings for having to live in an alien and inhospitable world.

Think, Elon, is it worth it?

Martian Time Shift

Gameplay is the most controversial element of Infinite Warfare. Over the past couple of years, the series has gone far ahead: in Black Ops 3, for example, the developers have tried to seriously change the gameplay formula by adding story campaign cooperative and in some places having built spacious arenas where you can ride with jetpack and bypass enemies from the side or from above.

For some reason, the new game returned to what we saw in Modern Warfare 2 - to linear levels similar to corridors (both in structure and often visually). Positional warfare is the most common in Infinite Warfare: you position yourself comfortably behind cover at the beginning of a corridor and shoot at the enemies who have settled at the end of the same corridor.

I would assume that every Call of Duty studio has its own style if Infinity Ward didn't copy their own mechanics. Remember stealth missions from Modern Warfare and Modern Warfare 2? Infinite Warfare has exactly the same. An assault on an enemy base that will remind you of taking the Reichstag from the very first Call of Duty? And such in new game found a place. Sad but true: Infinity Ward simply does not know how to work with other gameplay.

Race car driver Lewis Hamilton has a very modest role in the game.

The creators of the series also treat other developments of their colleagues without reverence. There are exoskeletons in Infinite Warfare, but only because space and the future are around - it would be strange without them. IN gameplay double jumps and wall running are almost never used. If you wish, of course, you can jump to the second floor of the building, run along the wall and end up in the camp of the enemy - there are all the necessary tools for this. But such a feat, most likely, will result in the death of the protagonist, because they kill here quickly even at low difficulty levels.

Jumping over a lava chasm is the most inventive use of the double jump in Infinite Warfare.

The good news is the space battles. Captain Reyes will spend almost half of the war at the controls of his Jackal fighter. It is easy to control: the fighter flies in any direction, fires from three cannons of different calibers and releases decoys when enemy missiles approach. At the same time, no one will lead you by the hand during battles in space - they all take place in spacious "arenas", and you are free to move around them as you like, the main thing is to get away from your pursuers, shoot down enemy fighters and destroy destroyers.

When you get a mission to destroy an enemy destroyer, you feel like Luke Skywalker.

In addition, in "peacetime" Infinite Warfare works like no other Call of Duty, and this is another of its virtues. Developers no longer drive players from one story mission to another. From now on, you can decide for yourself what task to go on - you are the captain!

There is a holographic map on the Retribution bridge, which displays all current assignments - both story and side ones. The latter were also in Black Ops 2, however, Infinity Ward brought them to new level. Now these are not just small operations on multiplayer maps, but serious missions with cutscenes, setting and very specific goals. Firstly, for completing side missions, you can get upgrades for the Jackal, new weapons and perks, and secondly, this is the easiest way to get to Kotch's henchmen.

All the fun happens on the captain's bridge of the Retribution.

If you wish, you can watch the latest news release on the ship, which will tell you about what is happening in the world.

As in Black Ops 3, in the new game, before each mission, you can choose a weapon and customize it to your liking. All this is done in the arsenal.

And also side missions- another reason for developers to work out space theme and put the player in an interesting situation. What is the task, during which the heroes are hiding from enemies among small asteroids!

Red Planet

Network mode is the second heart of Call of Duty. Many players buy games in the series just for the sake of multiplayer and never play the story campaign. Having played the beta, I find that Infinite Warfare's online mode is reminiscent of Modern Warfare 2's multiplayer. Full version finally convinced me of it.

As in single player mode, here Infinity Ward ignores all the achievements of Advanced Warfare and Black Ops 3. Wall running in Infinite Warfare multiplayer is possible, but absolutely unnecessary, and it will not give any tactical advantage. Multi-level maps are also a thing of the past. Most of the shooting takes place on solid ground. The main innovation is an intelligible class system, but we have only recently talked about it, and there is nothing to add here.

However, if we omit the fact that Infinity Ward returned Call of Duty to its usual formula, then the multiplayer of the new game can and should be praised. Many players still consider Modern Warfare 2's multiplayer mode the best in the series, and for them the new game will be a revelation - exactly what they have been waiting for for seven whole years.

And in Infinite Warfare, almost the best card design in the series.

Overnight at Cosmoland

Zombie mode has long been an integral part of the series. In the new game, the fight against the army of the walking dead takes place in the huge amusement park "Cosmoland". The essence remains the same: a company of four people runs around the park, kills zombies climbing from all windows, and performs simple tasks like restoring the power supply.

By sending the ghouls back to their graves and boarding up windows where the rotten ones climb out, players earn money to buy weapons and unlock new areas of the park. Sometimes bonuses drop from destroyed enemies. Some increase damage, while others can even change the color filter - apparently to make it even more fun to play.

The fate of the world is in the hands of these guys. It is they who have to save the world from another zombie uprising.

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