Types of competitions in urban sports. goroshny sports

goroshny sports what is it, we think many will ask this question when they hear an unfamiliar phrase. It's just an interpretation famous game"towns". Wikipedia describes the meaning of this sport as "towns". And so we give a definition - this is a game related to Russian folk sports amusements. The meaning of which is to knock out the constructed figures by throwing a stick.

History of appearance

City sports have been around for more than two centuries. It was played by both villagers and city dwellers. But the “towns” gained particular popularity in the first half of the 20th century, when championships began to be held among representatives of the republics in the USSR.

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Game for children

"Gorodki", first of all, a game of preschool and school age. This fun was popular with almost all generations, without losing its relevance in our time.

It is included in the school physical education course in some educational institutions.

In children, she brings up:

  • Team spirit;
  • craving for victory;
  • Responsibility for the result.


What is this sport? City sports are played by two players. Everyone has a bit. Still need 10 "ruh". These are wooden blocks 10-15 cm long with a bit diameter.

On the site where the game is planned to take place, markings are made in the form of two cities. At a distance of 3 meters from them, a boundary line is made from which the participants will throw the bat.

  • The one who starts the game is chosen by lot;
  • “Ryuhi” are placed on the playing field, denoting special figures (15 types in total);
  • The goal of each participant for minimal amount knock out all the "ruhi" once;
  • Players throw a battle, observing the turn;
  • The team whose players get rid of all the pieces the fastest wins.

As you can see, the rules are simple, but you can’t call urban sports easy, because physical activity is really high. Plus, emotional experience for yourself and the team brings additional stress.

Why is it good for children

City sports are very welcome as a tool in the additional development of children.

And it provides benefits such as:

  • the level of the human motor system increases, because the game requires special intensity.
  • improved coordination due to throwing bits;
  • conscious thinking in the game, as it requires thoughtfulness of actions;
  • attentiveness;
  • responsibility.

It is especially useful when these qualities develop in a child at an early age. preschool age, as it is a good basis for studying at school and being in a team of classmates.

Now you know the gorod sport what it is and how it is useful. Take care and take care of your health.

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City sports are familiar to everyone as small towns. This is a sports direction with a very rich history of development. Moreover, this is a primordially Slavic game that originated in the 8th century. It became widespread both among the peasants and among the urban population.

In the 9th century, the towns were finally formed as sport game with specific rules and became part of the Olympics. And since 1936, championships of the Soviet Union began to be held in this sport. In 1993, the International Urban Sports Federation was organized.

In historical reports, there is evidence that Peter I and Alexander Suvorov loved goroshny "fights". Russian writers Tolstoy, Gorky and Andreev, singer Chaliapin and musician Stasov, scientist Pavlov, as well as notorious political activists Lenin, Stalin, Kalinin, Voroshilov were also fond of them.

Almost all the tournaments held were won by Moscow athletes. Semyon Gromov became the champion of the USSR in urban sports.

Since 2000, deputies and even the head of state began to join the matches. So, at the sixth All-Russian Games in Izhevsk, V.V. took part in the tournament. Putin. And at the International Forum called "Russia - a Sports Power", the Minister of Sports V.L. Mutko.

Previously, the areas for confrontation were only fixed. Now there are collapsible platforms that are easily installed on a horizontal surface.

How to play towns

The essence of the battle is to knock out several combinations in turn with a bat, consisting of five "towns" - cylindrical columns of wood. The one who does it with the least number of throws wins.

Playground and bats

It is called "city" and its parameters are 2 by 2 meters. The field must have an absolutely flat surface and a fence. Throws are made from a long distance - 13 meters (called "kon") and from the near - 6.5 meters ("half-con"). Towns are installed with a diameter of 5 cm, and their length is at least 20 cm.

The bats are 1 meter long and each player has two of them. Bits can be:
  • Composite - round, without restrictions on weight and size.
  • From polymeric materials - weighing up to 2 kg.

During the competition, the site is equipped with a wall for beating, as well as a visor in case of precipitation and lanterns for the dark.

Rules of the game

Both two opponents and two teams of five people each can play. The team starts the game on the right field. As soon as she hits a couple of beats, another group is turned on. And so on in order. In a game, from five to fifteen figures with certain names are played in the established order. How many throws must be made is agreed by the parties in advance. The winner is the one who wins two games in a row.

Each figure is knocked out from a long distance, and if it comes out at least to hurt it, they move to the near one. Only the last combination breaks through exclusively from the horse.

A hit does not count when:
  • The player touched the foul line with the bat.
  • The kicker stepped over the "con".
  • A member of the team spent more than 15 seconds preparing for the throw.

If the hit is not counted, all towns return to their original position. It is forbidden to take another hit.

In the process of a city “battle”, the parties have the right to change, simplify or complicate the requirements, with the exception of the main principles (the number and order of throws, as well as the rules for counting them).

Throw technique
The throw in the game is performed in the following sequence of movements:
  • The bat is held with the hand (“grip”).
  • The right leg is placed to the line at an angle of 45 degrees, and the left leg is set aside to the left (“stand”).
  • The shoulders are pulled back and the weight is transferred to the jogging leg (“swing”).
  • Move the left leg, stretching the whole body forward (“acceleration”).
  • The shoulder is served forward, controlling the bat with the hand (“throw”).

Types of city sports

There are classic, Finnish and European towns.

The essence of the classic tournament is to knock out combinations from a square court ("city"). The game uses 5 "towns" in the form of cylinders, of which 15 figures are made in order. For impact, meter bits are used, made of wood and metal, the weight of which is not limited.

Eurotowns differ in the type of town, the number of figures and the bits used. The town is a square prism. The figures, as well as in the traditional version, are made up of five towns, but 16 of them are played out: 15 traditional ones and one more, called "fax". They throw polymer bits weighing up to 2 kg without additional inserts.

Finnish towns are played with wooden sticks on a dirt field as follows: small cylinders are knocked out from a set distance. In a team battle, the number of cylinders knocked out is 20 pairs, and in a personal battle, 10 pairs.

Problems and prospects of urban sports

After World War II, boroughs were a very famous sport. They were second only to football. But at the end of the twentieth century, this game began to lose its significance. After the collapse of the USSR and the crisis in the economy caused by this, gorod sport ceased to exist in many parts of our vast country.

According to experts, this was due to the fact that Russia began to focus on the West in many respects, including in sports. Those types of competitions that were distributed throughout the world continued their development and acquired a commercial basis. And ethnic sports - lapta, Russian hockey and goroshny sports - were left out.

Previously, meetings between regions were held in city sports, there were teams of regions that participated in all-Russian competitions. Today, the towns do not participate in the Olympic program, unlike, say, rugby and golf. After all, to get there, a sports game must be developed in at least 75 countries. And on the account of towns so far there are only about 20. So far, only the European Cup has been held in this sport.

But meanwhile, the city "battle" is extraordinarily spectacular and can have good ratings to be popular on television. This sport trains accuracy, strength, the ability to weigh the state of affairs and make decisions - those properties that have been revered at all times. And it’s very simple to organize a territory for the game - there are plastic playgrounds that can be assembled and disassembled, which can be selected for any parameters. And it may not be very expensive to buy them. This sport can be introduced in school lessons. physical education, arrange demonstrations.

The revival of gorod sports is the revival of national traditions and culture. But this requires an administrative resource, the interest of the authorities, financial investments and, of course, a bet on the mass character. We need to involve young people, new promising sports personnel in the game. It will require the development of youth sports, the promotion of all areas of the game, the organization of the activities of professional clubs, and, of course, participation in international competitions different levels, including inclusion in the program of the World Olympics. It is possible that the implementation of these ideas can be carried out by the International Federation of Gorosh Sports, which approved in 2006 the concept of popularization of all areas of the gorosh game and their entry into the world arena.

Gorodki sport, formed from the ancient Russian game of gorodki, is the only native Russian sport that is not contested by anyone in the world. The history of this game has at least two millennia. The game of gorodki has always had a military-applied significance, being a psycho-physical system of combat training of soldiers.
The first Russian Nobel Prize winner I.P. Pavlov put towns in first place in terms of favorable physical effects on the body from the point of view of physiology. Since 1900, he has always advocated the inclusion of campuses in the education system. In various historical periods, gorodki were played, in addition to the common people, by the largest figures of culture and science, leaders of the state. The game of towns contributes to the comprehensive development of a person. In 1920 - 1923, local teachers of the Vseobuch department created goroshny sports.
Since 1922, the camps have been part of the system of physical training of the soldiers of the Red Army. In 1933, the townships were included in the all-Union complex of the TRP and BGTO, as well as in all sports and athletics of the regions of the RSFSR and a number of national union republics. In the post-war years, the towns were among the most popular sports. So, in 1969, more than 920 thousand people were engaged in sports sections of the republics of the USSR alone. The game of towns and its various varieties was one of the most common yard games.
The years of perestroika and the 1990s led to a crisis in gorosh sports. In many regions, it was lost, and the cultural and historical traditions of the game were forgotten. As a result, today we already have two generations of our compatriots who are not familiar with the original Russian sport, and therefore are unfamiliar with a significant part of sports and patriotic traditions.
The project is aimed at broadly informing the citizens of the Russian Federation and patriotic education of young people, since the game of gorodok and goroshny sports are an integral part of our national culture. The project will allow the development of publicly available methods and preserve an objective story about the game of gorodki.
The project involves the preparation and publication of the two-volume "History of Gorodki Sports", the popular publication "Gorodki - the eternal game of the great people." The published materials are proposed to be transferred to the libraries of all regions, major cities and universities of the country, sports departments of universities, as well as to educational and cultural institutions.
The project involves wide information coverage and holding presentations and seminars on urban sports in at least 48 regions of Russia.


  1. Preparation of educational and methodological reference publications on the history of the game of gorodki and gorosh sports in order to revive gorosh sports in the regions, patriotic education citizens of Russia, attracting them to a healthy lifestyle through gorodki sports and playing gorodki.
  2. Conducting mass presentations and seminars on city sports based on publications in order to revive and develop the national sport throughout the country.


  1. Preservation of knowledge about the history of the game in gorodki and the traditions of gorodki sports, popularization of the game through publications and the solution of the issue of creating a methodological basis for the mass development of gorodki sports.
  2. Consolidation of the inhabitants of our country on the basis of love and respect for national sports and universal low-cost folk sports practices.

Substantiation of social significance

Unfortunately, at present, the traditions of gorodki sports and the cultural and historical component of the game of gorodki are forgotten in many regions of Russia. Thus, not only the exceptional health-improving possibilities of the population are narrowed, but also a noticeable layer of historical culture has been lost.
Due to its accessibility, mass character and low cost of sports equipment, the development of the game of gorodki and gorodskogo sports can significantly affect the formation healthy lifestyle life in our country. Knowledge of the origins of the game, its foundations, and regional history will make it possible to quickly introduce gorodki as an exceptional mechanism for educating patriotism and a healthy lifestyle into the widespread practice of Russian society.
At the international Forum "Russia - a sports power!", Which was held in October 2016 in the Vladimir region, President V.V. Putin and Minister of Sports V.L. Mutko paid special attention to the development of gorosh sports as part of national culture and practice. Gorodoki can be considered as a national sports brand of Russia with Olympic prospects. In October 2016, gorod sports were given international status, and in August 2017, Russian gorod sports won a confident team victory at the 7th World Gorod Sports Championship, which was held in the German city of Karlsruhe.
Representatives of the Federation of Gorodki Sports of Russia from different regions have accumulated the necessary information for the publication of special materials in mass circulation throughout the country in order to achieve these goals and to widely inform all groups of the population about the game of gorodki.
The implementation of the project is of great social importance, as it affects wide categories of the population. The project is aimed at preserving national traditions, promoting a healthy lifestyle based on goroshny sports and playing gorodki.

Project geography

All subjects of the Russian Federation.

Target groups

  1. organizers of physical culture work at the place of residence, in organizations and labor collectives, law enforcement agencies
  2. representatives of authorities at various levels
  3. representatives of educational and cultural authorities
  4. medical and rehabilitation professionals
  5. All age groups population older than three years

The game of towns consists in knocking out pieces built from five towns from a limited area called a "city" with bats from a certain distance.

For the game of towns, 15 pieces are used. The sequence and their correct setting in a batch of 15 figures is shown in the figure:

1. Cannon 2. Fork 3. Star
4. Arrow 5. Well 6. Crankshaft
7. Artillery 8. Racket 9. Machine gun nest
10 Cancer 11. Sentinels 12. Sickle
13. Tyr 14. Plane 15. Letter

The winner is the player or team that spends the least number of bits to knock out the figures. The pieces start to knock out from the knight (far line). If at least one town is knocked out, the remaining ones are knocked out from the semi-con (near lane); the “closed letter” figure is knocked out only from the horse, and first - the town in the center, denoting the “mark”. In each game, 6, 10 or 15 pieces can be played. All figures, except for the 15th, are built on the front line of the city. The town is considered to be knocked out when it has completely entered the back or side lines of the city. If the town flies forward to the foul line or beyond it in the direction of the semi-con, then it is placed in the suburbs, against the city center: 20 cm from the foul line, if at least one town is knocked out of the figure or 40 cm, if not knocked out of the figure not a single town. A town that has gone beyond the line and again rolled into a city or suburb is considered to be knocked out.

The city site is located on a flat horizontal area measuring 30 (22) x 15 (12) meters.

The area bounded by two side lines and the front bar, from which the figures are thrown, is called a horse. The distance from the bar to the end line is 13 m or 6.5 m.
The area bounded by the side lines, the front bar and the pommel bar at the back, from which throws are made after knocking out at least one town (except for the “Letter” figure), is called a half-cone. The distance from the front bar of the polycon to the front line is 6.5 m.
The surface of horses and semi-cones must be hard enough to prevent shoes from slipping. The most preferred surface is asphalt.

"City" - a zone having the shape of a square with a side of 2 m, within which the figures are installed.
"Suburb" - a zone located between the front and penalty lines, limited from the sides by continuations of the "city" diagonals. In the center of the "suburb" at a distance of 20 and 40 cm from the penalty line, two marks 20 cm long are applied to install penal towns on them.

The penalty line and the area in front of it are called the penalty area. It is covered with sand or covered with an aqueous suspension of chalk.

The sheets on which two “cities” with “suburbs” are marked must have a size of at least 8.0 x 3.5 m and be located strictly horizontally (a town calmly laid anywhere in a “city” or “suburb” should not spontaneously roll in any direction, provided that there are no influences on it - wind, shaking of the site.

The side lines of the horse and semi-cone must be strictly opposite the side lines of the "city", taking into account the fact that the width of the boundary lines of the "city" and the side lines of the "suburb" is included in the dimensions of the "city", "suburb", and the width of the boundary lines of the horse and semi-cone in these zones are not included.

Marking lines 2 cm wide are painted with paint that contrasts with the coating.

International Urban Sports Federation

Federation of urban sports of Russia





Russian Federation,


City sports:

Basic concepts, technique and tactics of the game.

The author, the Honored Master of Sports of Russia, reveals in his book the basics of gorod sports, starting with the basic concepts, rules of the game, the ABC of technical and tactical skills, and ending with the details of the technique, as well as tactical schemes designed to help mature athletes further improve their skills.

The book is addressed to both novice athletes and coaches, as well as experienced specialists in the field of urban sports.

In this book, I have made an attempt to help athletes and coaches working in urban sports avoid a long search for a truly effective basic throw technique, without which high and stable sports results are impossible. Mastering it as a whole, along with the use of tactical options described in the book, will enable athletes and their mentors to reassess their capabilities and the prospects of their students.

Each athlete should ask himself the question: “Am I satisfied with the quality of my game and the level of my preparedness?”. If the answer is yes, there is no need to open this book. If an athlete is dissatisfied with his game and certainly wants to improve his skills, then welcome to the fascinating world of city sports.

This book is a logical continuation of the book "GORODOKI: Born by the people - a modern sports game (Theory, methodology, practice)", Honored Master of Sports of Russia, Honored Coach of Russia Nikolai Dmitrievich Nikitin. I am very grateful to him for his help in the preparation of this publication.

Dear friends! I wish all town dwellers victories and records!

Sincerely, Vasily Dukhanin

1. Basic concepts and rules of the game.

1.1. Town game. Urban figures.

1.2. Playground. Equipment. Inventory.

1.3. Rules and procedure for conducting the game.

1.3.1. The order of the game.

1.3.2. A beaten and unbeaten town.

1.3.3. "Lost" throw.

1.3.4. win the game and final result games.

1.4. Determination of competition results.

1.5. Simplified rules.

2.Terminology and some characteristics

in urban sports.

2.1. Reversal, under-reversal and over-reversal of the bit.

2.2. Frontal hit, undershot, transfer, covering.

2.3. Centering, withdrawal and underdrive of the bit.

2.4. "Softness" and "hardness" of landing bits.

2.5. "Lost" throw.

2.6. Penalty zone.

2.7. "Penalty" town.

2.8. "City" and "suburb".

2.9. Con and semi-con.

2.10. Bit rotation planes (ascending, descending, normal, reverse, ascending).

3. Fundamentals of technical skill.

3.1. Optimal parameters of the main phases of the throw.

3.1.1. Grip of the bat handle.

3.1.2. Initial position.

3.1.3. Swing.

3.2. The main problems that arise in the process of training and how to eliminate them.

3.2.1. Bit Relative Angular Speed ​​Optimization

3.2.2. Creation of planes of rotation of the bit, necessary for knocking out various figures and combinations of towns.

3.2.4. Stabilization of the flight path of the bit. The main ways to change the trajectory.

4.1. Figure knockout tactics.

4.1.3. The tactic of knocking out the “well” figure.

4.1.5. The tactic of knocking out the "letter" figure.

4.2. Tactics of the game from the semi-con.

4.2.2. Knocking out combinations with the right front town.

4.2.3. Knocking out combinations with the left front town.

4.2.4. Hitting wide combinations.

4.2.5. Knocking out combinations from the “hour” and “shooting” figures with a change

4.2.6. Knocking out combinations of towns from the figure "sentinel" and "shooting gallery" with a change in the plane of rotation

4.2.7. Knocking out complex combinations consisting of several towns.

1. Basic concepts and rules of the game.

1.1. Game of towns. Urban figures.

The game of towns consists of knocking out pieces built from five towns from a limited area called a "city" with beats from a certain distance.

For the game of towns, 15 pieces are used.

The sequence and correct setting in a batch of 15 figures is shown in Figure 1.


The sequence of placing and knocking out figures in a party of 10 figures for younger boys is as follows: 1. "Cannon", 2. "Fork", 3. "Well", 4. "Arrow", 5. "Artillery", 6. "Sickle" , 7. Machine Gun Nest, 8. Airplane, 9. Shooting Range, 10. Letter.

1.2.Playground. Equipment. Inventory.

1.2.1. The goroshnaya site is located on a flat horizontal area measuring x meters (Fig. 2).

1.2.2. City site equipment:

A playing surface (metal sheets) measuring 8m x 3.5m, on which the lines of “cities” and “suburbs” are applied with paint (Fig. 3.). The optimal thickness of the sheet is 10-12 mm;

Baffle wall and fencing;

Planks of horses and semi-cones.

1.2.3. The town can take the form of a cylinder with a diameter of mm or a rectangular parallelepiped having a square section with a side of 45 - 47 mm, a length of 200 + _ 1 mm.

The town is made of wood, can be painted and should not have any cavities. The edges of the ends and faces of the towns should have a chamfer of 2-3 mm and be even (Fig. 4).

1.2.4. The bat is a round rod no more than a meter long, of arbitrary weight and diameter. The bit is assembled from inserts, bushings, an end sleeve and a handle. It is most expedient to make inserts from wood-laminated plastic or dogwood. Handles - from textolite rods or dogwood, bushings from seamless steel pipe (Fig. 5.). The sleeve length must be at least twice the insert diameter. The inserts must be tightly connected to the bushings and secured by punching or other method of fastening. The distance from the edge of the sleeve to the attachment point is 10-15 mm (with the exception of the handle attachment). Component parts should not have mutual movements.

For mass competitions, bats made of hardwood or polymeric materials of any design that ensures safety are allowed.

1.3. Rules and procedure for conducting the game.

1.3.1. The order of the game.

All figures begin to knock out from the horse. If at least one town is knocked out, then the rest are knocked out from the semi-con. The “Letter” figure is knocked out only from the knight. Adults and older boys play from a horse 13 m, children and teenagers under 15 years old - from 6.5 m.

The team (participant) of the right "city" starts the game, then the opponents perform throws in turn, using two bits in each exit.

Participants of both teams during the throws must be on the side of their "cities".

1.3.2. A beaten and unbeaten town.

The position of the town that has stopped near the border of the "city" or "suburb" from the outside, the judge determines visually, looking from above vertically. If a gap is visible between the line and the town, then the town is considered to be knocked out.

The town that rolled out of the "city" and "suburb" and rolled back is considered to be knocked out.

A town is considered to be knocked out if it is completely out of the "city" or "suburb" in any direction other than the penalty area.

A town(s) that has rolled over the penalty mark and left the boundaries of the "city" or "suburb" is considered to be knocked out if it did not touch the surface above the penalty area. A town(s) that touches the pavement above a penalty area is placed on a penalty spot.

1.3.3. "Lost" roll.

Throw counts "lost" and the location of towns is restored if:

Player in one run team game rolled for the third time or more.

1.3.4. Winning the game and the final result of the game.

The game is considered won by the team that knocked out all the pieces of this game with fewer bits. With an equal number of bits spent on knocking out all the pieces, the game is considered a draw.

The game is won by one of the teams if:

In a game of three games, the score is 2:0, 2:1, 2.5:0.5;

In a game of five games, the score is 3:0, 3:1, 3:2, 3.5:1.5, 3.5:0.5.

With a score of 1.5:1.5 and 2.5:2.5, respectively, the result of the game is a draw.

1.4. Determining the results of the competition.

In competitions for knocking out a set number of figures, the places of participants are determined by the smallest number of bits, and in competitions held in a round-robin way, the places of participants (teams) are determined by the number of points scored awarded for a victory or a draw in games with each opponent (team).

1.5 Simplified rules.

Mass competitions in physical education groups, youth and children's camps, and other places of recreation can be held according to simplified rules. At the same time, it is recommended to keep the dimensions of the site. The composition of the team can be arbitrary. Towns and bits may not comply with the requirements of the Rules. Particular attention must be paid to ensuring the safety of participants and spectators. You can determine the winner by the number of knocked out towns with a limited number of bits. In team and individual competitions, keeping records is not necessary, it is enough to record the final result of the game in the table.

2. Terminology and some characteristics in urban sports.

2.1. Reversal, under-reversal and over-reversal of the bit.

U-turn the position of the bit is considered to be parallel to the front line. The situation when the half of the bit with the same name to the throwing hand is ahead of the opposite is called reversal. Reverse position - underreversal.

2.2. Frontal hit, undershoot, transfer, cover.

Hitting the bat in the front of a figure or town is called frontal. The shortfall of the bit to the towns or figures - unkind, flight bits through the towns - flip. covering called getting into the upper part of the towns.

2.3. Centering, center strike, withdrawal and non-driving of the bit.

centering called the process of aiming a bit at a target in a horizontal plane. center shot called hitting a town or figure in the middle of a bat . Withdrawal- this is a hit on the target with a part of the bat located on the side of the throwing hand . disclaimer- hitting the opposite throwing hand with part of the bat.

2.4. "Softness" and "hardness" of landing bits.

Landing a bat without bouncing off the playing surface is called "soft" with rebound - "hard".

2.5. "Lost" throw.

"Lost" is called an unsuccessful roll, after which the location of the towns is restored.

A throw is considered "lost" if:

The throw is made before the whistle of the referee;

The bat touched the penalty area or the covering above it;

A player in one run of a team game made a throw for the third time or more;

The player in the period from the beginning of the swing to the landing of the bit stepped on the boundary line (bar) or jumped out of it and touched the surface outside the horse (half-cone) with any part of the body. In this case, the position of the towns may not be restored if the restoration is beneficial to the participant (team) who violated the Rules.

2.6. Penalty zone.

The penalty line and the area in front of it is called penalty area. It is covered with sand or covered with an aqueous suspension of chalk.

2.7. "Penalty" town.

"Penalty" a town is called a town that has rolled into the “suburb” at a distance of less than 20 cm (40 cm for younger boys and for knocking out older boys and adults) from the penalty line or rolled over it. It is set at a distance of 20 cm (40 cm) from the foul line parallel to it against the center of the "city". If there are several such towns, then they are installed end-to-end to each other.

2.8. "City" and "suburb".

"City" And "suburb" the zones are called, from the limits of which it is necessary to knock out the towns located in them (see clause 1.2.1.). "City"- this is a zone that has the shape of a square with a side of 2 m, within which figures are built. "Suburb"- the zone located between the front and penalty lines, limited from the sides by the continuation of the diagonals of the "city".

2.9. Con and semi-con.

The area bounded by the two side lines and the front bar, from which the pieces are thrown, is called konom. The distance from the bar to the end line is 13 m (for adults) and 6.5 m (for children and adolescents under 15 years old).

The area bounded by the side lines, the front bar and the pommel bar from behind, from which throws are made after knocking out at least one town of a piece (except for the “Letter” figure), is called semicon. The distance from the front bar of the half-cone to the front line is 6.5 m.

The surface of horses and semi-cones must be hard enough to prevent shoes from slipping. The most preferred surface is asphalt.

2.10. Bit rotation planes (horizontal, ascending, descending, normal, reverse).

. Horizontal the plane of rotation of the bit is a plane parallel to the playing surface. If the plane in which the bit rotates is tilted back (toward the thrower), this is ascending plane, if forward (on the figure) - descending. If the plane of rotation of the bat is tilted to the same side as the throwing hand, this is normal plane, in the opposite direction - reverse.

3. Fundamentals of technical skill.

3.1. Optimal parameters for the implementation of the main phases of the throw.

3.1.1. Grip of the bat handle.

The best options for throwing can be considered a medium or small grip to the lock.

3.1.2. Initial position.

Before the start of the throw, the athlete must take a position from which it is convenient to perform the necessary movements.

The foot of the right foot is turned at an angle of 30-45 degrees to the direction of the throw, the left foot is slightly ahead, in the direction of the figure, at a distance of about 15 cm. The position of the body is natural relative to the position of the legs, the shoulders are relaxed, the head is facing the figure.

The left hand holds the bat at some distance from the right. The longitudinal axis of the bit is aimed at the figure. The weight of the body is concentrated on the right leg. The right arm is bent at the elbow by 90 degrees, the elbow is slightly pressed to the body, the palm is up.

3.1.3. Swing.

The movement from the starting position begins with the abduction back and turning to the right of the shoulder girdle and pelvis with the simultaneous abduction of the forearm and the bit in an arc down - to the side - back, followed by straightening of the right arm. The right leg is slightly bent at the knee joint, the left slides along the support in the direction of the figure, with the outer side of the foot forward, until straightened. The left hand accompanies the bat without touching it, twisting the spinal column. In the final phase of the swing, the right hand reaches approximately the center line of the direction of the throw. The center of gravity of the bit by inertia goes a little further, retracting the hand and forming an angle between the longitudinal axis of the forearm and the axis of the bit.

During the swing, the projection of the common center of mass should pass through the front of the right foot.

3.1.4. Acceleration and pointing bits at the target.

Acceleration of the bit begins immediately after the completion of the backward movement of the bit, with a powerful turn of two legs on toes, with a simultaneous turn of the pelvis. At the same time, it is necessary to remain in a two-point position, thereby ensuring the greatest stability, as the basis for effective powerful acceleration and accurate aiming of the bit at the target.

Following a powerful turn of the legs and pelvis, the torso and shoulder girdle are actively unfolding. The throw is performed while holding the breath while inhaling, which allows you to create a more rigid support, to complete the accurate aiming of the bat at the target.

The left elbow makes an active movement to the side back. This sharp jerk of the left hand bent at the elbow joint allows you to keep the torso from tilting forward and deploy the shoulder girdle sufficiently.

Along with the start of the acceleration, the right hand is brought as close to the body as possible to counteract the centrifugal force and provide control over the bat at the moment of a powerful turn of the legs and torso. The palm, throughout the throw, is directed upwards. It is necessary to strive so that the right hand does not move forward, but in front of the body to the left, due to the turn of the legs and torso.

3.2. The main problems that arise in the process of training, and how to eliminate them.

3.2.1. Bit Relative Angular Velocity Optimization (RVR).

When the relative angular velocity of rotation (RAR) is too high, the bits experience difficulties associated with a very close stance, making it difficult or impossible to knock out some figures. With a small VSW bit, the main problem is the distant stance, which makes it difficult to accurately hit the target

Ways to change the relative angular velocity of rotation of the bit.



1. Supination of the hand (palm up).

2. Reducing the depth of grip of the handle.

3. Weakening the grip of the handle.

4. Decreased torso tilt towards the throwing arm.

5. Decreasing the amplitude of the swing of the bit.

6. Reducing the length of the step and moving the body forward.

7. Increasing the weight of the bit.

8. Approaching the center of gravity to the bit handle.

1. Increasing the depth of the grip of the handle.

2. Increasing the inclination of the torso towards the bit.

3. Increasing the amplitude of the swing.

4.Reducing the weight of the bit.

5. Removing the center of gravity from the bit handle.

NOTE: The table shows the most expedient and practical ways to change the OCSL bit. To optimize the relative angular velocity of rotation of the bit, it is necessary to choose an acceptable way for the athlete to solve the problem and master it.

3.2.2. Creation of planes of rotation necessary for knocking out various figures and combinations of towns.

horizontal plane always results in a "hard" landing and is only applicable to knocking out the figures "Well", "Machine gun nest" and "Sentries". Its use when knocking out recumbent figures is impractical.

normal plane it is useful when knocking out lying figures, as it provides a “soft” landing of the bat. It is often used when knocking out the “Machine Gun Nest” and “Tiring” figures, in combination with under-turning of the bat, as well as when knocking out the “Sentry” figures (if there is a slight over-turning). In half-knee play, it is used when hitting combinations with front right and front left town (under-turn) and combinations that require turning and re-turning the bat (landing the bat with the handle on the right).

Reverse plane is used to knock out the "Well" figure, as it provides a rebound from the playing surface. It is also necessary when knocking out combinations with towns located in the “suburbs”, provided that the bat is landed with a handle on the left and combinations from the “Sentry” figure with the right “bunch”.

ascending plane provides "softness" of the landing of the bit during underturning and "rigidity" - on the turn and return of the bit. A “soft” landing is necessary for knocking out the lying pieces and most combinations of towns, and a “hard” one is for knocking out the “Well” figure.

descending plane contributes to a "soft" landing on the re-turn of the bit and a "hard" one - when turning and under-turning. “Softness” is needed to knock out combinations of towns with a “double” on the re-turn (including in the “Letter” figure). "Rigidity" on the underturn of the bat is one of the main mistakes when knocking out lying figures. It is the main reason for the inefficiency of downward throws.

In practice, in its pure form, planes are rare, most commonly used are normally descending and normally ascending planes, which give a margin of “softness”, as well as a reverse-ascending plane, which provides the necessary rebound of the bit.

If the angle of inclination of the plane of rotation of the bat is prohibitive, then this leads to its rebound from the playing surface and, consequently, to a decrease in the effectiveness of the throw, especially for lying figures.

The plane of rotation of the bit, most often, corresponds to the plane of rotation of the athlete's shoulder girdle at the moment of acceleration of the bit, which, along with other factors (the position of the hand, the spatial orientation of the bit during the swing, etc.), is the determining link, changing which, you can achieve required plane.

To change the plane of rotation of the bit, you need to change the position of the torso: tilting to the left leads to the reverse plane, to the right to normal, forward to downward and back to upward.

Compliance with the optimal parameters for the implementation of the main phases of the throw (clause 3.1.) is a prerequisite for changing the plane of rotation of the bit.

3.2.3. Stabilization of centering for effective knocking out of figures and combinations of towns.

The degree of centering accuracy required to knock out a piece or combination of towns, first of all, depends on the complexity of the piece or combination (its extension relative to the end line). The most simple figures for centering are: "Cannon", "Arrow", "Well", "Racket", "Machine gun nest", "Cancer", "Tir", "Airplane". Figures of medium complexity - "Star", "Sickle", "Letter". The most difficult to center are: "Fork", "Crankshaft", "Artillery", "Sentry".

The main causes of misalignment are:

Leading (removing) the hand with the bat from the body in the acceleration phase of the bat;

Insufficient turn of the legs and torso;

Too fast start of acceleration of the bit and low level of special physical fitness of the athlete;

Torso tilt forward when accelerating the bit;

Pronation (inward turn) of the throwing hand.

The ability of an athlete to hit the target with the necessary centering accuracy depends on the following conditions:

1. Counteracting the withdrawal of the throwing arm from the body, which reduces the influence of the large muscles of the body on the bat hand. The fulfillment of this condition allows to improve the control over the bat at the moment of acceleration. Otherwise, the throwing arm lags behind the body during acceleration, with its subsequent overtaking of the shoulder girdle when the bit is brought to the target. This significantly reduces the quality of alignment.

2. Increasing the angle of rotation of the legs around their axes, passing through the front of the feet, and the body to the left, while maintaining a stable position of the axis of rotation (vertebral column). This allows you to save the turning radius of the C.T. bit. Deterioration of centering is observed with insufficient turn of the legs and torso and aiming the bat at the target with the throwing hand, with the legs, shoulder girdle and left hand already in a motionless position. In this case, there is a decrease in the turning radius of the C.T. bit (the center of the turn is shifted from the spine to the shoulder joint of the throwing arm), which leads to a shift in the flight path of the bit to the left (withdrawal of the bit) even when the bit is released at the same point. An unstable position of the turn axis (for example, when the torso is tilted forward) leads to an increase in the radius of rotation of the C. T. bit, and, consequently, to a shift in the flight path of the bit to the right, even when releasing the bit at the same point.

3. Increasing the level of special physical fitness (SFP) and the rational use of various muscle groups involved in acceleration and aiming the bat at the target. Too fast start of acceleration or insufficient level of SFP leads to lagging of the throwing hand in the acceleration phase and displacement of the flight path of the bit to the left (withdrawal), in case of involuntary compensation by the hand in the ejection phase. If the centrifugal force does not allow you to hold the bat in your hand, then this leads to premature ejection of the bat and its failure to reach the target.

Increasing the level of SFP will increase the speed of the flight of the bit without disturbing the structure of the throw, due to the better functional readiness of the muscles and ligaments to perform dynamic and static work of greater volume and intensity.

The rational use of different muscle groups depends on the quality of the organization of their work at the time of the throw. To avoid a too abrupt start, and also to create optimal conditions for aiming the bat at the target, the throw begins with a powerful turn of two legs around the axes passing through the balls of the toes below and the hip joints at the top. Turning the legs 180 degrees contributes to a powerful turn of the pelvis around the vertical axis. At the same time, the muscles of the trunk and shoulder girdle perform static work to keep the position of the shoulder girdle motionless, relative to the pelvis, and to keep the hand with the bat in the swing position, counteracting centrifugal forces and overcoming the inertia of the projectile. After a complete turn of the legs and pelvis, the modes of operation of the legs and torso change. The legs become enslaved at the end point of the turn, creating a solid foothold - the basis for the effective operation of the upper links of the "man-bat" system. The muscles of the torso and shoulder girdle continue to work dynamically to further turn the system around the spinal column, pointing the hand with the bat at the target. The active movement of the body by inertia turns the legs and pelvis further.

An indispensable condition for successful centering is a stable, in relation to the body, position of the throwing arm, up to the release. "Whip" with a brush is performed in a passive mode, due to the forces of inertia, after the forearm stops. The problem with centering, in this case, is solved due to the start of acceleration of the bit due to large, and therefore slower muscles, followed by a smooth increase in speed, ensuring accurate aiming of the bit on the target.

4. Keeping the vertical position of the torso during acceleration and pointing the bit at the target. A very serious cause of misalignment is the tilt of the torso forward when accelerating the bit. It leads to the impossibility of further rotation of the trunk to the left, which gives rise to uncontrolled compensation with the throwing arm and pronation of the forearm and hand. The result of this is a decrease in the acceleration radius of the C.T. bit due to the shift of the turn axis to the shoulder joint and a change in the position of the C.T. bit at the moment of ejection due to the pronation of the forearm and hand. Both of these factors cause the bit's flight path to shift to the left.

Maintaining the verticality of the body is achieved using the following techniques:

a) the beginning of acceleration by turning the legs and pelvis;

b) creating a “stretched bow” position by bringing the hips forward, with their simultaneous turn;

c) active turn back of the left elbow and the left half of the body;

d) formation of an axis of turn passing through the fingertips, the thigh of the left leg and the spinal column of the athlete due to the uniform distribution of the common center of mass of the “man-bit” system on both legs, with simultaneous displacement of the pelvis towards the left leg.

5. Supination of the forearm and hand. Insufficient supination of the hand leads to a violation of the centering, as well as to the “stiffness” of the landing and the underturning of the bit, regardless of the inclination of the body.

Supination significantly stabilizes centering and is achieved in the following ways:

a) fixing the supinated position of the hand at the beginning of the throw and maintaining this position until the bat is thrown;

b) supination of the forearm and hand due to the advanced movement of the elbow of the throwing arm.

3.2.4. Stabilization of the flight path of the bit. The main ways to change it.

The level of the required trajectory is determined by the design features of the figure. The simplest category of figures that require hitting the playing surface of the "suburb" include: "Cannon", "Fork", "Star", "Arrow", "Crankshaft", "Artillery", "Racket", "Cancer", " Sickle", "Airplane", "Letter". The next, according to the complexity of getting into the trajectory, the figure is the “Well”. Here it is necessary to hit the playing surface of the "suburb" at a certain distance from the figure. This will provide the necessary rebound height of the bit. The most difficult are the tall figures: "Machine gun nest", "Sentinels" and "Tiring". In this case, it is required to hit the upper part of the figure without hitting the playing surface. To completely knock out the figure, the deviation from the optimal variant of the exact hit should not exceed 2-3 cm.

The instability of the flight path of the bit is the result of a number of reasons:

Unstable position of the body at the time of acceleration and ejection;

Changing the height of the bit at the end of the swing;

Unstable dynamic (power) characteristics of bit acceleration

Unstable position of the throwing hand at the moment of release;

Longitudinal (towards the figure) movement of the throwing arm before throwing;

Lag of the throwing arm due to a sharp start at the moment of acceleration;

Throwing a bit with a hand after tilting the torso forward;

Tossing the bat by hand after a weak acceleration.

Elimination of the above reasons will lead to the stabilization of the trajectory of the bit and increase the accuracy of hitting the target.

The main condition for the accuracy of the throw can be considered stable, stable position of the "man-bit" system. The two-support vertical position of the body should be considered optimal. An important condition is the consistent enslavement of the lower links of the system, the creation of the so-called "solid supports", which are the basis for optimizing the technique of precision-target movements.

The stability of the trajectory depends on stability of the level of the location of the bit at the end of the swing. A higher position of the bit leads to a decrease in the trajectory and, conversely, lowering the bit on the backswing leads to an increase in the trajectory.

Fixed position of the throwing arm relative to the body until the moment of release has a positive effect on the stabilization of the flight path of the bit. Taking the arm away from the body or changing the level of the trajectory of the movement of the arm leads to a change in the trajectory of the flight of the bit.

The transverse direction of movement of the throwing hand at the moment the bit is aimed at the target significantly stabilizes the trajectory of the flight of the bit, by maintaining the level of the trajectory of the movement of the hand, while, with the longitudinal (towards the target) movement of the arm, the arm is abducted from the body and the trajectory increases.

Maintaining a stable position of the throwing arm relative to the body during the acceleration of the bat allows you to effectively use the work of the legs and torso to impart a constant speed to the bit and maintain a stable flight path. A relaxed state of the shoulder girdle or a too sharp start of acceleration leads to a decrease in the flight path of the bit.

Eliminate the reasons for tossing the bat by hand, which leads to the stabilization of the flight path of the bit, occurs due to maintaining a stable vertical position of the body, powerful but smooth acceleration of the bit and maintaining the stability of the position of the throwing arm during acceleration. A decrease in the flight path of the bit due to forward tilt or weak acceleration leads to the manifestation of involuntary compensation of the body, which is expressed in tossing the bit by hand. These compensatory actions of the body most often lead to a decrease in the accuracy of the trajectory.

Knocking out various figures requires changing the flight path of the bat. To do this, you need to master the relevant skills:

Changing the position of the body. When the torso is tilted forward, the trajectory decreases (for example, as when knocking out a “penalty” town). When deviating back, it increases (for example, as when knocking out the rear towns from the “Letter” with a frontal blow).

Adduction to the body and removal of the throwing arm from it during acceleration and targeting changes the trajectory, respectively decreasing and increasing it, additionally increasing the speed and accuracy of the flight of the bit in the first case. When the arm is moved away from the body, there is a decrease in speed and accuracy.

Changing the level of location of the C. T. bits at the time of the swing. An increase in level leads to a decrease in the trajectory and vice versa.

Changing the position of the throwing hand at the time of the throw. At a higher position of the hand, the trajectory increases, and at a lower position, it decreases.

Change in the position of O. Ts.M. systems "man - bat" at the time of aiming at the target due to the straightening of the legs, it increases the trajectory, and due to bending, it decreases, giving rise to involuntary tossing of the bit, and making the throw ineffective.

4. Fundamentals of tactical skill.

4.1 Tactics of knocking out figures.

All figures can be divided into the following categories:

1. Simple figures;

2. Wide figures;

3. "Well";

4. Tall figures;

5. "Letter".

The group of simple pieces includes the pieces: "Cannon", "Star", "Arrow", "Racket", "Cancer", "Sickle", "Airplane", requiring a "soft" hit on the playing surface of the "suburb", and presents relatively low requirements for centering the throw.

The broad figures include the figures: "Fork", "Crankshaft" and "Artillery". To knock them out, precise centering and a “soft” landing of the bit in the “suburb” are necessary.

The “Well” figure is knocked out when it hits the “suburb”, at a certain distance from the figure with a rebound from the playing surface.

Tall figures ("Machine-gun nest", "Sentries", "Tir") are knocked out by hitting the "bundle" or near it (14 - 20 cm).

The “Letter” figure begins to be knocked out in various ways:

a) re-turning the bit with a “doublet”;

b) underturn with a hit on the towns of the starboard "side" and "mark" with a bat. Knocking out combinations of towns remaining after the first blows to the figure is carried out in various ways, which will be discussed below.

4.1.1. Tactics of knocking out simple figures.

The tactic of knocking out simple pieces should ensure a “soft” landing of the bat in the “suburb” at a certain distance from the figure, excluding the possibility of covering or getting into the “penalty” zone. Centering requirements increase with decreasing bat weight and increasing overturn.

A soft landing will be provided by a rational combination of the plane of rotation and the turn of the bat. In the presence of an ascending plane, it is necessary to knock out figures with a slight re-turn of the bit (departure 10–15 cm from the main rack). The descending plane provides reliable "softness" on a large re-turn of the bit (20-30 cm away from the O.S.). With a downward plane, a large undershoot of the bit should be avoided. The normal plane of rotation of the bat provides a "soft" landing of the bat, both in under-rotation and in over-rotation. The value of the slope of the bit should not be prohibitive.

4.1.2. Tactics of knocking out wide figures.

Wide figures, along with "softness", make higher demands on the centering of the throw, and tactical actions that provide a positive result for each figure have their own characteristics.

The “Fork” figure, in the presence of a normally ascending plane, is knocked out on a slight underturn of the bit (approach 10 cm from O.S.). With a normally descending plane, the figure should be knocked out on a re-turn (departure 15-20 cm from the OS), moreover, with a tighter hit on the figure. It is highly undesirable not to bring the bit. The normal plane will provide "softness" of the landing both under turn and over turn. A guarantee of a “soft” landing will be a sufficient angle of inclination of the plane of rotation of the bit, which should increase with an increase in undershoot, but it should not reach exorbitant values.

The “crankshaft” is knocked out by turning the bit, in an ascending plane, hitting the four right towns or all the towns of the figure. In the descending plane, it is knocked out by a re-turn (departure of 10-20 cm from the O.S.), with a smaller shortfall of the bit than when the bit is turned.

The figure "Artillery" is best knocked out with a turn or a re-turn, in an ascending plane. Deviation towards the normal plane improves the landing of the bit, if the angle of inclination of the bit to the surface at the moment of landing is not prohibitive.

4.1.3. The tactic of knocking out the "Well" figure.

Actions for knocking out the “well” largely depend on the “hardness” of the playing surface of the “suburb”, “softness” and the weight of the bit, the location of the C.T. bit. Considering these conditions, it can be considered optimal to hit the figure in the reverse plane, re-turn (departure 30-60 cm from the O.S.), the center of gravity of the bit, with a bad shot of 30-50 cm. With an increase in the "rigidity" of the playing surface, it is necessary to either reduce undershoot, or increase the reverse plane of rotation of the bit, or hit the figure with the withdrawal of the bit.

4.1.4. Tactics for knocking out high figures.

Tactical actions for knocking out high figures are based on the design features of the figures and the throwing style of the athlete.

The “machine gun nest” is knocked out in two ways: “through” and “roll out”.

The tactic of knocking out "through" includes hitting the figure with a turn, with a withdrawal, at a height cm (scheme No. 1).

Knocking out the “Machine-Gun Nest” with a “knock out” relies primarily on the style of the throw, its spatial features. Athletes who have a throw in a pronounced normal plane, or who have a distant main stance, are recommended to knock out a figure with an underturn (approach 30-70 cm from O.S.), getting into the left town at a height of 14-17 cm (diagram No. 2). Athletes who have a close main stance can be recommended to knock out the "Machine Gun Nest" by turning around (departure 30-50 cm from O.S.) hitting the right town at a height of 14-17 cm (diagram No. 3.). A positive result is possible only if the bat hits two standing towns of the figure.

The figure "Sentinels" is knocked out by hitting both "bundles" by turning the bit in a horizontal plane (diagram No. 4.). In the presence of a normal plane, the figure is knocked out by a re-turn (scheme No. 5.), in the reverse plane - by an under-turn (scheme No. 6). At the same time, it should be noted that deviations from the horizontal plane and the turn of the bit should be minimal.

The tactics of knocking out the “Tir” figure is similar to the tactical actions for knocking out the “Machine Gun Nest”, only hitting the figure should be 2-3 cm higher:

Actions to knock out the "Letter" are planned based on tactical expediency, and are divided into several stages:

1) Knocking out the starboard "side" and "brand";

2) Knocking out the left "side";

3) Knocking out the remaining towns.

Knocking out the right "side" from the "Letter" is carried out in two main ways: overturn and underturn. Each of these methods combines knocking out the starboard "side" and "mark" with one bat and knocking out only the starboard "side".

The tactic of knocking out the right “side” and “mark” by re-turning (departure 70-80 cm from the O.S.) is most suitable for athletes who have a close O.S. and perform throws in a normal or normally descending plane. The throw must be performed from the middle of the horse, with a center strike so that the front town of the starboard "side" knocks out the "mark" (scheme No. 9).

Knocking out the right “side” and “mark” with an underturn of the bit (approach up to 120 cm) should be in a normally ascending plane on the left side of the horse. In this case, the handle of the bit should hit the right front town of the “Letters”, and the butt should hit the “mark”, almost simultaneously, followed by the handle hitting the right rear town (diagram No. 10). This tactical option is most suitable for athletes who have a distant O.S. In case of insufficient underturn, it is necessary to reduce the relative angular velocity of the bit (p.3.2.1.).

The tactic of knocking out the starboard "side" without a "mark" requires changes in the actions of the athlete. The throw is performed by a re-turn (departure 30-50 cm from the O.S.) on the left side of the horse, with a center strike (scheme No. 11). A slight withdrawal or shortfall of the bit is allowed. When knocking out the starboard side with an underturn, tactical actions are similar to knocking out the starboard side and the mark, with the exception of a smaller underturn (approach 50-80 cm) (diagram No. 12).

Knocking out the left "side" of the "Letter" is carried out by hitting the front town by turning the bit, with a shortfall in the normal or normally ascending plane (diagram No. 13). Shortfall to the town should not exceed 50 cm, so as not to cause a "hard" landing.

Knocking out towns or combinations of towns left over from the "Letter" piece is a tactical task of increased complexity, primarily due to the fact that you need to knock out towns from the knight. This significantly limits the ability to approach to create an under-turn of the bit and complicates the tactical task.

Consider the main options for knocking out both single towns and combinations of towns left over from the "Letter" figure:

1. Knocking out the front towns of the "Letters" is similar to knocking out simple figures (clause 4.1.1.).

2. Knocking out the rear towns is done in two ways: a frontal hit in the town and a hit in the town after a “soft” landing of the bit in the “suburb”.

Knocking out with a frontal hit is performed with a retreat of 20-30 cm, in the reverse plane, due to a significant increase in the flight path of the bit (scheme No. 14). This option is suitable for athletes with a close O.S., in the conditions of a “hard” playing surface, which makes it difficult to “soft” landing in the “suburb”. For athletes with a distant O.S., the most appropriate option is a frontal hit on the target with the middle of the bat, with an approach of 50-100 cm, in the normal plane (scheme No. 15). In this case, it is necessary to reduce the relative angular velocity of rotation of the bit, in order to increase the reliability of hitting the bit on the target and to increase the angle of inclination of the bit to the horizontal in case of undershoot.

The second method of knocking out the rear towns is based on a “soft” landing of the bit in the “suburb” by a re-turn (withdrawal of 20-30 cm), a slight shortfall, in the normal plane (scheme No. 16). Athletes throwing in the ascending plane require an increase in the inclination of the bat in the normal plane to provide a "soft" landing of the bat.

3. Knocking out the "brand" is performed with an approach of up to 70 cm, in the normal plane. With insufficient approach, it is necessary to reduce the relative angular speed of rotation of the bit in order to simplify the alignment.

4. Knocking out the combination of the right front town and the "mark" can be performed similarly to the method of knocking out the starboard "side" and "mark". However, the combination should be knocked out on the right, both under-turn and over-turn.

5. You can knock out the combination of the "brand" and the left rear town in the following ways:

a) underturn (approach up to 100 cm), with a decrease in the relative angular velocity of rotation of the bit. In this case, the handle should fall into the "brand", and the butt - into the rear left town. To achieve reliable "softness", the bit must be sent in a normally ascending plane (scheme No. 17). If a large approach is not possible, the relative angular speed of rotation of the bit should be significantly reduced;

b) re-turn (with O.S.), hitting the middle of the bit in the center of the front line. The throw is performed in a normal or normally ascending plane so that the handle hits the “mark”, and then, in the back town (scheme No. 18);

c) re-turn (approach 20 cm from O. S.), the middle of the bit into the “mark”. The throw is performed in a normal or normally descending plane, with the bit landing in the "city" (scheme No. 19). The amount of re-turn and centering should ensure that it hits the "brand" at an angle of 45 degrees and knocks out the rear town with a "doublet". It should be borne in mind that underdrawing increases the re-turning of the bit, and withdrawing decreases it.

All three ways of knocking out the combination of the “mark” and the left rear town are performed on the right side of the horse.

6. Knocking out a combination of the right front and left rear towns is similar to knocking out the right front town and the “brand” with a “double” (see diagram No. 9).

The options for knocking out combinations of the left side and the mark, the left front town and the mark, the mark and the right rear town have a negligible percentage of implementation and lead to unjustified losses if used regularly in the training process and competitive practice. Knocking out these combinations is permissible only in extreme cases and only by highly qualified masters.

4.2. Tactics of the game from the semi-con.

The tactic of knocking out towns and their combinations from a half-contact implies maintaining a distance from the O.S. to the end line, which ensures the turn of the bat. The deviation from this distance associated with the performance of a particular tactical task, and its magnitude, are indicated below in each specific case, along with the plane of rotation of the bat, the amount of undershoot and the degree of centering of the throw.

To determine a specific place for the throw, first of all, it is necessary to take into account the location of the front town and, starting from it, build your tactical actions.

4.2.1. Knocking out single towns.

If the town is within the "city", then knocking it out is a fairly simple task for a qualified athlete. For unmistakable knocking out of the towns, it is necessary to perform throws in the normal plane, with a re-turn (withdrawal of 20-50 cm), with an undershoot of 10-40 cm.

Tactical actions for knocking out single towns located in the “suburb” at a distance of 20 cm from the penalty area come down to two options:

1. Knocking out a penal town with a butt turn on the right (approach is about 2 m from the O.S.), in a downward or reverse-descending plane, with a frontal hit. It should be considered optimal to hit the town with the withdrawal or the middle of the bit (scheme No. 20);

2. Knocking out a "penalty" town with a turn, in a horizontal plane, a frontal hit, with a withdrawal or the middle of a bit (scheme No. 21). This option is appropriate for athletes who have a close O.S., which excludes the possibility of knocking out the town in the first way.

Tactical actions for knocking out single towns located in the "suburb" at a distance of more than 20 cm from the penalty area are built in the same way as when knocking out a "penalty" town. At the same time, using the first method, you need to strive to get the bat in the middle of the “corridor” between the town and the penalty area, and in the second case, the stand that ensures the turn of the bat on the line of the “penalty” town will be optimal.

4.2.2. Knocking out combinations with the right front town.

The tactics of knocking out such combinations is based on the location of the towns, the parameters of the bat and the features of the throw. The main requirements for the throw are the “softness” of the landing of the bat and accurate centering.

Tactical actions when knocking out combinations

with the right front town.

1. Town locations: The distance between the front and back towns does not exceed 1.5 m.

The combination is knocked out by underturning the bit (approach is half the distance), in a pronounced normal plane, with the bit withdrawn (the handle must get into the front town). In this case, the C.T. of the bit lands on the same level with the front town or behind it (scheme No. 22).

2. Town locations: The distance between the front and back towns exceeds 1.5 m.

Tactical options: The combination is knocked out:

a) similarly to method No. 1 (scheme No. 23);

b) re-turn (withdrawal 50 cm), in a normal descending plane. The degree of withdrawal is determined by the reliability of hitting the bit in the rear town. The level of underblow should provide a “softness” to the landing of the bit. The throw is to the right. This option is used if the front town is located within the "city" (scheme No. 24).

3. Town locations: The distance between the front and back towns is more than 2 m.

Tactical options: The combination is knocked out:

a) a slight re-turn (withdrawal of 20 cm), in a normal descending plane. The degree of withdrawal of the bit is determined by the reliability of hitting the bit in the rear town. You need a tight hit to avoid getting into the penalty area. The throw is performed to the right or from the center of the semi-cone (scheme No. 25).

b) turning or re-turning (approach 2 m from O.S.), in the opposite plane, with the withdrawal of the bit (you need to get into the front town with the butt of the bit or part of the bit to the C.T.). You need a tight hit to avoid getting into the penalty area. The throw is to the right. This option is applicable for case 2 (b) if the town is located in the "suburb" (scheme No. 26).

NOTE: When determining the place for the throw, it must be taken into account that the amount of overturn (retreat) or underturn (approach) is indicated from the place of the bat's turn on the front town (except for case 3 (b)). At the same time, while practicing practical skills, you need to take into account the weight of the bit. When hitting combinations with an underturn with a heavier bat, a larger approach is needed. For more light bat, a slightly larger retreat is needed when knocking out combinations by re-turning. This applies to throws with the withdrawal of the bat and is associated with the braking of the rotation of the bat during the impact on the town.

4.2.3. Knocking out combinations with the left front town.

Tactical actions for knocking out combinations of this kind are among the most difficult and require high accuracy of hitting, "softness" of the landing of the bit and accuracy in determining the place to throw.

Tactical actions for knocking out combinations

with the left front town.

1. Town locations: The distance between the front and rear towns does not exceed 30 cm:

a) the front town is more than 50 cm away from the penalty area;

b) the front town is closer than 50 cm from the penalty area.

Tactical options: The combination is knocked out:

a) a turn or a slight overturn (due to a shift to the right), in a normal or normally descending plane. A fairly tight hit and good centering are required (scheme No. 27);

b) a turn or a small re-turn (approach up to 2 m from the O.S.), in the opposite plane, butt on the right. The throw is performed from the left side of the semi-cone (scheme No. 28). It is acceptable to use option (a), with a very accurate hit.

2. Town locations: Distance between towns from 30 to 100 cm:

a) the townships are within the "city";

Tactical options:

a) underturn (approach 20-30 cm), in a normal or normally ascending plane, hitting the front town with a butt should be quite tight (scheme No. 29);

b) re-turning the butt on the right (approach up to 2 m from O. S.), in the reverse plane, in the middle of the bit (scheme No. 30).

3. Town locations: Distance between towns from 100 to 150 cm:

b) the front town is in the "suburb".

Tactical options: The combination is knocked out on the left side of the semi-con:

a) re-turn (approach about 2 m from O.S.), in the middle of the bit, in the reverse plane, butt on the right (Scheme No. 31) or turn, in the normal plane with a short cut of the bit (Scheme No. 32). These options are applicable if the back town is no more than 40 cm to the right of the front one. If the combination is wider, and the distance between the towns is about 1.5 m, then it should be knocked out with a turn (departure is about 2.5 m from O. S.), in the reverse plane, with a shortfall, butt on the right (Scheme No. 33). If the distance between the towns is about 1 m, then the combination should be knocked out with an underturn (approach 30-40 cm), in a pronounced normal or normally ascending plane, with a shortfall (Scheme No. 34);

b) turn or re-turn (approach about 2 m from O.S.), in the opposite plane, butt on the right, in the middle or with a slight withdrawal of the bit (Diagram No. 35), if the combination is not wide and, with a shortfall, if the rear town is far enough removed to the right (Scheme No. 36). The shorter the combination and the greater the overturn of the bit on the front town, the more accurate the centering should be.

4. Town locations: The distance between the towns is more than 150 cm:

a) both towns are within the "city";

b) the front town is in the "suburb".

Tactical options: The combination is knocked out on the left side of the semi-con:

a) re-turn (approach about 2 m from the O.S.), in the middle or with a slight withdrawal of the bit, in the reverse plane, butt on the right (Diagram No. 37) or turn, in the normal plane, with a short retraction of the bit (Diagram No. 38). Both options are used when the back town is no more than 40 cm to the right of the front one. Wider combinations should be knocked out with a turn or a small overturn (approach about 2 m from O.S.), in the opposite plane, with a bit short, butt on the right (Scheme No. 39). At the same time, if possible, the relative angular velocity of rotation of the bit should be reduced. It is effective to knock out wide combinations with a turn or a small underturn (departure of about 2.5 m from the O.S.), in the opposite plane, with a short lead, butt on the right (Scheme No. 40);

b) turn or re-turn (approach about 2 m from O.S.), in the middle or with a slight withdrawal of the bit, in the opposite plane, butt on the right (Scheme No. 41). This method is effective if the rear town is no more than 40 cm to the right of the front town. For wide combinations, a larger bit underdrive and, if necessary, a decrease in the relative angular velocity of the bit rotation are required (Scheme No. 42).

NOTE: When determining the place for the throw, it must be taken into account that the amount of overturn (retreat) or underturn (approach) is indicated from the place of the bat's turn on the front town. An exception is knocking out combinations with a butt on the right.

The criterion for determining the correct value of the angle of inclination of the bat at the moment of landing is the "softness" of the landing.

For athletes whose C.T. bits are further than 60 cm from the handle, it is most expedient to knock out such combinations with a butt on the right. bits, less than 60 cm from the handle, knocking out with a butt on the right is difficult.

4.2.4. Hitting wide combinations.

Tactical moves aimed at consistently hitting wide combinations with front right or left town have been discussed above and require excellent centering, a “soft” landing of the bat, and an accurate location for the throw. Knocking out wide combinations of towns, standing parallel to the front line, requires hitting with a turn of the bat, in a normally ascending plane, with a misfire of 20-30 cm. The wider the combination, the higher the centering requirements.

4.2.5. Knocking out combinations from the figures "Sentinels" and "Tiring" with a change in the plane of rotation of the bit.

Combinations from the figures "Sentinels" and "Tir" include standing towns and towns located on them in the so-called "bundles", as well as towns located on the playing surface of the "city" or "suburb".

The tactic of knocking out such combinations is based on increasing the normal or reverse plane along with increasing the under-rotation or over-rotation of the bit.

1. Town locations: Left or right "bundle" from the figure "Sentinels"

Tactical options: The combination is knocked out:

a) underturn (approach 70 - 100 cm), in the normal plane, hit by the middle of the bit or with a withdrawal, in both towns of the "bundle". (Scheme No. 43);

b) re-turn (withdrawal 30 - 50 cm), in the opposite plane, in the middle of the bit or with a withdrawal, to the right edge of the upper town (Scheme No. 44);

c) re-turn, butt on the right (approach about 2 m), in the opposite plane, in the middle or with a withdrawal, to the right edge of the upper town (Scheme No. 45).

2. Town locations:"Gate" from the figure "Tir".

Tactical options: The combination is knocked out:

a) underturn (approach 70 - 100 cm), in the normal plane, in the middle of the bit or with a withdrawal, to the left "bundle" of the "gate" (Scheme No. 46);

b) re-turn (withdrawal 30 - 50 cm), in the opposite plane, in the middle of the bit or with a withdrawal, to the right "bundle" of the "gate" (Scheme No. 47).

3. Town locations: The left "bundle" from the "Sentinels" and the town on the right along the front line (width 40 - 60 cm).

Tactical actions: The combination is knocked out with an underturn (approach 70 - 100 cm), in the normal plane, with a short lead, to the left edge of the upper town (Diagram No. 48).

4. Town locations: The right "bundle" from the "Sentinels" and the town on the left along the front line (width 40 - 60 cm).

Tactical actions: The combination is knocked out by a re-turn (withdrawal 30 - 50 cm), in the opposite plane, with a withdrawal, to the right edge of the upper town of the "bundle" (Scheme No. 49).

5. Town locations: The left "bundle" from the "Sentry" and the town on the "brand".

Tactical options: The combination is knocked out:

a) by turning the butt on the right (approach about 2 m), in the opposite plane, in the middle of the bit, to the upper right edge of the “bundle” town. The throw is performed on the left (scheme No. 50);

b) underturn (approach 80 - 100 cm), in the normal plane, with a shortfall, to the left edge of the upper town of the "bundle". The throw is performed on the left (scheme No. 51).

6. Town locations: The right "bundle" from the "Sentry" and the town on the "brand".

Tactical options: The combination is knocked out:

a) re-turning the butt on the right (approach about 2 m), in the opposite plane, with the withdrawal of the bit, to the right edge of the upper town of the "bundle". The throw is performed on the right (scheme No. 52).

b) underturn (approach 70 - 100 cm), in the normal plane, hit with the withdrawal of the bit in both towns of the "bundle". The throw is performed on the right (scheme No. 53). The same option is also used when the town is located to the left of the "brand".

7. Town locations: The right "bundle" from the "Sentinels" and the town on the back line in the left half of the "city".

Tactical options: The combination is knocked out:

a) re-turning the butt on the right (approach about 2 m), in the opposite plane, with the withdrawal of the bit, to the right edge of the upper town of the "bundle". The throw is performed on the right (scheme No. 54).

b) underturn (approach 1 m), in the normal plane, hit with the withdrawal of the bit in both towns of the "bundle". The throw is performed on the right (scheme No. 55). This method is also suitable for knocking out wider combinations.

8. Location of townships: The left "bundle" from the "sentinels" and the town on the back line in the right half of the "city".

Tactical options: The combination is knocked out:

a) by turning the butt on the right (approach about 2 m), in the opposite plane, in the middle of the bit, to the right edge of the upper town of the “bundle”. The throw is performed on the left (scheme No. 56).

b) by turning the butt on the right (withdrawal of about 2.5 m), in the opposite plane, hitting with a shortfall, in both towns of the "bundle" with the first sleeve from the handle. The throw is performed on the left (scheme No. 57). This method is especially effective for hitting wide combinations.

9) Town locations:"Bundle" from the "Sentinels" and the town located in close proximity to it.

Tactical options: The combination is knocked out with an approach of about 1.5 - 1.8 m. If the town is to the right of the "bundle", then the place of the throw is a little further, if to the left, then closer. In the first case, with an underturn, the throw must be performed in the normal plane (scheme No. 58), and in the second, on a re-turn, in the opposite direction (scheme No. 59). Excellent centering is required, as the bit approaches the towns almost perpendicularly.

NOTE: The practical mastering of tactical options for knocking out combinations from the “Sentinels” and “Tiring” figures requires an accurate determination of the location of the throw in each specific case, since a change in the rotation plane often leads to a change in the relative angular speed of rotation of the bat. Wide combinations especially require accuracy of hitting and absolutely correct determination of the place to throw.

4.2.6. Knocking out combinations of towns with a “doublet”.

Tactical actions for knocking out with a "double" relate to combinations that are impossible to knock out with a bat due to the very wide location of the towns. There are two options for knocking out with a “doublet”: overturn and underturn. In both cases, the result of correct tactical and technical actions is the knocking out of the rear town by hitting the front one. At the same time, the requirements for the stability of centering and the relative angular velocity of rotation of the bit are very high. Of particular importance is the correct choice of a place for a throw, since an error of 5-10 cm can nullify all efforts. Withdrawal of the bit leads to a decrease in under-turn and over-turn, and under-turn - to their increase. This must be taken into account when mastering this method of knocking out the most complex combinations of towns. Achieving knocking out the front town of the rear one, you need to strive so that by the time the bit hits the front town, it would turn perpendicular to the desired direction of movement of the town.

Knocking out by re-turn (withdrawal 50 - 100 cm) is performed in a normal or normally descending plane, with an undershoot of 30 - 60 cm, in the middle of the bit. The throw is performed on the right (scheme No. 60).

Knocking out by underturn (approach 50 - 120 cm) is performed in a pronounced normal or normally ascending plane, while the C.T. of the bit lands at the level of the front town, and sometimes behind it. The throw is performed on the left with the withdrawal or the middle of the bit (scheme No. 61).

4.2.7. Knocking out complex combinations consisting of several towns.

The impossibility of describing all options for combinations of camps requires the athlete to independently creative work to solve this difficult tactical problem in each specific case. This requires the ability to use a track chart to determine the possibility of knocking out combinations of towns from a half-contour, proposed for the first time by the Honored Master of Sports of Russia, Honored Coach of Russia, Chairman of the Coaching Council of the Federation of Urban Sports of Russia, in the book "Gorodki".

For a successful practical application tracegram, it is necessary to depict it on a transparent material on the same scale as the image of the "city" and "suburb" on which it will be superimposed. Then, having determined the location of the towns, it is necessary to impose a tracegram so that the towns fall into the area bounded by the traces of the handle and butt of the bit. The scale located on the trace, in the region of the front line, shows how to determine the place for the throw (the value of the approach in meters - with the sign "-", departure - "+"). It is important to take into account that, when imposing a tracer, it is necessary to keep the trace of the C.T. bit parallel to the side lines of the “city”, if it is advisable to throw from the left. If the throw is performed from right to left, the track trace will unfold accordingly.

If the combination of towns does not fit within the tracegram, then knocking out such a combination with one bat is impossible (an exception may be the option of knocking out a town “dropped out” of the tracegram with a “doublet”).

Another condition for successful tactical and technical actions to knock out complex combinations is the “softness” of the landing of the bit. Here it is important to correctly determine the required plane of rotation:

a) with a reversal and under-reversal - normal and normal-ascending;

b) when reversing - normal and normal-descending;

c) when knocking out the butt on the right - reverse.

Each athlete needs to individually select the most suitable plane of rotation of the bit and the amount of inclination of the bit to the horizontal. The criterion for the correct choice will be a consistently “soft” landing of the bat.

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