Backgammon board game how to play. Basic rules for playing short backgammon for beginners

Part 1

Preparing for the game

    Check out the game board. Backgammon is played on a special board consisting of 24 narrow triangles, also called points. The triangles alternate in color and are grouped into four quadrants (quarters) of 6 triangles each. Quadrants are divided into 4 types: the player's house, the player's yard, the opponent's house and the opponent's yard. At the intersection of the quadrants, in the middle of the board, there is a bar.

    • Players sit on opposite sides of the board facing each other. Each player's home is located in the right quadrant closest to him. The houses are opposite each other, as are the courtyards located in the left quadrant.
    • The player moves his checkers counterclockwise from the opponent's house so that the trajectory of their movement resembles a horseshoe.
    • The triangles are numbered from 1 to 24 (each player has their own numbering), with item number 24 being the farthest and item number 1 being in the near right corner of the house. The players move their checkers from opposite ends of the board, so that one player's point 1 is number 24 for his opponent, point 2 is number 23, and so on.
  1. Remember, you can double your bet at any time during the game. In backgammon, not the winner wins points, but the loser loses them. So if you win, your opponent will lose by face value, double or triple, depending on the stakes on the doubling die. This die is not a bone, but just a mark. At the beginning of the game, it is placed face up with a unit, but during the game you can double the bet: this is done at the beginning of your turn before rolling the dice.

    • If you offer a doubling and the opponent accepts it, the die is turned with the new number up and placed in the opponent's yard. Now only he will be able to offer a doubling on one of his subsequent moves.
    • If the opponent does not accept the doubling, then he loses the game by the initial bet on the die.
    • You can double your bet redouble her and so on, but usually doubling occurs no more than three or four times per game.
  2. Try to dominate the board. Before moving checkers into the house, try to take as many points as possible with two checkers, do not pile up 5-6 checkers in several points. Not only will this give you more options when moving to open points, but it will also make it harder for your opponent's checkers to move, reducing the number of open points for them.

Part 3

Capture checkers and their re-introduction into the game
  1. Beat the blot and the opponent's checker will go to the bar. If you hit blot, that is, put your checker on a point occupied by only one checker of the opponent, his checker goes to the bar. Try to beat blots whenever possible, especially if it helps you move your own checkers closer to home. By doing this, you also greatly slow down the advance of the opponent's checkers.

    • If the player's checker is on the bar, he has no right to move other checkers until he takes it from the bar to the opponent's house.
  2. Put beaten checkers back into the game. If the opponent beat your blot, then your checker is placed on the bar. Now your task is to return this checker back to the field, to the opponent's house. To do this, you roll the dice, and if you get a number corresponding to an open point in the opponent's house, you place your checker on this point. If the points with the dropped numbers are closed, you skip a turn and try again on your next turn.

    • For example, if you rolled a 2, you can move the checker to 23 points in the opponent's house, if, of course, it is open, since in this case the checker from the bar moves two points.
    • When withdrawing from a bar, you cannot sum up the two dropped numbers. For example, if you rolled 6-2, you cannot move 8 points with one checker. In this case, you can bring your checker to the sixth or second point, if they are free.
  3. After removing all your checkers from the bar, you can continue to move with other checkers. After your checkers are gone on the bar, you can again move checkers on the board. If you removed the last checker from the bar, and at the same time you have the second dropped number left unused, you can use another checker on the board to match the corresponding number of points.

    • If you have two checkers on the bar, then you need to put both checkers into the game. If, after throwing the dice, you were able to enter only one, the second move is lost, and you try to enter the checker remaining on the bar on the next move.
    • If you have more than two checkers on the bar, then you can move all the rest only after you remove all your checkers from the bar.

Part 4

Throwing checkers out of the game
  1. Understand the conditions necessary to win. To win the game, you need to remove all your checkers from the board before the opponent, that is, throw them out of the game. To do this, you roll both dice, after which you remove the corresponding checkers from the board. The numbers drawn must equal or exceed the number of pips required for the discarded checkers to be off the board.

    • For example, if you roll a 6-2, you can discard checkers on points 6 and 2. However, if you don't have a checker on point 6, you can discard a checker from a lower numbered point, such as point 5 or 4.
  2. First move all your checkers into the house. Throwing checkers out of the game is possible only after all your checkers are in your home. It is necessary to safely transfer all your checkers to points 1-6. On these points, the checkers can be placed in any way. But do not forget that your checkers are still vulnerable in the house.

    • If the opponent has a checker on the bar, he can bring it to the blot in your home, if you have one, and you will have to re-introduce the beaten checker into the game and return it from the opponent's home, and until it reaches your home you have no right to throw other checkers out of the game. Try to keep your checkers safe for as long as possible.
  3. Start throwing the checkers out of the game. In this case, you throw out checkers from the point corresponding to the number that fell on the dice. For example, if you rolled 4-1 and you have a checker on 4 and 1 points, then you can throw them away. If you get a double 6-6, and you have 4 checkers on the 6th point, then you can throw out all 4.

    • If you need to throw the dice and you cannot throw any checker, move one of the checkers. For example, if you have 2 checkers left at points 6 and 5 and rolled 2-1, move a checker from point 6 to point 4 and from point 5 also to 4.
    • You can use a higher value on the dice to eliminate a checker from a smaller point. If a 5-4 is rolled, and you only have a few checkers left on points 2 and 3, then you can throw out two of them.
    • You must use the lower value dice first, even if that means you won't be able to fully use the rolled numbers. For example, if you have a checker on point 5 and rolls 5-1, then you first move the checker one point, placing it on point 4, and then throw it out of the game using 5.
  4. Throw all 15 checkers out of the game. If you do this before your opponent, you will win the game. However, not all victories are equal. The opponent can lose in one of three ways:

    • Ordinary defeat. Occurs if you have thrown all your checkers out of the game before the opponent. Opponent loses by value on the doubling die.
    • Mars(gammon). If you have thrown all your checkers out of the game before the opponent has managed to throw at least one, then the opponent loses with Mars, that is, with a doubling of the value on the doubling die.
    • Coke(backgammon). If you have discarded all your checkers in the game before your opponent has had time to discard at least one, and at the same time one or more of the opponent's checkers are still on the bar or in your home, then the opponent loses with Cox, that is, with a triple value on the doubling die .

How to play backgammon? Competition Rules

Many people remember the game of corners. White and black pieces line up in groups in diagonal opposite corners of the field, and the player's goal is to move to the enemy's territory as quickly as possible. A similar principle applies to backgammon. How to play backgammon?

The rules of the game, at first glance, seem complicated. However, this is not so, let's deal with everything in order.

What are backgammon and the rules of the game

The set includes: a playing board with cells along the inner perimeter, thirty chips: 15 pieces of black or white for each player, two playing dice (dice).

Chips of the selected color are placed in the upper right corner from you. There are no special requirements for how they should stand, most often they are simply lined up in a vertical row. The main thing is that they are all at the start, that is, in the initial corner cell.

The forces of the opponent, respectively, will be under your left hand.

The game begins with players rolling one die at a time. Whoever gets the most points goes first. Further, throughout the game, players roll a couple of dice and move their chips as many cells as there are dots.

All chips move counterclockwise across the field! When it's your turn to roll the dice, you will get two numbers, for example, you rolled 5 and 2. You can sum up these results and make a single move of 7 steps. One cell - one step.

Or you can not add up these results and move two figures at once. One for 5, and the other for 2 moves forward.

Moving around the field, you need to follow one rule. You can stop either on an empty cell, or on your own color. This is called "put on the head."

Simply put, if necessary, you can put your chips on top of each other, but stopping on an opponent's chip is prohibited. This rule also applies if you add up the results of the dropped points. In this case, we move with a stop.

Example: If the dice showed 5 and 2, then first the chip steps 5 cells, looks around, and only then takes the remaining 2 steps. It is possible and vice versa: first by 2, then by 5. The main thing is that the stop does not fall on the enemy's head: this is prohibited by the rules. Otherwise, you will have to look for another option.

There is one more rule. At the beginning of the game, all the pieces are lined up in one corner cell. Any chip starts from it, this is called "remove from the head."

So you can only remove it from your head in one move.

Example: the dice showed 2 and 6. You remove the chip from your head and take 2 steps with it. The remaining 6 steps you can make either with her, or with any other piece on the field. In other words: no more than one removal from the head per turn.

It happens that you cannot make a move for the number of steps that you have dropped out. No matter how you look, your every move stops at enemy positions. Most often this happens towards the end of the game, when almost the entire territory of the field is occupied.

Alas, in this case, you skip the move and hope for the mercy of the dice.

It is also called a double. This is when both cubes showed the same number of points. In this case, the player gets the right to make 4 moves, each for as many steps as the number of points shown by each of the cubes.

Example: with a 3:3 double you get 4 moves of 3 steps each. In total, you get 12 moves, and you dispose of them at your discretion. You can also play with one jack figure by moving it all 12 steps.

The main thing is that the stops do not fall on the opponent's head.

If the double 6:6 fell on your very first move in the game, then it gives you the exclusive right to “remove two chips from your head” for the only time, because you won’t be able to make a single move for 24 steps: we will find ourselves at the start of the opponent.

It happens that a successful jackpot has fallen out, but you cannot make all 4 moves: the balance of forces of the opponent does not allow. We act according to the rule described above - we are sadly waiting for the next chance.

What to strive for

Learning the rules and playing backgammon, as you can see, is not at all difficult. Your goal is to competently move around the field and line up all your soldiers of the same color on the opponent's territory. This is called "bring home". Home is the 6 spaces in the bottom right quarter of the board.

As soon as your last piece is in the cherished territory, we begin to “drive them out”.

IN electronic game backgammon online the desired chips are automatically removed from the field. In real backgammon, you simply push them away: to the center or to the start, in a bunch or in a row - it doesn’t matter. The main thing is that they no longer participate in the game.

How to "kick out"

We number all home cells, starting from the far right. She is assigned the number 1 and then ascending to the left, up to 6. On your next turn, you roll the dice. The number of dots dropped on them is the numbers of cells from which you can remove chips.

Example: the dice showed 3 and 1. You either remove 2 figures from the cells of the same name, or add the result and remove one figure from cell number 5.

It happens that the cubes show the numbers of empty cells. In this case, you either move the pawns the number of steps indicated by the dice in your home territory, or remove the leftmost pawn if the field boundary does not allow the move to be completed completely.

If you hit the jackpot, then you also get the right to remove four figures at once.

Example: Jackpot 3:3. Delete four figures from the 3rd cell. If it is empty, then make four moves from cells numbered 4, 5 or 6. If they are also empty, remove the four leftmost pieces from the remaining ones.

Who has won?

The winner is the one who first removes all the chips from the field. However, even losing in backgammon has its own nuances. The most offensive is the loss-coke.

This is when all your figures are collected in the house, but you did not manage to drive out any of them. All lost points are multiplied by 3.

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If the opponent finished the game, and some of your chips did not make it home, then this is a loss-mars, the lost points are multiplied by 2. If at the end of the game you removed at least one chip from the field, the loss is considered normal, the points lost are equal to the number remaining on figure field. The score of the game is 0:1. The video with the rules will help to highlight some of the nuances and clearly answer the question “how to play backgammon”. Good game!

Many people remember the game of corners. White and black pieces line up in groups in diagonal opposite corners of the field, and the player's goal is to move to the enemy's territory as quickly as possible. A similar principle applies to backgammon. How to play backgammon.

How to play backgammon video tutorial easier

Online game learning backgammon. Don't know how to play backgammon but have long wanted to learn? You have a unique opportunity! The computer will show the best moves for various throws.

Backgammon - very popular and very interesting exciting game with the rich and ancient history. The goal of this game is to transfer all your chips home and then remove them from playing field. Whoever first withdraws all his chips and removes them, that one.

Many people remember the game of corners. White and black pieces line up in groups in diagonal opposite corners of the field, and the player's goal is to move to the enemy's territory as quickly as possible. A similar principle applies to backgammon. How to play backgammon?

Exists great amount varieties of backgammon. However, with all the originality, it is possible to single out the most general rules that will help you quickly understand any version of the game. The device of the board The board for playing backgammon consists of 24 narrow elongated ones.

Even in our time, when people have lost the habit of spending time with their friends playing board games, and prefer to sit at the computer in the evenings, some people are very interested in such a game as backgammon. And they would like to read the instructions for backgammon rules.

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If you do not know how to play this excellent logic board game, then this flash tutorial will quickly allow you to master all the necessary backgammon rules. Simple Backgammon Another exciting version of the backgammon game that you can play online.

Video lesson on the rules of backgammon learning backgammon 2 of 2 learning backgammon part 2 of.

Important news:

Free backgammon game online with a computer Short backgammon - backgammon, you can play backgammon online for free without registering with a computer. The board game Backgammon can be called differently ...

Free backgammon game online with a computer Short backgammon - backgammon, you can play backgammon online for free without registering with a computer. The board game Backgammon can be called differently ...

Free backgammon game online with a computer Short backgammon - backgammon, you can play backgammon online for free without registering with a computer. The board game Backgammon can be called differently ...

Free backgammon game online with a computer Short backgammon - backgammon, you can play backgammon online for free without registering with a computer. The board game Backgammon can be called differently ...

Backgammon is one of the ancient games in the world. The spread of the game began in the ancient East and has now covered almost the entire world. In its essence, the game of backgammon is close to a dispute, and to science, and to art. From the majority intellectual games Backgammon differs from everyone else in that each move in them depends not only on the situation on the board, but also on chance, namely, on the number of points dropped on the dice, which makes them the most democratic for the class of players.

Backgammon, like all other sports, is subject to the rules that determine the basis of the game, the purpose of which is to move the checkers towards the "home" and bring them to the "yard".

The rules set out below should be known to everyone who plays backgammon, who practices this sport, who plays honestly and fairly.

These rules are developed on the basis of studying the world experience of a multinational game and taking into account all the proposals made by interested organizations, they include all the provisions related to the backgammon game regulations, and are the Unified rules for playing long backgammon within the framework of the 1st Open Moscow international tournament.

Terms and concepts of backgammon game

"Zary" - cubes (dice) - are made of bone or plastic, with numbers from one to six marked on the faces with the help of dot symbols.

"Head" - the initial location of the checkers.

"Home" - the last quarter of the board on the route, where all the checkers must be collected before the player can throw them away.

"Double" - the indication of zar (cubes), if the same number of points fell on both of them.

"Correct" - a term denoting that the player is not going to move the checker, but only corrects it.

"Throw away" - means to make such moves with checkers so that the checker is outside the house.

"Mars" - a winning situation when the losing opponent did not have time to throw out a single checker.

“Oin” is a winning situation when the losing opponent has thrown out at least one checker.

Long backgammon

Two people play backgammon. The game is played on a special board divided by a special board dividing the board into two identical halves, with six holes for checkers on each short side. On the backgammon board are placed 15 white and 15 black checkers (or two other excellent colors). Players need two dice (dice or cubes), on the six faces of which there are from one to six points corresponding to the number of points and determining combinations of checkers moving towards the house.

When playing long backgammon, all white checkers (player A) are placed in hole I (white head), all black checkers (player B) are placed in hole XII) (black head). Players take turns moving the checkers along the playing edge of the board for a certain number of lines (holes), according to the number of points dropped, towards their home. White checkers (player A) move clockwise along the route: I - XII - 12 - 1, home of the white checkers of the field 1 - 6; black checkers (player B) also move clockwise along the route: 12 - 1 - I - XII, black's home - squares VII - XII.

The object of the game of backgammon is to bring all the checkers to your house as quickly as possible and throw them into the yard (D).

The game begins with the sequential throwing out of charges. You can throw dice (dice) from a small cup or box. In principle, it is allowed to throw out the zara from the palms, however, if one of the opponents suspects the other of trying to cheat, he may require the use of a cup or box. Zaras are thrown in such a way that they fall on one half of the board and lie steadily on the edge. If the dice are scattered on both halves of the board, if at least one of them falls off the board, or stands obliquely, leaning against the board or checker, then the throw is repeated.

Players can use one pair of zar, throwing them alternately, or two pairs - each of the opponents has his own. In the first case, if after the throw and the move of the opponent the player took the dice in his hands, then by this he recognizes the correctness of the move by the opponent. In the second case, if the player who made the move raised his pair of zar, then this means that he has finished making his move; in this case, throwing a charge by the opponent means the recognition of the correctness of the move made.

When playing backgammon, the rule applies: take it - go. If a player touches a checker that he is not going to move, he must first say “correct”.

The right of the first move is given to the player who rolled the most points with one die. In case of equality of points dropped out, a second attempt is made. If, after the end of the first game, the second game is played, then the player who won the first game starts it.

After the right of the first move is played, the player who wins this right makes the first roll. It is allowed to remove checkers from the head only one at a time, this move is called the “move from the head”.

On the board, from the side of each player, 6 white and 6 black triangular fields are drawn - lines numbered with Arabic and Roman numerals. Board - the inner edge of the board, dividing the field into two equal halves. Yard - the free space between the lines (holes). Lines 1 to 6 are white's home; Lines 7 to 12 are black's home.

After throwing, the player moves one of his checkers by the number of squares equal to the rolled number of one of the dice, and then moves any checker, including the one he just played, by the number of squares equal to the rolled value of another zar. For example: with the rolled values ​​"three" and "five", you can move one of your checkers to three fields, and the other - to five fields; or one checker on eight fields.

As noted earlier, only one checker can be taken "from the head", but the first move of the game provides each player with an exception to this rule. If one checker, which can be removed "from the head", does not pass by the sum of the dropped points, you can remove the second checker. Not passing the field means getting to the field occupied by at least one opponent's checker. Such a situation in the first move occurs when throwing three combinations of numbers: 3x3, 4x4 and 6x6. Own checkers in one field are placed in an arbitrary number. Moreover, if the number of checkers in one field is six or more and they are located in front of the opponent's checker, then it is locked. It is allowed to build a "fence" of six checkers only if at least one checker of the opponent is in front of this fence. At the same time, as an exception to this rule, it is allowed “on the way”, within one move, to temporarily close and immediately release the field left unoccupied.

If the checkers are locked in such a way that the opponent cannot make a single move for the number of points that fell on the dawn, then the points disappear, and the checkers do not move at all.

If the number of points on one of the balls allows you to make a move, but not on the other, then the player makes only one move. The points of the next move disappear.

If a player has the opportunity to make a full move, he does not have the right to shorten it, even if it is in his interest. For example: at dawn - “six-four”, in this case, you can play with one checker 6, and there is no way to go with the second checker for 4, or you can play 6 and 4 with one checker. The player must choose the second move option. If in this situation the player can make only one move, and any of the two, he must play a larger one. The smaller points are gone.

You cannot move two checkers by the number of fields indicated by the number of one zar. For example: if the value “five - four” fell out, it is impossible to play the sum of five or four with two checkers.

If a double falls out at dawn, i.e. the same number of points (two-two, three-three, etc.), then the player can make four moves by moving one, two, three or four checkers as many fields as the number of one zar shows.

When one of the players takes his checkers into the house completely, he gets the right to take them overboard, also in accordance with the points that fall out on the backs. For example: “five-three” fell out at dawn, which means you can remove one checker from the fifth and third fields from the game.

In the process of removing the checkers from the house, the player has the right to use the points that fell on the backs, at his own discretion - either in full or in part. For example: if there are “six-three” at the dawn, you can remove one checker from the 6th field from the board and move the other one three fields forward (from 6, 5 or 4 fields).

Each move of the game must be completed in full - you cannot, for example, move a checker to 4 squares if 5 points have fallen.

If “six-five” fell on the cards, and there are no checkers on fields 6 and 5, then the player can take two checkers out of the house from the next fields in order, as they decrease.

The player who first removes all his checkers from the house wins the game. There can be no draw in backgammon, because The game ends as soon as one of the players has thrown all his checkers.

In the event that a player has removed all the checkers from the house, and the opponent did not have time to withdraw any, the backgammon ending is called “mars”.

In the event that a player has taken all his checkers out of the house, and the opponent has taken at least one checker, the backgammon ending is called “oin”.

A victory with "mars" brings the winner two points, and with "oin" - one.


Make sure that your counterpart does not capture more than 3 consecutive positions in your upper side. This will be a big advantage. Do it yourself!

5. Until the player removes all the checkers from the bar into the game, he cannot play backgammon - moves. The exit from the bar is made by entering a checker on an unoccupied point of the opponent's house or on a point on which there is one checker of the partner.

6. When a player brings all fifteen of his checkers into the house, he can remove his checkers from the board, in accordance with the established rules.

Checkers by the following methods:

  • the player removes the checker from the point according to the number dropped on the dice,

  • if there is no checker on this point, he can move the checker to more than the one that fell on the dice,

  • the player may choose not to remove his checker if there is an alternative.

7. If a checker has been removed from the board, it is no longer returned to the game. The game ends when one of the players removes all of his 15 checkers from the board - he becomes the winner.

Backgammon This is a board game for two players. Backgammon is played on a special wooden board with checkers carved into cells. The goal of the game is to roll the dice and move the checkers according to the positions that have fallen out until a full circle around the board has been completed. As a result of the game, one of the participants is the first to throw the checkers off the board, thus marking his victory. Backgammon divided into short and long.


Position four. Put eighteen checkers in the thirteenth point and two in the first. This is not the best option, as it is very risky. Your opponent has more advantages with this arrangement of checkers.

Position five. Place checkers in position 23/16. This is the best move if you are looking to win. Improve the position with 23/22 and 7/1. So you discourage your opponent, after a few moves he will have nowhere to put his checkers.

Position six. Place checkers in position 22/16 and 7/6. Thus, you will be able to control the board. Keep the anchor in reserve. This will allow you to best secure your next moves.

Position seven. Place seven checkers on the second point and six checkers on the fifth. Blots in the house will not play a special role with such an arrangement of checkers, which will significantly strengthen your position on the playing field. Which position is convenient for you, determine for yourself. The main thing is to arrange the checkers for the correct moves, which determine the course of the game and the winner.

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Board games For many years they have been helping people to spend their free time interestingly. One of the most popular is . This entertainment was originally considered the privilege of kings, and today anyone can play them. Backgammon rules are quite simple and depend on the type of game.


Distinguish between long and short backgammon. Before the start of the game, each of the participants builds a column of 15 checkers inserted into one hole along the left side of the board. This position is “head”, and making a move with a checker from the hole means “taking from the head”. In one move, no more than one checker can be taken from the head. But if during the first move the player has a double, he has the opportunity to move two checkers off his head.

In order to determine which of the players has the right of the first move, the participants roll one die (zara). The one with the larger number goes first, and if they match, then one more throw is made.

During the game, each player throws two zaras, and has the right to move one checker by the number of holes equal to the sum of the numbers drawn, or two checkers: one by as many cells as dropped on the first die, and the other - on the second. That is, for example, if six - four fell out, then the player either moves one chip by 10 cells, or two: the first by 6, and the second by 4.

It is forbidden by the rules to move two chips by a number of cells equal to the number of points that fell on only one die. For example, if you rolled two or three, you cannot move both chips three spaces.

If a double is rolled at the dawn, the player must make four moves and move the chips by the number of points that fell on one of the dice.

In the case when a continuous horizontal line of six of your checkers is lined up in front of the opponent's checker, it is called locked, and cannot participate in the game until your line is broken. The construction of such rows is one of the tactics aimed at preventing the opponent. At the same time, it is forbidden to lock all the checkers of the opponent - at least one of them must be in the game. It is also forbidden to put your chip on a hole occupied by an opponent.

If a number falls out at dawn, by which it is impossible to move any of the player's chips in a given game situation, all points are burned out, and the right to move passes to the opponent.

If the player can make a move on the number of cells that fell on only one of the zags, and cannot use the points of the second one, then he must make a possible move, even if it is not profitable. It is forbidden to refuse a full turn.

The winner of the game is the one who manages to complete the full circle faster, bring all his checkers to the house and, after they all gather in this position, throw them out of the game.

The basic rules for short backgammon are the same as for long backgammon. Some differences make this game somewhat more dynamic and more exciting.

In short backgammon, it is possible to beat the opponent's checker if you calculate the move so that your chip goes through it. In this case, the opponent's checker is placed outside the field, and yours takes its place. The ability to put your chips in the same hole on top of each other allows you to protect them from the fight. It is forbidden to beat the opponent's checker, and then put your own checker on top of the other, and thereby hide from the blow. You can beat and move on, or beat, and then put a second chip on top of the beater.

A chip is considered locked in short backgammon, in front of which there are six pairs of doubled checkers of the opponent.

The opponent does not have the right to move any of the chips until he is charged with a bat. This term, that to start the game, he must enter his beaten chip into the field with starting position in the opponent's house so that to enter her house she had to go through 19 squares. You can recharge with two chips using a stone (a combination of points on two charges), and if you get a double, you can enter into game and four chips, if he is not prevented by the opponent's double checkers.

In short and long backgammon, there are also several subspecies of games, the rules of which may vary somewhat.

Backgammon- the game is certainly intellectual, but winning it depends on a certain amount of luck. However, as professionals assure, you can win only if you have the right strategy.


At the very beginning of the game, you need to choose a strategy. Once you've made the first three rolls, decide whether you're going to give or take.

There are several basic strategies this game, but each has its own advantages and disadvantages. The first tactic is speed play. It is successful if at the very beginning you get 6x6 or 4x4. The essence of the method is to quickly bring checkers into your first house, not paying attention to the location of the blocks on the second board. Start with the furthest pieces. Gradually transfer them, while not strengthening the first block, but only moving the far pieces.

This strategy can be applied to other numbers drawn as well. Still, before you use it, make sure you can move all the pieces and withstand the blow. It is recommended to leave no more than two vulnerable checkers.

This method is advantageous in that you jump over the opponent's checkers while he builds the second block, leaving him no chance to intercept. But if your checker can be beaten, then it will get stuck in the opponent's block. In addition, you may find vulnerabilities, the capture of enemy pieces is not ruled out.

The second strategy is blocking. The essence of this tactic is to strengthen the first block or create a sequence of them in order to intercept and erect obstacles to the opponent. This maneuver will give freedom to action on the other side of the board. If you can line up a sequence of six blocks in a row, your opponent will be defeated.

Combinations 1x3, 1x6 and 1x1 are considered classic for this tactic of the game. The ideal way is to close the first six places in the first block. If your opponent has checkers behind him, then your chances of immobilizing the opponent's pieces increase.

The disadvantage of the technique is as follows: if you cannot beat the opponent's checker, you will lose time, the process of creating blocks will be delayed, and you may fall far behind the opponent. The situation can change to the opposite: you yourself will find yourself trapped in the first block. To avoid such a trap, carefully analyze the opportunity to set up in the final stage of this game. Think about whether you can move the checkers immediately after disbanding.

These strategies can be combined. At the beginning of the game, analyze the situation, try to understand what strategy the opponent has chosen. Answer him in the appropriate way. If the enemy is trying to "run", try to intercept his checkers at the first opportunity, close the escape routes. If he tries to stop you with blocks, make sure your pieces don't run the risk of being beaten as you move towards the house. At the same time, try to catch the opponent's checkers with your own blocks.

ancient oriental game backgammon and is still very popular today. At first sight backgammon seems to be a very simple game that does not require any special strategy. It is enough to simply roll the dice and move the chips according to the points received, and the winnings depend entirely on random luck. In fact, this is absolutely not the case, and even with fewer points dropped out, you can win a brilliant victory if you act thoughtfully.


From the very beginning of the game, remember that the essence of the game is to remove all your chips from the board before your opponent. To do this, you roll a random number of points on the dice and move your chips in accordance with them. However, before doing each new move, you need to determine whether it will be useful for your position.

Keep in mind that gaining strategic superiority is necessary from the very first moves of the game. To achieve the greatest success here, stick to the old rule: one chip goes forward, and the second is taken from the "head", that is, from the original position, when all the chips are located on the same first line. This technique will allow you to quickly put all the chips into the game and take the most advantageous positions.

At the beginning of the game, do not allow the enemy to occupy more than three adjacent positions at your "head". Otherwise, this will give him a big advantage and make it much more difficult for you to withdraw your own chips from the starting position. Accordingly, if the number of points dropped and the game situation allow, try to take similar positions on the opponent's side.

Do not try to take your 6th position from the "head", as it does not provide any tactical advantages. From it it is impossible to move to such an important 3rd quarter of the board (to the side of the opponent) and it is extremely inconvenient to advance your checkers. Better try to get up either a little earlier (on the 4th-5th position of the first quarter of the board), or already in the middle of the 2nd quarter so that from this position you can immediately step into the opponent's half.

From the very beginning of the game, pay special attention to the rolled jackpot (duplicate points on game dice - 2x2, 4x4, 6x6, etc.). Kush allows you to make four moves, if necessary, instead of two, and this is very important point. Therefore, initially try to arrange your chips, taking into account the possibility of a double. A successful arrangement and a well-timed jackpot can radically change the entire result of the game.

If you see an opponent approaching your 1st and 2nd quarters, try to create obstacles for his chips by consistently taking 3 to 5 positions in a row. Six points does not drop out so often and a solid line of 5 checkers can significantly slow down the opponent's progress.

When you are close to the “home” (the last quarter of the board where you can start dropping checkers), try to occupy it in a heap from the middle, taking the most advantageous positions that are easy to push your checkers to. While moving, try to protect all your checkers so that none of them is blocked by the opponent's pieces. Otherwise, due to an unsuccessful position of one checker, you can get stuck for a long time on the spot and about the whole game.

To play backgammon with a resident of another country, it is not necessary to make tiresome trips. Now for this it is enough to have a computer with unlimited Internet access at home.

After registering, return to the main page of the site. Now find under the Connecting heading the name of the operating system you are using and click on it. If you are using a different OS, follow the Others link. A page with a list of software products suitable for interacting with the server will load.

Find in the list one of the programs that is suitable for your operating system, and at the same time is free. Download and install it on your computer, PDA or cell phone. Any of these devices must be connected to the Internet at an unlimited rate. If the connection is made through a cellular operator, the access point (APN) must be correctly configured in the device - its name must begin with the word internet, not wap.


A game with a centuries-old history, which was born in Persia and became popular all over the world - backgammon, children in the Islamic world learn from childhood. And the thing is that in treatises that have come down almost from the time of the Prophet Muhammad, the game is called the best exercise for the mind. Backgammon really develop logic and memory, promote concentration.

The subtleties of the correct game of backgammon

In order to start the game, you will need 15 checkers for each of the players. The special board that is used in this game has two equal parts of 6 holes on the short side. This side consists of "points" represented as elongated narrow triangles. Each player has 24 of these triangles with a certain numbering. The main and main task in this game is to rearrange the checkers to your home, after which they are removed or "removed" from the playing board.

To determine the priority of the move, players will need to roll the dice, and which of them will drop the higher number starts the game first.

Movement of checkers in backgammon

Players have a fixed direction of movement of checkers, but at the same time they must always move only in a circle. Before any of the players makes a move, you need to throw the dice (dice with sides numbered from 1 to 6) onto the board in such a way that they are not out of it and do not hook the checkers. Otherwise, the throw will need to be repeated. It is also worth noting that in one move the checkers can move not once, but as many as four times, but it is necessary to move the checkers strictly according to the number of points on the dice.

When playing different types of backgammon, checkers can move in different ways, but they always need to be moved according to the number dropped on two dice. In this case, the number of points on the bones is not summed up: first, a checker moves along the points of one bone, and then along the other. If a double falls out, then the number of steps doubles.

A double is the same combination of numbers on both bones (dice).

Play to win

All moves are obligatory, and the player cannot refuse even from unfavorable movement. But there are cases when it is impossible to move the checkers, in which case the move is skipped. There can be no draws in this game, one of the players is sure to win, the one who managed to move all the checkers on the field from one part to another faster than the opponent, and then remove them from the board. In case of victory, the player receives 1 point or 2 points when the second player has not yet managed to take any of his checkers off the playing board.

If the number of points is equal, then you need to make another attempt. If the game continues (the second game), the player who won the last time starts to move.

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