Where in wow to get a lot of silver ore. Where to farm ore in WOW Battle for Azeroth Silver deposits

The first profession I started earning gold in WoW was mining. When I asked my senior comrades what kind of craft to do, then, as a beginner, I was advised to take mining professions, since others did not bring such income (which was a controversial statement), and for a beginner who pumps the first character, they are a great help to strengthen the material position (which was true).

Important : This guide has been updated for patch 8.0.1 (up-to-date world version of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth) . But for those who download mining on the official WoW classic servers, it will also be useful. Locations and places where you can find this or that ore have not changed, so you can use the maps without problems.

Yes, indeed, if you quest and spend most of your time in locations, then one way or another you come across flowers and ore veins, but an animal that you can skin even more so. Now there is another reason why it makes sense for a new character to engage in mining - they give experience for him, that is, by pounding with a pickaxe you are pumped.

Miners provide raw materials for many manufacturing professions. The metals smelted by miners are used by engineers and blacksmiths, while the ore is sieved by jewelers. If you choose mining, you will definitely not be left without income, the demand for ore of all levels is constant. The disadvantages of this profession are that it is a farmer by definition and in order to earn money you have to spend a lot of time. Therefore, many players, after reaching the level cap, reset mining and change professions.

The leveling of mining is carried out by two methods that can be used both together and separately - ore mining and metal smelting. Both add points, so unlike herbalism or skinning, you can upgrade mining without leaving the city, simply by buying ore and smelting it into metal ingots. True, only up to level 525.

Mining is not one of the professions that developers often changed, but a few points are worth noting:

    • in addition Cataclysm for digging ore began to give experience;
    • In addition, Mists of Pandaria introduced the ability to mine any ore, regardless of skill level. In this case, the amount of ore mined depends on what its level is. Therefore, it is still recommended to download the skill in the old fashioned way, so as not to lose in the amount of raw materials produced.
    • The Warlords of Draenor expansion dealt a critical blow to mining (and herbalism too). Each garrison had its own mine, in which a character without the mining skill could extract ore for his needs. Additional ore could be obtained by placing orders with followers. In addition, there is no need to melt ingots. Blacksmiths and engineers began to make items directly from the ore. Finally, jewelers stopped sifting ore for raw gemstones. In short, the value of the skill has dropped significantly.
    • in the addition of Legion, everything returned to normal. There were no mines in the strongholds, and the ore will again be useful for jewelers to obtain precious stones.

One of the new additions Battle for Azeroth, which seriously affects pumping is that now the skill is broken into tiers. Each tier corresponds to an addition. The most important thing is that the ranges are independent of each other. If you want to level up your Mining skill in Northrend, then you don't have to run around the Old World and Outland digging for ore. You just find a teacher in Northrend, learn from him and pump the skill. The tier distribution is shown below. In general, we can say that this did not particularly affect the pumping routes. The total number of skill points is now 950.

  • 1-300 - mining
  • 1-75 - Outland Mining
  • 1-75 - Northrend Mining
  • 1-75 - cataclysmic mining
  • 1-75 - Pandarian Mining
  • 1-100 - Draenic Mining
  • 1-100 - Mining Legion
  • 1-150 - Kul Tiran / Zuldazar Mining

Check out this video for more updates on professions in Battle for Azeroth

Thus, now (patch 8.0.1) there are several ways to upgrade the mining skill:

  • if you are not interested in the amount of ore mined, then you do not need to follow the recommended sequence of locations. In doing so, remember the following important point. If you have not learned the mining skill for a certain shooting range, then in some cases it will not be pumped. Let's say the Legion Mining skill is unlocked after you hit an ore for the first time in the Broken Isles. Whereas for Outland ores, such a mechanism does not work. Yes, you can mine ore, but you won't get any points for it. Perhaps this is a bug that will be fixed, but for now it's better to fly to the mining teacher first and learn the skill, and then dig the ore.
  • if the amount of ore is important to you, then the order of passing through the locations must be observed. In other words, pumping is the old fashioned way.
  • the skill can still be upgraded by smelting ore, though not for all tiers either. Let's say there is no smelting in Draenic and Legion mining. You can only smelt into ingots up to Pandarian ores. That is, pump a skill for shooting ranges classic game, Outland, Northrend, Cataclysm and Pandaria can be accessed without leaving the city. For the tiers of Draenor mining and beyond, you need to go out into the field and beat on the ore veins.

Yes, now the skill can be upgraded without being tied to specific zones, but you will receive significantly less ore, so in principle it is recommended to stick to a certain order of zones.

Before moving on to specific routes and leveling algorithm, information on what ore veins and metals are in Azeroth.

Ores of Azeroth, Draenor and Outland

Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms
Copper core
tin vein
Bronze (only smelting, copper and tin)
Silver vein
iron vein
Steel (only smelting, iron and coal)
mithril deposit
True Silver Deposit
Dark iron deposit
Small Thorium Vein
Rich Thorium Vein

Outland (The Burning Crusade)
Fel Iron Deposit
Adamantite deposit
Fel Iron (smelting only)
Rich adamantite deposit
Khorium Vein

Northrend (Wrath of the Lich King)
Cobalt deposit
Rich cobalt deposit
Saronite deposit
Rich deposit of saronite
Titanium deposit

Ore veins available after Cataclysm
obsidium deposit
Deposit of pure saronite
Rich deposit of obsidium
Elementium Vein
Rich elementium vein
Pyrite deposit
Rich deposit of pyrite

Pandaria (Mists of Pandaria)
Ghost Iron Ore
Rich Ghost Iron Ore
Black and white trillium ore

Draenor (Warlords of Draenor)
Blackrock Ore
True iron ore

Broken Isles (Legion)
Leystone Ore

Leveling Mining in Battle for Azeroth

In the Battle for Azeroth add-on, three types of ore were introduced, and not two, as usual:

  • Monelite ore;
  • Storm Silver Ore;
  • Platinum ore;

The first two types are the lowest tier of ores, and platinum, respectively, is more rare and therefore valuable.

As in Legion, this ore can be mined at different rates depending on the skill level of the particular ore. Yes, these are the most notorious stars. Moreover, you can increase the level of skill, as in Legion, by completing quests. By the way, the developers left quests in Battle for Azeroth only for mining and herbalism.

What routes are best to walk in order to find more ore - see the maps below.

Monelite ore

Tiragarde Sound

Stormsong Valley





Storm Silver Ore

Tiragarde Sound

Stormsong Valley





Platinum ore

Tiragarde Sound

Stormsong Valley





Early tier mining upgrade

So, let's begin. Maps are impudently stolen from this resource.

Mining (1-300)

1-60. Copper ore

The first ore we can mine is copper and the metal we can smelt is copper. Found mainly in noob locations 10-20 levels. Below are the optimal routes for different factions and races. Pumping copper ore mining lasts until about skill level 66.





Eversong Forest

Tirisfal Glades


Azuremyst Isle


Dun Morogh

Elwynn Forest

60-100. Tin and silver ore

Hillsbrad foothills


100-150. Iron and gold ore


Cape of Stranglethorn

Western Plaguelands

150-200. Truesilver Ore and Mithril Ore



200-300. Thorium ore

Un'Goro Crater- there is a lot of thorium ore at the edges of the crater, we just run in circles.

Blasted Lands

Winter Keys

World Of WarCraft, created by the developers of the Blizzard studio, is mined using a game pickaxe. New option The game allows tens of thousands of users to participate in it at the same time. A convenient and simple interface and a colorful three-dimensional image, imitating space with great reality, takes players to a wonderful fantasy world of Warcraft, full of fast-paced events, exciting adventures and unusual transformations.

Description of wow game

Creation World games Of Warcraft is inspired by the Warcraft video game series. Here you can meet the same characters and similar plots. But now players have the opportunity to explore the world on their own Warcraft universe, and can also take part in battles with evil monsters and enchanted monsters.

The game was created in such a way that, despite the large number of players, they all have the opportunity to find each other and talk. You can help others to complete the quest. It is possible to unite to jointly repel monster attacks or attack the enemy, as well as to jointly conduct ore development. After all, deposits such as cobalt, indarium, adamantium, mithril or silver ore are located in hard-to-reach places, and the completion of this quest has its own nuances and difficulties, when the help of a friend in the game is especially needed.

Passing quests of different levels is of great importance for achieving success in promotion and receiving rewards. They help raise the level of the participant role play upon gaining some experience. In addition, by completing the quest, you can earn a variety of bonuses and rewards, such as money, food, potions, magic items, weapons and armor. For example, WOW-silver ore is mined in such difficult places of the game world as Thousand Needles, Wastes, Arathi Highlands, Badlands, Duskwood, Wetlands, Stonetalon Mountains. Agree, only names alone are worth something!

Mining - Skill

Sources of useful minerals become available for development as their rarity increases. The most accessible is the extraction of copper. Silver ore is not very common. Therefore, the completion of this quest is fraught with difficulties. The regions of the world where you will have to sneak or fight your way through are the most dangerous. But the effort and perseverance pays off with a vengeance!

To engage in Mining, you do not need to craft anything. Ore is mined by digging it out with a pickaxe. Then the mined minerals can be profitably sold at auction. Having mastered Mining, which is the most popular profession in gaming world, you have the opportunity to move on to Blacksmithing, Engineering, and even Jewelcrafting. Moreover, completing this quest will help you acquire 60 stamina - indicators of health game character.

Game levels skill

Any available for development silver vein Mithril becomes only if the player has reached the seventy-fifth level, and true silver can be mined by rising to the two hundred and thirtyth step. The extraction of ore from the deposit must be carried out until the deposits of minerals run out. There is a mini-map for searching in the game. Mineral veins must be located at the quest site or inside underground mines. But there are still unusual places where iron, gold or silver ore can be found. These are monster trophy chests.

By right-clicking on the found source of minerals, you can start mining them. In the mineral vein you will find not only metal, but also gems. The color that appears when you hover over the found fossil will reflect the possibility of obtaining skills or "money" from its production.

This Mining guide provides general tips for quickly leveling a profession to the maximum. It is worth considering that the guide only indicates what kind of ore to dig and where it is most often found. You will have to choose the routes around the locations yourself - this is not difficult, plus it can help you achieve the Explorer achievement.

Mining 1 - 65
Collect: Copper Ore (Copper Vein)
In the beginning, as usual, everything is simple. We pump the profession up to about 50 in gathering, after that we smelt the ore into Copper ingots. Copper veins are found everywhere in the initial locations.

* at skill level 50 go to the trainer and learn Mining (Journeyman)

Mining 66 - 125
Collect: Tin Ore (Tin Vein), Silver Ore (Silver Vein), Flamestone Ore (Aromatic Vein), Poor Bloodstone Ore (Small Bloodstone Deposit)
This part, probably because the initial one was simple, on the contrary, it is complex, the necessary ore comes across less often. Regardless of the faction, the easiest option seems to be a trip to the Wetlands region, there, in the Telgen's Cave (next to the entrance to Dun Algaz), there are huge deposits of Firestone ore. The ore is a quest one, but it allows you to raise the skill without any problems. In addition, the time for the appearance of veins is quite short.
An alternative would be Poor Blood Ore, which is mined in the Arathi Highlands. A small bloodstone deposit is found only in a cave with kobolds, not far from the Horde settlement Hammerfall.

* at skill level 125 we go to the trainer and learn Mining (Craftsman)

Mining 126 - 175
Collecting: Iron Ore (Iron Deposit) and Gold Ore (Gold Mine)
Both of these minerals are often found in the Arathi Highlands, especially if you drive in circles "on the edge" of the map. In addition to this location, you can turn your eyes to the Thousand Needles, northern Stranglethorn and the Badlands. We recommend Arathi Highlands, but to each his own.

Mining 176 - 250

Collect: Mithril Ore (Mithril Deposit) and Truesilver Ore (Truesilver Deposit)
The ideal option for collecting these ores are Inner Earths. Since ancient times, Tanaris has been considered a rich Mithril region, where, by the way, True Silver Deposits are also found. Mithril is found in large quantities in the Badlands, but it is far away. The choice, as always, is yours.

* at skill level 200 we go to the trainer and learn Mining (Workshop)

Mining 251 - 300
Collect: Thorium Ore (Small Thorium Vein, Rich Thorium Vein)
First, you should visit the Crater Un "Goro and rummage there until the skill level reaches 275, after which you can safely go to Winter Springs and finish the profession up to 300 there. However, you can start right away in Winter Springs, but drive past the Rich Thorium Veins without the possibility of them digging will be very difficult.

* at skill level 275 we go to the trainer and learn Mining (Master)

Mining 300 - 325
Collect: Fel Iron (Fel Iron Deposit)
Found throughout Outland, but easier to dig in Hellfire Peninsula, Zangarmarsh, or Terrokar Forest. There are no definite routes, especially for people with land mounts - where we see, we rummage there.

Mining 325-375
Gather: Adamantite Ore (Adamantite Deposit, Rich Adamantite Deposit), Fel Iron (Fel Iron Deposit), Khorium Ore (Korium Vein)
Many people think that the best place to dig Adamantite Ore is Nagrand. I won't argue, it's true. However, before raising the skill level to 350, I would advise you to go to the Netherstorm (often comes across Fel Iron and Adamantite), and only after 350 to Nagrand, although you can stay in the Netherstorm. The choice is yours - in terms of the total number of deposits and deposits Nagrand is in the lead, on the other hand, there are fewer competitors in Netherstorm, so if you're lucky, save thirty minutes.

* at skill level 350 go to the trainer and learn Mining (Grand Master)

Mining 375-400
Gathering: Cobalt Ore (Cobalt Deposits, Rich Cobalt Deposits)
We collect ore starting from the WotLK starting zones - Borean Tundra and Roaring Fjord and ending with Zul "Drak (the richest location on Cobalt Deposits in the game). As you level up your character, you can easily upgrade the profession to 400. If you are level 80 and swing from scratch - your choice: 260% mount and Zul "Drak.

Mining 400-450
Gathering: Saronite Ore (Saronite Deposit, Rich Saronite Deposit)
I will not reveal the secret if I say - the best place for the search for Saronite deposits - the Sholozar Lowland. A bunch of competitors, fights for the right to dig another portion of ore and running from the cemetery in this location is a familiar and everyday thing. However, there is so much ore that there is still enough for everyone. Works for an hour at most, regardless of whether you have a flying mount or not.

Prepared detailed guide on farming ore in Kul Tiras and Zandalar: figured out how to speed up the farming process and which route is better to take in each location.

Skill Levels

Any ore in Battle for Azeroth can be farmed with skill 1, but to increase the efficiency of mining, it makes sense to study levels 2 (requires 50 skill points and completing the quest) and 3 (requires 145 skill points and completing the quest):



Monelite ore Who's for firewood? (eq. 2)
Storm Silver Ore Preparation for the ritual (level 2)
Platinum ore Item An exceptionally large piece of platinum that can drop during mining. Requires approximately 130 Mining (Tier 2)

Where to farm ore in Kul Tiras and Zandalar

The first type of ore that you can mine in the locations of the Battle for Azeroth is monelite ore. It is from it that improvements can be made to speed up the farming process.

The next type of deposit is storm silver ore. This is a rare monelite spawn, i.e. after mining ore from a monelite deposit, there is a 35-40% chance that a storm silver ore deposit will appear in the same place. Thus, it is recommended to mine all the monel that comes across on the way.

And finally, Platinum Ore is the rarest deposit in Battle for Azeroth and is used to craft the most valuable items.

Ore mining route in WOW Battle for Azeroth


Here you will need either a mount with the ability to walk on water, or the appropriate ability specifically for the character - otherwise, farming ore will be more difficult.

If you notice that the ore doesn't have time to spawn, try changing the route by adding a red path to the yellow one.


The principle is the same - if the ore does not have time to spawn, increase the route.

Stormsong Valley

Several deposits are located underground, in caves - remember that it does not always make sense to spend time on them.

Tiragarde Sound

Both routes are good, but the first one is better.

Mining is one of the main professions in World of Warcraft. Miners can collect different kinds ores from found veins, as well as smelting this ore into ingots. This guide will show you how to upgrade Mining in WoW Battle for Azeroth.

Mining in WOW

Useful addons

The following useful add-ons will be useful for leveling Mining:

  • or .

Where to dig ore

In our guide, Mining leveling routes are presented only for Cataclysm locations. We believe that it is not necessary to draw maps for all locations. You just need to know a few provisions about the location of ore deposits in order to successfully navigate and choose the best route in any location.

Basic rule: veins are not located in the field and on the plains. Ore deposits can only appear on the slopes of mountains and near them, as well as near gorges and depressions. You should take a look at the map of the location, and by the relief you will already be able to figure out an approximate route.

As a rule, locations in WoW are separated from each other by mountain ranges, so often the most practical and easiest route is to fly around the boundaries of the location along the mountains.


As mentioned above, miners can not only collect ore, but also smelt it into ingots. Quite importantly, this action also increases the Mining skill. Thus, for faster pumping, you should smelt the collected ore into ingots. On our site there is a special way of smelting ore.

Mining 1-700


Copper ore
Horde: Tirisfal Glades, Durotar, Mulgore, Eversong Woods
Alliance: Dun Morogh, Elwynn Forest, Darkshore, Azuremyst Isle

Tin ore, Silver ore
Ashenvale or Hillsbrad Foothills

Gold ore, Iron ore
Western Plaguelands, Cape of Stranglethorn or Feralas

Truesilver Ore, Mithril Ore
Badlands, Felwood, Burning Steppes

Thorium ore
Blasted Lands, Silithus, Winterspring

275-350 (Burning Crusade)

Fel Iron Ore
Hellfire Peninsula

Adamantite ore

350-450 (WotLK)

cobalt ore
Howling Fjord, Zul'Drak

Saronite ore
Lowland Sholazar

450-525 (Cataclysm)

obsidian ore

elementium ore
Twilight Highlands, Deepholm

525-600 (Mists of Pandaria)

When Mists of Pandaria is released, we will add a section to the guide for leveling Mining 525-600, including maps with routes for new locations. Don't forget to buy a Mining Pick for an extra +10 skill points!

Ghost Iron Ore
jade forest

Ghost Iron Ore is found almost everywhere in Pandaria and is represented by two types of veins: Ghost Iron Deposit (requires skill 500) and Rich Ghost Iron Deposit (requires skill 550).

A great place for leveling profession 525-600 is the Jade Forest.

Leveling mining in WOW Battle for Azeroth

We have compiled a short guide for leveling a new stage of mining in the Battle for Azeroth.

This mining profession allows you to obtain ingredients for the crafting professions Blacksmithing, Engineering, and Jewelcrafting. Thus, it is recommended to combine mining with these professions (although the choice is yours, of course).

Mining studies

The skill is pumped in exactly the same way, only its names for different factions differ - Kul Tiran Mining and Zandalari Mining. Explore new level Mining can be found at Master Secott's Goldsmiths in Dazar'alor's Artisans' Terrace, or at Mira Cabot at the Seven Winds Market in Boralus.

If you can't find the right NPC, then ask the guards - they will mark the location of the right character on your map.

How to speed up mining

There are 3 new items in Battle for Azeroth that increase the speed of ore mining:

  • allow you to collect ore while on a mount.
  • Monel-hardened horseshoes increase mount speed by 20%.
  • Rough Leather Horse Armor makes you immune to vertigo, so enemies can't knock you off your mount.

Remember that all these items only work for 2 hours. It is advisable to use them at the same time, but if this is not possible, then get at least Monel-Reinforced Stirrups.

You can also use Enchant Gloves: Zandalari Mining or Enchant Gloves: Kul Tiran Mining, both of which also increase mining speed.

Mining Leveling in Battle for Azeroth

1 – 150

A mount that can move on water, or a spell that allows you to do it personally, will significantly speed up the leveling process in this location. If you notice that you are mining too fast, and new nodes do not have time to appear on your path, try increasing the route distance by adding a red route to the main yellow one.


Just like in the case of Nazmir, you can add a red route to the main one if you collect ore too quickly.


This route runs around the Horde city, so it is not recommended for the Alliance representatives.

Stormsong Valley

There are several underground nodes in the center of the map - remember that it is not always worth spending time on them.

We hope this guide to Mining in WOW Battle for Azeroth will help you upgrade your profession to the maximum as quickly as possible.

Guides for leveling professions in WOW Battle for Azeroth can be found on the page dedicated to.

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