Didactic games “Color science. Material on the topic: Didactic games for fixing colors

The presented games will help you introduce your child to the concepts of warm and cold shades, as well as develop color perception, which is very important for children. sensory development.

The game "Sun and snowman".

For this game, I took palette sets from Obi's store and cut them into cards. At first I tried to explain to the child what warm and cold colors are.
cold colors are those that give the impression of coolness, and warm-joy, cheerfulness, warmth. to warm colors include - red, orange, yellow. They resemble fire, the sun. A to x cold - blue, blue, purple. They are like ice and water. Green color can be both warm and cold, about what it can be said by the ratio of blue and yellow in it. If there is more blue in green, then this color is cold, and if yellow, then warm.
Then I suggest that the child choose warm shades of color for the sun, and cold shades for the snowman.

Game "Find a couple".

The task is to find cards of the same color.

Game "Rug for a cat".

The task is to collect a mat for a cat of the same color from the darkest shade to the lightest or vice versa.

Game "Collect a bouquet".

This game will also help introduce children to the concepts of cold and warm colors. For the game you will need 2 vases - red and blue and flowers of warm and cold shades. An adult offers the child to collect 2 bouquets - one for the Snow Queen, the other for the Sun.

Game "Caterpillars".

In this game, the rules are the same as in the game "Collect a Bouquet" - you need to collect 2 caterpillars of warm and cold colors.

For younger children, you can simplify the rules and collect caterpillars of just one color.

The game "Colorful caterpillars".

With caterpillars, it will be very interesting to play another game to fix the names of colors. To do this, you need a cube with flowers. Players take turns throwing a die, what color fell on the die, the player takes this color circle for his caterpillar. It is very important that there will be no winner in this one, and the baby will not be upset.

For older children, the game can be complicated and throw 2 dice - one colored and the second with dots. Then the player attaches to his caterpillar as many circles of the dropped out color as dropped out on the die with dots. The winner is the player who has the longest caterpillar.

With a caterpillar, you can also perform tasks for the development of thinking. The adult begins to lay out the caterpillar in alternating circles of different colors, and the child must continue.

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Tanya Shramko

Dear colleagues! To your attention, I want to offer a series of didactic games on color science. The idea of ​​creating these games arose after studying the manual by I. A. Lykova " Didactic games and lessons". After analyzing the author's games, I decided to create them to design them, adding my developments.

Didactic game

"An artist named nature"

Age: middle, senior group

Purpose of the game: continue to teach children to draw analogies of the seasons with the colors of paints. Determine the nature of the color "cold", "warm" "Gentle" (pastel).

Game progress: to the participants of the game, the presenter offers cards with the image of the seasons, as well as palettes with color spots characteristic of one of the seasons. The task of children is to correlate the seasons with the most suitable color spot. Determine the colors and shades on the palette, their character (cold, warm, gentle).

Didactic game

"Seasons and Colors"


Target: match colors and shades with the characteristic color features of the season. To consolidate knowledge about the properties of color (character, saturation, brightness, composition).

Game progress: the game offers a landscape depicted by the artist in spring, summer, autumn and winter, with a characteristic color scheme for each season, as well as palettes and paint chips different colors and shades. The task of the participants in the game is to pick up for each season of the year advising chips - colors, to determine the saturation, character, shade, composition of each color (delicate - bright, cold - warm, basic - composite, shade of which color).

Didactic game

"Talking Colors"

Age: senior, preparatory group.

Purpose of the game: to acquaint children with a shade of color, to clarify the concept of "color" and "hue". Develop associative thinking, expand vocabulary.

Game progress: the participants of the game were offered cards with the image of objects whose names are associated with certain shades of colors (raspberry-raspberry; rose - pink, etc., as well as cards - shades. The task of the game participants is to correlate the cards-shades with their subject names. Determine to what color do these "talking" shades belong to.

Didactic game

"The berries are ripe"

Asc ast: junior, middle group

Purpose and game: to consolidate the ability to make a gradation series of colors from light to dark, according to the sample and without it.

Game move ry: the game consists of a card - a sample on which a row of berries is depicted, with a gradual increase in color hue. The task of the game participants is to be able to arrange cards with berries in a certain color order from lighter to darker according to the pattern, and then without it.

Didactic game


Age st: middle, senior group

Purpose and game: continue to get acquainted with the concept of "color spectrum", compare with a natural phenomenon (rainbow). Determine the colors included in the color spectrum and their sequence.

Game move ry: the game consists of a didactic field, which depicts the silhouettes of seven balloons, as well as separate multi-colored cards-balls. There are several game options available:

Option 1. The task of the participants in the game is to arrange seven colored cards-balls in the correct spectral sequence, using a popular speech phrase-hint (Every Hunter Wants to Know Where the Pheasant Sits), in which the sequence of words and the first letters correspond to the color of the rainbow.

Option 2. In addition to seven cards-balls, additional colors and shades are offered to the participants of the game. The task of the children is to choose those cards-balls that are part of the rainbow and arrange them in the correct sequence.

Option 3. The host lays out the balls in a spectral sequence, breaking the sequence of two or more colors. The task of the children is to find the error and correct it.

Didactic game

"Colors and Magic"

Age st: senior, preparatory group

Purpose and game: to acquaint children with the concept of "color tone", to give an idea of ​​​​obtaining saturated and light tones, how to obtain them. Make a gradation series (from light to dark and vice versa).

Game move ry: the game consists of a set of shades of three colors - silhouettes (blue, yellow, red, as well as cards with the image of colored and white drops. The task of the children is to arrange the shades of colors in an increasing sequence from light to saturated color and vice versa, while playing, find out what " tint of color" as it turns out.

Didactic game

"Color Transformation"

Asc ast: middle, senior group.

Purpose and game: to consolidate the ability of children to get new colors in paints. Identify primary and secondary colors.

Game move ry: children are offered silhouettes of paints with primary (red, yellow, blue) and compound (orange, green, purple, blue) colors. There are several game options.

Option 1. The leader adds two paints of primary colors and invites the participants in the game to determine the composite color that will turn out.

Option 2. The host chooses one of the composite colors of the paint and asks the participants in the game to find those paints (primary colors, when mixed, the color chosen by him is obtained.

Option 3. The participants in the game independently determine which primary colors of paints need to be added in order to get composite colors.

Colors can be studied not only, but also at home!

We select cups for saucers.

Looking for pair of socks.

We help colorful fish swim in the lakes of their color.

We plant butterflies on flowers of the desired color.

We repeat the given sequence of colors.

We collect "droplets" of a certain color in a glass of the same color.

Sort the Denesh blocks by color. You can add a form attribute.

We play flying carpets. We seat multi-colored toys on leaves of colored cardboard. If the passenger is picked up correctly, the flying carpet takes off.

The wind blew off the petals of the seed flower, we return the missing ones. We plant clothespin bugs on the petals of the desired color.

We lay out the mosaic-berries on colored plates. The task can be complicated by using a spoon.

We select clothes for dolls by color - hats, coats and boots of the same color as dresses, and send them for a walk. Meet Amanda and Caroline, two of the Top Reader's favorite dolls.

The wind blew off the roofs of the houses, we select the ones that are suitable in color and repair the houses.

We arrange the cars in the garages of the desired color (according to the color of the cabins).

We feed the toys with multi-colored cubes - “candies” (“The doll loves red candies, and the hare loves blue ones”).

We play "find it in the bottle". We take a lot of small objects of the same color (Lego parts and Kinder surprises will do), prepare a card with the image of these objects (you can draw or photograph), paint the rice in the color of the objects, put everything in a transparent plastic bottle, twist and glue the lid, hang it on the neck card on an elastic band, and the game is ready. Now it remains to shake the bottle to find all the items shown on the card. I usually do this when I travel.

We collect colored puzzles.

We select caps from bottles of suitable colors and fasten them. For this game, you need a cardboard blank with plastic bottle necks, interchangeable cards and colored caps.

We dress Amanda (you already know her :)) in dresses of different colors. You can prepare the same game by printing 2 photos of your baby, then he can dress himself.

Let's play Color Shop. For goods of a certain color, you can only pay with money of the same color.

I buy tomatoes. The seller counts red bills, issues a check and packs the goods.

I order yellow, orange and green products, the seller chooses them himself. Then we switch roles.

The bus driver drops passengers (toys of different colors) at colored stops. There are many variations: the postman delivers letters of different colors to colored streets, or the captain of the ship delivers pirates to colorful uninhabited islands, etc.

We play "Colored Dominoes", where instead of dots there are different colors.

We cut out stencils from cardboard (vegetables, fruits, berries, flowers) and apply them to various sheets of colored paper and things in the house, naming the color.

Stencils can be parts of a drawing.

And you can also choose not only the color, but also the shape - insert cut objects into the cells.

We solve "color examples".

We play visual games. Hide-and-seek is popular with us (for example, we hide yellow mice from a cat by painting them yellow). We return the confused caps from felt-tip pens to their place. We draw colored fireworks on black paper, yellow dandelions on green, etc.

For clarity, you can hang such a poster.

To get printed materials for games, you can

Didactic games for fixing colors for children 3-4 years old "Autumn Leaves"

Author: Zakharova Natalya Alekseevna, teacher of the correctional group
Place of work: MADOU No. 35, Novaya Melnitsa, Novgorod region

Work description: This series of games is designed for children 3-4 years old. junior group kindergarten. Games will help to fix the names of flowers, the names of trees. In addition, the leaves themselves can be used as stencils for drawing. This manual will be useful for teachers and parents of children 3-4 years old. Assignments are designed for group work, but some of them can be done individually.
Target: Fixing primary colors.
Materials used: Cardboard leaves in red and yellow.
Making allowance:
Large leaves of different types of trees are cut out of red and yellow cardboard. For greater durability, you can glue them with tape or laminate them. To complicate the games, you can add green leaves.

1 game "Collect a bouquet"


Game progress:
Children are given 1 leaf of red or yellow color. They join hands and dance, while saying:
Autumn, autumn has come
She plucked the leaves from the branches.
I circled them for a very long time,
And put them in a bouquet.

The children stop and the facilitator says further:
One two Three,
You collect a bouquet of red (yellow, different) leaves.

After these words, the children who have leaves of the indicated color converge in a circle, raising the leaves high, and, as it were, form a bouquet. After that, the game is repeated.

2 game "Leaf fall"

-Reinforce the knowledge of red and yellow.
- Develop auditory attention and perception.

- Develop the ability to work in a team.
Game progress:
Children choose a leaf for themselves and name the leaf of which tree they have chosen and what color it is.
The leader says:
Falling leaves! Falling leaves! All the children run in circles
Leaves are flying!
yellow leaves
Actions are performed by children with yellow leaves.
spin nicely.
red leaves
Actions are performed by children with red leaves.
They spin beautifully.
Further, in a different order, you can list which leaves do what. (... leaves fell to the ground, .... leaves flew in a circle, etc.)
In the end:
different leaflets
They fell to the ground.
A light breeze came and blew. They blow.
The leaves have risen They scatter..
scattered in different directions.

3 game "Run for a leaf"

-Reinforce the knowledge of red and yellow.
- Develop auditory attention and perception.
- Develop responsiveness
Game progress:
Leaves are scattered on the floor, and the yellow ones are one less than the children and the red ones are also one less.
The leader says:
One two Three
Run to the yellow (red) leaf.

Children should take a leaf of the color that the leader called. The one who did not have enough leaves of the desired color is out of the game. The game continues until the last person. He becomes the winner.

4 game "What color?"

-Reinforce the knowledge of red and yellow.
- Develop auditory attention and perception.
Game progress:
Each child is given two leaves (1 yellow, the other red). The facilitator asks questions like: What color is the chicken (poppy, sun, strawberry, dandelion, etc.)? The task of children is to pick up a leaf of a certain color.

5 game "Find a pair"

-Reinforce the knowledge of red and yellow.
- Fix the names of the trees.
- Develop auditory attention and perception.

- Develop the ability to work in a team.
Game progress:
Each pair of children is given 1 leaf from 1 tree, but of a different color. Fast music is turned on, to which the children scatter in random order, as soon as the music stops, the children must quickly find their mate. Next, the children with yellow leaves change leaves among themselves and the game continues, then the children with red leaves change, and so on.

6 game "Alternation"

-Reinforce the knowledge of red and yellow.
- Develop auditory attention and perception.
-Develop the ability to navigate in space.
-Learn to work according to the scheme.
- Develop the ability to work in a team.
Game progress:
Children are given 1 leaf of red or yellow color. Music sounds, as soon as it ends, the children must line up in a certain order, focusing on the diagram shown by the leader. The scheme is a sheet on which red and yellow circles are drawn in a certain order. (For example, red-yellow-red-yellow, or red-red-yellow-red-red-yellow, etc.)

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