Walkthrough Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor. Guide and tips for passing Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor Middle earth shadow of mordor skills

From the guys at Monolith. And perhaps the game was not the same as many thought. The game has a system called Nemesis, which brings the most unexpected amendments to our familiar 3d Person into the game. So it's time for everyone to get acquainted with some of the most useful tips and in general - a guide, which is written a little lower.

Tip #1 - Your every death is counted by the nemesis system

Are you dead? So get more powerful orcs on the territory where you died. This system works on the following principle: the more you die, the stronger your opponents will become in the territory where you died. Try to keep your health full - look for a variety of plants that can replenish your health. Before your battle - try to prepare carefully and keep an eye on the healing pots. Keep in mind that grass doesn't grow in fortresses, so keep that in mind.

Tip Three - Starting to lose the battle? Retreat!

Keep in mind that it is better for you to retreat than to die and then face an even stronger enemy. Of course, the orcs will laugh at your shameful departure, but let them laugh, see how they will laugh at a more prepared attack on them, when your blade pierces their heart! The game has passive upgrades - slots for runes and health. They will be given to you for the experience gained, and for Mirian. To get Mirian, you need to complete quests that will be marked in white on your map. The first experience is better spent on the health of the main character. There are ranger and ghost abilities in the game, but the ranger ones will affect melee combat the most. There are no pistols here, so it's better to pump the ranger. Artifacts will bring you certainly not great amount experience. but still they will bring something, all the more so to learn the history of Middle-earth, and even more so Mordor is quite interesting. Therefore, look for relics so as not to lose interest in the game.

Tip seven - do a variety of weapon challenges

On your map there are various icons with weapons, these can be: daggers, swords and bows. So it is better to carry out these instructions, as they are very useful. It is not entirely necessary to bring down the leader of the orcs when completing the quest. These quests are not mandatory at all, but by completing them you can get more power.

Tip nine - Karagorsy - dangerous, but they can be used

This is reminiscent of the famous one - like a wild animal in a cage and very dangerous, it can devour both orcs and you, if you, of course, get in its way. In the game, the combat system is very similar to the combat system in . With everything that follows from it.


Hello friends! I present to you my guide, which contains tips and tricks for completing achievements in Middle-earth game: Shadow of Mordor. If you have something to add to the guide, write in the comments.

  • Number of achievements - 74 achievements.
  • Offline achievements - 74 achievements.
  • The minimum number of passes for 100% is 1 pass.
  • Difficulty of achievements - 7/10 (depends on skill).
  • Approximate time to get 100% - 30 - 50 hours (depending on skill).
  • Achievements with difficulty levels - None.
  • Achievements that are easy to miss - Present.
  • Glitched achievements - Present.
  • Do cheats disable achievements? - There are no cheats.
If you want to thank the author - put your finger up!


I think the descriptions will be superfluous, because. obtained during the passage of the storyline.

Survival test

Hunting test

  • Trial 1: Kill 3 spiders.
    Spiders run all over the map so that it will not be difficult to find them. But, if you still find it difficult, then use the Ghost mode.
  • Trial 2: Kill 5 Hellhawks.
    Raise your eyes to the sky. Do you see the birds flying? It's them! If you still don't see it, go back to the area where the game started. They are definitely there.
  • Trial 3: Kill 3 Karagoras.
    You can find caragora in 3 ways: in cages (in Uruk camps), bait (a piece of meat hanging in some camps), or simply by running around the map. They are killed with two aimed shots to the head.
  • Trial 4: Kill 4 Mordor Rats.
    Look for them near the Uruk camps. Use Ghost Mode.
  • Trial 5: Kill 8 ghouls.
    Ghools must be hunted at night!
    The easiest way to find them is in caves, but they are also found on the map. They always appear in a crowd, but they also die from 1 hit.
  • Trial 6: Kill 3 Morgul Bats.
    These bats can be found near the entrance to the caves. It is better to kill from a distance, otherwise they will scatter when approaching.
  • Trial 7: Kill a graug.
    The Graug is the largest and most dangerous creature in Mordor and can easily kill you if you're not careful. Graugs must be hit while they are stunned (two aimed shots to the head). But the easiest way to kill a graug is after getting the ability "shadow rider", you can instantly subdue, and then kill by pressing a couple of keys.
  • Trial 8: Kill 1 Dread Caragora.
    The dire caragor has a white coloration, spikes and a strip of lives like a graug. Most often found in the Nurnen Sea.
  • Trial 9: Kill 1 ghula matriarch.
    A ghul matriarch is larger than a normal ghul and as strong as the captains. To find the Ghul Matriarch, you need to find the regular Ghul and kill them, leaving only a couple alive. They run for help. If the matriarch does not appear, then repeat everything again until it appears.
    ghul matriarch only appears at night
  • Trial 10: Kill 1 horned graug.
    The same as a regular graug, but stronger and with horns. Can be found in the Nurnen Sea in a cave on the left side of the map and in Udun in the same place (see screenshot). If you came, but he is not there, then speed up time with the help of the forge tower and return again (do it until he appears).



    Before the eyes of a ghost, the thousand-year history of Mordor unfolded. By finding the artifacts you can see the past - thanks to the memories they hold.

    Captains and Leaders

    DLC Great Hunt

    Please note that 4 achievements are best completed during tasks!
    • Flashes of flame
    • Mother, where are you?
    • The ghouls are rampant
    • Collector

    Brief introduction

    Start a new hunt with Torvin.

    Complete the first task.

    The most dangerous game

    Defeat all Tamer Chieftains.

    DLC Trial of the Wild

    In the game go to "Tests by Combat" and there "Wildlife Check".

    Hunting is the lady of my heart

    Complete all objectives in the Wildlife Challenge.

    This test requires:

    • Kill 5 chiefs and 20 captains;
    • Kill 10 captains with animals
    • score 13,000 points;
    • complete the task in less than 40 minutes (+1000 points).
    • Pay no attention to the drop-down runes! You will be able to collect them after playing the campaign.
    • Pay no attention to the glasses! Most likely you will gain them as you pass the test. If you don't, you'll have time to fix it.
    • If you had to move around the map on foot, do it on a karagat - it slows down time (jump over an obstacle and press the highlighted button).
    • In the upper right fortress on the grug, you can only enter the part after the bridge, it will not crawl further. So the captains inside the fortress will have to be killed manually. Of course, there are also karagats, but they are usually killed, unless there is fear of karagats.
    • If, nevertheless, one of the leader’s bodyguards escaped, just try to brand the leader, then a new one will not come to his place and you can kill him later (leave him for later, suddenly you won’t have enough points and this will give you time, but you can deal with him just the down arrow (I'm sorry for ps)).
    Cooking: To get started, go into the challenge and run through the map, it is important for you to find out the location of the graug lures.

    Here are the locations of the ones I found:

Developer Monolith Productions
Publisher Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment
Official site shadowofmordor.com
release date September 2014
Localizer 1C-SoftClub
Genre Action

After Peter Jackson's superb film adaptation of The Lord of the Rings, the world of Middle-earth went to the masses, expanding the audience of fans as much as possible. The film version was followed by the first games that relied on screen interpretations or books, and then came "offshoots" that did not directly duplicate the plot events of the trilogy. IN role play Lord of the Rings: War in the North has come to the point that completely new characters with their own history have become the main characters. But the events were still tied to the familiar plot, and the new characters acted as support for the Fellowship of the Ring. While Frodo and his comrades went their own way, the heroes of War in the North held back the invasion of dark forces in other directions. Fresh Shadow of Mordor generally refers us to another time period, before the beginning of the history of the relationship between Frodo and the Ring of Omnipotence.

As a result of an attack by a gang from Mordor, the ranger Talion loses his family and himself falls at the hands of the insidious villain and minion of Sauron. However, death is in no hurry to take the slain to itself and returns him back, providing the company with a certain ghost. The protagonist is overwhelmed with a sense of revenge, the spirit is trying to remember the past. Working together, they bring death to the restless lands of Mordor, step by step revealing the secret of events connecting them.

Without long preludes, we are immediately thrown into Mordor. It still does not look as deserted as during the time of Frodo's campaign, but it also does not indulge in bright colors. Around the dirt, rocks and a rare overgrowth of scant greenery. Such an entourage evokes despondency and part of that magical atmosphere that is characteristic of both movies and many games is lost. In War in the North, the journey began with pretty views of Hobbiton and the plot thread took us through completely different places and lands - from ancient ruins to snow-capped mountains. Shadow of Mordor does not indulge in variety, but game world large, open and solid.

Instead of the usual orcs, we are confronted by the Uruks - a lighter version of the Uruk-hai, which Saruman will then acquire. And this is also somewhat unusual. In War in the North, in addition to non-canonical enemies, there were many familiar images directly borrowed from movies and books. This also played an important role in engaging the player and keeping the fans interested. Shadow of Mordor seems very distant and alien at first. But Gollum quickly appears on the scene and familiar motifs arise. On the horizon of memories, images of the ancient era, from which the history of the ill-fated rings began, are becoming more and more clear. And the feeling of complete misunderstanding is gradually replaced by interest.

Initially, a lot was said about the similarity of the overall game concept with the notorious Assassin's Creed series, and on a general level, this is quite true. We run around Mordor, completing story missions and secondary tasks, along the way getting entangled in random adventures that are a must for any sandbox game. For example, they ran to the point of completing the task, grappled with a random patrol, made a big mess and went into the process of clearing the nearest camp for half an hour, forgetting why they were rushing in this direction. In this case, random encounters play an important role due to the unique hierarchy system of computer opponents.

Enemies are not the usual faceless mass, among them there are special commanders of different ranks. The world of Mordor lives in a constant struggle for power, the Uruks harden their combat skills in fights and gradually raise their level. Their position slowly changes over time, but mainly depends on our actions. If one of the special fighters manages to defeat you, then he will increase his level, which is why the next skirmish with him will be even harder. As a result, an Uruk can rise from a low level to the status of a general, acquire powerful armor, overcome fears and acquire a permanent company of bodyguards.

Fights with commanders are difficult due to their greater survivability and unique features these. A bow is useless against someone, someone skillfully blocks all blows, someone has a powerful poisoned weapon. That is, everyone needs a certain tactic and the ability to use the elements of the environment. For example, someone is afraid of fire or caragors (a local replacement for wargs). Then a fiery explosion or luring a beast will help to demoralize the enemy and gain an advantage. Each commander is unique. And this is further emphasized by the presence of his name, dossier and constant mise-en-scenes, when during the first meeting with him the fight stops for a couple of seconds at the moment of crossing swords so that the enemy can spew curses and threats.

The features of commanders are revealed to us only after receiving intelligence. You can find out the characteristics of a potential enemy when interrogating one of his subordinates or from a freed slave.

Commanders do not sit still and meetings with them take place anywhere, so a hot fight can happen at a completely unexpected moment. And if you are still brought to the camp of the Uruks or to the territory of their fortifications, then a major commotion threatens to end in a massacre with a bunch of high-ranking opponents.

There are familiar towers in the game that serve as a save place and allow you to open all the markers side quests in your area.

As for the combat system itself, it is reminiscent of the Batman: Arkham series - we put blocks in time, strike back and jump over enemies. There are beautiful finishing moves with fountains of black blood. There is the possibility of archery, throwing knives and various special techniques. All this is revealed gradually, and some skills improve over time. So, jumping over an enemy can stun him, hitting a bow in the leg slows him down, and much more. The pumping system is divided into several directions. Combat skills and general skills are improved by experience points, and weapon parameters are increased by runes, which are a reward for killing commanders. There are also a number of side quests that can unlock a more powerful bow, sword, or dagger. So the game skillfully encourages the player to take action in the open world.

Analogies with Assassin's Creed also arise due to the strong element of stealth. Only here it is not implemented so convincingly, but the primary role of stealth is not assigned. Many tasks can be completed in open combat, but quiet tactics require less time and nerves. Talion is skilled at climbing any wall, allowing him to bypass Uruks from high positions and neutralize some of them with a jumping fatal blow. On the ground, bushes help to hide us. There is a certain myopia of the opponents and a slow reaction time, which in this case is only for the benefit of the overall balance due to the large number of enemies and their quick respawn. The game is too willing to generate new Uruks. It seems that he just killed one of their companies, turned away, looked back - and a new group is already coming in their place. Against this background, the situation looks very funny when all territories are depopulated during the start of story mission, while the hero and his partner wander through the wastelands to the desired point.

There is a certain ill-conceivedness in the little things, and from a quick respawn there is a feeling of obsession. The fight with the commanders is also boring. At a certain stage, there is even a feeling of uniformity. It seems that the game will not present anything new. But then the situation is enlivened by a change of scenery. The hero moves to another location, where, in addition to ruins and Uruk castles, stormy grasses and bright sun await us. After boring runs through gray locations, these ingenuous landscapes even cause delight. The plot is also gaining momentum, again adding fuel to the spark of intrigue. The type of tasks varies somewhat. There are interesting "horse" rides, a mission in which you have to saddle a huge monster. Then everything also comes down to fighting with the commanders in order to reach their top, but in a slightly different context.

The protagonist acquires the ability to enslave the will of the enemy. And this not only gives new opportunities in battle planning due to the premature strengthening of their positions by random allies, but also sets as the ultimate goal the recruitment of generals instead of their elimination. Here the confrontation between them is revealed more actively. We are already directly involved in civil strife, which helps to find the right leaders.

Visually, the game looks nice. Although the same type of gray landscapes do not form a particularly positive feeling, one cannot fail to note the high elaboration of characters and detailed textures. Well, the mud with puddles is very rich and embossed. Even distant areas of mud wastelands look voluminous.

Rich weather effects with heavy rain and wet surfaces. The visual effect is perfectly emphasized by good voice acting. Under the drumming of the rain, fights in the mud look very brutal.

The game became famous even before the release, including due to the remarkable requirements for the amount of video memory. When using an HD texture pack, a 6 GB video card is ideally recommended, although with less you will get acceptable fps. This pack itself does not radically change the image, but the clarity of the environment increases. Moreover, this is noticeable not at close angles, but in a general perspective. Detailing of distant plans and objects is very high.

The game runs under DirectX 11. Tessellation is also used, which improves the geometry of characters and environments. The first is traditionally difficult to notice with the naked eye, and the second immediately catches the eye. There is no effect when each pebble acquires clearer three-dimensional contours, but many stone surfaces acquire a more wavy irregular shape.

The effect of enabling tessellation is clearly visible in the lower comparison of the same scene.

Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor offers a nice compilation of familiar ideas. We saw something in Assassin's Creed, something we saw in Batman: Arkham. But all this is brought together, seasoned with a unique confrontation system with personalized commanders and interesting pumping, flavored with nice (but a little rough) graphics. It seems to be good, but there is some uniformity, protractedness and problems in small things. Plays briskly, but without enthusiasm. At the same time, the game is best perceived as something independent. The authors have gone too far from the canonical recognizable images from The Lord of the Rings, there will be no feeling of nostalgia. Because of this, fans may be a little disappointed.

Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor is a sandbox where the player is given the opportunity to choose the sequence of missions, both main and side ones. Just as is typical for open worlds, there are a lot of collectibles and mini-quests. This guide will contain tips for passing the game and will be gradually supplemented.

  1. The main tasks are marked on the map with yellow icons. Only by doing them will you progress through the story. Sometimes, in order to open some place or a side quest, you need to advance through the plot. Over time, the main tasks will need skills, so you will have to switch to side quests, if you go through the game without side tasks, thanks to which you can upgrade important combat skills and get runes for weapons, then you will feel the difficulty already in the early stages and you will often die. Frequent death increases the power of the commanders, so it will be more and more difficult.
  2. Get information about commanders, it is really useful. Information can be obtained from enemies with a green square above them, also this green square sometimes hangs over slaves who will tell you everything if you free them and over tables with papers, you just need to sneak up on them and read them. Information about the commanders is not just a beautiful bun of the game - it is an important aspect. Some leaders can regenerate health, some die only with a certain type of attack, so without the necessary knowledge you or spend a lot of time, this is best case, or die.

3.Focus more on Pathfinder skills, try to upgrade Fast Finisher, Stunning Jump, Death Threat and Double Rush as soon as possible. Thanks to these skills, your tracker will be an extremely deadly machine. To double the effect, pay attention to the bow. For the bow, download "Quick Shot" and "Shadow Strikes". All of you are almost invincible now. Naturally, in order to pump these skills, you should participate in side quests(Struggle for power) marked with a red icon. For completion you will receive power points. Having collected the required number of power points, you can unlock the necessary skills.

  1. If you don't want to waste your time, then ignore the collectibles. They give little experience and, apart from information on the lore (from the developers), they do not give anything. Take them only when they are very close.
  2. Upgrade your weapons. The Death Threat skill will help you get a Legendary rune for weapons when interrogating captains (40%) and leaders (100%). She, obviously, will increase the power of the weapon. Complete challenges tied to weapons. These are white icons with the type of weapons that will be pumped - a sword, a dagger, a bow. Challenges are a little boring, like kill so many in such a time or in the proposed way. However, if you complete all the challenges, you will receive a legendary weapon. They are many times more powerful than what is by default. Do not forget about pumping passive parameters.

    Focus on pumping health and energy. Orcs hit hard here, especially spearmen with shields, but they can be quickly dealt with with a bow. The bow is generally a wonderful thing - master the skill of archery in the head, insert a rune to replenish energy when it hits the head and you can shoot crowds of Uruks, which will make it much easier for you to fight, especially with captains.

    Don't be afraid to leave the battlefield, especially if you're in a fortress. In the fortresses can raise the alarm. Orcs will run endlessly to it and even bring a commander with them. It is not always possible to come out of a battle as a winner. So it's better to retreat and hide. Wait for everyone to calm down and go there again, being careful. If you are killed, then the commander of the fortress will receive a promotion and become stronger. It may turn out that one of the ordinary orcs will also receive a promotion and become a commander. He will be assigned to a vacant position in the Uruk detachment.

8.Animals are good helpers. Let the beast out of the cage and it will attack the enemy, just stay away yourself. Shoot at the cage with the animal from a safe distance. Do not neglect campfires and barrels, they also deal good massive damage to the enemy. In stealth mode, you can poison grog, orcish swill, this will also undermine their ranks.

  1. Use combos. As soon as the counter turns red, use a combination - this will help you deal with the enemy faster. In addition, such combos cause significant damage to commanders if they are not immune to them.
  2. How to kill bats and where do they live? In fact, the hunter's trials can make us run for an extra couple of hours. Especially if you missed the bats and after beating the game decided to finish the test. So the bats themselves are bats that live mainly near the entrance to the caves. Kill three small bats and the test is passed.

    How to get rune level 25. To do this, we need to take several very important steps. Find a level 20 Uruk or help him level up to level 20. Then we get another level for each action in relation to him. These 5 levels will not be displayed, so follow the instructions.
    +1 level for making him a target for revenge. (that is, we die by his hand)
    +1 level for learning about him from the Worm.
    +1 level for using his fears.
    +1 level for an Uruk dying from his weakness.
    +2 levels if he is Warchief.
    IMPORTANT! Don't threaten the selected uruk with death or you'll get a legendary rune instead of a leveled rune.


  • Looking for a worm. An Uruk with a green square above its head. Learn the weaknesses of our chosen Uruk. Better to be the leader. Pay attention to the fact that the chosen Uruk has obvious weaknesses and fears. For example, he is afraid of Karagorov or Flies.
  • Now we die from his hand so many times that he becomes level 20, if he has not yet gained this level. If the selected Uruk is already level 20, then simply die from his hand 1 time. Once he finishes you, he will become your target for revenge.
  • If the chosen Uruk is not a leader, then we help him become a leader. If you are already a leader, then move on.
  • We kill the leader. Before we fight, we check his level, his fears and weaknesses. I got an Uruk with a fear of Karagorov and just sitting on a pet spammed him with a sword. As soon as we kill, we drop a rune. There is a chance that it will be legendary, then you will have to repeat everything again. I got it right the first time.

This is a wonderful action-RPG that has captured thousands of people: just those who love to kill hundreds of orcs, and those who are fans of Tolkien's books. And the developers decided to make a couple of Easter eggs for enthusiastic players. And now I will tell you exactly what Easter eggs you can meet in this game.

Chapters of the Lord of the Rings

Names of some side missions, such as the Knife in the Dark or the Dark Rider are complete references to the works of Tolkien, or rather to the chapters of his books. Those who have read these books have clearly been able to see these little references.

Batman in Middle Earth

Combat system Shadow of Mordor isn't the only thing that was inspired by the Batman games. After you go to kill the Morgul Bats that are near the Mordor Cave, you will unlock some information about them. For example, that the rotting flesh on their teeth is a strong poison.

Some Uruks who have been poisoned by this poison wear all deformities as an honor. The poison is slowly eating away at their minds, sending nightmares of a demonic man-bat that preys on fear. Oh yes, about the same mouse that lives in Gotham City.

Celebrimor Quotes

Celebrimor often quotes lines from The Lord of the Rings, while referring to the events taking place in the game. For example, after waking up to find Graug, Celebrimor will say "Run, you fool". You know what this is referring to. Upon returning to the Tower, Talion sometimes asks what these Towers are. And then Celebrimor will say that they are the light in the darkness of Mordor, when the rest of the light has gone away. And the spirit should also say "Not all those who wander are lost", and this will be a reference to Tolkien's "Not all that is gold glitters". Such is our Celebrimor.

Only three, but maybe you found something else? Something terribly invisible. If yes, then be sure to write in the comments.

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