Summer ice games. Experiments and games with ice for children

Hi all! Recently, I realized that Yanka does not know what ice is at all. I don’t understand how I missed this, but in our 2-and-a-half years old, we have never played with ice. Let's catch up! Are you with us? Then prepare plenty of warm water to warm your hands and melt the ice!

Some time ago, I discovered a rather entertaining book "Iceberg on the Carpet", in which you can find a lot of games and experiments for kids, including with ice. Yes, almost all the ideas from it have long been spread on the Internet, but it was after reading the book that I wanted to repeat something.

So, our first experience was a large block of ice with small toys sharpened in it. In advance, I put these children's treasures in a bowl of water and froze. By the way, to make the ice transparent, you need to use boiled water, and to easily remove it from the mold, just pour a little cold water on it. For some reason, I didn’t think of it right away) In addition to the “iceberg” itself, for the game we needed a bowl of warm water, a rag and a small rubber pear.

The first thing Janka grabbed was unfamiliar ice. Brrrr, it's cold. After that, I suggested that she dip her hands in warm water to feel the difference. From the words of my baby, the water was “Tepka”, and the ice was “havony”. After that, we poured warm water over the frozen animals for a long time and carefully, watching how the ice slowly disappears.

They played for a long time and had fun, several times they had to drain the water and fill it with new warm water, and since the Yankees had one of their favorite games with water, happiness knew no bounds.

A couple of days ago we implemented another idea - ice art. As in the previous game, ice was frozen beforehand, only this time in a balloon to give it a rounded shape. For the game, we also needed ordinary salt, watercolors, brushes, water and a rag in case of unforeseen flooding.

At first, Yanka studied an unusual ball, heavy and cold, it was clearly different from those that she had come across before. And after the shell was removed, we began to actively paint the ice floe. At first, the paint was almost transparent and flowed down, but after adding salt, everything began to change. The ice melted, forming thin paths and minks on the surface, into which the paint flowed. It turned out quite interesting, but I wanted more.

The whole family decided to wash our ball under a cold shower, after which it was transformed! It is a pity the photo does not convey how it shimmered in the light.

Then we just salted and poured water on it, watching the changes. At the end, Janka brought him into the bathroom and held him in her hands, and I poured hot water from the rain. Now the ice ball was melting quite quickly, which caused a storm of emotions in my crumbs. She looked at him with such eyes ... For us adults, it's just ice that melts, but for her it turned out to be real magic.

Have you ever played with ice? Tell us about your experiments and impressions! I would love to read your comments on this. And we have everything for today, bye-bye. Health to you and your children!!

Vladik is constantly freezing something. You will find a strange piece of ice in the freezer and wonder what it is. It turns out that this is frozen tea leaves or peppered water, and more recently I discovered frozen hydrogel balls. Our refrigerator is full of surprises. :yahoo: Somehow, with the help of ice cubes, we studied the thermal conductivity of some materials, such as foil, cotton wool, paper, and today we will just play. Let's make ice eggs with a surprise and arrange an ice age for toys.

I planned ice games since the evening, because the water needs time to freeze, but Vlad didn’t say anything about it.

Imagine his surprise when I took out toy animals bound in ice from the freezer. Vladik and Makar began to rescue them.

How to make Ice Age:


  • Plastic container,
  • small toys,
  • water,
  • cones, pebbles.

Here again it turns out not just game, and scientific observations

Ice eggs with a surprise

In this game, we again froze toys, but now we took not animals, but Lego men. Vlad loves to build all kinds of spaceships out of Lego. Therefore, it was decided to go to the planet where aliens were found in ice eggs.

For this game you will need:

  1. Strongly stretch the narrow part of the ball so that the little man can get inside, lower the toy there.
  2. Pour water into the balloon, tie. If you want more water to fit in the balloon, then you should pull the balloon over the water tap and hold it tightly so that it does not break.
  3. Send the balls to the freezer. Better keep them there all night.
  4. The next day, take out the balls, remove the shell and start playing.

Ice eggs can be broken with a hammer, picked with a screwdriver, sprinkled with salt, put in a warm place ... Look for your best way to release the little men from the ice captivity.

If your kids are too old to play with ice, then I can offer your cheerful company.

Water is one of the wonders of the world. You can study the properties of water at home. After all, this is a fun activity. Freeze water, paint it, use children's toys, molds, lego. Surprise kids with fun experiences and magic tricks. And for young scientists and their parents, I have a useful and very entertaining GIFT. This book will open the world of Experiments with Water and give you many interesting moments in your home laboratory.
Successful experiments! Science is fun!

EXPERIENCES AND PLAYS WITH ICE FOR CHILDREN All of the games below are best played on completely clear ice. Unfortunately, it can be difficult to achieve. In a conventional freezer, the ice turns cloudy, interspersed with numerous air bubbles. There are several suggestions on how to get rid of this. First, it is best to use filtered boiled water. And not just boiled, but boiled three times (boil-cool). Secondly, you need to let the water settle before putting it in the freezer. And it is best to freeze ice not in the refrigerator, but on the street - slowly freezing, the ice turns out to be more beautiful. Unfortunately, despite the fulfillment of these conditions, we have not been able to obtain completely transparent ice. Maybe it will work for you? In any case, all ice crafts are very beautiful and successful. So don't hesitate, try it! Ice "skalochka" We will need: A container for freezing water and small toys. Progress: Prepare a surprise for your child. Freeze small toys and objects in some kind of vessel: kinder figurines, coins, small doll dishes, etc. Due to the fact that they are all of different density, they will be located in a piece of ice at different levels: the heavy ones will fall to the bottom, the light ones will freeze at the very top. And not all will be visible. And then you can play according to the usual scenario for "sparks" (for example, you can see our "sparks" with beads here). Encourage your child to find hidden objects. To do this, put the resulting ice floe in a small bowl and give the child a cup of warm water - let him pour over a piece of ice. The figures will gradually thaw and fall out of the ice block. A very bewitching spectacle Submerging diver We will need: A toy figure heavier than water, a plastic cup, a large transparent container into which the figure will "dive". Progress of work: In order to make a diver, we need a toy figure that is heavier than water (you can take a LEGO man, just let the air out of all its cavities first). It must be put in a plastic cup, pour water and put in the freezer to harden. After the water in the glass freezes, our diver, frozen in a piece of ice, can be taken out and floated in a container of water. As the ice melts, the diver will naturally sink to the bottom. Watching this process is very interesting! - Ice aquarium If your kid loves aquarium fish, you can offer him to make an ice aquarium. We will need: A five-liter plastic bottle, pebbles, plastic algae, figures of marine life. Progress of work: In a large container (we took a five-liter plastic bottle from water and cut off the upper part from it), we need to create a real underwater world: put stones on the bottom, look for algae and small toy marine life. After everything is laid out in its place, an impromptu aquarium can be filled with water and put in the freezer. If you want marine life to "live" not only at the bottom, but also in the water column, you need to freeze the water in layers. Pour a little, wait until it freezes, put the necessary figures on this layer and pour them again (use only very cold water and immediately put the container in the freezer, setting the refrigerator to the lowest temperature, otherwise the water will melt the bottom layer of ice). When the aquarium is completely frozen, you can remove it from the container and admire the mysterious life of the deep sea. Snow Queen Medallion The girls will love the idea of ​​making an ice decoration. For example, for the Snow Queen or the Snow Maiden. We will need: A small round cap, various decorations, a chain Progress of work: In a small round cap, you need to lay out patterns from " precious stones ". Pour them with water and put the jewelry to harden in the freezer. Do not forget to first lower one edge of the chain or thread into the lid with water so that the medallion can be worn around the neck. Perhaps the little fashionista will want to put it on for a walk on a frosty day ?Snowflake mandalas By the same principle as the Snow Queen medallion, you can make beautiful ice mandalas.Creating such patterns can captivate the baby for a long time.The theme for winter mandalas can be the shape of snowflakes.Talk to your baby about their variety, look at enlarged photos of real ones. snowflakes on the Internet, and then start creating your own.We will need: Flat containers (jars, lids, plates) and filling to your taste Workflow: 1. Take a few flat, shallow containers (can lids, plates, etc. 2. Invite the child to lay out his snowflakes in them.Choose materials for the mandala that are heavier than water: pebbles, shells, etc. Or maybe you want, like us, to experiment with snowflakes from screws and nuts ? 3. After the snowflakes are ready, carefully fill them with water and freeze them in the freezer. And then take it out of the molds and admire their fleeting beauty, because they will soon melt. But if you first add a thread loop to the snowflakes in the molds, then they will make a wonderful decoration for a street Christmas tree that will hang on the street until the first thaw (remember, we already made ice Christmas toys last year?) Ice candlesticks Did the kid notice how beams of light shimmer beautifully in ice floes? How do they play on the edges of ice, as if on expensive crystal? This property of ice to refract light can be used to make an ice fruit bowl or an ice candlestick that can be admired on New Year's Eve. The principle of creating both vases and candlesticks is the same - a smaller one is placed in a large container, and the gap is filled with water. Experiment with decoration, with shapes - this is a very interesting process. For example, last time we made decorations for a vase from plants and berries. And this time, a different technique was chosen for the candlesticks - to tint the water with watercolors. We will need: Cylindrical containers of such a size that one enters the other, watercolors, some weights (for example, pebbles). Progress of work: 1. We select containers for ice. Any junk container is suitable for this: plastic bottles, disposable cups, yogurt cups. It is better if they are smooth and cylindrical. Then it will be easier to separate them later. 2. We fill those containers that will be the outer walls of the candlestick with water to the middle. With the help of watercolor paints, we tint the water directly in the jars. 3. In those jars that will be the inner walls of the candlesticks, pour something heavy, for example, pebbles. We put them inside large jars and place the blanks for candlesticks in the freezer for the night. 4. We take out the frozen blanks and remove the molds from them (for this you need to rinse them outside with warm water, and just pour water into the inner cups, then they will easily fall behind). Candlesticks are ready! The fact that not everyone got the bottom does not matter - after all, a candle can just stand on the table. The main thing is that there should be an ice cylinder around it.

Hello, dear readers of the site Malyshata! I think there is no such kid in the world who would not like to play with water. And if he loves water, he will not refuse to play with ice. After all, the ice is so interesting, so unusual. And when else to play games with ice for children if not in winter. It is snowing, it is frosty, and the water, as if by magic, turns into ice. Which beckons to skate or play hockey.

  • But what about the kids who still can’t play hockey or stand on skates?

There are other entertainments for them - ice games for children.

Ice track

  • Take the paints and make colored water together with the baby. After that, pour it into various molds and set it to freeze. When colored water turns into ice, it can be taken out. The resulting multi-colored ice floes are very beautiful. With such figurines you can decorate a path, a slide, a snowman or a cave in the yard.
  • And if you freeze water in ordinary plates, then we get such beautiful multi-colored ice floes. Of these, the child will be able to independently lay out an ice path in the yard.

ice decoration

Fill a small bowl with plain water. Invite your child to put in small stones, buttons, shells, cones, or toys.

  • Toys can be taken from the Kinder. If there are no cones or pebbles, sliced ​​\u200b\u200bvegetables or fruits will go.
  • You can put whatever your imagination tells you. After that, a beautiful, not wide ribbon or a thick thread of 10 or 15 cm, fold in half, lower the ends of the ribbon into water and freeze.

Carefully remove from the bowl and voila! Ice decoration is ready! They can decorate trees and bushes in the yard near the house.

Ice Jewelry - Ice beads

To make ice beads, you need to take a palette and fill the recesses with water.

  • After that, put a narrow ribbon or thick thread into these water-filled recesses. It must be covered with water.
  • When the water freezes, carefully remove the beads. Water can be ordinary from the tap, then the beads will be transparent, tint the water - you will get multi-colored beads.
  • If you put any berries that you have at home into the recesses, the ice beads will be even more beautiful. For example, you can take viburnum or rowan berries.

Such ice beads will be a wonderful decoration for a Christmas tree on the street or a snowman.

Ice games for kids

Looking for treasure

  • Together with your child, collect small objects of different densities: pebbles, beads, buttons, shells, animal figures and freeze. You need to pick up different objects: those that sink in water and those that do not sink, but float on the surface.
  • In addition, so that small items are distributed evenly, we freeze them in several stages in layers. First, lay out some toys, pour water and freeze. Then put more toys on top and freeze again. If everything is done correctly, you get a "magic treasure chest." And by touching up the water a little, we can get the chest even more beautiful.
  • Show your child how to get the treasure from the chest. To do this, offer him a toy hammer, salt, a screwdriver or warm water. Let the child try different ways.
  • It will be very interesting for a small researcher to observe how salt affects ice. As the ice gradually melts. But it doesn't happen evenly. Small depressions - caves - are formed on the surface of the ice. And to make it even more interesting and entertaining, we take different dyes and drip on ice. The dye penetrates into the caves and immediately stains them. It turns out a motley, bright, multi-colored picture. Explain to your child why this is happening.
  • If there are cones at home, be sure to use them for freezing. This will give the kids an excellent ground for research. Pay attention to the crumbs on the behavior of the cones. An open cone was placed in water, and after freezing it turned out to be closed. Discuss with your child why this is happening.


Pour water into a basin or a small container, lower a few pieces of ice and a small boat into it.

  • Let your child play and watch the ice melt. And then talk with the baby that he noticed - the ice is melting quickly or slowly. If the baby is at a loss with the answer, help him.
  • You can take two containers, pour cold water into one, and warm water into the other and lower several ice cubes into each of them. Observe in which container the ice melted faster and why.

ice palace

Try not to throw away, but collect rectangular milk bags. Let the child pour colored water into them and set to freeze.

  • When the water freezes, carefully cut open the bags. We got real ice bricks, but this is already a building material.
  • It remains quite a bit - to build a beautiful castle that will shine in the sun and sparkle with all the colors of the rainbow, like the Snow Queen.

ice racing

These milk cartons can also be used for ice racing. To do this, pour water into them, carefully place small toys, flags or paper sails on top. We make sure that the base of the flag, sail or toy is frozen to a piece of ice. We should get a stable figure with an ice floe at the bottom.

  • Now we can arrange ice races on a flat, flat surface. Having melted a little, the figures will quickly slide across the floor.

So, if you are absolutely crumbs and have not yet matured for skiing and skating, then ice games for children are just what you need!

  • Or maybe you like walking. Colored snow, figures made of snow or caves will not leave kids indifferent.
  • Surprisingly, an unforgettable activity will appeal to both kids and adults. If the game is properly organized, then it will become a fun and entertaining process, and will bring a lot of joy to children.

All children are very attracted to water games. In summer, on a warm sunny day, you can organize water games on fresh air by pouring it into a basin or inflatable pool. In this article, we will share with you some ideas summer games not only with water, but also with ice.

Ice is also water.
Fill ice cube trays with water. First with a spoon, then you can try with a syringe.

We freeze tinted ice and melt it in warm water.

1. Ship from a piece of ice

To make a boat you will need:

- a plastic cup
- cocktail straw with corrugated top
- scotch
- scissors
- colored paper
- hole puncher

Work plan:

1. Bend the tube and secure it with adhesive tape in the cup as shown in the photo below.

2. Pour water into the scan and place it in the freezer to freeze the water.

3. After the water turns into ice, remove it from the glass.

4. Using scissors and a hole punch, make a sail out of colored paper and fix it on the boat.

5. When making a boat, you can use water tinted with paints, then it will turn out even more beautiful.

And the boat will turn out from a piece of foam and a toy spoon.

2. Treasure hunt

Another summer fun is the search for "treasures" in a piece of ice. You will need any small items: shells, pebbles, beads, animal figurines, lollipops, etc. In order for the objects to be evenly distributed in a piece of ice, they must be frozen in layers and objects of different densities must be selected for the game (those that sink in water and those that float on the surface).

If you follow the instructions, you will have such a beautiful piece of ice with treasures.

A child can extract treasures with warm water, a hammer, salt, and a toothbrush. It is also interesting to use tinted water to freeze treasures.

Looking for sunken ships

3. Ice beads

You can make ice beads (you need to melt a thread in water before freezing in each cell).

4. "Salt Tunnels"

Mix salt with watercolor and put this "porridge" on ice. The salt will eventually melt the ice and eat through the tunnels. At the same time, you can tell why salt is sprinkled on icy roads.

You can arrange an ice age and global warming. Observe which ice melts faster - in hot water or in a warm sweater, etc.

5. Ice rink for toys

We put the toys in disposable cups and pour a little water, freeze. A tray or baking sheet is suitable for a skating rink.

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