How to play solitaire 54 cards. Fascinating solitaire games

Solitaire is a type of card game for one player. Solitaire layouts have become one of the standard entertainments of the famous operating system. There are layouts for 52 and 36 cards, the article will describe several varieties of the game and give the rules for how to play solitaire (36 cards).

Solitaire is a great way to relax and pass the time. There are not only playing, but also fortune-telling types of layouts. Although in this way you can only get yes / no answers from cards to very simple questions.

How to play 36-card Klondike Solitaire

Klondike is one of the most popular and well-known solitaire games around the world. This type of layout was included in the standard set of games in the widely used operating system. The layout rules are extremely simple.

For the layout, decks of 36 and 52 cards are used. To play solitaire (36 cards), as in every other card game you need to know the rules. There is a variant of a large layout for 104 cards from two decks (52 cards). For this version of the game, 10 rows are laid out, for playing one deck in 52 - 6 rows, for a regular playing deck (36 cards), the rows are reduced to 5. The cards are laid out face down. The first row is laid out 1 card in each column, in the 2nd row they are laid out on a card only in 5 columns, in the third - in 4 and so on. The last card in each column is turned face up.

The remaining cards are set aside and used when the options for moving the layout are over. You can turn over a deck of three cards. The last one in the top three is considered active, you can take the middle one only after the one closest to the player. In the Big layout, you can turn over the deck only once; in the layout for 36 cards, the use of coupon cards (from the deck) is not limited. To simplify the game, beginners can take one card from the coupon.

Game rules (36 cards), how to play Klondike Solitaire:

That's all the rules. Solitaire is considered laid out when all the cards of the corresponding suit are collected on aces.

How to play Spider Solitaire in 36 cards

Spider solitaire is rarely used playing deck. It can be laid out with one, two or four suits. For the game, they take 2 or 4 decks at once, depending on the desired complexity.

Step-by-step instructions for 4 decks of 36 cards on how to play Spider Solitaire:

You can play with fewer decks, then the number of rows must also be reduced. So, for 3 decks (36 cards) you need to make 8 columns, one half of which has 7 cards each and the second - 6 pieces each. Playing with fewer decks is not that fun.

"Grandma's arrangement"

A very simple but interesting variant of 36-card solitaire. The deck is laid out in 3 identical columns of fans of 3 cards, as shown in the photo below. The goal of the game is to collect sequences of each suit from ace to six.

The top card in each fan is considered the active card. Dropped aces are immediately laid out on the sidelines. You can only stack cards of the same rank on top of each other, but their number in a fan should not exceed four. In a deadlock situation, the deck is collected, interfered with and again laid out in triplets. Solitaire is considered completed if the combinations are completed in three hands.

Pyramid Solitaire

"Pyramid" - a very simple way to play solitaire (36 cards). You need to shuffle the deck and lay out 9 rows of 4 cards, the last ones in the column with the suit up. Next, you need to look for pairs of the same value of cards, such pairs are eliminated from the layout, and the cards under them are opened. Nothing can be done with empty column spaces. The spread is considered folded if all the cards are eliminated.

Rules for divination on cards

It's no secret that cards can open up the future. How to play solitaire - divination from 36 cards? There are several simple signs and requirements for a deck for divination. You can't guess playing cards. Strangers should not touch the deck. It is better to keep several sets of cards, one for personal use, the second for divination by outsiders. Do not ask questions to cards in a bad or depressed mood.

Each fortune-telling deck should have its own storage place, for example, a beautiful velvet bag. You should not ask all the questions in one scenario, many answers will not even be approximately correct. Also, do not seek the help of cards for nothing and ask the same question twice. The most accurate layouts are made for a period of time no more than 3 months.

Spread of desire

There are very simple fortune-telling solitaire(36 cards) per wish. How to lay out one of them is described below. Before starting the layout, it is worth holding the deck in your hands, thinking about your desire. Next, it is worth shuffling the deck well and laying out two cards face down next to each other. The remaining cards are equally laid out in 2 rows with the suit up, it is necessary to start the alignment from the last ones laid out.

The first four are considered, if in each column there are cards of the same denomination, they are put aside, attention moves to the next four. For example, in the first column there is a nine of spades, and in the second a nine of clubs, they can be located opposite each other or diagonally. IN end result there should be two cards left suit up and two cards face up. The wish will come true if the paired cards are in the same column. If the alignment comes to a standstill earlier or cards of the same face value end up in different columns, you should not expect the fulfillment of your plan.

Divination Solitaire

Divination is another way to play solitaire (36 cards) for a wish. Make a wish and shuffle the deck. The cards are laid out face down in 5 piles of 7 pieces, the last one is opened. The exposed card becomes the intended suit.

Next, the stacks must be sequentially opened one card at a time. A suit that does not match the intended one, and cards with a value of less than 10 of any suit are removed from solitaire. For example, last card a cross has fallen, the pile is opened until a ten, jack, queen, king or ace of clubs is found. The action is repeated for each column. found and not open cards collected from the end - from the last to the open, the deck is already decomposed into 4 columns without mixing. The whole sequence of moves is repeated until 5 cards remain in the hands. Solitaire converged if all five cards of the hidden suit and value are higher than 10. In any other case, there are obstacles on the way to fulfilling the desire.

Solitaire "Loves - does not love": layout

When the deck ends, the remaining cards are collected in order from the last laid out to the first. Then the layout is carried out for 5 cards in two rows, without interfering. Actions are repeated sequentially, reducing the number of cards in a row to two.

Solitaire "Loves - does not love": interpretation of the result

The result of fortune-telling depends on the number of remaining pairs on the table. If there are two cards left, you can order a dress and look for comfortable wedding shoes. Two pairs that did not leave speak of a strong feeling, three of interest, four indicate the young man’s longing for a fortuneteller, five pairs mean slight interest, six pairs of betrayal. If there are seven or more pairs left on the table - the solitaire has not converged, you must try to decompose it again.

Sometimes it happens that for some reason there is a mass of unoccupied time. And when all the standard ways to kill him have already been tried, the favorite thing of many will help out - playing solitaire. Among other things, it helps to cheer up, relieve tension (by the way, the name "solitaire" in French means "patience").

Despite the fact that several card games are included by default in any standard version Windows, and therefore solitaire games can be played on a computer, many people still like to play them "live". How to play solitaire on cards is not much different from the computer method. Unless it's a different coincidence. There are a great many card games of this type, and each of them has its own rules and principles of the game.

One of the most popular solitaire games is "Klondike" ("Klondike", "Solitaire"). It has been known for so long that no one knows the exact date of its origin. How to play Klondike Solitaire? Arrange the cards face down into 7 piles: in the 1st one card, in the 2nd two, etc. Only the top cards play. Those left in the deck are a reserve that can be opened one at a time or three at a time. An ace will appear - send it to a special place (there are 4 of them) above the piles, after it, as it is released, the whole given suit will leave - from the deuce to the king.

Cards from piles can be stacked on top of each other in descending order (for example, 10 on a jack) either in suit or alternating colors. The column will be freed - only the king can be put there. The game ends when the entire deck has been sorted into suits. However, Klondike is not the most difficult solitaire. There are other "aerobatics" - for example, how to play "Spider" solitaire, especially the third level of complexity. Yes, it can be played in one suit, two or four. But this is in the computer version - in real life, two decks of 52 cards are simply taken - a total of 104.

Divide 54 cards evenly into 10 piles, face down. Only the top ones are played (they need to be opened). The remaining 50 cards are laid out in 10 and opened one pile at any time - provided that there are no empty spaces in the main columns. How to play Spider Solitaire correctly? The principle of shifting cards on top of each other almost completely coincides with the "Kerchief". The difference is as follows: in a special place, the suit from ace to king is removed from the game only when the set is complete. Another fundamental difference is that any open card can go to an empty space in one of the 10 columns.

There is no one hundred percent effective recipe for winning solitaire for one reason: too much depends on luck. And yet one of the main qualities necessary for success is the ability to calculate several moves in advance. Some find it easier, others harder. But this is what turns solitaire from a seemingly waste of time into a real exercise for the mind, a good simulator for logical thinking.

For hundreds of years, people have been at the mercy of the magic of divination. Cards help to look into the future or answer a pressing question. Some layouts give a detailed answer, others simply: “yes” or “no”. To master the art, you need to acquire certain knowledge. For example, what suits and their combinations mean. Solitaire fortune-telling will tell the details, tell you whether it is worth hoping for execution.

The human mind is unable to understand how ordinary maps lay out data from the future. Even mathematical laws are powerless; because each person is unique and has his own destiny. Life is an endless string random events, meetings, partings, actions, emotions. This contributes to the inevitability of consequences and patterns.


  • Guess in solitude. This sacrament does not tolerate prying eyes.
  • Take a new deck of 36 cards.
  • Tune in. Before starting the action, warm the deck with the warmth of your hands, think about the secret question.
  • Guess on a table or other flat surface.
  • Guess in good mood believe in what is happening.

How to play solitaire from 36 cards for divination

Lots of scheduling options. Mostly girls resort to solitaire. They are interested in the appearance in the life of the groom. Consider a solitaire called "fate is not fate."

step by step plan

  1. Take 36 cards.
  2. Guess the guy.
  3. State the full name. Count the number of letters. For example: Vladimir.
  4. By the number of letters, lay out the same number of cards, pictures up. In this case, there are 8.
  5. If there are paired cards among them, remove them (two eights, two jacks, two queens, etc.). The rest are shifted to the left to the vacated cells, and the row is reported from the deck. If there are no paired cards, distribute the second under the first row.
  6. Keep removing pairs. Remove those that are in the same line side by side or are located in adjacent rows above or below, but not obliquely. Remove paired aces regardless of the position in the rows (side by side, diagonally, from above).
  7. If you hit several different pairs, first remove those on the left and above. The map to the right moves to the vacated area in order. Moved to the top row from the bottom row.
  8. When removing the next two of the same type of card, first do all the movements, and then take on the next two.
  9. Do not forget to lay out a new row, in the absence of paired cards.
  10. When the entire deck is laid out, summarize. If there are six or less cards left, it will become your destiny. If more, look for another candidate.

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Popular card solitaire games for divination

Gypsy solitaire

Take a deck of 36 cards and make a wish. Shuffle and arrange in 4 rows of 9 cards, face down.

In each row, cards of the same suit are selected: clubs, diamonds, worms and the last - spades. The layout goes from top to bottom in ascending order, from six to ace. The card in the last row, from the bottom, to the right, is turned face up. She is transferred to the place corresponding to her in suit and face value. From this place, another card is taken and turned over, which is transferred to the place allotted for it. As soon as the ace of clubs is in the hands, it is placed in the place where the first card was taken from.

If all the cards are open before the opening of the ace of clubs, the wish will come true. If there are left unopened, a count is made. The first row means years, the second - months, the third - weeks, the fourth - days.

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"Yes or no"

Another simple layout will answer the question "yes" or "no". Lay out 36 cards in 9 piles, face down. The top cards are revealed and two pairs are discarded. Those under them turn over and again remove the steam rooms.

If by the end of fortune-telling it was possible to discard all the cards, the answer to the plan is yes. If left unopened due to the lack of a couple, the wish will not come true or will come true later.

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Complicated interpretation

Solitaire, where a broader interpretation is possible, using the decoding of card symbols.

Take a deck of 36 cards, shuffle, remove part of it towards you with your left hand (if a woman, then a lady, if a man, then a king). Then lay out the deck of 9 pieces in 4 rows. Find your card and look at the ones that fell nearby. The interpretation is as follows.

AceUnexpected letterWish not to come trueErroneous actionSomeone is not indifferent to you
KingdiseasePossible deceptionFriendEverything will be done
LadyA dream come trueResentment, insultWorthy rewardDon't show your feelings
JackWasted effortsTrouble related to financesStarted business will be successfulgood guest
10 diseasePleasant surprise, unexpected giftReceipt of a large amountLove
9 Loss of a friend or loved oneLetsad newsDeclaration of love
8 Approaching Troublegood newsIllness of someone closeSomeone will decide your fate
7 ArgumentTreason, betrayalNews from the government institutionclose danger
6 wasted roadjoyful roadThe road will be in vainTrouble
  • Take a deck that is new or has never been played.
  • When making a layout, think about the wish you made.
  • Shoot with your left hand towards your heart.
  • Choose a day when your heart feels good and joyful.
  • Best time for fortune-telling - Friday, as well as the 13th, Christmas time.
  • A bad day for the alignment is Monday.
  • No need to ask about known facts in order to verify.
  • If the answer turned out to be negative, there is no need to repeat the alignment, it is better to do this in a few days.

In what cases fortune-telling will not come true

  • Nonserious approach.
  • In a negative scenario, repeated attempts to achieve the desired result.
  • Lack of faith.

Some play solitaire at home for fun, others guess. Despite the simplicity and unpretentiousness, with their help you can get an answer to the most pressing question, a warning about the danger and prepare in advance, or maybe even avoid unpleasant moments.

If you do not believe in solitaire games, their positive point is that they contribute to the development of attention, logic, patience, which is also not bad.

There is probably no such person in the world who at least once did not lay out solitaire! Cards have a magical effect on a person - they relax, make them believe and even trust their fate. Solitaire as such is hard to call a game. It's a kind of puzzle that may or may not unfold. And it's not always up to us...

They say that before laying out this or that solitaire, you need to make a wish or ask a question that implies a short answer (yes or no). If the solitaire is easily decomposed, the desire will come true, and, accordingly, the answer to the question will be positive. If you could not overcome the magic cards, then everything happens exactly the opposite.

It is believed that solitaire came from France. Once upon a time in the distant days of the reign of Louis XIII, when there were a lot of prisoners and prisoners, he gained popularity. As you know, solitaire is played by one person (although there are some options where you can play together). The prisoner, being in captivity, so whiled away his days. And it is the prisoners who are considered the inventors of solitaire. Of course, then this game spread everywhere, penetrated the houses of ordinary peasants and palaces. Everyone was attracted to her in their own way. Absolutely new layouts began to appear, which were already invented by high-ranking persons.

Modern solitaire- this is a flash game, but on the monitor all the same rules - you need to lay out the cards in accordance with certain conditions in order to get the final result - fully laid out cards. Depending on the type of solitaire, its rules also change.

Today, the most popular card games are "spider" and "kerchief". However, the opinion is erroneous that this is where the list of flash solitaires ends! Exists great amount such games. Some of them are simpler, and some of them cannot be laid out even from the hundredth time!

Many claim that solitaire It's a great way to calm your nerves. If you are upset, worried about something, you should play solitaire and get distracted. When you do not think about the problem constantly, when the brain is distracted from negative thoughts and clears up, the right solution is immediately found. In addition, this fascinating puzzle, which once again will make your logic and ingenuity work.


1. Pyramid of Athea

Do you love solitaire games, but are you tired of the standard ones from Windows? Do not despair, as there are many non-standard ones in the world. Here is an example of solitaire, which is not in our Windows. Beautiful solitaire called "Pyramid of Athea".

How to collect this miracle? The game has a special "Rules" menu, click on it, and everything will become clear. Solitaire cards will be very familiar to some, as they are very similar to most decks of Russian cards.

2 Beleaguered Castle Solitaire

Unusual solitaire Beleaguered Castle Solitaire is waiting for you. In this solitaire game, you will need to collect all the cards in the center. You will need to collect them from smallest to largest.

Yes, each stack contains only one suit. You can move cards of different suits only in the corners, but you need to put a smaller one on the larger one. Well, in this solitaire you need a lot of care. Since the wrong move can lead to a dead end, and you have to start over.

3. Solitaire 2

Klondike is a fairly popular solitaire game, which is why there are so many remastered versions of it.

New solitaire "Solitaire 2" is one of these versions. It is quite handsome and comfortable. If you want to play, enjoy the game, but at the same time meet the right time, then feel free to play. The game contains several useful settings. You can change the color of the table, the type of cards, the way the card is issued. There is a cancellation of the last move. Sound and music can be turned off.

4. Spider Freecell Solitaire

Love spider solitaire? Alas, new Solitaire Spider Freecell Solitaire although it has a similar name, but the rules in it are completely different. It is more similar to the Kerchief, only it is much more difficult. Yes, in this game you will have to work hard to play solitaire to the end. Well, we wish you good luck!

If the game does not load completely: press the “CONTINUE” button at the bottom right, and then in the same place - “PLAY GAME”

5. Crystal Golf Solitaire

Do you like beautiful and understandable solitaire games? Then play new Solitaire Crystal Golf Solitaire. In this game, you will need to remove all cards from the field. Find cards smaller or larger than the central one in value and move them to the central one. If there are no map data, then replace the central one. Good luck!

If the game does not load completely: press the “CONTINUE” button at the bottom right, and then in the same place - “PLAY GAME”

6Pyramid Solitaire: Ancient Egypt

Do you love ancient worlds? How do you feel about Egypt? Why are we asking? Just new solitaire Pyramid Solitaire: Ancient Egypt It has an Egyptian style. In this game, you will need to remove all cards from the field. How? Just find cards that total 13 points.

If the game does not load completely: press the “CONTINUE” button at the bottom right, and then in the same place - “PLAY GAME”

7. Nexo

In this solitaire game, you need to lay out the entire deck on the board. If you put a card next to a neighboring one that has the same value or close, or next to a card of the same suit, you will receive bonus points. If these rules are violated, points will be taken away from you.

If the game does not load completely: press the “CONTINUE” button at the bottom right, and then in the same place - “PLAY GAME”

8 Crazy Quilt Solitaire

Quite strange and a bit crazy solitaire" Crazy Quilt Solitaire" is waiting for you. With this solitaire you will have to work hard.

Yes, it's pretty big. You will need to lay out all the cards in certain piles, taking into account the suit. To better understand the rules, you only need to play once, as the game has a very clear tutorial.

Solitaire is a type of card game for one player. Solitaire layouts have become one of the standard entertainments of the famous operating system. There are layouts for 52 and 36 cards, the article will describe several varieties of the game and give the rules for how to play solitaire (36 cards).

Solitaire is a great way to relax and pass the time. There are not only playing, but also fortune-telling types of layouts. Although in this way you can only get yes / no answers from cards to very simple questions.

How to play 36-card Klondike Solitaire

Klondike is one of the most popular and well-known solitaire games around the world. This type of layout was included in the standard set of games in the widely used operating system. The layout rules are extremely simple.

For the layout, decks of 36 and 52 cards are used. To play solitaire (36 cards), as in every other card game, you need to know the rules. There is a variant of a large layout for 104 cards from two decks (52 cards). For this version of the game, 10 rows are laid out, for playing one deck in 52 - 6 rows, for a regular playing deck (36 cards), the rows are reduced to 5. The cards are laid out face down. The first row is laid out 1 card in each column, in the 2nd row they are laid out on a card only in 5 columns, in the third - in 4 and so on. The last card in each column is turned face up.

The remaining cards are set aside and used when the options for moving the layout are over. You can turn over a deck of three cards. The last one in the top three is considered active, you can take the middle one only after the one closest to the player. In the Big layout, you can turn over the deck only once; in the layout for 36 cards, the use of coupon cards (from the deck) is not limited. To simplify the game, beginners can take one card from the coupon.

Game rules (36 cards), how to play Klondike Solitaire:

  1. Aces serve as the basis for collecting a deck by suit. When opening an ace, it is laid out separately, further collection of the suit is carried out in ascending order, from smaller to larger.
  2. After moving the active column card, the next one must be turned face up.
  3. Only cards can be stacked on top of each other in playing columns different color, for example, spades to hearts or diamonds to clubs.
  4. The layout of the cards in columns is carried out in a downward direction - from the king to the sixes.
  5. The king of any suit can be moved with the whole pile to the place of the vacated column.

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That's all the rules. Solitaire is considered laid out when all the cards are collected on aces relevant suits.

How to play Spider Solitaire in 36 cards

For Spider Solitaire, a playing deck is rarely used. It can be laid out with one, two or four suits. For the game, they take 2 or 4 decks at once, depending on the desired complexity.

Step-by-step instructions for 4 decks of 36 cards on how to play Spider Solitaire:

  1. Lay out cards of 6 pieces in the first 4 rows and 5 pieces in the rest. In total, there should be 54 cards on the playing table.
  2. Lay out the last row face up - these are active cards.
  3. The remaining 80 cards can be folded into a deck - coupon, or can be laid out to the side in 8 lines of 10 cards, face down.
  4. The cards are stacked on top of each other in order from the highest to the lowest of the same suit. Ace is considered the lowest card!
  5. If there are no more options for moving cards, you must take one of the set aside lines and place one card face up on each row in the game.
  6. In place of an empty column, you can move any card or a continuous combination of them, starting with the highest.
  7. If in a column it is possible to collect a sequence from king to ace of the same suit, such a combination is removed in a pile away from the layout. The goal of the game is to clear the field of cards.

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You can play with fewer decks, then the number of rows must also be reduced. So, for 3 decks (36 cards) you need to make 8 columns, one half of which has 7 cards each and the second - 6 pieces each. Playing with fewer decks is not that fun.

The first four are considered, if in each column there are cards of the same denomination, they are put aside, attention moves to the next four. For example, in the first column there is a nine of spades, and in the second a nine of clubs, they can be located opposite each other or diagonally. The end result should be two cards suit up and two cards face down. The wish will come true if the paired cards are in the same column. If the alignment comes to a standstill earlier or cards of the same face value end up in different columns, you should not expect the fulfillment of your plan.

Divination Solitaire

Divination is another way to play solitaire (36 cards) for a wish. Make a wish and shuffle the deck. The cards are laid out face down in 5 piles of 7 pieces, the last one is opened. The exposed card becomes the intended suit.

Next, the stacks must be sequentially opened one card at a time. A suit that does not match the intended one, and cards with a value of less than 10 of any suit are removed from solitaire. For example, the last card was a cross, the pile is opened until a ten, jack, queen, king or ace of clubs is found. The action is repeated for each column. Found and not open cards are collected from the end - from the last to the open one, the deck is already decomposed into 4 columns without mixing. The whole sequence of moves is repeated until 5 cards remain in the hands. Solitaire converged if all five cards of the hidden suit and value are higher than 10. In any other case, there are obstacles on the way to fulfilling the desire.

Solitaire "Loves - does not love": layout

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