Decompose Divination Cards Solitaire. Fortune telling solitaire - food for the mind and a window to the future

Solitaire has been known to the world for more than one century. Someone uses them for entertainment, someone for fortune-telling, and someone trains observation and logical thinking with their help.

the site presents to your attention several old solitaire games, and at the same time tells stories related to them.

Gypsy Solitaire

Legend has it that the “predecessor” of this solitaire was played in prison by the last French queen, hoping for a pardon. Once someone predicted to her that if the solitaire game works out at least once, then she will avoid a terrible fate. However, he never got along with her, and Marie Antoinette was executed.

Later, nomadic gypsies became fans of the queen's solitaire, but they complicated it - if the original version featured a deck of 32 sheets (without sixes), then romals began to lay out all 36 cards. They used solitaire both for fun and as fortune telling.

How to play "gypsy" solitaire:

Take a deck of 36 sheets. Shuffle the cards thoroughly and lay them face down in four rows of 8 each. The first card in each row corresponds to the king, the last to the six. After laying out 32 cards on the table, you will have an auxiliary pile in your hands - four sheets. Take the top one and place it in its proper place:

  • In the 1st row there is a place for tambourines;
  • In the 2nd row - for worms;
  • In the 3rd row - for clubs;
  • In the 4th row - for the peak.

For example, you have opened the eight of hearts, which means that you need to put it in the second row from the top, in the sixth place from the left. The card that was previously in this area is placed where it should be. If this card turned out to be a queen of clubs, move it to the third row, to the second place from the left.

Thus, you open cards until you get an ace. Set it aside and take the next card from the auxiliary pile (that is, the second of four). You also put it on the corresponding place, and the card that was there, move it to where it should be. Again you show the cards in order until you find the next ace.

In order for the solitaire to come together, the last card you face must be an ace when all cards are revealed.

Napoleon on Saint Helena Solitaire

According to legend, this solitaire was played in exile by Napoleon Bonaparte, hence the name. History is silent about what purpose the disgraced French emperor pursued, laying out the cards, and how often this solitaire came together for him. However, it can be assumed that the Corsican was simply entertaining himself with improvised means.

How to play Napoleon solitaire

5 old solitaire games

For the layout, you need 2 decks of 52 sheets. Shuffle them carefully and lay out three rows of 10 cards face down. In the fourth row, the cards are laid face up - they are called "free". It is with them that the layout of the solitaire begins.

The cards are collected one on top of the other in descending order. The row is removed to the “rebound” (that is, to the side, and these cards do not participate in the solitaire anymore) only when the entire “ranking” has been drawn up, starting with the king and ending with the ace (king, queen, ... seven, six, ace). The suit of the cards does not matter.

For example, on an open row you have a queen, jack and ten. Put the jack and ten on the queen, and turn over the vacated hole cards at the top. They become "free" and come into play.

If nothing more can be transferred from the “free” cards, put another open row from the main deck. Now it becomes playable. Previously opened sheets cannot be touched until you free access to them by removing the cards below.

You can shift cards not only one at a time, but also in piles. So, for example, you have a chain of 10s, 9s, 8s and 7s, you can shift it to any free jack.

If you have completely opened and removed the entire vertical row, then in the vacant space you can put either the not yet fully assembled "ranking", or any one card.

The meaning of solitaire is to open all the cards, that is, collect eight piles of cards from kings to aces.

Fortress Defender Solitaire

There is a legend that this ancient solitaire was played by one of the defenders of the besieged fortress several centuries ago in the hope of salvation. The siege lasted a long time, and every day the warrior suffered a setback - the solitaire did not go well.

And then one day, when the strength was running out, and there was practically no food left, the solitaire finally came together. The man couldn't believe his eyes! However, after a couple of hours the siege was indeed lifted! The conquerors were tired of waiting for the gates to be opened for them, and simply left.

How to play Defender Solitaire:

5 old solitaire games

For this solitaire game you will need a deck of 52 cards. Remove the aces and place them in a vertical row in the middle of the table. Shuffle the rest of the cards and lay them open as follows: six horizontal rows of four cards to the left of the aces and six to the right of them.

The outermost columns of each group are playable (see figure). Cards from them can be shifted one at a time, exclusively by suit and in descending order (from king to deuce), onto the playing cards of other free rows. So, for example, in the public domain you have a jack of hearts and a dozen of hearts. Move 10 to jack.

5 old solitaire games

Explanation: in the figure, the game lines are marked in red, that is, cards that can be moved. Aces are marked in lilac. The gray cards of each row are inactive until the red cards are removed.

Several cards of the chain (2-ku, 3-ku, 4-ku, etc.) at the same time, that is, at one time, cannot be shifted, so immediately analyze the entire alignment so as not to block with your movements access to the ones you need on the next turn maps.

The cards are placed on the aces in ascending order, that is, from twos to kings. If you have a deuce in the playing row, immediately place it on the ace of the corresponding suit. Try to "get to the bottom" of the lower value cards to move them to the aces.

If you have any horizontal row free, then in this place you can put one extreme card from other rows and start collecting a chain on it. The more rows you free, the easier it will be for you to fold the entire solitaire.

The goal of solitaire is to transfer all the cards by suit to the corresponding aces.

Prisoner of Reading Solitaire

In Reading Prison there was one famous writer, whom the world admires to this day. There he not only wrote one of the most poignant ballads, but, as the legend says, he invented solitaire, which has survived to this day almost in its original form. By the way, they say that he met with the writer only once - on the day when the prison warden proclaimed: "Sir, you are free!"

How to play solitaire:

For this solitaire game you will need a deck of 36 sheets. Shuffle it and place nine cards face down in a horizontal row. Place three more cards face up under this row too.

If there are cards in the top row of the same rank as the middle card in the bottom row, transfer them to this middle one. So, for example, there is a jack in the middle, which means that all jacks (if any) from the top row must be put on it. You cannot put anything on the extreme cards. If there is nothing more to move, then lay out three more cards from the deck and again collect cards of the same value from the top row on the middle sheet.

Solitaire is considered settled if you, having laid out all the cards from the deck three at a time, completely transfer all the cards from the top row to the middle sheets.

5. Wedding Rings Solitaire

There is a beautiful legend that this solitaire was played by Elizabeth I of England at a time when the parliament insistently demanded her marriage with one of the applicants. The Queen, however, desperately did not want to get married. She believed that until the solitaire game worked out, she would be free. Judging by the fact that Elizabeth remained unmarried, the solitaire never worked out.

Solitaire is a single player card game. Solitaire spreads have become one of the standard entertainments of the famous operating system. There are layouts for 52 and 36 cards, the article will describe several varieties of the game and give the rules on how to lay out solitaire (36 cards).

Solitaire games are a great way to relax and while away the time. There are not only playing, but also layouts. Although in this way you can get from the cards only "yes / no" answers to very simple questions.

How to play 36-card Klondike Solitaire

Klondike Solitaire is one of the most popular and famous solitaire games around the world. This type of layout was included in the standard set of games in the ubiquitous operating system. The layout rules are extremely simple.

Decks of 36 and 52 cards are used for the layout. To play solitaire (36 cards), as in every other card game, you need to know the rules. There is a variant of the large layout for 104 cards from two decks (52 cards). For this version of the game, 10 rows are laid out, for playing on one deck of 52 - 6 rows, for a regular playing deck (36 cards) the rows are reduced to 5. The cards are laid face down. The first row is laid out on 1 card in each column, in the second one is laid out on the card only in 5 columns, in the third - in 4 and so on. The last card in each column is turned face up.

The remaining cards are set aside and used when the options for moving the layout are over. You can flip through the deck with three cards. The last one in the top three is considered active; the middle one can be taken only after the one closest to the player. In the Big scenario, you can turn over the deck only once, in the layout for 36 cards, the use of coupon cards (from the deck) is not limited. To simplify the game, beginners can take one card from the pass.

The rules of the game (36 cards), how to play Klondike solitaire:

  1. Aces serve as the basis for collecting a deck by suit. When the ace is opened, it is laid out separately, the further collection of the suit is carried out in ascending order, from the smallest to the largest.
  2. After moving the active card of the column, the next one must be turned face up.
  3. Only cards of different colors can be laid on top of each other in the playing columns, for example, spades for hearts or diamonds for crosses.
  4. The cards are laid out in columns downward - from the king to the sixes.
  5. The king of any suit can be moved with the entire pile to the place of the vacant column.

That's all the rules. Solitaire is considered played when all the cards are collected for aces the corresponding suits.

How to play 36 cards Spider Solitaire

A deck of cards is rarely used for Spider Solitaire. You can lay it out with one, two or four suits. To play, take 2 or 4 decks at once, depending on the desired difficulty.

Step-by-step instructions for 4 decks of 36 cards, how to play Spider Solitaire:

  1. Place cards 6 in the first 4 rows and 5 in the rest. There should be 54 cards on the playing table in total.
  2. Lay the last row face up - these are the active cards.
  3. The remaining 80 cards can be folded in a deck - a coupon, or can be laid out to the side in 8 lines of 10 cards face down.
  4. Cards are laid out on top of each other in order from highest to lowest of the same suit. Ace is considered the lowest card!
  5. If there are no more options for moving cards, you need to take one of the deferred lines and place one card face up on each row in the game.
  6. In place of an empty column, you can move any card or a continuous combination of them, starting with the highest.
  7. If in a column it turns out to collect a sequence from king to ace of the same suit, such a combination is removed in a pile to the side of the alignment. The goal of the game is to free the field from cards.

You can play with fewer decks, then the number of rows must also be reduced. So, for 3 decks (36 cards), you need to make 8 columns, one half of which is 7 cards and the other - 6 pieces. Playing with fewer decks is less fun.

"Grandma's alignment"

A very simple but interesting version of 36 cards solitaire. The deck is laid out in 3 identical columns from fans of 3 cards, as shown in the photo below. The object of the game is to collect sequences of each suit from ace to six.

The top card in each fan is considered the active card. The dropped aces are immediately laid out to the side. Only cards of the same rank can be placed on top of each other, but their number in a fan should not exceed four. In a dead-end situation, the deck is assembled, interfered with and again laid out in threes. Solitaire is considered completed if the combinations are made in three hands.

Pyramid Solitaire

"Pyramid" is a very simple way to play solitaire (36 cards). You need to shuffle the deck and lay out 9 rows of 4 cards, the last in the column with the suit up. Next, you need to look for pairs of the same value of cards, such pairs are eliminated from the layout, and the cards under them are revealed. Nothing can be done with places of empty columns. The layout is considered folded if all cards are discarded.

Rules for fortune telling on cards

It's no secret that cards can reveal the future. How to play 36-card fortune-telling solitaire? There are several simple signs and requirements for a fortune-telling deck. You can't guess with playing cards. The deck should not be touched by strangers. It is better to keep several sets of cards, one for personal use, the second for fortune-telling by outsiders. Do not ask questions of cards in a bad or depressed mood.

Each divination deck should have its own storage location, such as a beautiful velvet pouch. You should not ask all the questions in one layout, many of the answers will not be even approximately correct. Also, do not ask for help cards for trifles and ask the same question twice. The most accurate layouts are made for a period of not more than 3 months.

Alignment for desire

There are very simple divination solitaire games (36 cards) for a wish. How to unfold one of them is described below. Before starting the alignment, you should hold the deck in your hands, thinking about your desire. Next, you should mix the deck well and lay out two cards face down next to each other. The remaining cards are evenly laid out in 2 rows, suit upwards, it is necessary to start the layout with the last ones laid out.

The first four is considered, if in each column there is a card of the same denomination they are put aside, attention goes to the next four. For example, in the first column there is a nine of spades, and in the second there are nine crosses, they can be located opposite each other or diagonally. The end result should be two cards suit up and two cards face down. The wish will come true if the paired cards are in the same column. If the alignment reaches a dead end earlier or cards of the same face value end up in different columns, you should not expect the fulfillment of your plan.

Solitaire "Divorce"

"Divination" is another way of playing solitaire (36 cards) for a wish. You need to make a wish and shuffle the deck. The cards are laid face down in 5 piles of 7 pieces, the last one is revealed. The face up card becomes the intended suit.

Further, the piles must be sequentially opened one card at a time. A suit that does not match the guess and cards with a value of less than 10 of any suit are removed from the solitaire game. For example, the last card dropped the crosses, the pile is opened until a ten, jack, queen, king or ace of crosses is found. The action is repeated with each column. Found and not revealed cards are collected from the end - from the last to the open, the deck is laid out already on 4 columns without shuffling. The whole sequence of moves is repeated until 5 cards remain in hand. The solitaire has come together if all five cards of the conceived suit and value are higher than 10. In any other case, there are obstacles on the way to the fulfillment of the wish.

Loves - Dislikes Solitaire: Layout

When the deck ends, the remaining cards are collected in order from the last played to the first. Then the layout is carried out on 5 cards in two rows, without interfering. Actions are repeated sequentially, reducing the number of cards in a row to two.

Loves - Dislikes Solitaire: Interpretation of the Result

The result of fortune-telling depends on the number of pairs remaining on the table. If you have two cards left, you can order a dress and look for comfortable wedding shoes. Two non-exited couples speak of a strong feeling, three - of interest, four indicate the young man's longing for a fortuneteller, five couples mean light interest, six - treason. If there are seven or more pairs left on the table - the solitaire has not come together, you must try to play it again.

Dear friends!

Fortune telling solitaire is an old game and a favorite pastime of aristocrats and all free people at all times. The world of solitaire games is rich and varied. The most popular among the fortune-telling public are traditional layouts, consisting of twenty cards, stacked in five, in four rows. The traditional types can be safely attributed: Arabic, Fabulous, "Four Elements", Indian, Ukrainian, Old Slavonic, Berendeev, Ekaterininsky and others.

The Oracle of Mary Lenormand, presented on our website, is somewhat different from the above, because it is laid out in three cards in three rows, and in the center of this layout there is always the Client's card (or Blank card, denoting the client himself). This solitaire game is used for predictions. After all, as you know, the Oracle can tell not only about what is today or was yesterday, but also about what will happen tomorrow.

Cards of the Arabic and Ukrainian layouts will briefly predict the future with the help of matching pictures. Indian solitaire is not just a fortune-telling, it is truly a Living esoteric substance, for it will speak to you. Speak like your friend, like your Teacher, like your Guardian Angel. His answers are imbued with the wisdom of the ages. This is your assistant and support in any difficult and incomprehensible situation. He will never let you down or leave you unanswered.

Astrological solitaire or the Four Elements is used for fortune telling. It is absolutely possible to say that the prediction obtained with its help is one of the most highly probable and accurate.

Even children can use fairy fortune-telling cards. After all, it is very light, joyful and pleasant. His colorful images will delight and cheer up anyone.

Gothic or Russian solitaire games will be appreciated by lovers of the Middle Ages and early predictions. We also recommend paying attention to the brainchild of maestro Swedenborg. Empress Catherine's favorite pastime - the eponymous desire solitaire - will help to find the exact answer to the question.

Solitaire games "Goldfish", Cheshire, Berendeev - will help pass the time on a long journey and even a daily trip to work. They are quite compact and simple, affordable even for small mobile phone screens.

As you can see, each of the proposed solitaire games has its own flavor. We tried to collect the most complete collection of all popular sets for predictions. You just have to choose your fortune-telling solitaire online and may the universal power of clairvoyance be with you.

The word "pasians" in translation from French means "patience". Fortune telling solitaire is, as a rule, a solitary ritual in which there are certain rules for the alignment, as well as a certain goal. Upon achieving this goal, a prediction of the future is made or an answer to the question posed is given. In such situations, chance and fate play a decisive role, because this is not a classic card game where it all depends on the level of skill and intelligence!

A selection of 30 online solitaire games

In this section you will find a lot of interesting and free online fortune-telling solitaire games that can give you a prediction about love, future, relationships, or simply give advice on the current situation!

History of the issue

Despite the French pronunciation of this word, the origin of the game itself and the fortune-telling based on it, still remains unclear. Someone believes that his homeland is Scandinavia and was originally performed on runes.

Historian Parlet David believed that initially two participants played solitaire, each of whom laid out his own deck. Although it is only reliably known that it was the favorite, and possibly the only occupation of the captives of the Bastille of the time of Louis XIII.

It is interesting: according to one of the legends, it was Maria Stewart who played solitaire on the night before the execution. Rumor has it that she was promised a pardon, if the alignment came together. However, what kind of alignment it was and who exactly promised her freedom is unknown. Most likely, this story is nothing more than a legend!

Principles and rules of online fortune telling

Modern online solitaire- fortune-telling is a type of prediction of the future, which uses cards with symbols. Symbolic fortune-telling is very ancient: Tarot cards and even more ordinary Playing cards arose much later. However, in some types of solitaire, a standard deck of 36 sheets is still used.

Advice: if you wish, you can make cards yourself and conduct fortune-telling in reality. In some cases, such as on New Year, Christmastide, Christmas - predictions will be very accurate!

An important point in conducting such fortune-telling is a correctly formulated question. Although most often solitaire is laid out on a certain situation in order to determine the possible directions of its development.

Most popular types

The exact number of existing types of solitaire is unknown. Approximately, there are several hundred of them. These fortune-telling carry away, entertain and of course predict the future. The accuracy of their predictions is comparable to that of any other kind of fortune-telling! Most of all, the following layouts are known in Russia:

  • Indian;
  • Russian;
  • Swedenborg;
  • Love;
  • For the Near Future;
  • On Playing Cards;

The layout of the cards in them is not complicated, and is almost entirely performed by a computer. Online fortune-telling is carried out both on special cards and on ordinary decks with 36 or 52 sheets. If you are a beginner and would like to learn the meanings of the cards, then first of all remember that:

  • Worms - symbolize feelings and emotions;
  • Clubs - professional sphere and relationships with people;
  • Tambourines - money, finance, good luck and bad luck;
  • Spades - physical effort, power, violence;


How to relate to fortune-telling is solely your business. It is best to take any online fortune-telling as free and harmless entertainment. Don't take them too seriously, they are just one of several ways to look into the future, but nothing more.

Finally, don't get too upset about what the cards tell you! Always remember that your life is in your hands. As long as a person is alive, he can change his destiny. The main thing here is self-confidence!

Solitaire is one of the types of fortune-telling available to anyone. To get an answer to the question asked, you need to correctly lay out the cards on the table, form a certain group or groups of suitable cards, and correctly interpret the answer. We'll look at options for an extended deck (52 cards), but you can also play with fewer cards.

For the alignment you need:

  • Card deck.
  • Some free time.
  • Smooth and clean surface.

How to play solitaire on cards - handkerchief

Purpose: remove all cards from the rows.

  • First of all, we carefully shuffle the deck. Next, we lay out five horizontal rows, which consist of ten open cards. Place the two remaining cards in the sixth row under the first two columns.
  • You can only remove two cards of the same value. For example, two queens or two aces. Only the bottom cards are available to form a pair, the rest are face down. We remove all pairs from the line. When a pair is formed and removed from the field, access to the previous cards opens.
  • Solitaire is considered successful if there are no cards on the surface. If something remains, we start over.

How to play solitaire on cards - Russian

Objective: collect all the cards on the base as they grow.

  • We lay out seven ascending piles. The first one consists of one card, then two, then three, etc. up to six cards face down.
  • In the first column, turn the card up. It remains unchanged. On top of others, we put five open cards on top, placing them in a ladder.
  • The base of four cells is located on the side. Aces will be the foundation, so if there are aces in the layout, we can safely send them to the base. The collection goes according to the suit, therefore, we place the aces in different cells. After there are deuces and in ascending order, the kings close the chain.
  • After manipulating the bases, consider the resulting cells. Available for moving are the bottom cards or piles that match in suit and ascending cards. For example, we move a seven to an eight of the same suit, and drag an eight with a seven to the same nine.
  • If in the process of shifting a column is released, then we transfer the king or a group of cards that starts with the king there. It is not allowed to transfer anything else to an empty space.
  • Solitaire is formed if all cells are filled from ace to king by suit. Otherwise - a loss.

How to play solitaire on cards - pyramid

Goal: Remove cards in pairs for a total of thirteen points.

  • We carefully shuffle the deck and lay it out in the following order horizontally face down: in the first row there is one card, in the second - two, in the third - three, in the fourth - four, in the fifth - five, in the sixth - six, in the seventh - seven. We get a kind of pyramid.
  • We put the rest of the deck aside. You will need it a little later.
  • We remove cards that give a total of thirteen points. The king gives thirteen points, the queen - twelve, the jack - eleven, the ace - just one point. All other cards stand by their value in the deck. If we did not succeed in forming the desired combination, then we turn to the deck.
  • We remove the top card from the deck, if it gives a total of thirteen points with another card, then we remove it in the discard, if not, we remove the next one. The player has access only to the bottom row, which is not covered by other cards; it is forbidden to take from the middle. The kings are removed one at a time.
  • The layout is considered to be winning if there are no cards on the table, taking into account the reserve deck.

How to play solitaire on cards - three of a kind

Objective: to collect all the cards in ascending order, observing the suit.

  • We lay out the deck into seventeen piles of three cards, face down. The eighteenth pile must contain four cards.
  • We drag in all the aces from the laid out cards and place them higher, spreading them according to suit. They form a base where we will distribute the cards in ascending order in the future.
  • Only the outermost cards in the columns are open for collection. They can be moved to other rows, but only on identical cards. For example, a six can only be transferred to a six, and a lady to a lady. When moving, the suit is not taken into account. The only limitation is no more than three cards per column.
  • If you manage to remove all cards in ascending order, not forgetting to divide by suit, then the solitaire is considered successful.

Solitaire can be an element of fortune telling or a way to have fun. Please note that some solitaire games do not add up the first time - you have to practice to remove all the cards. Most importantly, remember that it is not the result that matters, but the process itself.

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