Mad max walkthrough. Mad Max secrets and tips for passing

A game Mad Max from the very beginning does not force you to think about the details of the plot, but immediately throws you into a crazy world where you have to survive, do your justice, show mercy and enjoy the thirst for revenge.

It all starts quite spectacularly and is very familiar to all fans of Max. Our main character trying to break away from the chase on his legendary "Interceptor" from a gang of marauders. All in the spirit of classic films. During this chase, we are told who Max is, what drives him, and how difficult it was for him to lose his family. Everything is very familiar, but nevertheless, executed at the highest level.

Our protagonist is not without difficulty coping with a gang of marauders. Stops to collect something valuable, and fuel is valuable in this post-apocalyptic world. But our hero is taken by surprise, reinforcements come to the marauders. Max is desperately trying to escape, but he fails, he is pulled out of the car, beaten, and they are about to finally kill Max, as our main villain appears. His appearance causes the marauders to stop their atrocities, and they grant him slander.

slam- this is the leader who will be your enemy until the end of the game, who rules the entire wasteland, and serves as his home Gastown. He is the son Immortal Joe.

Taking the shotgun from Max, he hits it several times and gives it to the marauders to be torn to pieces, they undress him and leave him to die under the scorching sun. Max loses consciousness for a while, but soon comes to his senses, just at the moment when the Chlem is already leaving. Max, without hesitation, climbs onto his truck, the battle begins. Chlem directs a dog at the main character (which will later become Max's good ally and helper), but there is little sense, after that Chlem throws it off the truck at full speed, after which he gets to Max.

Max, it would seem, has no chance against such a giant, but nevertheless uses his weapon to his advantage. He sticks a chainsaw between the eyes of Chlem, and, it would seem, that's it, he's dead. But Chlem miraculously survives, and even with a chainsaw in his head (which will be like an artifact or decoration for him), he finds strength in himself and throws our hero off the truck.

After that, Max briefly turns off. He wakes up from the fact that next to him is the dog that was on Chlem's truck. From that moment on, the dog starts helping you, finds the corpse from which you take the clothes, finds your shotgun, and you are already on your way, in which you are now free to yourself.

Now the whole world of Mad Max is open before you, in which you can do whatever you want.

The first task for you is to find water. Water is your source of life, it helps replenish your health, and you can also give it to travelers who wander the wasteland by taking water in a flask.

It will not be difficult to find her, next to her will be your dog, who will also decide to quench his thirst. After this brief introduction, you will increase your chances of survival. The next step is to find a dog that ran away from you and disappeared from your field of vision with a terrible howl.

As we notice, our dog got into the cage.

From this moment begins your acquaintance with another important character, which will become your right hand, your mechanic.

Tinsmith- A talented mechanic who lived in Gastown, but he was expelled from there, despite his talent. Seeing Max fighting, he decided for himself that he was sent to him by fate itself to create "Masterpiece", that Max sent him himself Angelfires.

Max wanted to shoot him first, but after the speech he made to Max, he changed his mind. Moreover, our hero needed a car, fast and powerful, and he is the person who will help him with this. The Tinkerer had a similar idea, and based on that, they agreed to create "Masterpiece".

But our dog got really sick. It can be seen that after the Tinkerer caught her in a cage, she was badly injured and began to bleed. The tinkerer said that he would help the dog, and in order to start creating the Masterpiece now, he needed wires that Max had to find.

Along the way, we will get acquainted with the types of trophies that can be obtained by searching the corpses. Immediately, the first fight awaits us, where we will be introduced to hand-to-hand combat, quite simple and familiar to everyone from the series of games Batman. After the battle, we reach our goal, approach the car and pick up the wire.

We return to the Tinsmith, take the dog in our arms and head to the buggy. We put the dog in the buggy at the back, there will be something in the form of a house, after which we get into the car. As soon as they got into the transport, there will be a little information on its management. Then we head to the observation deck, from which we can see the camp where we took our car.

We find our car, we see the leader of the Chlem. However, it's too late. Max was already ready to rush into battle, but the Tinker dissuades him, because the car is dismantled into parts in a few seconds. Max realizes this and agrees with the Tinkerer that the "Masterpiece" should be created, and as soon as possible.

The mission is over, but our journey is just beginning!

2 mission. "Masterpiece"

In order to calmly create your "Masterpiece" you need a shelter. Our first refuge is the Tinker's possession, which looks like an abandoned cargo ship. In his domain, you can fill a flask to replenish health, as well as collect some scrap. Scrap is needed to create the "Masterpiece", as well as to open parts, and improvements for Max.

Also, the Tin Man will present to Max the drawings according to which the "Masterpiece" will be built, and shows him a "naked" car, without a body. Max is unhappy, but the Tinkerer says that for the body you need to go to one place, to the Cemetery. From this moment begins the second mission.

On the way to the Cemetery, we run out of gas, and in order to continue on our way, we must find fuel to fill our transport. We go to the first point, we find the canister, but it turns out to be empty. We are moving to the next point, which is guarded by marauders, which means that they probably have fuel. We deal with them, take the canister, refuel the car. After refueling, the canister needs to be put in the car, it will come in handy for us. Also, with the help of a canister, you can blow up doors, gates and, accordingly, enemy vehicles.

Having refueled the car, we go to our original goal - the Cemetery. There will be gates on the way, this is where the canister will come in handy. We set it on fire, throw it or put it near the gate, and run away. The gates explode spectacularly, and the path is open for us.

We sit in the car, we go to our goal, bypassing the traps - mines. Bypassing the traps, we disembark from the car, and go to the goal already on our own two feet. Along the way, we find a flashlight near the corpse, we take it for ourselves, now being in the dark you definitely won’t get lost.

Having reached the goal, you will have a choice of 5 body types that you can choose for yourself. They do not have any special characteristics, there is already a choice of taste. Having chosen the body we like, we need to get out of here as quickly as possible. But they won't let us leave without noise, we have to fight. After we have killed all the enemies, we run away from the Cemetery, moving the lever that opens the way for us.

But even here we are not left alone. We are waiting for the first introductory car battle, in which we are told in an accessible way all the tricks and techniques of fighting from a car. This concludes our mission. We have taken the first step towards the construction of the "Masterpiece", but according to Tinker, this machine has huge potential.

3 mission. righteous path

After we got the body, we return to the shelter to the Tinsmith. From the "Masterpiece" you need to create a real monster on wheels, and the harpoon will become the first weapon for him. The tinsmith will build it for you, but for this you need to find a serrated tip. To do this, we collect all the scrap in the shelter, then go to the garage menu, and create a harpoon.

The harpoon requires a test, so we leave the shelter and head to the "scarecrow" - these are structures, destroying which, Max reduces the threat level in this region. Having destroyed it, you can simply simply ram it, or with the help of a harpoon. We select a harpoon from the list of weapons, aim at the "scarecrow", the Tinsmith shoots, after the harpoon is hooked, it must be pulled by the car, pressing the gas to full. A few seconds and the "scarecrow" falls, exploding, at the place of destruction, by the way, you can find scrap, take note.

Next, we head to the camp, which needs to be cleared. Before you take it by storm, you first need to study it from the observation deck. We head to the site, take binoculars, and explore the camp. We see a sniper who needs to be removed first. Flamethrower pipes that block the entrance to the camp, to disable them, you need to destroy the power source of the pipes. Also in the camp there is a "Gorlan", which raises the alarm, and introduces its inhabitants into a fighting frenzy.

In order for "Gorlan" not to strengthen the fighters, we eliminate it first of all. Next, deal with the rest of the fighters. Your main task is to destroy the oil pump. Each camp has its own main task, upon reaching which, the camp will be captured.

In the course of the passage, Max stumbles upon another character. He tells Max that when his spirit is ready, let him come to him. Hiding in the shadows, Max continues to carry out his task. Having dealt with another gang of marauders, he blows up the pump, thereby freeing the camp from enemies. The camp will be occupied by your people, who will supply you with scrap.

After the camp is liberated, Max goes to the mysterious man who has been watching him all this time. Griffa is a mysterious wanderer who is only interested in Max. He helps Max look into his own soul, go beyond consciousness, and increase his physical parameters.

After talking with Griffa, Max passes out for a while, all because of a certain powder that Griffa used to put him into such a state. During this time, you move to the menu, where you can develop your physical parameters that will help you both in survival and in combat. For example, you can increase the "control of emotions" so that Max stays in the "Rage" mode longer.

Max wakes up to find that the car and the Tinkerer are gone. After that, we are offered to give a signal to the Tinsmith by firing from a rocket launcher. The tinsmith will deliver your transport to you. This signal can be used when you are very far from your vehicle. Now you can install nitro on your car, test it accordingly, and destroy enemy vehicles. This is where the mission ends.

4 mission. Towards madness

Our story continues in the shelter, where the Tinsmith talks about what the "Masterpiece" will be like, that no one in this car will catch up with Max, that Max will drive with the gods of the roads. But Max needs an 8-cylinder engine. But it won't be available to us soon. And now we are just about to leave for new parts, as our shelter is attacked. We rush headlong through the ship in search of a way out, and in a spectacular jump we jump from it, looking back and watching as marauders destroy it. Panic overtook the tinkerer, and Max asks if he has any acquaintances who could take us in for a while.

The tinkerer tells Max about Jeet's temple, but before we get to him, we are introduced to another gameplay feature. We are heading to an aerial reconnaissance point, from which we can look around the area around us and map important objects of the region. By opening these points, we also open up a way to quickly travel through the wasteland.

Next, we head to the Temple of Jeet, which looks very impressive, and can only be reached through a swing bridge. We are not greeted very happily, but the Tinsmith persuades Jeet to let us in, especially since Jeet is ready to make a deal with Max.

After talking with Jeet, Max needs to build a sniper rifle, while finding the trigger in the fortress. After that, at the exit of the temple, we can fully experience it. While shooting, the Tinkerer can drive while you shoot enemies.

Having mastered the sniper rifle, we head to the passage of the Dead Wasteland, which needs to be explored. Along the way, we can stumble upon a convoy, the destruction of which is breathtaking. Destroying the leader of the convoy gives you a reward, a bumper decoration. Of course, you can just skip him and not chase him, but how beautifully these chases are executed.

Having reached the goal, we head to the observation deck, eliminating enemies on our way. Having reached, we examine the "Maw" - the gate that blocks our path to Gastown, after which we return to the Tinsmith. His hands are itching to make something for the "Masterpiece", but he realizes that the machine is still too weak to break through the "Maw". He needs details, lots of details.

5 mission. Wasteland classic

To move on, we need to get a new body to create the "Master". We head to the destination, cut down a small detachment of enemies, find the right body, pick it up. The tinsmith tells us that we can finish the "Master" even now, we have all the spare parts and details for this, but for the final touch we need to go to Gut Cutter.

Gutcutter is the leader of the Rusted Bastion, a stranded ship that has been turned into a fortress. He believes that the moment will come when the water will again come into these parts and flood the Great Whiteness. He convinced his people on the ship of the same. Gut Cutter knows that Tinkerer is a talented mechanic, but doesn't trust him.

Gut Cutter lets Max and Tinkerer into his ship, while telling Max to keep his mechanic on a leash and not touch anything. The tinker asks Max to find an electrode wire to complete The Master. After that, we can create a "Master", which brings us one step closer to Gastown.

6 mission. Toughie

In order for the next task to be available, a number of conditions must be met, which are described below in the screenshot. Clear the camp in the Gutgash Territory, and reach Lizard Renown. After all the conditions are met, you can proceed to the task that the Gut Cutter entrusts you with.

The task will be to find the Sneeze-Puff convoy and destroy it. As a reward, we will receive a part for creating a modification that will help us break through the "Maw", and a hood trinket.

We move to the mark, we find the place where the convoy passes. On the map, the movement of the convoy is marked with a red outline. You can find it either by moving along this route, or from a hill, exploring the route through binoculars. Also, it is not difficult to notice it by powerful clouds of smoke and sand, which look from the side like an impending storm. As soon as we find the convoy, we destroy it, after which we collect everything precious and necessary for us.

7 mission. Black magic

The most powerful weapon of the Tinsmith appears in your arsenal, which can save your life more than once, and which will help you in your next mission. Thunderpoon has an explosive effect, it can be used to blow up enemy vehicles, enemies, and buildings from a safe distance.

You can master this weapon when leaving the Temple of Jeet. Jeet will be dissatisfied with this noise that the thunderpoon makes, but still tell him to continue using it near his temple. After training, we head to the gate "Pasti".

To begin with, we destroy the boom installations, there will be only 3 of them. Opponents on cars will constantly interfere with you, so they won’t let you destroy these installations just like that. As soon as you have coped with this task, we proceed to the most important thing, the destruction of the Pasta. To do this, you need to destroy the hinges, there are only 2 of them. Two shots from the thunderpoon, and the gate is open. The road to the Dead Wasteland is open.

8 mission. Clouds of smoke

Red Eyes' help is needed to get to Gastown.

Red Eye is a true veteran of the wasteland. Lost her legs many years ago in a road war. Since then, she has been directing from her motorized chair, which she herself created. She and her team are second to none when it comes to car repairs, especially engine tuning.

But bandits attack Red-eye's camp, and not just attack, but arrange a real assault. Max thinking for a long time whether to risk his life or not, nevertheless decides to save Red-Eyes. Before that, you need to destroy 3 catapults that surround the camp. They are destroyed simply, with the help of a harpoon and a shotgun shot.

After the destruction of the catapults, we head to the building, seeing the chaos and destruction that the fighters of the Garbage have done. On the way, Max will meet several groups, overcoming which, Max still gets to Red Eyes, and a short cut-scene begins.

Here we meet in person with "Garbage" - one of Chlem's close associates. "Garbage" is famous for its cruelty and sadism. His body is covered with scars, some were obtained in battles, while others were inflicted by himself.

Garbage sends its fighters to kill Max, but we can easily cope with his fighters. After that, "Dump" escapes with the hostage of Krasnoglazka, where he immediately cuts his throat. Next, Max talks with Red Eyes, and asks him about why he risked his life. Max replies that he needs help, and only she can help him in this matter. The red-eyed girl, after thinking a little, says that they could agree.

Mission 9. Dance with death

We made it to Gastown! And, we need to sign up for the race. But for a stranger, they simply won’t do anything for nothing. Here we come across another character. Screamer is a local celebrity who is quite wealthy by Wasteland standards. A born showman, an important cog in the Gastown machinery, and owner of the Gastown Races.

In order to get into the Gastown race, Screamer needs to get the light bulbs, which he dreams of very much. He asked everyone about this service, but no one was going to help him in this. Moreover, the light bulbs that he needed were in the place where the "Vultures" live, and getting caught by them was only one outcome - death. For Screamer, these light bulbs are everything, they "feed" him.

Max agrees to these terms and goes to Subdune. Subdune - the ruins of the former airport, a place controlled by the Vultures. To find the light bulbs, Max and the Tinkerer have to bypass numerous traps. The location is huge, but you won't get lost.

We get to the goal, Max notices the store upstairs. You can’t drive further by car, so you need to get to it on your own two feet. We go up the stairs, at this time one "vulture" in front of us is constantly watching Max, but does not enter into battle. Following him, he leads us to the very store where these light bulbs are located. And as soon as we take away these light bulbs, the "vultures" ambush, and the battle begins.

After everyone is killed, another "vulture" breaks down the door, thereby opening the passage for you. You deal with him, and quickly return to the car, get in and rush back to Gastown. "Vultures" will attack you from all sides. On the way from Poddyuna, cars will pop up right in front of your nose, now and then throwing mines under your wheels.

Got rid of the enemies? All right, let's rush to Gastown back to the Screamer. We deliver light bulbs to him, which he eagerly takes from us, eagerly, but terribly pleased that he now has something to "eat"

Mission 10. Sniffer's duty

The condition of the contract with Krikun is fulfilled. But to participate in the race, Max needs to recruit a fighter. The tinsmith is not suitable, referring to his ugliness and other shortcomings. Our hero is advised to go to Raven.

Raven organizes races outside of Gastown, little is known about him, but he has the ability to not draw attention to himself. racing enthusiast and gambling. The only one who doesn't pay Schlem.

And a fighter was found for us. Headdress - is a veteran of Gastown racing and any other bloody sports. In his free time, he inhales gasoline or nitro. The main goal for her is to be high, of course, except for those cases when there is a fight or a race ahead. But the best fighter is not found now. The tattoo will not fight for some Max, and will only agree to this if Max pays her debt that she owes to Crow.

Max has no choice, he agrees. The first step to fulfill this duty will be a trip to the leader Zasos, in the Saber camp, to obtain a special paint. This paint is needed for the "Speed ​​Demon", on which we will have to win the race in the future. We leave for the camp, deal with all the enemies, move on and find the leader. The leader will send fighters at you, turn on the fiery pipes so that you cannot escape from him, and he himself will not mind joining the battle. The leader does not notice his own, so if his own fighter got under a counterattack, then he will die immediately. Dodge more often, hit with weapons, finish off in rage mode.

As soon as the job is done and the paint is received, another task appears on the list. Now we need to get the "Speed ​​Demon" body, which is necessary for the race. We leave for the Stinking Hills region, which is located in the Great Whiteness. We deal with enemies, pick up the body. Now we have everything we need to build the "Archangel". We build the "Speed ​​Demon", after which we go back to the Raven to participate in the race, thereby paying off the debt of Nakolka. In the race, in order not to go astray, be guided by the red color on the track, and do not miss the barrels, they are the control point. After winning the race, you can return to Nakolka and recruit her. Debt paid. Now Nakolka can participate in the Gaztown race.

Mission 11. Immortal enemy

Before starting this mission, you will be notified that this race is very difficult, and in order to participate in it, you need to carefully prepare "Max" and your "Masterpiece". In this race, you need to defeat the "Trash" until the timer expires. If the timer runs out, the bomb will explode. Defeating the Garbage is not so easy, its car is more powerful and faster, it drops mines right under your wheels, and there are side burners on the sides that will not let you get close from the side. In this case, you need to seize the moment so that the thunderpoon hits exactly on target.

You won't be the only one on the track. You will be constantly disturbed along the way by the cars of the Garbage, so it will be very difficult. You will have just over 6 minutes to complete this race. Prepare your "Masterpiece" very carefully and to the maximum.

If you have overcome this hellish and rather dynamic race, then our mission has just begun.

Our next step will be the fight with Nakolka, under the Thunderdome. In this battle, two come in, and one comes out. Defeating Nakolka will not be difficult, the main thing is to dodge in time, catch on counterattacks. Having defeated her, events begin to develop even more interesting.

By winning this race, Max gets the car "Leader", which is equipped with an 8-cylinder engine, which is what Max needs. But it so happened that Chlem himself personally gives this prize, and when he sees our hero, who once stuck his own chainsaw into his head, he rushes into a rage and enters into battle with Max.

The battle with Chlem is somewhat similar to the battle of the leader of the camp, the fighters now and then interfere personally, face to face to resolve the issue once and for all, and do not hesitate to go on the attack along with their leader. The main thing is to use dodges as often as possible, weapons will continually fall from the enemies, which will help you knock out the Slam and finish him off. At this moment, the support under you falls through, you miraculously hold on. Max is trying to break away from the Slam, and as soon as possible to return to the "Leader".

But Chlem again finds our hero, and then the battle begins again. There are even more fighters, they are even angrier, Chlem becomes angrier. After a lengthy battle, "Gashbin" intervenes in the fight, catching the moment he shoots from a crossbow, and hits Max's shoulder a couple of times. Losing balance, Mack falls, grabbing onto the ledge of the cliff, but then Chlem throws our hero down. Max falls from a great height but survives.

Mission 12. "Leader"

Taking a breath, Max continues on his way. "Trash" took his car along with "Leader" to the garage. You can get there through the back door in the Bottom. At this entrance, he meets Nadezhda, who agrees to open the door and show the way to this garage, but, accordingly, not just like that, but for a favor. the fact is that Nadezhda's daughter, Slava, has disappeared, and she really wants Max to find her and return her. Max promises nothing, but Nadezhda opens the back door and lets our hero in.

Once in the garage, we notice the "Leader", and most importantly, the very engine that we need. The car needs to be lowered, but not everything is so simple. The Garbage fighters are actively guarding the garage, and upon noticing Max, they rush into battle. Having scattered all the fighters, we find a canister, find a generator, refuel it, lower the car. Everything, it remains only to drive her away to the temple of Deep-fried.

You won't be able to get to the temple just like that. Along the way, I will stand posts that Chlem put up specifically so that not a single living soul goes beyond the city. you will be pursued by the fighters of the Garbage. You will defend yourself from your pursuers with side burners located on the "Leader", from which the enemies will be very hot. In the Deep Fryer, the Tinsmith will already be waiting for you, who is already ready to dig deeper into the car.

Mission 13. For glory

Mission accomplished. Now your car has the very power that Max dreamed of, now he has everything to move further along his path. But upon arrival at Deep Fryer, he is found by Nadezhda, who fulfilled her part of the agreement in front of Max, now it's his turn. Max replies that he did not promise Nadezhda anything, and in this dispute the car takes off, but what was said to Max touches him from the inside, makes him think, and he moves back. He tells her that he will find his daughter and asks her to point out the place where he should start looking.

Nadezhda gives Max one thing that will help in the search for Glory, she also said that one old man takes care of her, she should be with him. Max is on the way, the goal is set, there is no turning back. He finds a place, finds an old man who is dead, but the girl is not with him. meanwhile, the Tinkerer is very nervous, he does not like the place where they arrived. Max notices the tire tracks and follows them. They direct him to a place where he has already been once - to Subdune. On the way, the gates that we ram, passing a little, we are already walking. The Tinker said the Vultures were using children to search for treasure in the depths of the Subdune. Max, having gone down into the elevator shaft, makes his way down. At this moment, the Tinsmith, having finally broken, leaves, so as not to get caught by the "Vultures" and save the "Masterpiece". Our hero is left alone.

We find one of the excavations, but we are convinced that Slava is not there. But we have a choice of 3 more excavations that need to be examined. "Vultures" immediately attack us, we fight them off. Then we head to the first excavation - no one, the second excavation - no one. After we have examined 2 excavations, we hear a loud noise that comes from above. We rise and come to the excavation where the corpses of "Vultures" are scattered. Exploring the room, Max finds Glory, who was hiding in the refrigerator. He takes her in his arms and now they have to get out of here. At this point, the Vultures ram the gate, opening a path out of the Underdune, and Max has yet to fight. He sits Slava behind the shelter, after which he cracks down on everyone who interferes with him. After killing everyone, Max has a transport on which he can leave, he takes Glory, puts her in the car, and they leave for the Deep-Fryer temple to his mother, simultaneously breaking away from the tail of the Vultures.

Mission 14. All is lost

Returning to the Deep Fryer temple, Max returns Nadezhda to her daughter, and our hero, after briefly watching the scene, how the mother hugs her daughter with tears, leaves the room without saying a word. Now Max's task is to find the Tinsmith and his "Masterpiece" and find out where he went. Asking Deep Fryer about the Tinkerer, he was reluctant to give answers, only after Max "pressed" him, he said that the Tinkerer would return her to where she was born. Max realized that where she was born was the Tin Man's lair, he went there.

At this time, the Garbage was chasing the Masterpiece, thinking that Max would be driving, but he was mistaken. The tinkerer was beaten, after which Max appeared. Max saw his "Masterpiece", but he did not see the Tinsmith anywhere, only looking behind the car, he saw how he was barely alive, and at that moment the "Garbage" appeared with his fighters. He talks about what he knows about Nadezhda, and about her daughter, and Chlem is about to be on his way to them to kill them. And all this was told by the Tinsmith, who was easy to blather. The tinkerer couldn't do anything about it, he wanted to keep Masterpiece.

Max was overtaken by panic and rage, at first "Garbage" sends his fighters to kill him, then he enters. He doesn't have time to finish manually, he needs to Deep Fry, and as quickly as possible. He gets into the car and runs over the Garbage.

Max is late. He saw a terrible picture that turned everything in him. Hope was hanged, and her daughter Slava died right in his arms.

Mission 15. Write my name in blood

Our hero, in a fit of rage, anger and madness, almost throws himself off a cliff, but stops his "Masterpiece" at the edge. He is driven by hatred, he wants to kill Slam once and for all. Max returns to Gastown, where he meets Scabbers, a fighter who was prevented from serving alongside Slam, who is distraught that his blood will kill him. He was the only one who knew where Chlem was, and without difficulty told Max all the information.

Max finds the Slam slicing through the wasteland, accompanied by his escort. First of all, we will be asked to destroy it. The car fight will be very dynamic and very severe. Despite the escort of Slam, other groups of enemies, reinforcements, may join your pursuit. So use all your weapons to the maximum. After the escort is destroyed, your task will be to destroy the "Zemledvig" - the main transport. To destroy it, you need to rip off 2 armored sheets located on the sides of the truck with the help of a horpoon. After the leaf is broken, shoot the barrels - the explosion will be powerful.

Next comes the dynamic scene. "Zemledvig", losing control, rams you around, while itself stopping with half of the hull on the edge of the cliff. Max decides to take a brave step to put an end to Slam. He decides to sacrifice both the "Masterpiece" and the Tinkerer - he wants to ram the truck, jumping out of the car in the process. The tinsmith doesn't drop a masterpiece. The car is sent exactly to the truck, and it would seem that everything. End.

But Chlem survives, and not just survives, but is on your own car, which you lost at the beginning of the game, on the Interceptor. The only way to defeat Slam is to dodge the car, and also make 2 accurate throws of the gromstick at the Interceptor.

The car is overturning. From the explosion, Chlem receives a mortal wound in the abdomen, he crawls, he cannot stand up. Max comes up to him, sticks a chip in with a kick, then pulls out a chainsaw from Chlem's head, which has become an ornament for him, blood flows like a fountain, he dies.

Max takes his "Interceptor", he did what he had to do, now he does not owe anyone anything, now he is free to do what he wants.

When passing the game MAD MAX I encountered one problem that puzzled many players - the passage of the mission "Wasteland Classic", the purpose of which is to create a special variant magnum opus- Archangel "Master".

Performing game tasks, I collected all the components for building the first archangel except Armor. Without this assembly, it is impossible to leave the dried sea - the giant gates of the "Maw" are closed and we have no access to the Gut Cutter fortress. What to do?

We drive up on our Masterpiece to the gate "Maw" and see the hint "Install the last improvement for the Master in the garage." We go to the Garage and see that the desired option is installed for all components. Incorrectly installed ones will be highlighted with a green circle above the icon. The first archangel is built on the basis of the ShavelFace body. Thus, it remains for us to get armor. We return to the wasteland and the Tinsmith tells us that for the armor you need to contact the fortress to the Gut Cutter. We go to him - we find a large ship broken in two and drive through the gate. We agree on cooperation with the Gut Cutter - he gives us shelter in his fortress, and we equip it and carry out his instructions. As a reward, they give us armor.

We go into the garage and install the armor "Baby". Press F and create the first archangel "Master". That's all) The mission "Classics of the Wasteland" has been successfully completed.

Episode 1. Savage
The game begins with a short video from which we see how our hero is overtaken by an armed group in their cars. The denouement of the whole situation results in the fact that Max is left lying battered in the middle of the desert, having lost his transport and ammunition. Having come to his senses, the hero discovers his dog, which starts running away from him. We follow him along the mountain gorge.

Getting to know the interface: The interface is quite simple. When you go to the Pause menu, several tabs are presented to your attention. One of them is "Biography", this section tells the history of meetings and dialogues with characters, and also marks all the locations we have discovered.

After a while, you will find a large rusty barge settled in the sands. You should climb on it and look for water.

Advice: When you find water, replenish your health at the same time, and then collect a full flask. Like ammunition, there is little water (after all, the desert), but it is even more difficult to find provisions. I recommend to often look at the balance of health points and replenish water supplies at every opportunity.

Note: It is not possible to take food with you like water. If you find food, then you have two options: you can leave it or eat it right away. If the stock of health points is full, leave it for the next time (overeating is injurious to health).

Basically, tasks are not difficult to complete, because the object you need is indicated by a green pointer (marker). Look for water, replenish its reserves, for this
Max has a special flask. Water serves both as food and as the most necessary item to replenish the hero's health points. Next, you need to go down on the other side of the barge. There you will meet with the "hunchback". He will be waiting for you near the destroyed truck and will try to eat your faithful dog. Don't kill him, better find out the details about him. Chat with him and find out that his name is "The Tin Man". And immediately after the dialogue in the section "Biography" a new entry will appear. After your communication with the Tinsmith, your tasks will be updated.

Advice: From the beginning of the game, collect "scrap", this will help in the future. Find and search all the locations, as well as the most hidden places in them, because there may be the necessary pile of metal. In this game, scrap metal is a local game currency, which will always be needed in all cases and stages of the game.

Task: Find the wiring for the Tinkerer's buggy
Use provisions to replenish health points. Go up to the gorge indicated by the marker. Inside the gorge are a couple of cartridges. This is your first ammo you will find in this game. Further on the campaign of the game, do not pay attention to such objects, the supply is too small. Move on and climb to the top of the ledge. There, your first enemy will appear in front of you, you can easily kill him by firing a shotgun.

Advice: Ammunition in "MadMax" is not as much as we would like. Therefore, we do not recommend shooting at "milk", learn how to accurately fire at the enemy, or move away from an unnecessary battle.

Advice: Use sharpening to finish off the enemy, if you suddenly dropped a weapon in battle. You have the opportunity to carry a limited number of sharpeners in ammunition, do not throw them uncontrollably.

Advice: During close combat, try to rotate the camera around Max, create a circular view. This will help you see creeping enemies from behind.

Destroy enemy units using the skills that are shown and explained to you. In a battle against three opponents, use "super punch".
Move forward and destroy a couple more opponents. And now you again have the opportunity to use a shotgun. Find a camp named "Scum camp". Explore the surrounding area. When you collect all the "loot" scattered around the camp, an inscription will appear warning that "The place of harvest is 100% completed". Move to the damaged car, which is nearby and watch a short cut-scene, from which the hero will find the necessary wires for the Tinsmith.

Quest Update: Take the wiring to the Tinsmith.
Go back to the Tinsmith and pass the wires. Take the injured dog away immediately. Follow the Tinsmith. Get a little training. This training covers all the basic skills of driving any transport.

Mission: Go to the observation deck
Follow the Tinsmith and you will reach the sign. From the observation tower, look around the entire enemy base. There you need to see how several characters are pushing a car. Try to get hold of it, but it won't work. The tinkerer will reassure Max, and assure him that he will be able to collect new car. The mission "Savage" will end here.
Look through the binoculars to find the location - "Workshop". Move towards the shelter, it will be marked with a marker on the map. Here you will receive a new mission, after a dialogue with the Tinsmith.

Advice: Be sure to go to all observation platforms to find as many objects on the ground as possible. In particular snipers, minefields, camps, etc.

Note: Minefields increase the danger, so you need to get rid of them. In order to neutralize the discovered mines, we need a dog and an old Tinsmith's car.

Episode 2. Masterpiece
Listen to what the Tinker has to say. He will tell you about your new car, and what parts to look for. The first step is to find the body. Use the Tinker's buggy and follow the marker marked on the map.

Quest: Move to the cemetery
As you move towards the indicator, a message will appear on the screen indicating that the fuel level in the car is low. You will have a new small task - the search for fuel. And that is the risk of stalling and remaining in the middle of the desert. In the future, remember that you need to periodically look at the fuel level sensor in the tank. Always try to fill up whenever possible (it's easier to take out enemies with a full tank).

Advice: If the "Masterpiece" was damaged during the next military action, do the following:
- get out of your vehicle and dodge the shells of enemy motorized chariots while the "bone cutter" repairs it. For a complete repair of the "Masterpiece", approximately no more than 29 seconds are spent.

Quest Update: Find Fuel for the Masterpiece
Head towards the green marker, following the map. Remember about the stocks of scrap metal and ammunition, they need to be constantly collected.
Move to the new target, it is also marked with a green pointer on the map. It is possible that next to you, not far from the next target, the fuel in the buggy will run out. Get out of the car, destroy two opponents. Next, you have to search the camp. After you find the fuel canister, the task will be updated.

Advice: Worrying about the fuel reserves in the Masterpiece motorcycle chariot is not worth your special attention, but it will not be superfluous to have a reserve in the form of one canister in the trunk. This canister can also do a good job of blowing up any obstacle or refueling another chariot if you suddenly decide to change.

Quest Update: Refuel the Masterpiece
Refill the gas tank with fuel (you will have some more fuel in stock). Drive to the point marked on the cemetery until you see a closed gate. There will be no guards or watchmen. Now here you can use your remaining fuel in the canister to blow up the gate and clear your way. Just set fire to the canister and throw it at the gate. There will be several traps, move carefully. Try to avoid the trap.

Task: Find a body for the buggy
The body you need is hanging on the ropes. It needs to be brought down to earth. Climb up through the cave. Go through the cliff, which will meet on the way, with the help of a cable. Clinging to the cable, you will jump to the other side of the cliff.

Look carefully here, because someone may be wandering in the dark. Walk forward and find a corpse. Near this corpse lies a flashlight, pick it up safely. Now you can use the flashlight at any time. Go through the gorge and look for water. Replenish health points and water in a flask. Jump on the cable to jump to the other side. Along the way, collect scrap metal.

Quest Update: Choose a Body for the Masterpiece
Here you can assemble the body to your taste. Any of them has equal rigidity with additional parameters, the difference is only in appearance. You can choose what will be more interesting to you in your opinion.

Next, having chosen your body, lower it to the ground. Opponents will immediately begin to appear on the ground. They are called "Vultures". During the fight, you will be able to hone the skill of evasive strikes. One "Vulture" will attack you with a shiv. After you destroy him, be sure to take his sharpening. With this enchant, you will easily deal with the remaining Vultures.

After the destruction of the entire group of Vultures, start destroying the indicated mechanisms. Walk down the slope, the mission objective will change.

Note: When an enemy vehicle is destroyed, precious material will fall out of it.

Task: Get out of the cemetery
Learn to drive a motorized chariot to conduct car wars. Open fire on your opponents. Learn and try to dodge enemy projectiles,

fired at you, and launched mines in your direction. Leave the area of ​​the cemetery and the mission will end. Examine the map. On it you can see several additional targets, you can destroy any marked camp. When you finish the repair, call the Tinker (hunchback) and return to the shelter again to update the mission.

Episode 3. The path of the hero
Go left, there you will find scrap metal. This time you need it to upgrade your car "Masterpiece" and the hero himself.

Quest: Find the Jagged Tip
From your car, drive straight to the indicated place. Go to another room, go up the stairs. Find the item there.

Quest Update: Bring the Serrated Tip to the Tinsmith
Return back to the Tinsmith. Pass the found spare part and you will go to the upgrade section. Mount the harpoon on your "Masterpiece", it will be available. If you have collected scrap metal well, then you have the opportunity to put an additional “Fight” grate. After the upgrade, exit the menu, then you have to view a new cut-scene.

Advice: Choose from ammunition "harpoon". This ability is needed to pull enemy drivers out of their motorized chariots. In this way, you save energy and save your nervous system from stress during the fight. More than that, you can transfer and control enemy vehicles.

Mission: Get out of the Tinker's hideout
Once in the Wasteland, chat with the Tinsmith. Find out information about the Scarecrow camp. On the map they are marked as enemies. The hunchback will tell you to destroy the pillars that are indicated on the map. After that, you will have a new task.

Quest Update: Eliminate Scarecrows
Defeat the first "scarecrow", a message will appear: "Threat level down". With the subsequent extermination of the "scarecrows" you will observe this message. In addition, the issued message indicates your location on the ground. Eliminate a few more "scarecrows". Use the harpoon you mounted on the "Masterpiece" for the "scarecrow". This will throw him back some distance.

Task: Inspect the location from the observation deck
Follow the pointer on the map. At this lookout point, you can inspect the camp of new opponents. On the left you will see Gorlan. For you, he will not be a rival, he is necessary for his warriors as "totem", which is responsible for morale and courage. But you can not exclude it from your goals for destruction. It is better to remove him first from the battlefield and then it will be easier to defeat the enemy. Do a full survey of their area. Above the gate, you should notice a flamethrower tube. First of all, you need to get rid of this pipe, because this is the most basic barrier in front of the gates to the camp. It's not very difficult, because further you will find a sniper. What actions he can perform, I think it is not necessary to describe.
After a detailed inspection of the camp, you will find a small list about the operation and management of the alarm indicator.

Mission: Deal with the sniper
As quickly as possible, you need to drive a buggy to the tower and be close. We recommend that you do not drive close to the tower. Aim your scope and harpoon shot, which will lead to its destruction.

Advice: If suddenly, you decide to drive an enemy motorized chariot to any of your own fortresses, then it becomes possible to include this exhibit in your transport collection.

Advice: We do not recommend driving around the Wasteland "headlong", because it is fraught with a threat in the form of unforeseen situations. An incorrect jump, as well as a collision with an object, can cause serious damage to the controlled chariot. For some, this is not a hindrance, but after a hard collision, a pattern in the form of a crack on the windshield may appear on the screen. For me personally, this caused the inconvenience of the review.

Quest: Disable flamethrower tube
Use the harpoon again. In the same way as with the previous tower, make an aimed shot at the other. Only at this moment the lassoed tower must be pulled to the side. This action will not take you a significant amount of time, in general, not for long. And so the flamethrower tube will be destroyed. Now you can freely enter their camp.

Mission: Enter the camp
Drive up to the gate and fire your harpoon. Then you need to pull them until they are completely separated. In the camp you explore, there are a number of oil wells with pumps. Exit the "Masterpiece", the video will start playing. After it ends, you will fight.

Advice: When you destroy each camp, you will be rewarded with some amount of scrap metal (average value is about 20 pieces for each camp you have broken). Try to earn currency, as if it were real money, I think this will be an additional motivation, because with it we can buy the most competent ammunition or upgrade for our character.

Quest: Kill Gorlan
Shoot the "Gorlan" from your available weapons. Or you can destroy his gazebo. Now you have to eliminate all the remaining local savages.

Note: If you find yourself in the detection radius of Gorlan, then he will raise an alarm in the camp.

Task: Find the remains of your car
Move along the intended course with the designated place on the map. There you will find a small dump with car bodies. Search and find a photograph of Max among all this rubbish. These are the remains of a car from his past.

Mission: Destroy the oil pump
Break the doors and head up. Soon we will have to fight with a new interesting savage with the name "Slicer". This "Cutter" in its arsenal has sharpening.
He will drop it, and you will pick it up. But it didn't end there. You will still have two savages, but these are already ordinary. It won't be hard to deal with them. Having identified everyone in the other world, move to the marked point. Go up the stairs and find the shortcut "Chlema". In the camp you will find two more shortcuts. When they are destroyed, you will complete an additional task. The pipe on the right is dripping water. Replenish health points and water supply. Collect scrap metal during your movements in this camp.

Now you need to cross the bridge to the other side. You need to run across the bridge very quickly because a sandstorm is about to start. On the other side, enter the building, go up the stairs. Pick up scrap metal in all rooms, go down a little and find a passage. Enter the passage. Once there, go forward a little. Find a small room and look for a bunch of scrap metal in it.

After that, you will have two possible directions: left or right. You should go left, go down the stairs. Gather some shotgun ammo. Get rid of the "Slam" tag found here and collect the scrap metal. Go back where you chose the direction and this time head right. Ahead you will find a ladder, climb it up.

Walk a little forward and come across an unfamiliar character. He will tell Max that he is with you for one thing and you will return to him. On this moment it's just a dialogue. Move on and go up the stairs. You now have a new combat skill "Rage of Max". Now the test of this skill will begin. Destroy all the savages around and look around in this area. Here you will find the last label of the "Chlem". After it is eliminated, the mission will end. Collect scrap metal. Here you also need to find a fuel canister. With it, you will blow up an oil well with a pump.

To the right of this oil well you will find a door. Break it and watch a new cut-scene. If you managed to collect all the scrap metal present there, your opponents were destroyed to the last, the labels were eliminated and the relic was found, then your mission will be completed with a 100% result. If there is no such result, then again you will have to go and search what was missed.

Quest: Return to the Masterpiece
There will be a container near you and you need to climb it. Use the fixed rope to move down to the car. A short video will appear, then sit in
a car to go to a meeting with the mysterious inhabitant of the "Wasteland". Head according to the sign on your map. Along the way, you will find a rocket launcher. Another cutscene will start soon. After viewing it, you will have the opportunity to increase the skills of the hero. This is possible, subject to the presence of special icons. They are given to you every time you complete tasks.

Go back to the hunchback. Fire one flare shot. A car will appear next to you. Upgrade by installing nitrous oxide (NO2). Do not use immediately, wait a bit. Ride forward and meet the savages. Now you can use the accelerator and use your car as a ram. After these steps, get out of the car. It will again be possible to upgrade Max. Then you can return to your hideout for a new objective.

Episode 4
Mission: Pursue Legionnaires of the Garbage
Get into your car "Masterpiece" and follow the sign on the map. In this area you will find "Legionaries of the Garbage". As long as there is no need to fight them. Quietly watch another small cut-scene. Look at the card side of the world, find the north. This is your direction, move on. You will see a pointer on the map. Head for it. Get to the fortress "Jita". Drive up to the abandoned ship. Get out of the car and search this ship. There you will find another item from Max's past. A couple of pieces of scrap metal and a canister of fuel.

On this ship you need to find balloon. Use it and fly higher. From a great height you can see a new place "Black Maws". Use binoculars. Look left. See three scarecrows, one sniper, a couple of oil well camps "Death Run" and camp "Hickey". There is another sniper a little further from the second camp with a well.

Look right. Find the fortress "Jita". Further it will find one scarecrow. Having examined the entire area, you will be able to better navigate when moving.

Get down to the ground. You need to move towards the east to get to the second ship. Search this ship for shotgun ammo, sharpening, and scrap metal. Get back into your Masterpiece. Move on. It is necessary to destroy all the scarecrows that you see. This will help reduce the level of danger, otherwise Griff cannot appear. Then you get a little nice bonus pieces of scrap metal. Snipers must be eliminated.

Advice. Before upgrading Griff's Max abilities, use up all your points. You will not be able to spend two or three points and leave. There are also limits on the number of points you can spend in any category. It depends on the level of the hero. Keep this in mind before talking to Griff if you can't spend all the points in the required category. This is a pointless waste.

Exercise: Drive to Jeet's fortress.

Arriving at the fortress, we make a deal with Jeet, then we talk with the Tinkerer about a sniper rifle and look for a trigger mechanism for it. At the end of various additional tasks, head to the Jita fortress. The next video will start. After viewing, go up the stairs, on the left side. Chat about different things, ask Jeet. Enter the garage to talk to the Tinsmith. Go up the stairs again and there you will find a trigger. The pointer on the map will show you the direction and place.

Task: Assemble a sniper rifle.

Having collected the rifle, we leave the fortress of Jeet in order to test it at the passage of the Dead Wasteland. Return to the Tinkerer to deliver
him the trigger you found. To build a sniper rifle, you will need to have 40 pieces of scrap in stock. After that, leave the fortress "Jita". In general, the map is very large. You can study it. This is not necessarily some kind of task, you can just inspect the dumps, destroy the savages and camps. To make it easier for you to navigate, always use the observation deck.

On the way to the aisle "Dead Wasteland" you will meet strong enemy resistance. You do not have to destroy everything in the area before the passage. Although if you want to fight, then please, then be prepared for a big war.

When you reach the passage, you will find a fuel canister near the entrance. Climb up the rise. Go up the stairs. You will see a small intersection there. First, head down the stairs to find some scrap metal. Now climb back up the stairs to the fork. Go right, this is the main path into the depths of the complex. You will reach the stairs. Walk down and find Shotgun Ammo. Move on to meet Buckler. Buckler defends well and deals serious damage in combat. Therefore, in the previous stages, you need to master the skills of dodging combat attacks well. Dodges will give you some time, or rather a couple of seconds, for retaliatory attacks. After your blows, Buckler will need a little time to recover. Within this short period of time, move far enough away to anticipate his next attack. After a few of your attacks, Buckler will fall.

After Buckler, you will still have a few fights with ordinary savages. It will not be difficult for you to destroy them. Next, head northwest. There you will find a door, and when you enter you will find some scrap metal. Turn left and go through the open doorway. Go a little straight and on the right side you will see another room. In it you will find items from Max's past.
Follow the sign on the map to enter a new area. Turn left and Max will find a water source. Quench your thirst, improve your health points, and top up in a flask. Go further and you will see a new piece of terrain. On the right side, look for scrap metal.
Return to the main area. Find a ladder. At the very top you will see a room. Come in. Climb higher using the bumpers hanging on the wall to the right. Upstairs you will find ammo for a sniper rifle. Then up the stairs again.
At the fork, first go left. Find a ladder. Go down it. Pick up some items inside. Get back to the fork. The task will be completed after watching the next cut-scene.

Quest: Return to the Tinsmith
Head towards the northeast. You will see a small platform. Near its base you will find paint. Climb up to the roof. In the corner on the roof you will find scrap metal. In the same direction, approach the stairs. Kick your foot and it will fall down. You need to go down it. Find the Tinsmith and the mission will end. Talk to him and you will start the next task.

Episode 5
Task: Talk to Jeet, find the right body.
Find out what you need to upgrade. Then head to the Jita fortress to talk to him. Go down the stairs. Meet
Tinsmith. The first Wasteland mission will begin. Leave the fortress in your Masterpiece car. To continue the mission, head to the observation deck "Dry Gustie". Get on the balloon and move to a new area. Use your binoculars and look around. On your way you will meet several savages. As usual, deal with a couple of savages. Look for food near the grill. As you explore this area, you can head to the new observation deck Blackmaws to complete Dinky Dee's mission.
In the main story, follow the sign on the map. Meet a couple of savages, deal with them. Grab some sniper rifle ammo and head southwest. There you will find a couple more parts. Turn around and head right to the platform. At the top, use the stairs to pick up the desired spare part.

Task: Use the garage to install an upgrade for Jack.
You are now equipped for the upgrade. Go to the garage and replace with a new found body for the "Masterpiece". Your next step is to head west to the Scorched Moon area in Gut Cutter Fortress. Move to the pointer on the map. Use the stairs to find the welding wire at the top.
Return to the garage. To complete the task, you need to use armor. After these steps, you can open access to the archangels. To start a new task, a couple of conditions must be met. Eliminate one Gut Cutter camp and earn the title of Lizard.

Episode 6
Destroying the Rogue Nest Camp will earn you the Lizard rank. Let's move on, the game continues. Return to the Gut Cutter's hideout. Go straight, you will reach the stairs. Climb up and immediately turn the corner. Cut scene. You need to go to another part of the corridor, turn left. Find another ladder. Pick up the thing in the corner from Max's past. To the right of the bridge you will find some scrap metal. Chat with Gut Cutter and the quest will be completed.

Exercise: Leave Gut-Cutter's hideout, find Sneeze-Puff's convoy group, destroy his truck.
You need to go to the first floor. Focus on the pointer on the map, it will lead you to the "Sneeze-Puff" convoy. Eliminate all enemy motorized chariots.
A quick way is to accurately shoot the tank with a shotgun. If your "Masterpiece" is damaged, call the Tinsmith to repair it, while fighting off the enemy. Destroy the Sneeze-Puff convoy truck and take the ornament. Before you go to the fortress "Jita", you need to set up enemy camps in the territory of the "Blackmaws". Otherwise, you will not enter the fortress. Talk to Jeet.

Episode 7
Chat with the Tinsmith. In the garage, you can install a new thunder harpoon on the Masterpiece. Test the new thunder harpoon on a special training ground.
Head to the passage of the "Dead Wasteland". There you will stumble upon several "thunder sticks". See the gate. Your new harpoon will easily smash with two shots into any oncoming gate. Then again "thunder sticks". To destroy, use a harpoon.
An ambush of motorized chariots awaits you in front, eliminate them. Snipers hid in this area around the entrance. From the reclaimed territory you will be able to see snipers. Deal with them using a simple harpoon, and tear out a couple of loops on the "Graze" with thunder. "Maw" can be easily destroyed with a simple harpoon.
Head north towards the Krasnoglazki tower. Use lookouts to see the area.

Episode 8
The tower will be protected by enemy motorized chariots. Aim at the wheels, for this you can use a thunder harpoon or a shotgun. Eliminate savages with "thundersticks" melee (especially if you like), shotgun, mounted ram or similar
"thunder sticks". After battles with motorized chariots, use the harpoon again. To destroy the catapults, you need to tear them off the base. Aim for the base. Now you will be able to see the barrels. These are barrels of gunpowder. Shoot them with any weapon from your arsenal and the catapult will be destroyed.
The pointer on the map shows the new destination. This is a tower. Here you have to walk. Leave your "Masterpiece" and go down the slope. Come into the room, here you will find ammunition for a shotgun. Locate and turn off the valve. This valve is responsible for the gas for the flamethrower tube. Come back. Now your direction is south. Down the corridor to the right. Find another valve and also turn it off. Return to the main room.

Go forward. Several savages will be waiting for you. Eliminating them will not be difficult for you. Scrap metal often lies near the stairs. Climb up the stairs. Turn right there and go up further. Use the "thunder stick" on the rack. She lies on the left side. Throw at the first savage before he tells the others. After that, go further to another staircase. Find more scrap metal. Return back to the rack. Now throw at the savage on the other side. The bridge will collapse and you will move on.

There will be more savages ahead. Use the thunder stick. Pass the bridge and collect scrap metal on the left. There will be 3 stairs ahead. Go further up to the first stairs. Climb up and find the second ladder. Climb up it and find the third ladder. Only the third staircase leads down. Collect scrap metal near the platform. Go back a little and find another ladder. Use it to get to the water. After that, go around the corner and find the door on the left. A pointer will appear on the map. Follow the sign. Cut scene. Eliminate the savages. The task is over.
You will head to Gastown, located to the north. Along the way will be available for execution Additional tasks. Red-eye issues these tasks. Climb up, turn left, you will see a ladder. Move on and find her. Don't take any action just yet. Approach the stairs and go up. On the left you will find an item from Max's past. .

Episode 9
IN Gastown a man is waiting for you, talk to him. Then you will drive your car to the "Upper Dunes". A gate will appear in front of you, you know what you need to do with them in order to go further.
Look for the location "Airport" on the map. There you will find light bulbs. Be careful on the way there will be spiked bombs. They may approach you if you are close to them. Do not rush to quickly pass this section, slow down, there is enough time.
You will reach a cliff with a raised bridge. Get out of the car. Now you need to jump on it. To the right is a doorway. After passing through it, you will pass to the next area. Look to the left, at the end of the room there will be some ammo. Turn left to find the door.
In the next room, a savage is waiting for you. Having overcome it, you will be able to lower the bridge for further travel by car.
Go up the stairs to a large platform. Find the correct route on the map. The pointer will show the direction to the left. There are no spike bombs here, so you can quickly slip through.
On the right you will find a ladder. It will lead you to a small hole in the wall. Get in and find yourself in the corridor. Move on. Follow the sign on the map. Along the way, there will be a room with scrap metal to the left and right. Collecting all of them will complete the side mission. "Place to harvest: 100%".
Exit the room into the corridor. Move on. Find another room with scrap metal. Climbing to the planet you will see the doors on the right. There is a container with scrap metal in the far left corner of the room. Now to the right you will find some ammo for the shotgun. Go further through the doors and find water.
Further along the corridor, a door will close in front of you. Do not pay attention to collect more scrap metal. After the mannequins, a little further you will find the place where the light bulbs are. Use a flashlight. Take them and some savages will appear. Don't forget to turn on your flashlight.
After eliminating the savages, go forward. You will see open door, which opens onto the balcony and turn left to the end. Use the funicular to return to the car. Below you will see how the enemy machine throws mines on the right. While dodging the mines, destroy this vehicle using a harpoon or a shotgun shot at the gas tank.

After leaving the airport, you need to return to Gastown. To complete this mission you need to climb the stairs and approach "Screamer". Before starting a new mission, start a conversation with Raven.

Episode 10
To get started, get in touch with "Nakolkoy", she is waiting for you in the building. Then go to the Raven. The local territory must be cleared of savages, convoy, minefields, snipers to level 3. The best way to achieve threat reduction is to smash
to shreds a couple of the region's camps "Knit Sack".
After all the brutal manipulations to defeat the enemies, move towards the Chalkies territory. On the way to the Big Blade and Rome Joby camps. Eliminate the camp completely, this will reduce the threat level. Near the gate there will be installations with "Molotov cocktail". Smash them with a harpoon. Use the same harpoon to tear out the main gate. You see the door - ram it with your car from acceleration. To go to another room where lies scrap metal, you need to take out a few savages. Move south to find water for resupply and health points if needed. Around the corner you will meet a few more savages. Then you will meet Gorlan surrounded by several savages. Try to kill Gorlan first. On the east side you will see a door, go to it. Kick it with your foot. In this room you will find scrap metal.

New direction northwest. Find a container and go through it. Inside destroy the label "Chlema". You will reach the stairs, climbing which you will find yourself in the north of the camp. Before entering another room, on the right, look for scrap metal. Go deep and find the remains relic of the past. Go to the balcony. Look on the south side ammo box. In the same place above the door will hang "Slam" label to be destroyed.

Look for stairs. Don't go down yet, go straight ahead and turn the corner. You need to get to another part of the camp located below. Go up the stairs and you will get there. Then you will meet savages, liquidate them. Walk forward under the bridge to the stairs. Climbing it you will find yourself in another part of the area. Move on. Eliminate the savages again. In the right drawer you will find ammunition and scrap metal. You will find a ladder and water ahead. To the left near the stairs, find scrap metal with ammunition and a large door. Break the door and find another label "Chlama", and scrap metal.

Advice: Go back to the first staircase, but don't go down. At the end of the mission, we need to go along the yellow line, which will lead us to the cable car, which in turn will lead to the car.

Use the ladder to get up to the platform. Head forward and you will come to Rome Jobbi". Keep your distance while fighting him. When you strike, he will defend himself, put blocks. Places a block - move to a safe distance so that after his attack
seize the moment to counterattack. You can use weapons. Push "Jobbie" closer to the fire. When hit by fire, Jobbi takes additional damage. He can drop the weapon, use it. This is how you defeat him. Be sure to search his lifeless body. Return to the cable car. In the lower part in the northeast direction you will find the last one in this territory "Slam" label. Destroying it will complete the mission with 100% success rate if all the Slam labels encountered have been destroyed. You can change colors appearance your car.
The pointer on the map will lead you to an area called Reek Hills. There are two options to get there: drive to the southeast or drive along the rocks to the northeast (you can use either option).

Heading southeast, be careful, there are traps and savages. From the location, move to the northeast to pick up a new spare part for the upgrade. Inside the niche on the south side you will find scrap metal. After that, head to the right side and find a new Masterpiece body. Standing next to your "Masterpiece" go to the "Garage" and you can assign a new body « wild Hunt» , supply the new spare parts you have found. After such a vehicle upgrade, you can now get the "Speed ​​Demon". Follow the sign on the map in the area " Heights» to enter the Death Race.

Note:"Speed ​​Demon" is faster, so the control of the new car will take some getting used to.

After choosing a race with barrels, head along the red road, do not forget to touch the barrels, but remember that when you collide with them, the car can skid to the side. Learn how to competently take turns without catching people standing at the side of the road. After defeating your rivals, chat with "Nakolkoy", She will be in the next building. Then go to Gastown. After talking with the "Screamer" you will receive a new task.

Episode 11
Task: Destroy the Garbage before the bomb explodes.
Get ready for a new task: stock up on water, replenish the hero’s health, and most importantly, pay attention to upgrading the car, because in the race with the Garbage you don’t have to rely on speed, defense will be much more important at this stage.

Before that, you have already learned how to ride in races. The Masterpiece is not a Speed ​​Demon or a racing car, so be careful when entering corners. The brake pedal in corners is not
it’s worth using, it’s better to use such tactics gas-released-gas (this method works in life, especially on full-fledged jeeps). Any car on the track aims to destroy you. Each time after the destruction of enemy vehicles, new ones will appear in their place, so pay special attention to the Garbage Sink. Approaching it, mines will fly. Exploded mines do quite a lot of damage, so dodge. Use only "thunder harpoon" while aiming at a specific vehicle. Most often, targets are automatically aimed at nearby enemies. Sometimes convenient, but not in a race.
You need to eliminate the "Garbage" in 5 minutes. A few accurate hits from the harpoon and you are the winner of the race.

Quest Update: Destroy the Tattoo
Now your goal is "Tattoo". Watch her approach in your direction. A red signal means the start of an attack on you. You need to dodge. Use the dodge icon and attack her. She will also dodge. Having won, another battle awaits us.

Quest: Destroy the Schlem
Cut scene. A new battle will begin, now it is necessary to eliminate the "Chlem". The principle of attack, as in most cases, is to keep your distance and counterattack. Before the start of the battle, raise your weapon and use it, from time to time ordinary savages will join your leader when massacring them, do not lose sight of the leader, as he can make a blow. Pay attention to the explosive red barrels standing along the location, with the help of these barrels you can win at a lower cost for this, you just need to help the villain stumble upon them.

When the room splits, a couple of savages will attack you from one side. "Chlem" will not touch you anymore. Drink water and replenish health points before the upcoming battles with new savages. After the battle, pick up provisions. The next direction is to the east, to an open area. Eliminate the local savages and collect scrap metal. In the northern direction you will find provisions and scrap metal. On the path you will find ammunition with water.

To the left behind the door, "Chlem" awaits you again. There will no longer be barrels, so you will have to fight with improvised means. A cutscene will start when the Slam's health threshold reaches 50%.
Follow the path further until you find a ladder. Climbing up it you will come out to the entrance to Gastown. Find your Masterpiece. Here you will start completing three new tasks in the Wasteland. On the south side, you still need to build a couple of projects for the temple in addition "Deep-frying«.
Once you're done, head east until you meet a slave named Hope. Chat with her.

Episode 12
Task: Find the engine "Big Boss
The direction will show you the path leading down. After turning right, meet the savages. After finishing with them, find the stairs leading up. Climbing up it you will meet another resistance from several savages. At the end of the corridor you will find a fuel canister. It will be located to the left of the burning drum. Use the canister to blow up the door. Head right to the next door. Open the door with a kick. Up the stairs and to the left of the room, the savages are waiting. Activate access to the generator. In the corner on the right you will find a ladder.

Task: Refuel the generator
Need to find fuel for the generator. Go down the road and look for a ladder and then go upstairs. Walk forward to the platform and turn left. Walk along the platform to the end to get to the storage area where there is a refilled canister. Jump down to get to the generator faster.

Task: By local car, drive to the temple "Frying"
After starting the generator, you will have the opportunity to lower the Garbage Car down. Pick up the car and head to the Deep Frying Temple. You will be chased. Use the side flamethrower to destroy them when they are close.
A cutscene will begin when you approach your "Masterpiece". Further your way to "Dunes", direction to the east.

Erisod 13. For Glory
Task: Arrive at the excavation site
In the Dunes area, look for a lonely old man. He is the key to the next task.
The pointer will show the direction of the tire tracks. These tracks will lead to the main gate, which must be rammed down. Further, the sign will lead to the lifting cabin. Use the lift to go down. First down the stairs, then up the wall. Come into the room and turn right. Find a ladder.

Mission: Use the lift cabin
Walk along the roofs of the lift cabins. You will go to the very depths to the ladder, which will lead you upstairs to the room. On the left side you will find scrap metal, ammunition. Keep moving east. At the bottom of the stairs, look for scrap metal, after which the warning "Place of harvest: 100%" will appear. Find another ladder, it will take you up

Mission: Eliminate the Buzzards
There will be a door above the stairs. Behind it, several savages are waiting for you. The provisions are on the left in the corner, eat or leave. Go right to the excavation site. Find a child.
Task: Search the excavation site
Break the door in front of you. Go towards the excavations and turn left to pick up the scrap metal. Examine the hole. Go to the next dig site. There you will meet savages, you will find scrap metal. Now look through the hole again and find the child.

Task: Pick up Glory and deliver to mom
Find out the truth after the earthquake. Go back and move to the next pointer on the map. Examine the hole in the wall to the right of the doors. Go through the gorge and see the boxes. Look inside the boxes for Glory.
Go back. After the doors you will be attacked by savages and their leader. First the savages, then the leader. Attack the leader with counterattacks after he prepares to attack you. One attack from you and the savages will reappear. We repeat the scheme: savages then the leader. After defeating the enemies, take Glory and leave.
Move to the observation deck "Blackmaws". In the direction south, from the lair of the "hunchback", you will find the right place. Griff will help you upgrade your character. Go to the "hunchback's" lair, go to the "Masterpiece".

Episode 14
Task: Eliminate the "Garbage" and arrive at the temple "Frying"
"Garbage" will be accompanied by savages. The first attack should be from the Garbage, dodge. Look around to prevent savage attacks from behind.
Kill the Garbage and head to the Deep Fryer Temple. Move to the observation deck, which will be next to the temple, to get there faster.
Having reached the "Gaztown" move forward in an easterly direction. Follow the sign on the map.

Episode 15
Task: Eliminate the escort of the "Chlem" and throw the "Zemledvig" into the abyss
This is the final quest in the game. First, you catch up with the chariot escorts, then destroy them. Liquidation of "Zemledvig"
will be the second plan. Shoot the harpoon at the wheels. Get to the driver by tearing out the door from his side. During these battles, damage to your car is inevitable. Keep an eye on this and, if necessary, call the "Tinsmith". Quickly repaired and again in pursuit. Keep up with the convoy if you don't want to start the mission again.
Leaving the Zemledvig unaccompanied, go around it from the side and shoot with a harpoon. Try to eliminate it quickly, because the next reinforcements are on their way. You need to break two side parts to blow up the Zemledvig.
Watch the cut-scene. "Zemledvig" will be on the edge of the cliff. You need to throw it into the abyss just by ramming it. After that, another video awaits yours. Before the "Chlem" appears, collect thunder harpoons. Aim and fire the thunder harpoon in the direction of the appearance of the "Slam" chariot. You need to aim manually now, so try to accurately aim. The battle will not be quick and not easy, so in order to see the final video, you will have to fight.

Game over! If you have any questions, write, I will answer.

No need, my friends, to get used to good games! They will enslave you and you will yearn for them.

Max and his world are insane. For real. Your allies are a nervous, burned-out junkie who tortures himself with arrowheads, a legless old mechanic in a makeshift wheelchair who wants to build a desert ship with sails, and an experienced road warrior who believes that one day the desert will become the sea.

Well, the Tinsmith. This type most of all looks like Gollum, the dwarf from "300 Spartans" and the Rat from Shadow of Mordor. He speaks like a religious fanatic ("In the name of spark plugs, nitro and an eight-cylinder engine!") And sees Max as a divine messenger.

Hidden throughout the Wasteland are "relics of the past," reminders of a long-forgotten world. Sometimes in just a few sentences, entire stories are told.

Once upon a time, the crew of Bruchorez managed to escape from a sandstorm in a ship, and since then he believes that one day the ocean will come to these lands.

Max is wearing a jacket from The Road Warrior in 1981, on his left leg is a brace that appeared after the events of the first film. Fashion show in the Wasteland, year 2015.

Naturally, Max in such a society seems to be the most sane. He adequately speaks and acts, moderately cynical and laconic. But dangerous maniacs often seem the calmest - and in fact, Max is almost the most crazy of all. He is passionately devoted to his machine and blindly strives for the Silent Plain, which may well turn out to be fictional. As in the movies, Max's madness doesn't gush like a fountain, but quietly burns inside and devours consciousness. It runs in the background throughout the game and only occasionally makes itself felt.

Some games are hard enough to overcome, even if a virtuoso pianist sits at the keyboard with a mouse or joystick. And for the most part, this is not due to the fact that an unexpected texture bug becomes the culprit, which prevents you from making transitions between locations, or a boss that suddenly became invulnerable.

Most gamers have difficulty going through projects that require a lot of thinking, solving incredibly complex ones, like trying to find notes of adequacy in the song "Princesses don't poop", puzzles or finding hidden paths leading to the end of a particular quest. This article describes full walkthrough Mad Max games, which everyone has been waiting for so long, choking in the process of gaming, rollton-thermoso-portable-soul-bucket-sandwich saliva. Well, if you want, you can see video walkthrough.

Watch video walkthrough Mad Max

Psychics live easier!

The events of the great game will take place in a post-apocalyptic world filled with stench, blood, worms and women who sell their bodies for food. IN virtual world Everyone lives by the principle: survival of the fittest. It is not surprising that those who have a large, like Chichikov's list of souls, obscene vocabulary, strong fittings, tattoos and a huge supply of impudence, get everything they want. Of course, the main character, representing the side of good, does not want to put up with this state of affairs. So he starts his confrontation.

Chapter 1
In each chapter, you need to perform several vital actions, without which there will be no progress in the plot. The game can be considered semi-linear, as sometimes the developers allow the player to wander around the expanses and enjoy ... the lemony nasty tone of the endless sands of the same type.

According to the script, the main character in the introductory video is at odds with a certain Chlem (there could be a vulgar joke based on a misspelled letter, but since the author considers himself a cultured person, there is none). Bandits steal a car and valuable supplies from Max, however, the protagonist manages to drive a chainsaw over the head of the main bully...

The passage should begin with the search for basic items necessary to maintain normal life. First you have to get used to the controls and interface. There is nothing complicated about this, since help windows from caring creators periodically pop up.

In the same chapter, the gamer learns the rules of warfare, finds a four-legged companion, gets acquainted with a rather kind mechanic, who sometimes seriously helps out in terms of improving the technical base and creating effective prototypes of weapons, vehicles (the buggy will often help in pursuit or when escaping from dangerous enemies) . By the way, in the game you should constantly take care of the supply of food for the future and engage in gathering. The map will play an important role in all of this.

Chapter 2
Having received the buggy, it is necessary to clean the territory from any rabble, that is, human husks and frank fouls. The machine called "Masterpiece" goes to the full disposal of the player. You can go where your eyes see, however, you don’t need to forget about the main tasks. It's not Skyrim! The vehicle can be well upgraded. As a result, you will have to face carrion - a gang of Vultures. Oh yeah, another interesting feature of the project is periodic sandstorms. There are plenty of them in the chapter.

Chapter 3
There is nothing fundamentally different in this chapter, because the player will still have to deal with villains of various stripes. Sometimes Max's crazy head makes itself felt, giving rise to strange visions. As the game progresses, you can pump the Persian into the desired way for several levels. Fortunately, there are many skill branches. Game walkthrough Mad Max, as you can see, is quite versatile.

Picture: impressive scenery from the game Mad Max

Chapter 4
The one in which the protagonist will conquer the enemy fortress and capture several camps. Throughout the chapter, you can find a couple of secret relics of the past (collectibles). The difficulty of the opponents will also be updated. Now some will have shields in their hands. Along the way, the hero will restore the memory of loved ones who were long lost.

Chapter 5
Here, Maxim, tortured by everyday problems, will contact the slave traders and free the prisoner, who specializes in gunpowder. Subsequently, you can make a permanent source of ammunition. You will also need to enter into a difficult dialogue with the mysterious Gut Cutter.

Chapter 6
The leader of this unit has a funny nickname - Sneeze-Puff. It is necessary to destroy his convoys, and subsequently - to get to him.

Picture: frame from the game Mad Max

Chapter 7
The head, which will allow you to acquire the most powerful weapon in the game - a thunderpoon, which is not subject to people, cars, houses, will be able to surprise you with the pace of events.

Chapter 8
It will take the protagonist to an incredibly nasty place, called a garbage dump in the game world (the area also has an owner). Additionally, the player will meet a heroine named Krasnoglazka, who will issue several interesting story quests.

Chapter 9
The plot doesn't really bring anything new. Again, fights with enemies, rides and stuff like that.

Chapter 10
We must not forget in it about the collection of scrap metal, because very soon it will be needed. The hero will meet new friends here - Raven, Nakolka.

Chapter 11
The most interesting event of this chapter is the Gastown races. You need to prepare carefully for them. The race lasts a long time, rivals will not want to give up even a yard of off-road, so planning is the key to success. In the end, it will turn out to clash for the right to be called a leader with a Nakolka and with a Garbage (a dump lord). Next, Chlem will come on stage and hit Max with his cradle. But the main character is not so simple, who wants to pile on a mountain of muscle in response! But this will not end in victory, for the battle will be interrupted by chance ...

Image: Moment from the passage of Mad Max

12, 13, 14 chapters
In chapters 12, 13, 14, you will have to deal with already familiar scum, so it's stupid to paint them. Everything is extremely linear.

Chapter 15
He will tell about the indulgence of the notorious Chlem and his minions to Proserpina. Alas, even some representatives of the good will perish. At the apogee of plot moves, crazy Maxim leaves for an orange sunset.


Here it is finished text short walkthrough Mad Max games. Of course, it cannot fully convey all those magnificent moments that the project has, however, the player will be able to form a concise idea of ​​​​the scenario and gameplay principles based on the above material.

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