Competitions for children with balls. Games and contests with balloons

"You roll, funny ball"

Players sit in a circle and say the following words:
You roll, funny ball,
Quick, quick hand.
Who has our red balloon
He will name us.

At this time, the balloon is passed from one participant to another. On whom the ball has stopped, he calls his name and performs any task for the children (can sing, dance, etc.)

"The strongest"

Several participants are selected, each is given a ball. On a signal, the players must inflate the balloon. Whoever bursts the balloon the fastest wins.

"Most dexterous"

Tie a ball to each player's leg. The task is to burst it without the help of arms and legs. Whoever completes the task the fastest wins.

"Like a kangaroo"

Each participant is given a ball. The task is to jump a certain distance with a ball that is sandwiched between the knees.


From the balls we build a tower or other structure. We use balls of different shapes and sizes. Whose tower will stand longer and longer - he won!


Participants become in a circle. There are three or four balls in the game (depending on the number of players). All balls are launched in a circle. Participants must pass the balls to a nearby player. At this time, music is playing. The one who has the ball left when the music stops is out. We play until there is one winner.


Take oblong balls. On a signal, the players inflate the balloons. Now you need to twist the ball so that you get something interesting - a dog, a flower, etc. The most original node wins.


Each participant is given a ball, the players stand in one line. On command, everyone inflates the balloons and releases them together. Whose rocket ball flew the farthest - he won.


This competition is played by two players. Each participant is tied to each leg with two balls. Players try to step on the opponent's ball with their foot so that it bursts. Whoever keeps their balls or part of them wins.


Players receive a ball and a pencil. Whoever keeps the ball on the pencil the longest and does not miss it on the floor wins. You can also try holding the balloon on your nose or finger.

"Merry Dancing"

The players are divided into pairs. Each pair is given one balloon. During the dance, the participants must hold the ball between their foreheads. At the same time, the music sounds not only slow, but also fast. The couple that danced the most original and the winning couple that did not drop the ball is selected.

"Bang bang"

As in the previous game, the participants are divided into pairs. Now the ball is between the heads and you need to burst it without touching it with your hands.

"The bun rolls"

Participants stand in a row one after another. A ball is taken and passed over the heads of the players. First one way, then the other. Then we betray between the legs of the participants. Who missed - he leaves the game.

"Unusual Run"

Players are divided into pairs. At the signal of the leading pair, they must finish their lunch to the indicated place and return back, holding the ball with their heads. After the pair ran back, the ball is passed to the other pair. The pair that doesn't drop the ball wins.


Participants line up. The ball is sandwiched between the legs. The task of the players is to jump to the set place as quickly as possible. In this case, the ball must not be touched by hands and lost.

"Air Volleyball"

Participants are divided equally into two teams. A "net" is stretched between them (it can be just a rope). One team throws the ball to the other over the net. In this case, the players must not miss the ball in their territory. Play up to 5 points. Whose team scored more points to the enemy - that one wins!

"Ball - question"

At the end of the holiday, play this game. Hide any questions in advance in balloons. Now everyone chooses a balloon for himself, bursts it and reads his question or riddle.

When planning a corporate party or friendly gatherings at home, in a cafe, you should think about entertainment. Interesting contests and games will help you to have fun, get a charge of positive and unforgettable impressions. For adults, the GdeRadost company offers the best selection of contests with balloons for any festive event:

  1. "Aerial biathlon" is a fun pair game. Tie an inflated balloon to the ankle of each of the partners and turn on romantic slow music. The task of the players is to try to burst the opponent's balls in the dance, but keep their own until the end of such a "dangerous" dance.
  2. "Fan Wave" - ​​of course, all the ladies present will like it! Give each participant a fan and a balloon. With the help of graceful fan movements, the girls must bring the ball to a certain point, making sure that the ball does not touch the ground.
  3. "Give it to someone else!" - team competition. The players of both teams stand in a row at a sufficient distance from each other. The leader gives out one long ball and asks to squeeze it between the legs. As soon as the start of the competition is announced, you need to transfer this “load” to the next player without using your hands. The winners are those who finish the relay first.
  4. "Air Goddess" - two or three pairs of representatives of the opposite sex must participate in this competition. Girls act as excellent models, and men as "sculptors". In the allotted time, you need to cover the ladies with balls, fixing them in any way and in any place. After counting, it is easy to identify the most diligent "master". But! The competition doesn't end there! Now the models have to find all the balloons on themselves and burst as quickly as possible! To the applause of the audience, award the most efficient lady and inventive man.
  5. "Magic ball" - this contest is interesting because everyone who wants to get a prize can participate in it! Give everyone an uninflated balloon of a different color and ask them to inflate them, but do not bandage them with anything. Place the box with the prize at a distance of 3-4 meters from the intended starting point. Now, one by one, everyone approaches this line and releases their ball towards the box. The luckiest player, whose ball, after an unpredictable flight, will fall closest to the coveted box, will receive a prize.
  6. "Air maneuvers" - this competition can be played both in teams and individually. Two players with badminton or tennis rackets stand at the start. On command, they put an inflated ball on the surface of the racket and try to carry it to a certain place, and then return back. Whoever turns out to be more dexterous and quick - does not miss the ball and comes first, he will win!
  7. "Everyone dances!" - the most danceable and fun competition for the whole company. To the sounds of incendiary music, everyone stands one after another. A ball is clamped between the back of one and the stomach of the other participant. Moving rhythmically, this centipede should not lose a single balloon! You can play in teams.
  8. In "Attraction" - play only in pairs! The man sits on a chair and puts a balloon on his knees. And the lady should try to burst the ball as soon as possible, sitting on her partner's knees.
  9. "All to yourself!" The host invites the guests to take as many balls as they want. But! It’s worth putting small notes with phantoms in them in advance. The most "greedy" guest will entertain the whole company throughout the evening!

10. "Penguin Relay Race" - this game can be played by teams or a couple of people who want to have fun. Holding a balloon between the ankles or knees, you need to run to the agreed place and be the first to pick up the prize. If the ball did not burst and you did not lose it, then you won!

These balloon contests for adults have a contagious effect on absolutely everyone, involving in a fun competition and leaving only joyful memories!

Birthday, and any other children's holiday is rarely complete without balloons. Therefore, competitions with balloons are so popular with children. And it is for children that we have prepared a collection of contests that they will definitely like. And then you will never again spend your holiday without the main attribute - without balloons. And so, our ideas about balloons.

Idea 1.
You buy clean balloons without drawings, inflate them. And when the guests are assembled, you give out markers to all guests. And the guests paint the balloons, and then decorate the holiday with them.

Idea 2.
There are several options for games here. You can come up with gates and score balls in them. But only so that the ball does not touch the floor. That is, you need to blow on it or constantly push it with your foot.
The balls are placed in one line. All participants are given sticks. At the leader's command, they hit the balls with clubs. Whoever gets the ball flying the farthest is the winner.

Idea 3.
Draw the ball again. For a while, we draw someone's face to the ball, usually just a pretty face. Then we tie a scarf, and who did it first and more beautifully. He won.

Idea 4.
Relays with balls.
First, we clamp the ball at the bottom of the legs. At a distance of 10-15 centimeters from the floor. And slowly we move like a penguin. Whoever gets to the finish line first wins.
Option two: we hold the ball in our knees, and also overcome the distance.
And the third option - we take two balls, put them under the arm and try not to drop and reach the right place.

Idea 5.
Make a pyramid out of disposable cups. And the children move away from this structure by three meters. Each child has an inflated, but not tied, balloon in their hands. On command, everyone releases the balloons, and they begin to deflate and fly in all directions. Whose ball knocks down the pyramid is the winner.

Balloons can be played outdoors if it is warm. This one will help you to spend everything in an original and fun way.

Idea 6.
Cut off the bottom corners of the long bag. And the child gets into such a package, and sticks his legs into these corners. It turns out something like a barrel. So it is necessary to do two or three participants. And the rest begin to put balloons in the bag. Who can fit more balloons? He won. Or maybe this competition for a while. Which team can “drive” more balls into the barrel in a minute, that team won.

Idea 7.
We divide into two teams. And everyone lies on the floor, on their backs and legs are raised to the top. The first team members have the balls clamped with their feet. On command, they pass their balls to the second participant. And he must also take the ball with his feet. Therefore, you will have to spin a lot on the floor. And first you need to lie down so as not to interfere with each other. Whichever team passes the ball first in this way wins.

Idea 8.
Participants take a tennis racket in their hands and put an inflated ball on it. So they must run the distance for a while, and so that the ball does not fall.

Idea 9.
One team has red balls, the other has white balls. A line is drawn between the teams. At the command of the leader, the teams begin to transfer their balls to the side of the opponent, and also return the opponent's balls back. After a minute, the game stops and it is calculated who has fewer balls on his side. And, of course, he wins.

Idea 10.
And lastly. You buy prizes for guests, write the name of the prizes on notes, and stick the notes into balloons. Inflate balloons, and at the end of the holiday, each child bursts any balloon and reads a note. And there is the name of his prize.

What is a children's holiday if there are no fun games and funny contests in it. If you prepare balloons in advance, then the success of the children's birthday is guaranteed to you.
We offer games and contests for children's birthdays.

popping balloons

Props: 1 inflated balloon per player (balls of a certain color for each team).
Members: children of different ages.
Rules of the game: The children of the two teams line up one after the other. Balls are placed three meters from the first player. The player runs to the ball of his color and sits on it. You need to jump on it and jump with it until it bursts. As soon as the balloon burst, the player runs to his team and passes the baton to the next one. The team whose players burst all the balloons first wins.

Relay race

Props: 2 tennis rackets, 2 inflated balls of any size
Members: children, from 3 to 5 people in a team.
Rules of the game: Each team chooses a racket and an inflated balloon. The first participants from the teams must take rackets, put a ball on it and run a certain distance, while chasing a ball with a racket.
Then the players return to their teams and pass the racket with the ball to the next participant. If the ball falls to the floor while running or passing, the player must re-run the given path. The team whose participants complete the relay first wins.


Props: balloons, papers with wishes, small prizes
Members: children of all ages
Rules of the game: From a large pile of balloons, children take turns choosing balloons for themselves, burst them and complete the task written on a piece of paper. Prizes are awarded for each completed task.

Volleyball with balls

Props: balls (2-3 balls per person), chairs or a screen to divide the space of the room.
Members: preschool and school children
Rules of the game: Each team has an equal number of balloons. On a signal, you need to throw all your own and other people's balls to the opponent's side. The team with the fewest balls on their territory wins.

Balloon battle

Props: Balls on a ribbon according to the number of participants
Members: Children schoolchildren
Rules of the game: A balloon is tied to the ankle of each player's right foot. After the starting signal, all the children try to pierce the balls of other players and save their own. Participants whose balloon burst are eliminated from the game. The last person left in the game is declared the winner.
The thread of the ball should be no longer than 30 cm.

Bright and colorful balloons are not only a great decoration for the festive hall. They will become irreplaceable assistants in carrying out any holiday. It doesn't matter how many people came to visit you. It doesn't matter how old they are. Balloon contests for a fun company will help make any event unusual and memorable. The holiday will receive only positive feedback from guests.

Silent games

Even if retired grandmothers came to visit you or you gathered a large company in which no one wants to run and have fun, balloon contests will help correct the situation. Here are some options.

"Inflate Stronger"

As the name implies, the essence of the competition is to inflate the balloon as soon as possible. Each participant is given 3 pieces. You can specify in advance the size to which the balloon should be inflated, or you can continue until it bursts. The one who completes the task the fastest wins. To complicate the task, you can stock up on special balls. Inflating these without a pump will be quite difficult.

"Planet" or "Forest Clearing"

Players are given one large ball and a felt-tip pen. It is necessary for the agreed time to depict on the ball as many little men or bugs, butterflies, flies, mosquitoes as possible - in general, those who live in the clearing. The one with the most drawings wins.


This game is suitable for a company with more than 20 people. Players line up and pass the ball to each other. The first one counts: "one" and passes the ball to the neighbor. He says: "two" and sends the ball further. The third player takes the ball, jumps or crouches and says "Oops!" or "Booms!" and gives the ball to the next one. The essence of the game is as follows: the score lasts up to 30, but each number that is divisible by 3 is not called. The player who got it must say “Oh!”, sit down and pass the ball further. Wrong? You are out of the game.

Sports competitions

For children, balloon contests can be livelier. You can arrange a real competition - both single and team.

"Ball Battle" or "Fencing"

Such a competition is best held in a large room or on the street. Draw a circle about 2 meters in diameter. Give the participants a "sword" - a long ball, from which it is customary to twist various figures. The one who in a game duel will force the opponent to go beyond the circle will win.

"Field hockey"

To play, you will need 2 clubs or at least sticks. We put a chair about three meters from the players, and on the way to it we place 3-4 skittles at a distance of 50-60 cm from each other. The task of the players is to use a stick to circle the ball around the pins, then around the chair, and return back in the same way. The team that completes the task faster wins.

If there are a lot of children and there are enough sticks and free space, you can arrange real field hockey. Only instead of a puck, the guys will have a small balloon. The team that manages to score more goals wins.

For a big fun company, you can come up with relay competitions with balloons. Divide the kids into several teams and offer to complete several tasks at speed. For example, these:

  • carry a balloon on a plastic plate, in a spoon or on a badminton racket;
  • run around the obstacle, pushing the ball in front of you through the air;
  • hold two balls between your elbows and run the distance;
  • carry a balloon on your head or pushing it with your nose;
  • jump around the chair, holding one or two balls with your knees.

Competition for accuracy

Competitions and games with balloons will help to identify the most accurate in the team. Here are 2 game options.

"Billiards on the floor"

For each participant, take one long modeling ball and another small round one. On the floor of the cubes, build a gate. These will be the "holes". Put the participants in the starting position and ask them to choose their favorite “pocket”. The winner is the one who manages to drive the ball into his gate faster than anyone else with the help of a “cue” (long ball).

Darts "Desire"

Take 10-20 small balls. Inside each, put small notes with the names of prizes or just with numbers. Using double-sided tape, place the inflated balloons on the wall. Give the children darts to play darts with. Everyone can make 3 attempts. The player takes the prize from the burst balloon.

To make the game more fun and interesting, you can put forfeits in some balls instead of a note with the name of the prize. Anyone who gets into such a surprise ball will have to sing a song or jump on one leg.

Tasks for two

Funny contests with balloons can be arranged even when there are not too many children in the company. Here are a few options for participation in which two to four people are enough.


Here you will need two pieces of linen gum about 50-60 cm long. They are tied on the belt of each participant. A long “sausage” ball is pushed under the elastic band. It will represent the monkey's tail. Participants are located opposite each other on opposite sides of an obstacle, such as a table. On the whistle, they start chasing each other around the obstacle. The one who manages to tear off the opponent's "tail" first wins.

"Explosive Hug"

A minimum of 4 people are required to participate in the competition. Two participants pinch the ball between themselves and hug tightly. The couple that manages to crush the ball in their arms first will win. Judging by the feedback from the participants, it is psychologically scary to burst the balloon. Therefore, there will be a lot of squealing and fun during the game.

team races

Balloon contests always cause a lot of noise and fun. Of course, the larger the children's company, the more fun the holiday will be.

"Shepherds and Sheep"

For the game you will need 15-20 small balls of one color and the same amount of another. The room is conditionally divided into 2 halves, and the kids - into 2 identical teams. Each "shepherd" is given a staff (a stick or a long ball for modeling). The task of each team is to move all the balls of their color to the half of the opponent. The team that manages to do it first wins.


Here you will need a lot of balls, about 3-4 for each participant. The room is divided in half with a rope. Balls are also divided into 2 equal parts, handed out to teams. At the sign of the leader, the teams begin to throw balls at each other. The goal of the game is to get rid of all the balls on your side of the playing field. The team that has fewer balls left on their side at the end of the given time wins.


Players are divided into several teams and line up in the back of the head to each other. The second player takes the ball and presses it with his stomach to the back of the person in front. Thus, the couple runs around the chair and returns to its place. The third player takes another ball and "sticks" to the second. Now there are three people running around the chair. The "centipede" will consist of as many "legs" as there are people in the team. When all the players grapple with each other, the "centipede" must run to the chair and grab the "strawberry" - a soft toy or a red ball lying on the chair. The complexity of the competition is that the balls that link the "legs" cannot be supported by hands. Only stomachs and backs can be used.

Creative contests

Such competitions with balloons greatly develop the imagination of children. For their implementation, in addition to balls, other items may come in handy: markers, ribbons, double-sided tape, beads, scarves and more.


In advance, you need to prepare a scarf, a marker, or parts of the face cut out of self-adhesive. Each child is given one item and in a certain time you need to create “Alyonushka” from the balloon - put on a scarf, draw or stick a face. To make it even more interesting, children can be blindfolded. The team whose "Alyonushka" will be more beautiful wins.

"The Theater of Fashion"

Give the children balloons of different sizes and shapes, beads, ribbons, scissors, double-sided tape and other items. For a certain time, from the proposed set, each team must make, for example, a beautiful hat or skirt. The accessory should be such that it can be used and really worn. Ready? Let's start the fashion show.

"Young designer"

Give the children oblong balloons to model. At the command of the host, you need to twist an interesting figure out of it: a flower, a swan, a dog, a bow, and so on. The most interesting and complex design wins.

Games for moms and dads

Adult contests with balloons will also please. You can have fun at any age. Especially such contests will be appropriate at corporate parties, weddings or outdoor picnics.

"Ball Dancing"

Players are divided into pairs, and each receives one balloon. During the dance, you should hold the ball with various parts of the body. What? This comes up with the presenter or the audience. The couple that lasts the longest wins. To make the competition more fun, choose different music: chalky, fast, disco, tango, rock and roll, twist, jazz. A special prize is given to the couple who demonstrated the most original dance.

"Give it to someone else"

The competition will require several people and a “sausage” ball. The first player pinches the ball between his knees. The second takes the “sausage” from him without the help of hands. In this case, each time the ball must be passed in a different way. For example, one participant takes his armpit, the second takes it with the bend of the elbow, the third with his teeth, and so on. The one who could not come up with his own way to pick up the ball is out. The winner is the one who was able to come up with the largest number of non-repeating ways to pass the ball.

This is an incredibly fun and entertaining competition. Judging by the feedback from the players, decent places and poses end very quickly. Then you need to either drop out of the game, or be smart.

"Air Goddess"

Play in pairs: girl + guy. The girl acts as a model, and the guy as a designer. For a set time, the guy must fix the largest number of balls on the girl in different places in any way. The prize goes to the fastest and most diligent. But the competition continues! Now the girls for a while should find themselves and burst as many balls as possible.


There is simply an incredible amount of various contests with balloons. If you don't like any of the ones suggested here, you can show your imagination and come up with something of your own. Show ingenuity and ingenuity, and your holiday will become the most interesting and memorable. And the owners will receive only positive feedback from guests.

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