Gaming keyboard, mouse and pad World of Warcraft. Named the best mice for RPG games Gaming mouse for world of warcraft

Introduction. In today's review of the "Testing" section, your attention will be presented to a game set for players in the famous trilogy. Within one review, three components will be presented to your attention:
- mouse SteelSeries World of WarCraft MMO Gaming Mouse
- rug SteelSeries QcK Lich King Exclusive
- keyboard SteelSeries zBoard Warth of the Lich King Exclusive.

Each of the components of the kit is available for sale separately. We will test the entire set at once, because it was supplied to us for testing in this tandem.

Just want to dwell on the cost of the presented products. Discussed mouse in the central electronic market of our country is offered for 100 dollars. A gaming mat for Wow fans will cost $20. The gaming keyboard is priced at $115 by sellers. Summing up all these figures, we can once again be convinced that fanaticism has never been and will never be a cheap occupation. After today's review, some of our users will be able to decide for themselves what is really necessary for them, and what can wait until "better times".

Game history war craft has been going on since 1994, when users were able to play this strategy for the first time. Personally, I came across this game only in 1997. It was the first version of the Warcraft game, which even then made many users remember the Blizzard logo. Then users got access to the second version of the game - WarCraft II. This game turned out to be ten times larger than the first version, and due to the lack of a CD drive, it went between users in floppy disk blocks of 12 pieces.

The most popular online game today World of Warcraft officially became available to the domestic user in the summer of 2008, while US users have been honing their skills since the fall of 2004. To date, the game has about fifteen million users worldwide, so SteelSeries made bets in the right direction and there is no need to think about the lack of demand for a game set.

SteelSeries World of Warcraft MMO Gaming Mouse.
What we liked most about this set was game Mouse SteelSeries World of WarCraft MMO Gaming Mouse, which is why we want to start our review of this game set with it.

The gaming mouse comes in a solid sized box. The mechanism of opening, closing, it is somewhat reminiscent of a box. On the box, wherever possible, there are many references to the game for the players of which the product was created - World of Warcraft.

Logos in the top corners of the box steel series and Blizzard, which highlights the joint work of the two giants on the product in question. A mouse and instructions in several languages ​​were found in the box. Unfortunately, we did not find a disk with drivers and rewrote the drivers from the official website of the manufacturer.

On the front wall of the box there is a huge cutout, which can easily fit a man's hand. Through it, the SteelSeries World of WarCraft MMO Gaming Mouse is visible, covered with plastic packaging.

On the back of the box, the manufacturer lists all the key advantages of the product with particular diligence. Among which we also want to highlight:
- maximum resolution 3200 DPI
- support for updating the frequency of the USB port to 1 GHz
- the presence of programmable control buttons

The mouse is huge and will hardly fit in the palm of a city dweller. It is more suitable for men of strong physique, in the palm of which the mouse fits without any problems. However, this is just our opinion. Using the mouse in office applications by girls at work did not cause any problems. On the contrary, with the fair sex, the mouse left behind only positive emotions.

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The mouse is completely made of plastic, although when viewed through the box it may seem that its upper part is made of silver metal. The mouse also has rubberized areas. The scroll wheel is rubberized, which makes it very comfortable to use. Unfortunately, the wheel only rotates in one plane. There are four programmable buttons next to the scroll wheel. The sides have standard main control buttons without the possibility of programming their function. The side mouse pads are covered with soft touch rubber, which ensures a secure grip of the brush during the game.

The mouse has a different backlight, which changes through the software that we rewrote from the official website of the manufacturer.

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On the left side wall of the mouse there are additional control buttons that are subject to programming. First of all, this is a joystick with four positions. Above the joystick are two additional buttons, which, after installing the software, are programmed to move forward and backward.

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On the opposite wall there is a two-position button, the functions of which are programmed through available software.

Of particular interest on our part was the mouse cord. It has a soft braid, sufficient length, is very mobile, flexible - in connection with which it has a thickening to protect it from breaking.

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As already mentioned, many mouse features are not available without installing additional software. For the convenience of our visitors, at the end of our article we have placed a link to it.

In the environment Windows 7 32 bit The software product installed without any problems. It takes several tens of minutes to study it. In any case, we recommend that you save your favorite settings to profiles - this will make your life easier in the future.

The software product allows you to assign actions to programmable buttons, save profiles for them, change the colors, intensity, rhythm of the mouse backlight, assign a button to change the resolution of the laser sensor.

Programmable buttons have the ability to assign not only commands from World games of Warcraft, but also any other commands at the discretion of the user by directly listing keyboard shortcuts or selecting office functions. It is this circumstance that significantly expands the scope of the mouse among users.

Mouse pad SteelSeries QcK Lich King Exclusive.
The rug included in the set or available for separate purchase is of high quality and left us with only positive emotions. I would like to note right away that it does not in any way change the consumer qualities of the mouse itself, which works great both on a glossy table and on plain paper.

Our rug came to us already unpacked, so we can’t say anything about its original packaging. The rug is quite flexible and, most likely, is made of plastic and rubber, the combination of which allowed him to acquire the necessary consumer qualities. On the top wall there is the symbolism of World of Warcraft and the image of the hero of the game, which gamers always recognize at a glance.

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The mat is quite large and has dimensions of 270 mm wide and 300 mm long, which is quite enough even for intensive play.

SteelSeries zBoard Warth of the Lich King Exclusive gaming keyboard.
How much the keyboard will appeal to gamers - we do not know. We did not like it, because we could not fully reveal its potential, due to the inconvenience of working on it for us.

The keyboard comes in a box of solid dimensions, which is not so easy to cover with a camera lens at close range. The front of the box features images of a World of Warcraft hero, while the back lists the perks of a $115 keyboard. It is especially emphasized that Blizzard has approved this product for the game.

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Do not forget about domestic users. All information on the back of the box is translated into Russian and is easy to understand.
The box contained a keyboard with a regular panel, an additional panel, instructions, and drivers.

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The standard keyboard layout does not cause any interest. On the contrary, she is miserable. The keys are standard and look like on a regular Chinese keyboard, the key travel is quite large, and the distance between them does not mean that the manufacturer focused on this particular layout.
Therefore, of particular interest from our side is the gaming additional keyboard panel, which is designed for playing World of Warcraft. The game panel is also fundamentally different from the main layout only with an additional digital block.

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An additional digital block of substitutions for various game teams, the number of which exceeds thirty. The panel features an image of a World of Warcraft hero. It should be noted that, like on the box, all the inscriptions on the keyboard are in Russian, which makes the device more user-friendly.
There are keys to control the emotions of the user's character, which are highlighted in a separate category of the emotions panel.

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On the main part of the keyboard, next to the usual buttons, there are inscriptions of actions in the game in Russian.

The keyboard boasts its strong technical side in the form of a USB hub for two additional USB ports, which is especially true when connecting the set to a laptop, which is always limited in the number of available USB ports.

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The keyboard comes with software that allows you to program an additional action for both the main and additional keyboard layouts. To start programming, simply select a key and double-click on it.
The keyboard driver automatically changes the keyboard profile depending on the installed keyboard layout - no additional user participation is required.

gaming mouse left us with only positive emotions. For a long time we did not want to part with it and return it to our suppliers. The mouse is large enough, fits comfortably and is fixed in the hand. It did not cause any complaints from our side, although it was used for the most part for playing online shooters.

The quality of the materials used evokes the feeling of working with an expensive and solid mouse of the highest price range. The software available on the manufacturer's website is made at an intuitive level and did not cause us any complaints.
The play mat also passed the test without any complaints. Mouse SteelSeries World of Warcraft MMO Gaming Mouse with SteelSeries QcK Lich King Exclusive mat receive an honorary gold medal from our portal site and are recommended for purchase by our visitors.

We didn't like the keyboard. Yes, for gamers in World of Warcraft it may not be replaceable, but other than that, it's a Chinese keyboard with tons of features. The gaming panel is not convenient, it is fastened at random, the keys, when pressed, "walk" to the sides. This keyboard with its additional layout will be relevant for novice players who cannot learn the location of the game buttons on a standard keyboard. In other respects, it is much inferior to keyboards of this price range from the same Logitech and BTC. We cannot recommend it for purchase for our users. The keyboard does not receive any medal from our portal.

We got into the archives of the Great Patriotic War and found out that it is possible to defeat the enemy not only with the help of banal sea, air or ground forces, but also with the help of pigeons, elks, donkeys and even mice!

Nikolai Polikarpov

Cradle armored horse "Nadyusha"

And the anti-tank hedgehog understands that before the invention of these very tanks and other military machinery, the main means of moving military convoys, important generals and brave cavalrymen was a horse. But then the 20th century came, the greatest "war of engines" in history, aka World War II, died down, they began to make films about it. And what do we see? Tanks are rushing, the Germans are rolling all over in armored personnel carriers, trucks are pulling guns. Yes, all this was, but only ... rarely. But in fact, the entire rear supply, and many military operations, did not rely on wheels and tracks, but on the same four hooves. The German General Halder wrote in a memorandum on the state of affairs in Russia to his Berlin authorities: “We constantly encounter cavalry formations. They are so maneuverable that it is not possible to use the power of German technology against them. The consciousness that not a single commander can be calm for his rear has a depressing effect on the morale of the troops.

However, the Germans themselves used horses recklessly. Convoys, field kitchens, even light and medium field artillery were transported exclusively by hoof traction. Of course, horses could not be equal in speed with vehicles: an average of 20 km / h with a daily “mileage” of up to 100 km, no more. On the other hand, the cavalry can go where no vehicle can pass, and completely unnoticed by the enemy. It is no coincidence that the cavalrymen of Generals Beloborodov and Dovator were so successfully raiding in the German rear.

A special armored cradle with an embrasure for firing was suspended under the belly of the horse.

Even at the very end of the war, horses remained relevant: the cavalry division of General Blinov freed 50,000 Soviet soldiers from German captivity and blocked the road to Dresden, and the 3rd Guards Cavalry Corps took the city of Reinburg and went to the Elbe to hug American allies.

Radar horse on the battlefield. 1940

The horse was such a familiar part of the surrounding military landscape that the pedantic Germans sometimes even applied camouflage to the sides of their animals with special paints! And the British were the first to start back in the days of the Anglo-Boer War: having appreciated the advantages of the new protective military uniform, they tried to paint horses and convoy mules in khaki. Finally, unlike a truck, a horse is not only a valuable transport, but also 300 or even 400 kilograms of dietary meat. It was for this property that the soldiers of the 6th German Army surrounded by Field Marshal Friedrich von Paulus near Stalingrad loved their allies very much - the Romanian cavalry corps. In battle, the Romanians are of little use, but how much use is the field kitchen!

Testing a new model of a horse gas mask in the US Army, 1943

And many years after the war, the most zealous fans of the cavalry did not abandon their attempts to modernize the “rider-horse” bunch. For example, in 1969, one of our compatriots patented the “cradle armored horse Nadya”. "Nadyusha" - this is because that year marked the hundredth anniversary of the birth of Nadezhda Konstantinovna Krupskaya. The idea was to protect the fighter as much as possible from shelling. To do this, a cradle was hung under the belly of the horse, covered in front with an armored shield with an embrasure for firing from personal weapons. The soldier lay in this cradle, shooting between the legs of the horse and controlling its run with the help of a rein passed through special holes in the cradle. However, one problem remained. Small, but unpleasant: the horse from time to time allocates waste products. And just where the cavalryman is swinging in the cradle ... The author of the patent adequately solved the problem by adding the “cradle armored horse” with a “device for diverting urine”. The copyright certificate has been issued. True, the matter did not reach the prototype.

War moose and other ungulates

However, in addition to horses in nature, there are other hoofed objects that can be adopted. In 1940-1941, the deployment plan of the Red Army assumed the creation of 11 separate pack and camel companies and 12 separate pack and camel companies of the reserve of the main command. Of course, you would hardly agree to prancing in a company of donkeys, but meanwhile the donkey is an indispensable animal in the mountains. He can lift not a very large load (from 50 to 70 kg - how will you feed), but he eats everything that grows under his feet, and melancholy walks along the narrowest paths over the steep. During the war in the Caucasus, Soviet and German donkey forces transported a lot of mines and shells for mountain guns in the regimental and battalion transport units.

In turn, a camel, whose carrying capacity is from 150 to 170 kg, is the best means of transportation in sandy areas. You only have to make stops for repacking: fat stores are consumed, humps fall off and ropes weaken. But the British Expeditionary Force and the Arabs who joined it in Arabia and North Africa used the "ships of the desert" not only for convoys, but also as full-fledged combat units. Even light cannons were sometimes loaded onto the backs of dromedaries. In addition, in the desert, it’s a nice thing to hide from enemy bullets behind the humps of a four-legged friend, using it as a gun carriage and parapet at the same time.

The elk is an ideal means of quickly delivering scouts and sabotage groups to the enemy's wooded rear

The north has its own exotics. For example, in Sweden, the police and army rangers sometimes traveled on moose. Moose farms, where tourists are taken today, appeared in the USSR back in the thirties and not at all for the entertainment of idle onlookers. In winter, an elk can successfully carry riders and pull sleighs: deep snow, in which any horse will get stuck, is nothing to him. However, the main task of the elk army was seen in something else. The elk in its native element miraculously becomes fast and agile, easily bends around thick trees, rushes ahead through small bushes, and does not even notice swamps. In a word, an ideal means of quickly delivering scouts and sabotage groups to the forested rear of the enemy. Theoretically, you can even cross the border on moose: the prints of elk hooves, unlike horseshoes, do not arouse any suspicion.

In general, in order to prepare such valuable material for the Great Patriotic War, a special group was created, where moose were driven around and taught to shoot. Soon, two dozen elk went to the intelligence departments of the army and took part in successful raids on enemy rear lines. However, fighting moose never received wide distribution, because specially trained fighters were needed to communicate with them.

Reindeer ground forces

The caribou reindeer is another hardy beast that has made its mark on the roads of war. The transport of Santa Claus was useful to the Soviet Army during the defense of the Arctic. It quickly became clear that the horses prescribed by the Red Army according to the charter in the conditions of the polar winter turn into a burden for the front. Even during the Finnish War, Divisional Commander Valerian Alexandrovich Frolov suggested using the traditional northern draft force in the troops - reindeer teams. The very first attempts to move on deer in January - February 1940 gave a remarkable result, and by the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, the basic provisions for the use of teams in the army had been developed. On June 29, 1941, the German army "Norway", with the support of Finnish troops, attacked Murmansk, and on July 1 - Kandalaksha. In November of the same year, by decision of the Military Council of the 14th Army, three army reindeer transports were formed to confront the Germans. Each of them consisted of 1015 deer, 15 reindeer dogs, 237 cargo and 76 passenger sleds. 154 people served the transport, including 77 reindeer herders. The Northern Fleet also had its own reindeer transport brigade - it provided the actions of the marines.

The charter of the deer army was spelled out in the most detailed way - so that the deer does not get tired, it is always full and well-groomed

The charter of the deer army was spelled out in the most detailed way - so that the deer does not get tired, is always full and well-groomed. Local residents - the Sami (they are also Laplanders, or Lapps), who knew how to find reindeer pastures, who were well oriented in the tundra, served as soldiers-reindeer herders. Nenets and Komi with their deer were also called from the Arkhangelsk region. Three or four deer were harnessed to the sledge - like a fan, in the manner of a Russian troika. Three - five freight and one passenger sledges made up a "ride" (the easier the conditions were, the more teams were included in the ride). Two or three light sleds were involved in laying the path through the virgin snow, their change took place every 1–1.5 km. On the reindeer road, the rides passed up to 35 km per day, on the impassable road - up to 25 km. The carrying capacity of the sled depended on the state of the route. In November and December, 300 kg of cargo was transported on the sled, in January and February - 200, in March and April - 100 kg. That is, for example, 5,000 rifle cartridges (6 boxes) or 10,000 automatic rifle cartridges could be piled on one sled; 150 hand grenades; 30 minutes for an 82 mm mortar or 12 minutes for a 107 mm mountain pack mortar; 40 shells for 45 mm anti-tank guns, 10 shells of 76.2 mm caliber; 4 rounds for a 122mm howitzer. The guns themselves were transported disassembled. So, for the transportation of a 4-gun battery of 76-mm mountain guns of the 1902-1909 model with one ammunition load of 560 shells, 315 deer, 82 cargo sleds and 30 cars were required. Sometimes the sleds were used as carts, armed with heavy or light machine guns.

During the war, 10,142 wounded and sick were taken from the battlefield by reindeer of the 14th Army. Single passenger sleds were used by liaison officers to deliver urgent reports. Deer even served in aviation: they brought bombs and cartridges to aircraft, evacuated emergency vehicles from the tundra. To do this, aircraft technicians dismantled the aircraft into parts and loaded them onto sleds. From 1941 to 1944, 162 aircraft were taken out in this way.

dog landing

Now let's move on to our smaller brothers, who helped us in a big way during the war. Here, for example, is a friend of man. It all started back in Ancient Rome, where in the forefront the troops used fighting dogs - beasts trained on enemies up to a meter tall at the withers. The dogs were protected by leather armor, and around their necks they had a collar with spikes and blades sticking out to the sides - to rip open the stomachs of the horses of the enemy cavalry. The Romans in general were much more inventive. In addition to these suicide dogs, they also released herds of tar-coated burning pigs onto the battlefield. It turned out that the Carthaginian elephants were afraid of fire, so the live torches rushing about in panic turned them back - to trample on their own infantry.

However, the most heroic kamikaze dogs served during the Great Patriotic War - at the cost of their lives they undermined German tanks. It cannot be said that dogs coped more effectively than anti-tank guns, but in 1941, when the entire Soviet personnel army was killed or captured on the western borders, any method was good, just to stop the enemy. Our troops used more than 60,000 specially trained dogs equipped with explosives mounted on their backs in a canvas bag with a fuse-antenna.

It was enough to touch the metal fuse - and an explosion occurred. The dog was taught to quickly rush under the tank from a short distance so that it quickly found itself in the dead zone of the tank's course machine gun. The machine gunner simply did not have time to shoot such a small, rapidly moving target. Four-legged suicide bombers were trained like this: at first they were not fed for several days, then they were given food under a standing tank, after a few days - under a tank with a running engine, then - under a slowly moving one. As a result, hungry dogs threw themselves under any moving object, just let them off the chain. It is known that once a dog that accidentally escaped into the wild blew up the regiment commander’s “Willis” that turned up inopportunely. But usually, enemy vehicles appeared in front of our positions.

The first battalion of demolition dogs went to the front in July 1941, followed by other units. During the war years, fighter dogs destroyed more than 300 fascist tanks. Only during Battle of Stalingrad they burned an entire tank brigade - 63 tanks and two armored vehicles. As the troops were saturated with anti-tank artillery, the need for anti-tank dogs was reduced, and in October 1943 such detachments were eliminated.

The surviving demolition dogs were lucky in a sense: they were retrained as sappers. The losses of miners operating with dogs were 8–10 times less than among ordinary sappers, and the speed of working with a dog was 4–5 times higher than with a traditional probe and mine detector. Here is an excerpt from the directive of the head of the engineering troops of the Soviet Army dated November 17, 1944: “In the Iasi-Kishinev operation, a platoon of mine-detecting dogs successfully escorted tanks to the entire depth of the enemy’s operational barriers. Dogs are accustomed to riding on the armor of tanks, to the noise of engines and firing from guns. In places suspected of mining, under the cover of tank fire, they carried out reconnaissance and discovered minefields.

Saboteur dogs were dropped by parachute in special containers designed by Gorokhovsky

Of course, dogs were not only blown up during the Great Patriotic War. The dogs pulled out the wounded, brought ammunition to the front line, pulled field telephone cables and delivered reports. In general, we significantly outnumbered all other countries in terms of the number of canine resources employed in military operations. From 1939 to 1945, 168 separate "dog" military units were created. Here, by the way, is another amusing quote from the military archive concerning one of the schools of military dog ​​breeding: “Because the dogs walk sluggishly during the morning walk, they look sad, and the cadets do not try to cheer them up, I declare the outfit to the unit commander out of turn.” The Soviet dog had to go to death cheerfully and with enthusiasm!

But the most, perhaps, extravagant use of dogs was found in sabotage work. At the end of December 1934 and the beginning of January 1935, dog sabotage assault forces were tested in the Monino area. The dogs were dropped by parachute in special containers designed by Grokhovsky. On their backs they carried a saddle with an explosive charge, which they could drop by pulling the cord tied to the lock with their teeth, while cocking the clockwork and after a short time the charge was blown up. Dogs were trained to drop their mines on the gas tanks of warehouses, on the railroad tracks or near aircraft at the enemy airfield.

During the war, such sabotage dogs were not allowed to be dropped from aircraft, but they were used in partisan detachments to undermine trains. So, on August 19, 1943, Belarusian partisans on the stretch Plock - Drissa dogs derailed a train with military equipment and enemy soldiers.

Anti-aircraft pigeons and anti-tank mice

The symbol of peace during the war not only delivered messages, replacing unreliable radio communications, but also successfully shot down enemy aircraft. No, it's not that shahid pigeons threw themselves into the turbines of the enemy aircraft, everything was arranged much more technically. The idea of ​​GZS-7 ("pigeon incendiary projectiles") was proposed to Budyonny in 1941 by the candidate of biological sciences Alexander Kolosov. The “incendiary dove” was based on a prism weighing 120–130 g pressed from thermite composition. Such a pyramid burned for 15–20 seconds, giving a torch of flame up to half a meter high at a temperature of 3000 degrees and could burn through iron 2.5 mm thick or duralumin aircraft skin.

In the same year, TsAGI engineers designed cassettes for 24 pigeons in combat gear, which were planned to be mounted under the fuselage of the SB bomber. Above the object in the German rear, the cassettes were opened, and the pigeons flew out to attack. At the same time, safety pins were pulled out of the GZS-7 fuses, and now a light touch on the metal was enough for the thermite checker to work. Previously, pigeons were taught to sit on fuel tanks or enemy aircraft. For this, the dovecote was equipped under the wing of the captured Messer, exactly in the place of its gas tank. The bird saw familiar objects and, after flying on a bomber, sat down on a deadly "perch" with relief. In 1942, near Bryansk, the GZS-7 was first put into practice. Alas, our pilots released the birds incorrectly, and the pigeons did not find their targets. However, later they justified themselves in the eyes of the command.

Cassettes were opened over an object behind enemy lines, and pigeons flew out to attack

Well, the most small-caliber saboteurs were used to destroy German tanks. A special program was developed at Smolensk University to teach mice to live in a tank (and they were very good at devouring electrical wiring themselves). There are always technological holes in any tank, and a mouse is able to seep into a hole half the diameter of its own body. The result of the use of anti-tank mice of the Red Army is perfectly illustrated by a German circular sent to units of the Panzerwaffe in the autumn of 1941: “The tank divisions on the Eastern Front, which placed their equipment in shelters in warm places for a long time, upon receiving an order to advance, found that only 30% of their equipment turned out to be combat-ready. The mice got into the tanks through technical openings and gnawed on the electrical wiring on the engines.” The most successful attack of mice was to drop them on units of the 22nd German Panzer Division on November 18-19, 1942 near Stalingrad. The ensuing failure of a large number of equipment of the division forced the Germans to urgently attract security units of cats to protect the tanks.

What is there to say! The scale of the animal is completely irrelevant. After all, even tiny fireflies were honored to be mentioned in military annals. In the UK, they, as heroes, erected a monument. These small boogers were collected by British officers in jars in order to read staff cards by their light in the darkness of the dugouts of the First World War.

In general, the military cunning of mankind is limitless, and there is no such animal that we could not use to destroy the enemy - with the subsequent assignment of the title of hero to the beast and entering it on the pages of the MAXIM website!

Are there any World of Warcraft fans among our readers? Oh, this toy has a great fan base and is popular all over the world. And here in Russia as well! Here designers for gamers also try.

This mouse was created not just for fans of this game, but for those who just sleep and see themselves in the game. Blizzard and SteelSeries have created a mouse that will satisfy any player's needs.

Firstly, in total it has as many as fifteen buttons, just think about this figure. Secondly, more than 130 predefined commands during the game. Well, and thirdly, this mouse is the first exclusive mouse for fans of World of Warcraft. Is this fact not enough? Some people buy all the things that are somehow connected with their favorite game - rugs, key chains, stickers, phone laces ... And here is a mouse.

Yes, and for such a great, really great (in the world of games, of course) MMO games like WoW. And it also glows very nicely and looks like a toy, and not a device with which we play a toy. I think the true fans of the game have already fallen in love with it. Do not rush, because you need to pay $100 for it.

The third day passed. We held on with all our might. The raid as a whole was doing well, the healer and the tank were turned off, but their relatives woke them up. There was only one Ilidan and the last tri. All or nothing!

If after these lines something shrinks inside, then you have come to the right place. Today's review will be special. I would like to dedicate it to all those who have been killing weeks or months to knock the cherished boots out of the top set. To those who cursed the whole family of your healer when you fell, and the boss had 1% left. Those who knocked out rare mounts and simply ran around the main city, demonstrating the inferiority of the rest. Maybe those who sharpened the fluff to the maximum, collecting ingrids and wasting years, and broke it.

In general, to all those who understand what is written here, and he wants and is ready to be called an MMO player.

Or maybe you just dream of understanding this complex language and plunge into the wonderful world of orcs, elves, bloody battles, alchemy, travel, discovery and communication? Maybe you are the fair sex, you managed to contact an MMO player, also fall in love, and now you are looking for a gift for his birthday? Then everyone sit down comfortably, take tea, notepads and proceed.

Today we will plunge into the world of MMO mice. Let's understand (why is it all necessary?), How to choose a mouse, what to look at and what to be guided by. Let's review the top row of mice in context best games of this genre. Games with online less than 100-200k I do not consider successful projects. If you decide to play this - think for yourself what you've done.

We will also pay attention not only to the bestsellers of sales, but also touch on newcomers, give them a powerful impetus to capture the market or a strong pendal and throw them into a dusty corner. Let's get down to business!

How to choose a mouse for an online RPG?

Now we will learn how to choose such a mouse that even your mother will be proud of your purchase and will show it to her friends right after the photo where you are little on the potty. So, below are the signs that the mouse you are holding is an MMO mouse.

Programmable keys- a sufficient amount. Note! Not the more, the better, not a hundred, not two hundred, but exactly how much you need. The optimal number is from 10 to 15 buttons. With a smaller parameter, you may not have enough of them and you will have to access the keyboard even with basic tasks. If there are more of them, you will not be able to use them efficiently; acting intuitively will not work - you have to look at the mouse. And for sure, the abundance of buttons will interfere with you, random triggers are possible, which in the gameplay can cost a lot of game resources, wasted time and life for your charm.

Ergonomics- in my opinion, this genre is the most demanding for this parameter. Of course, you can gamble in any game for an indefinitely long period of time, but it is MMOs that are the most conducive to this genre. Well, for example: for the third hour you have been collecting ingrids in order to farm a professional helmet for yourself, do not touch anyone, then fly a pterodactyl for a couple of hours and collect rare ingrids in unique places - there is no one here at all.

And then BAM, a crowd of undead decided to shake you for gold or just decide. You could have thrown them and even tried to press the button, but no. After such a marathon of doing nothing and the “houndstooth” position on the weight, the hand was stupidly numb. And you sob, call the doctor, both in the game and in real life and just watch how they take you apart. To prevent this from happening, you need to thoroughly take care of the convenience of the mouse.

Sensitivity- not a particularly important parameter for this genre. But quality is needed, and we must not completely forget about this indicator. It will just be enough average parameters. You should hit a fairly large in-game enemy model with no problem, but nothing more.

Connection type I can't even decide for myself here. In games like World of Warcraft, Lineage 2, Perfect World, etc. do not play for half an hour. The process is lengthy. Because of this, it is better to take a wired model so as not to go broke on batteries. But if the process is not very stressful, then you can play from the couch, and this is where wireless technologies come in handy. Draw your own conclusions about what is more important to you.

We are starting to actively get down to business, because in the evening we need to farm the arena, and we have not chosen a mouse yet!

A selection of the best MMO mice

ASUS L701 ROG SPATHA is suitable for Dota and Dota 2

This mouse is notable primarily for its unusual design. Judging by the numerous reviews, most of the buyers are delighted with the external design. Beauty is added by high-quality LED backlighting, as well as two stickers of the Rogue logo in the kit.

ASUS L701 ROG SPATHA - mouse 2 in 1. If you want, disconnect the wire and play for your own pleasure. Dead battery? Plug in the USB and keep getting involved game process. Interestingly, there are 2 cables in the kit at once: one for 2 meters with a braid, and the second - one meter without a braid. The sensitivity of the mouse is 8500 dpi, which allows you to be the most nimble during online battles.

The mouse has 12 programmable buttons that can be bound to certain commands in the game. They are located quite conveniently, so with a little practice, you will not click past. But the accessory is not so perfect: many users note that the software does not work correctly, and also complain about numerous management problems. However, the majority of positive comments so far.

Xiaomi Blasoul Y720

Now let's turn our attention to the leaders of world progress. The mouse is equipped with 7 keys in total. Basic, wheel and a couple of programmable keys. There are convenient presets, and you can program everything for yourself. It is very nice that they really worked on the arrangement of the keys. Random triggering is almost excluded.

If programmable buttons are not enough for you, the G-shift function is provided. You hold down an additional button and the keys switch to the second value. There are 3 profiles in memory, and for each you can choose your own backlight color, one of 16 million colors. Practical, since you can understand which profile you are in by color, and not look into the settings.

The life resource according to the test results is 20 million clicks and 250 km of run. Changing the sensitivity on the fly allows you to adapt to any game situation. A two-meter cable in a fabric braid with a USB interface gives a large range of freedom and safety margin.

The visual look is classic and restrained. I like it, I'm not a fan of the fancy shape and I don't want to be afraid that my mouse will fly home on Claptrap while I'm sleeping. According to criticism, I can say that everything is fine. With large sales, reviews of a negative nature are quite few and they are based on delivery problems, which are not related to the manufacturer and personal hostility towards Xaiomi. Sometimes they say that the keys are close. Not! You either did not see what is close, or you were looking for an ordinary mouse to work with the office, but you got on this model.

Mouse COUGAR 600M - a great option for World of Warcraft

Do you love constructor? Or maybe you prefer to collect and repair equipment with your own hands? Well, or you just want to set it up once, but so that everything would be perfect and permanent. Then this model is right for you.

User comfort control is at such a high level that the kit comes with three spare parts for the thumb and little finger. And not “red, green and blue”, but completely different in form and material of execution. The part under the wrist is adjustable in length.

I think this mouse can be called the perfect gift in terms of versatility. No matter how lucky the person who gets this model is, he will customize it for himself and be happy. As many as 8 programmable keys. On this mouse, they look and are used organically, as the ergonomics adapt to themselves. And besides this, there is the ActionLock function. LMB or RMB can be "pinched". That's great. You no longer need to wrap the button with duct tape if you want to run from one end of the map to the other. This issue has been resolved.

The keybinding software utility is not difficult to set up and should not cause any problems. Beautiful lighting to your taste - I love such things. Well, again - WoW-friendly interface. All manufacturers of MMO mice who want to reach the heights are guided by this game as the most durable and powerful.

What do we have for unpleasant moments? If you are in Miami, it will not suit you. No, it will never burn for you. But the mechanism of protection and accumulation of errors is bad. When overheating, errors fly one by one, the memory overflows and the mouse lies down, or rather, it overloads. If there are such concerns, then immediately say “no” to this purchase. By the way, there is not a single review from the poles yet, so you can be the first to check the mouse for stress frost resistance.

Razer Naga Trinity

Every gamer is familiar with products from Razer. It is very popular due to its high quality and reasonable cost. The Razer Naga Trinity is no exception. Its highlight is the presence of three interchangeable panels in the kit.

The first panel has 12 programmable buttons and is designed for games like WoW, Lineage, etc., where the characters have many abilities. The second panel has a wheel with 7 buttons: it is well suited for Dota, LoL and Diablo. The third panel has only 2 buttons and is designed for everyday use.

As befits a gaming mouse, the Naga Trinity has high-quality lighting and a stylish design. The optical sensor can operate at sensitivity from 800 to 16 thousand DPI. The accessory is not wireless: it connects to a PC via a 2.1 meter cable.

The vast majority of positive reviews. From the negative: people do not like the wheel, some note poor software compatibility with Mac OS, and a number of users are dissatisfied with the high price of the device.

Logitech G903 Lightspeed Wireless Mouse

This mouse has a symmetrical design on both sides. And this means that it is also suitable for left-handers. The accessory is wireless, and battery life varies depending on whether you use the backlight: up to 24 hours with it, and up to 32 hours without it. Manufacturers came up with an interesting feature and added a so-called weighting agent to the kit. If the mouse seems too light for you, you can attach a piece weighing 10 grams to it. It is also noteworthy that it has a scroll not only vertically, but also horizontally.

The backlight here, like other accessories, is. The mouse can work with sensitivity from 200 to 12,000 dpi. The device has 11 programmable buttons, which is enough for most MMORPG games. Most users note that this mouse may have an accidental double click: that is, you click 1 time, and the computer perceives it as 2 clicks. Also, some gamers remain dissatisfied with the price of the device.

Comparison table of mice for MMO


Main characteristics


Number of buttons - 12 pcs, laser, response time 1 ms, 6 operating modes.
7 buttons, cord length 2m, laser sensor type, there is a backlight.
The Zboard keyboard consists of three elements: a base and two cases. The base is a plastic case with electronic components, and the case is a removable keyboard unit. The Zboard base is black, on its back there are shortcut keys for applications and media player control. There are also two USB connectors on the back side (note that the built-in hub does not have an additional power source, so it does not support full-fledged work with USB devices, but it will do for reading "flash drives"). The Zboard kit includes two cases: standard and adapted for the game World of Warcraft. We will call them "working" and "playing", respectively. Both cases are easy to install (the operation takes a couple of seconds) and are hot-swappable, ie. after using the working case, the user can install the game case, which will be activated without rebooting the system. The working case has a classic key layout: the difference from conventional keyboards lies in the modified block of navigation keys. Symbols of the Russian alphabet are printed in blue font, which negatively affects the visibility of characters in the dark. If your touch typing skills are not perfected, then lighting is indispensable. The game case consists of three equal parts. The left and middle parts, with a few exceptions, repeat the working case, the right part is a modified block of numeric and cursor keys. Their place was taken by the character control keys and other elements of the game. The buttons have a round shape and different diameters. The largest buttons are responsible for moving the character along game world, they are located in the place of the arrows. Similar diameter buttons "Screenshot" and "Hide interface". The smallest buttons are responsible for the PvP functions: "yield", "call to the group", "follow the player", etc. Also on this block are buttons for managing chat and emotions. Despite the small size of most buttons, they are easy to use in the game. To get used to the layout of the keys, a couple of hours of playing time is enough. The buttons are conveniently located, have solid intervals, so it is problematic to miss and press two or more buttons at the same time. Each of the round buttons is provided with a description in Russian. The text of the description is white - it is easy to distinguish against the black background of the keys. Moreover, the developers managed to successfully choose the font of the text, which made it possible to abandon uninformative abbreviations. Names such as "hide interface", "tell raid", "inspect player", etc. fit on the keys. Most of the keys have several functions at once, for example, let's take the "C" key: it can be used to display information about the character and view the battle log. The group of keys F1-F12 is responsible for managing inventory and group members, in addition, when the emotion panel is activated, these keys will be responsible for the manifestation of emotions. For example, to wink, you must press F10; to wave your hand, just press F3. F-keys are grouped into notebooks and located close to each other, in addition, they are small in size, thus it is inconvenient to use them, but thanks to the built-in utility supplied on the CD with the keyboard, they can be assigned secondary actions that are rarely used in the game . We will talk about the utility for managing and configuring the keyboard separately. The ESC key is also unusually small, which is a more serious flaw than the smaller function keys. In addition, the design features of both cases include a double space, and its left side is much larger than the right one. In the game case, the right shift is shortened. If we didn’t have any complaints about the shift, then the divided space at first caused serious inconvenience: the blow with the thumb constantly fell precisely in the cut zone, which is why the space was not pressed at all. The symbols of the Russian alphabet on the game case are red, the game tips are blue and white. Ergonomics of both cases causes certain complaints: when pressed, the keys make a lot of noise, the key travel is small. Also note again the split space and the little Escape button. The SteelSeries Zboard Gaming Keyboard comes with the base, two cases, and a Z Engine CD.

Z Engine Software

Z Engine software allows you to fine-tune the keyboard and use all its functions. Note that the Z Engine software help is translated into Russian, and this is not a quick user guide, but a full-fledged help system describing all the functions and their deep settings. The Z Engine program is called by clicking on the icon in the system tray. The main menu of the program consists of several modules. The main module is a graphical representation of the keyboard. The user can select any key on the virtual keyboard and assign any action to it, for example, launching the application (you will need to specify the path to the exe file) or disabling the key. By the way, the disable key feature is not without meaning, especially in relation to the Windows key, which accidentally presses in full screen mode, minimizing the game. Also, the Z Engine software provides ample opportunities for developing and recording custom macros, and thanks to a well-thought-out interface and a Russified help system, this will take a little time.

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