Interesting tricks and their secrets at home. "Confetti and Candies"

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It's very easy to make children see you as a real wizard. All you need is sleight of hand and boundless imagination. Science will do the rest for you.

website collected for you 6 elementary scientific experiments that will certainly make your children believe in miracles.

Experience #1

We need one ziplock bag, water, blue food coloring, extra hands and a little imagination.

Tint a small amount of water with 4-5 drops of blue food coloring.

For greater credibility, clouds and waves can be drawn on the package, and then poured with tinted water.

After you need to tightly seal the bag and stick it to the window with adhesive tape. The result will have to wait a little, but it's worth it. Now you have your own weather in the house. And your children will be able to watch the rain pour right into the little sea.

Exposure of the focus

Since the Earth has a limited amount of water, there is such a phenomenon on it as the water cycle in nature. Under warm sunlight, the water in the bag evaporates, turning into steam. As it cools at the top, it reverts to liquid form and falls as precipitation. This phenomenon can be observed in the package for several days. In nature, this phenomenon is infinite.

Experience No. 2

We need water, a transparent glass jar with a lid (preferably longer), dishwashing liquid, sparkles and heroic strength.

Fill the jar 3/4 full with water, add a few drops of dishwashing liquid. After a few seconds, add dye and glitter. This will help you see the tornado better. We close the container, spin it in a spiral and admire.

Exposure of the focus

When you swirl the jar in a circular motion, you create a whirlwind of water that looks like a mini tornado. Water quickly rotates around the center of the vortex due to centrifugal force. Centrifugal force is the force inside a guiding object or liquid such as water, relative to the center of its circular path. Whirlwinds are found in nature, but there they are very scary.

Experience No. 3

We need 5 small glasses, 1 glass of hot water, a tablespoon, a syringe and an inquisitive sweet tooth. Skittles: 2 red candies, 4 orange, 6 yellow, 8 green and 10 purple.

Pour 2 tablespoons of water into each glass. We count the required number of sweets and lay them out in glasses. Hot water will help the candy dissolve faster. If you notice that the sweets do not dissolve well, put the cup in the microwave for 30 seconds. Then let the liquid cool to room temperature.

With a syringe or a large pipette, pour the colors into a small jar, starting with the thickest and densest (purple) and ending with the least dense (red). You need to drip the syrup very carefully, otherwise everything will mix. First, it is better to drip on the walls of the jar so that the syrup itself slowly flows down. You end up with Skittles Rainbow Jam.

Exposure of the focus

Experience No. 4

We need a lemon, a cotton swab, a bottle, any decorations of your choice (hearts, sparkles, beads) and a sea of ​​love.

Squeeze some lemon juice into a glass and dunk a Q-tip into it to write your secret message.

To develop the inscription, heat it (iron it, hold it over a fire or in the oven). Be careful not to let the kids do it themselves.

Exposure of the focus

Lemon juice is an organic substance that can oxidize (react with oxygen). When heated, it turns brown and "burns" faster than paper. Orange juice, milk, vinegar, wine, honey and onion juice give the same effect.

Experience No. 5

We need gummy worms, baking soda, vinegar, cutting board, sharp knife, two clean glasses.

Cut each worm into 4 pieces. It is better to pre-moisten the knife with a little water so that the marmalade does not stick so much. Dilute 3 tablespoons of baking soda in warm water.

A popular joke says that after the birth of a son, a man becomes a father, and after the birth of a daughter, a dad. But when it comes to entertainment, it doesn’t matter what gender your child is, the main thing is that communication pleases both of you. And, if you want to win the trust of the younger generation for sure, you must be the best in your business - that is, you must be very fun and interesting with you. Perhaps you are not even a parent, but an uncle, an older brother or a family friend - one way or another, while communicating with a baby, you turn into a potential source of fun, pranks and all kinds of ideas.

It does not hurt to stock up on them in advance, so that at the right time the fantasy does not let you down. For example, to master some spectacular tricks. Even adults often fall for such tricks and admire the unique talent of the "sorcerer". Not to mention the little one, who always perceives man-made miracles with a bang. But all you need to gain a reputation as the soul of a children's company is to understand the essence and practice a little to make tricks for children easily and without hitches. Are you ready to become a magician? Then read, memorize and try your hand.

What are the tricks. Magic tricks for children and adults
Tricks, illusions, transformations and riddles will never go out of fashion - they always intrigue viewers of any age. But still you're unlikely to entertain adult company their friends with tricks, albeit very spectacular ones. But any children's holiday, matinee or birthday with the help of tricks can be turned into an unforgettable event for children. Professional actors and animators know this firsthand, so they always have in their arsenal a set of items needed to perform magic tricks and create the appropriate atmosphere. This selection usually depends on the subject and type of presentation and, of course, on the age of the audience. You, as an amateur magician, do not have to carry a whole van of motley paraphernalia with you. But, going to an event where there will be children, take with you a minimum set of items that will help you out and make you look like a real sorcerer:
Of course, your main weapon in the fight for the favor and trust of the audience is not material objects, but manual dexterity and speed of movement. Do not forget that such performances are loved precisely because they create a mysterious atmosphere and the illusion of touching magic. And your task is simplified by the fact that children are for the most part more gullible than adults, willingly believe in miracles and are not familiar with most of the laws of physics. You just have to not destroy their willingness to be surprised and secure the image of a sorcerer.

Best simple tricks at home
Each magician has his secrets and signature numbers. To make it easier for you to find your own style and create a repertoire of magic tricks, we have prepared a list of tricks that are easy to perform, but quite impressive. To study and reproduce them, you will not need much time or special equipment, but diligence and accuracy will not hurt. Each proposed focus is accompanied by a "decoding", that is, an explanation of its essence and principle of operation. Try to keep your training secret so that the secrets of the illusions are not revealed ahead of time.

  1. Turn the scarf into a ball. You will need not inflated balloon ik, needle and two handkerchiefs of the same size (for example, 40 * 40 cm).
    What viewers see: You hold an ordinary square handkerchief in your hands and show it from both sides. Then you fold all the corners of the handkerchief together, squeeze them with your palm and bring them to your lips. You blow into the handkerchief like a pipe, and it begins to swell, increase in volume and turns into a ball. You show the balloon to an astonished audience and then pierce it with a needle to make it into a handkerchief again.
    What actually happens: first, you must fold both identical scarves together, matching their edges perfectly. Sew the scarves around the perimeter with small stitches, leaving only a small hole in one of the corners. Insert into this hole balloon so that its container is between the scarves in a kind of “bag”, and fasten the neck at the hole of the sewn scarves. When demonstrating the trick, hold the corner of the handkerchiefs in which the ball is hidden in your hand. When you inflate the scarf, blow into the balloon to fill it with air.
  2. Let the threads run. You will need a spool of thread, a spool of no thread, and a black marker or marker pen.
    What the audience sees: Two spools stand vertically on the table in front of you: a black one with wound threads and an empty white one. You place your palms on the coils and clench them into fists. Cast any spell or just count to three. Then you raise your hands and it turns out that the threads managed to “rewind” from the black spool to the white one. No matter how many times you repeat this trick, each time the threads will be on one or the other spool.
    What is actually happening: pre-prepare the coils by painting their ends on one side with a black marker, and leaving the other side white. Place the coils side by side, but on different sides: one black end up, the other white. Your main task is to quickly and discreetly flip the coils while they are hidden by your palms. Then, to those who look from the side, it will seem that the threads used to be on a black spool, and now they are wound on a white one. And vice versa.
  3. Enchant the boxes. You will need a matchbox or any other similar design and a thin small handkerchief (cambric or chiffon).
    What the audience sees: You are holding a half-open matchbox in your hands. Then you completely take out its indoor unit and demonstrate to the audience that it is completely empty. Then close the empty box, shake it in your hand, say "spell". Open the box again - and take out a beautiful handkerchief from it.
    What actually happens: the fact that at the beginning of the presentation the boxes are half-open is not an accident. In the free space under the lid lies a handkerchief folded many times over. Closing the box, you push the handkerchief out - the main thing is that at this moment the corresponding side of the case is turned inside your palm. What follows is a matter of the beauty of your gestures, how effectively you wave your handkerchief, diverting attention from an unnecessary box.
  4. Guess the cards. You will need a standard deck of playing cards.
    What the audience sees: You place any six cards face up on the table in front of you. Then you invite a volunteer from the audience and ask him to mentally select any card from those lying on the table and remember it. Then you collect cards from the table, return them to the deck and shuffle. At this time, you can tell the audience a funny story from life or just joke. From the shuffled deck, you take out six cards and put them on the table in the same way as the cards lay before, but face down. Then take one card and return it to the deck. The remaining five cards are turned face up. Among them, exactly the card that the viewer thought of is missing!
    What actually happens: when you remove the first six cards in the deck, you deliberately put them down and try not to confuse them with the rest. Then, after a lyrical digression, lay out any other six cards on the table - the main thing is that none of them from the first set is among them. Thus, no matter which card you remove, among the remaining ones it will not be hidden. And this trick works because the audience, as a rule, obediently chooses and remembers one card, as you ask. No one remembers what other five cards were around her. Therefore, when you lay out the second selection on the table, it is obvious that the hidden card is missing, and all the rest seem to be the same.
  5. Liven up the pencil. You will need a pencil of any color or a pen with a rough surface.
    What the audience sees: You are holding a pencil in your hand with the sharp side up. The second hand makes passes in the vertical direction. Under their influence, the pencil itself repeats the movements: it rises higher, then falls lower.
    What's really going on: You're squeezing the pencil in a fist with the back facing the audience, thumb down. With your other hand, with your fingers extended, close the bottom of your fist. After that, you can safely rest the thumb of the hand holding the pencil on the base of the pencil and move it up and down. When viewed from the side at this time, it seems that the pencil came to life and moves itself, following the gestures of the hand with an open palm.
  6. Turn an orange into an apple. You will need a handkerchief, a medium to large ripe orange, and an apple slightly smaller than the orange.
    What the audience sees: you hold in your hand and show everyone an orange juicy orange. Then put it on the table in front of you, cover it with a handkerchief and say the magic words. Tear off the handkerchief, and the eyes of the public are presented with an equally juicy and appetizing apple. There is no orange nearby at all.
    What's actually going on: Peel the orange very carefully beforehand, so as to keep the peel as intact as possible. Then put an apple inside it. During the performance, when lifting the handkerchief, you need to press with your hand not only the fabric, but also the orange peel in order to quietly grab it and lift it along with the handkerchief. The apple remains on the table as it is - without the orange "disguise".
  7. Command the lights. You will need a floor lamp or table lamp and an incandescent bulb.
    What viewers see: You try in vain to turn on the light by flipping the desk switch - the light does not light up. After several attempts, you unscrew the light bulb from the socket and show it to everyone present so that they can see with their own eyes that the light bulb is completely intact and should be lit. Then you cast a spell or simply turn to a light bulb with a request to shine for you. You return the light bulb to the lighting fixture and with the words: “Light bulb, light up!” you press the switch. The light bulb, convinced by your exhortations, obediently lights up.
    What actually happens: at the beginning of the performance, the light bulb is in the socket, but not twisted to the limit. Thus, there is no contact, and the light does not burn. After manipulations in the midst of the focus, you again screw the bulb into the socket, this time all the way. Of course, when the switch is flipped, the light comes on. This trick is designed for children who are not yet familiar with the intricacies of lighting fixtures.
  8. Repair torn paper. You will need two identical white sheets of paper and glue.
    What the audience sees: You are holding a flat sheet of paper in your hands. Then turn it on both sides so that those present are convinced of its ordinaryness. Tear the sheet in half, fold the halves together, and tear in half again. Crumple the resulting quarters of paper in your palms. The audience can clearly see the wad of crumpled paper in your fist. You begin to straighten it and smooth out the creases. In the end, you return the paper to its original appearance and smooth surface.
    What actually happens: on the eve of the performance, you will need to fold one of the two identical sheets several times and gently glue it with a corner to one of the upper corners of the second sheet. When the glue dries, put the glued paper under pressure overnight (for example, press down with a stack of books) so that both sheets fit together as tightly as possible and do not fall apart. During the trick, you will tear and crumple a large sheet, and discreetly cover the folded one with your palms. When the time comes to “restore” the paper, unfold the neatly folded sheet in advance, and hide what is damaged in its place, into a fist.
  9. Gently insert the thread into the needle. You will need a needle with a narrow eye and a bright (visible from afar) thick thread.
    What the audience sees: despite the fact that not everyone succeeds in inserting a thread into a needle of even a suitable diameter the first time, you do it with ease. And without even looking at the eye of a needle: put your hands with a thread and a needle behind your back, insert the thread and show the public the successful result of your work.
    What is actually happening: multiply the named prop by two. Insert one thread into the needle in advance and stick it into your clothes from the back as imperceptibly as possible (although you don’t turn your back to the audience anyway, which means that no one will see the forgery). When you hide your hands behind your back, stick an empty needle into your clothes, and hide the thread in your fist. Unfasten the needle and thread and demonstrate to the audience.
  10. Remove the paperclip without using your hands. You will need a sheet of paper and a paper clip.
    What the audience sees: you put a sheet of paper and a paper clip on the table and invite everyone to try to put the paper clip on the sheet of paper, and then remove the paper clip, but without touching the paper clip with either your hands or any auxiliary objects. Give the audience any time they need so that everyone can try their hand to no avail.
    What actually happens: after the attempts of the audience have exhausted themselves, the time will come for your benefit. Fold a sheet of paper in half and put a paper clip over the fold. Now pull the edges of the sheet in different directions - and the paper clip itself will come off the paper. This trick involves more ingenuity than sleight of hand and attention, but usually causes a storm of emotions in young viewers associated with the anticipation of repeating the rally on their own.
  11. Use the magic wand. You will need a large newspaper (one sheet spread), a sheet of A4 paper, paints or felt-tip pens, a handful of confetti and serpentine.
    What the audience sees: Performing any tricks, you use your own magic wand. At your request, after a wave, whirlwinds of multi-colored confetti escape from the wand. When the performance comes to an end, you thank the magic wand for the help and say goodbye to it. Then you wrap it in a sheet of newspaper and crumple it intensively so that those watching it do not have any doubts that the stick under the newspaper could not survive and keep its shape. And you unfold the newspaper, from which the serpentine spills out, into which the magic wand has turned!
    What actually happens: your "magic wand" is made in advance by your own hands, from a sheet of paper rolled up, glued and brightly colored. The void inside this roll is filled with serpentine at one end and confetti at the other. While you are using the wand, hold it by the edge where the serpentine is hiding. With each swing, confetti will fall out of the second end. Then, when it's time to say goodbye to the magic wand, crush it under the newspaper. When unfolding the newspaper, hold the crumpled paper, and let the serpentine fall out freely.
The listed tricks can be shown even to small children, because none of the tricks is dangerous. There are other illusions based on chemical reactions (such as the coloring of starch and soap solutions with cabbage juice) and the operation of the laws of physics (a handkerchief that does not ignite from a candle). But they are better reserved for an older audience, because not only will the kids not appreciate the full depth of your miracles, but they may inadvertently get injured trying to repeat your tricks.

Secrets of a Successful Magician
So, now you know the main secrets and what props you need to do magic tricks for children. It's time to take care of yourself, that is, your new role as a magician: appearance, demeanor, various subtleties of behavior, voice and gestures. To begin with, it does not hurt to watch films about artists of this genre - and do not get carried away with cartoons about clowns, feature films for adults contain much more useful ideas. In particular, we recommend the films "The Prestige", "The Illusion of Deception", "The Great and Terrible OZ". Borrow their "chips" from the main characters - the expression of the eyes, theatrical gestures, and even intriguing statements. All this will definitely play into your hands when you find yourself in front of a gaping young audience in astonishment. For our part, we want to give you a few additional tips:

  • Each of your tricks must be well rehearsed. Do not be lazy to train as many times as it takes to make the illusion perfect. It is convenient to do this in front of a mirror to evaluate how convincing you look. Better yet, ask a trusted person - an “assistant”, that is, a friend or relative, to watch your rehearsal and point out your mistakes that are noticeable from the outside.
  • Choose for your performance diverse tricks with different props, because the young audience is not distinguished by perseverance, and your task is not to let it get bored with monotonous numbers.
  • When showing tricks to children, do not limit yourself to a simple demonstration of mysterious phenomena, but try to beat each trick, accompany it with a thematic story, a joke or a small scene.
  • When starting a trick, do not tell the audience what they are about to see, even if you decide to write it in the lead line to the number. The surprise effect is an important part of good focus and a big part of the enjoyment of seeing it. Don't deprive viewers of those emotions and don't downplay your enigmatic image.
  • Make more eye contact with your audience during your presentation. Address any phrases to everyone at once or to someone selectively to lull vigilance. The main thing is to divert attention from your hands at the time of the main manipulations. You yourself never look at your hands.
  • Following the previous principle, do not be silent during the presentation. It is not so important what exactly you will say, but you must constantly chat and entertain those present. Small playful pauses can be made only at those moments when they are appropriate for the plot of the trick. And then, it is best to fill them with suitable music.
  • Try not to do the same trick twice when speaking to a new audience. But this recommendation does not apply to one or two of your "crown numbers", which you succeed in best, invariably delight the audience and whose secret you zealously protect.
  • Every magician faces persistent requests to reveal the secrets of his tricks. Do it or not - it's up to you. You may want to teach your young viewers magic tricks, or vice versa, you'd rather preserve the reputation of a real magician. One way or another, always leave your best numbers unclassified, and share those that will be easy to replace with other numbers next time.
  • For amateur magicians, it is better to choose a few simple and short numbers for their performance than to prepare complex and difficult tricks to perform. First, difficult tricks require more preparation and you run the risk of not being able to master them. Secondly, a lot of short-term entertainment is perceived by children better than the need to follow one action for a long time.
We can say that any trick, regardless of its content and the props used in its performance, consists of two parts: mechanical and psychological. The first is directly in the performance of the trick, its technicality and mastery of objects. The second includes everything related to the behavior of a magician and his work "for the public", the ability to interest the audience and present himself and his performance in the most favorable light. The better you master both components of success and learn how to combine them, the more joy you will deliver to your young viewers. But positive emotions, from surprise to delight - this is the goal and the best reward for a magician. Therefore, we wish you inspiration, creative success and a grateful audience.

Tricks at home do not require long preparation and special mechanisms. Their main secret lies in sleight of hand and small tricks.

Magic at home? Why not? Many ordinary things and objects to which we do not attach special importance can become magical in the hands of a clever conjurer and illusionist. Everyone knows that magic tricks can make any celebration memorable, especially if it's a child's birthday. After all, the tricks done by your beloved dad will be remembered by the birthday man for life!

The magical properties of water have long been used by famous illusionists around the world, and not only by them. However, you probably observed some of them in physics lessons, studying optics or the law of Archimedes. Tricks with water have simple manipulations and a grandiose effect. By the way, half the success of the audience depends on the ability of the magician to beautifully arrange the performance. Remember the incredible performances of David Copperfield? Tricks at home do not require long preparation and special mechanisms. Their main secret lies in sleight of hand and small tricks. Let's learn how to perform tricks with water and surprise family and friends.

  1. water illusion. Pour water into a glass. Place it in front of a sheet or monitor with arrows on it. The water will miraculously change their direction. Rays of light, when passing from air to water, change their direction, approaching the perpendicular. Water has a higher refractive index than air. A glass of water acts as a magnifying glass.
  2. Pepper and water. Pour water into a bowl and sprinkle with pepper. When you touch the surface of the water with your finger, nothing will happen. Now put a drop of soapy water on your finger and touch the surface of the water again. Peppercorns will scatter to the edges of the bowl. Surface tension forces the pepper to float on the surface. Soap breaks the surface tension of water. It spreads, capturing grains of pepper.
  3. Water and whiskey. Fill one shot glass with water and the other with whiskey. Put the plastic card on the glass of water, turn it over and place it on the glass of whiskey so that the card is between the glasses. Slightly shift it, creating a gap for mixing liquids. After 10 minutes, the whiskey and water will switch places. This effect can be explained by the fact that whiskey and water have different densities. The whiskey is lighter and floats up. Water is heavier, it sinks down.
  4. Fire resistant balloon. Fill a balloon with water and place it over a candle flame. The water will absorb the heat, cooling the ball at the bottom and preventing it from popping.
  5. Glowing stream. Make a hole at the bottom of the plastic bottle. Fill it up with water. Point the laser pointer straight at the hole. Put your hand up and you will see how a colored water jet will flow onto it, which in this focus acts as an optical fiber, transmitting light.
  6. Luminous tonic. If you turn on the ultraviolet lamp, the tonic bottle will light up. Why? Quinine, which is part of the drink, converts ultraviolet radiation into the visible spectrum.
  7. Cork from a kapron grid. Cut off a piece of nylon mesh, place it on the neck of the bottle and fix it with an elastic band. Fill the bottle with water through the mesh. If you cover the neck of the bottle with your palm and turn it over, then water will not flow through this mesh. Due to the binding properties of water, “membranes” are formed in the small holes of the mesh. The difference in pressure between the air outside and the water inside keeps the latter from flowing out.
  8. Water ice cream. Place a bottle of distilled water in the freezer. When the water temperature reaches zero degrees, then carefully remove the bottle. Squeezing it or hitting it on the table will cause the water to freeze. Try pouring it into your palm. The absence of impurities in purified water allows you to move its freezing point to a level below zero. If you shake the bottle, the water will freeze at zero degrees.

What to do with the kids on the weekends? How to add variety to a children's or family holiday? Maybe arrange a circus performance where all family members can participate? The focus is on the magician. We offer our top 20 most interesting magic tricks for children.

TOP 20 magic tricks for children

"Live snake"

This simple trick is designed for young viewers. The magician gently rubs the ruler, made of plastic, on the kite. In an instant, he raises his head and looks at the surprised onlookers. The secret is simple: the ruler is charged with an electric charge that affects any object.

"The book is the head of everything"

You will need the help of an adult. The child will have to take the book located on the shelf, as if at random. Turning to the audience, the child asks to guess the number of any page. Next, the young magician leaves the room, and the assistant reads him the top line, on the page that the viewer has chosen. Then the young magician returns to the place where the performance takes place, and, thinking, calls the page number aloud. The secret of this trick lies in the fact that an identical book is hidden in the next room, having found the right top line in which, the kid remembers the page number and calls it to the surprised viewers.


In order to perform this trick "in all respects" you need to stock up on cards of the same size. Write the names of animals on them and put them in a hat. The young magician asks the audience to name 10 any animals. Meanwhile, the kid writes down each animal on a card, throwing it into a hat - or this is an illusion of deception. The secret of the trick is that the kid will always write down the name of only the first hidden animal. Next, the child invites one of the spectators to pull out any card from those offered, and then read the name, but not out loud. Then the magician thinks and names the animal.

"A circle"

A simple trick for kids ages 5-11. Such a trick is quite easy to perform, since kids are always drawn to the mystical, then they will have a genuine interest in such a trick. Having discussed in advance with his assistant, on whom his choice will fall, the wizard, as if by chance, chooses him and says that now he will leave the room. Meanwhile, the assistant will shake hands with someone from the audience. The task is to guess who the assistant chose. When the wizard returns, he greets each one in turn, and then names the one with whom his assistant greeted.

"Find If You Can"

You will need to stock up on 3 thimbles, a ball. This trick will be interesting for children from 5-11 years old.

First, agree with any participant that he will assist you during the show. In this case, it is necessary to announce to the audience that you will guess under which of the thimbles the object is hidden. Then you will need to leave the room, and the focus participants will hide the ball in one of the confidants. Then you again go into the audience, and the assistant, unnoticed by others, points to the thimble, under which lies the ball.

"Holiday Confetti"

In order to perform this trick, you will need a fresh chicken egg, as well as small confetti. This focus is intended for an audience of children no more than 11 years old. In advance, make a small hole in the testicle, while eliminating the yolk and protein. Position the children around the young magician, making sure that the lighting is not natural. Ideally, if the room is a little dark, which will give an atmosphere of magic and mystery and hide small inaccuracies.

The egg must be shown to all participants so that they can make sure that it is really real. After the words “akhalai mahalai”, the magician must hide the egg in his palms, and then grind it properly. From the palms of the magician pours confetti. The secret of the trick is that the shell is easy to grind, so performing the trick is quite simple.

"Confetti and Candies"

Continuing the theme of confetti, we offer the following trick for children. You will need two cardboard cups, a small bowl, several packages of confetti, one candy for each young participant, cardboard, scissors, a handkerchief, double-sided tape. At the first stage, you need to cut out a small circle from cardboard, but at the same time it must fit in a glass. Next, you need to fix double-sided tape on the cardboard, then you need to shower the circle with prepared confetti in advance in such a way as to fill the entire area on the cardboard. Now carefully insert the resulting circle into the prepared glass. It turns out that the glass is almost completely strewn with confetti. Put the candies in another glass and hide it in the bowl where the confetti is already located.

The young magician demonstrates to everyone that he fills a glass of confetti. Don't forget the main detail - say the magic words. During filling, the glass reaches the bottom of the bowl, and the one that is next to it is removed. Next, the glass is covered with a handkerchief. And again, the baby must cast a spell. Then all the children begin to blow on the glass, and the joyful magician shows that the boring confetti have turned into chocolates.

Focus with cards

This simple trick is suitable for little dreamers. Any deck of cards will work for him. The magician asks the assistant to choose a card from those offered and memorize it. Then it is placed on top of the entire deck. Next, the deck will need to be removed and the part that was below, put on top. The secret of this trick: in order to find desired card, you need to use a small nuance. Before the start of the show, you need to peep bottom card in the deck. Finding the map will be easy.


Stock up on a flat plate on which you need to pour water and dip a coin into it. Now invite a friend to get a coin from the bottom without getting his fingers wet. The trick is to take a glass with thin walls, and then rinse it with hot water, and then turn it over onto a plate containing a coin. The glass will absorb water until the plate is dry. Then you just need to wait until the coin itself dries.

"Invisible Ink"

To make this ink, you will need potato juice. To do this, cut large potatoes on both sides, then place them on the table and make a small hole. In the hole that has appeared, it is necessary to squeeze the juice from other parts of the potato, you can write with a toothpick, mainly wetting it in an inkwell. After you write the message, the ink will dry by itself and disappear.

"Paper garland"

To make a garland, you need to prepare two newspapers. To begin, tear the newspaper exactly in half, and then both halves in half again. From the resulting eight pieces, you need to roll a roll. The nuance of the trick is that each sheet must be superimposed on each other with overlap. The roll must be torn in half in the very center, and then again torn along. Now you need to fold the roll in half with a transverse tear and pull slightly.

"Finger and Carrot"

To perform this trick for children, you need to take a scarf - it should not shine through. Now, through the handkerchief, the magician begins to stick the needles into his finger. At the end of the show, the magician shows a finger to the astonished audience, on which there is not a scratch. What is the secret of focus? The fact is that instead of a finger, the magician uses a carrot.

"Magic Number"

At the beginning of the show, the magician asks the participants to think of any number from 1 to 5. Then he comes up to the viewer and asks what number he thought of. He calls the number "3". Next, the magician asks the performer to come to the piano and open the lid. There is a note with the number 3 on it.

The secret of the trick is to prepare notes with each number and hide them in different places on the piano. When the viewer thinks of a number, the magician asks him to come to a certain place where it is hidden.

"Tennis ball"

The magician shows everyone a tennis ball, and then hides it in his fist. In the same fist, the magician holds a silk handkerchief. Then he opens his hand and shows the ball, and the handkerchief disappears. Then the magician squeezes the ball into his fist and removes the handkerchief from it. What is the secret of the focus's popularity?

In advance of the show, you need to make a small hole in the ball. When the magician shows it to the audience, the hole is covered with a finger. Next, the child places the handkerchief in the ball. At the time when the handkerchief is placed in the ball, the surprised spectators believe that the handkerchief has evaporated. Next, you need to hold the ball in the palm of your hand, taking out the handkerchief, and demonstrate to the guests.

"Hanging Ring"

In order for this trick for children to pass according to all the rules, you need to prepare a ring made of wire, as well as matches, a salt solution, and threads. First you need to soak the thread in a solution prepared from water and salt, and dry it properly. Such manipulations must be repeated several times. Now you can show your friends a thread that does not differ from the usual one. You need to hang a ring of wire from it, and then set fire to the thread. When the fire consumes the entire thread, then, to the surprise of friends, the ring will hang on the ashes. When you decide to do this trick, the doors should be closed as much as possible. Even a small draft can prevent you from trying on the image of a magician.

"4 Kings"

The cards must be laid out in such a way as to end up with 4 piles, in which 4 cards will lie. From the common deck, you need to take 4 kings, the same number of queens, jacks and aces. Now start your story. “Once upon a time, 4 kings ruled in the kingdom (put 4 kings), each of them had daughters (place each lady on the king, while the suits must match), each daughter had a groom (place them on the ladies), each of suitors had security (aces). Can they get there?" Next, you need to decompose the cards into 4 columns. This means that you need to take turns putting one piece 4 times. As a result, you will get that 4 cards are in 4 piles.

"Coin and Book"

For the trick to work, take a large book and open it to the page you like best. Put 6 coins in it and close the book. Don't forget to say the magic words. Open the book and tilt it in front of the participant's hand. As a result, the coins should fall into the palm of the viewer. However, when he counts them, he will see that there are not 6 coins in his hand, but 10.

What's the secret? Before the show starts, the child must put these 4 coins in the book. But before that, you need to check whether the coins can fall unnoticed by others.

"The hat is moving!"

The essence of this trick for children is that the hat will move whenever the magician wants. Before the start of the show, you need to discreetly tie one end of the rope to the belt of your trousers, and tie the other end to your hat. Before the show, you need to keep your hat in your hand. So the focus begins. The magician goes out to the audience and puts his hat in a corner far from him. Slowly moving around the room, the hat moves along it.

"Severed Finger"

First you need to bend the index finger on one hand, and on the other - the big one and attach it to the already bent index finger. Thus, the effect of a whole finger is achieved. It is necessary to move the fingers of the right hand and the thumb of the other hand. Young viewers will think that you are wiggling the fingers of the same hand. Now gently move your hands, moving your fingers.

"Magic Ball"

Make a paper bag in which you want to put a rubber ball. Now crush this bag. There was no trace of the ball.

What is the secret of focus? Make a small hole in the rubber ball in advance, which will be invisible if you cover it with your finger. In the process, when you crumple the ball with the bag, it deforms, giving the impression that it has disappeared. This trick will appeal to younger children.

If you do not know what kind of entertainment program to come up with for children for the holiday, then these tricks will make your child get a charge of positive emotions for the whole day and return him to a good mood, even if it is cloudy outside the window.

In this section, we have selected for you the most simple tricks that do not require lengthy preparation and complex attributes. With the help of them you can diversify both any children's holiday and a quiet family evening.

Focus for children: "Little telepath"

Main charactersmagician and presenter.

Required Attributes - 5 any toys.

Essence of focus: Toys are laid out on the table. The magician goes out the door. The host invites the audience to make any toy. The magician enters and unmistakably identifies the chosen toy. The audience is delighted and bewildered.

Secret trick for kids: The presenter and the magician agree in advance which dot on the face will indicate which number of the toy. For example: forehead - No. 1, nose - No. 2, mouth - No. 3, ear - No. 4, eye - No. 5. When the magician enters, the host imperceptibly touches the part of his face that indicates the selected toy. And when he shows the toys to the magician, he assigns them numbers: “What toy did the audience think of the first, second, third, fourth or fifth” or “In front of you, dear magician, are five toys, one, two, three, four, five.”

Focus for children: "Magic eyes"

Main charactersmagician, presenter, assistant.

Required Attributessheets of opaque paper, the same size; pens.

Essence of focus: The host invites each of the viewers to write an exotic animal on a piece of paper. Then you need to fold the sheet in half and give it to the host. The leaves are given to the magician. He, without unfolding the paper, begins to pronounce what is written on it. For example: "I see that it says "giraffe" here, who wrote this animal, raise your hand." The magician sees the raised hand and only after that opens the paper, makes sure that his answer is correct. And so, the little clairvoyant unmistakably reads through the paper all the names of animals.

Secret trick for kids: Among the spectators is a secret assistant. The host, the magician and the assistant agree in advance which animal the “utility duck” will write. The facilitator's task is to, collecting the sheets, be the last to collect the piece of paper from the secret assistant and put it at the very bottom. The first animal allegedly written in the first piece of paper, the magician calls the hidden animal. The assistant raises his hand, the magician opens the sheet (to make sure his answer is correct), and reads what is written there. Looking through the next paper, he names the animal he read. Etc.

Focus for children: "Disappearing coin"

Main characters - magician.

Required Attributes2 sheets of opaque paper measuring 10 cm * 10 cm, a coin.

Essence of focus: The magician puts a coin in the middle of the leaf, wraps it up. Unfolds - the coin has disappeared. Again he folds the paper, unfolds it - a coin has appeared. Viewers can't believe their eyes! By the way, adults can also use this trick, surprising their friends or colleagues, for example, visiting corporate parties.

Secret trick for kids: You need to prepare 2 pieces of paper, fold them in a certain way so that according to the fold pattern you get 9 identical squares. Unfold the paper and glue one sheet to the other, opposite sides. Only the 5th square is glued to the 5th square. In the process of presentation, one sheet is neatly folded. An open sheet is shown to the audience, a coin is placed in it. The magician holds the piece of paper, shakes it, turns it over and opens the already empty piece of paper. The trick can be repeated a large number of times.

Focus for children: "Armored ball"

Main charactersmagician and presenter.

Required Attributes2-3 balloons, pencil, matchbox case.

Essence of focus: The host invites everyone to try to pierce an inflated balloon with a pencil so that it does not burst. If there are those who wish, then they burst a couple of balloons. Then the magician gets down to business ...

Secret trick for kids: The magician puts a balloon through a matchbox case and inflates it. After that, you can safely pierce the case, and then the ball. The ball does not deflate.

Focus for children: "Know-it-all"

Main charactersmagician and presenter.

Required Attributes - Not needed.

Essence of Focus : The magician goes out the door. The host invites the audience to think of any object or person in the room. The magician comes in. The host begins to point him to objects or people in the room and ask: "Is this?". The magician replies: "No, no, no ..." and when the host points to the hidden object, he says: "Yes." Usually, even adults cannot guess for a long time how the magician manages to guess all the time.

Secret trick for kids: Everything, as always, is very simple. The host and the magician agree in advance that before pointing to a hidden object or person, the host will point to any electrical appliance in the room (or to a certain color).

Focus for children: "The water cycle in a bag"

Such a children's trick is no longer a trick, but a scientific experiment. A child of any age who has already begun to understand what nature is can make it with his parents. We will need:

  • Zip-lock package.
  • Water.
  • Blue food coloring.

Take a marker and draw clouds and the sun on the bag. Then add a little dye to the water, make it blue. Fill the bag and zip it up. Tape the package to the window with tape, leave it for a while. As a result, the children will watch how droplets drip directly into the blue water.

The essence of the focus for children: The water cycle in nature will take place right at your window. Water will remain in the bag, rise to its top in the form of evaporation - steam. Then from above it will freeze a little, and will again be in a liquid state, will begin to drip back into droplets into the blue liquid. Such tricks for children will allow your kid to become interested in science, and a little bit of magic.

Focus for children: "Tornado in the bank"

This trick will also allow the child to become interested in the various forces of nature, will allow you to talk about such a phenomenon as a hurricane or tornado, well, it will take you and your baby for a while. We will need:

  • Tall jar and lid.
  • Water.
  • Dye.
  • Sequins.
  • Dishwashing liquid.

We fill the jar with water (for ¾ of the total volume) and foaming dishwashing liquid. Next, add food coloring and glitter. We put these additives so that the reaction itself is better visible to us, if we do not add a dye, then a hurricane will occur in the jar, but we may not see it clearly. Before starting this children's trick, it is better to wear gloves so as not to get dirty. Now close the jar with a lid, unwind it clockwise.

Bank, circling in a circle, will create a whirlwind inside of the liquid. Centrifugal force contributes to everything, it is thanks to it that the water revolves around, a tornado appears.

Focus for children: "Candy rainbow"

A variety of tricks for children will interest the child and give him the opportunity to do something wonderful with his own hands. And which of the kids does not like to become a wizard, and even get a pack of sweets to boot. We will need:

  • Candy Skittles. Purple - 10, red - 2, green - 8, orange - 4, yellow - 6.
  • Hot water - 200 milliliters.
  • Small glasses - 5 pieces.
  • Syringe.
  • Table spoon.
  • Jar.

In each of the cups we distribute sweets of a certain color. In the same glasses for sweets, pour 2 tablespoons of hot water. For better solubility of sweets, water can be heated a little more, or put together with a glass in the microwave.

And so, now, with the help of a syringe, we collect colored water and pour it into a common jar. It is necessary to pour so that the colors form a rainbow and do not mix. Start with purple, then green, yellow orange and red. From dense to the most liquid color.

The secret of this trick for children: this whole children's trick is based on the fact that the density - the density of the syrup - will depend on the amount of sweets and the paint that was used to cover them. The denser the syrup, the heavier it is, so it will be more likely to settle.

Focus for children: "Magic ink"

Here we will use either an iron or an oven, so the presence of adults is mandatory. We will need:

  • Cotton stick.
  • Various decorations for your taste.
  • Lemon.
  • Bottle.
  • Sheet of paper.

We need lemon juice, so we squeeze it into any container. Then, using a cotton swab, draw or write a message on a piece of paper. The cotton swab will be like a pen, and the juice will be like ink. The inscription will be invisible until you heat it up, for example by running an iron over the paper. Many magic tricks for kids imply the use of "adult" technology, so it's better for moms and dads to become wizards with their child and protect him.

The secret of this trick for children: lemon juice, a product subject to oxidation. That is, the liquid reacts with oxygen at the moment of heating - it changes color from colorless to brownish.

Trick for children: "Egg yolk out"

We will need for focus:

  • Eggs - a few.
  • Saucepan and water.
  • Stocking.
  • Scotch.

First - we need to very carefully, so as not to break, but very tightly wrap the tape around the egg. Then we hide this egg in a stocking so that an equal amount of it remains on both sides. Many tricks for children teach kids and parents to be mindful, this one is one of them. Take the stocking at both ends and unwind it, shake it up. Let's take a small flashlight and illuminate the egg, it should not be translucent, only then you can lower it into the water and start cooking. After 10 minutes, and the time until the egg has cooled, remove the shell from it - the egg is boiled inside out.

Focus for children: "Worms are dancing"

We will need for focus:

  • Gelatin sweets - worms.
  • Glass - 2 pieces.
  • Vinegar and soda.
  • Knife and board.

We throw soda - 3 large spoons, into a glass of warm water. Pour vinegar into another glass. We will cut the worms on the board lengthwise into 4 parts. We put the parts of the worms in a glass with soda - for only 15 minutes. After this time, we will move the pieces of worms into the vinegar, watch how they begin to move and rise up, become bubbly.

The secret of this trick for children: while the worms are in the soda, they gain bicarbonate from it. This substance, when placed in vinegar, releases oxygen from the candy - small bubbles. It is they who make the worms rise to the very top of the glass.

Tricks for children with balls: "Lord of the balls"

First focus

Main characters magician and presenter.

Required Attributes 2 balloons (inflated with helium), a woolen cloth (scarf), a piece of paper, a thread.

Essence of focus: A thread is cut off, to the ends of which balls are tied. Both balls are rubbed with a woolen cloth. The magician takes the thread by the middle so that the balls hang in the air at the same distance from the ceiling. The balls start to run away from each other. Further, the presenter tells the audience: “Of course, you all know that when rubbing balloons with a woolen cloth, they begin to electrify and repel each other. And who can make it so that, without touching the balls, bring them closer. The most active spectators begin to blow on the balloons or otherwise create air currents. But all in vain. The magician takes a piece of paper and puts it between the balls. And, lo and behold, the balls are approaching.

Secret trick for kids: The fact is that objects consisting of the same material have the same charge. A sheet of paper consists of a different material than balloons and is not electrified. That is why it attracts balloons to itself.

Second focus

Main charactersmagician and presenter.

Required Attributes2 balloons (one spare), glass bottle, hot water container.

Essence of focus: The host invites the audience to inflate the balloon without touching it with their lips. The use of special pumps is also prohibited. Attempts by children to inflate the balloon with their nose or mouth, but at a distance, do not give a result. The magician comes into play. He takes a glass bottle, puts a balloon on its neck. Puts the bottle in hot water. And after 2-3 minutes the balloon starts to inflate itself.

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