Convert yuan to rubles online calculator. The exchange rate of the yuan against the ruble according to the Central Bank of Russia

A currency converter is a simple and rather convenient mechanism with which you can perform instant calculations and convert foreign money into rubles. Many financial institutions have such a service on their official websites. Users can transfer rubles to dollars, hryvnias, make currency transfers by bank or bank. If you need to compare data from different financial institutions, it is better to use universal services. With their help, it is quite easy to find a suitable solution.

Currency rate calculator - features and benefits

The currency calculator allows you to get the most accurate values. The results are presented with great precision. At the same time, exchange rates are updated taking into account the data of the Central Bank of Russia.

You can convert funds not only taking into account the current situation on the financial market, but also taking into account data for any other date. This option allows:

  • make the right decision;
  • visually see how the dynamics changed;
  • make predictions.

Information about quotes is constantly updated, so there is a guarantee of the relevance of the calculations that were obtained using the calculator.

Who needs a currency converter?

The online currency converter is very convenient as you can quickly see popular currencies, search for the best rate or bank name. For convenience, we suggest that you immediately get acquainted with the euro, which are currently in force.

The service is an excellent tool for investors who make transactions in the markets of different countries. It is relevant for:

  • travelers;
  • people keen on shopping in various foreign online stores;
  • entrepreneurs;
  • workers in the economic sector.

You can easily use the currency rate calculator in real time, find out historical data on various currency pairs. Thus, the service is useful for many people, as it makes it possible to make the right decisions and make a profitable exchange.

CNY is the official currency of the People's Republic of China. It should be borne in mind that the word "yuan" (translated into Russian - "circle" or "round coin") is used exclusively abroad. The internal name of the currency is renminbi or, as is customary in Latin spelling, Renminbi, which translates as "people's money". Bank code - CNY. 1 yuan is equal to 10 jiao or 100 fen. Banknote denominations: 100, 50, 20, 10, 5, 2 (rare) and 1 yuan, as well as 5, 2 and 1 jiao. Coins: 1 yuan, 5, 2 and 1 jiao.

Traditionally, on the front side of banknotes there is a portrait of Mao Zedong and flowers. Moreover, a Japanese plum is added to the portrait of the leader for 100 yuan, a chrysanthemum for 50, a lotus for 20, a rose for 10, a narcissus for 5 and an orchid for 1 yuan. The reverse side is decorated with Chinese landscapes. The coins of the last series contain on the front side the name of the bank and the year of issue, on the back on 1 yuan - the inscription RMB (three times; the coin is made of nickel covered with steel), on 5 jiao - the image of a reed (made of copper covered with steel). Coin 1 jiao - smooth, made of aluminum alloy. Other denominations have not been issued since the end of the last century.

Despite the fact that China is considered one of the first countries in the world to use banknotes (coins appeared in the 7th century BC, banknotes - in the 8th century AD, and paper was invented there around 100 AD .), money in its modern form has its history there only since 1948. It was then that the People's Bank of China was created, which received the exclusive right to issue. Prior to that, since 1835, a Chinese liang was issued, equal to 10 mao and 100 fins. Small gold bars were used for large payments. In the countryside, more than small coins: qian and cache. In addition, throughout China, there was a huge amount of foreign money in circulation.

The first attempt to unify the monetary system was made in 1933, but it was not successful: as before, each province issued its own coins and banknotes. In addition, part of the territory was occupied, and Japanese military yen was in circulation there from 1938 to 1943.

Until 1935, the yuan was pegged to the silver standard, and after - to the gold one. At the same time, as a result of the monetary reform, the previously issued money was replaced by banknotes. Their excessive issue led to hyperinflation: in 1936, 1 US dollar corresponded to 3.36 yuan, and in 1946 - 3,350. The outbreak of the revolution completely brought down the national currency.

On January 1, 1948, the People's Bank of China issued the first "people's money", setting the gold content of the yuan at 0.22217 grams of pure gold. The exchange rate of old banknotes was 3 million for 1 yuan. Moreover, the reform was carried out not at a time, but as the provinces were united by the communists. Finally, local banknotes were replaced by a single currency only by 1952, and in Tibet - by 1959.

In the very first year, the authorities had to devalue the national currency several times: initially, 1 US dollar cost 4 yuan, by the end of 1948 it was already 20. new at the rate of 10,000:1.

The Chinese Yuan is not a freely convertible currency. Until 1974, its official rate was set by the People's Bank in relation to the British pound sterling and the Hong Kong dollar, later - to the US dollar and a basket of world currencies. Moreover, the official exchange rate did not always and not fully reflect economic trends: since 1994, it has been fixed at 8.27 yuan per dollar.

A certain easing in monetary policy occurred only in 2005, when the Chinese authorities carried out a revaluation of the yuan, raising its value by 2%. By 2008, the yuan appreciated by more than 20% to 6.82 yuan per US dollar. Nevertheless, even today, the PRC continues to enjoy certain foreign trade advantages, which are based on the undervalued exchange rate of the national currency. For the summer of 2011, the official exchange rate is 6.46 yuan per dollar.

In terms of investment, China is one of the most interesting countries. In two decades, China has made a huge leap, advancing to second place in the world in terms of gross domestic product after the United States, overtaking Japan and other developed countries. Moreover, among economists there is no consensus on how much China's GDP actually is. It is generally accepted that the national currency is undervalued by approximately two times, and due to the discrepancy between the official exchange rate and the real one, it is difficult to bring production data to a single indicator with other countries: figures vary from more than 5 trillion dollars to more than 10 trillion. At the same time, thanks to this situation, China has a stable positive trade balance.

At the same time, it is assumed that sooner or later the Chinese leadership will liberalize the economy and exchange rates. And then the prospect for making a profit due to the growth in the value of the currency may open up.

As for the exchange of cash currency in the PRC, foreign citizens can exchange it for yuan freely in banks and specialized exchange offices. Moreover, if you need to make a reverse exchange - change the remaining yuan for another currency upon departure, then you must save a certificate of exchange.

According to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on April 25, 2019, the price for 10 Chinese Yuan (CNY) is 9.5241 Russian ruble(RUB). Compared to the previous business day, the change was +0,0297 Russian ruble. To view the archive of the yuan exchange rate, click on the "Today" link and select the required date using the calendar.

It will help to quickly receive information about the quotes of the yuan against the ruble in the Forex market in real time this graph. The user is given the opportunity to customize the terminal in accordance with their preferences, choosing the style of the bars, setting up the indicators. Updated online, real-time CNY/RUB currency quotes reflect Forex trading.

the date Central Bank rate Change Percent
Today, Thu 10 CNY = 95.24 RUB +0,30 RUB +0,31 %
Yesterday, Wed 10 CNY = 94.94 RUB -0,08 RUB -0,08 %
April 23, Tue 10 CNY = 95.02 RUB -0,39 RUB -0,41 %
April 20, Sat 10 CNY = 95.42 RUB -0,14 RUB -0,15 %
19 April, Fri 10 CNY = 95.56 RUB -0,07 RUB -0,08 %
18 april, thu 10 CNY = 95.63 RUB -0,14 RUB -0,15 %
April 17, Wed 10 CNY = 95.77 RUB -0,03 RUB -0,03 %
April 16, Tue 10 CNY = 95.8 RUB -0,27 RUB -0,28 %
April 13, Sat 10 CNY = 96.07 RUB +0,19 RUB +0,20 %
12 April, Fri 10 CNY = 95.88 RUB -0,50 RUB -0,52 %
11 april, thu 10 CNY = 96.38 RUB -0,12 RUB -0,12 %
April 10, Wed 10 CNY = 96.5 RUB -0,75 RUB -0,77 %
9 April, Tue 10 CNY = 97.24 RUB -0,13 RUB -0,13 %
April 6, Sat 10 CNY = 97.37 RUB +0,13 RUB +0,13 %

Dynamics of the official exchange rate of the yuan against the ruble according to the Central Bank of Russia

The graph shows the dynamics of changes in the value of 10 yuan (CNY) against the ruble (RUB). With the help of quick links, or a horizontal ruler under the chart, you can select any period of time that interests you.

For the period you selected, the minimum price for 10 Chinese Yuan was ($ min|number:4 $) Russian ruble. It was ($ min|date:"d MMMM yyyy" $) year. The maximum price for 10 Chinese Yuan was recorded on ($ max|date:"d MMMM yyyy" $) at ($ max|number:4 $) Russian ruble.

Cross-currency rates from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation

Cross-currency rates are prepared based on the official exchange rate of the Russian ruble against foreign currencies, set by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation as of April 25, 2019.

Currency Cross course
Ruble to Chinese yuan 1 USD = 0.105 CNY
Chinese yuan to Australian dollar 10 CNY = 2.1133 USD
Chinese yuan to Azerbaijani manat 10 CNY = 2.5254 AZN
Chinese yuan to Armenian dram 10 CNY = 717.1354 AMD
Chinese yuan to Belarusian ruble 10 CNY = 3.1188 BYN
Chinese yuan to Bulgarian lev 10 CNY = 2.5963 BGN
Chinese yuan to brazilian real 10 CNY = 5.8349 BRL
Chinese yuan to Hungarian forint 10 CNY = 426.411 HUF
Chinese yuan to won of the Republic of Korea 10 CNY = 1 712.4461 KRW
Chinese yuan to Hong Kong dollar 10 CNY = 11.6748 HKD
Chinese yuan to Danish krone 10 CNY = 9.9108 DKK
Chinese yuan to dollar 10 CNY = 1.4886 USD
Chinese yuan to Euro 10 CNY = 1.328 EUR
Chinese yuan to Indian rupee 10 CNY = 104.0014 INR
Chinese yuan to Kazakh tenge 10 CNY = 564.2249 KZT
Chinese yuan to Canadian dollar 10 CNY = 2.0032 USD
Chinese yuan to to the Kyrgyz som 10 CNY = 103.9046 KGS
Chinese yuan to Moldovan leu 10 CNY = 26.5716 MDL
Chinese yuan to Turkmen manat 10 CNY = 5.2027 TMT
Chinese yuan to Norwegian krone 10 CNY = 12.7637 NOK
Chinese yuan to Polish zloty 10 CNY = PLN 5.6933
Chinese yuan to Romanian leu 10 CNY = 6.3127 RON
Chinese yuan to SDR (Special Drawing Rights) 10 CNY = 1.0731 XDR
Chinese yuan to Singapore dollar 10 CNY = 2,023 USD
Chinese yuan to Tajik somoni 10 CNY = 14.0375 TJS
Chinese yuan to Turkish lira 10 CNY = 8.7338 TRY
Chinese yuan to Uzbek sum 10 CNY = 12 555.8279 UZS
Chinese yuan to hryvnia 10 CNY = 39.569 UAH
Chinese yuan to pound sterling 10 CNY = 1.1516 GBP
Chinese yuan to Czech crown 10 CNY = 34.1783 CZK
Chinese yuan to Swedish krona 10 CNY = 13.9429 SEK
Chinese yuan to Swiss franc 10 CNY = 1.5167 CHF
Chinese yuan to South African rand 10 CNY = 21.3603 ZAR
Chinese yuan to Japanese yen 10 CNY = 166.4632 JPY

Chinese Yuan Information

Yuan is the official currency of modern China. The international designation is CNY. In one yuan for 10 jia, consisting of 100 fen. The issue is carried out by the People's Bank of China, established in 1948.

In the period from 1994 to 2005, the yuan was pegged to the US dollar at a rigid ratio of 8.27 to 1. The inscriptions on the banknotes are made in the four official languages ​​of the Chinese autonomies: Mongolian, Uighur, Zhuang and Tibetan. In 2013, China's currency became the second most common currency in world trade. The share of yuan in settlements by letters of credit and collection orders is 8.66%, while the share of euro is 6.64%. Yuan when making payments between states is used, in addition to China, by Hong Kong, Singapore, Germany and Australia.

Banknotes in circulation in denominations of 1, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 yuan. The Chinese currency is not used as an international one, but experts assure that in the near future the yuan will be presented on a par with the dollar and the euro.

History reference

Until the 20th century, silver tael (liang) was used as money in China, equal to 10 mao or 100 fen. Large amounts were paid in silver ingots - iambs. In remote villages, ancient copper coins- qian and caches. In larger settlements, coins and banknotes of other countries were found in circulation. The first yuan in the form silver coins appeared in 1835, although the lyans were in use for a long time.

This money went out of circulation only in the thirties of the last century, when customs duties and taxes began to be calculated in yuan. In April 1933, a single monetary unit, the yuan, was legally introduced throughout China. True, this measure did not eliminate the wide circulation of foreign and regional currencies. During World War II, payments in China were made in Japanese military yen.

The silver standard was valid in China until 1935. The monetary reform removed the silver yuan from circulation and replaced it with paper money - fabi. The currency was pegged to . The issue turned out to be too large, and provoked unprecedented inflation - in 1935 the dollar cost 3.36 yuan, and in 1943 the price of the American currency increased to 3,350 yuan. Since the autumn of 1943, the value of the yuan has ceased to form, since duties were established on the metal exported from China.

In 1948, the Chinese government undertook a new monetary reform, fixing the gold content of the Chinese currency - 0.22217 gr. in 1 yuan. Banknotes, the so-called "golden yuan", were printed, which were exchanged at the rate of 3 million fabi to 1 yuan. The dollar exchange rate was 1:4 at the beginning of the year, but by the end of 1948 the dollar was already worth 20 yuan.

In December 1948, the People's Bank of China was established, which was engaged in the exchange of all currencies that were in circulation in the country for a single monetary unit - the yuan or renminbi. With the formation of the People's Republic of China in 1949, the state took control of the exchange of money. When setting the exchange rate, the peculiarities of the regions and settlements. The exchange was mostly completed by 1952, but in Tibet the local currency existed until 1959.

Until 1974, the yuan was pegged to the pound sterling and the Hong Kong dollar, but since that time, the Chinese currency has been daily quoted against the US dollar and other monetary units of the currency basket. The hard peg to the US dollar brought pressure from the European Union, the US and Japan, who believed that the depreciation of the yuan gave China a competitive advantage in trade. In July 2005, China was forced to abandon the dollar peg and raise the yuan by 2%.

Now the exchange rate of the Chinese currency is determined in relation to several currencies. Chinese experts believe that such a peg makes the yuan more responsive to the global economy without undermining the country's financial system. In 2014, the yuan exchange rate remains stable - 100 yuan costs $16.36 or 686.45 rubles. The minimum price of the Chinese currency against the Russian ruble was fixed in 2006 - 1:3.37 rubles.

Economy of China

In terms of nominal GDP, the Chinese economy ranks second in the world. Economists predict that by the end of 2014, China will overtake the United States in terms of purchasing power parity (PPP). This information is provided in sources from the IMF. China's GDP is expected to reach $17.63 trillion, while US figures are expected to reach $17.42 trillion. In 2015, this gap will widen to $19.23 and $18.29 trillion, respectively. But the leadership of the United States in terms of GDP at current prices in 2014 will remain with a significant difference - $ 17.42 trillion. (USA) and $10.36 trillion. (China).

From Chinese, "yuan" is translated as "money", so the dollar in Chinese sounds like the American yuan. Banknotes of small denominations have a low degree of protection. "Expensive" banknotes are much more secure.

How much will

For convenience, a quick “calculator” is presented to help you understand which banknote costs how much. The information is current as of April 25, 2019 according to the Central Bank.

Currency Conversion
5 CNY 476,203 RUB
10 CNY 952,406 RUB
25 CNY 2 381,015 RUB
50 CNY $4,762.03
100 CNY 9 524.06 RUB
250 CNY $23,810.15
500 CNY RUB 47,620.3
1000 CNY 95 240.6 RUB
2500 CNY 238 101.5 RUB
5000 CNY 476 203.0 RUB
10 000 CNY RUB 952,406.0
25 000 CNY RUB 2,381,015.0
50 000 CNY RUB 4,762,030.0
100 000 CNY RUB 9,524,060.0

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