Games 3 d dogfight. Airplane games online

Do you dream of dizzying flights among the clouds - to seven thousand above the ground, and no compromises? Desperate adventurer, welcome to our site, which contains all the most best games planes that are on the network! Play exciting games planes, master the skill of controlling an iron bird and demonstrate aerobatics to your friends! Who knows, maybe in many years you will sit at the helm of an aircraft for real?

Me too, ace pilot!

Who doesn’t want to become a real professional in their field! So that the old people squint enviously, and the youth asks to be students - to gain invaluable experience from you. But what should be considered the standards of professionalism in such a matter as the control of a real aircraft?

Perhaps, in every profession there are two directions of development - towards the beauty of the process and towards productivity. And if some pilots strive to improve their skills in the art of aerobatics, doing incredible tricks in the air, others prefer to fly faster, higher and stronger. Whichever path you are interested in, the best place for training will be computer games aircraft. Wonderful virtual simulators will help you gain skills without risking either health or money.

Russian Knights

However, one should not assume that doing acrobatic exercises in the air is a skill that has only aesthetic value. One should never confuse the relationship between combat pilots and tricksters with those that exist between hockey players and, say, figure skaters! No, aerobatics originated as a martial art, and more than once the ability to enter a tailspin and competently exit it allowed fighter pilots to perform their combat missions. With a beautiful trick, you can not only distract the enemy, but also disorient him, go to him from an unexpected side and deliver a crushing blow from a position that was hard to even imagine a moment ago!

Airplane games give you the opportunity to try many maneuvers that only the highest class pilots can perform in the air. In our country, the strongest flight group is the “Russian Knights” - a real combat unit that can combine the desire for victory, indestructible strength and the ability to create real art. No major national holiday is complete today without these guys, and if you ever happen to be in Moscow for Russia Day, be sure to check out the air show!

Learn, learn and learn!

It takes a lot of practice to become a true professional. Sitting at the helm for the first time, not only will you not be able to make the Nesterov loop - it is unlikely that you will be able to take off and land back at the airfield without outside help! But losing control in the air is terribly dangerous. This is not a lesson in a driving school for you - before you get up from the ground, you need to have time somewhere to learn how to drive a steel colossus.

Modern computer simulators play an important role in the training of pilots. While you have not yet become a cadet, and you just want to try flying between the clouds “to the tooth”, online simulators are perfect for you - flash games about airplanes. Over time, your skills will grow, and you will move to more realistic simulators in which you will have a full control panel from the cockpit at your fingertips.

In a word, if you want to not only spend time with interest, but also acquire invaluable skills, you have come to the right place! Free Online Games about airplanes - this is your first step into a new bright life at an unrealistic height. However, flying is not only a respected and prestigious profession, but also an amazing pleasure. And even if you do not plan to become a pilot, you will definitely enjoy playing airplane games online, available for free on our website!

Everyone has their own dream, and who said that if you are made of iron and steel, you cannot dream? Baby Dusty is an agricultural aerial sprayer. He devoted many years to selfless labor on the Crooked Blades farm. But the kid, not for a minute, did not leave the dream of participating in the Air Rally, along with supersonic aircraft. As you know, nothing is impossible in the world, especially if you stubbornly go towards your goal. So Dusty, by chance, managed to take part in the round-the-world race. The whole world watched with bated breath as the little corn grower became the legend of Aviarally. During the race, he will have to make himself not only enemies who think “what is his sport-vegetables to fertilize”, but also friends, love and a lot of fans. Among his friends: Bulldog, Dotty, Chag, Ishani, Rochelle, El Chupacabra and many other wonderful characters. Our section contains the most beautiful and exciting games about airplanes.

You can try yourself in a wide variety of genres: quests, puzzles, search for items. Feel at the height of a bird's eye view, you can in the games "Sky Chase" and "Jet Racers". For our little fans, we offer you to try yourself as a detective in the games "Secret Missions" and "Find the Differences". But for lovers of calm and easy games, we are pleased to offer bright and colorful puzzles.

Online airplane games are the next topic after ground battles, which captivates boys of all generations. You will have to control a military aircraft and bombard objects of enemy structures in shooting games. Depending on which period of hostilities is indicated in the toy, you will get access to certain aircraft models and be able to control them on behalf of a pilot or a third party. A particularly large field of action is offered by realistic simulators, in which there is even the possibility of piloting a car using instruments. A lot of missions provide a background for choice and maneuvers, and successfully completed tasks allow you to upgrade equipment and increase the rank of pilot. More simple online flash games attract mainly children, since they are much easier to manage. Without being distracted by the details, they are invited to carry out the assigned tasks of destroying enemy objects on the ground or shooting down the enemy in the air. The number of destroyed points is immediately displayed on the panel playing field in the form of points scored, and when the goal is reached, a new stage of the game opens.

Since we live in peacetime, and planes serve people not only during war, flying games on planes are also not limited to this direction. Passenger airliners constantly travel long distances, carrying travelers and business people to different cities of the world. Becoming the pilot of this vehicle, you have to deliver people to their destination safe and sound. The weather is not always stable and there are storms, air pockets, and thunderclouds threaten with thunder, downpours and lightning. After overcoming all the difficulties, you must land the plane on the runway in order to maintain the credibility of your airline.

  • During such toys, landing and parking aircraft will become a separate area gameplay or part of the main.
  • You can also become a dispatcher and lead the plane in flight, direct it to a free runway, or keep it in the sky until a landing site is found.
  • An even more difficult task will be the task of getting the plane into the hangar. If not everyone manages to park a car in a garage, what can we say about such huge steel birds that are less agile and more overall! Only training and accumulated experience will help to cope with the task quickly and correctly.

More flying games on airplanes will accompany you on fires and during other rescue operations. Airplanes are often used during floods - by piloting over a disaster site, pilots look out for survivors and take them on board. In this situation, it is difficult to find a more suitable mode of transport that would pass through dangerous space and cover a large radius of visibility. Only a top view allows you to assess the situation on a large scale and send a trained team to rescue the drowning people.

Rescue victims by playing Airplane games

On fires, aircraft also have no equal. Over a burning forest or city, they spray compounds that can extinguish the flame and prevent it from spreading further. Without such help, the power of the fire would have consumed a much larger area and destroyed many lives in its path. In addition, planes are looking for lost tourists in the mountains and take on board the wounded, exhausted people. Playing online airplane games, you will have the opportunity to take part in rescue operations on your own, and in war support your squad with massive bombardment from above on enemy elements or take part in sports competitions, which are presented in a variety of ways today in real life and virtual.

Computer games initially gave a person the opportunity to experience what he could not try in life. One of the first genres was racing, which allowed you to feel the speed and seat of the car pilot under you. Then the gaming industry gradually began to conquer other areas. Now similar games are called simulators. Their task is to give an opportunity to evaluate a particular profession. Racer, teacher, airplane pilot - there are no boundaries for virtual reality. Among experienced players who consider it their duty to look at all the game novelties, as well as among those who are interested in different genres, there is an opinion that aviation simulators are complex games. The fact is that it is more difficult to become a pilot than a subcompact driver. This is how flight simulators differ from the same races. They are difficult to manage. This is especially true for network products. Airplanes make online games so resource-intensive that not every player will be able to participate in the game. Yes, and not everyone is interested. Simple flying boats are much easier to manage and take up less space. Although the history of games knew examples when even a simple game became irresistibly difficult for an ordinary player. It will be understood by those who remembers playing Top Gun on the console. Many people in those days were never able to land the ill-fated aircraft on an aircraft carrier.

The best leisure option

Online games airplanes conquer very slowly. Only now there is a development of two network simulators in MMORPG format at once. But they are too heavy for a simple game, and besides, they require registration. Well, to achieve success in the game - also money. Therefore, many do not try to play them. For them, they are of interest simple games.

This page is exactly what you see. We have put together a collection of simple products gaming industry. In order to play, you do not need to register or enter any personal data. And you don't have to pay either. Just choose the right game and feel free to click on the link. All games are tested for performance and for free. So do not be afraid, we will not ask you for a penny for playing on the site. Any flying games on airplanes are here for you. If you want, you can download the game directly from the site without any additional difficulties. There is a special link for this. So play well! works so that you have the opportunity to play comfortably, without being distracted by unnecessary tasks of downloading and registering.

The cockpit is a place inaccessible to most, but you really want to be at the helm, drive along the runway and confidently soar up! What was a dream is now easy to make a reality if you run airplane games on your computer. A huge fleet of airliners, bombers, fighters and even "invisibles", completely ready for takeoff, is waiting for everyone to play.

Airplane games are most often simulators that move the gamer into the cockpit and make them control the flight in the most unexpected and non-standard situations. Combat operations, intercontinental flight, delivery of goods, passenger transportation - the goals of air routes can be listed for a long time. But all the stories have one thing in common: the skill of control and the need for quick decisions in flight, takeoff and landing. But, of course, in the aviation "flash drives" there are tasks for young children. They are invited to play with their favorite cartoon characters and learn how to achieve the set game goals with the capabilities of the characters. For those who have already mastered the basics of flying skills, prepared new level flash games: completing tasks of increased complexity on the best aircraft of the present and future!

Under the game there is a description, instructions and rules, as well as thematic links to similar materials - we recommend that you read it.

Infrequently, developers manage to beautifully implement flash flying games, but this 3D air battle on fighter planes of the 20s and 30s of the last century was a success for the authors! Simple, intuitive flight control of the aircraft with the mouse; shooting is also done by pressing the mouse button.

Aircraft models are drawn as high quality as the speed of most computers allows. The task is simple - fly, engage in air combat on an equal footing and try to outwit the enemy pilot. The best solution would be a maneuver with the enemy ace in the tail, then a matter of technique ... Aiming is incredibly easier if you hang "on the tail", use this. Although it is very difficult to perform a competent maneuver at speed and get out of it at the right height and with the right direction. Head-on attacks are fraught with unfortunate consequences for both sides, so try to avoid collisions.

Can download game 3D AIR BATTLE on your computer, it will not take up much space, but think about whether it makes sense to do this, because here it is always available, you just need to open this page.

Take a break and play Online Games, which develop logic and imagination, allow you to have a good rest. Relax and take your mind off things!

Full screen

A game in categories Flying, Shooting is available for free, around the clock and without registering with a description in Russian on Min2Win. If the capabilities of the electronic desktop allow, you can expand the plot of the 3D AIR BATTLE in full screen and enhance the effect of the passage of scenarios. Many things really make sense to consider in more detail.

Airplane games gained popularity because they were able to give users an unforgettable experience. The action taking place in the air is characterized by freedom of movement, the danger of falling and, of course, the feeling of flying. At first, flying games appeared on arcade machines, but over time they migrated to other platforms, becoming more accessible to everyone.

Today you can enjoy airplane games for free and online. This section contains all the toys in which aircraft appear in one way or another. Therefore, the range covered is quite wide, as can be judged by the number of flash drives. Here are the most various games:

  • flying-shooters;
  • simulators;
  • race;
  • strategies;

Genre variability

In the classic top-down arcade online flying games, inspired by the old Space Invaders toy, the player will navigate through hordes of enemy vehicles and troops, destroying them with their weapons. There are not only flying games on airplanes, but also those that will allow you to play on helicopters, as well as advanced spaceships and old airships.

Among online games about airplanes, realistic simulators are also common, in which control is not just done with the mouse alone, but includes many nuances. In such flash drives, players are invited to manage a variety of systems, getting used to the full role of a pilot. Controlling altitude, fuel, flaps, undercarriage and other things in the heat of battle or difficult weather conditions is quite difficult, which only adds to the interest.

Free games about airplanes, strategy lovers were not bypassed either. You will definitely find something suitable if you want to be the manager of your own airport, an air traffic controller or the commander of your own squadron. Success here will not depend on your dexterity, but primarily on your ability to think quickly.

As you can see, there are online games about airplanes on game01 for every taste. They will appeal to both fans of flying games and just fans of browser flash drives, because the freedom provided in them, as well as a decent level of animation, will not leave anyone indifferent.

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