Damn treasures. The Secret World of Anubis

At the end of the 19th century, in the tiny French village of Rennes-le-Chateau, countless treasures were found that once belonged to the curate Berenger Sauniere. From 1891 to 1917, this man spent more than one and a half billion francs, but his wealth did not dry up. Why? Almost everyone who tried to find an explanation for this died a painful death ...

Strange Choice

On June 1, 1885, 33-year-old Berenger Sauniere appeared in the small parish of Rennes-le-Chateau. He brilliantly graduated from the seminary, but abandoned the career of a clergyman, and went to a village nestled at the foot of the Eastern Pyrenees, with a population of only 200 people. True, the church of St. Magdalene entrusted to him had long since fallen into disrepair, but it was still somehow possible to conduct services in it.
At that time, the salaries of the clergy were paid by the state, but once Sauniere delivered a sermon, which the authorities considered untimely, put him on the “black list” and deprived him of his monetary allowance. Now the curate was forced to earn his living by hunting and fishing. However, he... hired a maid, Marie Denarnot! Apparently, these two people, so different in character and education, were connected by some kind of secret. And even when Sauniere suddenly began to bathe in luxury, he did not think to part with Marie. And she, in turn, even in her declining years, exhausted by illnesses, did not reveal this secret connecting them.
Fortunately, a certain Abbot Pons bequeathed 600 francs to the parish of Rennes-le-Chateau, and in 1888, thanks to this modest gift, Sauniere was able to begin the most necessary repair work in the temple. Gave money for restoration and the local municipality.

Scrolls from the past

At the end of 1891, workers began to repair the church altar, which rested on two very ancient pillars, decorated with fine carvings in the form of crosses and mysterious letters. The restorers were in for a surprise: one of the pillars turned out to be hollow, and Sauniere took out four wooden tubes from it, the ends of which were sealed with wax! And on the wax could be seen prints of some strange seals. The tubes were immediately opened, and parchment scrolls fell out of them, on which three genealogical trees were depicted and a Latin text was written.
At first glance, the text seemed meaningless, and only a very attentive reader could notice that some letters in the text slightly towered over others. If you read only them, then you get the phrase: “This treasure belongs to King Dagobert II and Sion. Whoever encroaches on the treasure - death! The case received publicity, but Saunière convinced the local authorities to sell the mysterious pipes to antique dealers in Paris. There the municipality sent an enterprising curate, paying him all the expenses.
Apparently, Berenger Sauniere realized that the scrolls contained information about the treasures of some secret order, and decided to decipher it. Upon arrival, he went to the head of the seminary in Saint-Sulpice, Abbé Biel, a specialist in the field of linguistics, cryptography and paleography, and also visited the Louvre, where he ordered copies of three paintings: “The Arcadian shepherds” by Poussin, “The Temptation of St. Anthony” by Teniers and a portrait of Pope Celestine V by an unknown artist.
For some reason, the Abbé Biel did not return the scrolls to Saunière (however, the curate managed to copy them just in case), and he had to somehow explain this loss to the local authorities. And soon he visited the bishop in Carcassonne (the town closest to Rennes-le-Chateau), and after a conversation with him, not only was he not punished for the lost scrolls, but he also received 2,000 francs “for his labors”! Apparently, he shared some information with the bishop.

"Terrible this place"

Continuing the restoration of the church, the curé soon removed from the underground a carved slab dating back to the 7th or 8th century and possibly covering the old crypt. Then he sought out at the local
the cemetery is the grave of the Marquise Marie d'Hautpoul de Blanchefort, who died about 100 years ago. On her tombstone one could make out the inscription, which the curate immediately destroyed! Accompanied by his faithful maid, Marie, the curé went around the area in search of other tombstones. They say he was looking for some mysterious inscriptions on them. Soon the curé began to travel to different countries, after which large money transfers began to come from there to the name of his maid Marie. After that, the holy father began to literally litter money and, explaining this by the fact that he received an inheritance. As it turned out after his death, these expenses amounted to millions of francs! True, part of the money was used to improve the village and help its poorest residents. And over the portico of the church, by order of the curate, an inscription in Latin was engraved: "This place is terrible." The church itself was completely rebuilt.
All work was completed in 1897, Bishop Billar of Carcassonne consecrated it, although, it would seem, he should not have done this. In fact, as soon as a person went inside, he was immediately seized by a vague anxiety! In addition, an ugly bronze imp supported the ashtray, and when the eyes got used to the semi-darkness, an image of a whole crowd of ugly creatures appeared on the walls, frozen in obscene poses, painted in bright colors and staring at the guests with a chilling look. However, no matter what Sauniere did, he always met with the support of the highest church authorities.

Doesn't need communion...

Having restored the church, the curate continued to squander money. For example, he built a three-story crenellated tower on the top of a mountain, built a huge villa for himself, laid out a wonderful park with a reservoir. He bought rare Chinese items, expensive fabrics, antique marble figurines, collected a magnificent library. In his villa, the curate arranged banquets for parishioners, at which he handed over to all those present expensive gifts. On January 17, 1917, Sauniere suffered a stroke. A priest from a neighboring parish was invited to him, who, after talking with the dying man, declared that he did not need the last communion ... In his will, Sauniere announced that he did not have a centime in his soul. However, his faithful servant Marie continued to live in the master's villa in grand style until 1946, and only monetary reform ruined her. In 1953, she, like Berenger Saunière, had a stroke, and soon she died. However, before her death, the woman managed to say something to her brother Noel Corbu. According to her, an old parchment found under the altar contained encrypted information about the location of the treasure, and the painting "Arcadian shepherds" was the key to the mystery.
The painting depicts three shepherds and a shepherd girl, who, surrounding an ancient grave, contemplate an obscure inscription in Latin on it, and in the background is a mountain landscape born of the artist's fantasy. So, in 1970, ten kilometers from Rennes-le-Chateau, near the village of Arc, a grave was found identical to the one that the shepherds are looking at in the picture. When the grave was opened, it turned out to be empty...

A mystery that takes lives

In 1956, René Decadeia, curator of the library of Carcassonne, with several enthusiasts, undertook excavations in the church of Rennes-le-Chateau, in front of the main altar, where they found a lot of curiosity. For example, the skull of a man with a chopped wound, and in the garden of Sauniere's house - the bodies of three men with gunshot wounds.
Monsieur Noel Corbu, the last owner of the estate and papers of Béranger Saunière, died in a car accident in 1968.
Mullah Fakhar-ul-Islam, also eager to solve the mystery of the treasures of Rennes-le-Château, was found disfigured on the railroad track in 1967.
Less than a month later, Monseigneur Boyer, vicar general of the Bishopric of Carcassonne, who was very, very interested in the mystery of the Saunière treasure, was severely injured in a car accident. The mournful list of victims continues to this day. But, despite the unflagging attention to the secrets of the cure Saunière, one thing is certain: it is dangerous to show an increased interest in this case ...

In Belarusian folklore, primarily in legends, such anomalous events are quite often described as the appearance of mysterious lights and ghosts, other strange and mystical creatures on the site of treasures hidden in the ground. According to popular beliefs, such treasures are considered enchanted, they rise from time to time on the surface of the earth and, as it were, “dry” in the form of red (gold), blue or white (silver) lights.
But when a person approaches the treasure or touches it, the glow suddenly disappears. According to some legends, such lights and various infernal creatures around them can be seen in the middle of the night on rivers, lakes, swamps, burial mounds, cemeteries, settlements, hills and near cult stones...

So, near the village of Kolchuny, Oshmyany district, in the forest there is a large boulder, on one of the sides of which a cross is carved. People believe that a treasure left by Napoleon himself is buried under this stone. Previously, the boulder lay on the mountain, but many treasure hunters tried to move it, even wanted to blow it up. Yes, all in vain, on the contrary, the stone began to "climb" into the ground. And the villagers began to see an unusual glow at that place at night. People thought that someone was looking for a treasure, however, there were those who called this phenomenon paranormal.

Near the village of Name-day of the Kobrin district, on a high mountain covered with pine forest, a large stone also once lay. One day a man decided to spend the night on it. But an invisible force threw him fifty paces aside. From there, he saw flashes of blue and red fire alternately on the stone. When a person approached the stone, the fire disappeared, and as soon as he moved away from the boulder, the fire reappeared. The next day, they found three silver coins. According to legend, the fire in that place is now.
Quite often, in stories about such stones, not only lights appear, but also mysterious sounds, various creatures. For example, not far from the village of Lyntupy in the Postavy District, about 0.5 km to the east of it, in the tract of Prydatki2, the “Devil’s Stone” once lay. Local people claimed that they heard the ringing of some bells near him, saw lights and bonfires without smoke. If in the morning they came closer, then no fire was found there.
People observe similar phenomena at the present time near the villages of Polesie and Petruti in the Postavy district, as well as the village of Bogdanovo in the Braslav district. So, between the village of Polissya and Petruti near Krivoy Gora on the lake, not far from the "Holy Spring" there is a boulder, which the locals call the "Devil's Stone" and say that the devils used to play cards on it, and at night they saw lights.
According to the legend, once at dusk a guy was returning from Polesye to Petruti from a party. When he approached Crooked Mountain, a richly dressed stranger suddenly appeared in front of him and invited the guy to play cards with his friends. The guy began to refuse, referring to the lack of money, but the stranger lent him a palm full of gold coins. From the radiance of money, the guy lost his mind and went along with a stranger beyond Krivaya Gora, where two more men, also smartly dressed, were sitting on a stone.
A fire was burning next to the stone, which did not give heat and smoke, which did not surprise the guy, and he began to play cards. It is further told that, carried away by the game, the guy almost pawned his soul to the devils (under the guise of wealthy strangers, it was they), but the rooster crowed, and the demons disappeared.
In the popular imagination, cursed (cursed) treasures could also take the form of zoomorphic creatures. For example, near Lake Sorochanskoe, in the tract High apiary, which is 1.5 km from the village of Mikulki in the Postavy region, lies the so-called Zhvirasty (gravel) Stone. They say that if someone was late and drove through this place at night, then a lamb jumped out from under the stone and shone with a bright flame. When approaching him, he began to gradually fade to black.
The horses harnessed to the carts reared up, overturned the carts, freed themselves from the harness and ran away. Local residents are sure that a cursed treasure or a cart with gold is hidden under the stone, and the devil, who appears to people in the form of a lamb, guards all this.

And in the Rossony district, on one hill, lay the so-called Snake Stone. According to legend, it turned into a stone, which flew at night, “blazing with fire”, as if “carrying with it a lot of gold and silver to a sinner who sold his soul to hell.” But thunder struck, lightning flashed, and already, “defeated by the scythes of heaven,” fell on a hill and turned into stone. And those treasures that he already carried with him, went into the ground there and now appear in different places of the hill in various forms. Some of them are shown in the form of Lamentations (Wailing Woman), she wiped her tears with a handkerchief that burned with fire, others saw black and fat dwarfs, the third were black goats.
Near the village of Sutarovschina, Braslav district, there is Bela (White) or Vyaliki (Big) Stone with a human footprint, which lies on a hill. People say that gold is hidden under the stone, and by the stone you can see the Yellow Woman with a child in her arms, who guard the valuables. One day, a boy and a girl who wanted to take possession of the treasure saw a golden dog in this place at dawn, whose hair sparkled and shone, but that dog did not fall into their hands.
In the village of Bogdanovo, Braslav district, on a local miraculous stone, after sunset, they see a “toothy flame” or an old woman with a huge bag. At midnight, the devils supposedly dance near the stone. Near Tsudadzeynag (Miraculous) Stone in the village of Zharnelishki of the same region, according to stories, miracles also happen: three horsemen appear, a forest fire appears, a dog barks ... They say that a pot of gold is hidden under the stone.
In the village of Oshmyanets, Smorgon district, there is a stone, not far from which, according to legend, the Swedes buried a carriage with gold during their retreat, others say that a boat with gold was buried here. Locals see a radiance near the stone, if you come closer, the radiance disappears. According to legend, one man met a beautiful girl at the stone, she asked him to come here tomorrow at noon (service time in the church).
The next day, instead of a beauty, at this place a man saw a snake and cursed him. It turned out to be a girl turned by a snake, who said that she also cursed him forever, and disappeared. Archaeologist Konstantin Tyshkevich conducted research there and found two circles of smaller stones around the stone. He considered that in pagan times the boulder was an altar.
A stone called Semigayun or Gayun lies in a forest on the left bank of the Dnieper near the city of Orsha, Vitebsk region. According to legend, when it rains, the stone remains dry and radiates healing heat, heals diseases. greatest strength the stone has September 14 - at the beginning of Indian summer.

In the Bialystok region, near the village of Minkovtsy (formerly the Grodno province), at noon, fire came out of a pile of stones. According to legend, a cursed treasure is hidden there. If someone came closer, a "soldier's hand with a saber" flew out from there and tried to cut the person down.
There are many legends about the cursed treasures buried in castles and settlements, or in the hills. Usually, such treasures, according to legend, were buried during wars either by the Swedes, or the French, or Russians, and at night they can also appear in the form of lights. For example, in the ancient settlement near the village of Bolshie Spores in the Postavy district and Latygovo in the Verkhnedvinsk district, as well as some others. So, in the settlement near the village of Degtyarevo on the left bank of the Drissa River and the former Latygovo of the Verkhnedvinsky district, cursed treasures are hidden that come to the surface on Kupala.
The settlement near the village of Zbochno, Slonimsky district, is connected, according to the stories of local residents, with the war with the Swedes or with the struggle of the princes of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania with the crusaders. It is said that a treasure is buried in the settlement, so the lights are often seen here. In the village of Lyskovo, Volkovysk district (now the Pruzhany district, Brest region), they are sure that a treasure is also buried in their settlement, which is located nearby, which sometimes “blazes with flames”, but in another way “dries out”.
In the same area, not far from the village of Mstibovo, on the castle site and near it, according to local residents, white and red fire very often appears. They are sure that a lot of money and all kinds of wealth are buried here. And once the shepherds saw at the site “a certain person with a brush in his hand,” who kept asking to be scratched. People were sure that it was the treasure itself that was asking for it, but the shepherds got scared and fled.

Residents of the village of Shadintsy, Grodno region, are sure that at the foot of their cult mountain Kostelok, into which, according to legend, the church fell, a cursed treasure was also buried. Sometimes they see him come to the surface and blaze with fire, usually at noon.

Mountains where, according to legend, the treasure is hidden:

Varganskaya Gora - the village of Vargany of the Dokshitsky district, - the treasure comes to the surface in different images. Previously, there was also a cult stone here.

Tamilava Mountain between the villages of Brianchitsy, Chepel and Pivashi, Soligorsk district. According to legend, the Swede buried three barrels of gold on golden wheels on the mountain, the gold “dries out” from time to time, and then the whole mountain shines. If you see those lights and have time to throw the removed boot over your shoulder, then where it falls, you will dig up the treasure there. Now the mountain is destroyed - it is covered with slag heaps.
Yanavskaya Gora near the village of Smolyary, Borisov district. Here nearby is the Building-Stone (Ghost-Stone), a holy spring, ghosts appear in the form of beautiful young women. If a person got lost, they undressed him and put him to sleep on a stone not far from the swamp, and at that time it seemed to him that he was at home. Also heard there before the neighing of horses, the bleating of sheep.
Mount Chertovka near the village of Voronichi, Polotsk region. Ghosts appear on the mountain.

Mountains of Shalamy near the village of Shalamy-1, Slavgorod district, Mogilev region. Allegedly, cities have collapsed there along with temples and people, noise, ringing, singing are heard there.
Golden Mountain - the village of Minyanka, Kobrin district, Brest region. According to legend, Napoleon buried a carriage full of gold here.
Golden Hill in Minsk - thieves buried a lot of treasures there; According to another legend, believers poured a pile of gold coins to build a temple.

On Mount Prince's Grave (village of Perevoz, Rossony District), princely wealth is buried.
Bald Mountain in the village of Lotochki, Braslav district. They say that a cursed treasure is buried on the mountain, and in order to get it, you need to: a) build a fire on the mountain; b) to tear off the skin from a live horse; c) harness this horse and draw three furrows on it around the fire - then the treasure will come to light.
Bald Mountain in the village of Sperizhye, Bragin district. According to legend, Empress Catherine buried a golden carriage here.
Pokrov-Gora or Krasnaya Gorka (village Vishchin, Rogachevsky district) - a golden carriage is buried.
Shpileva Gora between the villages of Polonevichi and Andrievshchina of the Dzerzhinsky district - the French buried 100 carts with gold and weapons.
Sometimes lights appear in those places where, according to popular belief, as a result of the curse of people, some kind of building falls into the ground. So, not far from the village of Lyskovo, Volkovysk district (now the Pruzhany district, Brest region), where in the Okopy tract in ancient times the palace of one noble lady Beni collapsed. It was during the war with the Russians, when the palace was destroyed, and the lady cursed this place so that her wealth would not go to the enemy. Subsequently, a fire is shown here from time to time, which immediately goes out with the approach of a person.
According to the second version of the legend, when someone approaches the fire, they see a chest on which candles are burning, and a beautiful young lady is sitting on it, next to her are two scary dogs on chains. The young lady asks the man to take the treasure, but the dogs do not allow this to be done, and the young lady says that she will have to sit here for another three hundred years.
The following legend tells that once near the village of Sloboda, Bykhov district, not far from the forest, there was a church where a priest named Khrol served. The father was good, everyone respected him, but suddenly he deteriorated - he began to stare at other people's girls. Mother became very angry and cursed him, and God himself became angry with her: the church fell into the ground, and a lake formed in its place. Only at night the church floats to the surface, and the devils light candles in it, so it seems that something is shining there. After that, people began to call that place Devilish. They say that it is still called that.
It is often mentioned that cursed treasures are flooded in a lake or river. As in the above-mentioned Sorochansky lake, where Napoleon allegedly sank a carriage with gold. From time to time it comes to the surface and "glows". The same is said about Lake Deaf or Wild in the village of Kolpinsky, Dyatlovsky district. There supposedly Napoleon flooded the treasure. If someone tries to take possession of the treasure, a ghost comes out of the lake and strangles him.
Not far from the village of Shebrin, near Brest, on the banks of the Mukhavets River, there is a hill called the Castle of Adam or Adamuha. According to legend, Pan Adam lived here, who buried all his money at the bottom of the river before his death. In clear weather, people see the money in the chest float to the surface to "dry". And in Lake Khotomlya, near the village of Shepelevichi, Kruglyansky District, a golden wagon was flooded.
Sometimes legends mention a swamp where a cursed treasure is drowned. For example, as in the village of Kukarevo, Berezinsky district. There, according to local beliefs, in the Lyashevsky swamp, during the retreat, Napoleon himself failed in his golden carriage. And it happens that one of the villagers sees from afar how gold is “drying” there.
It is necessary to come closer, and the treasure disappears. In a swamp near the village of Sychkovo in the Bobruisk region, many weapons and horse-drawn carts were flooded, allegedly during the Swedish war, among them a golden carriage. The same is said about the swamp near the Krevlyanka River in the Smorgon region, where a carriage was allegedly flooded.

And it happens that an unusual fire is seen in a cemetery or burial mounds. Between the villages of Novoselki and Milosevici of the Slonimsky district there is a spruce forest, which is called the Boyars. According to legend, rich boyars once lived here, and after their death they were buried in that forest. On their graves to this day there are large carved stones, overgrown with moss for a long time. They say that the boyars come out of the other world once a year, and then a terrible storm rises in the forest. And if they find someone at this time in the cemetery, then they tear him to pieces. They also say that these boyars, along with the wolves, sing songs and burn a fire until the morning.
In the village of Derevnaya in Logoyshchyna, in the old cemetery, a box with money is allegedly buried. At midnight, as the locals say, here you can see flashes of fire, and then a certain “lady” with a box in her hands. But before a person has time to orient himself, the box turns into a polar bear. Near the village of Name-Day Drogichinsky district in the old cemetery, according to legend, every year on Great Saturday during twilight and until midnight there are flashes that look like flames, they are either white, or red, or blue. It is said that the damned money buried here by the Swedes is "drying".
And on the mound near the village of Latokha, Vitebsk region, at the place of the treasure, a fire appears and a white horse jumps between the mounds. In the Gorodok district, on a burial mound, you can see two huge horses and a white wagon drawn by three horses. In the village of Bolshoi Rozhan, Soligorsk district, the Belarusian ethnographer Alexander Serzhputovsky recorded a legend that on the bank of the river, where there are many burial mounds, from time to time a fire burns on some hill. They say that “money blossoms” there, and if someone wants to come closer, the fire will go out. According to legend, this is cursed money. This is how money shows where it is hidden so that it can be released from the earth.
Lights are also seen on the so-called "proshchah" (farewell). An example is easier near the village of Khutor, Svetlogorsk district, Gomel region. Natural objects here: a hill, an oak grove, previously there was a holy spring and a stone-tracker, next to the burial mound. Gold was once hidden here, so you can see the lights here. It is said that one woman found that gold, but it is given only to the one to whom it is "destined."
The cursed treasure can be under a tree. Example: Nikolsky oak in the village of Mikolka (former Peschanka) of the Uzdensky district. According to legend, the French buried a golden treasure under the oak.

Let's draw conclusions:

Most of the information about the infernal phenomena described above is recorded in areas like cult hills and near cult stones. Moreover, on many hills there were, and in some places even now there are cult stones;
- in addition to the lights in the place of the cursed treasures, people see visual and feel sound hallucinations;
- the time when such phenomena occur is significant calendar holidays (Kupalye, Easter, Indian Summer, etc.), as well as at midnight or noon, at dawn and at dusk - also a landmark time for ancient people.
In Belarusian mythology, the image of the god Veles was identified with wealth and gold. Most likely, in those places where people observe such infernal phenomena, such as visual and sound hallucinations - they see lights and various ghostly visions, hear noise, bells - there were ancient temples where our ancestors performed pre-Christian rites and rituals dedicated to this deity or his analogue.
It is known that ancient people built their temples on special places, which from the very beginning had a certain "power", for example, those in which geologists are now discovering geomagnetic anomalies. After the establishment of a new faith, these places were additionally prayed for by those people who came here to perform various rituals, and the most susceptible of them could enter a trance, during which they could see and hear all sorts of hallucinations.

In Belarusian folklore, primarily in legends, such anomalous events are quite often described as the appearance of mysterious lights and ghosts, other strange and mystical creatures on the site of treasures hidden in the ground.

According to popular beliefs, such treasures are considered enchanted; from time to time they rise to the surface of the earth and, as it were, “dry” in the form of red (gold), blue or white (silver) lights.

But when a person approaches the treasure or touches it, the glow suddenly disappears. According to some legends, such lights and various infernal creatures around them can be seen in the middle of the night on rivers, lakes, swamps, mounds, cemeteries, settlements, hills and near cult stones ...

So, near the village of Kolchuny, Oshmyany district, in the forest there is a large boulder, on one of the sides of which a cross is carved. People believe that a treasure left by Napoleon himself is buried under this stone. Previously, the boulder lay on the mountain, but many treasure hunters tried to move it, even wanted to blow it up. Yes, all in vain, on the contrary, the stone began to "climb" into the ground. And the villagers began to see an unusual glow at that place at night. People thought that someone was looking for a treasure, however, there were those who called this phenomenon paranormal.

A boulder near the village of Kolchuny (Oshmyany district).

Near the village of Name-day of the Kobrin district, on a high mountain covered with pine forest, a large stone also once lay. One day a man decided to spend the night on it. But an invisible force threw him fifty paces aside. From there, he saw flashes of blue and red fire alternately on the stone. When a person approached the stone, the fire disappeared, and as soon as he moved away from the boulder, the fire reappeared. The next day, three silver coins were found near the stone. According to legend, the fire in that place is now.

Quite often, in stories about such stones, not only lights appear, but also mysterious sounds, various creatures. For example, not far from the village of Lyntupy in the Postavy District, about 0.5 km to the east of it, in the tract of Prydatki2, the “Devil’s Stone” once lay. Local people claimed that they heard the ringing of some bells near him, saw lights and bonfires without smoke. If in the morning they came closer, then no fire was found there.

People observe similar phenomena at the present time near the villages of Polesie and Petruti in the Postavy district, as well as the village of Bogdanovo in the Braslav district. So, between the village of Polissya and Petruti near Krivoy Gora on the lake, not far from the "Holy Spring" there is a boulder, which the locals call the "Devil's Stone" and say that the devils used to play cards on it, and at night they saw lights.

According to the legend, once at dusk a guy was returning from Polesye to Petruti from a party. When he approached Crooked Mountain, a richly dressed stranger suddenly appeared in front of him and invited the guy to play cards with his friends. The guy began to refuse, referring to the lack of money, but the stranger lent him a palm full of gold coins. From the radiance of money, the guy lost his mind and went along with a stranger beyond Krivaya Gora, where two more men, also smartly dressed, were sitting on a stone.

A fire was burning next to the stone, which did not give heat and smoke, which did not surprise the guy, and he began to play cards. It is further told that, carried away by the game, the guy almost pawned his soul to the devils (under the guise of wealthy strangers, it was they), but the rooster crowed, and the demons disappeared.

In the popular imagination, cursed (cursed) treasures could also take the form of zoomorphic creatures. For example, near Lake Sorochanskoe, in the tract High apiary, which is 1.5 km from the village of Mikulki in the Postavy region, lies the so-called Zhvirasty (gravel) Stone. They say that if someone was late and drove through this place at night, then a lamb jumped out from under the stone and shone with a bright flame. When approaching him, he began to gradually fade to black.

The horses harnessed to the carts reared up, overturned the carts, freed themselves from the harness and ran away. Local residents are sure that a cursed treasure or a cart with gold is hidden under the stone, and the devil, who appears to people in the form of a lamb, guards all this.

They say that the cursed treasure is also buried near Mount Kostelok (Grodno region).

And in the Rossony district, on one hill, lay the so-called Snake Stone. According to legend, it turned into a stone, which flew at night, “blazing with fire”, as if “carrying with it a lot of gold and silver to a sinner who sold his soul to hell.” But thunder struck, lightning flashed, and already, “defeated by the scythes of heaven,” fell on a hill and turned into stone. And those treasures that he already carried with him, went into the ground there and now appear in different places of the hill in various forms. Some of them are shown in the form of Lamentations (Wailing Woman), she wiped her tears with a handkerchief that burned with fire, others saw black and fat dwarfs, the third were black goats.

Near the village of Sutarovschina, Braslav district, there is Bela (White) or Vyaliki (Big) Stone with a human footprint, which lies on a hill. People say that gold is hidden under the stone, and by the stone you can see the Yellow Woman with a child in her arms, who guard the valuables. One day, a boy and a girl who wanted to take possession of the treasure saw a golden dog in this place at dawn, whose hair sparkled and shone, but that dog did not fall into their hands.

In the village of Bogdanovo, Braslav district, on a local miraculous stone, after sunset, they see a “toothy flame” or an old woman with a huge bag. At midnight, the devils supposedly dance near the stone. Near Tsudadzeinag (Miraculous) Stone in the village of Zharnelishki of the same region, according to stories, miracles also happen: three horsemen appear, a forest fire is imagined, a dog barks ... They say that a pot of gold is hidden under the stone.

In the village of Oshmyanets, Smorgon district, there is a stone, not far from which, according to legend, the Swedes buried a carriage with gold during their retreat, others say that a boat with gold was buried here. Locals see a radiance near the stone, if you come closer, the radiance disappears. According to legend, one man met a beautiful girl at the stone, she asked him to come here tomorrow at noon (service time in the church).

The next day, instead of a beauty, at this place a man saw a snake and cursed him. It turned out to be a girl turned by a snake, who said that she also cursed him forever, and disappeared. Archaeologist Konstantin Tyshkevich conducted research there and found two circles of smaller stones around the stone. He considered that in pagan times the boulder was an altar.

A stone called Semigayun or Gayun lies in a forest on the left bank of the Dnieper near the city of Orsha, Vitebsk region. According to legend, when it rains, the stone remains dry and radiates healing heat, heals diseases. The stone has the greatest power on September 14 - at the beginning of Indian summer.

Stone Semigayun (Orsha region).

In the Bialystok region, near the village of Minkovtsy (formerly the Grodno province), at noon, fire came out of a pile of stones. According to legend, a cursed treasure is hidden there. If someone came closer, a "soldier's hand with a saber" flew out from there and tried to cut the person down.

There are many legends about the cursed treasures buried in castles and settlements, or in the hills. Usually, such treasures, according to legend, were buried during wars either by the Swedes, or the French, or Russians, and at night they can also appear in the form of lights. For example, in the ancient settlement near the village of Bolshie Spores in the Postavy district and Latygovo in the Verkhnedvinsk district, as well as some others. So, in the settlement near the village of Degtyarevo on the left bank of the Drissa River and the former Latygovo of the Verkhnedvinsky district, cursed treasures are hidden that come to the surface on Kupala.

The settlement near the village of Zbochno, Slonimsky district, is connected, according to the stories of local residents, with the war with the Swedes or with the struggle of the princes of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania with the crusaders. It is said that a treasure is buried in the settlement, so the lights are often seen here. In the village of Lyskovo, Volkovysk district (now the Pruzhany district, Brest region), they are sure that a treasure is also buried in their settlement, which is located nearby, which sometimes “blazes with flames”, but in another way “dries out”.

In the same area, not far from the village of Mstibovo, on the castle site and near it, according to local residents, white and red fire very often appears. They are sure that a lot of money and all kinds of wealth are buried here. And once the shepherds saw at the site “a certain person with a brush in his hand,” who kept asking to be scratched. People were sure that it was the treasure itself that was asking for it, but the shepherds got scared and fled.

Varganskaya Gora (Dokshitsy district).

Residents of the village of Shadintsy, Grodno region, are sure that at the foot of their cult mountain Kostelok, into which, according to legend, the church fell, a cursed treasure was also buried. Sometimes they see him come to the surface and blaze with fire, usually at noon.

Mountains where, according to legend, the treasure is hidden:

Varganskaya Gora - the village of Vargany of the Dokshitsky district, - the treasure comes to the surface in different images. Previously, there was also a cult stone here.

Zamchische near the village of Mstibovo (Volkovysk district).

Tamilava Mountain between the villages of Brianchitsy, Chepel and Pivashi, Soligorsk district. According to legend, the Swede buried three barrels of gold on golden wheels on the mountain, the gold “dries out” from time to time, and then the whole mountain shines. If you see those lights and have time to throw the removed boot over your shoulder, then where it falls, you will dig up the treasure there. Now the mountain is destroyed - it is covered with slag heaps.

Yanavskaya Gora near the village of Smolyary, Borisov district. Here nearby is the Building-Stone (Ghost-Stone), a holy spring, ghosts appear in the form of beautiful young women. If a person got lost, they undressed him and put him to sleep on a stone not far from the swamp, and at that time it seemed to him that he was at home. Also heard there before the neighing of horses, the bleating of sheep.

Mount Chertovka near the village of Voronichi, Polotsk region. Ghosts appear on the mountain.

Building-Stone near the village of Smolyary (Borisovsky district).

Mountains of Shalamy near the village of Shalamy-1, Slavgorod district, Mogilev region. Allegedly, cities have collapsed there along with temples and people, noise, ringing, singing are heard there.

Golden Mountain - the village of Minyanka, Kobrin district, Brest region. According to legend, Napoleon buried a carriage full of gold here.

Golden Hill in Minsk - thieves buried a lot of treasures there; According to another legend, believers poured a pile of gold coins to build a temple.

Church of the Holy Trinity in the Golden Hill (Minsk).

On Mount Prince's Grave (village of Perevoz, Rossony District), princely wealth is buried.

Bald Mountain in the village of Lotochki, Braslav district. They say that a cursed treasure is buried on the mountain, and in order to get it, you need to: a) build a fire on the mountain; b) to tear off the skin from a live horse; c) harness this horse and draw three furrows on it around the fire - then the treasure will come to light.

Bald Mountain in the village of Sperizhye, Bragin district. According to legend, Empress Catherine buried a golden carriage here.

Pokrov-Gora or Krasnaya Gorka (village Vishchin, Rogachevsky district) - a golden carriage is buried.

Shpileva Gora between the villages of Polonevichi and Andrievshchina of the Dzerzhinsky district - the French buried 100 carts with gold and weapons.

Sometimes lights appear in those places where, according to popular belief, as a result of the curse of people, some kind of building falls into the ground. So, not far from the village of Lyskovo, Volkovysk district (now the Pruzhany district, Brest region), where in the Okopy tract in ancient times the palace of one noble lady Beni collapsed. It was during the war with the Russians, when the palace was destroyed, and the lady cursed this place so that her wealth would not go to the enemy. Subsequently, a fire is shown here from time to time, which immediately goes out with the approach of a person.

According to the second version of the legend, when someone approaches the fire, they see a chest on which candles are burning, and a beautiful young lady is sitting on it, next to her are two scary dogs on chains. The young lady asks the man to take the treasure, but the dogs do not allow this to be done, and the young lady says that she will have to sit here for another three hundred years.

The following legend tells that once near the village of Sloboda, Bykhov district, not far from the forest, there was a church where a priest named Khrol served. The father was good, everyone respected him, but suddenly he deteriorated - he began to stare at other people's girls. Mother became very angry and cursed him, and God himself became angry with her: the church fell into the ground, and a lake formed in its place. Only at night the church floats to the surface, and the devils light candles in it, so it seems that something is shining there. After that, people began to call that place Devilish. They say that it is still called that.

It is often mentioned that cursed treasures are flooded in a lake or river. As in the above-mentioned Sorochansky lake, where Napoleon allegedly sank a carriage with gold. From time to time it comes to the surface and "glows". The same is said about Lake Deaf or Wild in the village of Kolpinsky, Dyatlovsky district. There supposedly Napoleon flooded the treasure. If someone tries to take possession of the treasure, a ghost comes out of the lake and strangles him.

Not far from the village of Shebrin, near Brest, on the banks of the Mukhavets River, there is a hill called the Castle of Adam or Adamuha. According to legend, Pan Adam lived here, who buried all his money at the bottom of the river before his death. In clear weather, people see the money in the chest float to the surface to "dry". And in Lake Khotomlya, near the village of Shepelevichi, Kruglyansky District, a golden wagon was flooded.

Sometimes legends mention a swamp where a cursed treasure is drowned. For example, as in the village of Kukarevo, Berezinsky district. There, according to local beliefs, in the Lyashevsky swamp, during the retreat, Napoleon himself failed in his golden carriage. And it happens that one of the villagers sees from afar how gold is “drying” there.

It is necessary to come closer, and the treasure disappears. In a swamp near the village of Sychkovo in the Bobruisk region, many weapons and horse-drawn carts were flooded, allegedly during the Swedish war, among them a golden carriage. The same is said about the swamp near the Krevlyanka River in the Smorgon region, where a carriage was allegedly flooded.

Krinitsa under Yanava Gora.

And it happens that an unusual fire is seen in a cemetery or burial mounds. Between the villages of Novoselki and Milosevici of the Slonimsky district there is a spruce forest, which is called the Boyars. According to legend, rich boyars once lived here, and after their death they were buried in that forest. On their graves to this day there are large carved stones, overgrown with moss for a long time. They say that the boyars come out of the other world once a year, and then a terrible storm rises in the forest. And if they find someone at this time in the cemetery, then they tear him to pieces. They also say that these boyars, along with the wolves, sing songs and burn a fire until the morning.

In the village of Derevnaya in Logoyshchyna, in the old cemetery, a box with money is allegedly buried. At midnight, as the locals say, here you can see flashes of fire, and then a certain “lady” with a box in her hands. But before a person has time to orient himself, the box turns into a polar bear. Near the village of Name-Day Drogichinsky district in the old cemetery, according to legend, every year on Great Saturday during twilight and until midnight there are flashes that look like flames, they are either white, or red, or blue. It is said that the damned money buried here by the Swedes is "drying".

And on the mound near the village of Latokha, Vitebsk region, at the place of the treasure, a fire appears and a white horse jumps between the mounds. In the Gorodok district, on a burial mound, you can see two huge horses and a white wagon drawn by three horses. In the village of Bolshoi Rozhan, Soligorsk district, the Belarusian ethnographer Alexander Serzhputovsky recorded a legend that on the bank of the river, where there are many burial mounds, from time to time a fire burns on some hill. They say that “money blossoms” there, and if someone wants to come closer, the fire will go out. According to legend, this is cursed money. This is how money shows where it is hidden so that it can be released from the earth.

Lights are also seen on the so-called "proshchah" (farewell). An example is easier near the village of Khutor, Svetlogorsk district, Gomel region. Natural objects here: a hill, an oak grove, previously there was a holy spring and a stone-tracker, next to the burial mound. Gold was once hidden here, so you can see the lights here. It is said that one woman found that gold, but it is given only to the one to whom it is "destined."

The cursed treasure can be under a tree. Example: Nikolsky oak in the village of Mikolka (former Peschanka) of the Uzdensky district. According to legend, the French buried a golden treasure under the oak.

Yanavskaya Gora (Borisovsky district).

Let's draw conclusions:

- Most of the information about the infernal phenomena described above is recorded in areas like cult hills and near cult stones. Moreover, on many hills there were, and in some places even now there are cult stones;

- in addition to the lights in the place of the cursed treasures, people see visual and feel sound hallucinations;

- the time when such phenomena occur is significant calendar holidays (Kupalye, Easter, Indian Summer, etc.), as well as at midnight or noon, at dawn and at dusk - also a boundary time that is significant for ancient people.

In Belarusian mythology, the image of the god Veles was identified with wealth and gold. Most likely, in those places where people observe such infernal phenomena, such as visual and sound hallucinations - they see lights and various ghostly visions, hear noise, bells - there were ancient temples where our ancestors performed pre-Christian rites and rituals dedicated to this deity or his analogue.

It is known that ancient people built their temples on special places, which from the very beginning possessed a certain “power”, for example, those in which geologists are now discovering geomagnetic anomalies. After the establishment of a new faith, these places were additionally prayed for by those people who came here to perform various rituals, and the most susceptible of them could enter a trance, during which they could see and hear all sorts of hallucinations.

Many people are interested in stories about treasures and the untold riches that lurk in them. But no one in the world knows for sure when the first treasure was buried. Obviously, this happened after the person started using gems and gold as a measure of value. And they began to hide in secluded places because they either did not want to share with relatives, or they put it off for a rainy day. But at the same time, if someone buried a treasure in the ground, then there were always those who wanted to dig it out. This is how treasure hunters appeared.

It should be noted that there are a lot of rumors about the treasures. Sometimes they are so fantastic that it is simply impossible to believe. On the other hand, there is also no definite information about the treasures, so no one can say exactly where to look for this or that treasure.

However, in the world there are many stories about the untold riches that lurk in the earth. One of them is the story of the Albigensian treasures.

It so happened that the small French village of Rennes-le-Château once became quite famous. She was talked about all over France, and the name of the local curate became known to almost everyone.

And the story began from the moment when the young priest Beranger Sauniere appeared in the village. The parish he received was very poor, and at that time no more than two hundred people lived in the village, the church was dilapidated. And the abbot himself could not boast of big money. Despite this, a few years later Sauniere managed to not only repair and decorate the church at his own expense, but also helped to improve the village, repair roads and old houses. In addition, the curate himself appeared beautiful house with greenhouse and garden. Saunière began to buy up antiques, and also collected a magnificent library. All this did not correspond to his income so much that it caused gossip among the parishioners. Some simply envied him, and some tried to find out where the curé got the money from. At the same time, there were rumors that the curate had entered into a relationship with the devil or found a treasure. People said that when Saunière was preparing the church premises for repairs, he found strange documents with incomprehensible signs, after which he began searching for gravestones with the same signs in the local cemetery.

Partially, these rumors were confirmed when it was found that the grave of the wife of the master of the Knights Templar, Madame Blanchefort, was excavated. The tombstone was completely destroyed, but what was under it remained a mystery. Then other open graves appeared, on which there were also mysterious writings.

And then the high church authorities intervened in the matter. The bishop demanded that the curate hand over all the extra church money, but Saunière refused to do so. Then the bishop took the case to court. Sauniere was accused of speculation, fraud. However, the interrogators were not able to extract any confessions from the monk. Saunière's maid, Marie Denarno, who was in love with the curé, and to whom he left his house, a collection of antiques and paintings, was also silent. But the maid could tell a lot, since the Sami took a direct part in the affairs of her lover. However, despite the fact that the curate could not be accused of anything, he was nevertheless fired, choosing as an excuse for dismissal an unusual ornament in the church painting, which was considered to be the same ancient writings.

A year after the trial, Sauniere died, and the treasure hunt resumed. But this did not bring any results. Many treasure hunters all tried to understand where a simple priest could get wealth, until someone remembered that in ancient times the Cathars or Albigensians lived in this area. No one knew exactly how they appeared in those parts. They were always poorly dressed, wore long black cloaks girded with coarse rope, either a cap or a hat, and called themselves pure and perfect, completely rejecting wealth, considering it evil.

Representatives of this nation long before Martin Luther denounced the Catholic Church for misinterpreting and distorting the Holy teachings, as well as for other sins, including the worship of gold. They, in fact, became the first dissidents. Pope Innocent III began to fear for church income, so he announced crusade against the Cathars, calling on the Templars to support him. But the knights of the order refused, taking a seemingly neutral position, but in reality they went over to the side of the Cathars, defending them with weapons in their hands. And those, in turn, handed over to the Templars their wealth, which they themselves did not need at all. Soon, King Philip II Augustus also joined the war, who had long wanted to get his hands on the treasures of the order.

Under such pressure, the Cathars could not resist and began to seek refuge with the Knights of the Cross, who, at the beginning of their existence, received permission to accept into the brotherhood even those who were excommunicated and declared a heretic. Thus, the Templars became the most powerful knightly order. In addition to great treasures, the knights learned in Palestine and occult knowledge, which was not yet known in Europe.

In addition, many postulates of the Cathars found adherents among the Templars, which led to the fact that the knights themselves were already persecuted, their property and lands were taken away, and they were killed. But the knights never revealed any of their secrets. At the same time, they could no longer help the Cathars, but dispersed, safely hiding in their Norman castles.

Those huge riches that the Templars accumulated during their existence, along with those that were received from the Cathars, were sought not only in France, but throughout Europe, seven hundred years before Sauniere. However, it was not possible to find them either then or now. Scientists are trying to learn at least something by studying ancient tomes, but this has not yet brought any results.

No less famous is the so-called treasure of Count Rostopchin. His estate is located 40 kilometers from Moscow. Since the 16th century it has been owned by the Volynsky family. It was constantly expanding, each new generation invited its own architects. So, the stone church of the Savior Not Made by Hands, a park with pavilions were erected. And later a real palace and a pond appeared. But in 1800, Vorontsov, who owned the estate (he inherited the estate from his mother's side), was forced to sell the estate because he went bankrupt. It was bought by Count Fyodor Rostopchin.

As soon as he settled in, the new owner ordered the delivery of marble statues for the park, elite furniture, tapestries, paintings, antique vases, as well as gold, silver and porcelain from London, Paris and Rome from Italy. Since then, the halls of the estate have been more like a museum, and the library has become perhaps the largest in all of Russia.

However, when the French approached Moscow in 1812, and Count Rostopchin ordered the estate to be set on fire, and then, when the French troops left the already burned capital and moved in the direction of his estate, the count, according to rumors, hid all his treasures in hiding places located underground .

Moreover, he did not have to think much, since all the premises of the estate were interconnected by underground tunnels. And in the 18th century, it became fashionable for aristocrats to build labyrinths in which they escaped from the heat, arranged entertainment events and masquerades.

Rostopchin expanded the dilapidated tunnels to such a size that a carriage could freely pass through them. Scientists-historians do not exclude that it was in this way that they managed to take out some of the values.

On the eve of the retreat, the count informed his guests that he intended to set fire to his estate so that the French would not get it. But by the time the fire was being prepared, there was nothing of value left in the palace.

After the victory over the French, Count Rostopchin returned to his estate, but soon died. The estate was rebuilt, but without the former luxury. Count Sheremetev became its new owner.

Currently, a sanatorium is located on the estate. When a major overhaul was carried out there in the late 1970s, builders stumbled upon the remains of an underground passage, which was 2.3 meters wide and 2.2 meters high, the vault was made of white stone, and the walls were made of brick. But this move was overwhelmed.

According to many researchers, the treasure may still be underground, but the problem is that no one knows whether the underground passages were only under the estate or whether they stretched for many kilometers.

Be that as it may, but the legend of the treasure of Count Rostopchin exists, and there is even evidence of the existence of underground passages, but no one has discovered the treasures themselves.

It should be noted that the Rostopchin treasure is far from being the only mythical treasure known in Russia. But the lion's share of such stories is tied to mysticism and magic.

So, in particular, many people know the legend about the treasure of the robber chieftain Stenka Razin, who buried the treasure near the mill in Simbirsk (now the city of Ulyanovsk). Rumor has it that these treasures are guarded by ghosts. More than once, eyewitnesses allegedly claimed that lights, ghosts, and even a talking goat indicated the location of the treasures.

In 2011, the media reported that the travelers of the Mira club had found the so-called Kolchak's gold on Lake Baikal. According to legend, the White Guards of Kolchak in 1918 captured the entire gold reserve Russian Empire. But near Irkutsk, they were attacked by fighters of the Czechoslovak Corps, who gave the Bolsheviks both the White Guards themselves and part of the gold. But, as it turned out later, 180 tons of gold disappeared without a trace. According to one version, after the train crash, the wagon, which contained gold, fell into Lake Baikal.

Later, research was carried out in the area of ​​​​the accident, and even then it was possible to find a car from the period of the Civil War. But the search had to be suspended due to deteriorating weather conditions. The search resumed quite recently, and immediately there were rumors that the researchers still found Kolchak's gold. But it turned out that the find was just gilded ceiling lamps. Thus, this legend so far remains nothing more than a beautiful fairy tale.

There is also a legend about the so-called gold of Genghis Khan. Tradition says that he was buried along with all the treasures. And over the grave they drove a herd of horses and killed all the performers of the ritual. On this moment no one can say for sure where the tomb of Genghis Khan is, just as no one can say with certainty whether there were treasures.

And there are countless such beautiful stories and legends around the world. But so far, no explorer or treasure hunter has been able to discover at least the smallest treasure trove. Therefore, it remains only to believe that someday someone will be very lucky.

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At the end of the 19th century, in the tiny French village of Rennes-le-Chateau, countless treasures were found that once belonged to the curate Berenger Sauniere. From 1891 to 1917, this man spent more than one and a half billion francs, but his wealth did not dry up. Why? Almost everyone who tried to find an explanation for this died a painful death ...

Strange Choice

On June 1, 1885, 33-year-old Berenger Sauniere appeared in the small parish of Rennes-le-Chateau. He brilliantly graduated from the seminary, but abandoned the career of a clergyman, and went to a village nestled at the foot of the Eastern Pyrenees, with a population of only 200 people. True, the church of St. Magdalene entrusted to him had long since fallen into disrepair, but it was still somehow possible to conduct services in it.

At that time, the salaries of the clergy were paid by the state, but once Sauniere delivered a sermon, which the authorities considered untimely, put him on the “black list” and deprived him of his monetary allowance. Now the curate was forced to earn his living by hunting and fishing. However, he... hired a maid, Marie Denarnot! Apparently, these two people, so different in character and education, were connected by some kind of secret. And even when Sauniere suddenly began to bathe in luxury, he did not think to part with Marie. And she, in turn, even in her declining years, exhausted by illnesses, did not reveal this secret connecting them.

Fortunately, a certain Abbot Pons bequeathed 600 francs to the parish of Rennes-le-Chateau, and in 1888, thanks to this modest gift, Sauniere was able to begin the most necessary repair work in the temple. Gave money for restoration and the local municipality.

Scrolls from the past

At the end of 1891, workers began to repair the church altar, which rested on two very ancient pillars, decorated with fine carvings in the form of crosses and mysterious letters. The restorers were in for a surprise: one of the pillars turned out to be hollow, and Sauniere took out four wooden tubes from it, the ends of which were sealed with wax! And on the wax could be seen prints of some strange seals. The tubes were immediately opened, and parchment scrolls fell out of them, on which three genealogical trees were depicted and a Latin text was written.

At first glance, the text seemed meaningless, and only a very attentive reader could notice that some letters in the text slightly towered over others. If you read only them, then you get the phrase: “This treasure belongs to King Dagobert II and Sion. Whoever encroaches on the treasure - death! The case received publicity, but Saunière convinced the local authorities to sell the mysterious pipes to antique dealers in Paris. There the municipality sent an enterprising curate, paying him all the expenses.

Apparently, Berenger Sauniere realized that the scrolls contained information about the treasures of some secret order, and decided to decipher it. Upon arrival, he went to the head of the seminary in Saint-Sulpice, Abbé Biel, a specialist in the field of linguistics, cryptography and paleography, and also visited the Louvre, where he ordered copies of three paintings: “The Arcadian shepherds” by Poussin, “The Temptation of St. Anthony” by Teniers and a portrait of Pope Celestine V by an unknown artist.

For some reason, the Abbé Biel did not return the scrolls to Saunière (however, the curate managed to copy them just in case), and he had to somehow explain this loss to the local authorities. And soon he visited the bishop in Carcassonne (the town closest to Rennes-le-Chateau), and after a conversation with him, not only was he not punished for the lost scrolls, but he also received 2,000 francs “for his labors”! Apparently, he shared some information with the bishop.

"Terrible this place"

Continuing the restoration of the church, the curé soon removed from the underground a carved slab dating back to the 7th or 8th century and possibly covering the old crypt. Then he found in the local cemetery the grave of the Marquise Marie d'Hautpoul de Blanchefort, who died about 100 years ago. On her tombstone one could make out the inscription, which the curate immediately destroyed! Accompanied by his faithful maid, Marie, the curé went around the area in search of other tombstones. They say he was looking for some mysterious inscriptions on them. Soon the curé began to travel to different countries, after which large money transfers began to come to the name of his maid Marie. After that, the holy father began to literally litter money and, explaining this by the fact that he received an inheritance. As it turned out after his death, these expenses amounted to millions of francs! True, part of the money was used to improve the village and help its poorest residents. And over the portico of the church, by order of the curate, an inscription in Latin was engraved: "This place is terrible." The church itself was completely rebuilt.

All work was completed in 1897, Bishop Billar of Carcassonne consecrated it, although, it would seem, he should not have done this. In fact, as soon as a person went inside, he was immediately seized by a vague anxiety! In addition, an ugly bronze imp supported the ashtray, and when the eyes got used to the semi-darkness, an image of a whole crowd of ugly creatures appeared on the walls, frozen in obscene poses, painted in bright colors and staring at the guests with a chilling look. However, no matter what Sauniere did, he always met with the support of the highest church authorities.

Doesn't need communion...

Having restored the church, the curate continued to squander money. For example, he built a three-story crenellated tower on the top of a mountain, built a huge villa for himself, laid out a wonderful park with a reservoir. He bought rare Chinese items, expensive fabrics, antique marble figurines, collected a magnificent library. In his villa, the curate arranged banquets for parishioners, at which he presented expensive gifts to all those present. On January 17, 1917, Sauniere suffered a stroke. A priest from a neighboring parish was invited to him, who, after talking with the dying man, declared that he did not need the last communion ... In his will, Sauniere announced that he did not have a centime in his soul. However, his faithful servant Marie continued to live in the master's villa on a grand scale until 1946, and only the monetary reform ruined her. In 1953, she, like Berenger Saunière, had a stroke, and soon she died. However, before her death, the woman managed to say something to her brother Noel Corbu. According to her, an old parchment found under the altar contained encrypted information about the location of the treasure, and the painting "Arcadian shepherds" was the key to the mystery.

The painting depicts three shepherds and a shepherd girl, who, surrounding an ancient grave, contemplate an obscure inscription in Latin on it, and in the background is a mountain landscape born of the artist's fantasy. So, in 1970, ten kilometers from Rennes-le-Chateau, near the village of Arc, a grave was found identical to the one that the shepherds are looking at in the picture. When the grave was opened, it turned out to be empty...

A mystery that takes lives

In 1956, René Decadeia, curator of the library of Carcassonne, with several enthusiasts, undertook excavations in the church of Rennes-le-Chateau, in front of the main altar, where they found a lot of curiosity. For example, the skull of a man with a chopped wound, and in the garden of Sauniere's house - the bodies of three men with gunshot wounds.

Monsieur Noel Corbu, the last owner of the estate and papers of Béranger Saunière, died in a car accident in 1968.

Mullah Fakhar-ul-Islam, also eager to solve the mystery of the treasures of Rennes-le-Château, was found disfigured on the railroad track in 1967.

Less than a month later, Monseigneur Boyer, vicar general of the Bishopric of Carcassonne, who was very, very interested in the mystery of the Saunière treasure, was severely injured in a car accident. The mournful list of victims continues to this day. But, despite the unflagging attention to the secrets of the cure Saunière, one thing is certain: it is dangerous to show an increased interest in this case ...

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