What can you play together in the car. Games on the go

At the request of 34travel, game designer and mobile gaming expert Usanio has selected five not-so-famous but highly entertaining games to help you pass the time on the road. And in the end he even offered to play with him on a bet. All games presented in the review are free.

Daddy Long Legs

Just to say that this game is adorable is an understatement. Daddy Long Legs is an endless walking simulator where you play as a strange creature with two very long but wildly clumsy legs.

Your task is to go as far as you can, very carefully moving one foot after the other. The whole point is to take steps on time. If the steps are too fast or too slow, your walking adventure will end very quickly.

Peppercorn adds the ability to choose one of two characters that are very different from each other in walking physics. The first character is a luxurious square. The second is a perfect rectangle. And both are owners of slender, but clumsy long legs.

Sometimes on the road you will come across boxes of different colors, inside of which are a wide variety of costumes, hats, shoes and accessories. Dressing up your long-legged pet in a knitted winter hat is not a reason to play one more time?


A charming linguistic game for English language lovers and bears of various breeds. The playing field is buttons with letters. The player clicks on the letters and collects the longest possible word from them. All letters of the new word turn into bears, around which new letters appear.

Bears in neighboring cells are constantly united, transforming into larger representatives of this noble family of mammals. Large individuals give much more points than small ones.

This is how the game proceeds: with each new move, the bears take up more and more space, some unused letters disappear, and the number of points scored for the collected words increases many times over.

A large number of points collected per level allow the player to get special bears with unique abilities. These abilities affect a variety of parameters that make it easier to pass more and more new levels.

Fist of Fury

First of all, we note the fact that Fist of Fury was made by guys from Belarus. Therefore, connoisseurs of domestic igrostroya - it is strongly recommended.

In short, Fist of Fury is an exciting game about evil ninjas and sharp, like Boris Razor, blows to the belt. You play as a bald, but already gray-haired monk - a master of a strong blow. Insidious ninjas attack you from all sides, and you need to brush them off as long as possible. The more opponents killed, the better.

After playing once or twice, you will definitely want to know: “What is this mysterious strip with lightning located above the character and what will happen if it is filled with energy to the very end?”. The maximum concentration on the snap and accuracy of the blows will lead you to the answer to this question.

Among other things, during the passage of the game you will get coins, collecting which in the right amount, you can spend money on a new character: cowboy Chuck, Panda and even a Samurai.

cow evolution

Even if you do not like cows and animal husbandry in general, still pay attention to the game Cow Evolution.

Here you have to cross identical cows, subjecting them to mutations, thereby shamelessly stimulating evolution. As a result, new, terrible, but much more perfect individuals appear. Your farm expands first to the scale of entire continents, after which the score is already at the intergalactic level. How this evolutionary experiment will end depends only on you.

Tiny Thief

In this game with a captivating story, you have to put on the uniform of a tiny thief Tiny Thief and plunge into the unfair world of cartoon villains. All you have to do is steal, steal and steal. With the help of touches on the screen, you control a little blond, completing story tasks and raking everything that is badly in your pockets.

Love affair, stealing sweets, fighting pirates - Tiny Thief will definitely not let you get bored on long flights.

Attention! Try to beat the author of this review in Daddy Long Legs!
For this you need:
1. Install the Daddy Long Legs game on your iphone.
2. Add a player named Usanio to GameCenter as a friend.
3. Send Usanio a challenge to GameCenter with your result. (Please do not spam and send no more than 1 call per 24 hours).
4. The player who runs the farthest with each of the two characters will receive a gift in the form of a paid game - a fairy-tale puzzle on his appstore account Monument Valley. The offer to fight in Daddy Long Legs is valid until September 1st.

After May trips to the country, we have rich experience in the question of "what to do on the road."

How?! Of course play! But what to play on the road, now we’ll tell you! Entertaining games for the whole family are also mobile!

When I was about to stand in numerous May traffic jams from home to summer cottage, I suddenly remembered a bookshelf with all sorts of educational, entertaining and developing books.

“We haven’t contacted her in a while. - I thought and began to actively be surprised at the numerous unexpected finds.

In the end, I pulled myself together, overcame the desire in myself to take all these wonderful books with me just in case, and settled on two.

What, later, did not regret! One of the favorites turned out to be such a soft book, which helped us a lot to have fun on the road.

The book seemed to us very useful and entertaining both on the road and at home. Some of the games we learned from it, and a lot of it still remains. Therefore, I recommend!

Although I have a 2007 edition, I specifically looked - these are on sale even now. The price of the issue is seventy rubles. For example, The best board games for kids and adults on Ozone.

Well, in this article I will briefly tell you about those games that we managed to play while standing in traffic jams. All of them made us happy.

These will be games for the whole family traveling in a car, i.е. all participants in the game had the opportunity to listen, think and speak, but almost did not have the opportunity to actively move.

Writing, jumping, running, doing something with your hands, all this was excluded. Well, one of our participants is six years old. Therefore, we have chosen games adjusted for these factors. (The younger Masha does not count. She was satisfied with the active waving of her arms and legs, singing songs and other entertainment for those who are younger).

Game "Forbidden Word"

A forbidden word comes up. One player answers the questions of the others. As you wish. There is only one prohibition - you cannot pronounce the forbidden word.

At first it seems that it is simple, then you realize that coming up with questions is more difficult than answering them. Then, that it’s already possible to come up with questions, it’s just useless! The answerer easily manages with an alternative.

And then you move on to the next stage, the realization that in the end, for any answerer, there is a topic that he begins to think deeply about in between answers. And that's when...

The forbidden word (for a start, of course, it is always the words “yes” or “no”) breaks from the lips of the dreaming answerer.

Really curious! As in the game with a child, and with an adult. So, even if you are traveling without children, it’s all the same - I strongly recommend it! You will learn a lot of interesting things about each other! 🙂

Game "Guess the word"

The leader guesses the word. And says the first letter. For example "K".

The players ask questions. For example: "Is this a beast?".

And the leader, if the beast is guessed, must answer in the affirmative, but if this is not so, he needs to remember the beast with the letter “K” and answer like this, for example: “No, this is not a Horse!”.

If he succeeded, the players ask the next question. If he could not come up with an animal with the letter "K", then he says the second letter of the hidden word.

For example, if the word “bed” is guessed, then he informs everyone that the next letter is “P”. And the players continue their questions, only now they have to come up with questions about the words on the "KR". Good for playing with kids.

Game "Right Left"

We came up with this game ourselves while we were driving in the car. It perfectly develops spatial thinking, and at the same time helps children to remember well where is right and where is left.

First you need to decide who or what in your game will be the player-chips.

I'll give an example:

We are driving in a car and we are located like this: Dad is driving (on the left), next to mom, between us is a plush dog Nut (especially for the game), Marina is behind dad, Masha is behind mom, between Marina and Masha is a plush dog tube.

We are the players - the chips and we are located in such a three-by-two grid:

dad Nut mom

Marina Tube Masha

Decide on the leader and

Let's start the game

To do this, the leader reports: with which player he starts the move and then quickly lists the sequence of moves. Then he says "Stop!". Whoever correctly guesses first on which player the leader stopped, he won.

For example,

leader says:

"Nut, Right, Back, Left, Forward, Left, Back, Right, Right, Left, Forward, Left, Back, Stop!"

Whoever guessed first that the correct answer is "Marina" is the winner!

It is not at all necessary to drive a car for this game, the main thing is that the players make up a closed space-grid of moves, let's say so.

The rhyming game

There we met a description of our favorite rhyming game. Actually - the game is that one says a word, others come up with a rhyme. Who is faster. We often play it in the car.

Game "tautogram"

For me, in the "Word Games" section, you can find a lot of very entertaining games for every taste and age. We stopped at one more game, and it kept us busy until the end of our trip.

It's called a tautogram. More precisely, a poem is called a tautogram, all the words of which begin with the same letter.

And the game consists in inventing such rhymes for a given letter. Here's what we came up with. The letter "M" came to mind first. We tortured her for a very long time. We got a complete mess. But after all, from nonsense on the road only more fun!

Matryona measured the fashionable clutch,

Kneaded flour, made meringues,

She washed wet mice with a washcloth,

With a broom of furry chalk kids.

Complete nonsense! But it's fun.

By the way, these same meringues let us down in all respects. Subsequently, it turned out that, generally speaking, they are not even meringues at all, but meringues (according to some sources). In addition, their stress is on the second syllable. And we should have been the first.

On this occasion, we left alone the letter "M" and came up with a tautogram with the letter "p". It turned out like this rubbish:

Quail Polina

I drank stew, spilled half

Cock-rooster came to help,

Plowed the fields, ate stews

then they took up the letter "Sh":

A bumblebee sews fur coats with an awl,

Hats are sewn by sixteen seamstresses,

Silk six chinchillas rustling,

Quickly sew a wide scarf.

By the way, it seems that with each letter our ability to tautogram progresses 🙂 .

Well, the letter "D":

wooden made house

Uncle Dima with a chisel

Dyrkal drill "holes-holes-holes"

Boards brought to holes

On the letter "d" we arrived at the cottage! 😉

About all other games

I inform you without fail: the book also contains sections with various games of checkers, dominoes, backgammon, loto and many, many more. Just not a book, but a storehouse of usefulness!

Well, if it seemed to you that there weren’t enough games on the way, and you want to play more at home, then I hasten to please!

All sorts Interesting board games designed for you! After all, it's really great to sit with family or friends for an interesting board game.

That's all about what to play on the road.

I hope you were able to decide what to do on the way, and amusing games for the whole family will help you have fun on the way!

Write to us!

Hello dear friends. A couple of days after the wedding, we got together on a honeymoon trip closer to the mountains and the sea. Without thinking twice, we went to rest in the city of Gelendzhik. Since we were in no hurry, we chose the train as our means of transportation. Those who have ever traveled on long-distance trains know that in order not to die of boredom, you need to do something. Well, if you don’t go half a day, and even sat down at night, and in the morning already in the city you need. We had to go for two and a half days, and therefore the problem of what to do on the train at this time hung over us!

1. Conversation with a loved one

First of all, this applies to those who travel not alone, but with friends. I went with my beloved wife. We had a lot to talk about, about what: where we will go and where we will visit.

2. Conversation with fellow travelers

A great opportunity to get to know each other. Perhaps in the future you will become friends or you will have a new hobby. And suddenly you learn something new, about the place where you eat or about those places where the interlocutor comes from. Or they will share interesting life experiences with you. Don't miss this opportunity!

3. Acquaintance with a member of the opposite sex

Great for single people. The train car is not a place for dating. Who knows, maybe you will find a soul mate here with whom you will spend your life!

4. Electronic communication

If you don’t like your neighbors, you are tired of talking to them, or you are so shy that it is difficult to meet and talk with fellow travelers, then feel free to communicate with friends and relatives via SMS, ICQ social networks. The main thing is that the gadget stays in touch.

What to do on the train, how not to sleep, but sleep is an important and useful activity. For those who often whine about not getting enough sleep, a great opportunity to finally sleep for longer. If suddenly you are disturbed by ambient noise, earplugs in your ears and go to sleep!

There has not yet been found a person who eats only air! 😀 We are all living people and we need food! Sitting at the table, take out food supplies and eat.

7. Listen to music

Before the trip, fill up your phone and music players with music and sit and listen until you get to your destination. In addition to music, download audiobooks and listen, educate yourself! Well, whoever likes it.

8. Playing cards

A popular game of cards can rightfully be considered a fool's game. Play with friends or neighbors you just met. If there are no cards, it does not matter, look around. I am sure that at least one company is playing for the whole car. Feel free to ask to play together, I think you will not be refused.

9. Play electronic games

If you have a phone, laptop or PSP with you, then why not play. The main thing is that the battery lasts for a long time. Although in modern cars there are no problems with charging their electronic gadgets.

10. Watching a movie, favorite series

If you already took electronic gadgets with you. Then why not watch your favorite series on the road. If at home on the couch watching TV, time flies unnoticeably, then why not use this idea here.

11. Reading a book, magazine

You will have a great time if you take a book with you or buy an interesting magazine along the way. It's time to read. Reading has not yet harmed anyone, but on the contrary, it has been beneficial. Personally, I took Freud's book with me. For me, as a techie, such books are perceived hard. During the trip, only 75 pages will be mastered. Why didn't I take something from technical literature or at least from adventures.

12. Drawing

Great activity even if you are not an artist! The main thing is not to forget to take paper and pencils with you. If suddenly you are eating with a child, then do not forget to bring a coloring book with you. A good way to take a child for a couple of hours, and remember youth! 😀

13. Study, self-education

14. Personal diary

In case you keep a diary, then this is an opportunity to write something new or read the old and remember what happened to you last week.

15. Planning

Spend a huge amount of free time planning your trip, vacation, or the current year. While driving, we thought about where and when it is better to go, what to see, where to go.

16. Look out the window

Since childhood, Lenka and I cannot be torn away from the window when we go to new places. For some reason, it seems to me that it will be interesting for you to sit and just look out the window. Watch how nature changes in different areas. Look at the towns passing by, appreciate the architecture and observe the life of local people.

17. Folding origami figures

If suddenly you took with you a certain number of sheets of paper, put figures of cranes, frogs, fish and whatever your heart desires. Great activity on the train.

18. Puzzle Solving

Having some kind of puzzle with you, make your brains work. For example, those who are dumb to solve the Rubik's Cube spend hours on it. Combinations to collect a great variety. When I first got this cube, I spent a day to complete it. Too bad I didn't think to take it on the train.

19. Memories

Lying on the bed, remember what happened to you over the past month. After thinking about it, draw the appropriate conclusions. If you do this constantly, you can in the future

20. Body Workouts

You will not believe it, but even in the carriage it is possible to do body training. The main thing is to turn on the imagination. At least you can pump the press and do push-ups calmly.

21. Needlework

Cross stitching, knitting, bracelet making, you can do it all on the train, and why not. All this can be done on the train. For 2.5 days you can at least knit socks! 😀

22. Gnaw seeds

You won’t believe it, but you can also kill a couple of hours to go gray and gnaw on seeds. Seeds are such an infection that it is difficult to stop until they run out. So take a bag with you and more!

23. Solving crossword puzzles

Still thinking about what to do on the train, when everything is tired, go to the nearest parking lot and buy yourself a crossword puzzle and sit and guess. You can also connect neighbors if you find it difficult to answer some questions.

24. Sex, kisses, hugs

If you eat in a compartment together with your beloved half, then why not do it. Sex is like communication, after it time will fly by unnoticed! 😀

25. Work

If you are going somewhere for work, then part of it, if possible, do it on the train. And if suddenly you are a freelancer, then spend this huge amount of time doing your current job.

26. Write poetry, stories, blog posts

If I was traveling alone, and even home from vacation, I would definitely start writing posts in my favorite photoblog.

27. Take a walk at the bus stop

Be sure to get off the train for a walk at long stops! It is very difficult for me to sit or lie down all day, even for a lazy person. A breath of fresh air and a walk never hurt anyone. Leaving the car, be sure to ask the conductor how long the parking at the station lasts, and there, depending on the time, decide how far you can walk.

I think it's time to stop there, otherwise I wrote 27 points anyway. If you suddenly decide to go somewhere by train, be sure to read this post again to refresh your memory of what to do on the train. Do not take the time that you have to spend on the road with bitterness, but take it as a gift, and use it wisely! If you suddenly have new ideas, be sure to leave them in the comments!

If you liked my article, or find it useful and interesting, then be sure to share it with your friends on your social networks:

When going on a trip with your child, you should definitely take care of what you will do and entertain him on the road. Of course, some kids love to spend time cutely looking at the surrounding landscapes outside the window. But this, as a rule, happens no longer than 10-15 minutes and not with all children. So that your child remains cheerful and carefree until the end of the trip, and does not suffer from boredom and limited space, think about what entertainment could interest him.

Let the baby get used to the new place in the first hours of the trip. He will certainly be interested in looking at the compartment of the train or passengers in the cabin. Even if your trip will be by car, the child does not need to be entertained from the first seconds. Only when he gets bored looking at the views outside the window, offer him a choice of several activities.

It is best to take medium-sized and multifunctional toys with you. Of course, all of them will depend on the age of the child. Small children are more difficult to interest, but there are many interesting options here. For example, small toys or books with bright pictures and interesting inserts - windows. And children of school age will be happy to play various puzzles and oral games that develop logic.

We have prepared for you several ways to entertain children on the road, depending on the age.

10 Proven Ways to Keep Your Baby Interested on the Road

  1. Children's books with bright pictures, lacing and inserts. With windows and manipulations. Children love to sort through small pages with their hands, open windows and look for hidden animals or favorite cartoon characters there. It is especially good if the book is with many pages so that the child looks at it for as long as possible. So she won't bore him for a long time.
  2. Finger theater. Various sets with the heroes of Russian folk tales are now on sale. For example, card dolls with cutouts for fingers or rag dolls, which are also easy to put on your fingers and play your favorite fairy tales. They will interest even a small child, talking to him on behalf of a fairy-tale hero.
  3. Stickers, Velcro, magnets- everything that is easy to rearrange and re-glue many times is very convenient. Transport, animals of the world, folk tales, cartoon characters, dolls with clothes - there are no plots in educational games. Reusable stickers are especially convenient, which the child will re-stick from place to place an infinite number of times! Believe me, this is a very exciting activity, because the plots are diverse and interesting for the child. Starting from cars and vehicles with different roads, ending with dollhouses with various interior items and rooms, it can also be a kitchen with different cutlery and household appliances.
  4. Entertaining little things. Every mother must have such a “magic bag” with interesting little things at hand. Put small Kinder toys, animal figurines, cars, and any entertaining little things in a cosmetic bag. The child will be happy to sort through, arrange them and collect them again. If the baby already knows how to speak well, ask him to pull out the toys one at a time and try to guess what he is holding in his hands without looking at her. This game develops fine motor skills and imagination.
  5. Drawing board. In a children's store, purchase a small drawing tablet: a plastic board where a picture is drawn with a felt-tip pen, and then everything is easy to erase with one movement. There are other options, where on the back of the felt-tip pen itself there is a brush that erases the pattern. Such tablets are very convenient for traveling, because it is convenient to draw right on your knees, in the absence of a table.
  6. Mass for modeling. It does not stick to hands and surrounding objects, does not stain, keeps its shape perfectly, smells good and is very pleasant to the touch. A plastic modeling board will take up little space, but will make it easier to work with plasticine. With mass for modeling it is easy to invent a lot of different games.
  7. During your trip, come up with or learn some funny and short rhyme with your baby. It should be easy to remember and funny. Then the child will repeat it all the way, and thereby train the memory.
  8. Listen to music or favorite fairy tales. Download various interesting audio fairy tales and funny children's songs to your tablet or phone in advance. It is especially good to pick up songs about the road and travel. Listening to them on the road, the baby will quickly memorize the words and lines from the songs, and on the way back he will sing along with the words he has learned by heart.
  9. Surprise toy. Be sure to please the baby with a few new toys. Take them out at the moment when the child is already bored with everything, he begins to be capricious and does not know what to do with himself. It can be soap bubbles, a kinder surprise, a doll for a girl or a new car for a boy, in a word, everything that will please your child.
  10. Attention Games. Grab whatever small items you have on hand. For example, a spoon, a pen, a comb and a toy. Arrange them in a certain order, let the child examine the objects well and remember their location. Then ask him to turn away or close his eyes for a second. Swap or remove an item. Let the baby say what is missing or what is out of place. This game develops concentration and memory. And mom does not have to invent complex games and activities for the child.

Of course, very little ones, at the age of about a year, it is sometimes difficult to interest even the most interesting toys. Then improvised means come to the rescue. Many children, for example, like to take wipes out of the pack, especially if it is a large package with a lid. Or happy to unfold the rustling foil. Wrap some small toy in several layers of paper or foil and your child will be happy to unfold the rustling “cabbage” for several minutes. True, then you will have to collect all the torn and scattered pieces of paper, but these are already trifles compared to the minutes of silence and calmness of the child.

Games on the road for older kids

Game "Guess the object". The child has already eaten, and slept, and painted, but is there still a long way to go? Don't be bored! Think of some object that you may meet along the way. For example, a car of a certain color, a river, a tree, a gas station or a bridge. Whoever notices it first wins.

Guess the drawing. If you are traveling by train, then “drawing” on your back will be a great game. Just slide your finger along the back of the child, and let him try to guess what you "drew". Start with the simplest shapes - circle, square, etc. If the child has already mastered and guesses the drawn object well, come up with something more complicated - a house, letters or numbers.

Board games . Now on sale there is a huge number of compact games that are convenient to take with you on the road. Walkers, walkers, children's lotto and domino take up a minimum of space. Also take a closer look at various cards for training memory and attention - memory or "chameleon", which capture not only children, but also adults.

Thimbles. This game does not require special props, usually everyone takes disposable cups with them on the road, which are great for this game. On a flat surface, place several cups upside down and hide a candy or a coin in one of them. Ask your child to carefully observe the cups and guess where the surprise turned out to be. Change and move the cups, but so that the child has time for your manipulations.

Oral games are a great option for younger preschoolers and schoolchildren.

First letter . Whoever names the most items starting with a given letter wins. Let the child look at the views outside the window and name various objects or list everything that is around him.

Guess the word. You make up a word, and the child must guess it by asking questions about the property of the hidden object. It will be more interesting to play if the answers are only “yes” or “no”. If the answer is ambiguous, then small clarifications are allowed. For example, the word is aircraft and the participant asks: “Is this object made of metal?”, The answer is “Yes, but not completely from it.” Then change, the child guesses the word, and the rest guess.

Opposite words. A very interesting and simple game, the child is only required to pick up a word that is completely opposite in meaning. For example, cold - hot, soft - hard, summer - winter.

That's how the beast is. This entertainment is based on the formation of one compound word from two simple ones. In Russian, they even have their own connection rule. For example, we all know well such words as: autopilot, vacuum cleaner, microwave, milk truck. Offer the child any two words to connect, it is better if they are not related in meaning. So it will be even funnier for them to form new words. Such an activity will greatly amuse your fidget, because in this way not only strange creatures are obtained, such as, for example, hedgehogs, fish legs, elephant horns, spoon dogs, autocats, but also many other incomprehensible alien creatures.

A change of scenery is very important on the road, regardless of age. You should use any break in the trip to give the child some fresh air and stretch. And if you travel by train, then you have the opportunity to walk to the dining car or get to the very end car and watch the rails run away. When stopping, try to go outside so that the child can breathe air and move, it is even advisable to do a little exercise. This is wonderfully uplifting, and adds strength to continue the journey.

Of course, when toys do not help, it is easiest to turn on the tablet to watch cartoons or movies. But still, it is more useful to pass the hours of the trip for exciting joint games, communication and the development of observation. We hope that our tips and recommendations will help your family to spend time on the road in a fun and useful way!

One of the disadvantages of even the most exciting travel is the need to spend quite a lot of time on the road, for example, by taking a train or bus. However, there are many interesting and unusual games that do not require special props, but allow you to spend time usefully, having fun and joking along the way.

How not to get bored on the road - TOP-10 games for the company on the road


The leader is chosen - his task is to think of any word and inform the participants of the capital letter.

Now each participant thinks of a new word for this letter, and, without saying it out loud, tries to explain to the other participants what he has thought of. If the other participant has guessed what is being said, he must loudly say “There is contact!” and at the same time with the guesser, start counting out loud in ten. When the count is over, you need to say the word again at the same time.

In the event that the spoken words match, the leader calls the second letter - then everything continues according to the same rules. If there is no match, then you need to come up with another word and explain it again.

get to know me

Participants must sit in a row. A leader is chosen who is blindfolded. Feeling the players, he must guess among them what is hidden.

For guessing, you can feel only those parts of the body established by the rules before the start of the game.

I never...

This game is perfect for travelers who want to get to know each other better. To carry out, you will need chips, but virtually any items can act as their role:

  • napkins;
  • coins;
  • matches and more.

The first player begins to tell what he has never done in his life. If among the participants there are those who were engaged in this business, they must give one chip to the guesser.


For this game you will need some simple props:

  • hat or cap;
  • small pieces of paper;
  • pen or pencil.

Each participant must come up with ten any words and write them on paper. Leaves move into the hat.

Next, the participants take turns taking leaves out of the hat and in a limited time must explain to others what is written on paper. For each guessed word, a point is awarded, and the winner is the one who, at the end of the game, will have the most points.


You can't play this game in transport, but you may have a lot of time waiting for a train or plane. So, first of all, you need to choose one leader among all, and the rest form a circle around him so that their shoulders adjoin, but their hands are hidden behind their backs.

As soon as everything is ready, the participants begin to pass the cucumber behind their backs, and when the opportunity presents itself, you need to quickly get it from behind your back and bite off a piece. The host needs to guess who is currently holding the cucumber. If he succeeds, then he changes places with him.

The game ends after the last piece of cucumber is swallowed.

Secret Keeper

This is not just an interesting and fun game. It will help you thoroughly stretch your brain! The chosen leader thinks of a well-known aphorism or quote, but he tells all participants only how many words are in the sentence.

Now players can ask the guesser any leading questions, trying to understand what kind of phrase he came up with. In their answers, the presenter is obliged to speak one word from a quote or aphorism, while the answer must consist of one sentence.

According to the results of the answer, the players must guess what kind of phrase they thought of.


If your company loves detectives, this game is created just for you - because you will have to solve real mysteries!

So, the essence of the game is that the host narrates some part of the event. After listening carefully to him, the other players try to reconstruct the full sequence of events.

To do this, they ask the facilitator questions, but they need to be formulated in such a way that any of the three words can be answered:

  • Not essential.

You can invent stories yourself, or you can search the Internet.


One of the oldest, but no less exciting games. Each player throws one thing into the bag (it is clear that there may not be a bag on the way, and therefore an opaque bag can be used).

A blindfold is put on one of the participants, and the leader takes out any thing from the bag. The player, who is blindfolded without seeing the object, must come up with a task for her owner, and he must complete it using the extended object.


You won’t really play this game on the train either, but in the parking lot or in a hotel, at the airport while waiting for a flight, it’s quite real. For jenga, you will need flat wooden blocks from which the tower is formed.

At each individual level, the bars are laid out in different directions - for example, the bars of the first and second levels will be perpendicular to each other, just like the second and third, third and fourth, and so on.

The essence of the game is that each participant must pull out one of the bars anywhere in the tower and shift it up. The player whose actions to move the block will cause the tower to fall will lose.


One of the most popular games for companies. Its essence is to show with gestures the word that was made up. The person demonstrating the riddle is forbidden to make any sounds, point to objects, and also try to demonstrate the word by syllables.

The one who guesses, in the next round, shows the word himself, and the one who showed it before that guesses to him.


There are no winners or losers here, but fun is guaranteed! Participants sit in a row or in a circle. The first person speaks any word in the neighbor's ear, he, without hesitation, passes on, but not this word, but any other that he associates with the first. And so on, until the last participant. The result of the game can be completely unexpected and the "locomotive" will easily turn into a "stripper".

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