I dreamed of commemorative coins. Interpretation according to Miller's dream book

You don't have to be a philosopher or a soothsayer to feel and see some of the bright, literal signs and symbols in dreams.

Of course, many symbols are hidden from the dreamer, they are ghostly and not literal, but there are also those that are simply striking. Their meaning is unclear, but we intuitively feel that this is clearly a sign, and it portends something to me.

This inner feeling should be trusted - it does not deceive! But what exactly this or that bright sign promises and means, only a dream book can tell.

Coins are just such symbols. Seeing them in a dream, the dreamer has no doubts - this is a bright and significant symbol, and he came to sleep for a reason!

It can be difficult to understand why coins dream - they, of course, are primarily associated with wealth and often portend it. But often gold, silver, old or new coins can mean other things. Love, happiness, work and labor...

And it depends both on the type and type of metal money, and on your actions with them in a dream. Variants of "coin" dreams can be as follows:

  • You see gold coins in a dream.
  • Silver money in a dream.
  • Dreamed of old money.
  • Copper coins.
  • Scattered trifle dreams.
  • A pile of coins in a dream.
  • Dreaming of a tiny coin.
  • Ancient coins in dreams.
  • you were given silver coins.
  • You count and share iron money with someone.
  • Find coins in a dream.
  • Lose them.
  • Give someone coins, anniversary or gift.
  • Gather loose rubbish.
  • Sprinkle random trifles.

Such monetary and monetary dreams sometimes happen - and keep in mind, these are important dreams, symbolic. Pay attention to them, do not miss the details - and, having understood what the coins are dreaming of, you may be able to not only get important information, but also improve your life in reality!

see money

First of all, let's pay attention to such dreams, which are considered "contemplative". In them you did not take money in your hands, did nothing with them, but only saw.

What were they like? Gold, copper, small change or old money - this is the most important thing.

1. It is not difficult to guess that gold coins are a wonderful sign that promises all the best. This is true, and if you are lucky enough to see gold money in a dream, expect complete prosperity, wealth and happiness!

2. As the dream book says, silver coins, shiny and beautiful, portend the dreamer the favor of fate. This means that this is a great period for undertakings and new deeds, for the implementation of bold ideas and ideas.

3. And a dream in which the coins were made of copper promises you a lot of work and honest work, for which you are destined to receive an excellent reward. In addition, you will feel your need, involvement in a good deed, and you will be happy from this.

4. Old iron money, obsolete, circulating in the past is a symbol of useful experience that you will soon receive. Take it seriously - the experience will be valuable and rare, and useful to you!

5. Scattered trifle - a harbinger of tears. But don't be afraid! Tears are not always bad, sometimes it’s even useful and pleasant to cry a little, cleanse yourself and free yourself from accumulated emotions.

6. A pile of coins portends great well-deserved wealth and long-awaited happiness. Wait for it, there is not much left!

7. I wonder what the dream book says about a tiny coin. If you dreamed of this, then you are waiting for the replenishment of the family.

Are you thinking about pregnancy? And if you are already expecting a baby, then know that childbirth and motherhood will be happy!

8. Old, very rare and ancient coins are a serious, happy sign. You will get the rarest experience and secret, intimate knowledge, discover some great secrets and even gain wisdom. You will have such an opportunity - and you should not miss it!

handfuls full

Such dreams differ from contemplative dreams in which the dreamer was active and did something. What does the dream promise in which you took coins in your hands, you had to collect them or look for them, give or accept from someone, and not only. What did you do?

1.If in dreams they gave you silver coins, be prepared that someone may act dishonestly with you. This may be a dreaming person, but not necessarily - be careful and reasonable, attentive and prudent so as not to become a victim of a dishonest act.

2. Sharing coins with someone in a dream is a sign of an imminent conflict, perhaps in a couple or family. It is worth thinking about how to avoid this and prevent quarrels.

3. Giving someone iron money promises a good, successful and speedy completion of a rather difficult task.

4. If you found coins in a dream, entertainment awaits you in reality. Not cheap, but fun and memorable. You also need to rest, have fun!

5. Losing money in a dream - on the contrary, promises income. Let small, not innumerable wealth, but still additional and pleasant.

6. Collecting a trifle in a dream - promises good luck in small matters. The troubles and difficulties will go away, and there will be success.

7. If you scattered a trifle in your dreams, you are wasting your energy on minor chores. You can spend much less effort, and you are too tense. Treat worries lighter, and they will pass easily and quickly!

The dream interpretation predicts a lot of pleasant things, because coins are a wonderful sign! Always believe in the best, do not let skepticism take over you.

Confidence in a better outcome, optimism and openness to fate will bear fruit - and not only will a good interpretation from the dream book come true, but in general, happiness and luck will constantly haunt you! Author: Vasilina Serova

See in a dream small coins portends pleasant family chores, large coins of old coinage - to receive unexpected wealth.

Making or counterfeiting coins is a futile effort. Melting coins into metal is a sign of money-grubbing and greed.

A dream of a coin worth one ruble portends trouble, accompanied by tears.

Seeing a piggy bank full of coins in a dream means that excellent prospects will open up for you to improve your financial situation.

Coins scattered from a broken piggy bank promise little return with a lot of effort.

If a wallet or purse full of valuable coins was stolen from you, this is a sign of danger threatening you, so you should be especially careful and prudent in crowded places, and even more so avoid deserted ones.

To find coins of insignificant denomination in a dream - you are threatened with losses in business due to the intervention of a person close to your affairs.

To discover a treasure of ancient coins of great value - such a dream portends a rise in mental strength and efficiency.

A chest full of gold coins portends that your wishes will come true.

Monisto of gold coins means that your virtues will allow you to achieve a lot, if you also get rid of your shortcomings.

To receive gold coins as a gift - marry a rich but stingy man.

To dream of golden chervonets of royal coinage - you will gain honor and respect due to your success in the business field.

Hearing the ringing of chervonets - to wealth and prosperity.

To hand over the treasure with them to the state - in reality, lose the trust of people who know you from work.

Selling gold coins - you will reach a ripe old age all alone.

Seeing silver coins in a dream portends happy times if the coins are large.

Small silver coins indicate that your dreams will not come true.

Melted in the fire, they portend losses.

Copper coins are a sign that you will be forced to engage in labor that brings little income.
To dream of a whole bag of copper coins means that you will quickly achieve success in business, not being afraid to take risks and clearly responding to any change in market conditions.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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Dream Interpretation - Coin

Golden - prosperity, pleasure, new travels;

Silver - failure, squabbles, family strife;

For a girl - your lover gives you a silver coin - he will undeservedly offend you;

Copper - to hard physical labor;

Nickel - You have to do a job of a rather low quality;

You dreamed of silver coins, they are bright, clean and clearly belong to you - a favorable sign.

Also see Gold, Copper, Silver, Corpse.

Interpretation of dreams from

Coins in a dream - Seeing gold coins in a dream- to profit, silver - to quarrels in the family, copper coins dream of great difficulties associated with money.
Seeing silver coins in a dream- to wealth. You may soon get an inheritance or big win.
Seeing copper coins, on the contrary, portends poverty and oblivion.
Throw away coins- to breaking up relationships, leaving the family, parting with loved ones due to a long business trip.
The giver can real life do something good for you.
A girl who saw in a dream that a loved one gave her silver coins should be prepared for the fact that the chosen one will act dishonestly towards her. Shiny and bright silver coins portend the favor of fate, while copper coins mean hard work and despair.
Money, in the form of coins seen in a dream, portends success and prosperity in reality.
For a man, sleeping with gold coins is especially important, because if he cannot resist the temptation to take possession of a woman, then he will never be happy in love.
If you dreamed that you were giving coins, it means that soon you will have to part with something valuable to you.
If you dreamed that you picked up a coin from the ground, then one of your friends lives at your expense. Think about it.
If you dreamed that you were paying for something with coins, be careful with money. You may lose them.
If you had a dream about coins- wait for events that will make you rich.
If you dream that you are giving someone coins, then in life you want everyone to admire you and be grateful for any little thing. Don't waste your energy on this activity.
If you are given coins in a dream, this is an auspicious dream.
If in a dream you see coins, then this indicates your tendency to hoarding. On the this moment life you can think of nothing else. Your whole life revolves only around material goods in general and money in particular. You should seriously think about the meaning of life and determine for yourself the place of money in your heart.
If in a dream you found a treasure with coins, then good news awaits you soon. Such a dream sometimes promises a monetary reward.
If in a dream you cannot make out what is depicted on a coin, this means that in reality you are in danger of big losses.
If in a dream someone gave you a few coins, then in life you will get rid of the anxieties and sorrows that torment you.
If in a dream you see a scattered trifle- this is for tears.
If you give alms in a dream, then this indicates that your selflessness will be trampled on by the same people whom you help in real life.
If a woman sees a dream with gold coins, then she will most likely have to face the problem of choosing a family or career.
If the coins were blackened or stained with dirt, you will be mired in conflicts with loved ones, which can even lead to enmity. At the same time, a clearly distinguishable profile and numbers on the coin mean the fierceness of your confrontation.
If the coins in your dream were gold, then in real world you will be happy, rich, famous and influential person. this dream prophesies a fascinating and informative journey.
If the coins are old- the legacy will be impressive.
If you dreamed of a dark coin are conflicts and enmity.
If the silver is darkened, then quarrels and secrets from each other will begin in the family.
If you dream that the coin has returned, it means that in life all the troubles will be solved safely, but if this did not happen, then the outcome may be unfavorable.
If you dream of gold coins is for prosperity.
If a person dreamed that a coin was stolen from him or he himself lost it, then the children will cause a lot of trouble.
Iron or copper coins in a dream indicate that you will have a hard time in the near future. Problems will begin at work and financially, poverty threatens you. You have to work hard to feed yourself and your family.
Gold coins in a dream will bring you happiness, success in life, prosperity and wealth. This dream is considered a very good sign.
Dreaming of gold coins means that a person will be judged as a worthy person.
Sometimes dreams about coins portend deception on the part of acquaintances. Such a dream warns that money should be treated carefully.
When you see gold coins in front of you in a dream, expect temptations.
A bent coin, on the contrary, warns that your detractors will slander your name, which can lead to your imprisonment. such a dream may indicate that difficult and long negotiations await you in your professional activities.
Seeing coins in a dream means that a number of events will soon happen in your life. Which ones can be predicted if you remember the metal or the color of the coins you saw in a dream.
Copper coins seen in a dream indicate that in real life you will have to suffer losses, hardships, hard work and need.
Silver coins dream of the dishonesty of your soulmate, family troubles, which, however, will quickly end, leaving no remorse and painful memories behind.
Coins made of gold promise respect and reverence from the surrounding people.
Finding coins in a dream means the implementation of new plans and projects in reality, you will acquire useful connections and strong patrons, you will successfully study or find a new job.
Count coins in a dream and share them with someone- to unexpected wealth and a calm family life.
Counting coins in a dream predicts sadness, tears, sorrows and unpleasant chores.
Lose coins in a dream- to losses.
A dreaming pile of coins will bring fame and fortune.
Hiding coins in a dream, burying a treasure with gold coins means that your curiosity and desire to participate in all events in the life of friends and relatives will not lead to anything good. They begin to dislike you, feel irritation and anger towards your person.
Light coins dream of good, and bent ones portend a lie against the person who saw this dream.
See silver coins in a dream- to family happiness, mutual understanding with loved ones, fidelity of the spouse and comfort in the house.
Vintage unusual coins dream of luck and success among colleagues.
Counting coins and sharing them with your soulmate means discord in the family, and a very small, literally tiny coin means the birth of a child.
spend coins- dream prophesies big win, great luck, a fateful meeting and a lot of fun in reality.
Clean, shiny coins dream of good events in your life.

Dreams may not visit you every day. In order to interpret them, it is necessary to pay attention to each of them, even the most insignificant nuance. What are the coins for? How to interpret such a dream?

Why do coins dream - the main interpretation

A lot of money is a real joy for many. Who would not dream of winning a significant amount of money and thus solving many of their life problems? Why do you dream of coins if you collect them from the ground - such a dream does not promise you big profits. You will have to be content with little, otherwise you will not get even that. Such a dream can also indicate insignificant incomes, precisely because a person is not too keen on them.

In order to fully interpret the dream, you need to delve into all its details:

What kind of coins did you see in a dream;

How many coins have you seen?

What metal were they made from?

· Where exactly did you see the coins.

If you saw in a dream coins that have the same denomination, such a dream promises you the opportunity to choose from several of the same type of options. Perhaps you wanted to buy something, now you will have such an opportunity. If you dream that you could not find a coin in your pocket for a long time, in reality you will also not be able to make a decision for a long time.

What will prevent you from doing this? Most likely, you will not be able to concentrate on an important matter and will simply constantly put it off. It will be difficult for you to decide to take active actions, and the point is not at all that you are afraid of the consequences, you do not know how to realize your plans.

A dream in which you look for coins in your pocket for a long time and find that these are not the ones you need - you should stop. If you decide to do something, for example, invest money, conclude a contract, this will be a losing business that is not worth your attention.

A dream in which you cannot get a change in your pocket for a long time and eventually find the keys indicates that you can invest money very profitably and get the desired result. Such a dream may also indicate that you have great amount opportunities and prospects, you just need to be more active in achieving your goal. Try to set even the most unusual and extravagant goals, which you will achieve very easily.

A dream in which you see someone paying with coins for an expensive purchase indicates that you will have the opportunity to improve your material well-being and, if you used to be petty and did not allow yourself much. Now you have the opportunity to earn a lot and spend a lot. But make sure that your expenses do not exceed your income.

The dream in which you work as a cashier and they bring you a whole package of coins that you have to count means that soon you will receive quite tempting offers, by accepting them you can greatly improve your financial situation. But take a closer look at each of them, because you can rush and miscalculate.

A dream in which you have been trying to get a coin out of your wallet for a long time speaks of difficult decision, about the conflict that you are brewing with a loved one. If in a dream you scatter coins, it’s time for you to think about what exactly you want from life. Perhaps you want a holiday and happiness, perhaps you have enough of what you get from life anyway. Perhaps you are trying to understand your true feelings and needs more and more, but you are not so good at it.

If you scatter coins over the heads of the newlyweds, it means that a life surprise awaits you, joy and happiness await you. Try to more actively monitor everything that will happen in your life and do not miss the happy moments of life.

The dream in which you see silver coins speaks of difficulties in your financial and spiritual condition. It will be difficult for you to live and enjoy life. You will so withdraw into yourself that even close people will hardly please you.

The dream in which you count gold coins speaks of improving your health, of those opportunities that will allow you to improve your life, make new friends, get support and help.

The dream in which you see that the coins are copper and you put them in a vase speaks of the complexity of your financial situation. You can work long and hard, but you will not get a result that would satisfy you. A dream in which you have several handfuls of coins indicates that you will have to share your success and fame with colleagues.

If in a dream you bury coins in the ground, this is a very negative dream that portends you failure and negative thoughts. You should keep track of expenses and predict them, otherwise, instead of a joyful and successful life, you will begin to live difficult and penniless.

The dream in which you see a man giving you coins indicates that your chosen one will be stingy and rude. If you want to build a family with such a man, the dream book advises you to rely only on yourself, but if you want to build a family with a loving and sincere man, you need to look at other gentlemen. Because this young man cannot make you happy.

Why dream of coins according to Freud's dream book

Freud's dream book says that gold coins dream of luxury and joy, which may soon reign in your personal life. Your joy and happiness will be connected both with your acquaintances and with you personally. Someone will make you very happy and will give you a lot of positive emotions and feelings. Try to indulge this person in everything and not enter into conflicts. Then happiness will last a long time.

If in a dream you don’t have enough coins to pay off, then you won’t have enough little things to build a relationship for life. You need to figure out what it's about. Perhaps you are too categorical towards your partner, perhaps you allow yourself too much.

If you change coins for paper money in a dream, you will want to change the relationship that has been pleasing you for a long time for something new. You can meet a new man and it may seem to you that he is really worthy of your attention. You shouldn't change partners so drastically. Consider if it's worth it.

Why do coins dream according to the Esoteric dream book

The Esoteric Dream Book says that the coins that you count in a dream promise you poverty and difficulties in life. The coins that you give to someone speak of your extravagance. And now, even if someone needs your financial support, you should refuse, otherwise you yourself will be left with nothing.

The dream in which you see how children play with coins and scatter them indicates that you will be negligent about your earnings, you will not look for additional sources of income, although you need them. In reality, you will rely more and more on intuition, and it will let you down.

A dream in which you will try to pick up a coin from the floor for a long time indicates that your loss will seriously affect your future life. You will be trying for a long time to restore your image, your former reputation, and this will not work out for you.

Try to work more actively on yourself after such a dream. A dream in which you have been trying to figure out for a long time how many coins you need to pay for a purchase indicates that you will not be able to figure out your plans in reality and will count the money for a long time, trying to figure out how much you need to spend.

Why dream of coins in other dream books

Grishina's dream book says that coins in a dream do not always promise well-being and joy in reality. Try to take a closer look at your needs and figure out exactly what you want and what exactly you are striving for.

The dream in which you bury coins indicates that you have invested a lot of effort and now you need to wait for the result. If you do so, he will not keep you waiting long. But after a positive result, it is important not to give up positions.

Aesop's dream book says that coins dream when a person wants to achieve something new in life. This desire can be quite justified, it is important not to deviate from your goals and your positions. It is important to understand the new opportunities that life will open before you. The dream in which you lost coins promises you disappointment in loved ones. Don't expect much from them. Just be happy for them.

If you saw iron money in a dream, then this portends a good financial situation. But any dream can be considered not only from the positive side. It all depends on what kind of money you saw, in what situation and what you did with it.

Such a dream can mean changes in family and personal life, which are directly related to the financial situation. With the improvement of your financial condition, there will be an improvement in relations in your family. Finding a small thing in a dream means that success awaits you, even if you do not expect it. The dream promises that you will succeed in a hopeless business, win in a controversial situation.

The dream book says that the dream in which you found the coppers, and even more so they collected them, warns of future experiences. But everything will end well, perhaps with a win for you, the dream is encouraging.

If you dreamed that you were picking up iron money from the floor, then your diligence in achieving your goals does not bring results.

In a dream, you can see the following types of coins:

  • Gold and Silver
  • Vintage
  • trifle
  • Foreign or commemorative
  • Lots of coppers

All of them carry their own meaning for the dreamer. Let's consider these symbols in more detail.

Gold and Silver

The dream in which you hold gold money in your hands, in real life will change your financial situation for the better. Such a vision suggests that you are lucky to gain a considerable amount of money. Find a treasure with gold coins in a dream- all your long-awaited dreams will become a reality. If in a dream you are lucky to see gold money - expect prosperity, well-being and happiness!

The dream interpretation promises that you will not be bored if you dreamed of silver money. A dream means adventures, unexpected travels, adventures, heated arguments with others that will tear off the mask from one of them. silver money predict the dreamer the favor of fortune. This means that this is a great time for new ideas and undertakings for the implementation of bold ideas. The dream warns that you will encounter minor problems and vice versa, small changes that will lead you to your goal as a result. Your life will change due to these small events.

old money

According to the dream book, ancient coins they promise you an unusual gift, and so original that its price will not matter to you. This gift can be a talisman that brings good luck, or a book that will reveal amazing knowledge to you. Noting whether this coin is currently being used, one can understand what ancient money can dream of. If a copper is no longer in use, the dream says it's time to stop living yesterday.

If in a dream you received old money, you will face the difficulties of the past. To deal with them, you will need to find people with whom you have not communicated for a long time. Maybe you will pay off an old debt or you will receive an inheritance.

A trifle, a penny

If you had a dream in which you received only small money, then, from the point of view of the dream book, a lot of excitement awaits you. Such a vision suggests that you are overly focused on the money side of your life. You need to correctly prioritize and change your position on finances. From the point of view of the dream book, a trifle, coins mean that your dreams will remain dreams, and cannot yet be realized. Only small changes await you.

Foreign or commemorative

Foreign or anniversary coppers dream when the time has come to change the situation. Try to understand where it will be more pleasant for you to rest, as you need to change places to normalize your general well-being. The dream interpretation promises you a wonderful journey, and not necessarily to distant states. Buying a rare commemorative coin in a dream means the opportunity to borrow money to carry out your plan.

Sea of ​​coins

If you dream of a whole sea of ​​\u200b\u200bcoins, you will need to try hard to have an income. The dream interpretation is sure in advance that, most likely, you will spend the money received on entertainment. If in a dream you saw a piggy bank in which there are many different coins, then there is hope to make a fortune. If the piggy bank is large and broken and coins have spilled out of it, this means that a grandiose work will be done, but the effect of it will be insignificant.

A scattering of coins, which is very difficult to count, predicts a well-paid, but hard job. And all the money earned will go to useless purchases and entertainment. Such a vision means the appearance of pleasant changes in life, good luck and success. A sign that luck will come to you is if you found a lot of coins in a dream.

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