Find old coins. Why dream of a coin Collect old coins in a dream

Coins new- random wealth; old- chores; mint- make vain efforts; have gold or silver- misfortune; copper- great happiness.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

Seeing small coins in a dream- portends pleasant family chores, large coins of old minting- to receive unexpected wealth. Making or counterfeiting coins is a waste of effort. Smelt coins into metal- a sign of greed and greed.

Dreamed of a one ruble coin- portends trouble, accompanied by tears. Seeing a piggy bank full of coins in a dream- means that excellent prospects will open up before you to improve your financial situation. Coins scattered from a broken piggy bank- promise insignificant returns with a lot of effort.

Complete dream book of the New Era

Eastern female dream book

Golden coins- dream of prosperity. A girl's dream in which a lover gives her silver coins- warns: in the near future, the chosen one will commit an dishonest act in relation to her.

If the silver coins are new and shine brightly, or in your dream you see them very clearly- you can safely count on the favor of fate.

Copper coins- a symbol of despair and hard physical labor. Scattered little things dream of tears.

Modern combined dream book

Seeing gold coins in a dream- predicts prosperity and pleasure from sea travel and sightseeing.

A dream in which you see silver coins is unfavorable- he foreshadows the emergence of disagreements in respectable families.

New coins- numerous chores and worries.

Female dream book

If you dreamed that your chosen one decided to please you with silver coins by presenting them as a gift- you should beware of such a lover. It is likely that in the very near future he will deceive you.

If you dreamed:

Dreams from Tuesday to Wednesday

If you had a bad dream:

Don't be discouraged - this is just a dream. Thank you for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Say through the open window: “Wherever it is night, there is a dream. All good things stay, all bad things leave ”.

Open the tap and tell the dream to pouring running water.

Wash your face three times with the words "Where the water flows, there the dream goes."

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: "As this salt melted, so my dream will go away, it will not bring harm."

Turn the linens inside out.

Don't tell anyone your bad dream before lunchtime.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

The Parable "Bold Coins"

There was a boy who made his living by harvesting firewood.
He chopped down old trees, chopped them for firewood and sold them in the city.
This hardly brought him a decent income, and he eked out a rather miserable existence.
He always took a knapsack with him to work, where he put some bread, water and fruit.

Once, when the boy had worked several hard days and received several coins for his work, he put them in his bag and fell asleep by the tree.
While the boy was sleeping, he was robbed.
Someone pulled all the coins out of his bag.

Of course, he was very grieved, because he had nothing to live on.
Many sympathized with him, but no one was in a hurry to help.

It so happened that one judge, who was famous for his non-standard solutions, passed by the very village where this happened.
People told him about the boy's misfortune, and he volunteered to help.

The judge told his assistant to find a large stone that would be convicted of this cynical theft.
He declared the trial open and anyone could come.

Of course, this amused the entire local population so much that everyone came to see this amazing process.

When the judge publicly sentenced the stone to three years in prison for theft, the entire audience laughed.

The judge declared that this laugh was contempt of court and ordered everyone to pay a fine in the form of one coin.
Each of his coins had to be thrown into a large bowl of water that stood at the entrance.
All those present followed the judge's instructions.

At the end there was only one person left who was very nervous and threw his coin last.
She left greasy footprints on the water.

This was due to the fact that she was in the bag of the same boy.
And in the knapsack, besides coins, there were also fruits and bread.

The culprit was found and punished.

old coins according to the dream book

According to this dream book, finding ancient coins is a great success. Sleep can be viewed as a guide to where to look for what you want and analyze the past, perhaps the answer to your question is hidden there. If you count coins, then this speaks of your practicality and frugality.

old coins in a dream

If the old coins you saw were dusty or dirty, then you should take care of your material well-being. But shining clean coins, on the contrary, dream of unexpected profits. Counting money in a dream indicates your pettiness. You need to reconsider your attitude to money, since it will not replace human communication for you.

which means if old coins in a dream

Seeing old coins in a dream is a sign of making a profit, and it doesn't matter if you dreamed about old coins, new or rare. If the coins are copper, then it promises sadness, silver coins dream of tears, and gold coins to grief.

interpretation of sleep ancient coins

To dream of any money, including old coins, to unpleasant events, anxiety and excitement.

old coins in a dream what is it for

According to Freud, ancient coins symbolize sex life and secret desires associated with it.

why do old coins dream

Ancient coins found in a dream portend a long trip or a possible deception. For married people, this is a harbinger that the marriage may fall apart. If you had a dream on a waning moon, then this may mean that you will have to defend your rights.

dreamed of old coins

Finding old coins in a dream means expecting a business trip or news. In addition, you will have to devote a lot of time to your loved ones. If a man dreams of coins, then this suggests that you are cruel with your friends.

Coins in dreams can be deciphered as symbols of poverty or wealth, and sometimes they are interpreted as symbols of happiness, grief, mystery and luck - it all depends on how valuable the coin is, whether it is alone or not, whole or has defects.

What does the dream mean, in which I found gold coins

Gypsy dream book

According to the Gypsy Dream Book, real coins are a sign of profit and happiness, fake coins are dishonor. A gold coin is a small loss, a silver coin is moderation, a copper coin is happiness.

Medium Hasse

Coins are a sign of stubbornness and disobedience, when a person sees that he is minting money himself, it means that he wants to achieve something that he cannot get.

Dream interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite

A dream where new coins are present - for wealth and fun, gold and silver - for trouble, copper for happiness. Small coins - to insignificant business or worries. Ancient coins mean intelligence and wisdom in actions. For a woman to see coins in a dream is the appearance of a boyfriend who will deceive expectations.

According to the Home Dream Book

Shiny coins - to little luck, old - to a find. Gold coins for prosperity, silver for controversy, copper for hard work.

Jewish dream book

The Jewish dream book describes the coins seen in a dream on Monday as signs of returning debts or fulfilling a contract. If you dreamed about coins on Saturday or Sunday, wait for calm, on other days - receive money. These readings are suitable for simple coins, and why gold coins dream needs to be recognized separately.

For men, gold coins are a warning, one should not make hasty decisions, it is better to consult with experts before making a decision. For women, gold coins dreamed of on Monday are vain expectations, on other days for good luck and health.

Eastern dream book

Eastern gold coins are regarded as a possible deception on the part of a loved one. Silver coins are good luck, and the more the silver shines, the more clearly the profiles, numbers and letters are visible, the more favorable the fate will be. Copper coins are hard work, and scattered coins lead to tears.

Finding coins in a dream is an omen of unexpected financial profit. If the coins had to be collected from the ground, it means that they will not get simply - you will have to work hard to get income or survive quarrels, sharing profits with relatives or colleagues. Find coins in a dream made of gold - get gossip and envy in addition to success.

According to Miller's dream book

Coins are chores that will be successfully resolved. Copper coins mean that money will be spent wisely, and gold coins will go to entertainment. Big coins - perspectives, foreign - travel, old - secrets.

Seeing small coins in a dream portends pleasant family chores, large coins of old minting - to receive unexpected wealth.

Making or counterfeiting coins is a waste of effort. Smelting coins into metal is a sign of greed and greed.

A dream of a one-ruble coin foreshadows trouble, accompanied by tears.

Seeing a piggy bank full of coins in a dream means that wonderful prospects will open up in front of you to improve your financial situation.

Coins scattered from a broken piggy bank promise insignificant returns with a lot of effort.

If your wallet or purse full of valuable coins is stolen, this is a sign of danger threatening you, so you should be especially careful and prudent in crowded places, and even more so to avoid deserted ones.

Finding coins of insignificant value in a dream - you are threatened with losses in entrepreneurship due to the intervention of a person close to your affairs.

To discover a treasure of ancient coins of great value - such a dream portends a rise in mental strength and efficiency.

A chest filled to the brim with gold coins portends that your wishes will come true.

A monisto of gold coins means that your merits will allow you to achieve a lot, if you also get rid of your shortcomings.

Receive gold coins as a gift - you will marry a rich but mean man.

To dream of gold ducats of the royal coinage - you will gain honor and respect thanks to your success in the business field.

Hearing the ringing of gold coins is a sign of wealth and prosperity.

To hand over the treasure with them to the state - in reality you will lose the trust of people who know you at work.

Selling gold coins - you will reach a ripe old age all alone.

Seeing silver coins in a dream portends happy times if the coins are large.

Small silver coins indicate that your dreams are not destined to come true.

Melted in fire, they portend loss.

Copper coins are a sign that you will be forced to do work that brings small earnings.
Seeing in a dream a whole bag of copper coins means that you will quickly achieve success in entrepreneurship, not being afraid to take risks and clearly reacting to any change in market conditions.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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Dream interpretation - Coin

Gold - prosperity, pleasure, new travel;

Silver - failure, squabbles, family strife;

For a girl - your lover gives you a silver coin - he will undeservedly offend you;

Copper - to hard physical labor;

Nickel - you have to perform work of a rather low quality;

You dreamed about silver coins, they are bright, clean and clearly belong to you - an auspicious sign.

Also see Gold, Copper, Silver, Corpse.

Interpretation of dreams from

Interpreters do not come to a common conclusion on every subject, although they do not negotiate. Everyone relies on the experience of the people in which they grew up. It is believed that coins dream of tears, enrichment, good news and much more. They are deciphered in different ways. And why do you dream of an old coin made in the distant days of the absence of banknotes and bank accounts? This symbol is not interpreted by all publications, but those who refer to it are interesting and useful to read.

What is the dream of a coin (old)

Let's start with tears. Most of humanity imposes a basic attitude on the interpretation of a dream. Pessimists try to see them as a bad omen, optimists - positive. But there is an unrecognized rule that allows the compilation of detailed collections of interpretations. It says that the subconscious mind gets images from the general energy-informational field, they are mostly unitary, the same for everyone. And the people say that a trifle leads to tears. This should be taken into account when figuring out what the coin is dreaming of. Whether it is old or modern, and sadness and frustration are not ruled out in the near future. If you held it in your hands and looked at it, you will be subjected to unfair attacks. This will be the cause of the disorder. Interpretation should not be considered the only one possible. For example, in Persia they explained in a completely different way what a coin (old) is dreaming of. But more on that below. Our world is so arranged that thoughts and images do not disappear anywhere. They accumulate in a special space - the astral plane. From there dreams come. And the belief of our ancestors that a trifle leads to tears leaves its mark on night visions.

What they say in the East

In the old days, coins were minted from precious metals, they were "real". It is from this that they are repelled in the East. or silver is very good. The plot speaks of wealth, and whether it will come or, conversely, disappear, depends on the specific situation faced in the astral plane. So, if you dream of finding old coins, it means that fate is preparing you for big profits. Such a vision portends wealth. Pay attention to the subtleties. A large number of precious coins in good condition - to a wealthy life. If they were stained, covered with a coating, it means that well-being will not fall on your head just like that, you will have to work hard. To clear the found treasure - to good luck in your career or entrepreneurship. Take risks, such a step will lead to great success, there is no need to be careful. Old gold coins are dreaming - circumstances will develop in the most favorable way in the near future. It is necessary to take advantage of such a turn so as not to regret later.

Why dream of finding old coins

Let's analyze the plots further. In Great Britain, as you know, gold is respected in any form. If it appears in a dream, it is recommended to recall the whole plot, the message of the subconscious depends on it. Collecting the found coins in a hat - get a big reward. If in the country of Morpheus you happened to count them, you are a thrifty and zealous person. A dream characterizes a person and indicates the need to continue adhering to their principles in the financial sphere. If someone else claims your treasure, then there will be a dispute or loss. In real life, it all depends on your behavior. In any case, there will be opportunities to defend their property, but how to use them - see for yourself. Walking around and finding old coins is fortunate for the girl. She will have a rich and generous husband. The same plot promises a great career for a young man. Probably, his talents will be noticed by an influential person and will contribute to their unhindered realization.

Give away coins

Dreams are interpreted in a completely different way, in which a person, of his own or someone else's will, parted with ancient wealth. The sign is considered unfavorable for almost all peoples. For example, see what the French dream book says about it. "If you dream of old coins that you throw away or lose, it means that there will be big losses in the material or spiritual sphere." In fact, gold symbolizes inheritance. The interpreters also proceed from this. To give it away is to interrupt the ancestral bond, to remain alone in a world filled with dangers. If you threw out coins of your own free will, commit an unseemly act, offend loved ones.

Coin type

Some commentators classify jewelry by size. Separately interpreted, large and small. So, if you are surprised by the size of a round piece of gold, you will receive an unexpected gift. One small coin among many large ones portends the birth of a son to a woman. Shiny gold or silver - to the news. Thus, a dream is interpreted only in the case when the sight of the coins is engraved in the memory, you admired the reflections of the rays on its edges, for example. Moldy jewelry - to enmity. Clearing a coin and being surprised to find that it is made of gold is to resolve a long-standing conflict. In reality, it will soon become clear that the person who was considered the enemy did not try to harm. Both of you have fallen prey to a cunning schemer.

Theft of antique gold

Collectors know how hard it is to part with precious trophies. If ancient coins have been stolen, wait for enemy activity. The foes have already set up a trap that targets your wallet. This plot may portend other troubles as well. For example, a neighbor's pipes will leak from above, water will flood the apartment. As a result, you will have to spend the funds accumulated on vacation for repairs. When a woman dreams that she is carrying coins in her hands, and the robber takes them by force, adverse changes are likely in her personal life. The plot foreshadows treason. Her sweetheart has or is about to appear sweetheart, to which he decides to leave. Not to give up, to defend your goods - to cope with your rival. For a woman, a dream about ancient gold portends unrest on the personal front. A girl who often dreams that her treasure is given to another may remain alone until maturity or old age.


All sorts of strange transformations with gold coins in dreams are unfavorable. If you see them suddenly turn into shards (like in a fairy tale), be careful. This plot suggests that there is no clarity in a person's head about his position in society. He tends to pass off his own fantasies as reality. The reverse transformation speaks of the excessive, even harmful modesty of a person. You need to be bolder in life, and luck will turn to you. To find in a dream that your precious treasure is fake is to suffer losses. You bet, as the racing fans say, on the wrong horse. All dreams will be shattered by cruel reality. There is no need to hope for the implementation of plans in the near future. To make a fake old coin yourself is to successfully pull off an intrigue.

Very ancient coins

We have described precious money known to numismatists and history buffs. What if you dreamed about fantastic coins unknown to science? The country of Morpheus sometimes throws up completely surreal pictures. Such a dream means that a person has unusual abilities. What are they - except you, no one will figure it out. Throwing old money away means being left without support, breaking the connection with the Guardian Angel. Soon you will feel very lonely, like on another planet. There will be a struggle in which you will not have any support. This is a serious test, which is given only to a few, the most powerful people on Earth. If you saw such a story, be proud, you are one of the chosen ones. Good luck!

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