The machine operator found a treasure trove of old coins in the deep. Treasures lie deep. What kind of metal detector sees targets deeper

This is not the first time that treasures have been found in Glubokoye. Once, the director of the cinema instructed her driver to level the ground on a pit that had been inaccurately covered with machinery near the wall. He reluctantly took a shovel: they say, why should he do this, but you can’t argue with the authorities. I dug reluctantly a couple of times and ... dug out a bottle. When I cleaned the glass, I saw that it was filled with gold coins. I bought a car for a fee, and I still have a living.

The mechanic of housing and communal services Sergey Martynovich dug up a treasure near the building of the tax inspectorate in the regional center - 299 old silver and nickel coins Polish and Russian coinage. After the inventory, they were transferred to the local local history museum.

Sergei, as he admitted, "had a premonition of this treasure." Starting to dig a trench with an excavator near the building of the tax inspectorate, he caught a rotten wooden flooring. And under it is an earthenware vessel with coins, which fell apart either from prescription or from contact with the ladle. I had to collect all the contents myself.

A sadder incident, also related to the treasure in Glubokoye, happened a little earlier, when they were leading an underground road to a department store. An employee of one of the institutions of the city also discovered gold then, but hid the fact, starting to secretly exchange gold coins for Soviet rubles, on which he “got burned”. For this case at that time they were punished severely.

Where in the Deep treasures? The city is ancient. Recently celebrated its 600th anniversary, and great trade routes passed through it. Secondly, before the Great Patriotic War there were a lot of shops here, and their owners hoped that they would remain alive and start their business again after the war, hiding jewelry from the invaders in the ground.

As for the current treasure found near the tax office, they joke in Glubokoe: “We wanted to evade taxes!”

The biggest treasure in the world? and got the best answer

Answer from *¦* ?r?n? *¦* [guru]
Which treasure is the largest? History of treasure hunting
has a huge number of found treasures

The largest treasure in the world was found by an American company
Odyssey near Portugal. The treasure was found on the sunken
Spanish military frigate Nuestra Señora de las Mercedes in 2007.
From the side of the frigate, 500 thousand gold and
silver coins, jewelry and ornaments. total cost
The largest treasure in the world is $500 million.

The right to this treasure was put forward in court by the Spanish government
, because they want to protect the historical value from the hands of robbers
and treasure hunters. American company representatives
Odyssey defended their right to the treasure since it was found on
no man's land, but the Florida court, represented by Judge Mark Pizzo,
remained on the side of Spain and decided to transfer everything found
the government of Spain.

The frigate Nuestra Señora de las Mercedes in 1804 transported from
Spanish colony in Peru minted coins. The ship was
scuttled by the British near Cape St. Mary. Approximately
200 sailors died from the explosion of the frigate.
The American company Odyssey assures that the treasure was raised in
as part of the Black Swan special operation, but as it turned out later
The Spanish authorities were not notified of this kind of
operations. Odyssey's actions were called immoral
and legally unacceptable.

On this moment treasures are under federal protection
US courts. One thing remains unclear when Spain will be able to receive
a treasure that is rightfully theirs. Odyssey is planning
file an appeal and challenge the decision of the court, as he believes that
representatives of Spain have not proved their full right to possession
the biggest treasure in the world
Source: Yandex!

Answer from Andrey Kuznetsov[guru]
$22 billion. This amount was estimated treasures found in 2011 in the basement of the Indian temple of Sri Padmanabhaswamy. The find consisted of bags stuffed with jewels, gold items, huge amount jewelry.
$500 million. In 2007, the American company Odyssey Marine Exploration lifted a multi-ton cargo of gold and silver coins worth half a billion dollars from the Spanish galleon Nuestra Senora de las Mercedes; the ship was scuttled by the British in the waters of the Atlantic at the beginning of the 19th century.
$5 million. This catch belongs to the English treasure hunter Dave Krypt, who in 2010, using a conventional metal detector, discovered a vessel with old coins on a farmer's field in Somerset - there were more than 52 thousand of them. Some of them date back to the end of the 3rd century.
$1 million. The find of a resident of the Kursk region, Gennady Zimin, was estimated at this amount. In 2011, while searching for scrap metal, he dug up ancient gold and silver items from the ground, decorated with precious stones. However, the lucky man himself received 160 hours of community service for not handing over the valuables to the state, but driving them to collectors for 50 thousand rubles.

Greetings to all visitors to the treasure hunt blog.
I decided that the content of the blog should become regular, so I will write more often, I hope the information will be useful to you. My experience as a treasure hunter is already 3 years, during this time there have been many finds, both worthless and more or less rare. My friends and relatives often ask me - they heard that you are looking for treasures, you have a mine detector. Hehe, I say, yes, I’m digging slowly, but I haven’t found treasures yet, at most - small pawns and single coins. Again they ask where to look for treasures, how to find treasures?? To which I reply that if you are not a digger, then why do you need to know. The digger shares such information only with like-minded people))

So the information on where to look for treasures is quite valuable, although there are no exact recipes for finding treasures, it all depends on luck. That's right, luck decides everything, a beginner will buy the cheapest detector for himself, go for the first time to detect and find a treasure, and even on a regular field. And a professional treasure hunter spends a lot of money on expensive equipment, a car, gasoline, buys expensive vintage maps and can't find the treasure. So the search for treasures is the tenth thing, if you have a certain amount of luck, then you will succeed in finding the treasure. First of all, you should familiarize yourself with the search equipment, choose a metal detector according to price-quality-opportunities. I recommend for acquaintance the main models of metal detectors of well-known manufacturers.

However, knowing where to look for treasure definitely increases your chance of finding treasure. So, where to look for treasures, where treasures were hidden in ancient times, let's try to figure it out. I’ll make a reservation right away that all knowledge is collected from thematic forums of treasure hunters and summarized.

You can search for treasures on a tip. If you have in mind old village and old people live there, then visit them, take gifts, vodka. Politely ask if they know of any legends that in ancient times someone buried treasures or stash. I personally have one such legend, in the neighbors' garden, the great-grandfather allegedly buried a pot of silver coins. However, so far I can’t get there in any way, the neighbors say that we will find it ourselves. This kind of crap sometimes happens, neither to themselves nor to people. In general, learn from local legends and try to check them out. There are cases when the legends turned out to be true and people raised a decent amount of silver, copper coins, as a rule, gold is always found in small quantities, because in those days only wealthy people had gold coins. So the places where the probability of finding treasures - we learn from the local population by soldering)) especially grandfathers like to get tipsy and their tongue begins to rattle endlessly. And you wind your mustache, or turn on the recorder))

The second common way to look for treasures is also to search in ancient villages. We will search in the gardens, most often the peasants buried their simple stash there. Do not hope to find a cool treasure that a poor peasant could put aside for a rainy day - copper coins with a face value of 1-5 kopecks for 5-10 rubles, and even less. Such pawns are most often found at a depth of up to 40 cm, as a rule they are either in an earthenware jug or in an already decayed purse. So we're planting gardens. If the village has already disappeared from the face of the earth and you found it on old maps, vegetable gardens can be found in the wild vegetation. The grass on the former gardens grows very rapidly, it is immediately clear that there was a garden here - the earth is soft, pliable. We call the gardens, there comes across a lot of interesting things. So looking for a treasure in the garden is a great idea, if you don’t find the treasure, then you’ll dig up single coins, and even a shmurdyak of different things.

The third place where you can look for treasures is wells. When the Bolsheviks began to dispossess kulaks, the kulaks hid their wealth in wells. It is difficult to get there, and who will climb there. there are many cases when treasures were found in wells. Some diggers purposefully work only along wells. However, it is worth noting that this occupation is very life-threatening, as old wells collapse and a grief-digger can fall asleep alive. I myself would never go down into an old well. If it is lined with stones - then you can still try it, but wooden - well, fuck it, thank you)) Tell me, would you climb there?

treasures in old wells - it's better not to

We continue the hit parade of the most probable places of finds of treasures. We are looking for treasures in the old villages. As a rule, there are always old big poplars there. But they were not always like that, once upon a time they were small and were in someone's garden. And it is quite possible that the owner of the poplar decided to stash a small hoard of reports under the tree - this is when coins are periodically reported to the hoard. It turns out something like a bank in my yard)) Also, history knows several cases of finding treasures under trees. The depth of digging there is decent, usually they call with a powerful detector or poke with a probe. If you want, you can try. I personally dug huge holes under the poplars 3 times, the signal was great, in depth, so I dug almost 80 centimeters. The result was a cast iron, a bucket and circles from the barrel. But what to do - we are diggers, so when you are lucky, when you are unlucky, there could well be a treasure in the place of these objects)) But my luck is not making me happy so far)) It is interesting to look for treasures, but it is very difficult to dig huge holes, and as a result to receive figs))

I propose to see how people actually find treasures. Watching such a video, you understand that there are treasures, they exist and they are actually found. So become treasure hunters and go on a search. You just need to buy a metal detector.

1. Treasure of silver. Take out sticky silver coins from the ground - just fantastic, the guys were lucky.

Well, in fact, you most likely crave stories about how diggers find treasures. I have something to offer you, because my comrades in the amount of as many as 100 pieces. Follow the link, read how they hard-wired the place of the treasure, all in bricks. But it was worth it.

Well . Again, silver was found, and a lot. Here, the persistence of the digger, who was not too lazy to dig very deep, played a key role in raising the treasure. So, if you are not digging yet and you do not have a metal detector, I would recommend that you buy one and join the ranks of treasure hunters. This is romance, freedom and of course adrenaline.

One day in the spring of 1840, on the south bank of the Ribble River, not far from the city of Preston (Lancashire, England), a few simple English hard workers were repairing the embankment. Someone dug deeper, and silver fell on them ...

The treasure that was found was called the Cuerdel Treasure. (Cuerdale Hoard). It was buried by the Vikings in the 10th century and is the largest hoard unearthed in the British Isles.

In total, it has about 8600 items (however, 7 thousand of them are coins, boring things). The total weight found is about 40 kg. It was in a chest, and things inside inside, apparently, were packaged in bags (judging by the pins).

The police, who quickly rushed to the place of the finds, managed to confiscate almost all the items before the hard workers began to exchange them for gin and beer. They found a fight: the workers were fighting over pieces of the chest, which was lead on a wooden base, but they thought they were more valuable metals. The fight was established by the exclamation: "Guys, you are fighting because of tin and lead!".

Each worker was eventually given a coin. In the same 1840, the treasure was sent to the British Museum, where it is still located (some items were transferred to Ashmolean, and a few coins to the French Museum).

Interesting composition of items. These are English and French things from the Carolingian period, there are also things from Italy, Scandinavia and even Byzantium. "There are more than 7,000 coins in the Cuerdel treasury. They clearly reflect the scale of the international activity of the Vikings and help determine the date of the burial of the treasure. Most of the coins are of English origin: a thousand Anglo-Saxon coins and about 5 thousand coins from Danelo. Another thousand coins of Frankish origin, a handful of early Scandinavian coins, about 50 Kufic dirhams, several fakes of Kufic coins from Eastern Europe and 1 coin from Byzantium.Most likely, Scandinavian, Byzantine, Kufic and fakes of Kufic coins came to Britain in transit from Scandinavia, reflecting the Viking routes through the river systems in Russia. testifies to frequent raids on the continent."

It is believed (judging, for example, from the dating of available coins) that the hoard was buried between 903 and 910 AD, shortly after the Vikings were expelled from Dublin in 902. Perhaps the treasure belonged to one of these Vikings, who suddenly had life's troubles. That is, it is not only the largest British treasure, but also one of the largest Viking treasures.

"At that time, the main route between York and the Irish Sea ran along the valley of the Ribble River. Many of the coins in the hoard are clearly of Irish origin, there are also coins minted in York. All this suggests that the hoard belonged to the Irish Vikings, who, probably intended to raise an army and recapture Dublin."

The same source (BBS translation): "The main part of the treasure was in ingots - more than 36 kilograms. These are ingots of various shapes and weights. The other part of the treasure consists of silver jewelry and objects cut into small pieces and intended for remelting or exchange.

The diverse nature of the origin of silver items in the hoard testifies to the high mobility and versatile contacts of the Vikings. Most of the items are of Irish-Scandinavian origin, including various bracelets, brooches and other decorative items.

Along with these relatively local items, the hoard also contains items from other regions: bracelets and necklaces from Scandinavia, fragments of the so-called Permian rings, as well as items from the eastern Baltic and even Slavic lands.

Among the objects of continental Europe, it is worth noting a wonderful gilded Carolingian buckle and a brooch - evidence of the Viking raids on the lands of the Franks. The hoard also contains items of Pictish origin - for example, a silver comb.

Perhaps it will be surprising that among all this abundance of various objects, only two things of Anglo-Saxon origin, against about a thousand Anglo-Saxon coins.

Thus, all these items that ended up in the hoard and that got there in completely different ways speak of the incredible activity of the Vikings and the scale of their campaigns and trade."

An interesting thing: local legends have long claimed that anyone who stands in a certain place on the Ribble River will see the place where the greatest treasure of England lies. However, it was considered just folklore. And it can't be anything but a coincidence, right?

There are two questions that torment Deus owners: how can you increase the search depth and what is the metal detector program for this fit better Total. I just wrote an article based on detailed answers to these questions.

Part 1. Which XP Deus program is the "deepest"?

In my experience, there is no specific program that allows you to detect targets deeper than others. And there are many reasons for this. For example, a deep program tuned to certain ground conditions will be unstable in others.

Or here - many programs that can be found on the Internet for "deus" are just a high level of sensitivity plus an audio response turned to the maximum. This method does not make the metal detector deep, and sometimes it introduces completely unnecessary interference into the process.

I can also say that deep targets sound weak and fuzzy, and therefore the coil should not be driven too fast, as this can miss the signal from a deep target, mistaking it for a false one.

XP has officially developed 10 factory programs that can be used immediately (all settings are set). Rest assured, they are working on new ones as well. The factory settings, if changed a little to suit your specific conditions, can improve the performance of the metal detector. Why is it necessary to do this? Because the soil in different parts of the world is different, and a real deep program must be tailored to the search area and your capabilities.

Finding Deep Targets with XP Deus

Before you decide to go out on a search, you need to ask yourself: “What goals do I want to find?”. These can be deep coins, deep buried treasures, and the metal detector will need to be configured separately for each category of targets.

As a rule, ground conditions affect the depth of the search. Soil mineralization, “hot stones”, soil contamination with iron, etc. play their role. For example, in a high salinity area, the signal will not penetrate as deeply as in low soil. And on a littered field, it is very difficult to “hook out” a deep good signal when a large piece of rusty iron covers it from above. In general, it is difficult to search for deep targets on difficult soils. So, by the way, I always justify myself if I was left without finds.

quiet places

Some places to search are surprisingly quiet - so that it seems that there are no deep targets. Maybe it is. But if I were looking for treasure, I would be more likely to find it in such a quiet place. Because it is unlikely that a pot of coins would be buried at a depth right in the middle of the main square of the village. Or even take the robber treasure - they were hidden in the forests, just in places where, by definition, there cannot be many other finds.

About treasures in the depths

Some foreign search engines are aimed at finding treasures in remote areas. They are not looking for small things, they do not exhibit discrimination. Such people set their deuses to settings that complement the big coil. Their popular settings are:

  • Mine (Goldfield) program,
  • Operating frequency 4 kHz,
  • Recovery speed - 1,
  • Noise reduction - -1,
  • Manual ground balance.

Small deep goals

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