Wargaming when there will be discounts on premium equipment. World of tanks premium store

Hundreds of thousands of people daily play one of the most popular online games in the world - World of Tanks, a game where the outcome of the battle directly depends on the skills and skill of the player. In-game equipment (tank) also plays an important role. In our premium store website you can choose a premium game tank for yourself at prices that many will consider adequate and low. A good premium tank is a necessary tool for every self-respecting player, yes it may require some investment, but it's definitely worth it. With high-quality premium vehicles for World of Tanks, leveling will go much faster than with conventional vehicles, each battle will become profitable and interesting! Combining the skill level of the player along with high-quality premium cars will make you a true professional in the world of tank gaming universe.

Our premium tank store opens up wide horizons of opportunities for players. It happens that the premium vehicle of interest may already be removed from the official sale (This sometimes happens with strong tanks for farming), but this does not mean at all that it ceases to exist in the game and is distributed using bonus codes for third-party stores, distributed at exhibitions , festivals and various promotions with Wargaming partners.

What are the benefits of premium technology?
- This is a unique technique that does not require research
- Increased accrual of credits and experience for each battle
- Ability to exchange earned combat experience for free
- Accelerated crew training and improvement process
- Crew change without fines and mandatory retraining on the same types of vehicles

Our premium tank shop allows everyone to buy a tank in the world of tank, we work every day and constantly increase the selection of premium vehicles so that everyone can enjoy them to the fullest. Store support is ready to help on any issue almost around the clock: By phone, online chat on the website or by e-mail. Support will always consult and help with any question, help solve any customer problem that has arisen. Most tanks come with game gold or a premium account for World of Tanks, sometimes both, which is a nice addition to the purchase. With any vehicle, there is always a slot in the hangar for the tank, you don’t have to worry if you don’t have free slots at the time of purchasing the tank.

How to buy a premium tank for World of Tanks?

Any purchase in our premium store will not take much time, we tried to make the site as convenient and intuitive as possible. You can get acquainted with the principle of the store and once again verify the decency of our store in the unique game roulette World of tanks on which we have been working for a long time to offer the maximum profitable proposition for each player. We would really like to highlight the main differences between our store and others, so that everyone can draw conclusions for themselves:

More than a year of impeccable work, in this short time we have sold more than 10 thousand units of gaming equipment, gold and other goods
- Absolute transparency in financial transactions. The payment gateway is provided by a major Russian bank
- Presence of a public legal entity. We are not amateurs - we are a company that has its own offline point of sale, we pay tax on every purchase in our store
- Hundreds of positive reviews from grateful customers in the section

From today to early Monday morning from August 4 to August 7, 2017, Wargaming rolled out discounts in 50% for premium vehicles (tanks 2-5 levels) and 30% for premium vehicles of levels 6-7. If you are new to our game, then here you will find tips on what to buy and what to fear like fire. (author Konstantin Marataev)

Well, yes, do not forget, the general test is now active, so all tanks can be tested (at least partially) there too!

Premium vehicles World of Tanks:

2 level

T2 light (LT, USA, 115.50 rubles) - once one of the fastest tanks in the game, then an incredible sasamba, and now, a good, balanced tier 2 vehicle. Requires very straight hands to play, so if you are a beginner, it is better not to take. Requires quite a lot of "gold" shells (armed with a machine gun), and is also demanding on the crew.

3 level

(LT, USSR, 126.50 rubles) - an imba that should have been removed from sales, but the potato doesn’t give a damn about the balance in the sandbox, so it’s for sale ((This is actually not a light tank, but a real medium one (it doesn’t even have camouflage bonus in motion), and the medium tank is good, with armor and mobility. The only drawback is a rather weak gun, it will require gold from you.

Pz S35 (ST, Germany, 143.00 rubles) - sort of like a medium tank about armor, but ... it’s not there, because there are millions of pedobies at the 3rd level))) In general, the tank is more for the collection than for the game, the car Generally average, but for some it comes)

Pz T 15 (LT, Germany, 132.00 rubles) - a good firefly, with simply gorgeous camouflage and no gun, you just need to carry a lot of gold shells with you, because this kid does not even penetrate some 2nd level vehicles with his pick (( (A tank for those who already know how to play, the commander must have a lamp!

locust (LT, USA, 132.00 rubles) - similar to the German T 15, excellent firefly, with a very poor gun. It requires the ability to play and already some kind of crew, with a lamp.

4th level

Valentine II (LT, USSR, 143.00 rubles) - always fights in the top) again - always fights in the top)) And this means that he often sees tanks of the 3rd level))) Actually, Valechka is not easy a tank, but a real heavy tank, the armor is pretty good, the speed is none. The main problem is the cannon and a small amount of ammunition, you will have to carry a lot of gold shells, perhaps even all the shells should be annual. I had several fights, when on Valechka I shot everything in general, and the enemies remained ((((

5th level

Matilda IV, Matilda Black Prince- right away, just forget that there are these tanks, they don’t drive, they somehow shoot, without armor and represent concentrated pain. Yes, these machines have lovers, but there are also lovers of self-flagellation. The only purpose of these machines is to give to the enemy)))

(TT, USSR, 198.00 rubles) - benefits, feels pretty good, but requires gold, when meeting with all sorts of strands, gold may not help (((The tank is definitely good for beginners, as it drives slowly and shakes the Soviet crew for but once you learn how to play this machine will piss you off

Pz 25 (ST, Germany, 198.00 rubles) - perhaps the best available premium tank of the 5th level, that's just one thing, but for a normal game on it you need a really good crew and some kind of skill. The machine even allows you to farm something (as far as 5s can do it). If you are a complete beginner and you don't have a crew with a couple of perks, don't buy it, nerves are more expensive. If you have a crew and want to straighten your arms, it might be an interesting purchase. The main problems of the car are that it is terribly blind, it turns very badly and it has no stabilization at all.

Excelsior (TT, Britain, 198.00 rubles) - benefits, a surprisingly interesting car, once in the top, you can simply mercilessly dominate the enemy, for this you have armor and speed. Once at the bottom of the list (in a battle with 6s), you will suffer, since your gold will not be enough to break through all sorts of OIs, often even to the side ((((The machine straightens its arms, so if you want to learn how to play, you should take it. The main problem is the terrible armor penetration (even on gold) and the general worthlessness of the British TT branch

Type 5 Chi-Nu kai (ST, Japan, 198.00 rubles) - in fact it is a PT))) Slow, without stabilization, but somehow penetrating the enemy, it has serious problems with all strands starting from the 6th level. The car is below average, it may come in handy if you have patience and unnecessary money.

6th level

Su-100Y (PT, USSR, 533.50 rubles) - perhaps the best premium for beginners, as it deals 440 damage per 1 shot (!) If you play so badly that you average 1-2 shots per battle, this the car will even farm for you))) But if you learn how to play, then it is quite possible that this cart will start to infuriate you, because it is huge like a house, glows across the entire map, reduces for six months and has no armor (((

Dicker Max (PT, Germany, 525.80 rubles) - a confidently good bush PT, suitable for beginners, but it is very desirable to have a lamp. The main disadvantage is that it is rather slow.

Skoda (ST, Czech Republic, 602.80 rubles) - a huge barn that decided that he was a medium tank) No armor, but there is a pretty good speed and gun, the car is very difficult for beginners, so it's better to avoid it

Type 64 (LT, China, 572.00 rubles ) - perhaps this is generally the best tank at level 6))) This is a real bend for the loot, but ... It requires direct hands and some kind of crew, so if you are a beginner, take it only makes sense for straightening arms

Heavy Tank No. VI (TT, Japan, 610.50 rubles) - remember the other day they handed out 131 German tigers? So, this is its exact copy. The car is probably the worst TT on the level, so you shouldn't take it.

(ST, Sweden, 602.80 rubles) - a unique machine that has recently become completely unnecessary ((After all, if you want a drum at level 6, it's easier to sit on a Frenchman 12t, get almost everything the same, but with disguise, speed and free.

7th level

(PT, USSR, 1,072.50 rubles) - an excellent PT, even a PT with armor and mobility of a medium tank, but here's the problem, it's only good in the top, but what's good there, it just dismembers everything when in the top. But it's worth getting into a fight with 8s or 9s ... you will immediately know what hell and suffering are. The car has its fans, but perhaps it's not the best choice for beginners, for drying, you will often be pleased, but often you will not know what to do at all in battle

(PT, Germany, 949.30 rubles) - a good PT with a turret, has a breakdown and excellent camouflage. The problem is that the machine has a weak one-time damage, so-so mobility and is made of paper. If you have a crew with a lamp, then the machine can become a good arm straightener, as it requires the ability to play bush PTs and does not forgive mistakes

Panter / M10 (ST, Germany, 918.50 rubles) - benefits and a good medium tank) Not an imba, but not a sasamba either, the car is confidently above average, mainly due to the fact that it almost never happens in pain) You can take it, but it is worth remembering that the tank requires gold, but it can also farm somehow

VK 45.03 (TT, Germany, 1218.80 rubles ) – before the release of the new balancer, it was the only tier 7 tank that farmed better than some tier 8 tanks)) This heavy, almost without armor, but with a good gun and excellent stabilization. It is great for farming, and as a hand trainer. The only drawback is that for half a year the potato has been holding the premium version of the 2nd tiger in her anals, and this premium tiger should come out at the 7th level, if she releases it, this 45.03 will simply become unnecessary (((

AT 15A (PT, Britain, 1,034.00 rubles) - more precisely, this is a preferential heavyweight, on this machine you can block 5-10 thousand damage, but they don’t give any reward for this ((((The machine is insanely slow, has no stabilization , but since it has a privileged status, it can bring a lot of pleasure from the game, and sometimes even farm.But it’s difficult to play a lot on it - it’s too slow, as a rule, a cool fight on it is when all yours have merged, and you have found a great place for the last defense

World of Tanks regularly pleases nice bonuses both their devoted admirers and those who are just about to join the tank team. Shares in game world of Tanks are coming almost daily. These can be large events that are timed to coincide with important events, and rather insignificant ones. But even such small bonuses can be used properly - a trifle, but still nice.

Thus, the developers from Wargaming keep the audience in the game. Promotions in Tanks always attract those who like to get something “for free”, so during their holding online it goes off scale.

Actions in the World of Tanks are an interesting and important topic for conversation, and therefore we will pay due attention to them.

About promotions World of Tanks

Why are promotions held in the World of Tanks? The answer is simple. First of all, they help attract new players and retain old ones. It is during promotional days that players can afford to make more purchases, win a valuable tank, or just a few days of a premium account.

Premium items can be obtained in another way - by purchasing them for real money. But why buy when you can play on the “right days”?

Where to find the schedule of promotions

Where can I find out about upcoming promotions in World of Tanks? There are two ways.

calendar of events

One of them is the "Calendar of events" on the official website of the game - worldoftanks.ru/ru/content/eventcalendar/. All current events and those that will start very soon are shown here.

The calendar is a kind of stock schedule in World of Tanks, and using it, you can always hit the right days. With the help of the calendar, you can always find out about upcoming World of Tanks promotions in a timely manner, when there is an opportunity to snatch something valuable, and for free.

Personal Area

You can also find out when the next promotions in WOT will be in the game itself.

How to do it:

  1. We go to the hangar.
  2. In the upper left corner of the screen there is a special icon - "Combat missions and promotions".
  3. We click, and then a window pops up in front of us with all current and upcoming discounts and promotions in World of Tanks.

In this window, you can also see the process of completing a particular combat mission in order to get a well-deserved prize for it.

Share types

Stocks in WOT are very diverse, they all differ from each other, and therefore it is reasonable to talk about their varieties.

Premium Shop Special Offers

They represent an opportunity to buy special sets or just tanks in the premium store at a good discount. For low tiers it's 50% of the base cost, for tanks a little cooler it's 30%, and for premium tier VIII tanks it's 15%.

Such promotions can be timed to coincide with special events, such as a company's birthday, etc.

Combat missions

Combat missions should be understood as stage-by-stage game tasks, for the completion of which the player receives a reward.

Combat missions usually have an expiration date. For their implementation, you can earn credits, experience, equipment, reserves, and even premium equipment.


There is no need to explain what discounts are. Thanks to them, tanks, equipment, gold, reserves and other useful game content can be bought at a lower cost, for example, for 50% of the base price.


Events are special promotions during which, for example, all players are given the task of “killing” a person from the WG team. For the destruction of such a player, gold and other valuable rewards are earned.

Stock examples

In order for players to have a better idea of ​​what events are held in the game, we offer examples of promotions for tanks in World of Tanks, in which you can participate regularly or periodically.

Seasonal promotions

Seasonal promotions are held every year, for example, in new year holidays, or on Victory Day. For participation in such promotions, players receive premium accounts and special offers from the premium store. On promotional days, you can very often catch great discounts on vehicles in WOT.

Invite a friend

"Invite a Friend" is a special program to attract new players, which also encourages the mentor of a new player with a Tier VIII auction tank.

Combat missions

We have already talked about military actions above. It should only be added that in the future the developers promise to significantly expand and diversify them, meeting the needs of the players. An example of such a task is to inflict 250 thousand damage per month on the vehicles of each of the nations. This promotion was actually held not so long ago, and the prize in it was a Tier VIII premium tank.

Random promotions

Random promotions are held in honor of historical events in which tanks participated. It can be, for example, the famous tank battles and military operations of World War II.

If you are not only an enthusiastic tanker, but also a connoisseur of history, then it will not be difficult for you to even predict future World of Tanks bonus events dedicated to significant events.

One-time promotions

One-time promotions are the most generous, as they are timed to coincide with special events, such as “15 years of Wargaming” or “100 years of tanks”.

Such bonuses will please any participant, even the least active one. Discounts in the World of Tanks during one-time events will allow you to buy even X-tier tanks for half their price.


Cards with a cashback function have already firmly entered our lives. For those who are not yet in the know: cashback is a return of a certain percentage of the amount spent on purchases. Just keep in mind that in Tanks money is returned not in rubles to your card, but in gold - to the game balance.

On the wgcashback.ru website, you can order a cashback card linked to WOT. With its help, you can receive "free" gold in the game by paying for purchases in the following services:

  • Aliexpress;
  • MediaMarkt;
  • Lamoda and others - more than 50 stores in total.

Using cashback, you don’t even have to wait for discounts in World of Tanks, because by making the necessary daily purchases, you will thereby accumulate gold on your balance in WOT.


You can learn more about the cashback card from our video.

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