Darksiders 2 walkthrough guide. Walkthrough Darksiders II

In hopes of freeing War, Death vowed to resurrect humanity. But he had no idea how to do it. And so death went through the icy Veil to find the Keeper of Secrets.

To start, a few tips:
First of all, set the auto-selection of trophies in the parameters, otherwise you will get tired of pressing the selection key next to each item.
When moving indoors, carefully inspect the walls, perhaps a hidden passage will catch your eye in which you can find useful things in chests.

Learn a couple of combo strikes, unlike simply waving scythes, bunches of strikes at the end give out the most powerful blow, and in different combos it has its own effect, somewhere the last blow deals maximum damage to one enemy, and somewhere a spinning scythe scatters enemies clustered around the hero.

When talking with characters, talk until the dialogue branches run out, you can get an additional task.

Merchants in the game:
Creator Elia: located in the Forgelands in Trekamne - sells weapons and armor, buys trophies.
Thane the Creator: located in the Forgelands in Trestone - teaches combo attacks.
Shaman Muria: located in the Forgelands in Trekamne - sells rage and health potions, trades in amulets.
Demon Vulgrim: found everywhere, marked with the sign "Scales" on the map with the mark public items - trades chests with random items.
Ostegoth - usually found near the entrance to the portals near the Tree of Life, but sometimes found at key points.
Blademaster ghost named Draven - located in the location of the Eternal Throne - teaches combo attacks.
Nathaniel - warrior angel, stands at the entrance to the crystal tower, sells armor, weapons, potions, amulets.


Once in the icy wasteland on a pretty horse, we gallop to the foot of the dark tower. Our path lies straight and does not require special knowledge of orienteering.

Having rested against the wall, we send the horse into oblivion, and we ourselves run up to the wall and, without releasing the forward movement key, press the jump button, Death, running a little along the wall, catches on the edge of the wall upholstered with wooden beams, in the future many transitions along the walls will be connected with the same wooden scaffolding. We deal with the ice skeletons and enter the dark tower. We run forward, there will be an ice skeleton on the left side, kill it, and go into the niche, open the chest and pick up three vials of health in the household to come in handy. Following the prompts, we move along the tower, with all the desire to get lost, we will not get lost, at the same time we learn the rules of local parkour, get used to jumping along the beams and running along the walls many times throughout the game.

The ice giant is the first of the serious opponents at the current level. When he starts swinging his fist, jump away by pressing the Alt key. After hitting, get close and strike until the ice starts swinging again. Having defeated the giant, we pass through the opened door. On the beams we move to the other side of the cliff and go into the elevator. Having reached the Elder Raven, we conduct a polite conversation until he rushes at you in the guise of your brother War. Raven makes a triple bunch of blows, which we dodge with Alt, and it’s better not to go back, but to the side, after Raven’s attack we get closer and attack ourselves, and so on until victory. Having assumed our true form, we continue the conversation, at the end of which the Raven will die safely, indicating to us the beginning of the path and throwing it into the world, where this very path is to begin.

“The countless worlds of the universe revolve in the endless Abyss.
Many worlds, devastated by war or time, are swallowed up by the Abyss and are once again one with the void from which they were created.
But others have been balancing on the edge of destruction for eternity - because it must always be balanced by the creator.
And in the last moment of the battle, Death was banished to one of these worlds, living the autumn of his existence on the very border with night.
Was Death sent to meet evil doom? This answer can only be found in the Rider's future - and in his past."
First, Death was looking for the Elder Raven. But instead he found something else: a secret long forgotten - a way to another world.


Through the portal, we got to the forge lands in the world with the Tree of Life, but this world is stricken with corruption and chaos. To get to the Tree of Life, you need to free it from corruption, how to do this, the creator Elia knows that she settled in Trekamne with her brother Valus, where the oldest of the creators Eidar sent us, who met us at the exit from the portal. We move along the path and go out to the forge of the creators, in the screensaver we will be shown where Elia is.

On the way to Elia, talk to the creator warrior Thane, if you defeat him in sparring, he will give an additional task. You can also buy combos from him, some are pretty good. We get to it and enter into a dialogue, Elia says that it will not work to get to the tree of life without the key that opens the gate. Willy-nilly, you will have to complete Elia's tasks, you can also buy weapons and armor from her, or sell your trophies. Opposite the forge where Valus works, there is a gazebo in which there is a shaman, she sells healing potions, vials with a rage potion and magic amulets. If you talk to her, you can get additional tasks.


Here is the first order from Elia, you need to restore the supply of sacred fire in the forge of the creators. To do this, we go to the location "Cauldron", first we approach Thane so that he opens the doors to the world. After passing through the gate, we get to a pit with water, jumping into it under water, we will find the Fisherman’s coin, “by the way, they are scattered throughout all locations and are very often found under water - we buy random items from the demon Vulgrim with these coins.” Having climbed the wall on the left, we return to the place of our jump, and climb the wall on the right, following the path we find ourselves at the exit to the plateau. We call the faithful horse and jump to the right into the gorge of the Weeping Cliff, on the way look at Vulgrim and take the task from him to collect the first chapter of the Book of the Dead, its sheets are scattered across all locations.

Further through the "Cursed Forest" we jump to the "Izgarny Pass", along the way you can crumble the constructs in order to shake the exp. Having reached the cauldron, we meet the young creator Karn, who is fighting not for life, but for death with constructs. Not respected by his older colleagues, Karn decided to become a hero and open the way to the flames of the mountains, but he did not manage to get over the corruption, we help him defeat the enemies and after talking we get an additional task to get Karn's silver dish.

We go inside and activate the lever that opens the door to the next room. We open the door. On the right is the Shadow Bomb. We take it and aim it at the lever on the wall, another door is open. We go inside and fight with the constructs, we see two doors, one of which is locked, you can open it only with a key lying in one of the chests located in the building. We go to the open door. With the help of a ledge on the wall we move over the cliff. There is another ledge on the wall in this area. We climb up it and get to the vines. We go down the vine down, grab the bomb and throw it on the lever. We go in the opened door, and there is a new kind of enemies - Helper Constructs. We destroy the enemies and go through the next door. We reach the arena where the Walker fights with the constructs, you can intervene or wait until they weaken each other and kill the remaining enemies. Near the arena there is a small room where the chest is located, in which lies the very key to the lock on the door. We leave the small room, turn right and slide along the wall to the platform below. We return to the door with a lock and open it. We grab the ball and roll it into the hole, a mechanism is activated that turns part of the wall. On the hidden side, which has a wooden ledge that will help us climb up to the liana, we climb along it to another part of the Cauldron.

Ahead we see a beam along which you can climb to the ledge, and through the ledge - to another part of the Cauldron. We jump from the ledge to the vine and jump down. We activate the lever, which lowers the grate, blocking the passage to the next part of the Cauldron. We see another door closed with a key. We need to find the key. We go into the open door on the right, destroy the enemies. We find a shadow bomb, take it and sculpt it on the ledges formed by Corruption, take a hidden ball and roll it into the hole, but not the one that opens the central grate, but the one that opens the closed ball. The released ball is rolled into the left hole from the central grid. The grille is halfway down. We knock out the ball with which we opened the dungeons with a shadow bomb. After the ball is released, roll it into the hole to the right of the central grid. Open the chest and get the key. We return to the previously closed door and open it with the key. We activate the lever that raises the boiler, on which there are wooden ledges. We climb onto the ledges on the wall and get to the boiler, then we move to the platform. We go into the room and climb up the wall and ledges. Take the Shadow Bomb and throw it on the lever. We pass over the raised bridge. The grate behind us rises, and Garn construct warrior with a drill appears, while he swings his drill, we deviate after we carry out combo attacks. Having destroyed the enemy, we pass through the door and grab the lever, turn it counterclockwise until the counterweights in the background fall, as soon as they fall, the Flame of the mountains will feed the forge of the creators. You can return to Elia, and you can do this by selecting the entrance to the Trestone on the stone and pressing the fast travel key. We inform Elia about the completion of the task and get the Atonement pistol belonging to the brother of Death Discord and the next task.

The cauldron cooled down, but the Horseman revived its flame, and a spark of hope ignited in the hearts of the creators. Hope for life... and for what is hidden underground...


We leave on the plateau of the Valley of the Father of Stones and we jump along the left wall to the entrance to the Gorge of Shadow. Karn is standing there, having talked with him, we get a new task, to get a piece of armor, after which we aim a shadow bomb with a pistol just above the entrance to the Shadow Gorges, the bomb will explode and open the passage. The path further is closed with bars. There is a Shadow Bomb to the left of the grate. We shoot at it and free the wall from Corruption. We climb the vines, after entering the room, the grate will fall and block the way forward, in order to go further, you need to repel several waves of creatures. We leave through the door and jump down. Use the lever near the gate to lower the grate. In the Shadow Hollow on the right side on a hillock, there is an ancient construct rooted into the ground, talk to him, his name is Blackroot, he will give you a Bait Stone and an additional task "Stones and Sticks". We ride through the Fjord to the rainfort, along the way you can swing on new enemies - pityers and snoots.

Having reached the Storm Fort, we reach the place where you need to drive the ball into the hole. To do this, go to the right and climb up the wall. We grab a shadow bomb and throw it into the ball, roll the freed ball to the hole. The mechanism works and the door opens.

We go to the door on the left. We go in and go through the door opposite. We reach a dead end. You need to drive two balls into the hole. Turn right and climb the wall. We run along the walls and ledges and reach the ball. We throw it down and drive it into one hole. Now we climb the wall to the left (from the entrance). We jump down and find a large wall. We climb it and take the Shadow Bomb and sculpt it on the Corruption that has enveloped the ball, after which we shoot the bomb with a pistol. We adjust the ball to the lattice, which separates the ball from the hole. We release the ball and rise for another shadow bomb. We sculpt it on the ball, and we ourselves rise to the platform in the middle of the room, which activates the lowering of the lattice. We shoot at the bomb, thereby rolling the ball to the hole. We climb the wall to the beginning of the path, drive the ball into the hole and go into the opened gate. We reach the lever, shrouded in Corruption. Nearby there is a shadow bomb, we destroy the damage and use the lever. Water will flow through the canal. You can jump into the channel and swim almost to the exit to the main hall.

The water level has risen in the hall, we dive and find a tunnel under the right foot of the statue of the guardian. Thanks to the rising water, we can reach the ledges on the wall. We deal with the monsters and go through the opened door. We reach the next room. There are two doors in the hall, on the left closed with a lock, on the right an open door. We find a hole in the floor and jump into it. We pass straight ahead and knead a couple of three monsters, open the chest, which contains the key. We return to the locked door and open it. After destroying the party of enemies, we reach the room in which you need to drive the ball into the hole to lower the platform. We go to the wall on the left, climb up and pick up the Shadow Bomb. We sculpt it on Corruption and open a passage for the ball. We go down to the ball, grab it and throw it up with a jerk. We roll into the hole, the platform lowers. We run after another Shadow Bomb, sculpt it on the ball, stand on the platform and shoot at the bomb. The ball rolls out of the hole, thereby activating the raising of the platform up. We go to the next room. We get to the lever, from it to the left we destroy Corruption by shooting a bomb on it. We activate the lever and swim down the channel to the place where we took the key. There is enough water to jump out and grab the ledge. We rise and climb the walls into the room above and activate the lever. The water in the channel reaches the outlet.

We leave into the main hall, and go through the door under which two streams merge into one. We jump into the water and get to the ledge, which you can climb. We open the door, grab the brown ball and throw it into the hill in the center of the arena. It turns out that this is a mixture of a huge snail and a crab, we dodge his attacks, when Karkinos crashes into a wall, a ball falls from above, and it’s not balls, but mini copies of the boss, our task is to grab the ball and throw it with force at the snail. Looks like from the blow Karkinos has a temporary loss of orientation and he falls on his side, we quickly run up to the belly and blizzard until the miracle starts to get up. We repeat until we win.

We select trophies among which a good weapon comes across, a slow but lethal "Crusher from Karkinos". Use the lever behind the lowered bars. The water went through the gorge "Tears of the Mountain" directed to the forge of the creators.

We return to the Trestone and go to the forge, Elia and her brother are already there, and they forged a key capable of activating the constructs. Ancient Eydard gives the task to revive the Guardian, which will clean the path to the tree from damage.

The storm fort dried up, but the Rider freed its waters. And the creators rejoiced that the flame was burning again in their Forge. In the fire they created the key - the one that can awaken the stone.

The storm fort dried up, but the Rider freed its waters. And the creators rejoiced that the flame was burning again in their Forge. In the fire they created the key - the one that can awaken the stone.


The path to the lost temple lies through the Cove, we get to it through the Weeping Cliff and the Cursed Forest, and if you have explored the map in advance, you can use fast travel. We need to find the construct sleeping in the Lost Temple and awaken it with a key forged by the creators. So we are in the bay, activate the first Construct, sit on it and roll into the hole, aim at the opened hole and shoot the chain, overcome the cliff along the chain and go to the door. There will be a small battle with monsters in the room, having quickly dealt with them, we go into a small room, take a shadow bomb there and throw it on the processes of damage to the left of the door we entered. We rise along the freed wall and jump along the beams to another part of the bay. We jump down the steps and go down into another room filled with monsters. After the battle, we open the door to the left (from the place where we came from) and reflect another attack. We go to the left and go up the stairs. We jump on the wall, grab the ledge and climb up. Another wall, up again, and on the other side we jump. We open the door and go out to Karn.

So we reached the Lost Temple, destroy the evil spirits and go upstairs. We open the door, activate the construct and break the processes of corruption with the help of hands or chains. We roll our construct into the hole, the mechanism will free one of the doors from the lattice, into which we enter.
Apparently, the protection of the temple is activated and we are attacked by a flying mask that calls for constructs. To begin with, we deal with the constructs, then we shoot at the mask or cut it in a jump. After the battle, a part of the wall turns, which indicates the way forward. We go to the wall and climb up the beam, and then we turn into another part of the temple with the help of a ledge. We jump down and get to the construct. We activate it and use it to destroy enemies nearby. We roll up the construct to the edge of the cliff and destroy the Corruption (SKM), which was guarding the lever that raises the bridge. We get off the construct, get to the lever, activate it and ride on the construct to the place where we just destroyed the mask, destroying all the damage along the way. Now we roll into the hole opposite and run the chain into the hole. We run along the chain to this part of the temple. We shoot at the Shadow Bomb, located next to the ball. We roll the ball into the hole, destroy the enemies that have appeared, take the Shadow Bomb and put it on the ball. The ball rolls back, one grate goes down, the other goes up - here we are at the chest with the key! We take the key and return to the construct, and then go to the locked door. We open the door, along the vine we get to the lever and activate it. The grate descends, enemies appear, and we run to the construct and return the chain to ourselves, after which we destroy the enemies, and then the Corruption in the place where we just lowered the grate. We roll into the hole to lower the grate. We get off the construct and run to the opened part of the temple.

A difficult battle is ahead, five masks are hung on the walls, they will attack in turn. As soon as the mask has come off the wall and started to summon corrupted constructs, focus all your fire on the mask, you can shoot from a pistol, marking it as a target, or by jumping near it to strike in the air. If you destroy the constructs in the first place, she will restore them over time. With each attack mask, the number of attacking constructs will increase and with the last mask, two large constructs will attack you.
We open the door and then another one. We jump along the walls to the end of the cliff. The waterfall has two walls between them, you can jump to the top, pushing from one wall to another. Along the stream we reach the door. We open it and use the key to activate the construct, on which we roll onto the elevator. We jump from the construct and climb up the wall to the left of the elevator. We activate the second construct, and roll on it into the hole that includes the elevator. We get off the construct and climb onto the one that went up on the elevator, on it we roll into the hole located a little further, then we take the construct that is in the hole near the elevator and roll it into the hole in the place where we just lowered the grate with the first construct. We release the chain and get to the first construct, which we roll to the hole, lowering the grate at the door we need to get into. We jump off the construct and get to the door. We open it and get to the next door along the walls and beams. We wet the monster and open the door. We climb the wall up, shoot at the shadow bomb and roll the ball into the hole. The lattice frees the way you can go through the door. We deal with the enemies and go to the next door.

We run to the arena. The mask has assembled a bumpkin construct. The thug is not easy, you can’t call him with ordinary attacks, the blows don’t bring any effect. We run along the wall of the arena and pick up the shadow bombs that fall from the blows of the big man. We throw them at him, when the bomb sticks to the construct, we shoot at it, the thug falls, we run to him and shred the clot of energy that feeds our enemy. During the battle, constructs crawl out from under the ground, we destroy them as far as possible.

Having won, we activate the Guardian and run to the Valley of the Stone Father, there you need to talk with Eidard.

The rider rushed forward, the temple was found, the giant was awakened by turning the key. Creators need my help! the Guardian roared. It was still necessary to find their last hope.


At the exit from the Trestone towards the smelter is the Guardian, talk to him. The guardian restores the bridge and warns of dangers, Karn will immediately come and ask for help, along the restored bridge we get to the Smelter and enter it. We see a huge guardian's hammer, you can imagine what he is like. We run around the hammer in a circle and here we need the help of Karn, we run up to the creator and press the action key, Karn will throw Death over the cliff. We get along the wall to a ledge and move along it beyond the edge of the wall, there we jump onto a beam sticking out of the wall, from it we will need to jump onto one of the boilers that periodically fly past, we will need to jump from the boiler a little further along the same side walls. After that, we run along the wall, deal with the constructs and run to the door, activate the lever and open the door, jump onto the beam that falls under our weight and opens the passage for the creator, Karn will reach the next gate and will hold them until Death passes for them.
The Guardian is huge, but for now it's dead. You can breathe life into the guard with the help of three “Hearts of Stone”, they just didn’t have time to put them in their place. We go into the only open passage, near which constructs crawled out, Karn is a good fighter, but with our help the battle will end faster. We go down the cave and run to the grate in the room, Karn again offers his help. We dive and swim to the right to a spot of light. We climb the wall and go straight until the ball does not interest us. In the adjacent room we again dive into the water. We swim to the right, climb the wall and see a button in the floor, standing on which we open the grate and the gate. While Karn is holding the door, we grab the ball and roll it up to a gentle rise, throwing the ball with force so that it sticks into the hole in the wall. We activate the construct that has risen on the elevator from the water and, saddling it, we rush into the cave to destroy the processes of corruption. Having left the cave, we drive through the hall through and roll our construct into the hole. We shoot with a chain, we reach the middle of the chain, after that we jump onto the vines sprouted on the wall on the left, from the vines along the beams we move to the other side of the cliff, open the door and run along the wall to the wooden scaffolding, lava flows from the pipes at regular intervals. We pass through the door and repel several attacks of constructs, after which we calmly go further and take the key from the box. We jump onto the chain and return to the hall, with the door closed. Using the key, we go into the door, run forward along the spiral staircase, after which Karn throws us to the other side, repel the attacks of enemies and open the door. Statues hang on chains, breaking which we get the Death Grip skill. Now big cliffs do not matter if there is a ring under the ceiling, clinging to it we fly over the cliff. Returning to the cave, Karn calls us for him, following him we get into a room with a lowered bridge. With a grip we catch the shadow bomb growing on the wall and throw it at the lever on the opposite wall. We pass along the bridge and get into the room where you need to raise the bridge again. We run along the beams to the left and pull the first lever, right from the lever we cling to the ring under the ceiling, which will throw us to the ceiling overgrown with lianas. On them we get to the next ring, jump off the beam and pull the second lever, along the wall we get to Karn and enter through the door to the elevator, pull the lever and the elevator moves down.

We pass through the room and see the first "Heart of Stone". Right at the door, Karn throws us over the cliff, we run along the walls and beams and step on the button that lowers the grate in front of you and on the ledge higher. We cling to the creator with a stranglehold and he, having given us acceleration, throws us onto a distant ledge. On the ledges and beams we get to the platform from which we jump down and along the wall we get to the construct, activate it and roll along the lava until it gets damaged, break it and roll the construct into the hole. We shoot the chain and walk along it, climb the wall right to the grip holding the Heart of the stone, jump onto the stone with a grip and Death knocks the stone out. After taking the elevator, go to the main hall where the Heart of Stone falls into place in the left shoulder of the guard.

On the side of the giant, wooden scaffolding collapses and a passage opens up for us. We run up and with the help of a grip we fly over the lava to the entrance to the pipe. Through it we get into the room and immediately run to the left. After running through the second pipe, we go out into the corridor and step on the button - the gate will open, Karn passes through the first gate and holds the second. We run away from the button and pass Karn through the gate. Karn throws us further. We cling to the grip of the ring and fly over a small cliff, run straight and activate the construct and roll it into the hole. We stretch the chain between the platforms, descending from the construct, we climb onto the elevation with the lever. We twist the lever, thereby raising the platforms up, after which we release and quickly run to the left platform and climb up, follow the chain and from the chain to the ledge. On the liana we get to the ledge and further along the wall to the other part of the room. We go down to the lever and pulling it, we raise the bridges. We return to the construct and leave for the previous hall, move to the left to the processes of damage. Having made our way, we leave to the place where we see the stone. Without getting off the construct, we scatter the enemies and roll to the place where damage grows on the wall. Having destroyed the growths of corruption with a chain, we get off it, and Karn throws us onto the platform with the chest. Near the door, for which they got the key, you can open it, but there is nothing to do there yet. We dive into the water and swim to the wall overgrown with vines, climb them to the very top and see a lever ahead. We jump into the water and swim to the place where the ring sticks out of the wall. We run along the wall, grab the ring, after which we move to the left along the beams. One more ring and we get to the place with the lever, activate the lever, the water level rises, the turbine comes into action, thanks to which the press started working. We return to Karn and roll the construct into the press. We pull the lever and the ball remains from the construct, we take it and roll it into the previously opened door. We roll the ball into the hole and jump to the platform with the opened grate. We jump up from wall to wall, run to the “Heart of Stone” and jump onto it. Death knocks the stone out and Karn grabs it. Together with Karn and the stone, we return to the guard, we approach the right shoulder of the guard, the “Heart of the Stone” takes off and falls into place.

Karn is leading us now. Having reached the place, he throws us over the bars. We pull the lever that lowers the grate, activate the construct and destroy the sprouts of corruption with it. We go down on the construct and see the "Heart of the Stone", around which everything is overgrown with corruption. With the help of the construct, we destroy all available chains and sprouts of damage to the fists. We roll into the hole lowering the grate. We jump from the construct and climb the wall to the platform where the grate has fallen. We run along the wall to another room and jump to the “Heart of Stone”. The soul of the creator inside the “Heart of Stone” was afflicted with corruption, the dark energy of the stone captured our construct and directed it to attack Death. Having called the construct to death, we attribute the “Heart of Stone” to the guard. There, a stone with the soul of the creator, afflicted with corruption, flies up to the head of the guard and stands in a groove on the forehead. Corruption takes possession of the guard and he leaves with leaps and bounds somewhere. We get out of the Smelter and run to the Valley of the Stonefather. We watch a video where Eidard tried to free the guard, but did not succeed, and everything again falls on the bony shoulders of death.

To fill up the guards is not for you to drive snoops.

When the guard hits with his mallet and tries to hit you, do not let him commit such blasphemy, but deftly dodge and shoot at the shadow bombs that have grown all over the forearm of the Guard. The bombs will naturally explode and the hand will fall off for a while, so during this time you need to run along the hand and shred the "Heart of the Stone" that we inserted. And so twice.

With the other hand, while still healthy and in its rightful place, the Guardian begins to periodically shoot at you with a huge shadow bomb. When it rolls at you, shoot at it until it hangs in the air, meanwhile, we run on a horse for a guard, because the bomb, hovering a little, will fly at you and safely hit the guard, he leans on his arm in frustration, we rather to shred her stone.

The guard falls apart after the devastating attack of Death, Eidard revives the guard, but dies himself. The resurrected guardian destroys the Corruption guarding the path to the Tree of Life, but he himself also dies.


Approaching the tree, Death is pulled inward by the cords of corruption. It turns out that corruption is the last of the Nephilim and his name is Absalom. On the day when Death, Discord, War and Rage entered the service of the charred and destroyed the army of their Nephilim brothers, Absalom was born, and he became a corruption, a corruption that destroys worlds.

After talking with Absalom, Death teleports to Kingdom of the Dead where he is met by Ostegoth. He says that if the Tree of Life brought him here, then it was necessary. In order to revive humanity, you need to talk with the Bone Lord, for this you need to get to the Serpent Peak and get to the Eternal Throne, which can tell us something about the Source of Souls.


We call the ghostly horse, we jump through the Rocky Lands to the Leviathan's Cleft and go in the door. On the wall we get to two places where there are two buttons on the floor and we stand on the one that removes a lot of gratings sticking out of the walls. While the bars are not sticking out, we quickly run along the wall. We get to two doors, we go into an open room. We disassemble the skeletons into bones and go into the right door. We take the Shadow Bomb, sculpt it on the lever, take another bomb and sculpt it at a short distance to the right of the lever, in such a way as to create a chain reaction of explosions, take the third one and hook it to the wall even more to the right. Now we run across the bridge and stand at the second bridge, aim at the protruding shadow bomb, firing we get a chain reaction that will reach the bomb hanging on the lever, thereby drowning it and raising the bridge for us. Cross the bridge and take the key from the chest. Having run up to the first bridge, now lowered, we move along the wall on the left. We return to the closed door and use the extracted key.
Having overcome a few more doors, and having scattered a couple of three skeletons, we go outside. We jump to the bridge, and after it we turn right towards the Snake Peak. We run along the crevice until we get to a huge bell ...

However, you can’t get to the ruler of the Dead Lands just like that, at first the Advisor will fool us a bit. This pale body gives us the task of defeating the champion of the golden arena and perhaps then the Lord of the Bone will accept us.

There is a merchant in the Kingdom of the Dead who speaks of mystery and fog. The bell rings - the Throne rushes to heaven. Death cannot speak to his master.


To get to the Golden Arena, we go to the exit from the Eternal Gate. We open the door and climb the vine through the gap in the floor. The previously closed door is now open, and through it we get to the Golden Arena. We reach a room with a statue holding a ghostly lamp, a thin beam hits the stone above the door from the lamp, we turn the statue so that the beam begins to hit the stone above the door we need. We enter the door and run along the wall on the left to the other side of the fault, so we have reached the notorious arena. Huge statues of warriors - the guardians of the arena, report that it will not work just like that, you first need to prove that you are worthy of this honor. You need to collect three soul stones and insert them into the altar, and only then the local champion deigns to go to battle. All stones are located in the halls, the entrances to which are right on the arena.

First Soul Stone
We go to the right and climb the wall now to the left to a break in the wall. In this fault, the door, into which we enter, the stairs have collapsed in some places, so in the old fashioned way we run across the dips with walls. We pass several doors and get to the room in which there is a statue with a lantern. We climb onto the pedestal and stand on the button, the grate drops to the right, behind which there is a shadow bomb. With a grip we pull out the bomb and sculpt it on the statue that holds the lantern. We select the lantern with a grip and put it on the button, we run behind the lowered grate. We run along the walls to the other part of the room. We reach the lever and pull it, the grate in front of us will lower and give access to the lantern we left earlier, grab the lantern with a grip and run into the room where the statue stands without a lantern. We install the lantern in the hand of the statue and turn it 180 degrees, enter the opened room and run to the end. At the altar, press the action key and get the first stone of souls, annihilate the skeletons that crawled out of the ground and return to the statue with the lantern. Skeletons appear from the side passage that was previously closed, we disassemble them into components and go to the place where they ran out. We run through all the rooms through and go out to the lever, pulling it, we get straight into the arena. We run to the altar and, clinging to the grip of the ring, Death will insert the extracted stone into the altar.

Second Soul Gem
After placing the stone on the altar, two doors open. One door to the arena from which hordes of skeletons run out. The other one is on the second level of the arena, the one we need to go into for the second stone, which we do after the battle with the bones. We go into the hall and run in the direction where the lantern shines. We rise along the spiral staircase, and we go into the hall with the lowered bridge, a shadow bomb is attached to it. With its help, we destroy the damage behind the statue with a luminous lantern in the first hall, run into the open passage and climb the wall to the other end of the gallery. We go in the direction of the beating beam from the statue, we reach the button on which there is a lantern. As soon as we take the lantern and exit the button, skeletons appear, placing the lantern we destroy the skeletons, they will open the door for us. We take the lantern and run into the room with the statue, to the right of it there is an exit to a cliff closed by a grate, put the lantern on the button and return to the first hall. We turn the statue in the direction where our flashlight is on the button and, having destroyed the damage with a shadow bomb, grab the flashlight for ourselves. With him we run to the second level and there we cling a lantern to the statue. We turn it towards the bridge and run along the raised bridge, opening the door we go down the spiral staircase. We approach the altar with the stone of souls, destroy the enemies that have crawled out, pick up the stone and go into the passage where the grate has fallen. Opening the door, we go into the room, climb up the walls. We pull the lever and go out into the arena, insert the soul stone into the altar.

Third Soul Gem
The door opens, which will lead us to the last stone, we rise to it and go inside. We destroy the crowd of skeletons and enter the next door. We run through the enfilades to the next hall and again a crowd of walking, soup sets crawls out on us, disassemble them into components and go into the next door. We get up on the button, the bridge rises, from which we grab the shadow bomb. We go to the throne standing on a round pedestal behind the button and throw a bomb on the lever. The throne turns and we go out into the hall with the altar. A bunch of skeletons crawl out from under the ground, but a huge beetle Scarab-bump that crawled out from behind the altar jumps down on top of the bones and crushes them all. Kill the overgrowth beetle and take the soul stone. We return to the arena and insert the soul stone into place. The current champion of the Gnashore Arena appears.

A huge worm crawls underground, we dodge from his back and at the moment when he sticks out his muzzle, we catch it with a grip and beat, after the blow we dodge the wheel into which Gnashor transforms, we repeat the procedure three times. Then he turns into a big skeleton, we sweep him as soon as we can, until he begins to stretch his head in our direction and yell wildly. At this moment, you need to grab it again with a grip, the champion will again turn into a snake. We repeat the steps until the expiration of the life bar at Gnashor.

We select the skull and return to the adviser, after talking with him we pass to the Bone Lord.

The great arena is stained with blood. The giant was killed, the debt was paid in full. But for the King to help the Rider, he needs his own Court of the Dead...


The Bone Lord will show us the way to the Source of Souls in exchange for returning to the service of the three immortal lords. From him we also get an artifact called Excommunication, it will allow you to manipulate lassoed lords.

We get to the tomb of Farseer, either on horseback or by fast moving. We go inside and see the elevator. To turn it on, you need to hit the crystal. Having descended on the elevator, we meet a new enemy, a rather weak one, and some not very active, but at least for the sake of experience, you can wave your braids. We pass further to the hall with a button in the floor, we run to the right and along the walls and ledges we get to the shadow bomb. With the help of bombs, we free the hall from the undergrowth of damage. We grab a large column and pull it up to the grate. We take the Shadow Bomb and stand with it on the button, we throw the bomb into the column. We leave from the button and the lattice falls directly on the column, and we calmly pass forward.

We enter the second elevator, there are four crystals, we hit the one under which there is a number one. Going down to the first floor, we go into a room in which two cells hang above the cliff. On the ledges on the left wall we get to the lever and pull it. The second cell descends, with the help of a grip we cling to the ring and fly over the other side. Grab a shadow bomb from the cage and throw it on the lever. We return to the beginning of the room and shoot at the bomb. We quickly cling to the ring on the lowered cage and, until the second one has gone upstairs, we fly through the gap. We take the key in the chest and return to the elevator, having got out of the cliff, three ghosts will attack us, having filled up the reptiles, we go to the exit.

We rise to the third floor, hitting the crystal near the number 3. Using the key, open the door. We run through several galleries and run into a large hall where we have a small fight with a couple of three ghosts and an undead general. We run further along the corridors and exit into the elevator, the elevator is below, and you need to climb the ledge along the left wall and get to the opposite passage along the walls and ledges. Entering the door, we destroy the damage on the wall and go down the beams, reaching the end, we jump over the beams to the column. From the column along the vines on the wall we rise to the lever, by pulling which we raise the bridge, jump down and drag the column into the elevator shaft. We leave it exactly in the center, and we ourselves return the same way that we came, along the beams and walls to the third floor. After jumping onto the elevator, hit the crystal under the number two. Having entered the hall to Farisir, we wake him up and until he has departed from sleep, we blizzard whoever is at his best. He is a terrible enemy and cannot bring serious problems. Defeating him, Death will force Farisir to submit. Now the first subordinate lord will appear in our amulet, which we shamelessly begin to use to get out of jail. We use the Excommunication amulet, standing in a special circle to summon the enslaved lord, and after he appears, point him to the button behind the arena.


In order for Vasilevs to again become subordinate to the Lord of the Bone, we need to survive the psycameron.

We get to the Golden Arena, where the eternal guards will open a portal to the dungeons of Psycameron, where Death jumps. We immediately fall into the arms of enemies, repelling attacks, we go into the nearest door and call the Lords in the call circle. We run onto the platform and from it we place the lords on the buttons at different ends of the room, one lowers the grate, the second raises the platform. We pass through the door, and again we call the lords, in battle they will help you by destroying the enemies, we put the lord on the button. We pass along the raised bridge and put another lord on the button further. The grating goes down, and we pass behind it. We approach the locked door, looking down to the right we see the button, putting the lord there, we jump and pull ourselves up to him. We turn around and behind the cliff below we see another button, put the lord there. Jumping down again, we pull ourselves up to the lord. We go upstairs and activate the lever that lowers the grate. We return, and jump down, open the door, call on the lords and point them to each of the three levers, after the lords activate them, we take the key from the chest. We return to the locked door and open it.

For a moment, a hefty arachnid is shown - this is the notorious Echidna, which we have to gut. We call on the lords, stand on the button at the bridge and send one of the lords to stand on the button far to the left of the grate to which the bridge has risen. We go to the opened place, we order the remaining lord to stand on the button below. On the walls and ledges we get to the beam, descending along it, we jump to the lord, clinging to him with a grip. We reach the lever and activate it, go up and reach the second button. We call the lord there and go further. We activate the lever, we pass along the bridge, after destroying the enemies we get to the second lord, open the door and go inside. We call on the lords and together we sweep away those who dare to attack us. We open the next door and run along the wall to the lever, which we activate. We go in the door on the left and along the large suspension bridge we get to a huge and very dark cave, where Vasilevs appears on horseback Echidna.

We blizzard the ghostly lord until he jumps on the spider. Using the "instant strike" we find ourselves behind the back of Echidna and beat until she throws off Vasilevs. We repeat actions until victory.

The King's anger eclipsed his need. Those who could help were destroyed. But their death, their sins gave rise to a new force, a new army that will continue the path ...


We return to the Bone Lord and present the souls of the apostates. The Lord is angry and in a fit of passion kills the Lords. We are rewarded with the Spirit Divider. Finally, the Lord of the Bone sends us to the city of the dead.

We reach the gates to the City of the Dead, activate the spirit separator and split into two. With the first spirit of Death we move the left platform to the left, and with the second spirit of Death we move the right platform to the right. We go to City of the dead and by halls and galleries we get to the room with the crushing skeletons inside, decomposing them into components, we fight with the undead general, destroying them, we stand on the button, activate the spirit separator and with one part we run to the other button, with the other we climb the wall to the lever and pull the him. We go into the room and go left. We get to the statue without a lantern and go through the door on the right. We reach the lever, bifurcate and turn the lever so that it lowers the grate, switch to the second death and go inside the room. Grasp take the shadow bomb and sculpt on the lever on the wall in the previous room. Lower the grate, behind which there is a platform. We cancel the action of the spirit separator and climb onto the platform. Activate the divider again, you need the statue of Death to be on the platform. With one shadow we lower the grate by turning the lever, with the other we push the platform behind the grate into the room. We cancel the separator action. We rise along the stairs and jump into the hole in the floor. We take the key from the chest and drowning the lever in the wall, we go to the door, which can now be opened with the key.

We open the door and go into the hall, stand in the middle of the bridge and activate the separator. With the first shadow on the walls and ledges, we climb up to the lever and turn the lever to the limit so that the bridge turns. With the second shadow we get to the lever that lowers the grate. We activate the lever and cancel the action of the separator, leave the room, turn right and grab the lantern. Returning to the statue, we put the lantern in our hands. We deploy the statue to the column in the center of the hall. We go along the bridge and go in the door, along the vines, rings and ledges we go up. We open the door and go to the bridge, where the ghosts are waiting for us, having dealt with them, we run to the lever on the wall. We activate the separator, with one shadow we pull the lever to the right of the door we entered. The bridge will turn, reunite, now we activate the separator again, with one shadow we jump onto the lever on the wall, with the other we take the shadow bomb and go to the place where the grate fell. We throw a bomb on the levers, canceling the action of the separator, we reunite, we go into the now accessible door.

We jump on the walls to the lever and activate it. We get to one more lever and activate it. We jump down to the bridge and open the door, which was released by the bars. We get to the place with three huge Torturers, reinforced by ghosts in the appendage, the tactic is simple call everyone to death. After the destruction of all enemies, we enter the next door. We jump on the lever, from below we are pressed by a platform filled with sharp stakes, in addition to burning ones, we need to quickly climb up, using all the set of movements and tools available for parkour. Activate the lever and open the door. We start climbing the stairs on each flight of which you will fight with enemies. Rising upstairs, open the door. On the walls and beams we get to the other side of the cliff to the next door, and through it we get into a huge hall with an elevator. We go to the next door, stand by Death on the button and activate the separator. With one shadow we get along the opened rings and beams to the lever and pull it. We go in the opened door and by activating the lever we jump over to the elevator platform with a large statue.

We turn the statue 180 degrees and with the help of the grip we get to the door that we have now opened. We go inside and destroy the enemies, take a shadow bomb and sculpt it on the sprouts of damage nearby. We climb up and find a chest with a key. We return to the platform with the statue and reach the door where the key is needed. On the ledges, rings, walls and beams we get to the button. We split and stand on the button. We take the platform and push it behind the bars. We reunite and climb onto the platform. We fork on it and get up with one half again on the button. With the second half we roll the platform inward, change shadows and go to the second button next to it. We change our appearance again and roll out the platform behind the next grate. We reunite Death and open the door by pulling the lever, grab the shadow bomb nearby and sculpt it on the corruption sprouts on the statue with the beam. With the help of a grip and a ring, we return to the platform and activate the lever. We go down the elevator and turn our heads to the previously inaccessible door. We get to the big arena. Our enemy is not small - the Howling Bolshak.

But it shouldn't bring much difficulty. We dodge his attacks, and in between we strike at his head until he turns into a light whirlwind and hordes of ghostly skeletons begin to appear. Again, we hit the big one on the kumpol until it drops its head, run up and press the action key, provided that the corresponding icon glows above the forehead of the enemy.

Having finished with the highway and crowds of skeletons, we go out the door and stumble upon the Elder Raven, now he is more talkative and says that in order to get to the source of souls you need to get the key. The key is divided into two parts, one is with the angels and the other is with the demons.

A thousand souls demand retribution. A battle is coming, an old friend is returning. The path to the source is still closed to you, Rider. But every lock has a key.


We again meet the Raven at the tree of death, he points the way and Death follows the portal leading to the lands of angels.

KEY TO REDemption

We cause despair and jump forward, it will be very difficult to get lost. Having reached the crystal tower, we enter into battle with the angels affected by corruption. In the midst of the battle, the angel Nathaniel from the heavenly host appears. Finish off the remaining opponents for a couple and start a meaningful conversation.

Nathaniel tells about the state of affairs at the outpost and sends us to the Archon.

We go inside the head and activate the elevator by hitting the crystal. We rise upward, we leave and we go to the left. Corrupted angels fly around a small cliff, but you will not be attacked and will not be attacked until you activate the Soul Divider. We get up not far from the cliff and separate the souls, destroy the angels and move along the ledge to the other side. We grab the shadow bomb and jump into the cliff, with the other shadow we grab the bomb using a death grip. We run with the bomb to the undergrowth of damage and blow them up. We get to the Archon.

The archon says that he needs Arafel's wand to clear the way to the castle, where half of the key lies. The rod was lost on earth, which means we have a road there, well, not a road, but a portal that the Archon opens.


Through the portal we get to the ground and see the battle of angels with the creatures of darkness. The remnants of the heavenly host are led by Uriel, who, after the battle, will tell the story of a wand, split into three parts and actively used by the higher demon Avadon, who uses the power of the wand to strengthen the devil's offspring. We're going to look for the first part, it's not a labyrinth and you won't get lost, just run straight destroying the demon spawns until you get to the green web, destroying which we get part of the wand. We run forward and go straight to Uriel. She opens to destroy the barricade in the next part of the city.

The path is straight again, the only obstacle is periodically crawling out ghouls, not to destroy everyone, so we just run past the place where they crawl out. After the cave, the Cleaver will come across, a more effective weapon familiar to us from the first part, it fires six missiles, the next can be fired only if the previous ones exploded, an early detonation can be caused by pressing the right mouse button. When we jump into a deep crevice, "Noss" will come out - a strange creature on long legs, emitting clouds of pityers from the portals on its hands. This is where the divider will show all its effectiveness. We get along the road to the next web, breaking it we get the next part of the wand, we run forward and see Uriel, who will open the way for us to the last part of the city.

The path behind the third part is not original. We run straight shooting from the creatures of evil, once we destroy the "Noss" and a couple of huge creatures. Having reached the destroyed bridge and breaking the web, we get the last part of the wand. We run a little ahead and go out to Uriel, seeing the rod, the angel almost succumbed to the temptation to use it on the ground, but resisted and sent us back to the outpost of the angels.

At every step, Death met Corruption. The Light is lost, the Warriors of Heaven are cast down. But the wisdom of Arafel dispelled the darkness and showed everyone the way forward.

Spots of Heresy
Returning to the Archon, we give him the rod. The angel uses the power of the light contained in the rod to clear the outpost of corruption, and gives us a griffin on which we get to the castle previously lost by the angels.

So, we fly on a bird to the Ivory Citadel.

Knowledge is stored in the Citadel. Secrets are revealed there. Corruption has been destroyed there. “That was the Archon,” said the scribe to the Horseman. And so it happened - it was the Archon at the end of the sword of Death ...


Having returned from the Archon, we approach the Old Raven. After informing him that we had obtained the key, he opened a portal to the world of demons. We enter it and find ourselves in a world of complete opposite to the world of angels. After talking with Raven, we go in search of Lilith.


We call Despair and jump to the entrance to the castle of Samael. Having opened the doors, we follow to the first door to the right, entering which we meet Lilith. She will clarify the situation, you can get to Samael only by getting into the past. It will also improve our "Traveler in the Void" to "Traveler in Time".

Here Corruption recedes before the void. A distant echo comes to life here. "Take it," says the Horseman's mother, "so you will find my master."


We leave from Lilith and go straight, go through the door and on the left we will see a place for the portal only in green, in this you can create a portal to go through time. We go into it and see how the area has changed. Now we can get to the open door along the restored bridge, demons will appear along the way. We go into the open door on the right and along the walls we get to the lever, activate the lever. We turn right and create a portal, we enter it. We jump down to the arena, after which we climb the wall up to the door, grasping the ring with our grip. We enter the door and pass through the cracked bridge to the suspended arena with growths of corruption. Below we create a portal and move in time, stand on the button with death and activate the “Soul Separator”, send one shadow a little lower and create a portal in the wall, with another shadow we get to the place where the shadow bomb lies, next to the bomb we create a portal and taking the bomb we throw it through the portal of the first shadow. We throw a bomb into the arena, go back to the future, open the chest and take the key. We return to the cracked bridge and create a portal to the past. We go into it and run to the locked door. We reach the lever and pull it. Jump down and create a portal now. We climb the wall up to the door to Samael's chambers, create a portal and meet with the demon.

Samael is not easy when he flies nearby, we actively attack him, when he returns to the throne, he will start throwing huge fireballs at us, which are easy to dodge.

When you remove half of his life from him, he will sit on the throne with a very tired look, a bridge will form across the abyss filled with lava, we will cross it and cheer up the despondent demon with a couple of blows. He apparently didn’t like it very much, but it doesn’t bother us at all. The enraged Samael creates portals under the feet of death from which lava spurts, we spin as if in a frying pan and in between we give the demon horns.
Having defeated Samael, we get the key and go to the Elder Raven, after talking with whom we go to the Source of Souls.


Having opened the door with two obtained keys, we go inside and meet with Absalom, after watching the video, we shred our brother into something, the enemy is not very difficult and you don’t have to take any special actions.

By defeating Absalom, we not only killed the former Nephilim, but also destroyed the source of the corruption that he spread from himself. The last thing left is to revive humanity. But death will cope with this without us.

So, Life was born from Death, humanity was reborn. But the journey of Death is not over.

If you are having problems with passing Darksiders games 2 , you can always use our advice and information for action. We detail the steps you need to follow to complete the game. Darksiders 2. In the most difficult places, we add pictures that can help you. Walkthrough Darksiders 2 read on our website.

In Game Darksiders 2 the most difficult are the battles against the bosses. Considering that gamers spend a lot of time on these fights, we have made a guide for passing all the bosses.

Also in the passage of the game Darksiders 2, attention is paid to some missions that precede important battles.

Boss Garn

You need to act against the boss as follows. When Garn plunges the weapon into the floor and moves towards us, then we need to dodge with the Alt key, and also jump to him in the opposite direction. However, do not run in a straight line, as he will overtake us. For this case, you need to use the trajectory of the circle. The enemy will now and then swing at us, and at this time we must jump behind him, in which case he will miss, and this will allow us to successfully attack him. The maximum damage will occur if we carry out several attacks in his back and side. We wait until Garn sits down, then the moment will come for an attack. You should not get carried away, you need to constantly monitor the enemy, as he explodes after a sitting position and thereby inflicts damage on us. The main thing is to run away at the right time.

Tears of the mountains

We go in search of a lazy fort. We will find yellow formations at the top of the gate, they need to be shot with a pistol. Now we can move on. Again we hit the formations and climb higher, here we will not have a long battle, now the path is open.

Restore the tears of the mountains

We see that the locked gate is in front of the nose. You need to get up and take the bomb and throw it on the blue ball. We take a firearm and fire at the bomb, roll the ball into a niche, after which the gate will open. We pass into a large room, and then to the left, there we will already find the open gates. Keep going there and find a lot of chests. Nearby, we will grapple with a weak semi-boss, which we will quickly kill. The helmet Karn needs will be found around here. We should return to a huge room, where we will go down one floor and where we will find an open gate. Let's keep going there. We notice that it will not be possible to cross the abyss, so you have to return to a huge room where you need to enter another gate. We go straight and bother to stumble upon the open gate. You need to enter the room where you need to roll two balls into the holes. Let's roll the right ball first. We climb higher and look for where to pick up the bomb. Find it on the right side in the hole. We select the bomb and destroy the fetters on the ball. We'll have to ride it to the gate. You need to take another bomb and attach it to the ball. Then we climb to a height where there is a large button, if you press it, it will open the gate. To move forward, you need to stand and shoot at the bomb that is attached to the ball. The path ahead is free. You need to go to the lever and pull it.

Then you need to jump into the water and swim through the channel. We will swim to the room where you need to climb the vines and climb up. Now you should go to the gate, which is closed. Having descended into the canal, we will go a little along it, then you need to go down to where it breaks off. There is a chest with a key in it. We return to the cliff and keep the way up. We follow to the gate and open it. So we get into a large room, where again we expect a stone. You need to destroy the yellow formations and go down to the ball. Next, you need to roll the ball and press the middle mouse button to throw it. It is necessary to install this ball in the hole. This will lower the lift. Next, you should take a bomb and stand on this elevator. Now we will throw explosives into the ball and shoot at it, we are at the top. We see the lever and click on it.

Boss Karkinos

I don't think this fight will cause any effort for you. The main thing is to find out the weakness of this enemy. We need to dodge the attacks of the boss with the help of the Alt key, thus we turn sharply and do not receive damage from his attack. The boss has a prone position in which he is invulnerable, so don't waste time, just wait for him to rise. We will notice that some rocks are falling around. It turns out that there are bugs in them, which after a certain time will hatch out. But while it's still just an egg, we take it and throw it at Karkinos. This can be done using SCM. Such a powerful blow will throw Karkinos and knock him on his back. Now is the best moment for our attacks, as the boss has exposed his most vulnerable place - the belly. We inflict crushing attacks on the monster. This should be done a couple of times and Karkinos is defeated.

move the mountain

You need to turn on the construct worker, and also direct the ball into the pit. You should aim directly at the circle and release the chain, then we pass into the next room. We deal with opponents and keep moving forward. We are looking for a way up and leave the Bay. Next, you need to go to a new room. We will see that there is already a route up. If we follow the corridor, we will reach the room with the construct. We sit on it and crush the growths of yellow color. But we don’t get carried away, although it’s fun, because we need to jump off the robot and go to the lever to pull it. We see that the crossing has risen, which means that you can again sit down at the robot. We stop in a large room above the niche to throw the chain, we can cross the abyss. We blow up the bomb next to the ball and put it in the hole. We take a bomb and throw it into the ball. Now the path to the key from the chest is open. We run to the lever and activate it, this will open the doors. Now you need to climb on the robot again and clear your route. It is worth driving up to the hole and entering the arena. We fight with monsters and run into the gate leading to the abyss. You should go to the waterfall and get to the construct in order to sit in it. We place it in the elevator, and we will go to another robot. We sit down on it and go to the hole near the lift. The robot will rise, after which you need to take it to the ground and put it in a hole where the second one was picked up, we notice the teeth that have fallen. We climb on that robot, which is located at the elevator and go to the passage that was done recently. There we find a hole and sit down in it to release the chain. We head to another robot and take it to the hole that opens the gate ahead.

Boss Bubble-construct

It won't be too hard to hit the monster, but you should seriously beware of the shock wave, so you should jump up at the moment of close proximity. Bombs will sometimes fall around the perimeter. To successfully confront the boss, you need to pick up a bomb and throw it at him. This explosive will concuss him, so let's take full advantage of the moment. You need to attack on his blue "soul". At this moment, Bubblegum summons his submitted construct freaks. If before that we pumped the Aegis, then we turn it on and do not pay attention to a trifle. This should take several attempts.

Boss Corrupted Guard

It's not that hard to run away from the guard's clapping. We move unexpectedly and abruptly, so we will confuse the enemy. When he tries to attack, we immediately cut a larger angle, so we can get into his rear and deal effective damage. Its ability to torsion will bring us enough trouble. As soon as we feel that he is about to turn around, we immediately run back. We defeat him and go to awaken the guard. It wasn't worth doing.

Boss Guardian

The highlights of the fight with this boss are as follows.

1) We ride on our horse and closely monitor the actions of the Guardian. When we notice that he is going to crack at us with his club, we turn on the acceleration on the Alt key and give a tear to the side of the blow. Moreover, if we jump along the club and not across, then remember as you knew. The weak point of this giant is located on his arm. These are bomb-shaped growths. We shoot at them and, when the giant collapses, we take a grip and approach the crystals, destroy them. After such operations, we will make it one-armed.

2) The boss shoots yellow balls with spikes, from which there is nowhere to hide, except for the feet of the Guardian. There is a comfort zone between the limbs of the guard and the radius of the path of the ball, we find this zone. As soon as the boss released the ball, we take a cannon and shoot at it, this is before it starts to float in the air. Then we saddle the horse and fly to the feet. The ball will not fly where the guard wanted, it will knock him down. The experience is falling, and we are striving to find the place where the remaining hand fell, there we will find a crystal that needs to be destroyed.

Boss Gnashor

At the very beginning, this is an ordinary underground worm that only hits from the ground. We apply a grip when he leans out into the white light.

In the future, this worm is dressed in flesh made of stone. We need to crush it point blank. But when we feel that he wants to kick the ground, it is necessary to jump to Alt as soon as possible, thus we will dodge. But the boss is not easy, he will often regenerate, which will make attacks on him useless. However, there is a loophole. When he regenerates his health points, he puffs out his nefarious snout. At this point, you need to apply a grip and cling to the worm. We inflict crushing blows, after which his health will obviously be shaken.

Boss Farisir

When Farisir prepares to attack, we must at that moment begin our attack. We must pick the moment to jump on it. It is in this case that he will not respond to damage. The moment will come when our blows will be extinguished by him, this is a sign that you need to run away from him, he will do a magic trick. Skeletons will soon arrive on the arena, which are easiest to wet with harvest.

Boss Torturer

Not a fight, but an easy walk. If you have "ripened" the appearance of the Reaper, then immediately turn it on. So we will demolish the health of the enemy like a hurricane.

Boss Keeper of Bones

To achieve quick success in battle, you need to aim your grip at the skeleton that is hanging and grab. We also use harvest against clouds of skeletons.

Boss Bone Giant

If there is a Reaper, then use it. No tricks are required to kill him, we still dodge at the moment of his attack. At such moments, there will be a few seconds for your own attack.

Bosses Vasilevs, Echidna

At the start of the battle, we accept the call of Vasilevs. His attacks are quite predictable, so they are easy to avoid. Before hitting us, he steps back a little. It's readable, so you just have to jump to the side. In the second stage of the battle, Vasilevs will call for help from a giant spider named Echidna. Her intention to attack will be given out by electrical discharges. When we see that the spider jumped up, we immediately jump in any direction, the main thing is not to stay still. The next stage of the battle is again 1 on 1 with Vasileus, and then again with Echidna. You need to use the map and select the fast travel item in order to get out of this cave.

Boss Howling Bolshak

We strike the monster on the tentacles and limbs when it brings them down on us. Thus, we act until he lowers his head down. Now we hit his mask, after which he hides in his hole. He will call for help a crowd of skeletons, which are better to mow down with Harvest. Again, we are waiting for the moment when he bows his head. When his health reaches a certain level, then you need to press Shift and E and continue to hit the mask. With this we will attack with purpose and his mask will fall off. So the huge monster will be defeated.

Boss Noss

A terrible huge skinny creature that lets us beetles - bombs. Here we can take a real grenade launcher instead of a machine gun. We run at a certain distance and shoot the monster. After his death, we look at the map and continue to break forward.

Boss Jaimeira Scribe

The monster will first throw yellow balls. Let's make 2 portals and stand in a straight line portal - boss - portal. When the scribe launches a bomb flying straight ahead, we sharply dodge to the side and see that the bomb will hit the boss directly. When Jameirah turns off, we come up and beat. At the next stage of the battle, the boss will rise up and will no longer go down. Monster will hit us with a beam. We will do everything in the same way. Let's make a portal in the very center and on the 2nd tier and try to make the beam go through the center of the circle.

Boss Archon

The boss has a fairly large attack horizon with stones that we need to jump over. We are afraid of an attack that will pass along the ground. When Archon finishes his series of blows, run to him and attack the enemy. When it soars up, we should not lose a minute and with the help of a grip, grab and deal damage.

Boss Samael

A characteristic feature of Samael is that he is equipped with strong armor. Our attacks will bring him weak damage, on the contrary, his attacks will seriously damage our health. However, gradually his HP will decrease. We can't do without stocks of health potions.

Boss Incarnation of Chaos

In principle, the boss is much weaker than the previous one, which is not logical. We deftly run away from his blows and wait for the moments when he sticks the weapon into the ground. The boss will become mighty after a certain point. But this will not help him in any way, the blows are still the same predictable. So let's deal with it effortlessly.

Lost Light, Crystal Tower, Earth, Ivory Citadel.

We return to the main road, go further, we slip past the castle on the coast. We move further straight along the course and climb up the mountain serpentine. We enter a small room, take the contents of two chests, take a seal in the crevice on the right, shoot Stone of Power (3/25), hanging from above above the front door. We leave the room, go down.

We climb up the other way a little south. We rise to the cliff to the left of the road, and jump down to collect the seal. We return back to the right road.

On a narrow winding road we get to the entrance to the building. Almost at the very end of the road, Stone of Mystic (10/34) will hang at the top right. We shoot insects inside. At the end of the corridors along the right wall we climb up, take and throw the yellow projectile into the blue ball on the opposite side. We shoot at the attached projectile, the ball will fall down, after that we jump to it, and roll it into the recess. We enter the next location.

We return to The Fjord (Fjord) after receiving the item Creator's Key (Maker's Key).

We swim into the bay in the southwest of the location, there we will find a dilapidated stone golem named Oran. He gives the task to find parts of his stone body (they look like huge green boulders).

Oran golem body parts locations:

The right leg is located in The Fjord on the mountain in front of the entrance to The Drenchfort.

The right hand is right in the middle of the Shadow Gorge location.

The left leg is in The Charred Pass behind the second round gate.

The left hand is in front of the entrance to The Scar.

Having found all the parts of the golem, we return to it. Additional task completed.

The golem now mentions a blacksmith shaman. We go to Tristone to the girl Muria. She gives us the task to find 6 seeds of the shade leaf (Gather the Seed). Seeds drop from Prowler monsters that live in the hills of the Fjord. We bring the seeds to the shaman girl, we get the item Magnetite (Lodestone). The Maker's Chronicle item can now be found. This book lies in the location of the Cursed Forest (Baneswood) in a small cave in the northwest. We carry the found book to Orana in the south of the location of the Fjord (The Fjord). (Quest completed. Get 384 XP, 1500 Gilt).

We return to The Fjord (Fjord) after receiving a demonic hand.

We approach the coastal fortress. We climb to the second floor of the fortress with the help of a demonic hand. We take two chests. We jump down from the western edge of the fortress to take the seal hanging in the air.

We fall into the water, swim to the pier, filled with growths of crystals. We swim under it, move towards the coast, find the bars on the wall, and climb up along them. On the pier, with the help of a demonic hand, we attract a yellow projectile to ourselves and throw it into the crystals. We pass further, we take the chest.

We return to The Fjord (Fjord) after obtaining the split ability.

Building to the east, accessed by a winding uphill road. We go inside, stand on the central plate, split in two. With two copies, we stand on the pressure plates on the left and right. Our statue will rise, at this time you need to turn off the split and quickly jump to the hill. At the top we leave the statue on one plate, with the first hero along the wall we get to the second plate behind the bars, with the second hero we take the thing page of the Book of the Dead (6/10) volume 3. If you destroy all the jugs in this room, then a secret chest will appear.

We return to The Fjord (Fjord) after receiving the ability to teleport.

We sail south to the merchant Vulgrim. Behind him, we activate two portals, destroy the crystal, take the chest, then from afar we aim at the crystal standing in the right corner, we take the thing page of the Book of the Dead (5/10) volume 4. In the room where the explosive projectile is located, Stone of Resistance (9/10) hangs high on the wall.

Storm Fort (The Drenchfort)

We leave into the room with a huge statue in the middle. From the front door we go left almost to the very corner, we approach the cliff and carefully jump down onto a small ledge to go into the cave where lies Book of the Dead page (6/10).

We jump down to the base of the statue, and take the chest. There will be a door directly opposite, we shoot at Stone of Mystic (11/34), hanging above it. From the chest we go to the right side, there will be a seal. We go down to the very bottom, along the left or right wall we climb up. One path leads to a locked door, there is nothing there. The other one is towards the openable door, where another chest lies nearby. We go to the open door.

1 stream. At the entrance we collect a couple of chests.

We go into a small room on the south side. We deal with several opponents, and then with the boss.

Boss: Earth Crag

This boss looks like a wooden stump with arms and legs. It does not pose a particular danger, it is easily destroyed.

(Only in DLC). We go forward, pick up on the table Karn Helm (Journeyman Helm).

Take the chest, get out of here.

We move further out into a large room with a statue of a blacksmith holding a hammer. Here we dive into the water, in the crevice on the right we take the chest. We go up. On the right side, we run along three walls and find ourselves near the ball, roll it down, and then into the recess.

We pass to the left side of the room. We pass along the arch of the gate and collect the seal. We take the chest near the doors (we will get the full map of The Drenchfort location) and the chest on the left side. We see a ball shrouded in growths of yellow crystals. To the right of this place we climb the wall, take a yellow projectile there, throw it into the crystals and blow it up. With the next projectile we destroy the crystals on the balcony on the right. We roll the ball to the closed gate, put a yellow projectile on it. We climb onto the platform located at the back to open the gate. Without getting off it, we shoot at the projectile on the ball so that it rolls into the central room. We get off the platform, we ourselves get into the central room along the wall, and then we roll the ball into the recess. We pass through the opened door.

We go along the corridors, at the end of the path we press the lever. The first damper opened, the water ran down the chute. We move along the gutter with water, climb the wall to the left to take the chest.

We return to the central room with the statue of scales.

2 stream. The scales tilted to one side under the weight of the water. Now you need to open the water on the other side for a counterweight.

We jump into the water, find a long tunnel in the center and swim through it. There will be a seal at the other end of the tunnel. We climb up the wall, go to the left side and collect the chest. We go to the right side and rise even higher.

Dealing with monsters. After that, the boss will jump out.

Boss: Savage Stalker

It behaves in the same way as a regular Stalker monster, but for defeating it they give a new ability - Reaper Form (Transformation into a reaper spirit).

Move on. In the next room, from the central part of the water trough, we jump to the branch on the right. There we climb up the wall, from the right edge of the ledge we run along the wall to the right side to get into a small corner where it will lie Book of the Dead page (7/10). We go down, we go further. In the chest we find the key (Skeleton key). We return to the door with bright blue chains.

Having opened the door with the key, we go further along the corridor. Entering the room, climb up the left wall. We take a yellow projectile, throw it into the growths of crystals, and blow them up. We go down there, take the chest, with an effort roll the ball up the hill (middle mouse button), and then put it in the recess.

On the right side of the room, we run along all the walls, at the end we get a chest. Below, under the balcony, there is a small nook on the right, where another chest lies.

We go to the central part of the room. We take the yellow projectile and install it on the ball from the side of the elevator. We get up on the elevator, shoot at the projectile on the ball so that it jumps out of the recess. From this, the elevator lifts us up. We go in the door.

We pass along the corridors, in the room on the left side we shoot bombs on the growths of crystals, after that we turn on the lever. The second flap is up. We move back along the water chute. We turn left, there we climb up to press the second lever. We move further along the water flow, we return to the central room with the scales.

Central stream. Now the water flows from both sides and runs away in the central direction. We go to the door, under which the water flows. We pass through the next door and get to the boss.

Boss: Karkinos

Take the egg (E) and forcefully roll it (middle mouse button) towards the huge stone. The stone turns out to be the boss Karkinos. Normally, he is invulnerable. To inflict damage on him, you must first wait until the next egg falls from the ceiling, then take it and throw it at the boss with force. The boss will fall on his side, now you can beat him. This will need to be repeated several times. For defeating him, we will receive the "Masher of Karkinos" item.

We go forward, we press the last lever. The level is passed, you can return to Tristone.

Tristone (Tri-Stone)

We go into the opened room Forge Creators (Maker's Forge). We go around the blacksmith's furnace, on the back of the statue above the furnace hangs Stone of Mystic (12/34). We approach Aliya, we get a new main task "Move the mountain" and an item Maker's Key. With it, you can revive stone golems, and this will allow us to go to the location The Nook (Callout). You can also return to the location to revive the golem Oran.

Cove (The Nook)

We enter the room, break all the boxes, in one of them there will be a seal. We open the chest. We approach a pile of stones with a bright blue glow, use the Maker's Key, from this the stones add up to a golem. Having saddled the golem (key E), we call on it into the recess on the floor, after that we shoot the chain (middle mouse button). On the chain we reach the door.

In the next room, we deal with the enemies, take the yellow projectile and break the growths of yellow crystals. We take the chest and move on.

We make our way along the logs, pillars and ledges to the next large room. In the room we break all the boxes, in one of them there will be a seal. Press the lever to open the previously closed door. At the same time, a corridor down will open nearby. We go along it, exit to the lake of lava, go into the door on the left to climb up again, but along a different path.

We go into a room with two elevators. First, we jump along the poles above the lava (you need to step on the top, and then on the bottom luminous pole). After pressing down, the ball will roll down, we go to it. We press the lower lever nearby - the elevator goes down, we roll the ball onto the elevator. We climb up the opposite wall, press the upper lever to lower the second elevator to the middle. We jump down, press the lower lever again, take the first elevator up. We look a little up and break Stone of Mystic (13/34) there. Berm the ball and forcefully throw it on the second elevator (middle mouse button). We jump down, climb the opposite wall, press the upper lever to raise the second elevator. The ball is raised up, now we roll it into the recess. We collect chest standing nearby, we go into the following doors. There we take another chest. As a result, we go back to a huge room. In it we go into the northern door, where we have not been yet.

We get into a large room filled with water. We jump into the water, swim down the spiral staircase, on one of the floors we swim into the room, we find the seal. We climb up the spiral staircase, jump to another building, and, in the end, get out into the street.

The Tomb of Death (a stone door with multi-colored symbols) can only be entered after we collect all 10 pages of the Book of the Dead and sell them to the merchant Vulgrim. (Inside the tomb there are six chests and racks with rare weapons. In the far corner we move the movable column and take out the item “ Blade Master Talisman».

We approach Karn, we give him a helmet (Journeyman Helm). We take the chest behind the column. We enter the temple.

We return to The Nook (Bay) after receiving a demonic hand.

We go into the location, turn right (east), and go to the lava lake. We jump on the rings, collect the seal. On the rest of the destroyed bridge, the boss is waiting for us.

Boss: Vehir(Level 15)

The Fire Dragon. To hide from the fiery breath, very often you will need to go down to the ledges.

We pass into the largest central room, we see growths of crystals on the second floor. We jump there along the wall with the ring, break the crystal, behind it lies page of the Book of the Dead (2/10) volume 2.

We return to The Nook (Bay) after obtaining the split ability.

We pass into the largest central room, climb to the second floor, split in two and pick up the chest behind the bars.

We return to The Nook (Bay) after receiving the ability to teleport.

We reach the lake of lava, in the northern corridor we activate the first portal. We enter the door leading to the room with two elevators, at the very top we stand on the corner, aim and activate the portal on the high balcony corner. We go into the first portal, get to the balcony, take two chests.

The Lost Temple

We kill the monsters, take the chest hidden behind the left stairs, go to the next room.

We activate the golem, sitting on it, we break the crystals, and then we roll the golem's ball into the recess.

In the next room we break the boxes, we find a seal there. We kill the attacking enemy in the form of a flying stone head (Construct Sentinel) with a pistol, we get for it carved stone for an extra task. On the opened bar on the northern wall we rise upward, we go further.

Having reached the water, we jump into it to take the seal in the far left corner from the lowered bridge. In the same place we find an underwater grotto, in it we pick up a chest. We go up. We get to the golem, activate it. We drive up on the golem to the cliff on the left, shoot the chain (middle mouse button) at the yellow crystals on the other side. We get off the golem, go to the other side, press the lever there. On the raised bridge we again go to the golem, and then without stopping we ride on it forward. There will be a chest along the way.

Having reached the central room astride the golem, we go to the southern dead end. We roll the golem's ball into the recess, shoot the chain. Down in the pit hangs Stone of Mystic (14/34). Even lower in the pit lies a chest. Then we run along the chain to the other side of the abyss. There we shoot at a hanging bomb, roll up the ball, put a yellow projectile on it, approach the closed grate and shoot the projectile from there. The ball pops up, the grate drops, and we take the key from the chest. We leave from here, we return to the central room to the door chained. We pass through the door, climb to the other side, turn on the lever. You can go further.

We jump down, sit down on the golem and ride it to the next room. There we break all the outgrowths of the yellow crystal, roll the golem into the recess on the right, shoot the chain, move along it to the other side. There we take the chest. We return back. In the left part of the room we examine the chest (inside the location map The Lost temple). We sit down on the golem, we go further, we roll it into the recess in front of the grate. We pass through the opened door.

In the arena, you will have to fight with numerous opponents for a very long time. At the end, a chest will appear as a reward for this.

We go further south. Move on. We run along the narrow corridor without a floor along the walls, jumping from one to another. Then, in a narrow place along the walls, we climb up, also jumping from wall to wall. At the top, we run along the right wall to take the chest. Move on.

Behind the left wall we take another chest. We take the seal behind the roots of a huge tree.

(Only in DLC). Pick up under the arch Compass Karn (Journeyman Compass).

At the next door on the left is another chest. We enter the door.

We activate the golem, we start it on the elevator. On foot we climb along the walls to the second floor. There we activate another golem, on it we go into the recess in front of the elevator to raise the first golem. We change to a raised golem, on it we go to a recess that opens the grate. We leave it here, and on the second golem we reach the cliff in front of the far door, we shoot the chain into the outgrowths of the yellow crystal. Then we drive on the golem to where the grate opened. At the end of the corridor, we stand in the recess and shoot the chain. We run along the chain to another wall. We jump down to the right side, pick up the chest standing there, go upstairs. We sit down on the first golem, we reach on it to the deepening in front of the abyss in order to open the doors on the other side of this abyss. We return along the pole to the chain, and along it to the second golem, we go further, behind the golem, a grate has opened, where Book of the Dead page (8/10). We return to the chain, and then we jump over to the door to the next room.

We go out to the balcony with a gorgeous view of the mountains. We run along the right wall to another balcony, there we meet a couple of dozen opponents. We enter the room.

We climb up the wall, shoot the bomb. As a result, the ball falls down. We see four poles and a room on the other side of the cliff. Stone of Power (4/25) hangs on the wall of the room. We jump over the poles to the other side with a small room where lies Book of the Dead page (9/10). We jump down. We roll the ball into the recess, go into the opened door.

We kill all the monsters, destroy all the boxes and pots, one of them will have a seal. Let's move on to the boss.

Boss: Construct Hulk

At first we do not attack him, we will wait until he hits the floor (at this time we bounce so as not to take damage). From such a blow, yellow shells will fall from above, they will be located along the edges of the arena. We take the nearest projectile and throw it at the boss. There will be an explosion, and a ball of infection will fall out of the boss. Now we attack and inflict damage on the boss. So we repeat several times.

We pick up four chests, we approach the large gates and open them. We talk with the Guardian (Guardian), after which we return together to Tristone.

Tristone (Tri-Stone)

In the settlement, we start a conversation with a blacksmith. He tells us that the Tree of Life is the exit from this world and the entrance to other parallel worlds. We get a new main task "The Heart of the Mountains".

We approach Karn, we give him the found Compass of the Wanderer (Journeyman Compass).

The Foundry

We pass along the bridge between the water and the lava, on the left we take away the chest, Stone of Resistance (1/10) hangs on one bucket.

In the next room, we go in a circle to the cliff, here Karn will transfer the hero to the other side. One bucket at a time, we move to another island, and from there we move to a room with a blue door on the minimap.

Here we jump onto the glowing pole to open the gate for Karn. He walks forward. The two of us move on with him.

In a large round room we go into the nearest passage on the left. In the next room we approach the grate in the wall, Karn will throw us to the other side. There we take the chest and jump into the water. We find a seal in the water, and then we look for another way out of the water. We get out upward, we pass by the ball, again we dive into the water from the other side. Under water, we are looking for a way to the chest, we swim up to the room with the ball. We step on the pressure plate, roll out the ball into the central room, and then roll it with force in the direction where the path of symbols leads. The golem went upstairs. We activate it, sit on horseback and go to destroy the growths of crystals.

First, we shoot the chain at the crystals on the second floor, then we pick up the chest there. Further in the narrow corridor, a chest behind the crystals will also be hidden. We move on.

In a room where there is a door wrapped in bright blue chains, in one of the passages we drive up to the edge of the cliff, roll the golem into a recess, shoot with a chain, and run forward along it. We jump to the left on the wall along which you can crawl. We crawl up, along the logs we get to the second floor. Then we go through a couple of rooms, and at the end we examine the chest, where we find the key. We return to the golem.

We approach the door with chains, open it with the key. Climb up the spiral staircase. There Karn throws us to the other side of the cliff. We collect the chest (there is a map of The Foundry location in it), we go into the round room.

We break the chains and pick up a new device Death grip (Deathgrip)(demonic hand). The grip turns on instead of the pistol. It allows you to attract useful objects to yourself and use rings driven into the ceiling. We go back.

SECRET: On the right there is a high ledge, which you can’t climb just like that. To get there, we approach the cliff with the ring, go down to the ledge, jump down into the abyss, during the fall we quickly use the demonic hand to cling to the ring and get to the lower ledge. From here we go up through the secret tunnel and find ourselves at the top, where lies Book of the Dead page (10/10)(All pages of the first volume of the Book of the Dead have been found, now they can be sold to the merchant Vulgrim, get the “Bone Key” item and use this key to open the Tomb of Death near the location of The Lost Temple (Lost Temple)).

We approach the cliff, grab the ring on the ceiling (middle mouse button) and find ourselves on the other side. We go into the corridor. With the help of a demonic hand, we take out a yellow projectile through the growths of crystals and throw it into the crystals. We take the chest. We go down the stairs.

Astride the golem, we return to the cliff to shoot the chain again. We run along the chain to the middle, then jump to the right side, cling to the ring on the ceiling, pick up the chest, along the wall, and then go back along the chain.

Now follow Karn into the largest round room on the level.

1st Heart Stone. We reach the lowered bridge, Karn will lead us exactly here. Here, on the wall on the right, we grab a yellow projectile with a demonic hand and throw it into the lever. The bridge rises, we go on it further.

In the next room, along the poles, we get to the left lever, press it. We rise higher and jump along the ring to the ceiling. We move along it to the right lever. We return to the center along the wall.

We sit on the elevator, press the lever and go down. Below, Karn once again throws us over the abyss. Now you need to run along the walls using a demonic hand. For a good overclock, it is best to activate the demonic hand well before approaching the rings. Having stepped on solid ground, we turn towards the ring, fall down, and then let our hand go to the ring in order to run to the upper ledge and pick up the nearby chest. We return to the upper ledge and jump from it back to the ground. We get up on the pressure plate, with the help of a demonic hand we fly far ahead.

We jump along the walls, in one place we climb up to take the chest. We move on. At the end, we activate the golem and ride it through the lava. We collect the chest on the left. We drive into the recess on the golem, shoot the chain a little higher than usual. We climb up the chain and take the Heart Stone. On the elevator we return to the central round room. We put the stone in place.

2nd Heart Stone. On the ring that appears, we jump to another island, go forward. We pass a small pipe, we leave into the room. In the far pipe, which leads nowhere, lies a seal. We go into the pipe that leads into the room between the two blue doors. Having reached there, we press the lever, we pass further.

The satellite throws us over the abyss. Here we collect the seal in the far left corner, then activate the golem, roll it into the recess, shoot the chain. We get off the golem, climb a small hill. There we twist the lever to the very end, and then we approach the raised column on the left. She will slowly go down. You need to have time to climb up it, then run to the middle of the chain and from there jump onto the wall and cling to the ledge. We move on, we press the lever. He will raise all the bridges in this room. We return and sit down on the golem. On it we go to the yellow crystals and destroy them. We move on.

We leave for the square in front of the dam. We deal with all enemies. We find and destroy the crystals on the second floor. After that, we get off the golem, Karn will throw us on this second floor. There will be a chest with a key. Next to this place, we jump into the water, take the seal there. We climb up the grassy wall in the eastern part of this location. Having risen to the top of the dam, we take the chest.

We jump into the water on the other side of the dam. In the water we find another seal. Climb up the wall with the ring. At the top we press the lever, from which the dam starts working, and starts the mechanisms on the other side. We go further, we collect the chest. If you destroy all the boxes and jugs here on the site with the chest, then another secret chest will appear. We cross the dam back.

We sit down on the golem, roll it into the crushing chamber, get down, press the lever nearby. The golem is destroyed. The remaining ball is rolled to the door with chains, and then into the recess in front of the grate. In the opened corner we climb up, starting from one wall, then from the other. We take another giant stone and return with it to the central room of the level.

3rd Heart Stone. We jump behind the bars, press the lever to open the door. We sit on the golem, break all the growths of crystals, roll it into a recess. We climb up, make our way along the logs and run along the walls using the rings. We take the stone.

Boss: Corrupted Custodian

The golem becomes infected with black goo, and now you have to fight him. We come close to the boss, when he swings - we bounce to the side, and then we start to beat him. Continue like this until he runs out of health. It swings very slowly, so there will always be time to dodge it. It will only be necessary to move away from him from time to time when he begins to spin like a hurricane.

We take the stone to the central room. A huge Guardian (The Guardian) comes to life and walks towards the World Tree. We return to the exit through the punched tunnel on the right, we pass through the Trestone, at the location of Stonefather's Vale we catch up with the Guardian.

Stonefather's Vale

Boss: Guardian (The Guardian)

We jump to the boss, wait for him to start swinging, at this time we bounce to the side with acceleration. When the Guardian strikes the ground, shoot the bombs on his lowered right hand with a pistol. The hand will explode and fall off for a while. We run up to the fallen shoulder, switch the pistol to the demonic hand, aim and grab the green crystal. Having climbed up, we beat the crystal with ordinary weapons. After ten seconds, the boss will recover. Now you need to repeat the same thing one or two more times, after which the boss's right arm will fall off.

The guardian will start attacking with his left hand - he will release a large yellow explosive projectile. The projectile will roll on the ground behind us, we dodge and shoot at it. When the projectile is low on health, it will stop in place. At this moment, we hide behind the Guard (but do not get close to him, otherwise he will start kicking), the projectile will fly into the Guard. From this, the boss will fall on his left hand. We climb along his hand, as if along a wall, jump up, cling to the crystal with a demonic hand and beat him. So we repeat a couple of times, after which the boss will lose his left hand. And the head of the protagonist will finish himself.

The head blacksmith restores the Guardian to its normal, uninfected form. A fight ensues between the giant Guardian and the no less gigantic eye of infection. As a result, the path to the World Tree opens, where there will be an entrance to the next world. But it is worth staying a little in this world to collect all the remaining treasures.

In the Stonefather's Vale location, we jump into the northeast gorge. There lies page of the Book of the Dead (1/10) volume 2. Nearby on the rock above hangs Stone of Mystic (15/34).

To collect all the treasures, after receiving the demonic hand (death grip), we return to the already completed locations (text under the lines):

, , , .


(It is not necessary to enter this location for the main passage. The additional task Spark of Life is performed here)

There are level 17 enemies in this location.

We go to the location The Scar (Scar). We get to the entrance to the building. With the help of a demonic hand, we jump onto the log, and from it we jump down and take the seal. We stand in front of the door to the building, turn around and look at a fragment of a large pipe on the left. In the place of its break is Stone of Power (5/25). We go inside the building.

We pick up the chest under the entrance stairs. Inside we fight with strong enemies of level 17. And then you have to very quickly climb up the walls, escaping from the rising lava. fire lift.

We sit down on the golem and calmly ride on the lava. We drive into a recess in the floor, shoot with a chain and move along it to the other side of the lava. We pick up the chest there (there is a key inside). We take the seal over the abyss with the help of a demonic hand, and do not jump down. Then we turn back, run along the wall from above, grabbing the ledges. At the end of the path will lie page of the Book of the Dead (3/10) volume 2.

We go to the door with bright blue chains, open it with the key. In the next room, we very quickly jump over the stone pillars to the other side, as the pillars will gradually sink into the lava. Next we expect very strong enemies. You don't have to deal with them manually. It is better to find a place on the wall where you can climb up, run along the walls, press the lever and sit astride the golem. We take the chest (it will contain a map of The Scar location). Another chest at the exit from the room on the second floor. We go further on the golem. We press the levers on the left and right, take the chest, we go further in the center.

We get off the golem, climb over the bars. We deal with the fire golems, and the bars open. Let's go further. We break the growths of crystals with the chain of the golem, the bridge is lowered, you can drive through. At the end, we shoot the chain to the other side, and move there. In the middle of the chain, we turn left, jump into a dark crevice in the wall and hook on a demonic hand. We go upstairs, take the chest. We get to the end of the chain. In the next room, take two chests and go to the boss.

Boss: Ghorn

We just beat him, and when he starts to glow red, we run away. Several times you will have to run away from the lava bubbles that the boss will summon. After losing half his health, the boss will start to summon small fire golems.

Tree of Life

Now you can go to the Tree of Life. We approach, watch the video, after which we find ourselves in a completely different world.

It does not matter if there are unfinished business in the first world, near the Tree you can always return to the previous worlds. To do this, you just need to enter the appropriate portal under the tree.

The Keeper of Secrets

We ride a horse. We just gallop forward and nothing more until we reach the ruins. Next, we jump onto the stone wall and continue on our way. Here the skeletons will join us in battle. Use your trusty scythe to grind their bones to smithereens.

Don't let them surround you. To do this, roll over and constantly move. After killing them, continue forward. Dust is our faithful companion. This crow will help us. In particular, it is she who shows the way to the goal. If you are lost, then follow it.

We run forward until we fall into a hole. Don't worry, we can easily go upstairs. Now we run along the left wall. As did the Persian prince. Further to the left there will be an ice wall. It can be broken, and inside you will find a treasure chest with useful items.

Next, we run through the pit using the wall on the right. Then grab onto the ledge and climb up. There will be more ice skeletons. Kill them. Experience never hurts. We go further and come across three hanging pillars. We jump on the first, we swing, then we jump further. And we pass, thus, to the end of the opposite ledge. Kill the skeleton and continue on your way.

Then we fall into a trap: we are surrounded by skeletons. There is nothing difficult. We kill them and move on. Then we reach the wall with a vine and climb it up. We move a little and jump to the ground. Then again we climb the wall with the vine. We go out into the open.

Now we approach the door and challenge the ice giant to battle. He may scare you outwardly, but he is a very easy opponent. Just dodge his attacks and counterattack, but don't overdo it with the attack. Be patient. After defeating the giant, a passage will open, into which we will go. Then we jump up the walls. Then onto the elevator and jump up the walls again.

We rise upward to the wooden poles. We continue to storm the vines until we see the poles. We get to the last pillar and to the ground. We kill ice skeletons and into the cave. Inside, run along the walls and reach the wooden beams. Jump on them until you reach the right place. Then we go up until we reach the boss.

Boss: Shadow of War

It's easy to defeat him. You will notice that the boss makes three strong swings with his weapon. It is after the third blow that he must be counterattacked. At a certain point, he will block your attacks and start shooting spikes on the ground in a certain area. You have to either move away or jump in time. Then we repeat the counterattack again, after the third swing. At the moment when it starts blocking, press the indicated button on the screen. All.

The Fire of the Mountain

After the video, we fight with enemies. We'll have to defeat them all so that we can continue our journey. After the battle, use your points to upgrade yourself, acquire new abilities. Before you continue on the road, go behind the statue, where you will find the treasure. Then follow the passage until you reach the stone. You will meet Tan, who is standing in the middle of the square. Talk to him. You can also get a new ability from him for free. Tang will also be able to give a side quest. We recommend returning to him with a more pumped hero.

Then go south along the road, and then turn west. Here you should meet Murai. You can buy potions from her, as well as get side quests. It will also allow you to get new items and answers during the dialogue. Unfortunately, there is not enough money for some things.

Now go to the forge and talk to Alya. After the conversation, talk to Thane and he will open the gate for us. Follow the trail until you reach the pool and then dive inside. We'll find the boatman. Then we climb up the wall and continue on our way. Walk forward until you reach a large clearing. Now you can summon your trusty steed to quickly explore the area.

You can either head east straight away to complete the main quest, or you can scavenge for treasure. In the western part of the valley you will find a chest with coins. In the northern part of the valley you will find page from the book of the dead . There will be three guards next to her, who will have to be killed. Another chest with coins can be found underwater.

In general, you can explore these lands later, but now we are going to the main goal. We reach the eastern goal and turn north. Destroy the ruins and go inside the ruins. Inside we find the desired chest, after which we go outside and continue on our way.

We leave to the northeast (to the corner of the map). Here, destroy the ruins to the left of the stairs and get inside. We also scour the chest and exit. Now we go to the left (east) and reach the next ruins. Nearby there will be a statue in the center. Just behind it there is another one page from the book of the dead . Now we're heading southeast. Walk along the path. The chest will be on the map - we rob it. The next target is on the rock on the left. Destroy the ruins again and go up to the second floor, where there will be a chest.

Now we ride a horse until we get to the next location. We reach the pass and finds a hollow tree trunk on the left. There will also be a chest inside. Then we go west. We clean the area from enemies and dive. The next chest will be behind the pipeline. Then we sail west. There will be a large-scale wall, on the side of which there are pegs. We climb up to them. Then we go up the slope and reach the goal. We are moving southwest. We will also find a chest along the way.

After you enter, you will be able to meet Karm, who will give us instructions. Join him and help him clear the area. Then talk to him about the craft of Muria. This is related to the side quest. Then he will lower the bridge, you will be able to climb up.

To the right, press the switch to open the door. We go to the main hall and jump to the right. Here you need to find a shadow bomb. Take it and throw it towards the northern door, to the bolt. Before moving on, grab a shadow bomb and throw it to the west, towards the spiked crystals. There will be a cache with two chests.

We move north to the land of fire. Now it's time for acrobatics. We climb up, jump on the walls and reach our goal. Then we find a vine and go down it. Use the shadow bomb to activate the switch.

We go to the next area. We are ambushed. There will be a new type of enemy here. Take the enemies out into the open to avoid a closed fight, otherwise they will overpower us. We meet the stalker - the enemy. We concentrate on it. Use your features to defeat him. Dodge his attacks in time. Defeating him will allow you to progress through Muria's side quest. Once you clear the area, there will be a chest to the west. Find the key in the chest.

After that fight with the stalker, we run south. We will return to the purple locked door. Use the key we found to open it. Once inside, swing and jump onto the blue ball and roll it to the hole. This will activate the pegs on the adjacent wall. Climb up to reach the next floor.

There will be a chest on the right - open it. Then reach the end of the path and jump onto the ledge at the back. We will also find a chest there. Then we go to the left. Then we jump to the ground - down. Let's see the switch. Click on it. In the next room you will find shadow bombs. Throw them into the yellow crystals. You will release a blue ball, which you need to take and put in the hole located in the southern part of the room. The iron gate will open. Then the second blue ball will fall out, and next to it you will find another one. book of the dead page .

Clue! If you accidentally put a blue ball in the wrong hole, then just throw or place a shadow bomb nearby. She will knock the ball out of the hole.

Place the second blue ball in the hole next to the stairs. Thus, you will gain access to the chest, which contains the second key we need. Now exit the room and head south. To open the door of the room, use the lockpick.

Now hit the switch and quickly run to the railing on the right. Quickly run across to the other edge, then pull yourself up and reach another ledge. Continue upstairs. Again you will find shadow bombs. Throw one to the crystals. After destroying them, you will find a chest below. Then go back and destroy the barrier with the bomb. Then we press the switch again and jump to the upper ledge. Take the shadow bomb and throw it on the switch. Now let's go to the boss.

Boss: Garn

The boss is simple. There shouldn't be any problems. Use focus on it. Just avoid his attacks and counter him. Once you deal enough damage to him, he will fall to his knees. During this time, hit him as much as you can. He will be the most vulnerable. Then our boss will quickly restore his health. At this point, run back from him, as he will deal damage in a certain area. Then repeat the process and you will kill him.

After defeating the boss, go to the next door. Check the chest along the way and kill the enemies. You can destroy items. Reach the balcony, where there will be a lever. In the northwest corner of the room there will be structures, destroying which you will find another page of the book of the dead. There will be a chest in the next room. Then use the lever and leave the area. Once outside, talk to Karm. Ask him about Miril. Use the map to return to the village. Talk to Alya to continue the game's storyline. Now you can trade with her. Mission completed.

The Tears of the Mountain

To present moment you can challenge Tanu and defeat him, or you can postpone it until later. By itself, he is not a difficult enemy. Go west yourself and find Karma there. Talk to him and find out more about your current goal. There will be crystals at the gate. Blow them up to unlock your path.

Drive forward until you reach a large area with marauders. Clear the area from enemies. Then return to Karm and ask him about the stone. This will allow you to continue on the side quest. We're heading west. We clear our way with shadow bombs. Get up. There will be a chest on the left. Get inside. There will be many looters inside. Watch out, during the battle, do not accidentally fall into the abyss. Exit the tower and turn right. Find another chest with coins. Climb down and pull the lever to open the gate.

Go west. Meet a dude named Black Rot (Blackroot). It is here that the side quest for collecting 69 stones will begin, which will have to be collected in the game world. To collect a stone, you need to shoot at it when you find it. The "Collections" section of the game will help in the description of the stones. At this point, you can start collecting stones.

After talking to the dude, go left and look up. You will see mystic stone . Shoot him to get him collected. Then we ride horses to the east, to the shore. Go to the mountain on the right. Blow up barriers with the help of shadow bombs. Swim southwest until you encounter a sleeping giant. Talk to him about finding the stone. Inside the room on the second floor there will be a chest. On the first one is a character familiar to us, to whom it is mono to sell something.

Continue heading east until you reach a mountain path. Above the cave entrance power stone , and in a secluded corner on the right there will be a chest. We are moving southeast. As you pass the ruins of the pier, go up the hill, then to the left and you will find black trees. There will be another one on the way up mystic stone . Then we move on to another location.

Keep going until you reach a locked door with two marauders nearby. Kill them and go right. Climb up the wall. Then use the shadow bomb to get the blue orb and knock it out of the statue. Take the ball and jump down. Insert it into the hole. The bolt on the door will be pushed back and you will be able to go further.

Let's go to the pool. We need to go through the doors on the left, but you can search the area for items to collect. Look at the ceiling to the south and you will see mystic stone . If you dive into the pool and swim through the tunnel to the south, you can find a chest with coins.

So, now you can go to the door on the left. We rise to the top floor. On the left there will be two pegs, on which you can climb up. After the first turn, jump down and find a chest. We return to the main path. Move along the wall until you reach a ledge. Here you will find another page from the book of the dead . Then we climb up the walls and enter the door on the right.

In the northeastern part you can find a chest. Go to the door located on the south side. There will be marauders here. Get rid of them. There will also be new enemies here. They have strong damage, so be careful when dealing with them. Now go to the east door in the previous room. Go down the corridor until you reach a small square.

Now we need to place the two blue orbs in their respective slots to open the east door. Dive into the water and then you will find a chest in the southern part. Then we emerge and push the ball into the hole. Go down the other side of the gate and find a chest there. Use the railings to climb up and find a shadow bomb. Explode the crystal to release the blue ball and push it towards the gate. Place the bomb on the ball itself again to push it out of the room, then pick it up and place it in the second hole.

The gate will open. I'm going down the aisle. Destroy the hive along the way. We pass to the next area and kill the marauders. Use the shadow bomb to explode the crystals and use the lever. Water will flow. Then we go to the main square.

Now dive and swim into the southern tunnel. On the other side we rise to the wall and run to the left. Find a chest.

Move to the next passage and you will see empty aqueducts. On the left along the wall, get to the beginning of the aqueduct. Here will be page from the book of the dead . Jump down and kill the marauders. YOU will receive the key. This key must be used on a locked door.

We destroy the enemies that we meet along the way. Then we will be in another area. Explode the crystals to clear your path. We jump down and take the chest. Take the soft and push it up the slope. Put the ball in the hole. We'll lower the platform. Take the shadow bomb, put it on the ball, and stand on the platform. Now detonate the bomb. The ball will fly out, and we will go upstairs. Move on.

Destroy the hive along the way and keep moving in the indicated direction. Destroy the crystal and pull the lever. Then jump downstream until you reach another gate. Then go upstairs. Use the lever again to open the gate.

Boss: Karkinos

Prepare for the boss fight. Send to the end of the chamber until he shows up. To awaken it, stand on the round platform and press the desired key (RT). He will appear. At the moment when he crashes into the wall, take the egg and throw it at him. Sometimes an egg can fly past the target, then a cute friend will hatch from it, which must be killed immediately, otherwise it will cause problems.

When the boss takes enough damage from you. He will start diving into the ground and attack by jumping out of the ground. Perhaps it will let out vines. It will also generate an explosive wave. Continue the process until you beat him.

Then take all the loot and pull the lever to go outside. Then return to the village and talk to Alya.

To Move a Mountain

After we get the creator's key, the side quest The Stolen Stone will be updated. Talk to Alya to continue completing the story quests. We go to the goal on the map. We enter the cave and activate the glowing stone nearby. We move it to the blue hole. Then we climb the wall. Here you need to install the chain, and then run to the next ledge.

Next, we kill the enemies, use the shadow bomb to blow up the crystals. Then we pass through the room. We go up the stairs to an open area. We kill enemies, and then we destroy objects near the well in the northeastern part of the map. Let's find a chest. Climb up the western wall to find two chests. Then jump down and activate the lever.

The stairs on the right will lead us to the entrance. We run along the wall so as not to fall into the lava. Jump on the wooden beam and climb up the pegs. Then release the ball. Then go back to the entrance and pull the lever. You call the elevator. Then pull the lever again. Jump into the bodice and wait for it to rise. We take the ball with us.

Then we drag the ball into the next elevator. Pull the lever again and call the elevator. Now push the ball into the hole and go to the next room. Pull the lever again to open the gate. We ourselves go through the doors on the north side. Then we dive into the water and swim along the stairs to reach the underwater chamber. We'll find coins there. Keep swimming until you get out.

Keep going until you meet Karma. You can talk to him to update the side quest. Then enter the temple. Once inside, defeat all enemies. Proceed to the next door. Break the structures that block the path. Break the crystals ahead. Move the ball into the hole to move the bolt on the door.

In the next room, you can find new enemies with a shield that deflects all our attacks. Killing enemies will become a little more difficult. These devils drop a crafting stone needed by Muria. Needed for his side quest. Then we break the crystals, and run to the square. Then we dive and swim in the southern tunnel. Let's find a chest. Then we return to the place where we dived and move in the other direction. There will be crystals on the left, we pass them to the bridge. You should see a lever. Pull it.

We are waiting for the bridge to rise. As soon as this happens, then two enemy waves will go at us at once. Kill the enemies and return to the square. Destroy the crystals on the south side. At the bottom of the pit you will find mystic stone . Then we move on. Use the shadow bomb just above the statue to blow it up and push the orb further into its slot. Then defeat the enemies around. Now go to the gate, grab a couple of shadow bombs and throw them on the beam. Move away and blow it up. You will gain access to a chest with a key.

Then use the wall to get to the other side of the gate. Remove the chain and open the locked door. Then on the wall reach the lever and jump down. Kill the enemies and activate the lever. Now we need to open the gate. To do this, use a simple mechanism located in the room. You will see a free slot and a plate that needs to be activated. Then enter the opened gate. There will be several enemies here. We kill them.

Then we go further through the door. You need to cross the corridor, for this you need to run along the walls and jump from one to another. Reach the other end of the corridor. Then we pass into the next room. Then back to another room. Here you need to activate the platform and move it to the elevator. Get to the top floor. Use the lift activation hole to provide power and raise the lift.

Then insert it into the hole by the stairs and the gate on the left will open. Notice a group of crystals on the wall. Use the chain to reach them. On the other edge of the ledge there will be a slot that will open the bolt of the door that is closed. At the other end of the ledge there will be page from the book of the dead . We leave through the main door. Destroy the barrier ahead and move towards the door. We will be attacked. Avoid being surrounded by enemies. Use your skills, as well as potions as needed, to defeat your enemies. We kill them and continue to move on. Then you have to use the bomb to knock the ball out of the statue.

In the upper left corner on the beams will be power stone . In the small doorway on the left you will find a page from the book of the dead . Climb down and push the ball into the slot reserved for it. The west door will open. Go there and be ready to fight. Dangerous enemies will be waiting for us here. Don't let them surround you.

Boss: Fire the constructor

Easy boss. Wait for it to hit the ground. Then grab a shadow bomb (they will be nearby) and throw it at him. Then, after the bomb explodes, you will have a couple of seconds to hit him. Repeat the process until you defeat him. After the battle, you will find as many as 4 chests at the top.

We watch the video and return to the village. Talk to Eidad to complete the quest.

The Heart of the Mountain

We leave the village outside and meet Varden outside. Talk to him. Karm will also join us and help explore the dungeons, as well as help in combat. Don't worry, you don't need to protect Karma. He is immortal. We go inside.

Once inside, take a look around. Boilers will be hung around. In one of them you will find stone of resistance . So we keep going until we reach a dead end. This is where Karm will help us. We will have to jump onto the wooden beam and wait for the cauldron to get through. Grab one and wait until you start walking past the stone pillar on the left. Jump on it and onto the ground. We run to another ledge. We destroy the barrier, and use the lever to move the bolt on the door.

In the next room, jump onto the iron bolt on the wall to open the gate. Karm will come in. Then jump down. The door will fall on Karm, but he will hold it so you can get through. We pass quickly.

We continue the path and kill the enemies. We go until we reach a round room with an elevator in the center. Karm will give us a lift again. Then we dive under the water and swim north and find a coin, and then northeast to swim out to the right place.

You will reach a crossroads. Again spit to the northeast and click on the plate to lower the gate. Then we quickly return until the gate has risen and swim to the other side, where the ball is. Press the button again to open the gate. Karm will hold them for us. We take the ball with us.

Now you need to throw the ball in the direction of the symbol to activate the glyph. It is necessary that the ball hit the hole.

Once you do that, enemies will appear. Clear the area of ​​enemies. Let's go further. Move along the crystals. Move west until you reach the plate you need to activate. We move until we find a vine. Climb up it and enter the door.

There will be lava flows. Wait for them to disappear and run along the wall. Then we go into the next room and kill the enemies. When leaving the room, take the key with you. We jump down. Open the locked door and move to another room. Karm will give us a lift again. Defeat the enemies that will appear here. Open the north door and attack the purple stone in the center. You will receive an ability that will allow you to move more quickly with the help of rings on the ceilings. All such rings are highlighted in purple.

Then go back to Karm and return to the stairs. We go down. With the help of the new ability, you can easily and quickly explore the dungeon. I'm going west. Enemies will often appear here. Then use the bomb on the switch (throw it on the bomb). The bridge will rise.

Turn left in the room and jump onto the wooden beams. There will be a lever here. Pull on it and raise half of the bridge. Then we rise to the wooden beam. Then you can jump to the vine. Then again with the help of the rings we get to the second ring. Pull on it and raise the other half of the bridge. We meet with Karm, go ahead and pull the lever to activate the lifting platform.

In the next corridor you will see a collection stone. Karm will give us a lift to another ledge. Then we go up and click on the disk. Then in the next room we jump down. Then start the platform and ride on the lava. We are moving southwest. Destroy the crystals along the way. Move until you find a hole to activate a special plate. We return to the elevator and pull the lever to activate the elevator. While the elevator is going, enemies will attack us. Protect yourself until we get there.

Enter the tunnel until you reach a large hall. Move on to find an activated platform. Karm will hold the door for us, Let's go quickly. Let's ask Karma to give us a lift. Use the rings to move across the abyss. Nearby there will be a hole that must be activated, and then pull the lever.

Once you release the lever, run fast as the platform slowly lowers. Climb up the vine. Climb down and pull the lever to raise the bridge in the big room. I'm going south. Kill the enemies that appear. Next is the lever. You can dive into the water and find a coin there, and then we emerge and activate the lever. We are moving to the northeast. Then we climb up the wall. Then we move along the rings and crawl up the next wall.

Run north, then go right. We run to the right and jump to the ground. Climb up and clear the area of ​​enemies. Climb up to the platform and then pull the lever. The water will rise. Swim west. Meet Karma. Karm will throw us up on the ledge again. Then turn off the crusher and pull the lever. Now use the machine to stand on the lever and drag the ball. Take the ball with you and carry it into the room.

Now we push the ball into the hole to open the iron gate. Moving on with Karma. Click on the disk and jump down. We swim and exit through the tunnel. We cross the channel and click on the disk on the ground. Now we go south and ask Karma to throw us behind the iron gate. Nearby there will be a lever that must be activated, which will clear the path. Move forward and find a chamber with a stone. Then we get to the top ledge. The last "heart stone" will be visible at the top. Get to it and the boss fight will begin.

Boss: Corrupted Guard

This boss is slow, but very "fat" and tenacious. Dodge two of his attacks. Keep your distance, then. With the help of the rings, quickly jump to it and attack. And then we act according to this principle. Not difficult. After the victory, you can return to the ancient one. Fast Travel does not work here, alas. Either you do the whole way back, or you go further. And then we have, yes, the boss again.

Boss: Guardian

Here you have to keep running. As soon as you notice that the guardian raised his hand with a hammer, immediately jump to the side as far as possible to avoid damage. Then use shadow bombs and shoot him in the arm. The explosion will weaken him and make him vulnerable to attack. One of his stones will become vulnerable. Jump to the stone with a glove and hit as much as you can. Do this a couple of times and you will break his arm.

Next, the keeper will release explosive charges that are also chasing us! You will need to first shoot her with a pistol as many times as she starts to charge. While it is charging - run for the guard. The explosion will again weaken it. Again his stone will become vulnerable. But to the stone you will first have to jump on his hand. There will be beams to climb up, and then in a jump with a glove we grab onto a stone. Let's attack him. Repeat the process until you have destroyed all the stones. The third stone can not be destroyed. It is enough to watch the scene of his death.

The Three of Life

So, having received the quest, we call the faithful horse and jump to the point on the map. We reach the desired location and go further. We go up the stairs to the door on the left. Let's watch the video. Before us is a huge door with a lot of symbols. In general, we watch the video. Let's go without spoilers. After the video, we wake up in the same place and chat with the old man. Immediately we buy everything we need, we sell everything that is superfluous. In conversation, we know more about the tree.

Then we continue to follow the marker on the target. We call the horse and follow forward. The bridge will shake a couple of times, but don't worry. We keep running forward. Along the way, we can deal with the skeletons. Experience is never redundant. We reach the gate and go inside.

Road to the Gilded Arena

So, we go inside and run along the left wall, then we jump to another and crawl forward along the vine. Then to the beam, one level below, again to the wooden beam and up. We continue to climb up, and find a chest with pleasant contents. We jump to the very bottom. We get up on the button and a lot of spikes will open. Then we quickly run along the wall and cling to the edge. We run further and open the door. This is a round room. Enemies will attack us. We wet everyone in the meat! The music subsides. Then we go to the door and open it. On the left there will be a part that needs to be pushed to the wall, then pushed again. We will raise the bridge and run further. On a wooden stick we rise upward, we jump to the right and all above. Here we find two chests.

We go down again. We have to move on somehow. To do this, go back along the first bridge to the place where the shadow bombs were. Take a couple of them and attach them to this crane. Now go through the first bridge to the other side and shoot their cannons at the bomb, it will explode and you will activate the very platform, respectively, the second bridge will rise, and the first will fall. We run further. There will be a chest with the key we need. On the way back we will be attacked by scarabs. With the key we go upstairs, where we opened two chests, only to the other side, we return to the round room and back again. We reach the door and open it.

We keep running forward. Then we open the door and go down. We open the door again. We kill skeletons. Behind one of the statues will be page from the book of the dead . Open the door and go outside. We run to the marker on the map. Kill zombies along the way. Then we cross the bridge. You can summon the right horse. In the middle of the bridge, turn right and run further. We run until the cutscene starts. Before us appear air creatures that entail a ship of unprecedented beauty.

We are on the ship. We climb up the wooden beams. Then we jump from wall to wall and we are at the top. We go along the wooden bridge, but do not rush. A little behind him at the beginning there will be a chest. And now let's move forward. We go up. Now we crawl forward along the vine, upward. See the swinging hammer? We jump on it, then on the second one, and then use the glove and jump further. There will be a chest on the right. Now we go to the left. Use your glove again, and then climb up the vine and jump onto the chain from behind, from it to the beam to the left, then up and onto the opposite beam. Now jump onto the peg and use the chain again twice. Now up again, then onto the beam on the left and again on the beam on the left. We jump from it to the peg and use the purple glove a couple of times. Then onto the beam and jump into the passage. Hooray. Acrobatics is almost over. We go down.

We run further. Here we go up. We jump down again. We open the door. The movie starts. We run forward. We're talking to Draven. We sell the excess, buy and run further. We go down. You can gouge the boxes to find something useful. We go outside, rise and talk with the dude regarding the arena. We have just arrived there.

The Gilded Arena

After the conversation, a dot appears on the map. We follow her. We just can’t call the champion to fight, we need to somehow attract his attention, and for this we need to collect three souls altogether. We go down. And we run further. We open the door. We move along the wall to the other end of the cliff and open the door again. Here we run forward. We will see how the cuties gently caress each other, or rather the very creatures that drag the ship. We go forward and open the door again. Then we open the door again. The article on the right will have a blue crystal in its hands.

We go down the spiral staircase. We open the door. Here we see the source of the green beam. We turn the platform two times counterclockwise and we will be able to open another door in the direction where the beam shines. There will be two chests down in the abyss. Then climb back along the vine. Run along the wall on the left, then use the glove and run along the wall again. We open the door. We go out to the balcony. Let's watch the video.

Well, now we need to collect those same three souls. We go to the right. If you get lost, then the faithful raven Dust will tell you the way. Open the door and go down the stairs. We run down the corridor. Again we reach the door and open it. The video will play. There are a lot of skeletons here. We kill them. After the first wave will trample the second. Then you can go to the door and open it. We run further. We open the door again. We see a familiar ray of light. Go to the platform in the center, press the button and grab the bomb. Use it to destroy the crystals and open the chest. Then we throw a bomb on the beam itself. You will receive a lamp emitting this beam. Install it on the platform where the button is. This is temporary. Then you can move along the corridor to another part of the building. You will have to run along the wall, as there will be spikes on the floor. Here you will see a gate with a green circle at the top. The beam should shine here and only then the gate will open.

Rotate the platform two times to the left (counterclockwise). Then a little higher next you will find a lever that needs to be pushed in. Then we take the same lamp with a beam that we left on the buttons. Take it simply with a chain. Then we go to the pedestal and install it. All gates are open. We run further. Then we go ahead. There will be an Animus stone here. Actually this is what we need. On the way back we will be attacked by bugs. We kill them, after which the passage we need will open.

We go back to the exit. We open the door. There will be stone on the ceiling. Then use the peg to climb up. Then we go up again. Use the lever and open the gate. We entered the arena, which we have already seen. The resulting horn is inserted into the hole of the statue. Excellent. Another passage opened, and only a couple of horns remained.

We enter the passage. Don't forget to use Dust if you get lost. This is easy to do here. So let's open the door. Inside is a platform with a beam of light. We can run into the first room, climb the stairs up. Here you can blow up the yellow crystals and find a chest behind them. Then we reach that platform and move it to open another door. Let's go to the bridge, but there is an opening. Below you will see a shadow bomb. Take it and blow up the yellow crystals. Then go down. There will be a chest. Then we climb back to that bridge. We take a shadow bomb and put it on the crystals. They block the same beam of light. Now rotate the platform to open the door. The crystals are gone. We go further. On the right in the opening there will be a chest.

Next we will find a lamp with a light on the button. As soon as we take it, the gates will close and we will be attacked. We kill enemies. After killing them, the gate will open and go back. We put the lamp on the button, which will open the gate before the abyss. We ourselves go to the second platform and turn right. The gate will open. We will go out to the abyss where our lamp will be. We pick it up with a chain. Then rotate the platform again three times counterclockwise. We take our lamp and go up the stairs. We install the lamp on an empty platform.

The bridge will now be raised. We run forward and open the door. We go down the stairs. It will be destroyed, so we jump down. We open the door. Skeletons will attack us. We go to the cave. Here is the second horn or soul, as you please. Scarabs are attacking us again. We wet the creatures and take the horn, then open the door and insert it into a free slot. Phew. There is one more left. The camera will show how the entrance to the third hall opened, where we will find the last horn.

If you get lost, then call Dust. He will show the way. We open the door, and we are immediately met by a good pack of skeletons. We keep running. There is a passage, but in front of us there is an abyss on the right door. We run along the corridor and reach the next door. Here again, a lot of skeletons. We kill them. Then we go further and press the platform. The camera will show how we closed a certain altar. We stand on the button in the center and attract ourselves a shadow bomb. We squeeze out this platform again to open the altar, now we ourselves get inside it with a bomb and throw it on the button and activate it. We will turn over together with the platform and the altar to another location.

Here we will be attacked by a scarab - an overgrowth. He is a mini boss, so it's not difficult. In fact, there is absolutely nothing complicated. Just dodge his attacks and keep moving as he is very fast. We calmly take away the third horn (soul) and return it to the remaining free slot. With the help of the altar we return back. To do this, simply pull the platform in the wall behind you and quickly stand up to the altar. We return to the arena and insert the last horn.

Boss: Gnashor

So, there is a fight with a worm. He constantly roams underground. You will see the earth rising from it. The easiest way is to jump in a circle. In this case, he will not have time to reach you. Sometimes it will spin into a wheel on the surface and ride around the bush. Again, we dodge in a circle. At the moment when he jumps out, give him a glove in the face. You will stun him for a couple of seconds. He will just lay down. Quickly jump up to him and deal all the main damage. And so a couple of times, after which the worm will change its shape.

He will now perform a series of three punches, and will also occasionally lash his mace from a distance and his tail. At this point, it is also better to run in a circle from him. The rest is nothing complicated. After a series of blows from him, quickly jump towards him and in the air with the help of a glove and strike a series of blows and so repeat the process until he turns slightly bluish. He will start growling loudly. Again with a glove in the face to him and he will literally fall apart. Beat the worm before it gathers. Repeat the process a couple of times.

After killing him, we get a golden skull and a pretty chest. Then we return to the ship to the ghost with which we asked for a conversation with the champion. Before talking to him, we sell everything that is superfluous to Ostegoth, we buy everything we need. Then we go up the floor of the stairs and talk to this dude. We tell him that we have done everything necessary and want to see his king. Let's watch the video next.

Phariseer's Tomb

We run to a very large gate. Here will be the first lord of death. Activate the elevator and go down. We kill the zombies and open the door again. Kill the enemies again and run to the door. We open it. We have a button. She opens the gate ahead. At the top you will get a shadow bomb. It can be used to destroy yellow crystals. Also, if you destroy the crystals at the button. Then you will get access to another source of shadow bombs, which is next to the button. At the top there will be a chest for crystals.

To the left of the grate there will be a platform that we freed from the crystals. We move the platform to the grate at the time! We ourselves stand on the button, take the bomb and throw it into the platform. She will move under the bars and hold her back. We can easily get through. We open the door and enter the open room. Again we open the door in another edge. Behind the statue we will find a page from the book of the dead. We go back. Here we activate the crystal under the Roman numeral 1 and go down the elevator. We get down and open the door, then we jump to the center of the abyss with the help of a glove and jump down.

There are a lot of zombies here - we kill them. Then we rise to the original position. On the left there will be beams on which you can reach the platform and activate it into the wall. The camera will show how you lowered another ring from the ceiling, but the first one, alas, rose. On the side of the pubescent platform with the ring you will find shadow bombs. Take it and throw it on the platform that has been pushed into the wall. Then we return to the starting position to the edge of the abyss. We blow up the bomb and quickly jump along the rings to the other edge. There will be a chest with interesting contents. As soon as we return back to the door, a cutscene will start playing. Before us is a mini-boss. We kill him.

Take the elevator again and go to the second floor. It's not possible here yet. We're going to the third. There's a door. Fortunately, the key was already found in the chest earlier. We open it. There will be zombies. Then we fight with similar mini-bosses that were before. Then we meet with a knight, in whose hands a hard shield and a sword. In general, nothing complicated - we easily kill him. Then we run down the corridors. We open the door and leave the room where the elevator once went. On the beams on the left we move to the other end of the corridor and open the door. On the left will be a wooden strip. We easily go down along it, then go to the next beam on the left and go down again. We'll still find the chest. Then we climb onto the next block and go down. There will be a column that you need to take and pull along with a glove. Next, we go to the platform to the elevator. There will be a button, and we put the column on it. Then we return back to the elevator. Now you can go to the second floor. We open the door and pass on. We stand on the button and quickly jump to the arena in front.

Boss: Farisir

In general, nothing complicated. But have time to dodge a series of his attacks in time. The fight will be complicated by the fact that skeletons will come to the aid of the boss. At the moment when you beat him, and at least henna to him - immediately jump back. At this point, he starts to attack with an AoE defeat. We jumped back, killed the interfering skeletons and beat him again. Then we watch the video.

Judicator's Tomb

Use the map to move to the next grave. We are coming. Inside you will see a statue with circles on the floor. Standing on it, you will be able to summon the previous boss. Now he is on our side. He will pull the lever on the other side of the grate. We go further. You can summon the death lord again. New monsters will also attack here. We kill them. They kind of remind me of strangers. We activate the lever. We return to the previous room We ourselves ask the lord to stand on the button, which will raise one of the columns. The one that can be moved we put in the center, and then we put the lord on the button on that side. Then we easily move to the other side. There is a chest here. We go further and stumble upon skeletons. We fight them. We also kill the reaper who summons skeletons. After the fight, open the door and move on. Point the lord to the button. Half of the bridge cannot rise. You will notice that something like a bump or growth is obstructing it. With the help of a glove and a lord, we cross the bridge. Just reach out to him. Then you will find a shadow bomb with which you can blow up this obstacle. Here you will find a lantern that needs to be placed on a platform in a round room with different paths. We rotate the statue counterclockwise a couple of times and go further into the room with water. There used to be a ladder here, but it has fallen. We rise to the top of the tower with the help of rings and beams around. A battle awaits at the top of the tower.

Then we go out to the square, where we talk with the lord and get the soul. We need to collect two more. We open the door and pass on. Here again we fight with strangers. They also look like the creatures from Dead Space. Then there will be a mini-boss. Fatty like that. There is nothing difficult, at the moment when his claw gets stuck, just beat him on the growth or whatever it is and tear him apart. Then we go further. We need to get the key. Call the lord and ask him to stand on the button. The camera will show how the ledges appeared. On them we move to the lord. We calmly move forward, a little acrobatics, a fight with skeletons and our key. We go back and use it on the door. We take the second soul and return it to the lord.

Then we go up to the second floor. Again ask the lord to press the button. The protrusions will appear. On them we run to him. Again we ask him to stand on the button and take the bomb. Throw the bomb on the bump that prevents you from passing. We use the elevator and find the last soul. Now we fight the boss.

Boss: Keeper of Bones

You will see a hanging skeleton on top. Use the glove to jump on him and kill him. I repeat the process 3-4 times until he dies. Of course, this is not all, and his second form is waiting for you, otherwise it would be too easy. Next, he will turn into a d giant made of bones. You can activate the reaper form and easily crucify him, or you can simply dodge attacks and just beat him up. Nothing complicated.

So, nothing complicated. There will be a mark on the map - we go to it. First you will come to the arena where you fought with Gnashor. The video will play. After the cutscene, we fight the enemies and move forward. So now we can call the lords. Call on them and ask them to stand on the button, and stand on the lift yourself. Next will be a locked door. Again we place the lords on the buttons and open it. There will be a button at the chest. Also aim one at the lever. Then raise the bridge, to do this, put the lord on the button, then on the far button and quickly jump over the bridge with the glove until it closes. Next, go to the grate and you will see a fire of the same color as the lords. Send one of them to him. The gate will be open. Again, we ask the lord to stand on the button below and open another gate. We quickly jump over the gorge with the help of a glove.

Next, we will enter a room where three levers are located. First ask the lord to use the middle lever, then the right one and then the left one. Finally, we will get the key at our disposal. Then put the lords on the near and far buttons to open the gate. Next, we move into the room where the button will be. We put the unfortunate lord on it, climb onto a small ledge nearby, then jump and cling to the lord with a glove. Let's go to the caves. We need to find a lever. We go along the corridors. We are attacked by skeletons, and then two bugs and large such skeletons. Next, use the lever and pass quietly through the abyss further.

Boss: Echidna

First of all, we fight with a skeleton with two swords in our hands. It doesn't seem to be dangerous. And, in fact, here is our boss - his pet Echidna. He is on top of it. Just dodge his attacks and counterattack. Then he will get off his pet and we will have the opportunity to give him a good kick. During the fight, he will saddle his pet a couple of times. His attack is foreshadowed by electrical discharges around. Jump away at this point. We continue to fight and then watch the video.

City of the Dead

Before us, the gates, alas, are closed. We use our new abundance - the separation of souls. You call your doppelgänger. Send the first death to the button on the left, the second death to the button on the right, and now pull the columns to open the gate. We find ourselves inside the city of the dead. Next, we go into the room and kill the enemies. We use the division of souls again. One we stand on the button, and the second we activate the lever. Further in front of us will be a locked door. Accordingly, we need to find the key. Next, we will find the room where the platform is located. Of course, you need to put a lantern on it. So now we are looking for it. We go further and stumble upon the lever. Use the division of souls. One clone activates the lever, and the second goes further and finds the bomb. Then throw a bomb on the second lever and blow it up with the pistol. You will release a column that needs to be dragged to a large gate. Now we stone on the column. With one pull the lever to open the gate, and with the help of the second clone we push the column inside.

Then we run forward and go down through the hole in the floor. Here we will find a chest with a key. We return to the door and open it. There will be a bridge. In the middle of it, use the division of souls. With one copy, make your way up to the lever. Pull it up and keep holding it. The camera will show how the bridge has moved. On the left you will find a lever that will open the gate. Then we return to the room and find the lantern. We take a flashlight and go to the platform on which it must be installed. Now we rotate the column 2 times counterclockwise to form a bridge with the help of a beam and go further. Then some acrobatics. We are on the bridge again. Use the division of souls. One clone has to pull the lever. Rock again and clone to the golden beam, which will open access to the next lever. Take the bomb with the second clone and throw it on the lever. PRAISE BE TO ALLAH! The path has opened. Phew.

Next, press the platform into the wall. We go to the right place. Use the lever again, go down and go to the door. We open it and enter. Fighting skeletons and zombies. After the fight, the elevator with spears will begin to descend. You need to quickly climb up the bars. Then we run up the stairs. Enemies will constantly attack us in waves. Nothing complicated. We continue to climb up, then run across the wall and jump from beam to beam. Then you will reach the button. Stand on it, use soul division and run with a copy to the lever.

Now we run to the gate. Click on the lever in the wall and jump onto the beam. The platform itself needs to be turned 180 degrees, that is, twice. Then the lattice will open, and we pass further. Here you will fight with the beetles, and then take the bomb. A little higher in the chest will be the key. Then return to the initial large room. Climb up and open the door with the key. Then go to the room where you could use the button to open the jagged gate. Stand on the button that will open the gate near the column that we carried with us. Stone on it. Clone stand on another button. We stone again and send a clone to move the column behind bars.

Now we stand on the column and stone on it. Send the clone down to open the gate. The second roll up the cart. The first clone from the button on which he stood, stands on the next one. The second clone moves the cart towards the first button again. Then again we roll the cart on the button, which will open the door for us. Enter the room and pull the lever by the elevator. We jump into the elevator and push the platform into the wall. Turn the platform with the beam once (by 90 degrees) and go into the room where we meet with the boss.

Boss: Howling Highway

To be honest, there are no difficult bosses as such. So, our Cthulhu will appear. No other way to call it. Dodge his attacks. At the same time, he will sometimes hit with his hand backhand. Have to jump. Themselves beat him on the paws, after his blows. Also hit the tentacles. Hit him until he hits his head on the platform. You can pretty much kick him.

Then he crawls into the hole. Fighting skeletons. Again it appears and again repeat the process above. We just kick it and nothing more. We beat him until we get rid of his mask in the video. God, what a handsome guy. Again creeps away. We fight with skeletons and already finish it. After the victory, we go to the next room and watch the video.

The Key to Redemption

We jump into the portal from the kingdom of the dead. Next, we have a dialogue with the elder. Let's ask him. Next, we call on the horse and gallop forward to the goal. Along the way, you can break various boxes, search chests. We reach the arena Here we have new enemies - archangels in armor. Well, let's fight them.

After a fight with them there will be a video, then another fight and we will be allowed to talk with one of the archangels. The fight is simple but long. Next, we go inside the room and activate the lever. We go up. Here again we fight with the archangels. Then we jump over the pit, using the ledge and fight again. After the fight, go back by jumping over the gap. Stone it. With the help of one clone, take a nearby bomb and throw it to the second clone. And already the second throw bombs on growths. Then we go upstairs and another video is waiting for us, after which we jump into the portal.

The Road to Arafel

Let's watch the video. We must help Ariel. Strangely, the archangel from Diablo 3 was also named. Well, okay, after all, they have the same source for names. We fight together with him from enemies. We will be handed a submachine gun. We can call the right horse and follow further to the mark on the map. We resort and destroy the growths, after which we pass into the formed passage. As you have noticed, the action is already taking place in the city familiar to us.

We go to a point on the map, after which a video awaits us. You can search the boxes along the way. Here you can find a large number pages from the book of the dead . We continue to follow forward until we stumble upon the boss.

Boss: Noss

Some skinny huge creature that launches homing bugs at us - bombs. Here you can pick up a machine gun for a real grenade launcher or something like that. We just run at a certain distance and shoot at the villain. After he dies, look at the map and keep blasting forward to the mark on the map. We collect all the relics needed by the archangel and return them to him. After the conversation, jump into the portal. Video Noss

The Ivory Citadel

First we have a video. Then we run inside the building. We rise along the ledges, after which we pull the lever. Roller again. The lever opened a passage for us - we go there. Then we pass along the corridor and get into the open corridor. Sky overhead. Nicely. Climb a little higher with the help of the bars on the walls.

Here we watch the video again. Next, we will have to fight the archangels. They are still unhappy that we are hanging around. Further along the walls we go down and find a map of the area. Then, with the help of the vine, we cross the abyss. We pass under the arch and reach the button. We stone to the left of the arches. From the first clone we go to the button on the right, and the second we go under the arch, where we stand on the right on the second button.

The circle will open and the statue will fall down. Then we climb up the ledges. Then, using the glove, take the bomb and destroy the barrier. Then we jump over the abyss. Then in the room we go down and beat on the luminous face. Now we can teleport. You will see a blue circle on the wall. We teleport to it, and then a little higher. Jump into the portal from below and find yourself at the top. Go back a little and you will see two blue circles. Create a portal and jump into it. Now you need to find the lever. We jump into the hole and look for a blue circle below to create a portal.

Then find a circle on the wall and jump into it. We jump out and fight with the archangels. Now we can go to other circles with which we can make portals. Fighting angels again, damn them! We run forward and meet yellow balls with portals. Create portals between the balls and we will get a beam that will destroy the barrier. Move on. Look up. You will see a blue circle, just like below. Climb up the beams and go through the gate, where you will again have to fight with enemies.

After the battle, petrify in the center. With one clone, stand on the golden lever, with the other on the other. Next up is a video. Now go up again using the glove and the bars. We make a portal from above and below, next to the yellow ball. Now we are moving along the water channel. Let's run to the crystals, which must be destroyed with a bomb. She will be there. Then we climb up the vine and enter the room. Roller and go further down the corridor. Climb down and fight the archangels again. After the battle, the gates will open, through which we need to go and go down. We find a blue ball and make a portal. Again we go outside and fight with the angels. Then we can cross with the help of the ring.

Go up. You will see two levers and a blue ball. Press one lever and go to the platform. Create a portal and go to the lever. Petrify and pull this same lever with a clone. With the second clone we jump into the gate. We find ourselves in a room with a lever. We pull it and raise the gate - we pass there. I'm going upstairs. The chest will contain the key to the door. Take a bomb nearby and destroy the barrier on the way. A little higher, open the door with the key. Create a portal and go down to the very bottom to the yellow ball and the blue circle. Create a portal and watch a cutscene. Then we jump into it again and roll along the channel. Use the rings and gloves to cross the chasm. Walk along the dry channel and enter the gate. There will be waterfalls. We fight again. Go outside and jump into the water, down. Now we go outside. There will be portals and a ring.

Create a portal and jump into it. Now create another portal on top, and jump into the bottom one yourself. We will be on the ledges on the wall. We run to the place where the blue circles are. Create a portal and jump into it. We rise even higher and join the battle. Then go to the blue circle and the yellow ball. There will also be a lever nearby. Petrify nearby, pull the column to the lever with a clone. Then we climb onto the column and stone on it. Use the clone to turn the lever, and use the second to pull the cart towards the yellow ball. Again we go to the lever. Stone next to him. Rotate it with one clone, and with the second make a portal from the circle that appears. Below will be the same blue circle. Release the lever you were holding with the clone and the portal will turn. In the lower portal, you will see an image of a blue circle! It turns out that we will have to make a portal inside the portal, keep this in mind! Now clone run to the first lever, where you will find another blue circle. From it already create a portal. Turn the lever second. Now all yellow balls will be connected by rays. The beam will destroy the barrier behind which there is a blue circle. On the left you will find a blue ball, from which you will have to make a portal. Let's watch the video next.

We approach the channel with water. There will be two circles here. We make a portal. We jump through the crevice to the portal. Then go down and go along the narrow path to the lever. Turn it around. Enter the room. Watch video. Walk a little further. Here we create portals from two circles and jump to the bottom one. We'll be at the top. Let's create the portal again. We jump down again and make a portal so that you fly out of the topmost one. Then we go up the stairs.

Boss: Scribe Jameirah

This is where the battle will be more fun. In any case, the boss is more difficult than before. He throws yellow balls at us. Create two portals opposite each other and stand opposite one yourself, respectively, he throws the ball, we jump back. The ball flies into the portal and, flying out of the other side, hits the boss. After which he will lose consciousness. We can hit him a couple of times.

Then our friend will go upstairs. The principle is the same. Create one portal at the bottom, and the second on the second tier. We recommend using the beam in the very center on the floor. When he fires a beam, then run to the portal and jump out on the top tier. The beam will hit him, and we will fall down. Actually, everything. After the battle, we watch a video where we chat with a fat man. Climb up and fight the boss again!

Boss: Archon

He will throw stones at us. You will have to constantly jump and jump in order to dodge attacks in time. After he stops throwing stones, quickly run to him and attack him. As soon as he rises into the sky above the arena, then immediately pull up to him with the help of a glove and attack him, otherwise we will get on cabbage soup, plus, we will waste time. Repeat the process until you defeat him. Then we watch the video.

The Black Stone

The point is marked on the map. Let's go to her. We go inside the building. We go up. Place the statue on the button. The gate will open. Then we go outside and watch the video. We call our faithful horse and gallop forward. Let's watch the video again. Next we fight the enemies. Then we run along the corridor and reach the lever. Activate it. Then we pass into the next room. The door is locked. Turn left from the door and find a green circle. Create a portal and jump into it. You will see a button on the left. Put on the clone button, and the second you can make a portal by going down the stairs. With the second clone, look for the second portal, and next you will find a bomb. Throw it into the portal to the first clone. Then, with the help of a bomb, we destroy the structures.

Boss: Samael

Not difficult, but our boss is very fat. No matter how we beat him, ridiculous damage will be inflicted on him. At certain moments, he will completely set fire to the floor on the ground, which will also inflict damage on us. At the moment when he flies into us, they will begin to fly fireballs. Dodge them. In general, repeat the process and you will kill this Diablo brother. After defeating him, we will receive a demonic key or a demon key.

Well, the final battle is ahead. You are ready? We advise you to fully stock up, sell everything superfluous, upgrade yourself, if you still can, buy jars of potions, upgrade your clothes and go. So, the final boss!

Boss: Chaos Incarnate

Well, who cares, but somehow he didn’t impress us visually. To be completely honest, Diablo's previous brother seemed stronger. Fight him. At first, dodge his continuous blows with the ax and draw in the moment when, after his blow, it will get stuck in the ground. At this point, you will be able to strike at him.

How to remove a quarter of the damage to him, she will become more aggressive and cooler, but to no avail. Again, his hammer will be stuck in the ground for a couple of seconds. At this point, we attack him. We ourselves stay away from him and shoot him with a pistol or whatever you have there. We kill him and watch the video. ALL!

Side quests

The Hammer's Forge

After you complete the level in the Tears of the Mountains, you need to talk to Alya to get this quest. You will have to head north to the ruined village. If you have already discovered this place, then use fast travel.

Once inside, go to the main square. Dive into the water, here you will find a coin. Then we return and enter the door. We dive again and go to another area. Then we climb the wall and go to the western side. We go along a narrow corridor, jump from wall to wall and run along them until we reach the next ledge. Then we get to the top ledge.

We reach the room with shadow bombs. Eliminate the enemies, then take the bomb and throw it at the crystals nearby. Blow them up and clear your way. Then take a bomb and break a lone crystal - you will find a unique weapon. Walk forward until you reach a room where many crystals are blocking the path. Nearby there will be a lever for which you need to pull. Then we jump up and grab the bomb. We throw it into the crystals below. We jump down and kill the enemies. I'm going north.

To go further, you must defeat all enemies. Then we jump from wall to wall. We reach a large hall. We dive into the water and leave in the room where we take the bomb. Throw it on the crystals and get a reward. Then we continue on the east side. We enter the room and move on. We kill enemies. We reach the box, where there will be a key to all doors. Next, pull the lever to remove the barrier and jump down. We open the locked door and reach the treasured chest, where the item we need will be. Return it to Alya to complete the quest.

Stick and Stones

In the village, turn west and find a man named Blackroot. He will give this quest, and also give Lure Stone (bait) in addition. Now, with its help, we need to collect 69 stones scattered around the world of the game. To collect them, it is enough to shoot them with our bait. For each collection of stones, you will receive a separate reward.

Shaman's Craft

This quest can be obtained after talking with Muria. Ask him about crafting, after which he will say that he needs the ingredients for a powerful amulet.


  • Stalker Bone (drops after killing a hunter)
  • Mordant Dew (obtained after killing a stinger)
  • Carven Stone (obtained after killing a guard with a shield)

Important! Creatures must be killed in that order. They are in this and go during the game. If you break the order initially, then the items will not fall out! You can also talk to Karn. He will tell you everything about every being.

Spark of Life

After you complete the Shaman's Craft quest, talk to Muria. She will tell you that with the help of her experiments, a creature called Ghorn was obtained. You just need to kill him and that's it. The boss is easy. Looks like you don't know what. Shoots rockets, a swarm of bees, which should be avoided. In general, weaker in strength than the bosses from the main plot. We kill him and return to Muria.

Lost Souls

After talking with Nathaniel, you will be prompted to quickly reach the Eternal Throne. There, talk to the chancellor and get the quest. Completing this quest will allow you to unlock another quest - Sparks of Life.

Silent stone

Once you reach the fort for the first time, swim along the river southwest of the harbor. Somewhere in that area you will find a sleeping giant. Just take a good look at it and you will get the quest. You need to somehow wake him up, and for this you need a key.

To find the key, you need to search the Drenchfort. There you will find a key that, according to the description, awakens the sleepers. Then use it on the giant. Get an interesting stone as a gift.

The Wandering Stone

You will receive this quest after completing the Silent Stone quest. We need to find the missing body parts.

So, you will find the left hand in the southeastern part of the map. It will be in front of the entrance to the cave. The left leg will also be in the southeast, only lower, to the south. You will find the right hand at the ruined village. Go to the middle of the gorge. The limb will block the path. The right foot is located on the path that leads to Drenchfort.

Then return to the giant and complete the quest.

Lost Relics

You will find Ostegoth in the Kingdom of the Dead, and in the story you will meet more than once. He will ask you to find relics that are scattered around the world. Find all thirty and get your reward.

The Maker Warrior

There is a Thane in the Tri-Stone location that you can challenge. Defeat him in battle and complete this quest. After defeating him, he will give you 4 more side quests where you will be a bounty hunter:

  • Find and Kill Achidna
  • Find and Kill Bheithir
  • Find and Kill Gorewood
  • Find and Kill The Deposed King

Achidna, Bheezir, Gorwood, and the Deposed King will have to be found and killed. Nothing complicated, however, the bosses are stronger on the rise. We do not recommend completing the task at the initial stages of the game. And remember, all these murders are four different quests that you have to complete in order.

The Chancellor's Quarry

After you find Nathaniel, you will be given the chancellor side quest. We must go through the labyrinth, at the end of which we will face a powerful boss. Defeat him and demand from him his crown, which must be returned to the chancellor.

Light of the Fallen

On Earth, meet the Angel Ariel, who will ask you to find and kill ten of his brothers. It is very easy to pass it by completing the main quests, since almost all angels will come across on the way.

The Book of The Dead

The quest is given by Vulgrim. Asks to collect all the pages from the book of the dead. All 40 pages are scattered throughout the game world. Every 10 pages can be exchanged for a key to one of the four tombs of death, where there are a lot of cool weapons and things inside.

The Crucible

Not so much a side quest, but a combat arena where you can fight opponents who attack in batches. Know one nuance. In total, there are 4 stages of 25 waves in the arena. After every 5 waves, a chest appears. If you open it, you will reset the counter. Accordingly, save yourself for better rewards in later waves.


The game begins with the enraged rider of the Apocalypse Death riding his faithful horse Despair, accompanied by Dust - the raven of Death, indicating the right path to any place where Death wishes.

Now we will go through the tutorial level:

  1. To begin with, we are offered to ride along a snowy path. Keys are used to control a character or a character on a horse. W,S,A,D .
  2. When a round badge with a horse's head appears, it is granted the ability to call or send out Despair using the key C .
  3. To dash while mounted on Despair, press alt .
  4. If there is a high wall ahead, then it can be easily overcome, you just need to jump on it using the key Space and pull up with the key W .
  5. Enemies will often attack us in this game. To attack an enemy, you need to press the Left Mouse Button ( paintwork). To dodge an enemy attack, you need to press the key in time alt .
  6. Enemies will always drop coins that can be exchanged for goods on the black market, and will occasionally drop loot (a trophy for killing). To take loot, you need to click on E .
  7. With key O you can open your inventory and notice there are many sections. To use an item, you need to click on the Equipment section and select the item you want to wear. By double-clicking the LMB, you can call up actions that can be performed with the selected item.

Find a way to save War

We have arrived at the gate dark fortress. The gate was graciously opened and we were told to climb to the top of the Dark Fortress. We approach the wall near the edge of the cliff and hold down the key Space to run across the wall over a decent cliff. We are not in a hurry to run ahead. On the left is frozen ice skeleton. We defrost it with ordinary paired braids and destroy it. He dropped an ax - an additional weapon. To equip an ax, you need to find it in your inventory and select " put on". Now you can attack secondary weapon in battles by pressing the Right Mouse Button ( PKM ).

The slain skeleton freed a passage to an additional part of the fortress. There is a chest there. To open the chest, you need to press the key E. A health potion fell out of the chest. Always pick up health potions. Also, rage potions will sometimes come across. To replenish a health bar or a rage bar, you need to click on 1 or 2 .

We leave this rather small part and reach another cliff. We run along the wall to the ledge. We move along the ledge to the left, jump to the upper ledge and climb up. On the right and left, you can unfreeze the skeletons and kill them. If you get lost, the purple marker on the mini-map at the bottom right will always tell you the right direction.

So, we come to a cliff. Huge wooden beams hang down from somewhere above. You can jump and grab them. We jump from one beam to another until we reach the desired end of the cliff. Another frozen skeleton. If it does not defrost itself, you can not touch it. There are three skeletons ahead, which we can easily destroy. We grab onto the ledge on the wall and climb the wall with the help of beams and ledges. We jump to the next beam and climb up. Next skeletons. We destroy them and jump to the vine, which is located on the wall. The vines can be easily navigated using the movement keys. To jump from the liana, just press the key E. We reach the next liana and climb up. We jump to the ledge, from the ledge to the arena.

Appears out of nowhere ice giant! Destroying it is quite simple:

  1. We dodge at the sight of how the giant raises his fist (press the key three times alt ).
  2. We go from the back and perform combo attacks (LMB+Pause+LMB+Pause+LMB+Pause+LMB or LMB+LMB+Pause+LMB+LMB or Space+LMB+LMB+LMB+RMB).
Once destroyed, a hidden door will open. We go inside and notice a big cliff. We run along the wall to the beam, from the beam again to the wall, jump - here we are at the other end of the cliff. We approach the elevator and activate it by pressing the key E. The elevator breaks from the ice blocks that have grown from above. You will have to manually climb up using the ledges on the wall. We jump off the second ledge and approach two closely spaced walls. This narrowness can be used by jumping from wall to wall, thereby climbing to any height until the wall ends. So, we got up. Now we run along the wall to the beam, and after the beam we grab the vine. Having climbed up the liana, we jump to the beam, from the beam again to the liana. We climb to the right edge of the vine and jump onto the beam. We climb up the beam.

We destroy the monsters and jump onto the vine, reaching the cliff. We go down the liana down, then to the right and jump to the ledge, then to the next one and jump off. A little further there are beams on which you can walk. We jump from beam to beam, and then to the vine. We rise along the vine up and to the right. We jump onto the beam and climb up along it, jumping onto the beam from above. Next will be more beams. Well, I hope that now it will be easier to do this, so we will no longer describe such movements in detail.

We get to the hall in which the Keeper of Secrets sits - the Elder Raven. We need his help. The Elder Raven does not understand why he should be concerned about the fate of Death's brother - War. Death notes that the Keeper of Secrets knows the truth and his secrets can help save the innocent War. The Keeper of Secrets opened the gate and said that he would find the way to correct the actions of the War in the Tree of Life, but immediately closes the passage. He wants to exchange the talisman. Death does not agree and orders to open the passage. The Elder Raven says that Death will only pass through this passage through his own corpse. Death agrees and the battle begins. The Elder Raven turns into War. Well, you have to destroy this pathetic likeness of your brother. The tactics are:

  1. Hold Shift and dodge when the War begins to carry out its attacks
  2. Immediately after the attack of the War, we dash to the war and carry out combo attacks.
The Elder Raven reverts to its normal form upon being defeated. We force him to open the portal, but he destroys the talisman, and part of his fragment digs into our right chest.


  • An experience : 40
  • Gold : 1200

Part 2: Forge Lands

mountain flame

We are moving to the beginning of our journey - in Forge lands. We are met by the old creator Eydard and informs us that the way to Tree of Life knows sister forge - Elia. However, she will do our favor for her favor. Well, let's find her. We pass through the cave. We are shown a cutscene showing Elia's location. We approach her and talk. She says the entrance to Tree of Life closed, and damage does not allow forging the key to the gate. Need to restore the flow of lava and water in foundry- the main forge, with which you can forge the key. Elia sent us to Thane to open the gates outside the Trestone settlement. We head towards the yellow circle on the mini-map from the bottom right. Approach Thane and talk to him (if you select the "Training" dialogue option, you can buy tricks for gold coins, which can then be used in battle). Thane opens the gate and wishes us good luck on our journey.

We get to the edge. You can jump into the water and take the Boatman's coin, which can then be exchanged for items from Vulgrim. Nearby there is a wall along which you can climb up. We return to the beginning of the cliff. We climb the wall on the right, and we pass along the path to the other end of the cliff. We leave in an open field, call Despair and to the right along the path, to the Weeping Cliff (see map) (there will be Vulgrim, who can sell unique items and give a side quest " Book of the Dead"). We ride through the Cursed Forest to the Izgar Pass (there are enemies - Construct Warriors), and then we get to the entrance to the Cauldron - the temple of fire, which gives flame for the great forge of creators. Near the entrance to the Cauldron, Karn fights with construct warriors. We help him after talking with Karn, it turns out that he decided to become a hero, but he cannot get through Corruption. Karn lowers the bridge leading to the gate to the Cauldron.

We go inside and activate the lever, which releases the door to the next room. We open the door. On the right is the Shadow Bomb. Grab her ( E) and sculpt on the lever on the wall ( Q+SCM) - another door is open. We go inside (we destroy the enemies) and we see two doors, one of which is locked with a lock that opens if you find a chest containing the key to the lock. We go to the next door. Using the ledge on the wall, we move over the cliff. There is another ledge on the wall in this area. We climb up on it and get to the liana. We go down the liana vnih, grab the bomb and sculpt it on the lever. We go in the opened door, and there is a new kind of enemies - Helper constructs. We destroy the enemies and go through the next door. We reach the arena, where another new enemy is waiting for us - Walker. Walker fights constructs. We wait until they kill each other, after which we destroy the Walker. Near the arena there is a small room where the chest is located, in which lies the very key to the lock on the door. We leave the small room, turn right and slide along the wall to the platform below. We return to the door with a lock and open it. Roll up the ball ( E) into the hole, thereby activating a mechanism that turns part of the wall, on the hidden side of which there is a beam that will help us climb up. We climb up the vine to another part of the Cauldron.

Ahead we see a beam along which you can climb to the ledge, and through the ledge - to another part of the Cauldron. We jump from the ledge to the vine and jump down. We activate the lever, which lowers the grate, blocking the passage to the next part of the Cauldron. We see another door closed with a key. We need to find the key. We go into the open door on the right, destroy the enemies. We find a shadow bomb, take it and sculpt it on the Corruption that enveloped the ball. We roll the ball into the hole, activating the mechanism that will lower the grate (not the central one!), behind which there is another ball. The released ball is rolled into the left hole from the central grid. The grille is halfway down. Now you need to knock the ball out of the hole. To do this, we sculpt the Shadow Bomb on the ball in the hole. After the ball is released, roll it into the hole to the right of the central grid. Open the chest that contains the key. We return to the door and open the door with the key to the lock, destroying enemies in parallel. We activate the lever that raises the boiler, on which there are ledges. With the help of ledges on the wall and ledges on the boiler, we move to the platform. We go into the room and climb up the wall and ledges. We take the Shadow Bomb and sculpt it on the lever. We pass over the raised bridge. The grate behind us rises, thereby closing the exit, and Garn breaks out of the wall - a new enemy with a drill. We destroy it in the following way:

  1. While he swings, dodge with the Alt key.
  2. After Garn successfully missed, inflict a series of combo attacks
  3. We repeat the manipulations several times
After destroying it, we get the Dark Avenger weapon. We reach the room with the lever and activate it. Turn counterclockwise until the weights are all the way down. Hooray, we opened the hatch! Now the lava is flowing! We return to Elia (we leave the Cauldron and use the map to indicate the location of Elia and press Enter- fast travel). She is moderately satisfied, but still needs to be activated Tears of the Mountains- water that soothes the earth that will be awakened Flame of Mountains. Now Elia will trade items or buy items from us.


  • Pistol "Redemption"
  • An experience : 480
  • Gold : 1500

Tears of the mountains

You need to find Karn and talk to him near the entrance to the Gorge of Shadow. To do this, we leave in the field of the Valley of the Father of Stones and jump on Despair along the left path. We speak with Karn, after which we aim the pistol at the Shadow bomb just above the entrance to the Gorges of Shadow and open the gate. We ride to the Fjord, and then to the storm fort. Along the way, we will meet new enemies - Pityers and snoops. We destroy them. The path further is closed with bars. There is a Shadow Bomb to the left of the grate. We shoot at it and free the wall from Corruption. We climb up and stop the wave of enemies with a pistol and scythes. We leave through the door and jump down. Activate the lever near the gate to lower the grate. In the Fjord, you can meet Blackroot, who will give bait stone and side mission "Rocks and Sticks".

Having reached the Storm Fort, we reach the place where you need to drive the ball into the hole. To do this, go to the right and climb up the wall. We take the Shadow Bomb and throw it into the ball. We roll the fallen ball to the hole. The mechanism works and the door opens. We go.

We go to the door on the left. We go in and go through the door opposite. We reach a dead end. You need to drive two balls into the hole. Turn right and climb the wall. We run along the walls and ledges and reach the ball. We throw it down and drive it into one hole. Now we climb the wall to the left (from the entrance). We jump down and find a large wall. We climb it and take the Shadow Bomb and sculpt it on the Corruption that has enveloped the ball, after which we shoot the bomb with a pistol. We adjust the ball to the lattice, which separates the ball from the hole. We release the ball and rise for another Shadow Bomb. We sculpt it on the ball, and we ourselves rise to the platform in the middle of the room, which activates the lowering of the lattice. We shoot at the bomb, thereby rolling the ball to the hole. We climb the wall to the beginning of the path, drive the ball into the hole and go into the opened gate. We reach the lever, shrouded in Corruption. There is a Shadow Bomb nearby. We destroy the damage and activate the lever. The water is gone! We jump into the water and swim to the very end. We leave the door.

We jump into the water and swim through the tunnel, which has just been covered with water almost completely. We swim to a dead end, climb the wall and ledges up. Here an ambush awaits us. We destroy enemies and we pass into the released door. We reach the next room. To the left is a locked door. To the right is an open door. We move away from the left door at a distance equal to the distance to the right door. We look ahead - there is a passage. We jump down and reach the rooms. We destroy the enemies, open the chest, which contains the key. We return to the locked door and open it. After destroying the party of enemies, we reach the room in which you need to drive the ball into the hole to lower the platform. We go to the wall on the left, climb up and pick up the Shadow Bomb. We sculpt it on Corruption and open a passage for the ball. We go down to the ball, grab it and jerk ( alt) are thrown up. We roll into the hole, the platform lowers. We run after another Shadow Bomb, sculpt it on the ball, stand on the platform and shoot at the bomb. The ball rolls out of the hole, thereby activating the raising of the platform up. We go to the next room. We get to the lever. To the left of it, we destroy Corruption by shooting a bomb on it. Activate the lever and slide down the stream of water. We get to the end. We go to the place where we found the key. Now there is enough water to grab onto the ledge. We rise and climb the walls into the room above and activate the lever. Now the flow reaches the end, thereby removing the bars on the doors, activating the entrance to it. Opening this door

We go in the door, which is looking at the stone golem, holding the yoke on his shoulders. We jump into the water and get to the ledge, which you can climb, because there is already enough water level. Open the door, grab an unusual ball and throw (alt) at an unidentified object covered with wood. Turned out it was the boss! Karkinos they call! Tactics against Karkinos:

  1. At the sight of the fact that he is going to accelerate, we dodge to the side.
  2. When she crashes into the wall, an egg falls from above. We take this egg and throw it at Karkinosa. It will turn off for a while.
  3. This is the time to cut his groin with various combo attacks, despite the fact that the child of Karkinos immediately hatches from the egg.
  4. We repeat the manipulations several times.
After the kill, the Crusher will fall out of it. So it is called - Davilka from Karkinos. good weapon. The lattice is lowered, we go to activate the lever. Stream restored! We return to Elia, who has already moved to the Smelter. Elia and her brother have already finished work on the creator's key , and now you can use it to activate each construct. Eidard arrives and asks to assemble a Guardian who will clear the way to Tree of Life. We agree to help.


  • An experience : 720
  • Gold : 3600

move the mountain

You need to find the construct that sleeps in the Lost Temple and awaken it with the key of the creator. We leave through the Valley of the Stonefather to Weeping Bluff. After we get into the Cursed Forest, from where we move to the Lost Temple. We get to Buhochka. We activate the first Construct, sit on it and roll into the hole. We aim at the opened hole and shoot ( SCM) chain. We follow the chain to the door. Enemies are waiting for us in the room. We destroy them, go into a small room, take a Shadow bomb from there and sculpt it on Corruption to the left of the door we entered. We rise along the freed wall and jump along the beams to another part of the bay. We jump down the steps and go down into another room filled with enemies. We destroy them. We open the door to the left (from the place where we came from) and destroy another batch of enemies. We go to the left and go up the stairs. We jump on the wall, grab the ledge and climb up. Another wall, up again, and on the other side we jump. We open the door nearby and go out to Karn.

We go into the Lost Temple, destroy the enemies and go upstairs. We open the door, activate the construct and break Corruption with the help of its powerful stone hands. We roll up to the hole and roll into it. We get down from the construct and go to the door, from which the lattice has just lagged behind. Some kind of mask flies up to us and calls on enemies! We destroy the mask with a pistol after we have destroyed the construct warriors. A part of the wall is rotated, which indicates the right path. We go to the wall and climb up the beam, and then we turn into another part of the temple with the help of a ledge. We jump down and get to the construct. We activate it and use it to destroy enemies nearby. We roll up the construct to the edge of the cliff and destroy the Corruption (SKM), which was guarding the lever that raises the bridge. We get off the construct, get to the lever, activate it and ride on the construct to the place where we just destroyed the mask, destroying all the damage along the way. Now we roll into the hole opposite and run the chain into the hole. We run along the chain to this part of the temple. We shoot at the Shadow Bomb, located next to the ball. We roll the ball into the hole, destroy the enemies that have appeared, take the Shadow Bomb and put it on the ball. The ball rolls back, one grate goes down, the other goes up - here we are at the chest with the key! We take the key and return to the construct, and then go to the locked door. We open the door, along the vine we get to the lever and activate it. The grate descends, enemies appear, and we run to the construct and return the chain to ourselves, after which we destroy the enemies, and then the Corruption in the place where we just lowered the grate. We roll into the hole to lower the grate. We get off the construct and run to the opened part of the temple.

Here we are waiting for six masks. We deal with each separately. First we destroy the enemies, then we shoot at the mask when it flies up to us and shoots down with a beam, and we repeat the manipulations until we win (don't forget about the Reaper mode). We open the door, and then another one. We jump on the walls to the end of the cliff. We approach the waterfall and jump from one wall to another until we climb up. We reach the door along the stream. We open it and activate the construct, which we then roll onto the elevator. We jump off the construct and climb up the wall and beams to the left of the elevator. Activate another construct, roll it to the hole, which activates the lift. We jump off the construct and jump on the one who just arrived in the elevator. We roll it into the hole a little further, then we take the construct that is in the hole near the elevator and roll it into the hole in the place where we just lowered the grate with the first construct. We release the chain and get to the first construct, which we roll to the hole, lowering the grate at the door we need to get into. We jump off the construct and get to the door. We open it and reach the other door with the help of beams and walls. Ambush! We destroy the enemies and open the door. Climb up the wall, shoot at the Shadow Bomb and throw the ball into the hole. The grate rises, and we go in the door. There are enemies here. We destroy them and go to the next door and open it.

We run to the arena. The mask has collected construct-dummies. Will have to end it. Tactics against the bumpkin construct:
While he is pounding the ground with his fists, shadow bombs are falling from above. You need to quickly take the bomb and throw it at him, then shoot the bomb.

  1. While he lies unconscious, you need to cut his spherical soul.
  2. During his beating, his defenders appear from the ground. You need to destroy them too, because they will greatly interfere with capturing bombs + a health potion may fall out of them.
  3. We repeat the manipulations 5-6 times until victory.
So, we reach the Guardian and activate it. We talk with the Guardian. He leads us to the Valley of the Stonefather. We need to talk to Eidard, which we do.


  • An experience : 960
  • Gold : 4500

Heart of the Mountain

So, we go to the Guardian, who will take us to the depths of the Smelter. We talk with him. Suddenly, Karn appears and says that he will help us. The Keeper restores the bridge, and we reach the entrance to the Smelter along it. We reach some kind of cliff, and Karn offers us that he threw us to the other end of the cliff. We agree and fly. On the beams and ledges we climb onto the beam, from which you need to jump and cling to the boiler, from which you then need to jump in time. After that, we run across the wall, destroy the enemies and reach the door, activate the lever and open the door. We jump on the lever that activates the lifting of the door. We wait until Karn reaches the next door and will hold it when we jump off the lever. We pass Karna.

We reach the Guardian. He is very large, very heavy and sound asleep. You can awaken him with the help of three stones scattered throughout the temple. So, we call Dust and go to the door where he will show. We go into the cave, destroy the enemies. We reach the elevator. We approach the wall with bars and Karn will throw us over the wall. We jump into the water and swim to the right until the light. We rise. Here we have a ball. We go to the other side and jump into the water. We swim under water to the right side. We rise, and here is the button! We get up on the button, the grate lowers, the door rises. Karn grabs the door, we grab the stone and throw it into the hole in the wall. Difficult task, but quite passable. We activate the construct and sit on it. Let's roll to break Corruption! We roll on the construct to the hole, into which we roll. We release the chain, along which we get to its middle, then we jump onto the liana, and from the liana to the beam, then to one more - here we are near the door. We open the door and run along the wall. Lava needs to be feared, so we wait until it ends later, after which it runs further. So, we are in another part. We destroy the enemies, go in the door, take the key and jump onto the chain of the construct and get to Karn. Open the door with the key and go inside. We climb the spiral staircase, after which Karn throws us to the other side. We destroy the enemies and open the door. Chained on chains death grip ". We release it (LMB + LMB + LMB) and assign it to ourselves. Exit the door and fly over to Karn, using the ring from above with the Death Grip. We return to the cave and follow Karn.

We reach the place where on the right on the wall is the Shadow Bomb. on the left is the lever. We grab the bomb with a grip and sculpt it on the lever. We blow up with a pistol - the bridge is raised! Cross the bridge and open the door. There is another broken bridge ahead. Left lever and right. For now, we jump along the beams and activate the left lever. We turn back and run along the wall to the beam. We grab the ring from the beam with a grip, after which we fall on the vine. From the creeper to the next ring to the lever. We activate the lever and return to the beginning of the bridge. We pass it and open the door. We activate the lever, which will begin to lower the elevator. We go down to some floor and open the door. And here is the first stone! We approach Karn, who wants to throw us to the other end of the cliff. After that, along the wall ledges and beams we get to the button that lowers the grate in two places. We pull ourselves up to Karn with the help of a grip, which instantly sends us to the place where the second grate has just fallen. On ledges and beams we get to an incomprehensible platform. We jump even lower - construct! We get to the construct along the wall, activate it and roll along the lava (cool!) to Corruption, which we immediately sweep away, and then roll into the hole. We release the chain and go along it. After we jump onto the ledge, climb up and approach the stone. We grab him. The stone falls down, after which Karn picks it up and offers to return with it to the Guardian - a good idea! Old friends are waiting for us on the elevator. We salute and kill. We leave to the Guardian through two doors. We approach the right shoulder of the Guardian and fasten a stone on it.

The wooden structure collapses, freeing a new path! We run up there, and with the help of a grip we fly to the tunnel. Through the tunnel we reach another tunnel. After the second tunnel, there are two gates and a button. We stand on the button, Karn passes through the first gate and prepares to hold the second. We run away from the button and pass Karn through the gate. Karn wants to transfer us - do not refuse! After we jump to the ring a little further and grab onto it - here we are at the other end of the room. We go into the next room and destroy the enemies. We activate the construct and roll into the hole. Release the chain. We get down from the construct and climb onto the platform with the lever. We raise it to the limit up, after which we release it and wait for the right moment to jump onto the ledge on the left platform, then onto the chain, and after the chain jump to the ledge. So, done! Now we get to the other part of the room along the ledges and vines. We go down to the lever and activate it. Bridges went up. We return to the construct and roll along the bridges to Corruption. Having destroyed all the Corruption, we roll out to the place where we see the stone. We destroy the enemies and roll to the place where there is Corruption. We destroy the Corruption construct with a chain, get off it, and Karn offers to throw us up. We agree and open the chest in which the key. We find the door to which this key belongs and open it. We don't need to go inside yet, so we're going out. We return to the place where we came from and dive from the left edge into the water, after which we swim to the liana and along it, ledges and rings we climb up. Ahead, they show us a lever - you need to get to it and activate it. We jump into the water and swim to the place where there is a ring. We run along the wall, grab the ring, after which we move along the beams to the left. One more ring - here we are. We destroy the enemies, activate the lever and return to Karn. We roll the construct into the place where the stones are flattened. We activate the lever near this device. As a result, we have a ball. Remember the door we opened? Wonderful! Now you need to put the ball into the hole in this room. The grate goes down. We pass into this small compartment and jump up the walls. We reach the stone and grab it. Karn picks up the stone. We return to the Guardian (there will be a small task along the way - you will solve it yourself!) and stand next to his left shoulder. The stone settled well in the shoulder!

We follow Karn. He wants to throw us over the bars. We agree. Activate the lever that lowers the grate. Activate the construct and destroy Corruption with it. We go down on the construct and see a stone, around which everything is overgrown with Corruption. We destroy Corruption wherever possible. We roll into the hole lowering the grate. We jump from the construct and climb the wall to the platform where the grate has fallen. We run along the wall to another room and jump onto the stone. Something is wrong with him... Suddenly, the energy from the stone moves into the construct and he becomes hostile! You need to destroy it. We apply the tactics as to all other mini-bosses: We dodge when the construct swings and carry out combo attacks immediately after the construct hits the ground. After the victory, we go to the Guardian and sculpt this stone on his forehead.

The corruption on the stone did not evaporate and swallowed the Guardian! He's gone somewhere! We need to catch up with him! We leave the Smelter and come to the Valley of the Stone Father. Eidard was unable to do anything with the Guardian. We must destroy it! Tactics against the Guardian:

  • Stage 1:
  1. While the Guardian swings his right hand, we dodge the hammer.
  2. While his hand is close to the ground, shoot the Shadow Bombs.
  3. When the hand is separated from the body, we pull ourselves up with a grip to the stone and destroy it.
  4. We repeat the manipulations twice, after which we proceed to stage two, when the Guardian with one left hand.
  • Stage 2:
  1. At the time when the Guardian releases a huge Shadow bomb, we drive off on Despair far enough and shoot all the cartridges from Redemption accurately (!) At the bomb.
  2. We hide behind the Guardian so that the bomb crashes on the way into the Guardian. He weakens, his left hand holding on to the support.
  3. We climb up the arm, after which we grab the stone and destroy it.
  4. We repeat the manipulations twice, after which the Guardian will fall apart, and Eidard will revive him, but he will die.
The new Guardian is trying to destroy the Corruption that guards the path to the Tree of Life. However, Corruption resists. As a result, the path is cleared, and Corruption and the Guardian self-destructed.


  • An experience : 1200
  • Gold : 6000

tree of life

We ride Despair along the cleared path to the Tree of Life. We stop at the gate.


  • An experience : 1440
  • Gold : 7000

Part 3: Kingdom of the Dead

Corruption appears from the gate to the Tree of Life and we get stuck in the tree. Some Nephilim starts talking to us. From the conversation it becomes known that Corruption is Absalom, and Absalom is the former brother of Death, whom Death killed. On the same day, Absalom became Corruption and wants to capture everything! After the conversation, we teleport to the Kingdom of the Dead, where we are met by Ostegoth. He says that if the Tree of Life teleported him here, then so be it. He also says that you need to climb the Serpent Peak and get to the Eternal Throne, on which the Bone Lord sits, who knows something about Source of souls - something that can revive humanity.

Bone Lord

So, you need to find the Eternal Throne. Ride Despair through the Rocky Lands to Leviathan's Cleft and go through the door.

On the wall we get to two buttons and stand on the one that removes a lot of bars. We quickly run along the wall, where the grate road has just been cleared. We reach two doors. We go into an open room. We destroy enemies and we go in the right door. We take the Shadow Bomb, sculpt it on the lever and approach the bridge. We shoot from there at the bomb, and quickly run across the bridge until it lowers. We reach the second bridge and take the key from the chest. We return to the door and open the door with the key. We go inside. We reach the next door, destroying enemies along the way, and then we open another door. We destroy enemies, and we leave through the following door outside. We jump to the bridge, after which we turn towards the Serpent Peak. We reach the end of the Serpent Peak, destroying the enemies nearby. We destroy the bell, after which two snakes fly up to us, holding the Eternal Throne. We jump on the snake and get to the Eternal Throne. Now we need to find the entrance. The whole journey will consist of overcoming obstacles. It's all pretty easy to go through, you just need to think a little if you get lost (don't forget to look around, and remember that you can push off from two walls and go up!).

So, we enter the Eternal Throne. We reach the entrance to the Bone Lord. We are not allowed in and they say that we must first obtain the right to enter from the Advisor. The adviser gives us a test. You need to bring the head of the champion of the Golden Arena to the Advisor. Well, what he asked for, he will receive.


  • An experience : 700
  • Gold : 3000

royal fee

Let's go to the Golden Arena. We go to the exit from the Eternal Gate. We open the door and along the liana we move to another door. We open the door and get to the entrance to the Golden Arena. We reach the room with the lantern and move it (E) in the opposite direction. The door opens and we enter. On the wall we get to the next door and open it. Found the arena. Managers report that it is impossible to summon a champion just like that. You need to collect three soul stones and put them on the altar. All stones can be found near the arena.

We go to the right to the wall. Climb up it and turn left. We go into the breach and go into the door on the right. We go down, using the walls where the stairs collapsed. We reach the door and open it. We destroy the enemies and go through the next door. We reach the room where the lantern shines. We climb onto the button, which lowers the grate, behind which there is a shadow bomb. We take a bomb and sculpt it on Corruption, which holds the lantern. We select the lantern with a fight and put it on the button. We pass to the place where the grate falls. On the walls we get to another part of the room. We reach the lever that lowers the grate and activate it. We grab the lantern with a fight and run into the room where the statue without a lantern is located. We put the lantern in the hand of the statue and rotate it 180 degrees. We enter the opened room and reach the end. We grab the Stone, destroy the enemies and return to the statue. Skeletons appear. We destroy them and go to where they ran out. We open the door. We reach the room in which we go upstairs to the door. We activate the lever that opens the door. We're just going to the arena. We approach the altar (head) and grasp the stone into the altar.

Two doors open. One below, which also leads to skeletons. We destroy them and go inside where they came from. We go upstairs. We reach the skeletons next to the collapse and destroy them. On the collapse we rise to the next floor and approach the opened door a minute earlier. We go inside. We go in the direction in which the lantern shines. We rise along the stairs upward, we approach the beginning of the lowered bridge and we take the Shadow bomb. We sculpt it on the Corruption, which is located on the opposite side from the beam of the lantern. The passage opens. On the wall we get to the next room. We go towards the glow of the lantern. We reach the button on which the lantern lies. We take a flashlight and leave the button. Enemies appear. We put a lantern and destroy them. The door reopens for unknown reasons. We take a lantern and get to that cliff. We lower the lantern, run along the walls to the first lantern, turn it towards the other grate, which is lowered. We take a shadow bomb and destroy all Corruption. We return to the second lantern and put the lantern on the button. The grate goes down. We run to the feather lantern. We grab a flashlight on the button. We lower the lantern and turn the statue to lower another grate. With a lantern we reach the place where a bomb is stuck to the bridge. Put the lantern on the hand of the statue. The bridge is going up. We pass along the bridge, open the door and go down the spiral collapsed staircase down. We approach the place where the stone should be. We destroy the enemies that have appeared, pick up the stone and go to the place where the grate fell. We open the door, we go into the room. We climb up the walls. Activate the lever and exit to the altar. We insert the stone into the altar.

The door opens, which leads to the last stone. We rise to the door and go inside. We destroy a large wave of enemies and open the next door. We pass a little further and destroy the newly appeared enemies. We go into the next door. We get up on the button, we grab the Shadow Bomb, which appeared when the bridge rose. I'm going to the throne. We sculpt the bomb on the lever and turn around! Destroy the scarab beetle, take the stone. We return to the altar and insert the stone. Appears Gnashor! Tactics against Gnashor:

  1. While Gnashor is underground, you need to move away from him for a long distance. He will pop out. We manage to grab his face with a fight and inflict damage. After that, he likes to turn into a wheel, from which you need to move away, otherwise it will hurt.
  2. While Gnashor is going into a huge skeleton, we inflict damage on him. After he leans towards us, we move away and grab his head - it will crumble into a snake.
  3. From time to time, Gnashor can hurt us with a kick if we get too close to him. To avoid being hit, you need to jump away from it. Gnashor also likes to open his head and make crushing blows. To avoid such blows, you just need to go behind him while he swings his head.
Destroyed? Nice. We take the golden skull. We return to the Advisor and give him the skull. He lets us go to the Lord of the Bone.


  • An experience : 1000
  • Gold : 5000


The Lord of Bone will show us the way to the Source of Souls if we return three immortal lords Bone Lord, who will obey him. Also the Lord of Bone will give us Excommunication- a device that allows you to manipulate the lords.

So, let's go look for Farisir. We jump to the tomb of Farisir (see in the middle of the map). We go into the tomb and approach the elevator. We hit the crystal, and the elevator starts to descend. We destroy the enemies and open the door twice. We turn left and get along the walls and ledges to the Shadow Bomb. We sculpt it on Corruption, which protects the platform. With a grip we pull the platform to the grate. We take the Shadow Bomb and stand on the button with it. We throw a bomb on the platform. We pass by the platform, which courageously holds the bars. We are at the elevator.

We go to the first floor by knocking on the crystal next to the number I. We open the door, which is further than the numbers II and III. On the left wall we get to the lever and activate it. The ring drops. We fly over it to another platform and take the Shadow Bomb, which is located just above the ring. We put the bomb on the lever. We come to the beginning of the room and shoot at the bomb. You need to catch the moment and with the help of two rings, while they are at the same level, jump over to the other side of the room. We take the key from the chest and return to the elevator, destroying strong, but attractive enemies - ghosts along the way.

We go to the third floor, knocking on the crystal next to the number III. We open the door with the key. We reach the door, destroying mummies, ghosts and the undead general along the way. On the walls and ledges we get to the next door and go inside. We go down the beams and liana to the lever and activate it. Wow, the bridge is up! We jump down, destroy the enemies and move the platform with a grip to the place where the elevator should be. We return to the elevator up along the beams, walls and ledges and go down to the second floor. We open the door, we reach the arena, stand on the button and jump inside the arena. Farisir wakes up and whines as if his sleep is disturbed. We defeat Farisir (a fairly easy opponent) and he says that he is now at our disposal.


Now you need to find the tomb of the Executor. We use Excommunication while in a special circle to summon Farisir and point him to the button behind the arena. The grate goes down. We leave the tomb of Farisir (we rise to the IV floor). We jump to the tomb of the Executor. On the way to the tomb, we stand in a circle and call Farisir. We force him to activate the lever behind the bars. So, here we are at the entrance. We open the door and enter.

We go into a small room, stand in a circle and call on Farisir. We make him activate the lever. We go in the door, which is now open. Turn right and enter the room. We destroy enemies, we force Farisira to activate the lever. We jump to the raised platform and with a fight we pull the movable platform to the two platforms. We go out to the beginning of the room and ask Farisir to press the button on the platform, where we cannot reach yet. We run over to Farisir, we go into the next door. Oh, and here is the Executor. He asks to catch three souls and opens the first door.

We go in the door, then open another door and destroy the enemies. We call on Farisir and open another door. We ask him to stand on the button. The bridge has risen - we have crossed. We repeat the same manipulations with the next button, but the bridge has risen only half. We grab onto Farisir and pull ourselves up to him. We take the Shadow Bomb and sculpt it on Corruption - the bridge has completely risen. We grab the lantern and put it on the hand of the statue. We turn 90 degrees, ask Farisir to press the button and cross the bridge. We go in the door. We climb up the walls and ledges. We release the first soul, destroy the enemies and bring the soul to the Arbiter.

The second door opens. We enter it. We destroy enemies, including the Tormentor - a fat and clumsy enemy, which is very easy to kill if you dodge his slow blows in time. The passage to the next door opens. We enter! We call on Farisir and order him to stand on the button. We get to Farisir along the walls, and then we reach the lever and activate it. We reach the door, destroy the enemies and open the door. We take the key from the chest and return to the door to which this key must be applied (the place where the Torturer was killed). We get up the ledges and walls, free the soul, destroy the enemies and bring the second soul to the Arbiter.

The third door opens. We go inside and run along the wall to another door. Open it and call on Farisir. We approach the elevator and destroy the enemy. We rise to the second floor. Damage suddenly does not let us upstairs. We force Farisir to stand on the button next to the number I. We climb the wall up to the grate. Summon Farisir to the next button. Then we return Farisir to the first button and get to the bomb. We take the Shadow Bomb and sculpt on Corruption. We go in the door. We release the third soul and the Keeper of Bones appears. It can only be destroyed by jumping. After him, the Bone Giant appears. We apply the same tactics that we used against the Ice Giant: we dodge, carry out combo attacks. We return to the Arbiter. He agrees to obey us. Vasilevs appears from the earth - the third immortal lord. He says that if we survive Psycameron, he will agree to obey the Lord of Bone again.


We go inside the Golden Arena and reach the statue, in whose hands is a lantern. We turn it 180 degrees and go through the door. We reach the arena. We are opening a portal to Psycameron. Let's jump!

So, you need to survive the waves of enemies. This is pretty easy to do if you dodge, use first-aid kits and rage potions. Survived? Excellent! We go in the door and call on the lords. We put one on the right button, after which we stand on the platform. We put the second on the left button. As a result, we climb up the platform. We open the door, we stand again on the circle and call on the lords. We destroy enemies. We put the lord on the button. We pass along the raised bridge and put another lord on the button further. The grate goes down, and we pass on. We go to the locked door. We look to the right down - the button! We put the lord there and pull ourselves up to him. We destroy enemies. We look down - the grate, behind which is the button. We put the lord there. We pull ourselves up to the lord, destroy the enemies. We go upstairs and activate the lever that lowers the grate. We go back, jump to the beam and go down. We open the door, call on the lords and order them to activate each of the three levers. After activation, he approaches the chest and takes the key from there. We return to the door and open it with the key.

Echidna! Damn, she's gone! We call on the lords. We put one lord on the button next to it, and put the second lord on the button far to the left of the grate, to which the bridge has risen. We go to the open place. We order the lord to stand on the button below. We jump along the walls, ledges and beams to the lord, using a grip at the end. We reach the lever and activate it. We go back and reach the second button. We call the lord there and go further. We activate the lever, we pass along the bridge, destroy the enemies and get to the second lord. We open the door a little further and go inside. We call on the lords and destroy the enemies. We open the next door and run along the wall to the lever and activate it. We go in the door on the left. We reach the largest cave... Vasilevs.
Tactics against Vasilevs:

  1. While he starts to swing, we dodge twice.
  2. Immediately after his jerk, we run up to him and carry out combo attacks.
  3. At a time when he is on Echidna, we are not afraid to come close and carry out combo attacks, having previously come from behind.
  4. We repeat the manipulations until victory.
Now Vasilevs obeys us! We come to the Bone Lord and give souls. The Lord destroys the traitors and thanks us for the work done. He gives us the Spirit Divider - something like excommunication. Also, the Lord of Bone advised to walk around the city of the dead... Well, okay.


  • An experience : 2350
  • Gold : 10000

City of the dead

So, we reach the gates to the City of the Dead. We take the separator of souls and split in two. We force one half of Death to move the left platform to the left, and the other half of Death - to the right of the right platform. We go to the City of the Dead. We reach a room with two skeleton-crushers inside. We destroy them. We climb onto the button, split in two and run to another button. We change appearance and climb the wall to the lever and activate it. We go into the room and go left. We get the statue and go to the door on the right. We reach the lever. We fork and twist the lever so that it lowers the grate. We switch and go inside the room. Take the Shadow Bomb and stick it on the lever on the wall in the previous room. The grating behind which was the platform is lowered. We stand on the platform and gather together. We fork again so that the statue is on the platform. We lower the grate in the same way as before, and with the second half we roll the platform into the room. So let's connect. Hooray, we're in a completely different room. Climb up the stairs and jump into the hole. We reach the chest with the key, activate the lever and go out to the door that needs to be opened with the key.

We open the door and go into the room. We split in the middle of the bridge. With the first half, we climb up the walls and ledges up to the lever and turn the lever to the limit so that the bridge turns 90 degrees. We change appearance and with the second half we get to the lever that lowers the grate. Activate the lever and reunite. We leave the room, turn right and grab the lantern. We return to the statue and put the lantern in our hands. Rotate the statue 180 degrees. We pass over the bridge. We open the door, climb up the vines, rings, walls and ledges. Open the door and destroy the enemies. We go to the bridge and split in two. With one half, we activate the lever to the right of the door we entered. The bridge turned. We reunite and split again. With one half, we jump onto the lever, which we activate the lowering of the grate. With the other half, we take the Shadow Bomb and go to the place where the grate fell. We throw a bomb on the lever. We reunite and open the door, which you can now enter.

We jump on the walls to the lever and activate it. We get to one more lever and activate it. We jump down to the bridge and open the door, which was released by the bars. We get to the place with three Torturers. In addition, three ghosts appear. It won't be easy to destroy. After destroying the enemies, open the next door. We jump on the lever and ... quickly upstairs! We quickly climb up the beams, rings, ledges and walls. Fuh... Activate the lever and open the door. We destroy enemies. We go up the stairs and ... more enemies ... We destroy the enemies, and then we destroy them again. Here, right at the door. We open the door. On the walls and beams we get to the next door, and from it we exit to the elevator. So far, nothing can be done here, so we go to the next door. On the walls and beams we get to some kind of balcony. We fork and get to the lever. Let's activate it. We reunite and go to the door that is now open. We go inside, activate another lever. We jump to the elevator.

Turn your head 180 degrees clockwise. With the help of the ring we get to the door that we have now opened. We go inside and destroy the enemies. We take the Shadow Bomb and sculpt it on Corruption nearby. We climb up and find a chest with a key. We return to the head with the beam and reach the door where the key is needed. On the ledges, rings, walls and beams we get to the button. We split and stand on the button. We take the platform and push it behind the bars. We reunite and climb onto the platform. We fork on it and get up with one half again on the button. With the second half we roll the platform inward. Change appearance and go to the second button next to it. We change appearance and roll out the platform to the next door. We reunite and open the door. We activate the lever. We grab a bomb nearby and sculpt it on the Corruption on the head with a beam. Using the ring, we return to the head and activate the lever. We go down. Turn your head 90 degrees counterclockwise and run to the exit! Oh no, they were in the arena. Howling Bolshak! Tactics against Howling Bolshak:

  1. While he does nothing, we strike at his head.
  2. After he began to climb up - dodge! If he starts waving his arms, we dodge.
  3. After the Bolshak starts emitting skeletons from the stream, we destroy them all so that the Bolshak reappears and repeat the tactics of dealing damage. When the button appears on top, we finish ( E) of the opponent.
After the destruction, we go into the open door. Appears... Elder Crow! He says that in order to get to the Source of Souls, you first need to get the key. The key is divided into two parts. The first lies in the Kingdom of Angels, the second - in hell. So, we go back to the Tree - it will show the right path. We go to the angel's gate.


  • An experience : 2300
  • Gold : 11000

Part 4: The Lost Light

Key to Redemption

So, let's jump to the crystal tower. We destroy the angels who were swallowed up by Corruption. The heavenly warrior Nathaniel flies to our aid and helps to destroy all the angels. Nathaniel also suggested that you need to talk to the Archon about the key.

We go inside the head and activate the lever. We rise on the elevator upward, we leave and we go to the left. We destroy the enemies, on the ledge we make our way to the other side, again we destroy the enemies. We return to the cliff, move as far as possible, split in two and grab the Shadow Bomb with one half and throw it to the other half. With the other half, we run to Corruption and sculpt a bomb on it. The way up is clear. We climb up the walls, ledges, vines and beams. We approach the Archon. He demands Arafel's rod in return and opens a portal to Earth.


  • An experience : 2500
  • Gold : 9000

Wand of Arafel

Let's go to Earth. On Earth we meet Uriel, who fights the forces of darkness. We help her defeat the enemies, having previously taken a cannon from one of the defeated warriors of heaven. Uriel reports that the wand is shattered into several pieces. Let's go look for the first one! We go along a linear path, destroying all enemies to the right and left. We barely reach the first part and shoot at the green part. Staff! Wonderful. We bring the staff of Uriel (we also go forward - not back!). She opens the gate to another part of the city.

Well, well, again we go along the linear path, destroying enemies in parallel. After exiting the cave, you will come across a Splitter - a bomb launcher. It is better to take it, because it is more effective. Somewhere in the middle of the path to the wand, we will come across the boss Noss! From the Cleaver we quickly destroy it, and then these flying creatures, which are so agile. So, finally we get to the second part - the path was long, but fun. Now we already have a staff and an eye. We bring the eye of Uriel (yes, not back, but forward we go). It opens the way to the third part.

Guess what needs to be done now? Correctly! We go along the linear path and destroy the enemies. We'll meet Noss again. We finally get to the third part of the bridge. Op! The wand is assembled! We return (we go forward, yes, yes) to the crystal tower.

Archon announces that he can drive the darkness out of Ivorybone Citadel with the wand, and he does it! He also says that we need to find the Scribe, who will help finish our search for the key.


  • An experience : 3000
  • Gold : 11000

Spots of Heresy

So, we fly on a bird to the Ivory Citadel. We enter the citadel and immediately turn right and climb up the wall. We activate the lever, which lowered some sphere down. The sphere interacted with another sphere and the Corruption evaporated. We go down and open the door. We reach some arena, destroying several enemies along the way. The door on the left is locked, go through the door on the right. We rise along the stairs to the right and go into the hole in the wall. We reach a dead end and climb up the wall. We jump along the ring to the platform, destroy the enemies and run along the wall on the right to the other part. Destroy enemies and bifurcate on some incomprehensible circle. With one half, we stand on the next button next to us. With the second half we find the second button and stand on it. The statue should fall down. We reunite and climb out on the other side. We climb over the wall and find the Shadow Bomb. We sculpt it on Corruption and destroy it. We fly with the help of the ring to the door.

Open the door and jump down. We hit the glowing stone and break it! We get the Traveler in the void. You can now teleport through certain areas. So, we create a portal (select a traveler in the void and aim at the blue circle on the wall, after which we press MMB) in the wall below, after which we create a second portal from above. We go into the portal from below and find ourselves at the top - wonderful! We leave the room and jump over the ring to the main platform. To the left and to the right of us, you can create portals. We create them and move to another platform. We destroy the enemies and find the lever. Activate it and jump into the opened hole. We create an accelerated portal (hold MMB) where we should fly from. We create the second portal in another place and jump into it. Woohu! Landed, okay. With the help of the ring, we jump to the lower platform and reach the teleport, having destroyed the enemies before that. We create a teleport on the wall nearby. We create the second portal on the wall next to two enemies not far from us. Let's move on. We destroy the enemies and approach the sphere. We create a portal next to it, we create a second portal next to another sphere.

We turn and go to the small tower. We jump into a small hole, inside of which there are two portals. We create an accelerated portal on the wall and a normal one from below, now we go up and reach the door to this small tower. We open the door and see two levers on the walls. We destroy the enemies, bifurcate exactly in the middle and stand with each half on the levers. The statue falls through the portal. Finally, we get to the other side. We reunite and climb up the walls, beams, ledges and rings. Create a portal next to the sphere. We create the second portal next to the sphere at the bottom, on the right. We now have purified water! We go down the water and reach a place beyond which it is impossible to go. We take the Shadow Bomb on the right and sculpt it on Corruption. Hooray, the gate is open! We climb up the liana and open the gate to the citadel. We reach the next door, continuing to destroy small enemies in parallel. We go out to the gate that leads to the holy of light, but we need a key.

Turn left and go down. Enemies will be encountered along the way, which we will destroy. We reach the round room with the statues in the middle and jump into the hole on the right. We go out to the balcony. We destroy the enemies and the ring is lowered to us. On this very ring, ledges and walls we climb to three levers and three teleports. We fork and activate the second lever to lower the right portal. We change appearance and create a portal on the wall nearby, and create a second portal near the portal, which we have now lowered. We reunite and approach the portal on the wall. We create an accelerating portal inside another portal. We fork and activate the left lever so that the left portal descends and frees up space for the lever behind the door. We jump with the second half into the portal on the wall and find ourselves at the lever. Let's activate it. The bars come down and we reunite. We go to the open part.

We move along the wall to the chest, destroy the enemies and get the key from the chest. We go up the stairs, take the Shadow Bomb and sculpt it on Corruption. We rise to the castle, open it and create a portal next to the sphere. We create the second portal at the bottom next to the second sphere (where there is a hole in the floor). Water! We pass through the teleport and go down the water. On the rings we move to the next platform. We reach the door and open it. Then more doors, enemies, more doors, then there will be one hole and finally, we get to the stairs. We go down. We see two teleports - we create portals. We jump along the rings into the portal. We raise our heads - another portal is directly above us - we create an accelerated one in it. We enter the portal on the wall. As a result, along the walls and beams we get to the next platform. We look down and see the portal - we create an accelerated portal. We look at the wall nearby and see a portal - we create an ordinary portal there. We run along the wall to the portal and end up transported to some kind of arena. We go to the arena. The Sneak is an interesting enemy that can teleport. We deal with it and move on.

Let's go to another puzzle. We find a lever. We fork, activate the lever, change appearance, roll out the platform to the lever and reunite. We climb onto the platform and bifurcate. Again we activate the lever, change the appearance and roll the platform with the statue inward to the sphere. We reunite. We leave to the second lever. We fork, activate the lever, change appearance, create a portal on a moving wall, create a second portal on the wall below. We release the lever, create a portal inside the portal from below on the wall (accelerated). We go down to the beginning of the path, create a portal next to the first sphere, get to the second lever in the same way, and then twist the wall until the beam reaches the Corrupted Portal. We put the portal in the freed wall, after which we pass to the last sphere and put the portal on the ceiling. Hooray! Water! On the water we come to another portal on the wall. We create a portal, after which we create a portal, which is behind a hole in the wall. We fly over and jump into the hole in the floor. We reach the waterfall, which finally swallowed Corruption. We open the door behind the waterfalls.

We create a normal portal from below and accelerated from above. We fly to streams. We create an accelerated portal on the wall just above our level, we jump into a regular portal. On the wall we reach the door and open it. We go up the long stairs to the door. Book Jamer is inside! The tactics are:

  1. Deal damage while he's down.
  2. At the time when he rises, we destroy his assistants and wait until he falls down.
  3. At a time when he will be at a height to let out rays, we activate the portal below him, and the portal above. We run in such a way that the beam hits the portal from below and hits it.
After the victory, the scribe tells that the Archon still has the key. You need to take it away from him. We move to the crystal tower and rise to the Archon.
  1. While the Archon is in the arena, we attack him.
  2. While the Archon is flying up, you need to grab close to him and deal damage on the fly, then press the finishing button ( E ).
  3. At a time when the Archon's wings will grow again, but there will be little health, we dodge and inflict damage, after which we press the finishing button.
We have the key! We return to the Elder Raven (he is near the Tree of Life). It remains to find the key of demons... go to the portal that will send us to the Edge of Shadows.


  • An experience : 4800
  • Gold : 13000

Part 5: Edge of Shadows

Mad Queen

So, you need to explore the Edge of Shadows. Let's go to the Black Stone. Opening the gates of the Black Stone. We turn in the door to the right and reach Lilith. She said that the key can be obtained by resurrecting the past. Lilith improved our Time Traveler. Now we can move from the past to the future. And vice versa.


  • An experience : 2000
  • Gold : 9000

Lord of the Black Stone

We go down and go to the door, which we have not yet opened. We go. We go to the left and create a portal on the wall. We enter it. We begin to cross the bridge in the past. We destroy the demons in the arena. We go into the open door on the right and along the walls, ledges and beams we get to the lever, destroying the enemies. We activate the lever. Turn right and create a portal. We enter it. Jumping down into the arena, after which we climb the wall with the help of the ring up to the door. We enter it. We pass through the half-broken bridge to the chest with Corruption. Nearby you can create a portal. We create and move. We destroy all enemies, we fork on the button, after which we get to the room with the Shadow bomb. We destroy the enemies, take the bomb and approach the cliff. We change appearance and approach the second half and pass the bomb. Thus, we transfer the bomb over the cliffs and sculpt on Corruption. She explodes. moving back to the present. Open the chest, take the key.

We change the location of the portal to the one next to the dilapidated bridge. We go into the past. We reach a door with a lock. We destroy the enemies and open the door. We reach the lever and activate it. We go down the ledges, destroy the enemies and create a portal. We enter the present. Destroy the scarabs. We climb the wall, the beam and the ledge upward, to the door to which we so aspired. We go inside and reach and create a portal. Entering the past... Samael.
Tactics against Samael:

  1. We dodge all the time and try to inflict at least a little damage.
  2. At the time when Samael sits on the throne, we dodge his balls.
  3. At the time when Samael creates fiery runes, we evade them and run.

We take the key and return to the Elder Raven.


  • An experience : 2500
  • Gold : 11000

Source of Souls

So, it's time for the final test. We enter the Source of Souls, after which we reach the arena. Absalom...
Tactics against Absalom:

  1. We chop it with all our might, dodge attacks. Surprisingly quite an easy opponent.
Let's watch the final video.

There will always be four riders.

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