Rules of the game eight billiards. Pool

January 29, 2014 2410 When playing "Eight", you should be guided by the "General Rules of the Pool", as well as the following rules:

This game is custom-made, while during the game a cue ball and fifteen object balls numbered from 1 to 15 are used. One of the players must first pocket balls numbered from 1 to 7 (solid), and the other - with numbers from 9 to 15 ( striped). The winner is the one who, having pocketed the balls of his group, scores an eight with a correct blow.

Gentleman's order does not announce obvious object balls and pockets. If the partner is not sure which ball or pocket is being hit, then he has the right to ask the player about it. Board shots as well as combination shots (i.e. ball shots or ball shots) are not considered obvious, in which case both an object ball and a pocket must be ordered. When ordering, however, no further details are required.
All incorrectly pocketed balls remain in the pockets, regardless of whether they belong to the group of the player or his opponent.
The initial kick is not ordered. If any ball falls into the pocket during the correct initial stroke, then the player is entitled to the next stroke.

The balls are placed in the form of a triangular pyramid with a figure eight in the center, while the front ball of the pyramid is located at the back mark, and striped and solid at the corners.

The winner of the rally has the right either to perform the initial blow (breaking) himself or to transfer it to his opponent. When conducting individual competitions, players break in turn in each subsequent set.

The break is legal if the player (from home hand) (1) pockets an object ball, or (2) drives at least four object balls to the boards. Failure to comply with these requirements is a violation, and the opponent entering the game has the right to (1) take the established position and make another hit, or (2) after re-arranging the balls, break himself or concede it to the offender.
If the cue ball is pocketed on a break, then (1) all the balls pocketed in this case remain in the pockets (except for the eight), (2) a foul is declared, and (3) the table remains open. The opponent entering the game makes a kick from the hand from the house.

NOTE. When playing with a hand from the house, it is possible to strike at the object balls located in the house only by reflecting the cue ball from the opposite (rear) side. Balls located outside the home can be played in any pocket.
Jumping over the side of object balls is considered a violation, while the opponent entering the game has the right to (D) take the established position on the table and make another blow or (2) make a hit from the arm from home.
If an eight falls into a pocket during a break, then the player has the right to break it again or, by placing an eight, continue the game. If during the break, in addition to the eight, the cue ball also falls, then the opponent entering the game has the right to repeat the break or, having put up the eight, start the game from a hand from home.

NOTE. If the game is played on automatic tables (and also not at official international competitions), then falling into the pocket of the eight with the correct break brings victory, and the fall of the eight along with the cue ball - defeat in the game.

The table is considered open until none of the opponents has chosen their own group of balls (striped or solid).

NOTE. The table is always open immediately after the break. When the table is open, you can hit a solid ball to play a striped ball, and vice versa, that is, on an open table, all balls are legal. However, if at an open table the cue ball first hits the eight, then not a single striped or solid one is counted in favor of the player. His series ends, all pocketed balls remain in the pockets, and the table remains open for the opponent entering the game. When the table is open, all incorrectly pocketed balls remain in the pockets.

A break does not give the choice of striped or solid balls, even if the balls of both groups ended up in the pockets after the break. After breaking the table always remains open. The choice of a group of balls is made only after the player puts the ordered ball into the pocket when performing a correct hit (after breaking).

When making any shot, the cue ball must first touch the ball of its group (legal ball), and then (1) any object ball must fall into the pocket or (2) the cue ball, or one of the object balls must reach the boards.

NOTE. Before hitting a legal ball, it may first hit the side, but after that either the object ball must fall into the pocket, or the cue ball or any of the object balls must reach the side. Failure to comply with these requirements results in a foul.

For tactical reasons, a player may decide to pocket an obvious object ball and at the same time break his run at the table by calling a rally before hitting. Rolling back is considered a legal hit. If a player wants to win back by potting an obvious object ball, he must announce the win back to his opponent before the shot. If this is not done, then the player is obliged to make the next stroke. All balls pocketed during wagering remain in the pockets.

The player continues the game as long as he succeeds correctly and in accordance with the order to pocket the balls of his group. Having pocketed the last ball of his group, he can pocket an eight.

11. GAME FROM THE HAND. If a player has broken the rules, then the opponent entering the game plays from the hand. This means that he can place the cue ball anywhere on the table. This rule prevents players from committing intentional infractions that could put an opponent at a disadvantage. When playing from the hand, setting the cue ball can be done with the hand or any part of the cue (including the sticker). After the cue ball has been set, any forward movement of the cue that is accompanied by a touch of the cue ball is considered to be the start of a strike.

An object ball is considered a misplay if (1) there is a foul in making a stroke, or (2) an ordered ball is not potted, or (3) a rally is called prior to the stroke. Misplayed balls remain in the pockets.

Jumping any object ball overboard is a foul and the right to hit passes to the opponent. If the eight flies overboard, then the game is considered lost.
All object balls that pop up are set according to the "General Pool Rules".

If during the game of eight the cue ball fell into the pocket or a violation was committed that was not accompanied by a fall into the pocket or jumping over the side of the eight, then the defeat is not counted. The opponent entering the game plays with his hand,

A player is considered defeated if he commits one of the following violations:
the eight is scored in violation of the rules;
the eight and the last ball of their group are pocketed on one stroke;
during the game, the eight jumped overboard;
the eight is not pocketed in the ordered pocket;
the eight is pocketed before all the balls in their group have been potted.

16. Stalemate.
If each of the players three times in a row (total 6 times) in turn violates the rules, not striving (according to the judge) to win the game, as this can lead to an inevitable defeat, then the game is considered "stalemate". After that, the balls are placed again, and the game is replayed.

NOTE. When playing in the "Eight" for three violations in a row, committed by one player, the defeat is not counted.

To play billiards for two with a friend takes time and good company, but online Billiards "Eight" (Ball Pool) is better - you can play with a computer in full screen in 3D without restrictions! You will compete according to the rules of the game in American billiards Pool 8 with singles or doubles for 2 players.

This is a 3D billiards flash game, ideal for experts due to good graphics, easy controls and the ability to compete with real players. Beginners will benefit from playing in full screen in the training mode - learn the technique and rules of the pool and save your achievements without registration! You can easily learn how to play billiards "Eight", practice your skills to win in reality!

Features of the online game billiards "Eight"

  • realistic cue movement control - it's convenient, you can adjust the force of impact, see the trajectory of the ball;
  • 2 player modes + mod multiplayer billiards;
  • high sound quality and excellent graphics for 3D visualization.

There are 6 pockets in an American billiard table, 4 of them are located in the corners, and the remaining 2 in the center of the long sides. The balls are numbered from 1 to 15, plus a white cue ball to knock out. The first 7 numbered balls (1-7) are one-colored, known as "solid", and the next 7 (9-15) two-colored are "striped".

How to play American Billiards Pool 8

The goal of the game is to pocket all 7 balls of your group (striped or solid) and the 8th black “eight” as the last one.

At the beginning of the game, 15 balls are placed in a triangle in the center of the table. The white ball is placed in the house - this is a specially marked place on the table. The participant who starts the game breaks the pyramid. The type of player's balls (solid or striped) is determined by the type of first potted.

Rules of the game:

  • you need to score balls only with a cue ball, it is impossible for the cue ball itself to be in a pocket;
  • at the first blow with a cue, breaking the pyramid, it is important that at least 3 balls hit the side;
  • the "eight" must be knocked out the very last, hammering it earlier than expected leads to a loss;
  • as a result of the impact, the cue ball must necessarily collide with its ball first.

If the rules listed above are not followed, the player has a foul, which means that the move goes to the opponent, while he can place the cue ball in any place convenient for him.

In the online version of the billiards "Eight", driving the opponent's ball into the pocket is not considered a foul. You will lose the game if your opponent pots their balls first. Challenge your opponents to become the billiards champion with the computer!

1. Purpose of the game

Eight is played with fifteen object balls and a cue ball. One of the opponents must play all balls with numbers from 1 to 7 (solid), and his opponent - from 9 to 15 (striped). One of the opponents, the one who first manages to pocket the balls of his group, and then plays the ball with the number 8 cleanly, is considered the winner.

2. Order

If the ball that one of the players is going to play is obvious, it can not be ordered, but at the same time, his opponent has the right to clarify from him exactly how he is going to play. When performing complex combinational strokes, they are not considered obvious, and before performing them, you need to clarify which ball and which pocket you expect to play, while it is not necessary to paint all the details, the main thing is to designate the ball and the pocket. Object balls that have been played with a foul remain in the pockets, regardless of which player they belong to. You don't need to order a kickoff. If one or more object balls are in the pocket after a clean kick-off, the player who made it continues the series.

Objective balls are installed as standard in the form of a triangle. The ball at the top of the triangle must be on the back of the table. When arranging a triangle, the ball with number 8 must certainly be located in its center, and two balls from different groups(solid and striped) - in the right and left corners.

4. The sequence of breaking the pyramid

The rules of the game of eight provide that the initial blow in the subsequent set is performed by the player who won the previous set. However, the organizers of the tournament have the right to change these rules and assign the following sequences for the kickoff:

Players take turns kicking off;

The initial strike is performed by the one who lost the previous game;

The kickoff is performed by the player who loses in sets.

5. Correct Kick Off

If, after the initial stroke, one or more object balls are in the pockets, or at least four of them touch the board, it is considered correct. Otherwise, a penalty is announced and the turn is changed. The opponent entering the game may or may not agree with the situation on the table. If the position is not to his liking, he may re-set the balls and take the kickoff, or have the offending player do so.

6. Falling the cue ball into the pocket when breaking the pyramid

If, after a correctly executed initial stroke, the cue ball is in the pocket, then:

— all object balls that ended up in the pockets are not put back on the table (the exception is the ball with number 8 (clause 8 of these rules));

- the player who made this hit is declared a foul;

- the table is considered open.

The opponent who is entitled to hit must play from home from his hand, while he needs to aim at the balls that are outside the home. Those balls that are located in the house are allowed to play only through those parts of the boards that are located outside the house.

7. Aiming balls that jumped out when broken

The case when, as a result of the initial hit, one or more object balls are outside the playing surface of the table, it is regarded as a foul, and the opponent entering the game has the right to agree with the situation on the table or to perform a kick from home.

8. Eight is pocketed on a kickoff

In the case when, as a result of the initial stroke, the ball with number 8 is in the pocket, the player who made the initial stroke has the right to re-set the balls and again perform the initial stroke, or to put the ball with number 8 back on the table and continue the series.

9. Open table

The table is open until the players determine which of the two groups of balls they will play (see par. 10 of these rules). Immediately after the kickoff has been made, the table is considered open in any case. And as long as the table is considered open, you can, for example, make an aimed hit with a cue ball into a solid ball, with the expectation that a striped ball will be in the pocket and vice versa. In this case, if the cue ball first touches the ball with number 8, this will be regarded as a violation of the rules, and the object ball or several object balls that ended up in the pockets as a result of such a blow are not put on the table. But they are not recorded on the account of the player who performed this stroke, and the right to strike passes to his opponent, who is given the opportunity to put the cue ball in any place convenient for making the next stroke on the billiard table.

10. Selecting a group of balls

After the initial hit, the group of balls is not selected, and the table is considered open, even if any of the object balls were in the pocket. After the kick-off, the player chooses which group of balls he will play by making a clean shot with a ball and pocket order.

11. Correct hit

When making any shot (except for the opening shot or when the table is considered open), the player must first touch one of the balls of his group, then pocket the object ball, or bring any of the balls to the board. Note: It is legal to touch the first object ball by bouncing the cue ball off the rails, but after the cue ball and the object ball have touched, either of the object balls must be played, or any of the balls must hit the rails. Failure to comply with these requirements is punishable by a foul.

12. Winning

The player has the right to pocket an object ball and interrupt his series by passing the move to his opponent, if, for tactical reasons, he believes that such a decision is the most correct in the current situation. But before making such a blow, he must certainly announce the wagering. In the event that the player did not announce the wagering before its execution and he pocketed an object ball, he is obliged to continue the series. Aiming balls that are in a pocket are not put back on the table.

13. Game progress

A player's streak lasts as long as he pockets object balls from his group with correct shots. After all the balls from his group are in the pockets, he has the right to play the number 8 ball.

14. Penalties for violations

When one of the players violates the rules and a foul is declared on him, his opponent acquires the right to kick with his hand. This means that he may place the cue ball anywhere on the playing surface of the table before making his shot (not only in the house, as is the case when a foul is called after the kickoff has been made). Such a rule excludes deliberate violations of the rules by players in order to gain an advantage by placing the opponent in an uncomfortable position. Before making a hit from the hand, the player has the right to move the cue ball on the table with any part of the cue (even with a sticker), or with his hand. At the same time, any forward movement of the cue stick, which is accompanied by touching the cue ball with a sticker, is considered a violation if the conditions for a correct hit were not met.

15. Combination punches

Combination shots are allowed, but the number eight ball must not be the first object ball hit by the cue ball, unless it is the only ball left to play for the player. In all other cases it is regarded as a foul.

16. Mis-potted balls

Object balls are considered to be played incorrectly if:

- the blow was made in violation of the rules;

- the ordered ball did not hit the specified pocket;

- before the strike was announced about the wagering.

Object balls played incorrectly are not put back on the table and are counted in favor of the player to whose group of balls they belong.

17. Popped up object balls

Jumping object balls off the playing surface of the table is a violation of the rules. If, after a hit, a ball with number 8 is outside the playing surface of the table, the player who made this hit is counted as a defeat in the game. No object balls that are off the playing surface of the table are ever placed back on the table.

18. Jump Foul and Mass

When a game is played without a referee, it is generally accepted that a player who tries to make a jump or masse in order to bypass an object ball that interferes with the execution of a legal hit commits an offense if he still touches it (it does not matter what exactly he touches it: with a cue , typewriter or hand).

21. Stalemate

If, after three consecutive fouls by both opponents (a total of six fouls), the referee considers that any attempt to pocket or move the object ball will result in a loss of the set, then the position is considered a stalemate. In this case, the pyramid is built again, and the initial blow is performed by the player who performed it in the last game. A position can be considered a stalemate, regardless of the number of balls remaining on the table. Note: In the game of eight, three consecutive violations of the rules do not count as a loss of the game.

You need a cue ball and fifteen object balls numbered from 1 to 15. One of the players must pocket balls of a solid color with numbers from 1 to 7, and the other - striped balls with numbers from 9 to 15. The winner is the one who, having pocketed the balls of his group, scores an eight with a right shot.

Game control

Choose the direction of the strike by moving the mouse cursor. To select the impact force, press and hold the left mouse button and move the mouse cursor according to the arrows. Release the left mouse button to strike.

If necessary, select cutting by clicking with the left mouse button on the desired place to hit the ball.

Ball placement and kickoff

The balls are placed in the form of a triangular pyramid with a figure eight in the center, while the front ball of the pyramid is located at the back mark, and striped and solid at the corners. A break is considered legal if the player pockets any object ball, or brings at least four object balls to the boards.

If, during a break, the cue ball falls into the pocket, then all the balls scored at the same time remain in the pockets (with the exception of the eight), a foul is declared, and the table remains open. The opponent entering the game makes a kick from the hand from the house.

Open table and selection of balls

The table is considered open until none of the opponents has chosen their own group of balls (striped or solid). The table is always open immediately after the break. When the table is open, you can hit a solid ball to play a striped ball, and vice versa, that is, on an open table, all balls are legal.

However, if at an open table the cue ball first hits the eight, then not a single striped or solid one is counted in favor of the player. His series ends, all pocketed balls remain in the pockets, and the table remains open for the opponent entering the game.

When the table is open, all incorrectly pocketed balls remain in the pockets.

A break does not give the choice of striped or solid balls, even if the balls of both groups ended up in the pockets after the break. After breaking the table always remains open. The choice of a group of balls is made only after the player puts the ordered ball into the pocket when performing a correct hit (after breaking).

Correct hit

When making any stroke, the cue ball must first touch the ball of its group, and then any object ball or cue ball must fall into the pocket, or one of the object balls must reach the boards.

The player continues the game as long as he succeeds correctly and in accordance with the order to pocket the balls of his group. Having pocketed the last ball of his group, he can pocket an eight.

Misplayed Balls

An object ball is considered to be illegally played if the rules are violated during the stroke, or the ordered ball is not played. Misplayed balls remain in the pockets. If the player has broken the rules, then the opponent can place the cue ball anywhere on the table before hitting.

  • If the first move is missed, the opponent bets the ball
  • When skipping the second and subsequent moves, the opponent puts the ball
  • When a white ball hits the pocket on the first move, the opponent puts the ball
  • When a white ball enters the pocket on the second and subsequent moves, the opponent puts the ball
  • If you do not hit the pocket on the first move, the opponent does not put the ball, it remains in the same place where it was
  • If not hitting the pocket on the second and subsequent moves, the opponent puts the ball


The player loses if he commits one of the following violations.

Pool "Eight"

3. Rules of the game "Eight"

World Pool Association. Translation from English - Mikhail Kablukov.

In the game of "Eight", a cue ball and 15 object balls are used, numbered from 1 to 15.
Before a player hits the number 8 ball, all seven balls of his group (solid - with
numbers from 1 to 7 or striped - from 9 to 15) must leave the table. blows
are made to order.

3.1 Determining the first break

The player who wins the roll chooses who will break the pyramid in the first game. The standard is alternate robbery.

3.2 Pyramid for the G8

The balls fit as tightly as possible in the shape of a triangle, with the top ball
pyramid is at the back mark, and ball number 8 is the first of those located
right under the head. The bottom two corners of the triangle should contain one of the balls
both groups, solid and striped. The remaining balls are randomly placed in the triangle,
without adhering to any deliberate order or position.

Pyramid for the G8

3.3 Breaking the pyramid

The following rules apply to breaks:
The initial position of the cue ball is from the hand behind the front line.
The order is not announced, and it is not required to make the first touch of the cue ball of any
specific ball.
If a player pockets a ball and does not commit a foul, he continues the game, while the table
remains open
If no ball is pocketed, then at least four object balls must be
brought to one or more boards, otherwise the break is illegal and
the incoming player has the option to choose one of the following options:
take a position on the table;
re-position the pyramid and break it yourself;
re-position the pyramid and offer to break the opponent who committed the violation.
It is not a foul to drop an eight into a pocket on a legal break. If this happens
the player making the break may:

push the eighth ball and
re-break the pyramid.
If a player, when performing a break, pockets an eight and a cue ball, his opponent has the right to:
put in the eighth ball and play the cue ball from the hand from behind the front line; or
re-break the pyramid.
If any of the object balls jump off the table, the break is a foul;
the popped-up ball remains out of play (with the exception of ball number 8, which is spotted), and
the incoming player has the right to:
take a position on the table; or
If a player commits any offense other than those listed, his opponent may:
take a position on the table; or
play cue ball from behind the front line.

3.4 Open table / selection of group of balls

Until the choice of groups of balls is made, the table is considered "open", and before each stroke the player
must announce the order which ball he is going to play. If he manages to score the ordered
ball, the corresponding group of balls becomes its group, and the other group becomes its group
opponent. If the player does not pocket the ordered ball, then the table remains open and the right to hit
passes to another player. When the table is "open", the first contact of the cue ball can be made with
any ball other than the number 8 ball.

3.5 Continuation of the game

The player continues his approach at the table until he scores with a legal shot.
ordered balls either wins the game by pocketing the eight.

3.6 Strikes requiring an order

On every stroke other than the break, an order must be called as prescribed in Rule 1.6.
"Standard custom strike." Ball number 8 can only be ordered after the shot in
as a result of which the last ball from the group of this player disappeared from the table. The player can
announce a "win back", after which the right to strike passes to the opponent, and all the goals scored
while the balls remain in the pockets.

3.7 Spotting balls

If the number 8 ball is pocketed or knocked off the table on the break, it is spotted or
re-installation of the pyramid. Other
object balls are not exposed under any circumstances.

3.8 Defeat in the game

A player is awarded a defeat in a game if he:
commits a foul on a stroke resulting in an eight-ball;
pockets the eight before all the balls of his group;
scores eight not in the ordered pocket;
knocks an eight off the table.

These rules do not apply to robbery.

3.9 Standard Violations

If a player commits a foul, the right to kick passes to his opponent. He receives the ball from his hand and
can place it anywhere on the playing surface of the table.
The standard fouls when playing the "eight" are as follows:
6.1 "Cue ball pocketed or off the table"
6.2 "Hitting a Wrong Ball" The ball that the cue ball must first hit on each
shot, must belong to the group of balls of the player taking the shot, unless
the table is open.
6.3 "No contact with the boards after the collision of the balls"
6.4 "The foot does not touch the floor"
6.5 "The ball is knocked off the table"
6.6 "Touching the ball"
6.7 "Double hit / Close balls"
6.8 "Shove"
6.9 "Hit with moving balls"
6.10 "Wrong cue ball position"
6.11 " Wrong game from behind the front line"
6.12 "Cue on the table"
6.13 "Playing out of turn"
6.15 "Slow Game"

3.10 Major violations

The infractions listed in Rule 3.8 "Loss of the Set" are punishable by a loss of
current party. In the case of unsportsmanlike conduct (Rule 6.16), the referee chooses a penalty in
according to the nature of the violation.

3.11 Stalemate

In the event of a stalemate position, the player who broke in
this party, must perform a new robbery.


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