The rules of the game - Pool eight (American billiards). Pool eight and its rules Pool 8 rules of the game

As well as the following rules:

This game is a custom game, while the game uses a cue ball and fifteen object balls numbered from 1 to 15. One of the players must first pocket balls numbered from 1 to 7 (solid), and the other - with numbers from 9 to 15 ( striped). The winner is the one who, having pocketed the balls of his group, scores an eight with a correct blow.

When ordering a gentleman, no obvious aiming balls and pockets are announced. If the partner is not sure which ball or pocket is being hit, then he has the right to ask the player about it. Hits from the boards as well as combinational hits (i.e., ball or ball hits) are not considered obvious, in which case both the aiming ball and the pocket must be ordered. When ordering, however, no further details are required.
All balls pocketed incorrectly remain in the pockets, regardless of whether they belong to the player's group or his opponent's.
The kick-off is not a custom kick. If a ball falls into the pocket with a correct kick off, the player is entitled to the next hit.

The balls are placed in the form of a triangular pyramid with an eight in the center, while the front ball of the pyramid is located at the rear mark, and in the corners - striped and solid.

The winner of the rally has the right to either take the opening stroke (break) himself, or pass it on to his opponent. In individual competitions, players split in turn in each subsequent game.

A break is legal if the player (with a hand from home) (1) hits an object ball, or (2) brings at least four object balls to the side. Failure to comply with these requirements is a violation, and the opponent entering the game has the right (1) to take the established position and make another hit, or (2), after re-placing the balls, break it himself or concede it to the offender.
If the cue ball falls into a pocket during the break, then (1) all balls pocketed in this case remain in the pockets (except for the eight), (2) a foul is called, and (3) the table remains open. An opponent entering the game shoots from home.
NOTE. When playing from home, aiming balls located in the house can only be hit by bouncing the cue ball from the opposite (rear) side. Balls outside the house can be played in any pocket.
Jumping overboard aiming balls from breaking is considered a violation, while the opponent entering the game has the right (D) to take the position on the table and make another ular or (2) to strike from the hand from home.
If an eight falls into a pocket when breaking, then the player has the right to make the break again or, by placing an eight, to continue the game. If, in addition to the eight, the cue-ball also falls during the break, then the opponent entering the game has the right to repeat the break or, having put the eight, start the game with a hand from home.
NOTE. If the game is played on slot machines (and, moreover, not in official international competitions), then the pocketing of the eight with a correct break brings victory, and the fall of the eight together with the cue ball - the defeat in the game.

The table is considered open until none of the opponents has chosen their own group of balls (striped or solid).
NOTE. The table is always open immediately after the break. When the table is open, you can hit a solid ball to play a striped one, and vice versa, that is, on an open table, all balls are legal. However, if, when the table is open, the cue-ball first strikes the eight, then none of the striped or solid pieces counts in favor of the player. His streak ends, all pocketed balls remain pocketed, and the table remains open for the incoming opponent. When the table is open, all balls pocketed incorrectly remain in the pockets.

The break does not give the right to choose striped or solid balls, even if the balls of both groups were pocketed after the break. After breaking, the table always remains open. The choice of a group of balls is made only after the player, when performing the correct stroke (after breaking), puts the ordered ball into the pocket.

On any shot, the cue-ball must first touch the ball of its group (legal ball), and then (1) an object ball or (2) the cue-ball must fall into the pocket, or one of the object balls must reach the side.
NOTE. Before hitting a legal ball, it can first hit the side, but after that either the aiming ball must fall into the pocket, or the cue ball or any of the aiming balls must reach the side. Failure to comply with these requirements will result in a foul.

For tactical reasons, a player may decide to pocket an obvious object ball and at the same time interrupt his streak at the table by announcing wagering before hitting. Roleplaying is considered a legal hit. If a player wants to recoup by hitting an obvious object ball, then he must declare a recoupment to his opponent before hitting. If this is not done, then the player is obliged to make the next blow. All balls pocketed during wagering remain in the pockets.

The player continues the game until he manages to pocket the balls of his group correctly and in accordance with the order. Having pocketed the last ball of his group, he can score an eight.

If a player breaks the rules, then the opponent entering the game plays from his hand. This means that he can position the cue-ball anywhere on the table. This rule discourages players from committing willful violations that could put an opponent at a disadvantage. When playing from the hand, the cue-ball can be installed with the hand or with any part of the cue (including the sticker). After placing the cue-ball, any forward movement of the cue-ball, accompanied by a touch of the cue-ball, is considered as the beginning of the strike.

An object ball is considered improperly played if (1) the rules were violated on the stroke, or (2) the ordered ball was not played, or (3) wagering was declared prior to the stroke. Balls played incorrectly remain pocketed.

It is an offense to jump overboard an object ball and the right to hit passes to the opponent. If an eight flies overboard, then the game is considered lost.
All balls popped up will be spotted according to the General Pool Rules.

If, during the game of eight, the cue ball falls into the pocket or a violation is committed, which is not accompanied by falling into the pocket or jumping overboard of the eight, then the defeat is not counted. The opponent entering the game plays from his hand,

A player is considered defeated if he commits one of the following violations:
... the eight is scored in violation of the rules;
... the eight and the last ball of their group are pocketed in one stroke;
... during the game, the eight jumped overboard;
... the eight is not hammered into the ordered pocket;
... an eight is pocketed before all balls of its group have been played.

If each of the players three times in a row (6 times in total) in turn breaks the rules, not striving (according to the judge) to win the game, as this can lead to inevitable defeat, then the game is considered a "stalemate". After that, the balls are placed again and the game is replayed.
NOTE. When playing "Eight" for three violations in a row, committed by one player, the defeat does not count.


Conference approved
International Pyramid Committee
November 26, 2005 in Almaty (Republic of Kazakhstan) Entered into force on 01.01.2006
Approved by the All-Russian Collegium of Judges
and adopted on the territory of the Russian Federation on 01.12.2005.

The rules were prepared by the international commission of the INC according to the rules, consisting of:
Getmanets A.I. (Moldova), Kadyshev V.D. (Russia), Leontiev Yu.N. (Ukraine), Loshakov A.L. (Russia), Sashchenkov V.A. (Lithuania), Chervanev Yu.N. (Belarus), with the participation of N.M. Kuzmichev (Russia).
Under the general editorship of the Chairman of the INC Commission on Rules
A.L. Loshakova.




Measurements in parentheses are specified to the nearest millimeter.

  1. Standard table

(a) Dimensions.The playing field, bounded by the boards, must measure 11'8 "by 5'10" (3,569 mm by 1,778 mm) with a tolerance of both dimensions ± "(± 13 mm).

(b) Height.The height of the table from the floor to the top edge of the bead must be between 2'9 "to 2'10" (851 mm to 876 mm).

(c) Pockets

(i)The pockets should be located in the corners (two at the top point - far pockets and two in the area of ​​the beam - near pockets) and one in the middle of each long side (middle pockets);

(ii)The pockets must be in accordance with the templates approved by the World Professional Billiards and Snooker Association (WPBSA).

(d) Line Beams and Beams. A straight line 29 ″ (737 mm) from the tailgate parallel to it is called the beam line. This line and the space that it limits is called a beam.

(e) Sector "D".Sector “D” is a semicircle located in the beam, centered at the middle of the Beam line and with a radius of 11 "(292 mm).

(f) Points.Four points are marked on the longitudinal center line of the table:

(i)The singular point (black point) is located 12 "(324 mm) from the far side and perpendicular to it;

(ii)Center point (blue point), located in the middle between the near and far sides;

(iii)The point of the pyramid (pink point) is located in the middle between the center point and the far side;

(iv)Midpoint of the beam line (brown point).

Two more points used are located in the corners of Sector “D”. When viewed from the side of the near side, the point on the right is the yellow point, and the point on the left is green.

  1. Balls.

(a) The balls must be made from an approved material and have a diameter of 52.5 mm (with a tolerance of ± 0.05 mm);

(b) must be of the same mass (with a tolerance of 3 g for the entire set of balls); and

(c) a ball or set of balls may be changed by agreement between the players or by the decision of the referee.

  1. Cue.The cue should not be shorter than 3 feet (914 mm) and differ significantly from the traditional and accepted shape and appearance.
  1. Ancillary equipment. A variety of cue machines, long cues, extensions and adapters can be used by players facing difficult positions when taking a shot. Equipment normally found at the table, as well as equipment provided by the player or the referee, may be used (see also rule 18 of part 3). All extension cords, adapters, and other devices must be of a WPBSA approved design.


The standard definitions used in these Rules are shown in italics below.

  1. Frame.Framein snooker, covers the period from the start (see Section 3 Rule 3 (c)), with all balls set as described in Section 3 Rule 2; each player plays his approach untilframe will not terminate:

(a) concession by any player during his approach;

(b) on demand strikeraiming ballwho remained on the table and the difference in the score is more than seven points in his favor;

(c) final playing or foulwhen the black ball is the only oneaiming ballthat remained on the table (see Part 3 Rule 4); or

(d) an award by a judge under Section 3 Rule 14 (c) (ii) or Section 4 Rule 2.

  1. The game.The gameconsists of the stipulated by the regulation or agreed quantityframes.
  1. Match.Matchconsists of the stipulated by the regulations or the agreed number of games.
  1. Balls

(a) The white ball is the cue ball.

(b) 15 Red and 6 Colored are aiming balls.

  1. Batter and approach.The player about to or taking the kick ishittingand remains so until the lasthithis approach is either not perfectfouland the referee will not decide that the player has left the table. Ifnot hittingwill approach the table outside of its approach, it should be treated asstrikerwhen defining anyfoulwhich he can commit before leaving the table. When the referee decides that the above conditions have been met, the next player's approach begins. His approach and right to execute anotherhitends when:

(a) he does not score points after doingblow; or

(b) he commits foul; or

(c) he asks the opponent to play again after the opponent has committedfoul.

  1. Hit

(a) Hitis made when the striker hits the cue ball with the cue stick.

(b) Hitis considered correct if no violations of the Rules have been committed.

(c) Hitnot finished until:

(i)all balls have not stopped;

(ii)strikerdid not stand ready for the nextbloweither did not leave the table;

(iii)any equipment usedhittinghas not been retracted to a safe position; and

(iv)the judge did not announce the score related toblow.

(d) Hitcan be donestraight or from board, namely:

(i)hit counts directwhen the cue ball hitsaiming ballwithout first hitting the side;

(ii)hit counts side impactwhen the cue-ball hits one or more boards before strikingaiming ball .

(e) If the next player after the lastblowin the opponent's approach, performshit / hiton the cue ball before all balls have stopped, he shall be penalized as if he werehittingand his approach ends.

  1. Playing.Aiming ball counts played, if after contact with another ball and without any violation of these Rules, it falls into a pocket. This process is calledplaying.
  1. Series (Break).Series(break) is a setplayingconsistentblowstaken by the player during any one approach duringframe.
  1. Hand play

(a) Cue ball played from hand:

(i)before each startframe;

(ii)when he hit the pocket;

(iii) when he knocked off the table; or

(iv)when the black ball is re-spotted to determine the winner in the frame with a tie.

(b) Cue ballremains in this state until:

(i) will not be played from handproperly;

(ii)will not be perfectfoulwhile the cue ball is already on the table.

(c) It is considered that striker plays from handwhen the cue ball is playedfrom handas described above.

  1. Ball in play

(a) Cue ball located in Gamewhen not playedfrom hand.

(b) Aiming balls are in Game first frameand until there areplayed or knocked off the table.

(c) Colored come in againin Gamewhen re-exposed.

  1. Another ball.Any ball that can be hit with the first touch without breaking the Rulescue ball, or which cannot be hit like that, but which canto play, counts next.
  1. Ordered balloon

(a) Ordered balloon- it aiming ball, which the strikerannounces or designates in a manner satisfactory to the referee and in which he vouches to hit with the first touchcue ball.

(b) At the request of the judgestrikermust declare which ball he intends to play.

  1. Free ball.Free ballis a ball thatstriker orders as another ball, when cue ball ends up in snooker after foul(see Part 3 Rule 12).
  1. A ball knocked off the table. Ball knocked off the tableif it comes to rest off the playing surface of the table or in a pocket, or if it is picked up by the striker while the ball was in play, except as provided in Section 3 of Rule 14 (h).
  1. Penalty points. Penalty pointsawarded to the opponent after anyfoul.
  1. Foul.Any violation of these Rules is considered a foul.
  1. Snooker.Cue ball located in snookerif its path is in a straight line when performing a straight lineblow for each the next ballcompletely or partially obstructed by an out-of-sequence ball or balls. If one or morenext ballsyou can hit on the very edges of it (s) without interference from any alternate ball or balls, thencue ball is not in snooker.

(a) When playing cue ball located in snooker, if it is masked, as described above, at all possible positions of its location inside or on the lines of sector “D”.

(b) If cue ballmasked by more than one non-regular ball, then

(i) closest to cue ballthe ball is considered to be an effective masking ball;

(ii)in the case of equidistant fromcue ballballs, all such balls will be considered effectively masking balls.

(c) If another ballis red, andcue balldisguised from hitting any of the red balls on the table with different alternate balls, then there is no effectively masking ball.

(d) Striker located in snooker, when snooker cue ballas described above.

(e) Cue ballcannot be masked by the board. If the curved lip of the pocket blocks the waycue balland is closer to it than any of the masking out-of-order balls, thensnooker cue ball is not.

  1. Busy point. The point is counted busyif a ball cannot be placed on it without touching another ball.
  1. Get it through.Propihis made when the cue sticker remains in contact withchock:

(a) after cue ballhas already begun its forward movement; or

(b) when cue ball touched aiming ball , except for the case whencue ball and aiming ballalmost touch, -push throughwill not be counted ifcue ballwill hit the very edgeaiming ball .

  1. Jump.Jump done if cue ballflies over any partaiming ball , regardless of whether he touched him in the process or not, with the exception of:

(a) when cue ball hit first aiming balland then jumps over another ball;

(b) when cue balljumps and hitsaiming ballbut does not land behind the far side of that ball;

(c) when, after correctly hittingaiming ball , cue balljumps over that ball after hitting a board or other ball.

  1. Miss.Missfixed whencue balldoes not hit the first touch onthe next balland the judge believes thatstrikerdidn't make a good enough attempt to hit the next ball.


  1. Description.Snooker can be played by two or more players, each for himself or as a team. The game proceeds as follows:

(a) Each player uses the same white ball -cue ball and 21 aiming ball: 15 red, worth 1 point each, and 6 colored: yellow - 2, green - 3, brown - 4, blue - 5, pink - 6, black - 7.

(b) Effective blowsin their approach, the players alternateplayingred and colored until no red remains on the table, and then colored in ascending order of value.

(c) Points awarded for scoringblowsare added to the accountstriker.

(d) Penalty points forfoulsare added to the opponent's score.

(e) The tactics used duringframe, is to leavecue ballbehind the alternate balls so that it isin snookerfor the next player. If the player (side) is behind the opponent in the score by more points than the possible value of all the balls remaining on the table, snooker is staged, in the hope of getting points fromfouls, becomes the most important.

(f) The winner framethe player (side) is recognized:

(i)scored more points;

(ii) to whom frame conceded;

(iii)to whom the victory is awarded under Section 3 Rule 14 (c) or Section 4 Rule 2.

(g) The winner gamesthe player (party) is recognized,

(i)winner of the highest or required numberframes;

(ii)who has collected the most points, if the total amount of points is taken into account;

(iii)to whom the victory was awarded under Part 4 of Rule 2.

(h) The winner matchthe player (side) who has won more is recognizedgamesor the one with the most points, if the total amount of points is taken into account.

  1. Ball position

(a) At the beginning of eachframecue ball played from hand, a aiming ballsare set as follows:

(i)Red - in the form of a dense equilateral triangle (pyramid), the top ball on the center line of the table is above the point of the pyramid, as close to pink as possible, but without touching it, and the base of the triangle is closer to the far board and parallel to it;

(ii)6 colored on the points assigned in Part 1 Rule 1 (f).

(b) if a mistake is made in placing the balls on the table, Part 3 Rule 7 (c) applies,framebegins under Part 3 Rule 3 (c).

(With) After the start frame located in Gamethe ball can only be cleaned by the referee upon a reasoned requeststriker, and:

(i)the position of the ball, if not on the spot, must be marked with a suitable ball lifting device for cleaning;

(ii)the device used to mark the position of the ball to be cleaned will be treated as that ball until it is cleaned and put in place. If any player other thanstrikertouches or moves the device, the referee must call a PENALTY and the player must be penalized as if he werehitting, but without changing the order of play. The referee must return the device or ball to be cleaned to its own position, even if the device has been lifted.

  1. The course of the game.Players determine the order of the game by lot or by mutual agreement, the winner has the right to choose who will play first.

(a) The order of play thus determined must remain unchanged throughoutframe, unless the next player requested to play further after anyfoul.

(b) Players (sides) performing the initialhit, should alternate in eachframe during the game.

(c) The first player playsfrom hand; framestarts aftercue ballplaced on the table and made contact with the cue sticker, or:

(i) when done hit; or

(ii) when addressing cue ball.

(d) If framewas started by the wrong player or side:

(i)it must be started again by the correct player (side) without penalty if only one was madehitand was not committedfoul; or

(ii)it must be continued if another one was madehit(other than the initial one) or if it was completedfoulat the end of the first strike; the correct start order must be restored in the followingframeso that one player or side starts threeframe contract; or

(iii)in the event of a stalemate being declared (see Section 3 Rule 16), the frame must be started with the correct side.

(e) To hit was considered correct, none of the violations described in Rule 10 (Penalties) below shall occur.

(f) For the first blowin each set, until all reds have left the table, red or ordered in redfree ball is an another ball, and the cost of each is countedplayedin one stroke of red or ordered in redfree ball.


(i)If red or ordered redfree ball played , then the same player performs the nexthit, and another ballany color of your choicestriker; when playingthe cost of the color is set off and the color is then set;

(ii)The series continues in turnplayingred and colored balls, until all the red ones leave the table, and, as soon as this happened, after the lastplayedcolor should be played in red;

(iii) Then next balls become colored in ascending order of their value under Part 3 Rule 1 (a), and whenregular color playedit is not displayed, except as provided in Part 3 of Rule 4, andstrikerplays nextblowregular color.

(iv) If striker during breakstrikes when all balls have stopped, but before the referee finishes spotting the colored one, the color shall not be scored and Part 3 Rule 10 (a) (i) or Part 3 Rule 10 (b) (i) apply.

(h) Reds are not re-placed on the table, being onceplayed or knocked off the table despite the fact that the player can benefit fromfoul... Exceptions to this rule are provided in Section 3 of Rules 2 (c) (ii), 9,14 (f), 14 (h), 15 and 18 (b).

(i) If striker not playsball, he must leave the table without delay. If he commits any foul before or while leaving the table, he shall be penalized as described in Section 3 Rule 10. The next player shoots from where the cue-ball stopped, or from in-hand if the cue-ball was dropped from table, unless the position of the cue-ball is restored in accordance with Section 3 Rule 14 (d).

(j) If any ball goes into a pocket and bounces onto the table surface, then such a ball is not considered to be in a pocket.Strikerdoes not receive a refund even if it happened because the pocket was full.

  1. End of frame, game and match

(a) When only black remains on the table, the first scoringhit or foul end up frameunless both of the following conditions are met:

(i)the score became equal and

(ii)the total amount of points is not taken into account.

(b) When both of the conditions described in (a) above are met:

(i)black is exposed;

(ii)the players draw by lot the choice of the order of the game;

(iii)the next player performshand blow; and

(iv)next scoringhit or foul conclude frame.

(c) If the winnergames or matchdetermines the total amount of points, and it is equal at the end of the lastframethen the players in thisframemust follow the procedure for setting black outlined in (b) above.

  1. Hand play. For hand games cue ball must be hit from a position inside the “D” sector or from its line, but can be played in any direction.

(a) The referee must answer if asked if thecue ball(that is, outside of Sector “D”).

(b) If the cue sticker touchescue ballwhen it was installed, and the judge considers that the striker did not try to executehit, then cue ball not yet in the game.

  1. Hit two balls at the same time. Two balls other than two red orfree ball and regular balls , you cannot hit at the same time with the first touchcue ball.
  1. Exposing colored. Any color that is pocketed orknocked off the table , must be exposed before doing the nextblowuntil the finalplayingunder Part 3 Rule 3 (g) (iii).

(a) The player is not responsible for any mistakes made by the referee when spotting any ball.

(b) If the color is set by mistake afterplayingin ascending order of value pursuant to Section 3 Rule 3 (g) (iii), he must be removed from the table without penalty upon detection of an error and play must resume.

(c) If hitmade with an incorrectly exposed ball or balls, then they will be considered correctly exposed for subsequentblows... Any color improperly absent from the table must be displayed:

(i)without penalty when its absence is discovered due to a previous oversight;

(ii) with a fine to the playerif the striker has played before the referee could spot the ball.

(d) If the color should be exposed, and its own pointbusy, it must be placed on the free point of the ball of the highest value.

(e) If you need to set more than one color, and their own pointsbusy, then the ball of higher value takes precedence in the order of placement.

(f) If all points busy, then the color should be placed as close as possible to its own point, between this point and the closest part of the far side.

(g) When setting pink and black, if all dotsbusyand there is no free space between the corresponding point and the nearest part of the far board, then the color should be placed as close as possible to its own point on the center line of the table below the point.

(h) In any case, when a color is spotted, it must not touch another ball.

(i) A spotted colored ball must be manually placed in the designated spot in these Rules.

  1. Touching ball

(a) If cue ballhas stopped touching another ball or balls that is or may be onanother ballor balls touchescue ball... If cue balltouches one or more colored balls after beingplayed red (or free ballnominated as red), the referee must askstriker DECLARE regular color.

(b) When announced touching ball, striker gotta play chockfrom this ball, without setting it in motion, otherwise it will be fixedpush through.

(c) If strikerprovides immobilitytouching the ball , then there will be no penalty if:

(i) this ball regular;

(ii)this ball can benext and strikerdeclares it as such;

(iii)this ball could benext, but striker announces nextanother ball and the first touch hits it.

(d) If cue ballstopped touching or nearly touchingextraordinaryball, the referee, if asked about touching, must answer YES or NO.Strikermust play from him without touching, as described above, and must first hitregular ball.

(e) When cue ballconcerns simultaneouslynext and extraordinaryballs, the referee must indicate only the touchingregular ball. If strikerwill ask the judge if it concernscue ballextraordinaryball, then he must answer.

(f) If the judge is sure that any movementtouching the ball at the moment of impact was not caused by an actionstrikerthen it must not declarefoul.

(g) If motionlessaiming ball not concerning cue ballduring the check by the judge, got in touch withchockbefore a stroke is taken, the balls must be re-positioned by the referee at his discretion. This also applies totouching the ball that stopped touchingcue ballduring the check by the judge; all balls must be re-positioned by the referee at his discretion.

  1. The ball is at the edge of the pocket. When a ball is pocketed without being hit by another ball, and:

(a) he would not have taken part in the currentblow, it must be put back and all points scored must be counted.

(b) If as a resultblowit could have been hit by anyone involved in thishitball and it happened:

(i)without violating these Rules, then all balls are set back, and the samestrikercan repeathitagain or do anotherhitat your own discretion;

(ii) with the commission foul, then strikermust be penalized under Section 3 Rule 10, all balls must be placed back and the next player has the normal choice afterfoul.

(c) If the ball balances briefly on the edge of the pocket and then falls into it, then the ball is considered to be in the pocket and is not put back.

  1. Penalties.The following actions arefouls and for everything foulsa penalty of four points will be imposed unless a higher is specified in items (a) to (d) below. Fines are imposed:

(a) In the amount of the costnext ball for

(i) application blowbefore the referee is presented with a color, played asfree ball;

(ii) application blow on cue ballmore than once;

(iii) application blowwhen both legs are off the floor;

(iv)playing out of turn or hitting before the opponent's turn ends, contrary to Section 2 Rule 6 (e);

(v)hand playinappropriately, including initialhit;

(vi) miss chock for all aiming balls ;

(vii) the fall cue ball into the pocket;

(viii)snooker per free ballexcept as provided in Part 3 Rule 12 (b

The international rules of the 5-chip game supplement the UMB (International Billiards Union) charter and regulations. These Rules apply to all world championships and official international tournaments recognized by the UMB. In respect of special cases of games not provided for by these Rules, the international Refereeing Rules give the referee the right to make a decision on them himself, but it must be recorded in the minutes of the meeting.
In case of unforeseen circumstances in the competition as a whole, the decision is made by the official representative of the UMB (in our case, the representative of the FBSR) after consultation with the official representative of the federation - the organizer and director of the tournament (chief referee).

1. Marking points and lines
The places where the chips (pins) are set are marked with marks (five marks in total), drawn with chalk, pencil or ink, as thin as possible. It is forbidden to mark these places with stickers. In addition, it is noted:
1.the upper mark, at a distance of 100 mm from the upper short side (on the middle line - 710 mm from the long side),
2.mark located in the center of the upper half of the playing field of the table - there is a red ball on it,
3.mark located in the center of the lower part of the billiards, on the line of placing balls during the initial kick (710 mm from the lower short side),
4.bottom mark, at a distance of 100 mm from the lower short side, - the opponent's ball is placed on it, when playing from in-hand, if the upper mark is occupied by a red ball and the player decides to play in the position as during the initial kick,
5. Marking lines are drawn with chalk, pencil or ink, as thin as possible.
Placing other items is only allowed for lines on the floor:
- the middle line divides the playing field into 1/2 parts;
- the line of placing the opponent's balls when playing the initial blow;
- the border of the placement of the legs when performing the initial blow and blow from the hand.

2. Purpose of the game
The goal of the game is to achieve the number of points established by the Competition Regulations. The player who reaches the set number of points first wins the game. If, on the last hit, this limit is exceeded, then the winner's total points are reduced to this set limit. The game is played by parties, the total number of which in the meeting must be odd. The blows are applied alternately, only with a cue stick.

3. Play the kick-off
The referee places the balls of the players on the scrimmage line at a distance of 30 cm from the long board. The red ball is placed on the mark located in the center of the upper half of the table's playing field. 4 side and 1 central chip are installed in their places. If the players do not agree on which ball to play with which ball, as well as which half to start the kick-off, the referee will decide by lot. At the command of the referee, both players send their cue balls to the top board with approximately the same blow, while both balls must be in motion before one of them reaches the top board. If this rule is violated, then the rally is repeated. A player who breaks this rule twice will lose the rally, i.e. loses the right to choose - either to make the initial strike himself, or to concede it to the opponent.
A draw is also considered lost if:
- if a player's ball collides with a red ball or with one or more pieces;
- if the player's ball touches the long side;
- if a player's ball has entered the opponent's half.
If it is impossible to determine the culprit or the balls stop at the same distance from the lower board, then the rally is repeated.
The player whose ball comes to rest closer to the lower edge has the right to kick off or yield to an opponent.

4. Position at kick-off
1. a) The ball of the player who is to kick off is located in any part of the lower half of the playing field of the table;
b) the opponent's ball - at the top mark at the short top side;
c) a red ball at the mark in the center of the upper half of the table's playing field.
2. The player who starts the game sets the cue-ball only with a cue, in any part of the lower half of the playing field, and no part of this ball should go beyond the line of the middle of the playing field.
3. At the time of the kick-off, at least one of the player's feet must be in contact with the leg area (or line) bounded by the continuation of the long board line. After placing his ball (cue ball), the player must play with it so that he first touches the opponent's ball.
4. During one meeting, the player strikes with the same cue ball.
5. The players take the initial kick in turn until the end of the meeting, regardless of the number of games. Points are awarded for the kick-off.
6. Break for 5 minutes after the second game, and if the meeting is of three games (before the "double"), if of five games, then after the second and before the fifth "double".

5. The kick is considered correct and the player is awarded positive points if:
1.The player's cue-ball touches the opponent's ball and then knocks the opponent's pieces down with the ball;
2. The player's cue-ball touches the opponent's ball, then touches the red ball, and then the opponent's ball and / or the red ball knocks down the chips;
3. The player's cue-ball touches the opponent's ball, then the opponent's ball touches the red ball, and then the opponent's ball and (or) the red ball knock down the chips;
4. The player's cue-ball touches the opponent's ball, then the red ball, which is hit by the opponent's ball, and then the chips, knocks down the opponent's ball and / or the red ball;
5. The player's cue-ball touches the opponent's ball and then the red ball;
6. The player's cue-ball touches the opponent's ball and then the opponent's ball touches the red ball;
7. The cue-ball touches the opponent's ball, then the red ball and at the same time the opponent's ball also touches the red ball.

6. The kick is considered correct, but does not score a single point:
- if, when executing its own blow, the player's cue-ball touches only the opponent's ball, and he does not knock down the chips and does not touch the red ball.

7. The hit is considered illegal and gives miss points.
- to the one who produced it, and the same number of positive points is assigned to the opponent if:
1) the player's cue-ball does not touch the opponent's ball;
2) the player's cue-ball touches the red ball before touching the opponent's ball, and then the cue-ball and (or) the red ball knock down the chips;
3) if the player's cue-ball, after touching the opponent's ball, knocks down the chips and at the same time the opponent's ball and (or) the red ball knock down the chips;
4) the player strikes with a ball that is not his own;
5) the player commits one or more mistakes specified in the corresponding paragraph, and at the same time, during this hit, positive points are achieved or not. All points are summed up and assigned to the opponent.

8. Assignment of points
1. The value of the chip points:
- side pieces (each) - 2 points;
- the central piece knocked off the side - 4 points;
- the central piece is knocked down alone, while the arrangement of the pieces (figure) is complete or not - 8 points.
2. The value of the cannon points:
- carom of the cue ball into the opponent's ball, and then into the red ball - 4 points;
- cannon ricochets when the cue-ball touches the opponent's ball and then the opponent's ball touches the red ball - 3 points.
For the assignment of the number of carom points, only the performance of the first cannon is taken into account. The points of the chips and the carom are added to obtain the total number of points obtained in one hit. If positive points and error points are obtained in one hit, all points are assigned to the opponent. When assigning points, the referee calls the name of the player, and he does the same when assigning total error points in favor of the opponent.

9. Refusal to play during a game
1. A player who leaves his seat during a game without the referee's permission loses this game - he is credited with a defeat.
2. Any player who refuses to continue the game after the referee's instructions are eliminated from the competition.

10. Balls in contact
1. If a player's cue-ball is in contact with one or two balls, the player is not allowed to send it directly to this or these balls.
2. If a player's cue-ball is in contact with a board, he is not allowed to play on that board.
3. To execute the blows, the player must play on the cue ball either by separating it from the contacting ball (by hitting the "apricole" - first with the cue ball on the side, then into the opponent's ball), or by hitting from above (mass), but so as not to touch the ball located in contact with the cue ball. It is not an error if a ball in contact with the cue-ball moves only because it loses the fulcrum that the cue-ball was (see 4.1.3 of the WCBC Rules).
4. If, in the case of a ball in contact position, it is not possible to hit without error, the referee places three balls in the starting position. When executing this blow, respectively, the player cannot receive positive points, he can only do wagering, and the opponent, after wagering, can receive positive points (or error points).

11. Popped balls
1. A ball is considered to have jumped out of the billiards if it leaves the billiards or touches the material of the board framing.
2. The very fact of the ball jumping out is considered a mistake (2 points).
3. If one or more balls jumps out of the billiards, the referee returns the jumped-out balls to the billiards table for a blow from the hand, if:
a) the player's cue-ball has jumped out, the referee places it on the mark near the short side, opposite to the one where the opponent's ball is located, which should be kicked from the hand. If this mark is occupied or closed, then the ball is set at the mark corresponding to the ball that occupied or closed this mark at the short side;
b) the opponent's ball has jumped out, then it is placed for a blow from the hand in the part of the billiards opposite to that where the ball of the player who has just kicked is located;
c) the red ball has jumped out, then the referee sets it to its initial position at the mark where the red ball is installed. If the mark is occupied or closed, then the red ball is placed on the mark corresponding to the ball that occupies or covers the mark. The referee places the player's ball for an in-hand shot in the part of the billiards opposite to the one where the ball of the player who just kicked (and the red ball popped out) is located.

12. Overturning Chips
1. A piece is considered to be knocked down if its base completely loses contact with the playing surface of the table.
2. A chip that has already been knocked down, returned to its original position (one or more), is considered overturned, and its points are scored.
3. A piece is considered overturned if it is knocked down by another piece.
4. A piece is not considered overturned if it is displaced from its place of installation, and the base remains in contact with the playing surface of the table. The referee returns it to its original position until the next stroke is taken.
5. It is not considered to be knocked down a piece that has received a blow, but at the same time has not lost contact with the playing surface of the table.
6. If a piece resting on the cue-ball falls as a result of the movement of the cue-ball away from the chip, it is not considered to be overturned, and when the cue-ball moves to the chip, it is considered overturned (the referee has the right to remove the chip resting on any of the balls, if possible, before the next blow).
7. If the place of one or more pieces is fully or partially occupied by a ball or balls, the referee removes the corresponding pieces. Removed counters are not counted as a result of the next blow and are installed after freeing up the place of their installation.

13. Play from hand
1. If a player commits a mistake, his opponent gets the opportunity to play from in hand, except for an error when the player's ball, after correctly touching the opponent's ball, knocks down the chips.

2. At the end of a player's illegal hit, the referee takes the opponent's ball, which is to make the next hit, and places it freely in the half of the playing field of the table, opposite to the one where the ball of the player at fault is located. (The ball of the offender remains in its position).

3. The player who kicks after the offender has hit, places his ball only with the use of the cue in the half of the playing field where the referee put this ball, and no part of this ball should go beyond the center line of the billiards.

4. If the offending ball is exactly on the center line of the billiards, then the ball of the kicker is positioned freely in the lower half of the playing field as for the kick-off.

5. The player who has to kick from in-hand decides for himself whether to play from in-hand in accordance with the above provision or ask (require) the referee to set the ball of the offender to its initial position - on the top mark at the upper short side. If this position is occupied by a red ball, then the offender's ball is placed in the other part of the billiards at the corresponding mark, in this case the game ball is located in the other half of the billiards.

6. If the player who is to kick off in hand touches his own ball before the referee places it, the player is penalized and the kick goes to an opponent.

7. At the player's request, the referee must show him his ball.

14. Place of the player
The non-kicker must wait for his kick while standing or sitting in the places provided for this, refraining from gestures, and must not make a noise that may interfere with his opponent.

15. Errors (penalties)
1. If a player makes several mistakes while carrying out his blow, then the value of the points of each mistake is added up and awarded to the opponent.
2. There is a mistake with a penalty only for the points of chips and carom without bringing the game out of hand and without another additional penalty: if the game ball (cue ball) after the correct touch of the opponent's ball knocks down the chips (and possibly makes a carom), the referee designates the chips. All mistakes lead to a penalty (2 points) plus penalty points for knocked down chips and carom.
3. The following errors give the opponent, in addition to the points mentioned, an additional 2 points and the opportunity to play from in hand if:
a) the referee establishes that the player is hitting with a wrong ball, the referee indicates - the wrong ball;
b) the player first hits the cue ball in the red ball before touching the opponent's ball, the referee's decision is the red ball. For touching the red ball in this case, an additional penalty is imposed - 2 points (4 points in total): 2 points for a miss + 2 points for a carom;
c) the player first knocks down the chips with his cue ball, and then touches the opponent's ball with it, the referee indicates - the chips;
d) the player missed or missed the opponent's ball, the referee indicates - the opponent's ball;
e) when a blow is performed outside the billiards, one or several balls jump out, a penalty of 2 points is imposed regardless of the number of balls that jumped out, the referee designates - the jumped out ball;
f) the player kicks before all three balls have stopped, denoted - balls in motion;
g) the player, when carrying out a blow, strikes not with the sticker of the cue, but with the other part of the cue, it is indicated - the sticker;
h) when performing one hit, the player touches his ball with a sticker cue more than once, touch is indicated - we have a double hit;
i) the player touched the ball or chip in order to clean them from dirt, instead of asking the judge about it, the touch is indicated - carcasses;
j) the player displaces the ball or chip in a direct or indirect way (chalk, etc.) and if this displacement is not a consequence of the blow, a touch is indicated - carcasses;
k) the player hits his ball directly on the opponent's ball, which is in contact with the cue ball, or plays directly on the board with his ball in contact with the board, solution - the ball is in contact;
m) at the moment of hitting the ball at the initial hit or hit from the hand, at least one of the player's feet does not touch the floor or at the initial hit or from the hand the player goes beyond the established boundaries with the whole leg or part (clause 14) - and according to the Hungarian translation he will partially overstep or completely slash on the floor. The use of special footwear is not permitted;
m) when placing the game ball (cue ball) for the initial kick or from the hand, the player touches this ball with something other than a cue, or (and) touches this ball before the referee places it in the position of play from the hand, is indicated touch - carcasses;
o) the game ball and / or the red ball jumped over the pieces before touching the opponent's ball, denoted - ball jumping.
Note: provided that not a single chip is overturned, the passage between the chips during normal rolling of the ball on the billiards is not considered an error, but a valid (valid) hit.
o) the player touches any ball (except for sticking his ball's cue when hitting) or a counter before, during or after hitting with a cue, hand, clothing, machine, etc .;
p) the player makes a push - pushes two balls at the same time.

16. Errors not credited to the player.
Any error caused by a third party or force majeure circumstances (force majeure) to the player will not be counted.

Billiards is one of the most popular games in the modern world, it can be played both together and as a team, that is, for a flight, while there are a huge variety of varieties of this entertainment, each of which enjoys more or less recognition from players.

American billiards pool rules

Today, almost every beginner knows the rules of the game in Pool Eight (American billiards), because it is not only an interesting and gambling entertainment, but also a kind of sport that implies victories and defeats. For this game, special tables are used, designed specifically for the Pool, fifteen balls of various colors and numbered, as well as professional cues.

The balls are placed in the usual way with the help of a triangle, which tightly presses the balls to each other and prevents them from scattering across the field. Each hit on the cue ball is carried out with a sticker on the cue ball, but if a mistake is made, it is automatically declared full. The transition of the move from one player to another occurs in the event of a miss, that is, if the object ball does not fall into the pocket.

The first move according to the rules of the American billiards game is played between the participants of the competition by breaking the triangle set on the table, and the cue-cues, in turn, are set at the front side, the goal is to break the pyramid so that the aiming ball touches the back side of the table and returns to the front line, whose ball is closer to the target, he wins the right of the first move. In some cases, the players simply draw lots, which determines the winner, this issue can be resolved by agreement.

The game of American billiards pool is ordered, which means that each player announces those balls that he can obviously send into the pre-designated pockets, an accurate hit gives the player additional advantages. However, it is worth noting here that the first blow cannot be ordered, it only gives the player, who plays it correctly, and gets into the pocket, to make the next move. Since the game uses fifteen balls, they are divided into two groups "solid" and "striped" in each of seven pieces, the fifteenth ball stands out from the rest, it is then that is the target - the eight. The idea of ​​the game is that each player as quickly as possible strives to pocket balls from his "striped" or "solid" group and use the last eighth ball before the opponent.

The shots in this game must be accurate, and the cue ball, according to the rules of the billiards game, must touch the balls of its group and at least one of them must be pocketed. If this does not happen, then the aiming ball or cue ball must touch the side of the table. Balls cannot be considered correctly played in the following cases:
If the blow was struck incorrectly,
If the directly ordered ball has not been played,
If, even before the strike, a wagering was announced.
It is not uncommon for the aiming balls to jump out of the playing field, in this case, the move simply transitions from one player to another, but if the eight flies overboard, the game is considered lost.

A loss without prolongation of the game can be counted in the case of:
1. Violations of the rules of American billiards pool,
2. Departure of the eight overboard,
3. The eight was pocketed in any pocket other than the ordered pocket,
4. An eight was pocketed before all seven balls of the group were pocketed, and so on.
Of course, basically in the game at a certain stage, the leader and the loser are clearly manifested, but there are times when each of the players makes some mistakes three times in a row, in this case a stalemate is recognized and a new game is announced, designed to identify the real winner. ...

Eight billiards rules Purpose of the game To play Billiards Eight, you need a cue ball and fifteen object balls numbered from 1 to 15. One of the players must pocket balls of solid color numbered from 1 to 7, and the other - striped balls numbered from 9 to 15. The winner is the one who, having pocketed the balls of his group, scores the eight with a correct stroke. Game controls Choose the direction of impact by moving the mouse cursor. To select the force of impact, press and hold the left mouse button and move the mouse cursor according to the directions of the arrows. Release the left mouse button to execute the shot. If necessary, select a cut by clicking the left mouse button on the desired point of impact on the ball. Ball placement and kickoff Balls are placed in the form of a triangular pyramid with an eight in the center, with the front ball of the pyramid at the rear mark, and striped and solid at the corners. The break is considered legal if the player pockets an object ball, or brings at least four object balls to the side. If the cue ball falls into the pocket during the break, then all balls pocketed in this case remain in the pockets (with the exception of the eight), a foul is declared, and the table remains open. An opponent entering the game shoots from home. Open table and selection of balls The table is considered open until none of the opponents has chosen their own group of balls (striped or solid). The table is always open immediately after the break. When the table is open, you can hit a solid ball to play a striped one, and vice versa, that is, on an open table, all balls are legal. However, if, when the table is open, the cue-ball first strikes the eight, then none of the striped or solid pieces counts in favor of the player. His streak ends, all pocketed balls remain pocketed, and the table remains open for the incoming opponent. When the table is open, all balls pocketed incorrectly remain in the pockets. The break does not give the right to choose striped or solid balls, even if the balls of both groups were pocketed after the break. After breaking, the table always remains open. The choice of a group of balls is made only after the player, when performing the correct stroke (after breaking), puts the ordered ball into the pocket. Legal hit When executing any hit, the cue-ball must first touch the ball of its group, and then an object ball or cue-ball must fall into the pocket, or one of the object balls must reach the board. The player continues the game until he manages to pocket the balls of his group correctly and in accordance with the order. Having pocketed the last ball of his group, he can score an eight. Misplayed Balls An object ball is misplayed if the rules are violated or the ordered ball is not played. Balls played incorrectly remain pocketed. If a player has violated the rules, the opponent can place the cue-ball anywhere on the table before hitting. Loss A player loses if he commits one of the following violations: - the eight is scored in violation of the rules; - the eight and the last ball of their group are pocketed in one stroke; - the eight is not hammered into the ordered pocket; - an eight is pocketed before all balls of its group have been played.

Under the game there is a description, instructions and rules, as well as thematic links to similar materials - we recommend that you familiarize yourself.

How to play - rules and description

Flash version of American billiards "Pool 8" ( Pool 8), in graphics performance of average quality, but quite acceptable physics of impact and rebound. The rules are really original (i.e. real). Try to get ahead of the computer, which will be your rival in these games, and pocket all the balls of the selected type. If you are familiar with the rules of the "pool", then you know what this is about. If not, we will explain.

The rules of the "American pool" are as follows. The first billiards ball pocketed by a player determines the type of next balls that a player can pocket. There are only 2 types: whole (monotonously filled with one color) and striped (with a stripe of a color different from the ball itself). The choice of the opponent's balls is determined automatically. Thus, if you have pocketed the very first ball and it is striped, then later in this game you try to score all the striped ones, and your opponent will hunt for the whole, and vice versa.

An important point about the black ball, because it is in a special position. It can only be pocketed after you have rolled ALL of your colored balls. The opponent has symmetrical rights regarding black. Note that if you put black BEFORE all of your balls are pocketed, you will be automatically defeated. An accidental hit of black into the pocket is also interpreted as the defeat of the one whose blow was.

White. Everything is simple here. This is a cue ball and the whole game is done only by it. In other words, your cue should always hit white and no other! It is worth saying that if in your move the white ball goes into the pocket for any reason, regardless of whether the colored ball was pocketed or not, then your opponent gets the opportunity to make a free shot (free shot), that is, put white where wants to.

Can download the game POOL 8 on your computer, it will not take up much space, but think whether it makes sense to do this, because here it is always available, you just need to open this page.

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Eight assumes adherence to the "General Pool Rules", as well as the rules below.

1. The purpose of the game of billiards eight

This game is custom made. It uses a cue ball and 15 aiming balls (numbered from 1 to 15). One player pockets balls from 1 to 7 (solid), in the second - striped balls numbered from 9 to 15. The one who, after pocketing his own balls, scores the "eight" with a correct kick and will be the winner.

2. Gentleman's order

Obvious aiming balls and pockets are not announced in this order, although the player has the right to ask his partner about it. Combination strikes (strikes from balls or from balls), strikes from the boards are not considered obvious, so you need to order both a pocket and an aiming ball. In this case, it is not required to indicate any additional details.
All balls pocketed incorrectly remain in the pockets, regardless of who they belong to (the player's group or his opponent). The kick-off is not considered ordered. If a ball falls into the pocket with a correct initial hit, then the player has the right to make the next hit.

You shouldn't play "eight" around the clock, sometimes you need to rest from billiards. You can relax in the best ski hotels - and enjoy the purest mountain air.

3. Arrangement of balls when playing billiad eight

It is a triangular pyramid, in the center is a “figure eight”, and the front ball of the pyramid is at the rear mark, and the striped and solid one is at the corners.

4. Alternating break

The initial blow (break) has the right to make the winner of the rally, and can transfer this right to his opponent. When individual competitions take place, in each subsequent game, the players are split in turn.

5. Break (initial strike)

If a player ("in hand from home") pockets an object ball or brings at least four object balls to the side, then the break is considered correct.
Failure to comply with these requirements is considered a violation. The opponent entering the game can accept the established position and make the next blow. He can also, after re-placement, cause the break himself or yield to the offender. Provided the cue ball falls into the pocket:
1. The balls pocketed in this case remain in the pockets (excluding the "eight").
2. A foul is called.
3. The table is open, and the opponent entering the game carries out a blow "from the hand from home".

Aiming balls that are located in the "house" are allowed to be hit exclusively by bouncing the cue ball from the back (opposite) side (when playing "from hand from home"). Those balls that are located outside the "home" are played in any pocket.
It is considered a violation if the aiming balls jump overboard from the break. The opponent entering the game has the right either to take the position that has developed on the table, or to make another blow, or to make a blow "from the hand from home."
In the event of a "eight" falling into the pocket during a break, the player has the right to re-break or continue the game by placing an "eight". An opponent entering the game has the right to break it again, or by putting out an "eight", start the game "from the hand from home", if the cue-ball falls apart from the "eight" during the break.
The fall of the Eight together with the cue ball is a defeat in the game, and the fall of the Eight into the pocket with a correct break is a victory if the game is played on slot machines and not at official international competitions.

6. Open table

Until opponents select their own group of balls (striped or solid), the table is considered open.
The table is always open immediately after the break. On an open table, all balls are legal. It is allowed to hit a solid ball in order to play a striped one and vice versa. But not a single striped or solid one is counted in favor of the player if the cue-ball, when the table is open, strikes the "eight" first. In this case, the player's series ends, all pocketed balls remain in the pockets, and the table remains open for the opponent who enters the game. If the table is open, all balls pocketed incorrectly remain in the pockets.

7. Selecting a group of balls

The break does not give the right to choose solid or striped balls even if the balls of both groups hit after breaking into the pockets. The table is always open after breaking. Groups of balls are selected only when the player pockets the ordered ball on execution after breaking a legal hit.

8. Correct hit

When performing any hit, the cue ball must first touch the legal ball (the ball of its group), and then some object ball or cue ball must fall into the pocket, or one of the target balls must reach the side.
If, before colliding with a legal ball, it hits the side, then after that either the aiming ball must fall into the pocket, or some aiming ball or cue ball must reach the side. A foul is called if these requirements are not met.

9. Roleplaying

A player, for tactical reasons, may pocket an obvious object ball, or may interrupt his streak by announcing a win back to his opponent before hitting. If there is no such announcement, then the player is obliged to make the next blow. All balls pocketed during wagering remain in the pockets.

10. Game play

Until then, the player continues the game, as long as he, in accordance with the order and correctly pockets the balls of his group. When he has pocketed the last ball of his group, he is entitled to score an eight.

11. Play "from hand"

If the player violates the rules, the opponent entering the game plays "from hand". This means he has the right to place the cue-ball anywhere on the table. This rule prevents willful violations that put the enemy at a disadvantage. The installation of the cue ball when playing "from hand" can be done with any part of the cue (including the sticker) or with the hand. When the cue-ball is in place, any forward movement of the cue-ball that touches the cue-ball is considered the start of the stroke.

12. Balls played incorrectly

An object ball is considered improperly played in the following cases:
1) If the rules are violated during the execution of the blow.
2) If the ordered ball is not played.
3) If declared prior to hitting wagering.
Balls misplayed remain pocketed.

13. Object balls jumping overboard

This is a violation. With such a jump, the right to strike passes to the enemy. The game will be lost if the "eight" flies overboard.
All popped-up target balls are displayed according to the General Pool Rules.

14. Game of the "eight"

If the cue ball falls into a pocket or a violation is committed that is not accompanied by a fall into a pocket or jumping overboard of the "eight", a defeat is not counted. The opponent entering the game plays from hand.

15. Reading defeat

The defeat is already counted for one of the following violations:
1) "Eight" is not hammered into the ordered pocket.
2) "Eight" is pocketed before all balls of its group have been played.
3) "Eight" jumped overboard during the game.
4) "Eight" and the last ball of their group are pocketed in one hit.
5) "Eight" is scored in violation of the rules.

16. Stalemate position

The game is considered "stalemate" if each of the players breaks the rules three times in a row (6 times in total), ie. does not strive, as the judge believes, to win the game, fearing inevitable defeat. The balls are then placed anew, and the game is replayed.
Three violations in a row in the game of "Eight", which were committed by one player, do not count as a defeat.

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