Commands for the sight in cs 1.6 dot. Online store of unique things

It's no secret that "Contra" has long been a leader among online shooters. It has long been a game sport. A variety of competitions are held in the game of "contra", up to the world championships. And every professional player knows for sure that to achieve real success, you need to adjust the game to your own style. This helps to simplify some aspects of the game and make the action more efficient.

This does not mean that you need to thoughtlessly resort to using cheats, because they are prohibited and are considered a violation of the rules. There are "legitimate" ways to make the gameplay easier for yourself. For example, such methods include optimizing the size of the crosshair for a specific player. And it is about the personalization of the sight that we are talking about.

Instructions on how to make a small crosshair in CSS

To set up the aiming icon, you need to enter the codes in the window of the called console. To open it, use the "e" key for the Russian keyboard layout and "~" for the English one. Codes are entered into a special line. Next, an example of commands will be given that will allow you to configure the sight in the old version and in the updated one.

But first you need:

  1. enter the game;
  2. open the command console by pressing the corresponding key;
  3. enter the code.

To adjust the size of the sight, there are the following codes:

  • cl_crosshairscale 5000- output of a small sharp aiming icon
  • cl_crosshairscale 2000- medium scope
  • cl_crosshairscale 20000- the smallest sight. It is difficult to control, but it allows for more accurate aiming.
  • cl_crosshaircolor- color change

For the updated "Contra" codes are as follows:

  • cl_crosshairsize- zoom out. After entering the main command, you can specify a number that will set the order of reduction. So you can choose any size.
  • cl_legacy_crosshair_scale 1- color change
  • cl_crosshairthickness- changing the width

Now that the sight is set, you can safely go into battle!

Everyone has long known that the smaller the size of the sight in CS, the more convenient and accurate it is to shoot. Small sight in cs 1.6 will allow you to more accurately hit the enemy, who is at a great distance from you. The smaller the scope, the more convenient it is to focus on the opponent. Many do not know that it is very simple to make such a sight and even try download small scope, although it is simply impossible to download it.

How to make crosshair smaller for CS 1.6

To change the scope size, you only need a console command specifically designed to change the size of your weapon's scope. Register a small sight in the console like this:

  • You need to run CS 1.6 and open the console (this can be done using the Russian letter "Ё", it is also "~" in the English keyboard layout).
  • Next, we need to enter a list of console commands in strict order (one at a time).

cl_lw 1
cl_lc 1
cl_dynamiccrosshair 1
cl_lw 0
cl_lc 0

To prevent the sight from expanding, you need to execute the command

cl_dynamiccrosshair 0

Crosshair size when exiting CS 1.6 is returned. Therefore, it is better to register these commands in the CS config, so as not to register commands when starting the game or entering the game server.

Zoom out - example

What should happen on the example of a standard sight for the default Counter-Strike 1.6 pistol. The scope of the M-16 rifle will accordingly be smaller than that of the pistol in proportion, like that of other weapons.

The first image is before entering console commands.

Second image: the sight has become smaller.

Monitoring game servers CS 1.6

Switch to Counter-Strike 1.6 monitoring and win in the arena. Using a small scope is easier to shoot - easier to win.

How to make a small crosshair in CSS v34- one of the most popular questions from gamers about the crosshair in CSS v34. As you all know very well, when playing with a small scope in the KSS, you get not only convenience, but also better accuracy, because aiming at an enemy with a small scope is much easier than with a large one. In this article, we will tell you how to make a small sight in CSS v34 easily and simply. actually do small sight in the KSS insanely simple and easy. To do this, you only need a console in the game and one special command to reduce the scope. Unlike KS 1.6, in KSS it is much easier to make the scope smaller.

How to zoom out in CSS v34

So, in order to make a small sight in CSS v34, open the game console in the game on the key "~" (Yo) and write the following command there:

Cl_crosshairscale 5000
After entering this command, your crosshair will become small. By the way, instead of the value "5000" you can specify absolutely anything. The higher the value, the smaller the aim and correspondingly, the lower the value, the larger the aim .

By the way, if the command just above did not help you, you can try using another command:

cl_crosshairsize 2
Again, instead of the value "2", you can specify your own value. However, in this case, the smaller the value, the smaller the scope and vice versa. We think you understand.

To return the sight back, write the following command to the console:

Cl_legacy_crosshair_scale 1
It is also worth noting a very important thing that if you play on a licensed version of the CSS v34 game, then the above commands may not work for you, since Valve updates these commands very often. On licensed versions of CSS, you can make a small sight through the game settings.

How to make small crosshair in CSS v89

Owners of the latest versions of CSS, as well as licensed versions, are very lucky, because they can reduce the aim in CSS right in the game settings. There you can change the size of the crosshair, its thickness, transparency, make a dot in the center of the crosshair, change its color and much more. And you can customize all this to the smallest detail.

We hope that in this article we have answered your question about how to make small crosshair in css v34, as well as on the latest versions of the game. In case you have any questions or you didn’t manage to make a small sight, then write in the comments under this article. Have fun playing and have a nice day.

Crosshair in CSS

Let's take a look at the crosshair settings after the update that happened on 10/07/10.
After it, the command to reduce the sight does not work, now there is another command, although it only reduces the “sticks”.
It also became possible to change the color of the sight in RGB mode and its thickness.

Scope size

After it, the former command to reduce the sight cl_crosshairscale does not work.
Now cl_crosshairsize is in effect. The value must be set at your discretion.
Someone like this: 2.2, and someone like this: 1. To each his own.
I also want to say that some people manage to make all sorts of squares and so on with the help of this command. As soon as they do not pervert over the sight.

However, this command has one drawback - it only reduces the lines of sight. Also, be sure to mention the ability to return all the old settings. Although, it seems not all, the ability to change the color remains.
To do this, enter the following command: cl_legacy_crosshair_scale 1. If you want to return it back, write the same command, but with a value of 0.

Crosshair color

An interesting opportunity has become available. How often have you had a case when the sight is not visible against a particular background? I think yes. This greatly affects the accuracy, and at the decisive moment you can let the team down. But now there is a command with which you can easily adjust the color of the crosshair. It can be made even white, even black, even any other color. After all, it can be written in RGB mode.

To do this, enter the following: cl_crosshaircolor 5. This command will make it clear to the computer that you want to set your crosshair color.

After you enter the previous command into the console, paste this into it:
cl_crosshaircolor_r; cl_crosshaircolor_b; cl_crosshaircolor_g;
Enter directly into the line, because it's more convenient. It is clear that you need to enter a value from 0 to 255 next to each command. For example, to make the crosshair white
cl_crosshaircolor_r 255; cl_crosshaircolor_b 255; cl_crosshaircolor_g 255;, and for black, just put 255 - 0 in place.

In the event that there is a desire to make the sight some other color, type “rgb” in Yandex.
Naturally, where the letter "r" is the value of the cl_crosshaircolor_r command.
I think this is clear to everyone, and it is not worth focusing on this stage.

Sight Width

Again, a very useful feature. With its correct setting, you will see the sight almost everywhere, no matter how small it is.

So the command looks like this:
cl_crosshairthickness and value but before this command you will first need to write cl_legacy_crosshair_scale 0. The value of cl_crosshairthickness can be 0.5; one; 1.5.…
I advise you to go to css and choose a team to your taste.

Original article – ARBIGON team forum

Posted by Anonymous |

Now you will learn how to make a small sight in cs, why is it needed and how can it help the player in the game?

The smaller the size of the sight in cs, the more convenient and accurate the player can shoot. This is important when the enemy is far away and difficult to aim at. He also focuses better on the target, which gives the character an important and undeniable advantage.

It is quite easy to make such a small sight in CS, but not everyone knows about it. By the way, some are looking for ways to download it, but this is just an extra waste of time.

There are three ways to do this, we will describe them in more detail.

Method one

It is the easiest to implement.

In the game itself, open the “Multiplayer” menu tab. In it you will find crosshair settings: its size, color and transparency.

Method two

To do this, use the console and enter the desired command.

You can do this in the following way.

Launch the game and open the console in it by pressing the tilde button. On the keyboard, it is signed as the letter “Ё”, or the “~” icon right below the “Esc” key in the upper left. A window like this will open.

In the window that opens, enter the commands listed below in English.

cl_lw 1
cl_lc 1
cl_dynamiccrosshair 1
cl_lw 0
cl_lc 0

Each line of code must be entered on a new line, to do this, press the "Enter" key at the end of each line. In the end everything should look like this

The sight in the cs will become small.

To remove this effect, on the same line enter the command

cl_dynamiccrosshair 0

and everything will be back to how it was.

One thing to mention is that when you exit the game, the small crosshair will become large again when you restart the game.

If you want the settings to be saved, these codes must be registered in the game's config CS file and saved.

Method three

It is similar to the second one, only the commands need to be entered differently. Enter them one at a time, and after pressing the enter key and returning to the game, you will immediately see the result.

  • crosshairstyle 1;
  • cl_crosshairstyle 4 - style;
  • cl_crosshairsize 3 - size;
  • cl_crosshairgap -1 - distance;
  • cl_crosshairdot 0 - dot in the center of the sight;
  • cl_crosshairthickness 1 - thickness of horizontal and vertical lines;
  • cl_crosshaircolor 1 - color;
  • cl_crosshairalpha 200 - transparency;
  • cl_crosshair_drawoutline 1 - the stroke will be visible;
  • cl_crosshair_outlinethickness 1 - sets the thickness of the stroke.

In order for the player not to experiment for a long time, we will describe in more detail what effect the use of different numbers in teams leads to.

Crosshair - this command can only be given two values ​​- zero and one. Accordingly, this means turning the sight on or off.
cl_crosshairstyle - it can be set to a value from one to five. A one style cs dynamic, a two cs static, a triple cs semi-dynamic, a four cs dynamic, and a five cs static.
cl_crosshairsize - if set to zero, then the aim point will not be visible in the game, and then try to increase it to a size convenient for you.
cl_crosshairthickness - choose the thickness size similar to the top command.
cl_crosshairgap - sets the size of the distance of the little lines on the side of the center point of the sight.
cl_crosshairdot - you can set the parameter to zero or one, it shows or hides the dot in the center.
cl_crosshairusealpha - also has two parameters - zero or one, which makes the sight transparent or not.
cl_crosshairalpha - with its help, you can fine-tune the transparency of the crosshair, since this command can be set to a value from zero to two hundred and fifty-five units.
cl_crosshaircolor - sets the color, values ​​from zero to five.

  • Zero is red.
  • The unit is green.
  • Double yellow.
  • Three purple.
  • Four blue.
  • The five gives the opportunity to set the player's own color, the commands for this are described below.
  1. cl_crosshaircolor_r - you can set a range of numbers from zero to two hundred and fifty five - it sets the strength of the red color in RGB.
  2. cl_crosshaircolor_g - the range is the same for green in RGB encoding.
  3. cl_crosshaircolor_b - all the same, only for the blue color in RGB.

cl_crosshair_drawoutline - zero or one - turns the black circle around the crosshair on and off.
cl_crosshair_outlinethickness - also zero or one - a full saturated circle or a circle with a shadow.

As you can see, there are already 3 ways to make a small crosshair in Counter-Strike. So, if you are tired of running with a lot, read what is written above and you will succeed.

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