How many people can play twister. Ultra Twister floor game rules, how to play Twister game, Twister game rules, Twister game rules, twister game

Present to your attention rules of the sports game Twister (Twister)

Looking for where to buy the Twister game (several varieties)?

Preparing to play Twister

  • Lay out the playcloth on a flat surface indoors or outdoors
  • Players take off their shoes (shoes are uncomfortable to play in and can damage the playing field)
  • If you play outdoors, then make sure that the oilcloth does not fly away (you can fix it with your shoes off;))
  • Designate a leader. The host will not participate in the game. Its tasks are the following:
  • Players stand on the game oilcloth in the order indicated below.

Game for 2 players: Players stand on opposite sides of the playing field. Each of them places one foot on the yellow circle and the other on the blue one.

Game for 3 players: Two players stand on opposite sides of the playing field. Each of them places one foot on the yellow circle and the other on the blue one. The third player stands in the center with both feet on the red circles.

How to play Twister?

The host spins the game roulette, naming the color and body part indicated by the arrow. For example: "Right leg, yellow." All players at the same time (there are game options when the Leader calls the player who must change his position) try to follow his instructions, following the following instructions:

  • Each player must try to place the named body part in the free circle of the named color. For our example, each player must place their right foot on the yellow circle.
  • If your named hand or foot is already on the circle of the named color, you should try to move it to another circle of the same color.
  • You can not put more than one part of the body on one circle. If the players try to stand on the same circle, the leader must decide which of them was the first
  • You cannot remove your hand or foot from the circle until the Leader has announced a new position. Exception: You can remove your arm or leg from the circle in order to let another player's arm or leg pass, but you must warn the Host in advance
  • Do not lean on knees or elbows
  • If all 6 circles of the same color are occupied, the Host must rotate the game roulette until a free color falls out

Elimination from the game

Any player who falls or touches the mat with his elbow or knee is immediately out of the game. (If you feel that the new position is not possible, or will cause you to fall, you can exit the game yourself).


The last player left in the game is the winner!

Team game in Twister

For a 4-player game, form 2 teams of 2 players each. The teams meet at opposite ends of the mat, standing side by side with each foot on the circle so that all 4 circles are covered.

The rules for team play are the same as for 2 or 3 players, with one exception: members of the same team may place their hands and feet on the same circle.

As soon as the player falls or touches the mat with his elbow or knee, the player's team has lost.

Game for 2 players without host

If there are only 2 players, you can play without using the game roulette. One player names the part of the body, and the other the color of the circle. Players alternate among themselves, alternately naming either a part of the body or the color of the circle. The victory conditions are the same as for a normal game.

Playing Twister for a big campaign

If the campaign is large, then form several teams of two players. Draw a grid, which team plays with which team and hold a Twister tournament! Only the most stubborn and dexterous will win, that is, those who will have the most victories in the team standings!

Did you like the game? Buy game Twister (Several varieties)

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TWISTER ULTRA - outdoor game for an active company

Number of players: 2-6 | Difficulty: minimal | Party duration: 10-30 minutes Complete set of Ultra Twister: tube, playing field, roulette (arrow) rules.

  • If the named body part (in the example, the left hand) is already on the given color, then you must move it to another circle of the same color.
  • You can’t put several parts of the body on the circle, that is, if your neighbor’s foot is already there, you have no right to put your hand. (If you are not playing as a team).
  • You may not remove your arm or leg from the circle unless the Judge asks you to do so. Exception: You can take your hand or foot off the circle in order to let another player's hand or foot pass, but you must warn the Referee about this in advance.
  • You can’t lean on the field with your elbows and knees - this is against the rules (you are out of the game)
  • If all six color circles are occupied, the Referee is obliged to spin the game roulette until the currently free color falls out.

    MODIFICATIONS of the game Ultra Twister.

    Strip game (18+):

    Each time a red sector appears, the player must remove something from himself. Whether you will play until you are completely undressed or until parting with certain toilet items - decide for yourself. Participants who reach this predetermined stage will leave the game. Whoever doesn't get there wins. Do not forget that, as in the classic game, whoever touches the field with his elbow or knee leaves the game. In your game, this will be a saving loophole for the most shy.


    A list of forfeits is being written for the elimination of players. Whoever is the first to leave the game, for example, crows, who is second, barks, etc., except for the winner. The winner at the end watches and checks how everyone has mastered their lost forfeits.
  • Twister is a popular game found in most countries. You can often see in films how the characters play it. Boxes with Twister are also sold in our country, and if you wish, you can make the game yourself.

    Children's game twister

    Children's game is similar to adult, only slightly reduced. The rules of the game are the same, but you can use other options. For example, the host puts the children in certain positions, and they compete to see who can stand the longest. Twister develops the child's muscle corset, trains flexibility and improves mood. Another version of the Twister for children is the Twister Rave. It is necessary, rotating the hoop on the foot, to jump with the free foot to the desired cell.

    Board game twister

    Twister is a rather old game that has various variations. The game is based on a floor mat with multi-colored circles and a roulette that determines the position of the hands and feet of the players on the mat. You need to follow all the commands of the leader and try not to fall.

    Twister game rules

    Twister floor game

    Outdoor Twister is played by two to five participants. Often, another participant is added, who gets the role of host. The game perfectly tests the participants scurrying along the canvas for flexibility, speed and endurance. In addition to the standard floor Twister, there are also its varieties, which you can read about below.

    Video game twister

    Twister game reviews

    New twister games

    DIY twister game, detailed step by step guide


    • Whatman
    • Self-adhesive film (4 colors)
    • Scotch
    • Scissors
    • Compass
    • Ruler
    • simple pencil
    • Cardboard 30*30 cm
    • Button
    • Wooden stick


    finger twister game

    It differs from the standard Twister in a miniature playing field, where you need to play with your fingers. Convenient for travel and vacation.

    During the game, follow the safety rules, be careful not to dislocate the limb. Think of the game not as a rivalry, but as a great time with friends.

    How to play Twister?

    Twenty years ago, we saw the Twister game only on TV screens, but now this game can be bought in every bookstore or toy store. But how to play Twister? Indeed, when we buy something, we often do not read the instructions very carefully, and even the instructions may not be clear to us. In this article, we will explain, dear readers, how to play Twister and where is the best place to play.

    What is Twister

    This game is a cardboard or polyethylene playing field measuring 160 × 140 cm. This field has circles in four colors: blue, yellow, red and blue. The game also includes a roulette wheel, on which the parts of the body involved in the game and colors are drawn. So, by scrolling the roulette wheel, the judge or the player chooses his next step. Players may not place a hand or foot on a space that is already occupied. If the company is large, then the rules may change. This game is accompanied by smiles and laughter. At the end of the game, the players are unable to put their body parts in awkward positions and fall, so they are out of the game.

    This game was invented by the Americans, and was not popular for a long time, but after it was shown on television, the Twister floor game became a resounding success. This game was designed for fun companies of adults and children. It is best to play on the floor or in nature. Make sure you have a leader, otherwise it will be very difficult for you to turn the arrows yourself. Naturally, this game requires good athletic training, but if you do not have it, then it does not matter, if you play it often, then you will become much more flexible. Do you want to tighten your body? Then the Twister game will help you. A video of how it is played can be very easily found on the Internet by entering the necessary words in the search.

    How to play

    If you want to see firsthand how this game is played in its homeland, you can watch movies like Men in Black, or The Turn, or the famous TV series Sex and the City. If you have not played this game, then you should find out what the Twister game is. You will enjoy playing it, you can also have fun not only with your friends, but also with the kids.

    Brief instruction

    • spread the game on the floor;
    • choose a leader;
    • the host spins the arrow and alternately tells which player on which circle to put his hand or foot.
    • the player is out of the game if he cannot make the next move or falls.

    We wish you a lot of fun with this fun game.

    Number of players From 2

    Party time From 5 minutes

    Game difficulty Light

    Skill Development: Sense of humor:)

    twister outdoor outdoor game. The conditions of the game are quite simple and interesting. No need to think, remember and portray someone. It is only necessary to fulfill the conditions of the leader!

    Purpose of the game

    • Fulfill the conditions of the leader and do not fall on the playing field.

    Rules of the game

    • The kit includes: a playing field, as well as a flat square roulette wheel.
      • The playing field is a mat that spreads on the floor. It is made of white polyvinyl chloride material. On its surface there are 4 rows of 6 one-color, large circles of a certain color. Red, yellow, blue, green. Its size is standard.
      • Roulette is a flat board with an arrow. It is divided into 4 sectors, each corresponding to a certain limb (hand or foot). Each sector, into 4 color sections corresponding to the colors of the playing field circles. By rotating the arrow, we get a combination. Example: “left arm, yellow”, “right leg, red”.
    • Up to 5 people can participate in the game. On the field of 24 circles for the game, more than four people must be free in each color, one at a time, so that you can continue to move around the field.
    • We choose the leader, the one who will manage the roulette and make sure that the players do not violate the rules of the game. The rest of the participants take up starting positions. Two participants play, not taking into account the leader.
    • Players stand at the edge of the field opposite each other.
    • The host spins the roulette wheel and announces the combination in short commands (which limb and what color is the circle). Participants take it in turns. After more than four moves, they are already placed on the field.
    • With each subsequent move, the players rearrange their arm or leg while moving funny and freeze in the most ridiculous poses. One color circle is occupied by only one participant.
    • If the player gets the same combination of the move in which he is in the next turn, he needs to move the limb to the circle of the same color.
    • If all the remaining circles of this color are occupied, the presenter spins the roulette again. Sometimes at the beginning of the game it happens that one player is on the field with both hands, and the second one has one hand free. For example: “left hand, yellow” falls out first; to the second “left hand, red”; the first "right hand, red"; the second "left hand, blue." The first player has both hands on the field, while the second player has moved only his left hand across the field.
    • When playing in three participants, the first two stand on opposite sides of the field with one foot on the yellow circle, the other on the blue one. The third player is in the middle of the field of red circles.
    • With the participation of four players, respectively, the fourth player in the center of the green.
    • You can break away only when making your move after the leader’s command or when your body is intertwined with the opponent and this prevents the execution of his move. After moving it, you must return to your point.
    • During the game, you must maintain balance, do not touch the field with any other parts of the body: elbow, knee, buttocks, etc. Only the foot and hand, otherwise you are out of the game.
    • The winner is the one who stands on the field and remains alone.

    For two participants in the game, without a leader, there is a difference in the condition of the game.

    Two players stand at the edge of the playing field and alternately perform their moves. Half of the moves are assigned by the opponent, and the participant assigns half to himself, voicing them aloud. With a team game of four participants without a leader, two by two, there is a slight difference. Partner players can be in the same color wheel at the same time.

    site - a portal of board games, in which they tried to collect the most popular board games, as well as the latest in the gaming industry. The Twister page provides an overview of the game, photos and rules. If you are interested in "Twister", then we recommend that you familiarize yourself with games in other categories with similar characteristics.

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