Paintball game description. Paintball rules, recommendations for beginners

All the boys love to play "war", to shoot from fake machine guns at imaginary enemies. When childhood ends, we miss such innocent pranks. You can experience the same emotions, sensations now. Paintball is a great way to relieve accumulated stress and recharge your batteries for a long time.


Paintball is an active and exciting game. It involves two squads that fight by shooting paintballs from pneumatic weapons.

There are several types of paintball:

  • sports;
  • entertaining;
  • visiting;
  • corporate;
  • winter.


The battle begins with the start of the teams from their bases located at opposite ends of the battlefield. They need to take as many of their opponents out of the game as possible. Other nuances depend on the specific scenario of the battle.

The rules of paintball are as follows: a player is considered “killed” if there are spots of paint the size of a five-ruble coin on him or on his equipment. Defeat is also considered the exit of the participant out of the field. In addition, the judge can withdraw from the competition any person who has violated the rules. "Killed" must also immediately leave the battlefield. The duration of the battle depends on the number of participants, the size of the site and the selected scenario.


There are several basic scenarios in paintball. Of course, in each case, players can come up with their own order of competition. The rules of the game of paintball allow you to do this.

We present to your attention a list of the most popular scenarios with a description of the process:

  • "Capture the Flag". The point is to capture the opponent's flag, which is located at their base, as soon as possible, and bring it to your camp.
  • "Attack and Defence". This is a variation of the first scenario. Only in this case, one of the bases has a flag set, and the other does not. One team is attacking, the other is defending. Victory will be counted if you manage to capture the flag. The attacking team must carry it to a certain distance from the place where it was installed.

  • "Defeat". The group in which all shooters are "killed" is considered the loser.
  • "Free the Hostage" There is a hostage without a weapon in the building. The attacking team must free him by fighting off the terrorists. The hostage must not be shot while he is still in the building. If the attackers can get their player out of the building, the opponents can immediately start shooting.

Marker selection

Paintball is a very exciting and interesting activity. If you also decide to participate in the competition, you need to stock up on a special marker for shooting.

This weapon can be divided into the following classes:

  • rolling;
  • personal;
  • sports.


Of course, paintball is a fairly safe sport. But the participants shoot at each other with colored paint balls, so each fighter must have a special mask on his face that can withstand at least 15 shots per second. Without this equipment, you simply will not be allowed to play. The mask must be made of durable plastic. Now even models are produced with thermal glass that does not fog up from human breath.

All the necessary ammunition is issued in the clubs. This also applies to special suits designed to protect clothes from paint. But the shoes in the clubs are not issued. The player will have to bring comfortable sneakers or ankle boots.

Places for games

Where can you play paintball? This question is asked by people who have heard something about this game and have at least a small idea about it. The popularity of this shooting has reached such heights in our country that in almost every city you can find a club of fans of this sport. In Moscow and St. Petersburg, there are several dozen playgrounds designed for competitions.

Places prohibited for games

Playing paintball is fun! But it is forbidden to hold competitions in all places not intended for this purpose.

These include:

  • Beach.
  • Construction.
  • Suburban area.
  • Playground.

In all public places it is forbidden to shoot from pneumatic weapons. Even on your own suburban area, this is undesirable. For such violations, players may be subject to administrative punishment.

Security measures

Paintball is a very interesting game. In order for the exciting process to bring only pleasure, it is necessary to follow certain safety rules.

  • Shooting must begin and end as soon as the referee gives the signal to do so.
  • You can only be on the site fully equipped. Without a protective suit and mask, it is impossible to start the battle.
  • Outside the game, the marker (weapon) should always be held with the barrel down. It is important to always put it on the fuse.

Clubs always severely punish members who break certain safety rules. For example, during the game it is strictly forbidden to remove a mask or helmet, shoot at the “killed”, use a personal, own marker. The rules of the game of paintball allow the referee to take offenders seriously. If he sees that the participant is under the influence of drugs or alcohol, behaves aggressively, swears, he has the right to remove the troublemaker.

Legends and facts

The history of paintball is shrouded in many legends. Someone believes that the game was invented by CIA agents in the 70s of the last century. Others attribute the invention to Israeli intelligence agencies. And someone believes that paintball was intended for veterans of the Vietnam War.

Most historians are inclined to the following version. At the end of the 19th century in France, guns that shoot paint began to be used to train soldiers. Such exercises bore fruit during the Algiers campaign, as not a single person was killed. It is believed that Russia could also use this method of training soldiers. After all, our attache was present during these trainings. Several sets of paint-shooting equipment were brought to Russia. However, in our country, these unusual paint launchers did not take root. Yes, in France too.

The development of paint throwers was even carried out by the Nazi army. It is believed that during the experiments it was possible to obtain a more perfect model.


In conclusion, I would like to say that such a dynamic and extremely exciting game will be a great way to spend your leisure time and even celebrate your birthday. Paintball will help you shake things up and gain new strength. From this game you definitely will not get bored, because here you need composure, accuracy, self-confidence and endurance. There are many options, so everyone can choose for themselves the scenario that suits them the most. Choose where to play paintball and enjoy the process!

We continue to release articles on near-hardball topics. Today, according to the plan, we have a game on a foreign field, a “red card” in a competitive fight: let's talk about the tactics of playing paintball as presented for paintball beginners and other fans of military tactical games, in order to see “how is it” and find out “how to win in paintball.

If it’s relevant, then perhaps it’s worth creating a section with tactics for a “standard” battle, but for now, let’s take a look at the world of markers for familiarization. All the same, the basic elements are the same everywhere, but here it will be possible to compare and find differences. Since I have no expertise in this world, I have to use third-party sources, so in some places there may be gross errors and shortcomings.

Steps to success

The usual number of participants in sports paintball is 5 to 5. From here, you already need to understand the importance of each person in the team. One person is 20% of the team. Everyone, without exception, is important, so the individual training of the players and the knowledge of their characteristics in battle play a huge role here.

Another important component of a successful game is the ability to play in a team. In paintball for beginners, this is most likely one of the main problems. Rembas, of course, are needed everywhere. But if they also work together, then the apocalypse is guaranteed to the enemy even before the start of the game.

The last component in this system of winning tricks, perhaps, is the ability to quickly assess the playing territory, and most importantly the behavior of the enemy, in order to be able to "play" the scenario in the right direction.

In any case, to learn how to play, you need to play. The right skills are instilled only in the course of regular training, experience comes with time. The right tactics and strategy in paintball usually wins, because "the army that must win, first wins, and then seeks battles."

Individual Skills

The main element of the game is the player. There will be no game without him, and the quality of the team game will depend primarily on his ability to play. Let's dwell on the most common basic elements needed for the game:

  • Constant shaking of the head. The enemy can be everywhere, even in the rear. Therefore, at any time it is necessary to assess your position as much as possible.
  • Communication. Do not be silent if necessary, report briefly and clearly about what you see. Use gestures and radio communications whenever possible.
  • Constant movements. We discard gatherings, constantly move, find bottlenecks in the enemy, estimate his number.
  • Decisiveness of action. An opportunity has arisen, we make a quick decision on its implementation.
  • We try to find hidden ways to reach the rear and destroy the enemy.
  • Clock face. You can always hear something like "opponent at 9 o'clock", so it is advisable to study its meaning in advance.
  • Strengthening of strategic objects. At key places, it is advisable to plant at least two people in order to protect the place and scare the enemy.
  • Finding shelters. When familiarizing ourselves with the area, we note shelters, and they will come in handy for ourselves, and you can bypass the place where a potential enemy is lying.
  • We use different moves. We turn off passive strategies, always come up with something, try not to repeat ourselves, so as not to fall into a trap, and also make the enemy very surprised.
  • Speed. An important factor is from the speed of decision-making, to running across the field. "Estonians" nobody needs.
  • Do not disturb other players with your presence on the field. Do not enter the line of friendly fire, do not get in the way.
  • General fire support. To hit, in paintball they often resort to team fire on one target - the chances of hitting will be higher.
  • It's best to have a plan before running. Not necessarily detailed, but at least some. Otherwise, the game goes no.
  • You can fall. Actual for people who are afraid of dirt, falling during shelling is much more effective than running away with your back to the enemy.
  • Fire before aiming. In paintball, it is customary to shoot even before the start of aiming, here they aim almost at the first ball. There are a lot of bullets and gas, no aiming range, in general, hardball players cannot understand.
  • Shooting on the move. Again, ammunition is not very limited, you can run and "shoot on the eye." At the same time, hitting a moving target is much more difficult, and the enemy can turn out to be a brake.
  • Movement style. Standing at attention, running at full height exclusively in a straight line, ignoring all cover, is not the most successful manner of movement for any military tactical games.

Need to hide...

Basic combat tactics

Any game can be conditionally divided into two types: aggressive play and defensive play. Everything else is just something in between.

Aggressive tactics

In its extreme form, the aggressive tactics of paintball fighting turn into a fresh attack and kill frenzy. Main elements:

  • Quick start to cover most of the field
  • Landing at key positions behind the center of the field
  • Massive fire on the enemy to their very base
  • Activation of the flank offensive, we eliminate enemy attempts to break through them.
  • Landing men on captured flanks
  • We crush the enemy, we pass behind
  • We shoot, we shoot, we shoot

Defense tactics

This paintball tactic turns into endless campfires in a pinch.

  • We choose good shelters in our half of the field and occupy them
  • We create full control of the territory
  • Hiding, disguising, not moving
  • Wait until everything settles down
  • sit until the end
  • When the advancing drawdown, we turn on a calm and thoughtful counterattack

The above described are only extreme moments, mostly something in between is used with sharp overflows from one tactic to another.

I suggest that you immediately watch a video commenting on one of the games, just watch them through their eyes how everything happens. Quite interesting.

No one will tell you how to play paintball for beginners. To play correctly in any game is to kill strangers, help your own and follow the rules. The rest is just a set of chips for a more advantageous position, also acquired with practice. Paintball connoisseurs give out interesting tips and share paintball tricks, which partly intersect with us:

  • Do not forget to remove the plug - something like a cover on the barrel of the marker, can become an unexpected obstacle between the ball and the enemy.
  • Do not stick your head out twice in a row from the same position - there may not be a third time, and in paintball the first ball is just zeroing.
  • Turn off the phone and other signals - it can give up position.
  • Don't just shoot at the sound of the shot, look first. You can kill your own and judges in the bushes.
  • Remember the color of your bandage, shoot only at the enemy.
  • Look not only forward, but also to the sides.
  • Try not to sit in one position for a long time, unless it is a scenario goal or a short tactical move.
  • Know where your own, tell where yourself and others
  • Reports are clear and short.
  • If they don’t see you, then you can wait with a shot - the aiming range does not allow you to kill the enemy at a hundred meters.
  • We always remember about our back and the desire of the enemy to shoot at it.
  • Distinguish orders of our own from others. The enemy can provoke.
  • Increased attention on the first game of the day - there may be civilians.
  • We always evaluate the safety of the shelter.
  • We fix all the equipment tightly, otherwise you can leave it and not find it.
  • All urgent matters for the body are best done before the game.
  • We constantly change the tactics of battle in paintball.
  • Do not go to the forehead on the enemy, you can get around the side.
  • Take care of the balls, know how many are left.
  • Before the start of the fight, wipe off the paint from past fights.

...otherwise it will be like this

Always need a plan

Paintball, like other VTIs, is primarily a team game, so you always need to act as a team. The overall strategy will depend on a detailed knowledge of your players and opponent. We put our own people individually into roles and positions that are useful to them, while knowing the enemy allows us to calculate the operation several steps ahead.

The tactics of fighting in small groups, of course, will be appropriate here, but what is typical for paintball in any case is that you need to be faster than a bullet (sometimes really) and shoot as much as possible (because the balls still sometimes do not split, and the fact of killing is only by breaking ). Well, the plan developed before the start of the battle must not only be followed, but carried out to the last breath, fully relying on your teammates.

Paintball Secrets

We present a small portion of interesting features of combat for paintball players. Again, concise and to the point.

  • We always try to give a turn, here even snipers play like that.
  • It is necessary to make shots offhand and blindly.
  • You need to be able to shoot ahead. The ball does not fly as fast as we would like.
  • You need to be able to shoot with a canopy to create a threat even in distant areas.
  • We use nature, the sun should shine in the enemy's eyes.
  • We saw the head, and we made the first sighting shot there. We are waiting for the next appearance.

Typical paintball field: lots of cover and everything can be bypassed

Paintball Tricks

And another portion of standard tricks that allow you to disable the enemy. Old people don't do things like that.

  • Waving with a ramrod, in order to simulate clogging of the trunk.
  • Empty shots, with the aim of forcing the enemy to attack.
  • You can shout loudly about the end of the balls or air.
  • Provocation by shouting "You have been killed" to force the enemy to come out of hiding.
  • Even if the bullets are completely over, you can run, shout, shoot, imitating an attack, so that the enemy gets nervous, and others can get around.

How to learn to play paintball

Paintball is now the most popular military-tactical game in the world, so on the Internet you can easily find both regular videos from the fights and paintball lessons in video format. But the best thing, again, is practice. Pure theorists will be of little use there. I propose to watch just an interesting video from the genre of paintball lessons about the device of a marker, in particular an electronic marker.


In any case, before the game, there is usually a briefing on the use of equipment, basic names, game rules, combat scenario and safety precautions. We list the main points on the last point:

  • Don't take off your mask.
  • Don't shoot point-blank. Here they just say OUT, and the opponent comes out.
  • In the civilian zone, we keep our weapons on safety.
  • Don't point the marker at a person outside of combat.
  • Look under your feet.
  • It is advisable to warm up, to eliminate sprains and other evil spirits.
  • Play without alcohol.
  • Listen carefully to the organizers.

For recruits

And a few more tips for new recruits. Paintball for beginners is not something particularly difficult, but for them the gurus have already tried to compile their own “bible”.

  • Do not remove the mask until the end of the battle (the main point is everywhere).
  • Know how to use your weapon, know all its capabilities and details of use.
  • It doesn't hurt here, and if you think it hurts, then come to hardball.
  • Form - it is advisable to wear dark clothes, white is very noticeable.
  • Light shoes - use sneakers or sneakers, berets are not held in high esteem here.
  • We play honestly, we see that we hit - we left.
  • Don't blame others for your failures.
  • Don't be afraid to ask.
  • Listen to the captain's commands.
  • Look around and listen.
  • Do not act straightforwardly - they saw the enemy, shot and walked around.
  • Don't stand still for a long time.
  • Never give up.
  • If you doubt that you were killed, call the judge.

Paintball is the most common team game in which experience and cohesion over time take precedence over less experienced participants. Here we have considered only the basics of the fundamentals of the paintball game, in order to understand everything in detail, you need to try it on your own skin. We play military tactical games.


These rules are developed in accordance with international rules and are mandatory for any paintball competition in the Russian Federation.
Paintball is a team sport: two teams play on an artificially equipped flat area, strictly limited in size, using special equipment in the form of pneumatic action markers that release round gelatin capsules with mineral dye.
Objective of the game: teams starting from their bases aim to capture the flag, which is either in the center of the field or at the opponent's base (depending on the type of competition). In this case, the players strive to tarnish (hit) as many members of the opposing team as possible.
For capturing and capturing the flag, as well as for each defeated player of the opponent, the team receives a certain number of bonus points.
Depending on the type of competition, the number of players in a team should be: three, five, seven or ten people.

Section I Types of competitions.

1.1. Paintball competitions are held in four types: - a game with 3 players in a team - a game with 5 players in a team - a game with 7 players in a team - a game with 10 players in a team

Section 2. Place, configuration and equipment of the playing field.

Rule 1. Playing field.

1.1. Size, shape and coverage of the playing field
1.1.1. The playing field must be level.
1.1.2. The surface of the playing field can be grass, cinder, clay-sand and not have traumatic formations: potholes, mounds, objects sticking out of the ground (twigs, plant roots, reinforcement, etc.).
1.1.3. The playing field must be rectangular.
1.1.4. The dimensions of the playing field are determined by the types of competitions: - 3x3: not less than 20 m.x45 m. - 5x5: not less than 24 m.x50 m. - 7x7: not less than 30 m.x70 m. .

1.2. Field boundary.
1.2.1. The boundaries and equipment of the playing field are established in accordance with Section 1 of the Uniform Regulatory Requirements for Paintball Events.

1.3. Bases
1.3.1. The base-place with a size of at least 0.5x1.5 m is limited in an arbitrary way. Bases on the same playing field must be marked in the same way.
1.3.2. The bases must be located on a straight line passing through the intended center of the field as accurately as possible.
1.3.3. The bases must be equidistant from the side boundaries of the playing field.
1.3.4. Bases can be located outside the playing field, but must have a common border with it.

1.4. Zone of affected players.
1.4.1. It is fenced in a place convenient for entering and leaving the field and does not have common borders with the playing field.
1.4.2. The size of the zone must be at least 3x2m.

1.5. Field delimitation.
1.5.1. The distance between the fields is regulated by clause 1.3.6. Uniform regulatory requirements for paintball events.

Rule 2. Equipment of the field.

2.1. Flag.
2.1.1. Each field must have one game flag for 3x3 and 5x5 competitions, located in the center of the field.
2.1.2. Each field must have two game flags for 7x7 and 10x10 competitions located at the opponent's bases.
2.1.3. The size of the flag must be at least 0.4x0.6 m.
2.1.4. The flag must be placed before the start of each game at a height of 0.7 m to 1.8 m and clearly visible from any point on the circle within a radius of at least 2 m

2.2. Team bandages.
2.2.1. There must be two sets of headbands on each field, sufficient for the game to be played.
2.2.2. Bandages should be of two colors.
2.2.3. Bandages must be at least 5 cm wide.
2.2.4. Each headband must display a number from 1 to the number of players on the team.
2.2.5. The bandage should be attached to the arm using a Velcro fastener.

2.3. Additional shelters.
2.3.1. Artificial shelters are equipped and installed in accordance with paragraphs. 1.4 -1.4.8. Uniform regulatory requirements for paintball events.

Rule 3. Chronograph Zone.

3.1. Location and dimensions.
3.1.1. The timing zone must be located in close proximity to the field. The playing field can be used as a timing zone.
3.1.2. There shall be one chronograph zone per playing field.
3.1.3. The chronograph zone must be located so that the shooting is carried out along the boundary of the field.
3.1.4. The chronograph zone must be at least 2x3 m in size.

3.2. Chronography zone equipment.
3.2.1. The chronograph zone must be equipped with at least one radar chronograph.
3.2.2. The chronograph should be securely set at a height of 0.6 - 1.5 m from the ground.

Section II Rights and obligations of participants.

Rule 6 Teams

6.1. Composition of teams and registration of participants.
6.1.1. Each team must have a set number of players.
6.1.2. It is allowed to include two substitutes in the general application.
6.1.3. Only players included in the general application can take part in the game.
6.1.4. The number of players in a team depends on the type of competition and can be: 3, 5, 7 or 10 people.

6.2. Team captain.
6.2.1. In each team, one of the number of entered players must be elected captain.
6.2.2. If the captain for some reason cannot enter the game, he must name the player who will replace him.

6.3. Responsibilities of the Competitors.
6.3.1. Participants must know and strictly follow the rules of the competition.
6.3.2. Participants must take the decisions and comments of the judges in a sporting manner.
6.3.3. Participants must avoid actions (or behavior) that can influence the decision of the judges, or hide the mistakes of their team.
6.3.4. Refrain from giving any instructions to the players while out of the game.
6.3.5. Participants may not debate, protest or demand clarification from the referees regarding their decisions during the game.

6.4. Rights and obligations of the team captain
6.4.1. The team captain introduces the team at the technical meeting.
6.4.2. The team captain represents his team at the draw.
6.4.3. Only the team captain has the right to: - sign the game protocol; - ask for clarifications on the correct interpretation and application of the rules by the judges; - submit a written protest to the chief judge.
6.4.4. The team captain is responsible for the conduct and discipline of all the players on his team.

Law 7 Equipment of players.
Players' equipment must comply with the Uniform Regulatory Requirements for paintball events.

7.1. Marker.
7.1.1. While on the playing field, each player must have no more than one .68 caliber marker.
7.1.2. The marker must have one stem.
7.1.3. The marker must be adjusted to an initial departure speed not exceeding that allowed for the competition.
7.1.4. The marker must be adjusted to a speed not exceeding 300 fps.
7.1.5. If there are external speed control devices in the marker design, the marker must be equipped with a device blocking their operation.
7.1.6. The marker must be provided with a cap.
7.1.7. The marker must use only carbon dioxide or compressed air or nitrogen as the working gas. 7.1.8. Only semi-automatic action markers are allowed. Semi-automatic marker - a marker in which, when the trigger is pressed and released, no more than one ball is ejected, while the marker mechanism is functioning in accordance with its technical characteristics.

7.2. Protective mask.
7.2.1. All players must wear officially authorized masks at all times while they are on the playing field, in the "killed zone", in the "chronograph zone" and in the "shooting zone".
7.2.2. It is forbidden to wear: - masks with visible cracks in the glasses; - masks with loose lenses
7.2.3. The mask must provide full face and ear protection.

7.3. Clothing.
7.3.1. Clothing must differ in color from the colors of the judges uniform and flags.
7.3.2. Clothing should not have bright spots that could be mistaken for paint stains.
7.3.3. Clothing should completely cover the arms and legs.
7.3.4. The use of head scarves, hard knee and elbow pads, gloves is allowed.
7.3.5. It is forbidden: - to use clothes that are too wide and dangling; - wearing padded knee and elbow pads. - water-repellent fabric

7.4. Balls.
7.4.1. Competition organizers may set restrictions on the type, brand and color of balls.
7.4.2. The player can take an unlimited number of balls with him.
7.4.3. The balls must be carried by the player.
7.4.4. The balls must be .68 caliber (17.27 mm).
7.4.5. It is forbidden to: - use balls filled with powder, mastics containing loose and poisonous substances; - use of balls made of plastic, rubber, foam rubber, etc.; - the use of balls coated with a layer of powder, greasy or liquid materials, etc.

7.5. Additional wearable equipment.
7.5.1. The player can take a harness with an unlimited number of tubes to the field.
7.5.2. The player can take 1 ramrod regardless of its design. The player may take one rag and glass cleaning spray with him to the field. Any other items are FORBIDDEN.

Section III Preparation for the game and the course of the game.

Law 8 Pre-Game Preparation

8.1. Inspection of the fields
8.1.1. The playing fields must be closed for any kind of games at least 48 hours before the start of the first game of the competition.
8.1.2. Not earlier than 36 hours before the start of the first games, the competitors have the right to inspect all fields. Players have the right to inspect the fields between games.

8.2 Technical meeting.
8.2.1. No later than 2 hours before the start of the first game of the competition, a technical meeting (with representatives of the participants in the competition) must be held.
8.2.2. Each team must have no more than two representatives, including the captain.
8.2.3. At the technical meeting, the following issues are considered: - the latest additions and changes to the rules of these competitions; - issuance of the schedule of competition games by divisions, indicating the official time of arrival of the teams to the competition site; - information about the work of additional services (technical department, buffet, etc.); - answers on questions; - registration of applications.

Rule 9. Chronographing.

9.1. The team must arrive at the chronograph zone at least 15 minutes before the start of the next game specified in the game schedule.
9.2. Each player must go through a chronograph and equipment inspection process.
9.3. Each player is entitled to three non-timed shots.
9.4. Each player must fire three timed shots.
9.5. A player cannot enter the field with a marker if the average speed exceeds the official speed limit for the competition.
9.6. The player cannot adjust the marker during the official chronograph procedure.

Rule 10 Inspection of equipment.

10.1. The player is obliged to provide his equipment for inspection at the first request of the referee.
10.2. If a player has equipment not specified in clauses 7.1 - 7.5., he may not be allowed to play after the first warning.
10.3. If a player is allowed to take part in the game, he must go to the affected players' area, but not enter it.
10.4. If a player has speed control devices, he may not be allowed to play.

Rule 11 Draw and Team Colour.

11.1. The draw is carried out by one of the referees of the field in the presence of the captains of both teams at least 5 minutes before the start of the game.
11.2. After determining the base, players receive armbands.
11.3. Each player has his own number for the entire duration of the competition.

Rule 12. Start.

12.1. In the starting position, the player has two feet on the territory of the base.
12.2. One minute before the start of the game, a one-minute readiness is announced.
12.3. 10 seconds before the start of the game, a 10 second readiness is announced.
12.4. The start of the game is given by a sound signal that is clearly distinguishable for both teams.
12.5. The player can only start shooting while on the playing field with both feet.
12.6. The player must leave the base within 5 seconds from the start.

Law 13. "Hitted" player.

13.1. The definition of a "hit" player.
13.1.1. The decision on the defeat is made by the judges of the field or independently by the player.
13.1.2. The duty of the player is to timely test himself "for defeat".
13.1.3. A player who considers himself "beaten" is obliged to leave the game.
13.1.4. A player is defined as "hit" if: - the player is hit, direct or indirect, by a ball that leaves a significant amount of paint on his equipment. The amount of paint will be sufficiently judged by the judge - its scope, position, size. The referee makes a decision in the interests of the sport. - the player violated the boundary of the field; - the player declared himself hit by word or action, regardless of whether there is a stain on him or not; - the player removed the protective mask during the game without the permission or under the supervision of the referee; - the player is sent off for violating other safety rules or unsportsmanlike conduct; - the player at the time of the start is not within the boundaries of the base; - the player is recognized as "hit" as a punishment in accordance with paragraphs 22.1.1. - 22.1.3.; - - the player left a marker, harness or game flag on the field.
13.1.5. A player is not defined as "hit" if the referee finds that: - the player leaned against a painted surface or crushed a lying ball with a piece of equipment.

13.2. Actions of the "affected player".
13.2.1. The “hit” player must lift the marker up and place the other hand on the head.
13.2.2. The “hit” player must run the shortest way from the field to the “zone of hit players”
13.2.3. The "hit" player must run out of the field silently, without giving any signals and actions in relation to the players, referees and spectators.
13.2.4. The “hit” player must remain in the “hit zone” until the referee gives permission.

13.3. "Obvious" and "non-obvious" defeat.
13.3.1. An "obvious" lesion is a lesion in which the marking ball breaks when it hits the head, hands, feeder on the side, front of the thighs.
13.3.2. All other hits are considered "non-obvious".

Rule 14. Test for defeat.

14.1. The referee may check for a loss during the game on any player.
14.2. The decision on the results of the check is given by the referee by voice: - "PLAYER IS LOCKED", "OUT" - "PLAYER IN THE GAME" or by special gestures.

Law 15. "Neutral Player"

15.1. "Neutral player"
15.1.1. Only the referee has the right to declare a player "neutral".
15.1.2. The referee declares a player "neutral" by the following actions: - placing one hand on the player's shoulder, raising the other hand up and loudly saying "NEUTRAL PLAYER" 15.1.3. The neutral player may be raised from his position for easy inspection.

15.2. Actions of the "neutral player".
15.2.1. The "neutral player" is prohibited from any participation in the game until the decision of the referee.

Law 16 Flag Player.

16.1. The player with the flag must carry the flag in his hand in full view of the referees and other players.
16.2. In any position of the player, the flag must be clearly visible.
16.3. If the player with the flag is “hit”, he must act in accordance with paragraph 13.2.1 of these rules. The “hit” player with the flag must immediately surrender the flag to the referee.
16.4. A player with a flag who crosses the border of his base or the opponent's base becomes "neutral".

Rule 17 Taking and capturing the flag.

17.1. The capture of the flag is the moment of the game when the undefeated player takes the flag.
17.2. Capture the flag is the moment of the game when a player with a flag, who has no defeats, crosses the border of the opponent's base, for types of competitions 3x3 and 5x5, or the border of his own base, for types of competitions 7x7 and 10x10.

Law 18. Rights and obligations of players during the game.

18.1. During the game, the player has the right to: - “hit” the players of the opposing team by shooting from a marker; - capture and capture the flag; - use spare balls for further shooting; - pass tubes with spare balls to non-hit and non-neutral players of his team; - convey information to the players of his team by voice or gestures; - recognize himself as a “hit player”; - clean the barrel, using a ramrod if desired; - exchange markers and harness with the players of your team.
18.2. During the game, the player is obliged to: - strictly follow the rules for determining the "affected player"; - is in the "zone of affected players" silently and without giving any signals and actions in relation to the players, referees and spectators; - leave the “zone of affected players” only after the permission of the referee; - refrain from moving in relation to “neutral” players; - implicitly obey the requirements of the judges; - immediately recognize himself as "stricken" in accordance with paragraphs 13.1.1. - 13.1.5.
18.3. During the game, the player is prohibited from: - shooting at referees, spectators, "struck" and "neutral" players; - take off the protective mask; - engage in aggressive physical contact with referees and players; - wash the paint yourself from yourself or other players; - use of abuse and threats against players, referees and spectators; - to use "affected" players, as well as referees as cover; - to manipulate the marker in order to change the speed of the ball.

Section IV. The end of the game and the signing of the protocol of the game.

Law 19. End of the game.

19.1. The signal about the end of the game is given only in two cases: - there was a capture of the flag; - the time allotted for the game has expired.
19.2. After signaling the end of the game, all players are obliged to immediately stop the game and go to the "zone of affected players".
19.3. All players must turn in their armbands to the referee.

Rule 20. Signing of the protocol.

20.1. The team captain must sign the game sheet.

20.2. After the permission of the chief referee, the teams must proceed to the “chronograph zone”.

20.3. controversial situations.
20.3.1. All disputable situations are resolved by the senior referee of the field only with the team captains.
20.3.2. To restore a situation declared as "controversial", the team captain may, with the permission of the chief referee, invite the player who declares this situation.
20.3.3. The chief judge is obliged to invite for consultation a judge who was in close proximity to the place where this situation arose.
20.3.4. In case of refusal to sign the protocol, the captain must substantiate his refusal weightily and briefly.
20.3.5. The captain's refusal to sign the protocol is not a reason for the chief judge not to approve the protocol.
20.3.6. In some cases, for the final decision, the chief referee is obliged to invite the chief referee.

Rule 21: Post-game chronograph.

21.1. The post-game chronograph procedure takes place in accordance with paragraphs. 9.3. - 9.4. selectively from 3 players of each team.
21.2. If the speed limit is exceeded, the team will be given penalty points.

Rule 22. Penalties.

22.1 The referees give a verbal warning for the following violations: - Ignoring the announcement of a player "neutral" - the first violation - Failure to comply with the requirement to "cover the barrel with a plug" - Use of inappropriate language - the first warning - Playing too long - the first warning
22.2. The removal of an unbeaten player from the game occurs when: - Ignoring the announcement of the player "neutral" - the second violation - Violating the boundaries of the field or touching the restrictive tape - The player has any tool on the field - Leaving the base before the start signal - The player is not wearing a protective mask - Use of inappropriate language - second warning - Manipulating the marker on the field to change the speed of the ball - Playing too long - second warning
22.3. Removal "one for one" (the player who violated the rule and one additional player of his team leaves) occurs when: - The player has any instrument on the field - The game continues when he receives an "obvious" defeat - Re-enters the field after the player is declared defeated - Interfering with the game by teammates not in the game - Attempting to make contact with players after being eliminated from the game - Physical contact
22.4. Removal "two for one" (the player who violated the rules is eliminated, and additionally two players of his team) occurs when: - Using an illegal marker on the field.
22.5. Removal "three for one" (the player who violated the rules and three more players of his team leaves) occurs when: - Erasing the trace from the marking ball.
22.6. Penalty points: - Exceeding the speed of the ball in the range from 300.1 to 310 fps - 20 points - The speed of the ball flying over 310 fps - 50 points - Refusal to perform chronograph - 50 points
22.7. Additional Penalties The performance of a player for two teams is punished by the annulment of the results of the games, with the award of the maximum number of points to the opposing team. The second team, for which the specified player played, may field one less player for the remaining games.

22.8. Disqualification
22.8.1. The decision to disqualify a team is made by the senior judge of the field in the presence of the chief judge.
22.8.2. The decision to disqualify must be approved by the Chief Referee.
22.8.3. A request for disqualification may be submitted by any field judge.
22.8.4. Team disqualification occurs in the following cases: - aggressive physical contact; - disobedience to the requirements of the judge; - provoking aggressive physical contact; - Swearing and threats against referees or players or spectators. - agreements between opponents on the result of the game

Law 23. Result of the game.

23.1. The result of the game is the accrual of bonus points to each team.
23.2. Prize points are awarded as follows: Type of competition 3x3 - defeat of a player from the opposing team - 5 points for each player - undefeated player of his team - 3 points for each player - first capture of the flag - 16 points - capture of the flag - 20 points Type of competition 5x5 - defeat of a player opposing team - 4 points for each player - unbeaten player of own team - 2 points for each player - first capture of the flag - 20 points - capture of the flag - 50 points teams - 1 point for each player - the first capture of the flag - 32 points - the capture of the flag - 40 points 20 points - capture the flag - 50 points tracks;
23.3. If the teams have the same number of points and as a result of a personal meeting, the advantage is the team with the least number of penalty points.

Rule 24 Absence.

24.1. In case of non-appearance of the team for the game, the opposing team is awarded the maximum number of bonus points.

Section V. Judges and judging procedure.

Rule 25

25.1 Composition of the referee team.
25.1.1. To conduct competitions, a referee team is created in the following composition (for each field): senior referee of the field, judges in the field (at least 4 - 8 on each field), chronograph judge.

Rule 26. Chief referee of the field.

26.1. Powers of the chief referee of the field.
26.1.1. The chief referee of the field directs all games on his field. All judges of the refereeing team and members of both teams are subordinate to him.
26.1.2. Only the chief referee has the right to make decisions on all issues that arise during the game, signing the protocol.
26.1.3. Only the chief referee decides on the arrangement of other referees of the field during the games.

26.2. Duties of the Chief Judge.
26.2.1. Before the start of the game day, the chief referee must make sure that the field is suitable for playing.
26.2.2. Before the start of the game day, the chief referee must make sure that there are a sufficient number of game flags, sets of armbands, score sheets, pens, whistles, etc.
26.2.3. Before the start of the game day, the referee must check the readiness of the “chronograph zone”
26.2.4. Organize the work of judges in the field, taking into account the features of the terrain and shelters.
26.2.5. Follow the work of the referees in the field, and if necessary, contact the chief referee for additional referees.
26.2.6. During the game, the chief referee performs the same functions as the field referee. 26.2.7. When signing the protocol: - fill in the protocol in a timely manner and propose to the captains for signature; - allow the captain to substantiate his refusal to sign in writing.

Rule 27 Judges on the field.

27.1. Powers of judges in the field.
27.1.1. Monitor the implementation of the rules of the game by the players.
27.1.2. Decide whether to declare a “neutral player” and a “neutral zone”.
27.1.3. They have the right to apply penalties in relation to the players.
27.1.4. They remove the bandages from the “affected players”.
27.1.5. Give the starting signal.
27.1.6. They have the right to inspect players' equipment at any time.
27.1.7. Issue warnings to players.
27.1.8. They make a decision to declare the player "defeated", while in the case of the presence of paint they are obliged to indicate to the player in one way or another the presence of a defeat.

Rule 28. The referee is the chronographer.

28.1. Powers of the Judge-Chronographer.
28.1.1. The chronograph judge has the right to: - Inspect the equipment. - in case of speeding on the post-game chronograph, makes a proposal for penalty points to the team.
28.1.2. Responsibilities. The chronograph referee is obliged to: - monitor the availability of a working chronograph - conduct pre- and post-game chronographs - timely inform the senior referee of the field about penalty points

Rule 29 Secretariat

29.1. To process the results of the games, a secretariat is created consisting of: Judge-secretary and secretaries in the amount of at least 1 secretary for two fields. Members of the secretariat are official personnel and their orders and requirements are binding on all players, unless they conflict with these rules.

Rule 30. Referee - secretary.

301. Powers of the secretary judge.
301.1. Only the referee-secretary has the right to keep game protocols.
30.1.2. Only the secretary judge can fill in and make changes to the final table.
30.1.3. Only the judge-secretary monitors the correctness of filling in the applications.
30.1.4. Only the secretary judge can organize and give additional assignments to the secretaries.

30.2. Duties of the umpire.
30.2.1. The referee-secretary is obliged to: - monitor the safety of game protocols; - timely collect applications, monitoring the correctness of their completion; - timely fill in and make changes to the final table; - organize the work of secretaries.

Rule 31 Secretaries.

31.1. Powers.
31.1.1. Only the secretaries can take the final protocols of the games from the senior referee of the field.

31.2. Responsibilities.
31.2.1. Secretaries are obliged to timely deliver the final protocols to the table official.

Rule 32 Security.

Any referee or secretary who notices a violation of the general safety rules in any place in the immediate vicinity of the competition venue is obliged to report these violations to the chief referee.

Rule 33

33.1. Composition of the Jury.
33.1.1. The composition of the panel of judges includes: the chief judge, deputies of the chief judge, secretary judge, senior field judges, informant judge, competition doctor (as deputy chief judge).

Rule 34 Chief Referee

34.1. A responsibility.
34.1.1. The chief referee is responsible for holding the competition in full compliance with the rules and Regulations.

34.2. Responsibilities.
34.2.1. The chief referee is obliged to: - supervise the preparation of competition sites; - manage the work of the judiciary and resolve all issues related to the course of the competition; - distribute duties between referees and approve the schedule of games; - provide participants, spectators and media representatives with data on the course of the competition and their results; - approve the results of competitions and evaluate the work of judges; - in cases when he sees that the judges during the meeting made a clearly erroneous decision to propose through the chief judge to reconsider it.

34.3. Rights.
34.3.1. The chief referee has the right: - during the competition to remove from refereeing judges who have not coped with their duties; - cancel or postpone the competition due to unpreparedness of the venues; - make changes to the competition program, the schedule of meetings and the appointment of judges (if necessary).

34.4. Orders.
34.4.1. The orders of the chief referee are obligatory for all participants in the competition.

Rule 35. Deputy chief referees.

Deputy chief judges are responsible for holding competitions in the areas assigned to them. During the absence of the chief judge, one of the deputies performs his duties, using all the rights of the chief judge.

Rule 36

The duties of the judge-informer include: informing the players and spectators about the course of the competition and about the main provisions of the competition; familiarization of spectators with teams, participants and judges, etc. He must help the refereeing board in conducting games, explain to the audience one or another decision of the referee or a player's mistake.

Rule 37 Competition Doctor

37.1. Rights. The doctor of the competition is a member of the panel of judges as a deputy chief referee for the medical part.
37.2. Responsibilities. The doctor of the competition must: - monitor the observance of sanitary and hygienic requirements during the competition; - provide medical assistance to participants in case of injury, as well as give an opinion on the possibility of such athletes to continue the competition.

If you know how to play a team-type computer shooter, then there should be no problem understanding the tactical features of paintball. By and large, there are no special features. Your goals:

  • to survive on your own;
  • help the members of your team survive;
  • inflict as much damage as possible on the opposing team;
  • complete the mission.

Along the way, you will need to run, hide and shoot. In general - an ordinary shooter according to a certain scenario.


Paintball rules may vary from organizer to organizer. In general terms, both Big paintball maneuvers held in the Moscow region and modest games in a distant province are held according to the following rules:

There are two categories of people on the playing area: players and all other people ("non-combatants") - organizing and serving the game; spectators accidentally entering the playground; players who removed the helmet. Non-combatants do not participate in the game. Shooting at them is prohibited.

Players differ in the color of the headband (or other item of clothing). Sometimes belonging to a particular team is determined by the established form of clothing.

White color is a symbol of surrender or negotiations.

A player is considered to be in the game as long as he:

  • not hit by a solid spot from a hit from a game weapon, a burst of a color grenade or a mine;
  • did not leave the territory of the playing field, did not attack the enemy headquarters
  • did not take off his helmet
  • was not disqualified by the judges.

Color splatters on clothing that do not merge into a stain, as well as paint on weapons, as a rule, are not considered a defeat for the player.

Players have the ability to coordinate their actions by radio communication.

The “killed” player cannot transfer his weapons and ammunition to other players, as well as contribute to changing the balance of the game, including by transferring information that may affect the outcome of the game. The "dead" player must remain silent. He is obliged to leave the playing territory on his own, with a weapon raised up or signaling in another agreed way about his non-playing position.

Disputable issues are resolved by representatives of the organizer (judges). Usually controversial situations arise on the issue of validation (verification) of the hit. For example, if there is reason to believe that the shooter himself was "killed" long ago. In this case, the disputed player is assigned a neutral status for the duration of the verification.

Large games, such as Big Paintball Manoeuvres, use mobile equipment. Equipment can be disabled by grenade explosions. As a rule, one grenade deprives the vehicle of the possibility of movement, but allows you to fire from it. Two grenades disable equipment completely.

The player is removed from the game if:

  • does not follow the requirements of the organizers and judges;
  • shows incorrect behavior towards other players or representatives of the organizer;
  • uses "left" pyrotechnics without the consent of the administration;
  • demonstrates a clear inadequacy of behavior.


Paintball is for everyone. The number of scenarios is endless. Meanwhile, all of them can be grouped into several main genres.

Free play. This is an individual type of game, most suitable for beginners. Each player has another player as a target, but does not know for whom he is the target. Having hit the target, the player receives the next similar task. The game continues until one player remains on the field. For those who play for the first time, it seems logical to first sit out in cover for a while until everyone has shot each other, and come out towards the end of the game, increasing their chances of winning. However, this is a completely wrong tactic. Points are awarded for each affected participant. The winner is not necessarily the one who reaches the end, but the one who gets more points. So move more, but be careful.

Artifact capture. Team, the most common type of paintball. There are at least two variations of this game, different in goals:

  • capture an artifact of the opposing team;
  • capture a neutral artifact.

The flag is usually used as an artifact. Anything can be a neutral artifact, for example, an explosive package, a bottle with a hidden map, etc. The location of the artifact is known, it is forbidden to hide or carry it with you. In this genre, the player has several lives: after each defeat, he must return to his original position.

Depending on the number of participants, teams can be divided into squads, each of which is assigned a commander from the most experienced players. Since the game is a collective one, knowledge of the basics of flag capture tactics and the ability to implement them in specific field conditions is required. The success of the mission depends on the experience of the commander and the ability to correctly carry out his commands by the rest of the participants.

Security / storming of the object. Team game. One team guards the object, the second - storms. The goal is to destroy all members of the opposing team. It is easier for beginners to guard than to storm. Meanwhile, both teams require the ability to think strategically more than make tactical decisions. In this way, the assault on the object differs from the scenario of capturing the artifact and other collective missions.

Team fight. In other words, deathmatch is a battle between two sides until complete victory. A very popular genre. Suitable for those who are just starting to play paintball. Does not require possession of tactical and strategic skills. It is better to play in pairs: so that one can always cover the other or help with something. As in other team games, team discipline is required to win.

A rare semi-team type of paintball. Predators play as a team or individually - at will. Their goal is to find and neutralize all representatives from the opposing team. The purpose of the "victims" is to make sure that she is not caught. For this, various natural and artificial shelters are used.

"Victims" can move around the field if necessary. If a member of the hiding team is hit by a marker, they join the predator team and begin the hunt. For this reason, the members of the “victims” team act in isolation from each other and do not inform their comrades-in-arms about the place of shelter and the tactics of the cache.

Paintball is very easy to play. Rules that will be useful for beginners:

  1. Play with a cool head. Before you act, look around, evaluate your disposition, and think of a sequence of actions two steps ahead.
  2. Be vigilant and always prepared for the fact that the enemy may be in any unexpected place. If you are pursuing a goal, remember that you can always be the target of another.
  3. Learn to be invisible. Direct attack is the basis of some scenarios, for example, built in the deathmatch genre. But much more often, the participant needs to merge with the surrounding texture, become invisible, move unnoticed in order to be able to attack in the most convenient way for himself.
  4. Move. Sitting in ambush, you won't play much (unless it's part of the script). The more active you are, the harder it is for opponents to hit you. Paintball is a game of movement.
  5. Use the "shoot first" tactic. Before you make a maneuver, shoot so that the enemy hides in cover. So you buy time, and you will be more likely to stay in the game.
  6. Stay in touch with other team members. The well-coordinated actions of the players are a guarantee of personal success.
  7. Train your memory and orienteering skills. You must clearly understand the topography of the place, your location on the playing field, the direction of the outgoing threat, which side of the world, etc.
  8. Use unconventional approaches. Attack from a side no one expects. Work in pairs to be able to divert the attention of the enemy and turn the situation in your favor.

Play small and big paintball maneuvers. It's fun and helpful.

1.1. A paintball field is a specially equipped area with artificial or natural fortifications.

1.2. The paintball field is not subject to change. Covers are not moved or changed without the approval of the Chief Referee.

paintball rules


2.1. According to the rules of paintball, the teams are determined by the players themselves or by the chief referee if the players have disagreements.

paintball rules


3.1. Paintball referees are dressed in bright uniforms. And always different from the players on the field. The senior referee is dressed in a red jersey with the club's symbols, field referees in yellow. Depending on the rules of the paintball club, the appearance of the referees may change.

3.2. According to the rules of paintball, referees are not entitled to provide players with game information on the field (the location of opponents, the number of survivors, the time until the end of the game, etc.). However, information about the player's condition (hit or not), technical information about the equipment and its use, and other information that does not interfere with the natural course of the game is allowed.

3.3. All disputable questions on refereeing are solved with the chief judge.

paintball rules

Gear and equipment

4.1. The player receives a game uniform, gloves and a bandana to protect the body from a direct hit of the balls.

4.2. To protect the head, according to the rules of paintball, the player is required to use a mask only for paintball. If the player does not have his own mask, it is issued by the paintball club on a rental basis.

paintball rules


5.1. When playing, according to the rules of paintball, players are required to use only a special marker for shooting paintballs.

5.2. All paintball markers must be set to a safe release speed of no more than 290 fps, as allowed by paintball rules.

5.3. If a player uses his marker to play, he must pass the chronograph and only after that he will be allowed to play.

5.4. For safety outside the playing field, the marker is equipped with a cocking system, a fuse and a special plug for the barrel. Paintball rules provide for a player to be outside the playing area with the shutter down, the barrel cap in place and the fuse set. In case the marker is not equipped with a system of protection against accidental firing, like most electronic-pneumatic markers, the marker must be turned off. Failure to comply with this paragraph of the paintball rules entails a mark of violation.

paintball rules

Game start and end

6.1. According to the rules of paintball, before the start of the game, all players are required to be at the "base" of their team. Do not go beyond it and do not direct the marker towards the enemy. The marker should point back and down.

6.2. To check the readiness of the team, the judge raises his hand from her side and loudly asks about the readiness. If the team is ready, the captain raises his hand in response, signaling that everything is in order and the team is ready to start. The same is repeated for the second command.

6.3. When both teams are ready, the referee raises both hands, counts down and starts the game with both hands down. According to the rules of paintball, the referee may also use a whistle or voice signal for the start. The use of all methods together, according to the rules of paintball, is not forbidden.

6.4. At the end of the game, the referee raises both hands and loudly announces the end of the game.

6.5. According to the rules of paintball, after the referee announces the end of the game, all players are required to stop shooting, lower the markers, and without removing the mask go to the exit to the technical area.

6.6. At the exit from the playground, the player must comply with clause 5.4. of these paintball rules, and only after that go to the technical area and remove the mask.

paintball rules

Behavior during the game

7.1. During a game of paintball, players can seek help from the referee for: marker malfunction (in case the marker was rented from a paintball club), paint check (in case the hit is out of sight of the player), emergency.

7.2. Following the rules of paintball, you can call the referee by raising your free hand and loudly shouting "JUDGE". If a player raises his hand with a marker, the player, according to the rules of paintball, will declare himself defeated and will be required to leave the area before the start of the next game.

7.3. If it takes a long time to check a player for a defeat or troubleshooting, the referee will declare the player neutral. During the neutrality of the player in relation to him, it is impossible to fire, move, prepare for an attack in his direction.

7.4. A player's defeat is considered to be a clear mark from a split ball (at the same time, the paintball rules do not take into account the hit from a member of which team), the size of at least 2 ruble coins. Splashes, fuzzy hits, paint that bounced off covers - is not considered a defeat.

7.5. The hit player is obliged to silently raise the marker, put the other hand on the back of the head and, in the shortest way, without falling under the crossfire, leave the field to the technical area. Then, strictly observing clause 4.5. of these paintball rules, go to the technical area.

7.6. It is expressly forbidden for the affected player to help his own and other team with words, gestures and any other behavior.

7.7. The affected player is prohibited from influencing the course of the game in any way.

7.8. The defeat zones are determined before the game together with the chief referee. Determination of the affected areas is carried out by the general vote of the players. In the case of competitions of any nature, the zone of defeat of the players and the features of the rules are determined by the refereeing staff headed by the chief referee.

7.9. In the event that a player has an equipment malfunction that cannot be repaired on the field, paintballs have run out, the mask has become very foggy, or there is another reason why the player cannot continue the game, he is assigned a forfeit loss. Behavior in this case is tantamount to a normal defeat. All duties of a player with a technical loss are tantamount to a player hit by a ball hit or "out".

7.10. Possible defeat without shooting. Such a defeat occurs if the player is bypassed from the back or approached at a distance closer than 4 meters. In this case, the attacker is obliged to loudly shout "OUT". The outed player is considered hit, like everyone else.

7.11. On the basis of this clause of these paintball rules, if shooting occurs during a player's outing, then guided by clause 9.3. of these paintball rules, the player who started shooting is disqualified in accordance with the paintball rules. In the event that mutual shooting was conducted, both players are disqualified. Evaluation of violation of the rules lies with the field judge.

7.12. Also, a technical defeat is assigned to the player:

  • For the game of balls raised from the ground.
  • For removing the mask on the playing field (regardless of whether the game has started or not)
  • For the lack of specified insignia
  • For unsportsmanlike behavior (disobedience to the requirements of the judges, shooting from a distance of less than 4 meters, insults and threats, etc.)

7.13. By decision of the referee, a violation can be punished not only by declaring the player defeated, but also by skipping the next game, and also, in case of repeated violation of the rules, complete disqualification.

7.14. Players who commit 2 or more serious violations are disqualified and will not return to the game.

7.15. A team can only request a mitigation of punishment for a player if the player has 2 different types of violations and he (the player) understood the remarks of the judges.

paintball rules

Communication with judges

8.1. The field judge is always right. The player is obliged to unquestioningly carry out the commands of the referee on the field. This ensures the safety of the player - the main value for a paintball club or organizer. By following the rules of paintball and the instructions of the judges, the player will protect himself and other players from injuries and emergency situations in advance.

8.2. All disputes on refereeing are resolved outside the playing field, in the technical area, with the chief referee. The Chief Judge's decision is final and not subject to further review. Attempts to put pressure on the chief referee by the players are punished by disqualification of the players.

8.3. In case of repeated attempts to pressure the referees, the player who exerted pressure and 2 members of his team will be disqualified.

paintball rules

Direct, unconditional bans

9.1. Paintball rules expressly prohibit being in the playing area without a mask, removing or lifting it (mask).

9.2. Paintball rules expressly forbid playing with balls picked up from the ground.

9.3. Paintball rules expressly prohibit shooting from a distance of less than 4 meters.

9.4. The rules of paintball expressly prohibit targeted shooting at referees, neutrals and hit players.

9.5. Paintball rules expressly forbid entering the technical area without the fuse turned on, without the plug installed and without the shutter released. If the marker is not equipped with a mechanical safety device (electronic-pneumatic systems) - the marker must be turned off before the player enters the technical area.

9.6. Paintball rules expressly prohibit you from servicing rental equipment yourself, even if you have been playing paintball for 100 years.

9.7. Paintball rules expressly prohibit maintenance of equipment, participation in the game, being in the maintenance area or playground, direct participation in the processes associated with the game or preparation for it by persons who are in a state of alcohol, drugs or any other type of intoxication.

Sincerely, A.J.
Paintball Club "2 SHARA"

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