Silent hill 2 walkthrough. Walkthrough

James Sunderland looks at his reflection in the filthy mirror and rubs his eyes wearily. Is he really dreaming or is he really in Silent Hill? It seems that he actually went crazy if he came to this godforsaken town, obeying the request of his long-dead wife. "Maybe she didn't die, Jimmy? Maybe it's a prank, and Mary is waiting for you here to explain everything? You'll forgive her, right?" a voice inside Jim asks cautiously.
James turns away from the mirror - "You know that I ask her anything, if only she would return," he says quietly, and goes out into the fog to meet the unknown.
Everything that happens to Jim next depends only on you. So we start...

Map and cemetery

Leave the toilet and take the card from the car standing next to you. It is highly desirable to use the map, because the names of all the streets of the town are marked there.
Now go down the stairs and run along the path until you see a gate ahead. Ignore the screams and breathing behind your back for now, they won't touch you anyway, until... Enter the gate - you've ended up in a cemetery. The only living soul is the girl at the grave. Talk to her. It turns out that her name is Angela. After the conversation, exit through the west gate and follow the road to Sanders Street.

Walk around the town

Turn onto Lindsay Street, where the remains of someone are smeared, and then go to Vachss Road. Pick up health drinks on the right side of the road. Go along Vachss Road to the very end in the form of a wooden cul-de-sac. Move the boards and climb inside. Yep, that's the first monster. Grab a stick with nails and deal with the bastard. Finish him off if you need to, otherwise they have a habit of resurrecting.
In addition to the stick, you will find a radio that starts to show signs of anxiety when there are monsters around. Pack your bags and head to Lindsay Street. Turn onto Saul Street and then onto Martin Street.

Woodside Apartments

Now you can’t drive down the street, you can’t pass without bumping into another monster. Cut your way to the end of Martin Street, where a monster is mocking the corpse. Kill him and take the Woodside Apartments Gate Key from the corpse. Go there and open the gate. Enter the house.
Take the building map from the stand. There is also a bottle of life-giving moisture. Climb up the stairs. Enter the door on the second floor.
Go down the corridor to apartment 205. Inside, inspect the remains of a person. The apartment has a lamp. Take it and a monster will attack you. What to do - you know.
Exit and go to apartment 210, killing the monster along the way. Inside, take the ammo and go up the stairs to the third floor.
As soon as you rise, you will see the key lying behind the gate. Try to get the key, a little girl will appear and deftly throw it into the depths of the corridor. Bad girl!
Head to apartment 301. Hooray, there's a shotgun inside! Well, get us one more time, little girl...
Get down downward to the second floor. Go to apartment 208. There is a monster behind the gate, but we are not afraid of it. Enter the apartment. Okay, there's another dead body inside. On the shelf is the key to 202 apartments. Go there. There is a drink in the kitchen, and the key to the clock in apartment 208 is lying in the bedroom. Walk back to 208.

Clock puzzle in room 208

Enter the clock room. Use the key from room 202 to open the clock. Now turn the arrows until you hear a click. In my version, this happened at around 21:10, but this figure may vary depending on the complexity of the level.
Now try moving the clock. Hurray, they moved away, and behind them was a hefty hole in the next apartment. Well, there are rats here! Get into the hole. You are on the other side of the gate. Go forward and climb the stairs to the third floor.

Third floor

Your task is to get to the key that the little girl threw away. Check the map for where it is and run there. Take the key to the fire exit. Go to room 307. My God, what kind of freak is this?! Don't move and let the monster go. Then take the key from the yard from the closet and exit.

Go to the stairs to the east and go down to the first floor. Near closed door lies a pack of juice. Pick it up and return to the second floor to the room with the garbage chute. Throw the juice into the garbage chute and go outside.

Coin from the trash and courtyard ik

Near the entrance is the outlet of the garbage chute, where you threw the juice. Now out of it old coin- Take it and enter the building. Use the patio key to open the door near the stairs. Come in - there is a swimming pool. Jump into the pool and quickly get out of it - this will attract monsters. Kill all monsters. After that, take a coin with a snake (Snake Coin).
Exit the courtyard through the east door. Go to room 101. Take the ammo. Inside you will find poor Eddie. Talk to him and go outside.
Climb up to the second floor. At the left end of the corridor, use the fire escape key to open the blue door. God, another building!

Blue Creek Apartments

You are in the bedroom. Go to the toilet and find the piece of paper with the code. I wonder what it's for? One thing is clear, not good. Search the room.

Yep, that's the safe. Time to break it down. Use the piece of paper with the code to open the safe.
The main thing is to remember Roman numerals and be able to add. If you come across a combination like X3, then this means: X3=10+3=13 and so on. Nothing terrible. Inside are four boxes of ammo. Thank you, we'll still need them.
Come out and arm yourself with a stick. Find the door under the exit sign. On the right is a map of the Apartment Association near the blue stream. Take her. Get down to the first floor.
Pick up ammo in apartment 109. Now go to the next white door, and you will meet... no, not a monster, but Angela. Watch the video. Take the knife and Prisoner Coin. So, now you have three coins, it's time to visit room 105 and the riddle hidden there.

Riddle with three coins

In room 105, note the small nightstand with five circles. The solution to the puzzle depends on the selected difficulty level. So:

Easy level: Old Man coin in the first slot, Snake coin in the middle slot, and Prisoner coin in the last one.
Normal level: Old Man coin in the second slot, Snake coin in the last slot and Prisoner coin in the middle.
Hard level: Old Man coin in the second slot, Snake coin in the fourth slot and Prisoner coin in the last one.

If everything is correct, then a box will open, in which lies the key to the house of Lyne (Lyne House). This same Lin lives on the second floor - room 209. It's time to visit her.

Apartment 209

Enter and go to the balcony, through which you can get into room 208. Quickly grab the ladder key and ammo. Exit through number 209, turn left and open the door with the key. SAVE! Get ready to face the first boss, but watch the video first.

Boss 1 - Pyramid Head

The main thing is that you have a shotgun and at least forty rounds of ammunition for it. Stay as far away from the monster as possible, don't let yourself be hurt. It's best to reload in the menu so that Jim doesn't get hurt while he does it during the fight. You can not shoot at all, the main thing: to hold out for a while - you will shake your nerves, but save the cartridges.
After a couple of minutes of a fruitless boss fight, you will hear a siren howl. The boss will rush down the stairs filled with water. Don't run after him or they'll kill you, let the bastard get away. When the water is gone, you will be able to leave the cursed place.

Rose Water Park

Go to the park where Jim was eager from the very beginning of the game - this is Rosewater Park (look at the map). Watch the video. Talk to Laura - the girl who took the key from you. Move on to the park. You have come to the lake, which means to the next video.
Hmm, you have a companion named Maria - I don’t even know whether to be happy or sad about this, because you will have to protect the girl, making sure that she is not bang. It is best to run and, most importantly, shoot carefully so as not to shoot Mashka yourself. Get out of the park. Now you can either go in search of a decomposed corpse, or immediately head to Pete's bowling alley (Pete's Bowl-O-Rama).

Pete's bowling alley

Another video entry. Laura will run away and leave you alone with Eddie. Talk to him and go outside. Maria will show you the place where Laura ran. Go down the alley and enter the door that Maria will open for you. You ended up in the hospital.

Brookhaven Hospital

Take the hospital map on the left. Go to the room with documents, for this go through the reception. Near the typewriter lies the lilac key of the bull. Read a magazine about a patient treated in this hospital. Forget that you are a gentleman and kill any lady you meet on your way.
Use the map to find the stairs to the second floor. Go to the women's locker room. There you need to get a crooked needle stuck in an teddy bear and a shotgun. Now go to the men's locker room. It's scary to think what awaits you there, after the finds in the women's room.
In the locker room is the key to the inspection room. It lies in the pocket of a blood-stained dressing gown. Climb down and unlock the patient examination room.
Inside, take the ammo and go up to the second floor. Go to room number three. Take the first aid kit and check the copy paper in the typewriter. Write down or memorize the number on a piece of paper. We'll still need it.
Now head to room M2 and collect the ammo and the Lapis Eye Key. What is this miracle?
Go to room M3 for some ammo and a health drink. Rise to the third floor. The door leading to the rooms under the letter "S" is locked. You need a code.
Easy and normal levels - 7335
Difficult level - 1328.
For the curious - the clue is on the wall, on the ground floor in the inspection room.
After you open the door, go to room S3. Maria will pretend to be sick and leave you - thank God. Take the roof key from the table. You can immediately climb onto the roof, or you can walk around the rooms, collecting first-aid kits and cartridges, and also read the diary.
As soon as you decide to go further, you will realize that something or rather someone has blocked the door. Bah, yes, this is our old friend - the boss Pyramid Head! Watch the video and check the map. You need to get to the third floor to the special therapy rooms.
In one of the rooms, the entire wall is covered in blood. Your task is to see a four-digit code on it. The higher the difficulty, the more difficult it will be to do.
Go to the second floor and check how Masha is doing. Go to room S14. Inside is a box that requires 2 codes and 2 keys to open. Use the Lapis Eye Key and the Lilac Ox Key to remove the chains. Now enter the codes you found in the hospital. Ugh, there's a strand of someone's hair inside. And why did she need to be locked up?
Now go to the shower room and inspect the drain overgrown with green muck. Go to inventory and connect hair and needle. Pick up the key from the elevator on the third floor.
Get down on it to the first floor. Go to room C3 and talk to Laura. Arm yourself with a shotgun, because the second boss is waiting for you.

Boss 2 - Hanging Creatures

Aim the shotgun at the creatures and shoot. There are two creatures, so be careful. When you soak a sweet couple, a third one will appear, which will also have to be killed.
Phew, you seem to say everything, looking at the corpses of enemies - but no! The sounds of an old radio will be heard, and you will find yourself ... but where, in fact?

Evil Brookhaven Hospital

Search room C2 for a first aid kit. Now go to the elevator and go down to the second floor. Here nurses and a bunch of cartridges are waiting for you. Enter room M6 and take the batteries and the basement storage key. You'll need the batteries pretty soon, as the flashlight in your hands will start to dim. Recharge them.
Batteries lie near a strange colored symbol. Grab the note nearby, as well as the ammo and first aid kit.
Go back to the elevator and go up to the third floor. You will be near the door. You need two rings to open it. Were they not mentioned in the note you just found.
Go to room S11 and pick up the ammo and the amulet. Read the note, from which you will understand that the amulet makes the wearer invisible for 20 seconds.
Return to the third floor. Open the vault with the key. Push the shelf inside. After the video with Masha, go down the stairs and pick up the copper ring. Return to the third floor.
Take the elevator down to the second floor. Listen to a radio show and memorize everything that is said there.
Go to the Day room on the second floor. Open the refrigerator. Maria will help you and you will receive a Lead Ring. Return to the closed door on the third floor.

Radio Show Mystery

On a closed box, you will see something like this:

1 2 3
01: O O O
02: O O O
03: O O O

Your task is to press the correct buttons. On the first row, press button number three. On the second row, press the number one button. In the third row, the correct button is number three.
When the box is opened, you will find 5 ammo boxes and two amulets.
Go to the door on the third floor. Use leader rings and brass. Go down the stairs. You will find yourself in a long tunnel.
Looks like the pyramid head boss still hasn't left you alone. The only advice is to run as fast as you can. If Masha dies, the game will be over. Therefore, run to the elevator and watch a rather sad video.
Then head to the director's office and pick up the key to the hospital. Look at the map and find the exit from the hospital.

Dark South Valley

Go south to Carroll Street and then east to Rendell. Now go south to Monson, where a few useful household items are scattered. Return to Saul Street. Your task is to get to Neely's Bar.
Look through the window and take the files from the bar. Now go to the restaurant "Gonzale" s Mexican Restaurant "in the valley. The shortest path is north along Neely" s Street, and then east of Sanders. Go north along Lindsay and pick up the note and adjustable wrench.
Return to the Rose Water Park, to the place where you met Masha. Enter the park and find the statue of a praying woman. Look for a brown spot behind it and dig a hole. Take out the box and use the adjustable wrench to open it. Retrieve the Bronze Key to the Silent Hill Historical Society.
Of course, it's time to visit this very society, which is located west of the park.

Silent Hill Historical Society

Enter the only open room. Climb into the hole in the wall and run through the tunnel for a couple of minutes. Go through the door and take the first aid kit and ammo. Exit through the next door.
Find a room with a hole in the wall. Jump in. You are in a well. Arm yourself with a steel pipe. Tap the walls around you for a secret door. Fight your way into the sewers.
Go right to the only open door, but do not forget to kill the cockroaches, which are firmly established in the sewers.
Enter and take the key that is lying on the ground. Suddenly, your flashlight will go out. Go to the menu and change the battery before it's too late. The door is closed, and you were attacked by nasty multi-legged creatures!

cockroach door

Examine the panel on which the buttons are located. Your task is to choose the right combination, and you only need to press the luminous buttons. When you enter the correct code, exit the room and go right. At the end of the corridor is a room with a hatch. Use the key (Spiral Writing Key) and get down.

Tuluca Prison

So, under the historical society was a prison. Run to the nearest door, behind which is Eddie. When Eddie leaves, search the room for a pig plank and other necessary items. Exit and turn left. Go to the table where the card lies. You will still need it.
Now visit the room on the right. Come in - this is the shower room, where you will get hold of the seducer's tablet. Look at the map to get to the lowest hall in the prison.

Head to the only open chamber and take the Wax Doll from it. Go to the right hall and then north. Enter the room on the left and take the shotgun ammo.
Go to the northern hall, to your right there will be the seventh prison block, where in the cell there is a tablet with the inscription "oppressed". Go to the largest courtyard, in the center of which is a scaffold with three loops. Here it is necessary to arrange the boards found earlier. Place the tablets in the correct order and you will hear the scream of a murdered man. Strange, but nothing else will happen. Exit through the doors you came through. Take the horseshoe above the door and go to the western corridor.
Go to the right door for the first aid kit. Follow further to the door leading to another corridor. Go into the room nearby and find a lighter and a first aid kit. Search the rooms nearby for a hunting rifle. You will still need it.
Exit the corridor and return to the hole leading to the sewer. Go to the menu and use the wax doll on the lighter. Now use the horseshoe and the door to the sewers will be open. You will find yourself in the basement.
Go through the open door into the room with the hole. Find the elevator and ride to the next stop. SAVE.


The main advice - use the map, as the level will be completed as you progress.
Go right until you see a ladder leading down. Get down. Pyramid heads roam below, which you can scare with a gun. Walk around and look at the map. On the map there will be a room marked in red, you need to go through another. Inside you will find a Pyramid Head Knife. Take it and two boxes of ammo. Go back to the stairs you came from. Get down downward to the place where the hole appeared.

Block puzzle

Go through the tunnel until you see a block with faces. You must rotate the cube until a face with red eyes appears on the top face or green eyes appear on the bottom face.
When the entrance is open, enter. My God, Masha came to life! We should free her. Return to the room with the block.
Take the wire cutters and return to the beginning of the level. Find a wire-blocked ladder and eat them. Get down. Go up the first staircase leading to the right. Go through the tunnels. You can get a little lost, but the exit is nearby.
Climb up some ladders and turn left. Pyramid head wanders somewhere nearby. Climb even higher and arm yourself with a shotgun. Ahead of you is the third boss.

You need to shoot him with a shotgun while running around, as the boss is rather clumsy. After a dozen hits, the bastard will die. When he goes to his pyramid god, the Angela you saved will run away without saying "thank you". Follow her. In one of the rooms there are six corpses with labels on their foreheads.

Mystery of the Six Corpses

You must decide which of the criminals is not guilty and pull the right loop in the next room. Here are the correct answers:

Easy level: the kidnapper is not guilty.
Normal level: Pyro.
Difficult level: counterfeiter.

Remember to remember the location of the corpses in the room. Return to the room. Take the Persecuted Key. Go out into the corridor and go into the room where you have not been yet. You are in Mashka's cell, but she has already grown cold towards you. Some kind of pestilence found on her!
Exit the gate to the cemetery. SAVE! Take the ammo and go to the grave. Arm yourself with a hunting rifle. Jump down.

Boss 4 - Eddie

Immediately after the video, start shooting at Eddie. After 4-5 hits, Eddie will run into the next room. Take the shotgun and run after it. Kill the bastard. After his death, exit the maze.


You are behind the building of the historical society. The day has come, which is already good.
Go to the pier. Climb into the boat and row right into the light. Soon you will see a pier near the hotel.
At the difficult level, everything is the same, only you have to row yourself.

Hotel with lake view

Climb up the stairs and turn left. Near the fountain, find the little mermaid's music box. Enter the hotel.
On the left is a card that you need to take. Go to the lakeside restaurant. Examine the piano and read the letter from Laura. Something becomes clear.
On one of the tables is a Fish Key. Monsters will appear, but they will be weaker than their boss. Run to the small stairs behind the door. Get down. Find the Tears of Venus bar. It's closed. Nearby in the elevator lies a felt-tip pen with a solvent. Take it and go down to the first floor to the lobby.
Use the box on the center stand on the left slot. Take the key to room 312 from the letterboxes.
Climb up the stairs and turn right. Go to the clock room. Inside is a suitcase that opens with a fish key. Take the key to room 204. Go there and find the Employee Elevator Key. Climb through the hole in the wall to the neighboring apartments.
There are pictures on the bed. Use the solvent pen to find the hidden code. Use the found code to open the safe. Inside is Cinderella's box. Exit and go to the working elevator. Near the elevator there is a locker where you must put all your items from the inventory, otherwise you will not be able to ride the elevator.
Get down to the first floor. Take another map of the hotel with marked work areas. Go to the pantry and take Cinderella's box.
Go to the office nearby and take away the videotape and the can opener. Go to the boiler room.
Inside, take the key on the right on the rope. Go to the kitchen. Inside is a tin can. Open it with a knife and get a new flashlight bulb. Go to the bar "Tears of Venus". Now, using the new light bulb, find the door and open it with the newly found key (bar key). You will again find yourself in a corridor with an elevator. Climb to the second floor to pick up the left things. Go to the lobby and place the box next to the little mermaid. It remains to find the last box. She's in an office next to a working elevator.
Take Snow White's box and return to the lobby. Play with combinations of boxes until you get the key to the third floor of the inn.
Climb up to the third floor and go to room 312. Inside, watch the videotape and talk to Laura. Exit the room. Everything has changed again. Is it for the best?

Evil in the hotel overlooking the lake

Go to the second floor to the reading room. Listen to the conversation with headphones. Go to the elevator. Then to room 202, from where you will get to room 219. From there, run to the elevator and to the bar Tears of Venus."
Come in and collect five health drinks. Run to the kitchen for ammo.
Talk to Angela on the staff stairs. Damn, there's a fire. Get down to the first floor.
Pick up the ammo in the manager's office. Now you need to run as fast as possible along the corridor to the door. Once you're in the room, there will be nine save locations on the wall in front of you. Prepare a shotgun - the boss is waiting for you ahead and, unfortunately, not alone.

Bosses 5 - Two Pyramid Heads

Now there are two of them, that is, twice as much torment. The main thing - do not stand, but move and constantly shoot. If you still have amulets, it's time to remember them.
The number of hits is not less than twenty. A little less when using a hunting rifle, but you need to be even more agile.
When the bosses give up, run up to them and search them. Take the rusted egg and the scarlet egg from their cold corpses. Go to the nearest doors. Insert the purple egg into the right door, and the rusty one into the left. Enter any of the doors. Go through the hall, you can run, or you can sneak. At the end of the hall, enter the door. Turn left and go up the stairs. At the top, the last boss is waiting for you (I won’t say who, you won’t believe it anyway).

Boss 6 - Silent Hill Demon

The boss is not very scary, it's been worse. Arm yourself with whatever you want and fire at the boss to the bitter end.
After the final video, close your eyes and breathe a sigh of relief. Your mission is over. Congratulations.

Map and cemetery

Leave the toilet and take the card from the car standing next to you. It is highly desirable to use the map, because the names of all the streets of the town are marked there.

Now go down the stairs and run along the path until you see a gate ahead. Ignore the screams and breathing behind your back for now, they won't touch you anyway, until... Enter the gate - you've ended up in a cemetery. The only living soul is the girl at the grave. Talk to her. It turns out that her name is Angela. After the conversation, exit through the west gate and follow the road to Sanders Street.

Walk around the town

Turn onto Lindsay Street, where the remains of someone are smeared, and then go to Vachss Road. Pick up health drinks on the right side of the road. Go along Vachss Road to the very end in the form of a wooden cul-de-sac. Move the boards and climb inside. Yep, that's the first monster. Grab a stick with nails and deal with the bastard. Finish him off if you need to, otherwise they have a habit of resurrecting.

In addition to the stick, you will find a radio that starts to show signs of anxiety when there are monsters around. Pack your bags and head to Lindsay Street. Turn onto Saul Street and then onto Martin Street.

Woodside Apartments

Now you can’t drive down the street, you can’t pass without bumping into another monster. Cut your way to the end of Martin Street, where a monster is mocking the corpse. Kill him and take the Woodside Apartments Gate Key from the corpse. Go there and open the gate. Enter the house.

Take the building map from the stand. There is also a bottle of life-giving moisture. Climb up the stairs. Enter the door on the second floor.

Go down the corridor to apartment 205. Inside, inspect the remains of a person. The apartment has a lamp. Take it and a monster will attack you. What to do - you know.

Exit and go to apartment 210, killing the monster along the way. Inside, take the ammo and go up the stairs to the third floor.

As soon as you rise, you will see the key lying behind the gate. Try to get the key, a little girl will appear and deftly throw it into the depths of the corridor. Bad girl!

Head to apartment 301. Hooray, there's a shotgun inside! Well, get us one more time, little girl...

Get down downward to the second floor. Go to apartment 208. There is a monster behind the gate, but we are not afraid of it. Enter the apartment. Okay, there's another dead body inside. On the shelf is the key to 202 apartments. Go there. There is a drink in the kitchen, and the key to the clock in apartment 208 is lying in the bedroom. Walk back to 208.

Clock puzzle in room 208

Enter the clock room. Use the key from room 202 to open the clock. Now turn the arrows until you hear a click. In my version, this happened at around 21:10, but this figure may vary depending on the complexity of the level.

Now try moving the clock. Hurray, they moved away, and behind them was a hefty hole in the next apartment. Well, there are rats here! Get into the hole. You are on the other side of the gate. Go forward and climb the stairs to the third floor.

Third floor

Your task is to get to the key that the little girl threw away. Check the map for where it is and run there. Take the key to the fire exit. Go to room 307. My God, what kind of freak is this?! Don't move and let the monster go. Then take the key from the yard from the closet and exit. Go to the stairs to the east and go down to the first floor. Near the closed door lies a pack of juice. Pick it up and return to the second floor to the room with the garbage chute. Throw the juice into the garbage chute and go outside.

Trash can coin and patio

Near the entrance is the outlet of the garbage chute, where you threw the juice. Now an old coin has fallen out of it - take it and enter the building. Use the patio key to open the door near the stairs. Come in - there is a swimming pool. Jump into the pool and quickly get out of it - this will attract monsters. Kill all monsters. After that, take a coin with a snake (Snake Coin).

Exit the courtyard through the east door. Go to room 101. Take the ammo. Inside you will find poor Eddie. Talk to him and go outside.

Climb up to the second floor. At the left end of the corridor, use the fire escape key to open the blue door. God, another building!

Blue Creek Apartments

You are in the bedroom. Go to the toilet and find the piece of paper with the code. I wonder what it's for? One thing is clear, not good. Search the room.

Yep, that's the safe. Time to break it down. Use the piece of paper with the code to open the safe.

The main thing is to remember Roman numerals and be able to add. If you come across a combination like X3, then this means: X3=10+3=13 and so on. Nothing terrible. Inside are four boxes of ammo. Thank you, we'll still need them.

Come out and arm yourself with a stick. Find the door under the exit sign. On the right is a map of the Apartment Association near the blue stream. Take her. Get down to the first floor.

Pick up ammo in apartment 109. Now go to the next white door, and you will meet... no, not a monster, but Angela. Watch the video. Take the knife and Prisoner Coin. So, now you have three coins, it's time to visit room 105 and the riddle hidden there.

Riddle with three coins

In room 105, note the small nightstand with five circles. The solution to the puzzle depends on the selected difficulty level. So:

Easy level: Old Man coin in the first slot, Snake coin in the middle slot, and Prisoner coin in the last one.

Normal level: Old Man coin in the second slot, Snake coin in the last slot and Prisoner coin in the middle.

Hard level: Old Man coin in the second slot, Snake coin in the fourth slot and Prisoner coin in the last one.

If everything is correct, then a box will open, in which lies the key to the house of Lyne (Lyne House). This same Lin lives on the second floor - room 209. It's time to visit her.

Apartment 209

Enter and go to the balcony, through which you can get into room 208. Quickly grab the ladder key and ammo. Exit through number 209, turn left and open the door with the key. SAVE! Get ready to face the first boss, but watch the video first.

Boss 1 - Pyramid Head

The main thing is that you have a shotgun and at least forty rounds of ammunition for it. Stay as far away from the monster as possible, don't let yourself be hurt. It's best to reload in the menu so that Jim doesn't get hurt while he does it during the fight. You can not shoot at all, the main thing: to hold out for a while - you will shake your nerves, but save the cartridges.

After a couple of minutes of a fruitless boss fight, you will hear a siren howl. The boss will rush down the stairs filled with water. Don't run after him or they'll kill you, let the bastard get away. When the water is gone, you will be able to leave the cursed place.

Rose Water Park

Go to the park where Jim was eager from the very beginning of the game - this is Rosewater Park (look at the map). Watch the video. Talk to Laura - the girl who took the key from you. Move on to the park. You have come to the lake, which means to the next video.

Hmm, you have a companion named Maria - I don’t even know whether to be happy or sad about this, because you will have to protect the girl, making sure that she is not bang. It is best to run and, most importantly, shoot carefully so as not to shoot Mashka yourself. Get out of the park. Now you can either go in search of a decomposed corpse, or immediately head to Pete's bowling alley (Pete's Bowl-O-Rama).

Pete's bowling alley

Another video entry. Laura will run away and leave you alone with Eddie. Talk to him and go outside. Maria will show you the place where Laura ran. Go down the alley and enter the door that Maria will open for you. You ended up in the hospital.

Brookhaven Hospital

Take the hospital map on the left. Go to the room with documents, for this go through the reception. Near the typewriter lies the lilac key of the bull. Read a magazine about a patient treated in this hospital. Forget that you are a gentleman and kill any lady you meet on your way.

Use the map to find the stairs to the second floor. Go to the women's locker room. There you need to get a crooked needle stuck in an teddy bear and a shotgun. Now go to the men's locker room. It's scary to think what awaits you there, after the finds in the women's room.

In the locker room is the key to the inspection room. It lies in the pocket of a blood-stained dressing gown. Climb down and unlock the patient examination room.

Inside, take the ammo and go up to the second floor. Go to room number three. Take the first aid kit and check the copy paper in the typewriter. Write down or memorize the number on a piece of paper. We'll still need it.

Now head to room M2 and collect the ammo and the Lapis Eye Key. What is this miracle?

Go to room M3 for some ammo and a health drink. Rise to the third floor. The door leading to the rooms under the letter "S" is locked. You need a code.

Easy and normal levels - 7335

Difficult level - 1328.

For the curious - the clue is on the wall, on the ground floor in the inspection room.

After you open the door, go to room S3. Maria will pretend to be sick and leave you - thank God. Take the roof key from the table. You can immediately climb onto the roof, or you can walk around the rooms, collecting first-aid kits and cartridges, and also read the diary.

As soon as you decide to go further, you will realize that something or rather someone has blocked the door. Bah, yes, this is our old friend - the boss Pyramid Head! Watch the video and check the map. You need to get to the third floor to the special therapy rooms.

In one of the rooms, the entire wall is covered in blood. Your task is to see a four-digit code on it. The higher the difficulty, the more difficult it will be to do.

Go to the second floor and check how Masha is doing. Go to room S14. Inside is a box that requires 2 codes and 2 keys to open. Use the Lapis Eye Key and the Lilac Ox Key to remove the chains. Now enter the codes you found in the hospital. Ugh, there's a strand of someone's hair inside. And why did she need to be locked up?

Now go to the shower room and inspect the drain overgrown with green muck. Go to inventory and connect hair and needle. Pick up the key from the elevator on the third floor.

Get down on it to the first floor. Go to room C3 and talk to Laura. Arm yourself with a shotgun, because the second boss is waiting for you.

Boss 2 - Hanging Creatures

Aim the shotgun at the creatures and shoot. There are two creatures, so be careful. When you soak a sweet couple, a third one will appear, which will also have to be killed.

Phew, you seem to say everything, looking at the corpses of enemies - but no! The sounds of an old radio will be heard, and you will find yourself ... but where, in fact?

Evil Brookhaven Hospital

Search room C2 for a first aid kit. Now go to the elevator and go down to the second floor. Here nurses and a bunch of cartridges are waiting for you. Enter room M6 and take the batteries and the basement storage key. You'll need the batteries pretty soon, as the flashlight in your hands will start to dim. Recharge them.

Batteries lie near a strange colored symbol. Grab the note nearby, as well as the ammo and first aid kit.

Go back to the elevator and go up to the third floor. You will be near the door. You need two rings to open it. Were they not mentioned in the note you just found. Go to room S11 and pick up the ammo and the amulet. Read the note, from which you will understand that the amulet makes the wearer invisible for 20 seconds.

Return to the third floor. Open the vault with the key. Push the shelf inside. After the video with Masha, go down the stairs and pick up the copper ring. Return to the third floor.

Take the elevator down to the second floor. Listen to a radio show and memorize everything that is said there.

Go to the Day room on the second floor. Open the refrigerator. Maria will help you and you will receive a Lead Ring. Return to the closed door on the third floor.

Radio Show Mystery

On a closed box, you will see something like this:

Your task is to press the correct buttons. On the first row, press button number three. On the second row, press the number one button. In the third row, the correct button is number three.

When the box is opened, you will find 5 ammo boxes and two amulets.

Go to the door on the third floor. Use leader rings and brass. Go down the stairs. You will find yourself in a long tunnel.

Looks like the pyramid head boss still hasn't left you alone. The only advice is to run as fast as you can. If Masha dies, the game will be over. Therefore, run to the elevator and watch a rather sad video.

Then head to the director's office and pick up the key to the hospital. Look at the map and find the exit from the hospital.

Dark South Valley

Go south to Carroll Street and then east to Rendell. Now go south to Monson, where a few useful household items are scattered. Return to Saul Street. Your task is to get to Neely's Bar.

Look through the window and take the files from the bar. Now go to the restaurant "Gonzale" s Mexican Restaurant "in the valley. The shortest path is north along Neely" s Street, and then east of Sanders. Go north along Lindsay and pick up the note and adjustable wrench.

Return to the Rose Water Park, to the place where you met Masha. Enter the park and find the statue of a praying woman. Look for a brown spot behind it and dig a hole. Take out the box and use the adjustable wrench to open it. Retrieve the Bronze Key to the Silent Hill Historical Society.

Of course, it's time to visit this very society, which is located west of the park.

Silent Hill Historical Society

Enter the only open room. Climb into the hole in the wall and run through the tunnel for a couple of minutes. Go through the door and take the first aid kit and ammo. Exit through the next door.

Find a room with a hole in the wall. Jump in. You are in a well. Arm yourself with a steel pipe. Tap the walls around you for a secret door. Fight your way into the sewers.

Go right to the only open door, but do not forget to kill the cockroaches, which are firmly established in the sewers.

Enter and take the key that is lying on the ground. Suddenly, your flashlight will go out. Go to the menu and change the battery before it's too late. The door is closed, and you were attacked by nasty multi-legged creatures!

cockroach door

Examine the panel on which the buttons are located. Your task is to choose the right combination, and you only need to press the luminous buttons. When you enter the correct code, exit the room and go right. At the end of the corridor is a room with a hatch. Use the key (Spiral Writing Key) and get down.

Tuluca Prison

So, under the historical society was a prison. Run to the nearest door, behind which is Eddie. When Eddie leaves, search the room for a pig plank and other necessary items. Exit and turn left. Go to the table where the card lies. You will still need it.

Now visit the room on the right. Come in - this is the shower room, where you will get hold of the seducer's tablet. Look at the map to get to the lowest hall in the prison. Head to the only open chamber and take the Wax Doll from it. Go to the right hall and then north. Enter the room on the left and take the shotgun ammo.

Go to the northern hall, to your right there will be the seventh prison block, where in the cell there is a tablet with the inscription "oppressed". Go to the largest courtyard, in the center of which is a scaffold with three loops. Here it is necessary to arrange the boards found earlier. Place the tablets in the correct order and you will hear the scream of a murdered man. Strange, but nothing else will happen. Exit through the doors you came through. Take the horseshoe above the door and go to the western corridor.

Go to the right door for the first aid kit. Follow further to the door leading to another corridor. Go into the room nearby and find a lighter and a first aid kit. Search the rooms nearby for a hunting rifle. You will still need it.

Exit the corridor and return to the hole leading to the sewer. Go to the menu and use the wax doll on the lighter. Now use the horseshoe and the door to the sewers will be open. You will find yourself in the basement.

Go through the open door into the room with the hole. Find the elevator and ride to the next stop. SAVE.


The main advice - use the map, as the level will be completed as you progress.

Go right until you see a ladder leading down. Get down. Pyramid heads roam below, which you can scare with a gun. Walk around and look at the map. On the map there will be a room marked in red, you need to go through another. Inside you will find a Pyramid Head Knife. Take it and two boxes of ammo. Go back to the stairs you came from. Get down downward to the place where the hole appeared.

Block puzzle

Go through the tunnel until you see a block with faces. You must rotate the cube until a face with red eyes appears on the top face or green eyes appear on the bottom face.

When the entrance is open, enter. My God, Masha came to life! We should free her. Return to the room with the block.

Take the wire cutters and return to the beginning of the level. Find a wire-blocked ladder and eat them. Get down. Go up the first staircase leading to the right. Go through the tunnels. You can get a little lost, but the exit is nearby.

Climb up some ladders and turn left. Pyramid head wanders somewhere nearby. Climb even higher and arm yourself with a shotgun. Ahead of you is the third boss.

You need to shoot him with a shotgun while running around, as the boss is rather clumsy. After a dozen hits, the bastard will die. When he goes to his pyramid god, the Angela you saved will run away without saying "thank you". Follow her. In one of the rooms there are six corpses with labels on their foreheads.

Mystery of the Six Corpses

You must decide which of the criminals is not guilty and pull the right loop in the next room. Here are the correct answers:

Easy level: the kidnapper is not guilty.

Normal level: Pyro.

Difficult level: counterfeiter.

Remember to remember the location of the corpses in the room. Return to the room. Take the Persecuted Key. Go out into the corridor and go into the room where you have not been yet. You are in Mashka's cell, but she has already grown cold towards you. Some kind of pestilence found on her!

Exit the gate to the cemetery. SAVE! Take the ammo and go to the grave. Arm yourself with a hunting rifle. Jump down.

Boss 4 - Eddie

Immediately after the video, start shooting at Eddie. After 4-5 hits, Eddie will run into the next room. Take the shotgun and run after it. Kill the bastard. After his death, exit the maze.

You are behind the building of the historical society. The day has come, which is already good.

Go to the pier. Climb into the boat and row right into the light. Soon you will see a pier near the hotel.

At the difficult level, everything is the same, only you have to row yourself.

Hotel with lake view

Climb up the stairs and turn left. Near the fountain, find the little mermaid's music box. Enter the hotel.

On the left is a card that you need to take. Go to the lakeside restaurant. Examine the piano and read the letter from Laura. Something becomes clear.

On one of the tables is a Fish Key. Monsters will appear, but they will be weaker than their boss. Run to the small stairs behind the door. Get down. Find the Tears of Venus bar. It's closed. Nearby in the elevator lies a felt-tip pen with a solvent. Take it and go down to the first floor to the lobby.

Use the box on the center stand on the left slot. Take the key to room 312 from the letterboxes.

Climb up the stairs and turn right. Go to the clock room. Inside is a suitcase that opens with a fish key. Take the key to room 204. Go there and find the Employee Elevator Key. Climb through the hole in the wall to the neighboring apartments.

There are pictures on the bed. Use the solvent pen to find the hidden code. Use the found code to open the safe. Inside is Cinderella's box. Exit and go to the working elevator. Near the elevator there is a locker where you must put all your items from the inventory, otherwise you will not be able to ride the elevator.

Get down to the first floor. Take another map of the hotel with marked work areas. Go to the pantry and take Cinderella's box.

Go to the office nearby and take away the videotape and the can opener. Go to the boiler room.

Inside, take the key on the right on the rope. Go to the kitchen. Inside is a tin can. Open it with a knife and get a new flashlight bulb. Go to the bar "Tears of Venus". Now, using the new light bulb, find the door and open it with the newly found key (bar key). You will again find yourself in a corridor with an elevator. Climb to the second floor to pick up the left things. Go to the lobby and place the box next to the little mermaid. It remains to find the last box. She's in an office next to a working elevator.

Take Snow White's box and return to the lobby. Play with combinations of boxes until you get the key to the third floor of the inn.

Climb up to the third floor and go to room 312. Inside, watch the videotape and talk to Laura. Exit the room. Everything has changed again. Is it for the best?

Evil in the hotel overlooking the lake

Go to the second floor to the reading room. Listen to the conversation with headphones. Go to the elevator. Then to room 202, from where you will get to room 219. From there, run to the elevator and to the bar Tears of Venus."

Come in and collect five health drinks. Run to the kitchen for ammo.

Talk to Angela on the staff stairs. Damn, there's a fire. Get down to the first floor.

Pick up the ammo in the manager's office. Now you need to run as fast as possible along the corridor to the door. Once you're in the room, there will be nine save locations on the wall in front of you. Prepare a shotgun - the boss is waiting for you ahead and, unfortunately, not alone.

Bosses 5 - Two Pyramid Heads

Now there are two of them, that is, twice as much torment. The main thing - do not stand, but move and constantly shoot. If you still have amulets, it's time to remember them.

The number of hits is not less than twenty. A little less when using a hunting rifle, but you need to be even more agile.

When the bosses give up, run up to them and search them. Take the rusted egg and the scarlet egg from their cold corpses. Go to the nearest doors. Insert the purple egg into the right door, and the rusty one into the left. Enter any of the doors. Go through the hall, you can run, or you can sneak. At the end of the hall, enter the door. Turn left and go up the stairs. At the top, the last boss is waiting for you (I won’t say who, you won’t believe it anyway).

Boss 6 - Silent Hill Demon

The boss is not very scary, it's been worse. Arm yourself with whatever you want and fire at the boss to the bitter end.

After the final video, close your eyes and breathe a sigh of relief. Your mission is over. Congratulations.

After the video cutscenes, leave the room to the main hall of the bar

Heaven's Night. Take the Chinese cutter from the counter and collect all the useful items, then leave the bar.

Meet - just Masha (6 mb).

Now head south on Carroll Street until you reach Rendell. Now head north along Rendell Street. Go east and you will reach Munson Street. Keep to the right side of Munson Street and soon you will notice the site of another Silent Hill tragedy. The house is located next to the residential area "Blue Creek". The entrance in front of the house will be bloody. It looks like someone jumped out of an upstairs window and crashed to death:

Come into the house. This is the residence of the Baldwin family. You will find yourself in a small patio, or just a garden, in front of double doors. After you get rid of a few monsters, you may notice a lifeless body lying in the garden.

Who was that? There are still more questions than answers in the best traditions of Silent Hill 2:

Residence of the Baldwin family:

Go through the double doors and you will find yourself in the living room. On the left is a door through which we can continue our journey through the house. Before you leave the living room, take the map of the Baldwin family home. On the fireplace located in the living room is written: "Do not use fireplace!" ("Do not use the fireplace!") Just some kind of transmission "Behind the Glass": Don't touch anything, don't move anything:

Now leave the room. Climb up the stairs to the next floor and try to open the door on the right.

Wow! People! Someone quickly bolted the door as soon as you tried to open it. Who is this?

"Who's there?" - exclaims Maria, "Open!".

For the first time in the entire game, we see that Masha is delighted!

"Thank God!" she exclaims. "I finally found someone! Can you open the door?"

The inhabitant clearly enjoys loneliness and does not intend to open the door. After the traditional questions about what is happening in the city, Maria decides to find out the name of her interlocutor.

"What's your name?" she asks.

"Hemingway?" Maria says jokingly.

"Baldwin!" barks the man behind the door.

"I'll be back Ernest," says Maria.

After the end of the conversation, head to the only unlocked door nearby.

Life is a struggle! (6 mb).

Kill one or more dummies using the Chinese Cleaver. Now go to the far right door, if you look from the entrance to the hall. We found a very important thing - a white tablet with a goblet-shaped recess.

On the back of the board is written:

"When you find the breath of light,

I will reveal the secret to you,

Like the spirit of the mist

Bestows eternity of grace."

Those who have gone through the "Letter from Silent Hill" scenario have already realized that we are talking about the rite of resurrection, as well as about the use of ceremonial holy oil.

Then go down to the first floor, as all other doors are closed. On the way to the living room, you will hear the crash of a falling metal plate. Examine the fireplace, which is now open. In the fireplace, a staircase leading upstairs is laid along the chimney pipe. Rising upstairs, Maria finds herself in a kind of flower garden. Behind is a small tombstone, the inscription on it reads:

Tombstone Mystery:

"Joy died with you,

All that remains is the meaninglessness of the coming days and disappointment,

But I will never give up

To hear your laugh again!"

Blessings receive the gods,

When the boards are all closed,

All sadness will go away

But before all my dreams come true

I have to hide the pain in my heart."

The key word in this message is "tablets", it is them that you must collect. Time to look for two more boards. The black one lies nearby and symbolizes the cup of Obsidian.

"When you find the Dark Groal,

I will reveal the secret to you,

How to resist death

And accept the gift of eternal grace."

There is another red plate lying under the tombstone. This tablet symbolizes the book of the scarlet ceremony. She says:

"When you recognize the scarlet words,

I will reveal the secret to you,

Which was previously known to the gods,

Who gave us grace."

Let's start studying the ACACIA puzzle.

The puzzle is very simple. You just need to insert the planks in a certain order into the slots in the tombstone.

The order is: White, then red, which must be turned to the left. Now insert the Black Tablet and you will receive the Acacia Key.

Together with the purchased key, go to the second floor.

Emmy's room

When you find yourself in the corridor, go to the second door from the entrance. This is a children's room. In the room, take the matches lying on the nightstand next to the bed. While Maria looks around the room, we can learn that this place became uninhabited ten years ago. The old calendar is still open on the month of November page. Toys are placed on a small chest of drawers.

"Ah, it's a teddy bear," Maria thinks, "It's not very well made, but it's cute anyway, I think Laura would like it, she loves teddy bears!"

Suddenly, Maria's train of thought changes, "What the hell am I talking about?" she says.

If you have completed the first scenario, then you know Laura. This is the same ghostly girl that James Sunderland met while searching for his dead wife.

Now you should not have any illusions about the nature of Mary's origin, and for one thing, the name of this scenario of the game. "Born from a wish" is Maria. She is neither good nor evil, she is just a woman.

Now back to the game.

“She fell out of the window!” someone shouted in horror.

I think you remember the blood in front of the Baldwin family home?

Here you will need matches taken in the children's room in order to light a candle. The room is getting a little lighter, and now you can take the greeting card lying under the chair. The postcard says:


Amy Baldwin"

Maria realizes that Ernest Baldwin might love this postcard. She decides to take Amy's message to him. When you start down the stairs, the girl's voice will say:

"Give it to:". Returning to the attic, Maria will not find anything new and, only by pulling the handle of the attic door, you can hear the end of the phrase,

Meeting with Ernest

Time to see Ernest!

Let's return to his previously locked apartments. Now the door leading to the room is not closed, there is no one in the room.

On the coffee table is an encyclopedia open to the page: Plants - Acacia

Shrub, part of the mimosa subspecies. The inflorescences of the plant are large and grow in clusters, contain pollen. There are inflorescences of white and yellow. White color is typical for the inflorescences of this shrub.

The branches of this plant have often been used in rituals and various religious ceremonies around the world.

In Christianity, acacia symbolizes the eternity of being and morality.

In ancient Egypt, the acacia was a symbol of spiritual purity and rebirth.

In ancient Babylon, the acacia was a symbol of the God Shitar and a symbol of life.

The ancient Jews who built the Holy Ark, a symbol of communion and removal of sin.

So, all the facts that we have collected together begin to take shape in a bizarre mosaic, revealing the true picture of what happened.

The "fog" of the mystery is gradually beginning to clear up.

Exit Ernest's room through another door into the hall. Now open the only unlocked door. You are in a rather long hallway. Move forward and soon you will reach the kitchen. Collect all the useful items and exit through the second door into another hall. To your left will be a save location and another closed door. On the map, the room is marked with the word "study".

Here you will have the opportunity to study the records that tell about a certain rite or ritual.

Forgotten memories

"I'm really convinced, you can even call it a belief in a miracle!

A miracle called the resurrection of the dead," reads the message.

"On the hill, behind which the sun was setting, the song of the creature of darkness sounded.

With bloody words, mist of the night and a cup of darkness, the graves were opened.

And people cried with joy and fear before the ritual of the resurrection of Xuchilpab, but I did not share their convictions," the message says.

"Many legends have been told about it.

The early cultists of Xuchilpab did not believe that death was the end. They considered death a process of returning to nature (nature). They also believed in the reversibility of this process."

There are lines on the page written in curly handwriting. Maria decides that these lines belong to Ernest.

"Blood = Red

Fog = White

Night = Black"

It looks like Ernest was trying to interpret an ancient manuscript to bring someone back to life:

Approach the second door in the room. It's time to talk to Ernest.

"Do you know a little girl named Emmy?" Maria asks. After an affirmative answer, she learns that Ernest is none other than the unfortunate father who lost his daughter in an accident.

"I'm sorry Ernest!" Maria says, "I'm sorry I reminded you of this:"

Ernest begins to speak with Maria incredibly warmly and sympathetically, - "You did not remind me, I never forgot:"

Maria holds the card under the door and Ernest thanks her. He also asks her to go to a nearby house and bring a bottle containing a white liquid (Holy Oil). Now go to the door that was previously locked. After entering this door, follow the stairs to the hall. Now go up another ladder and you will be outside in a small courtyard.

On the wall of the house is written: "Keep out of haunted mansion!" ("Stay away from the haunted house!").

Of course, these words should be heeded, but in our case we must go forward! Defeat a few mannequins and enter the Blue Creek Residential Building. The map of the house is located on the staircase of the upper floor. Once the card is in your hands, look on it for room number 105. See?

Enter the room and take the white liquid poured into a small bottle.

It's time to go back to Ernest.

Another, and this time the last screensaver begins.

“Thank you Maria!” Ernest says with undisguised trepidation in his voice. "This is the only thing that I couldn't get myself, by the time I found out about it, I could no longer leave this house. It was so long ago:"

Maria, examining a bottle of liquid, wonders if it can really help in reviving Ernest's daughter?

"Gods are here Mary," says Ernest.

"I think the word God is not quite appropriate in this city," Maria replies.

"Do you believe in fate?" Ernest asks her.

"I don't think so," is her reply.

"Can I open the door?" Maria finally asks.

"It's a dead end," says Ernest. After a short pause, Mary

decides to open the door to finally see his interlocutor. Before her appears a completely empty room. The greeting card brought earlier lies on the table. Ernest is as much a victim of Silent Hill as any other inhabitant. Maria is shocked, her eyes are closed, the hand holding the revolver is slowly raised. A moment lasts forever

Maria slowly opens her eyes and lowers her revolver. Now she is ready to meet her fate! Masha is heading towards Lake Toluca to meet James, to whom life has given a second chance, atoning for her sin to make Maria happy!

It seems to me that Masha deserves happiness, and you?

Silent Hill 2 Restless Dreams is over, and we're off to get a new game.

Our hero is James Sunderland. We start the game in a roadside toilet, looking in the mirror. We go outside and look at the lake. The hero will tell you that he received a letter from his wife Mary, she invited him here - to Silent Hill. The only problem is that Mary died of an illness 3 years ago, and could not send anything, we need to find out who wrote on her behalf.

Move away from the curb (press Esc). We direct the hero to the car (it is better to control the arrow keys, he does not turn on WASD, but takes steps to the side). We examine the open interior of the car (space key), take the City Map, look where to go (M key). The plot of the first part of Silent Hill took place on the northern shore of Toluca Lake, and now we are on the southern shore.

The main road is blocked, so we go along the northern path along the coast. On the way we will see a well with a floating red leaf, near it we can survive . Let's go to the cemetery, there we will talk with Angela. She is looking for her mother in the city, and she dissuades us from going there. Then we will pass by the ranch, and eventually we will come to the city.

2. Eastern part of the city
Silent Hill 2. All secrets

Sanders street. Opposite there is a flower shop, to the left of it on the table we take a first aid kit. There is a dead end in the east, we go to the crossroads in the west. In the corner house across the road, at the top of the stairs we will find health drink.

At the crossroads we will see traces of blood, we go along them to the north. On the right wall in front of the locked garage lies health drink. We pass by the lane, in front of the wall there is another one health drink. On the left side of the street there is a small memorial plate (there is a text on it that there were swamps on the site of the city, where blood was washed, and therefore someone saw ghosts here). A collapse is ahead, so we go to the right lane.


Behind the fence there is a separate yard, we go in there, we take a couple of health drinks, Can will remain at the red leaf. We reach the closed entrance to the tunnel, climb through the fence. Let's hear the radio crackle, take it to inventory, it will warn us of approaching enemies. Ahead is really a monster, tear off wooden stick with a nail, and enter the battle. We hit the monster several times (hold down F, press the spacebar). We go back.

City streets

Now we can go around all the streets of the eastern region, and optionally collect useful items. We start from south to north:

On the southern street of Saul we will find a car trailer, go inside it, find a leaflet conservation and a note about Neely's Bar.

- "Happy Burger", next to the trash can is a first aid kit. To the west, on the other side of the street is a drink.

You can only enter Neely's Bar through the western door, inside we will find a map with a note that the key lies in the northern lane.

There is a drink in Martin alley in the south end.

At the central intersection, you can go under the roof of the Chinese store, there is a first aid kit. At the north cul-de-sac of Neely Street is a Notepad.

We go to the northern dead end along Martin Street, on the way to the left at the garage we will find a drink, at the dead end we examine the body of a murdered person, take Hotel gate key. A crawling enemy will jump out from under the car, we run away from him.

In the western part of Katz Street we will see a lock on a lattice door, we open it with the found key, we enter the hotel building. (As soon as we pass the fence, it will no longer be possible to return).

3. Woodside Hotel
Silent Hill 2. Where to find a flashlight

First detour

Hall. To the left of the entrance on the wall is Wood Side Apartment Map. ahead health drink, on the right is a save sheet.

2nd floor. On the left, all rooms are closed, on the right, the nearest open room is 205, in it we take Flashlight from the mannequin. Immediately after this, a four-legged mannequin will come to life and attack, we can run away from him into the corridor. The flashlight can be turned on and off (L key) so as not to attract the attention of monsters.

210 - ammo on the table inside, and ammo in the far right room in the corner. The rest of the rooms in this corridor are locked.

208 - a puzzle with a clock, they cannot be opened yet.

3rd floor. Immediately at the entrance behind the bars we will see the key on the floor, we are trying to take it, but the little girl will throw it a little further.

301 - the whole room is shelled, there are shell casings on the floor, in the center of the room we take the Pistol from the shopping cart. We enter the inventory (key I) and equip the pistol instead of the stick. Or switch weapons on the go (key Q).

Appearance of a stranger

We return to the 2nd floor, in the laundry in the garbage chute we will see a new package, at the crossroads we will hear a strange noise. We run into the northern corridor, there behind the bars in the distance we will see a pyramid head.

Something happened nearby in room 208, we go there. The TV is now on, next to it is a corpse in a chair. On the left from the cabinet shelf we can pick up Key to apartment 202.

202 - in the kitchen we will find health drink, there are a lot of butterflies in the room, in the bedroom to the right of the bed there is a hole in the wall, examine it, take the Clock Key.

Clock puzzle

We go back to 208 room. On the right on the table we will find a notebook, there is a hint in it: "There are three arrows at three different heights: thick, long, thin. From slow to fast they fly to the right. Scott at fifteen, not three - you remember this."

In the left room opposite the clock there is an inscription on the wall: Henry, Mildred, Scott and three scratches. The first letters of the names correspond to the name of the arrows, and the direction of the scratches shows how to place the arrow:

Scott - Seconds (seconds) - 15.

Mildred - Minutes (minutes) - 10.

Henry - Hours (hours) - 9.

We approach the clock, turn on the inventory, use the key to open the glass of the clock. The second hand is already at 15, move the minute and hour to 9:10. We hear a click. Only then can the grandfather clock be moved. Behind them we pass through a breach in the wall.

209 - take in the kitchen health drink, in the room you can survive . So we got to the northern stairs, we climb it to the 3rd floor, at the top on the railing of the stairs, we take cartridges.

East side of the hotel

307 - in the room we will see a pyramid head and a couple of mannequins, but they will quickly disappear. In the closet we take Key from the courtyard.

In the corridor near the grate we select Fire exit key, which the girl dragged away from us. Ammo can be found on the side of the laundry room.

303 - one enemy in the room, in the kitchen health drink, in the room on the nightstand is a first aid kit, in the back room on a broken bed cartridges.

Go down the east stairs. The second floor is boarded up, on the first floor the rooms are closed, but at the end of the corridor there is Juice in cans on the floor. Through the double doors we go outside. We return to the building through the main entrance.

In the courtyard

We rise to the 2nd floor, throw the found pack of juice into the garbage chute, because of the large weight, all the garbage will fall down.

We go down to the street, to the right of the main entrance we inspect the garbage disposal tank. In the fallen debris we find the Coin "Old Man" and a newspaper article about a killer obsessed with monsters.

In the hall we go to the far door, we use the key, and we will pass into the courtyard. Three enemies walk in the fenced empty pool, we jump down to them, take the "Snake" Coin from the stroller, and immediately run away from here. Through the courtyard we enter the northern part of the 1st floor.

101 - there are cartridges in the corner of the room. Inside the toilet we will meet Eddie, hugging the toilet. Until he is able to talk to us.

104 - one enemy, ammo and travel brochure.

At the end of the corridor, we unlock the door to the northern stairs, go up to the second floor, go through the breach for the clock. In the western corridor of the 2nd floor, unlock the door with the key to the fire exit. From here we jump into the window of the neighboring building.

4. Hotel "Blue stream"
Silent Hill 2. Blue Creek Apartment

Safe Puzzle

203 - we leave the room with a broken window, in the toilet we will find a Note with a code, in the kitchen health drink, there is a safe in the hall on a chair.

The code of the safe is random in each new passage, the guides will not help, you must definitely look at the sheet in the game. There are 4 numbers on the sheet, a round dial of 20 numbers on the safe. It is necessary to alternately put these 4 numbers in the upper position on the dial. But the direction of movement of the dial must be changed after entering each number.

Normal difficulty: for example, 08 >> 13 > 11. Spin right to 08, spin left to 13, spin right to 10, spin left to 11. If not learned, change the initial direction of movement.

Hard difficulty: e.g. 08 >> X3 > V6. The principle is the same, but some of the numbers will be encrypted in Roman numerals. We add the numbers to get the original number, for example X3=10+3=13, V6=5+6=11.

Inside the safe are 4 packs of handgun ammo.

1st floor

On the second floor, all other rooms are locked, so we go straight to the stairs through the white door. On the landing against the wall lies West building map. The only way is down.

There is a first aid kit in the hallway in the laundry room.

105. Riddle with coins, one is still missing. At the dead end near the wardrobe there is preservation .

109. There are bullets on the couch. In the left wall we go into the white door. In a separate room with a mirror we will meet Angela. After talking with her, we will automatically receive Angela's Knife, but this is not a weapon. We take from the nightstand Coin "Prisoner". We return to number 105.

Puzzle "Three coins"

Easy difficulty: Old man, empty, Serpent, empty, Captive.

Normal difficulty. There is an inscription on the box: “Three bright coins in five holes, if you please, spread out. The tempter lies on one of the ends. Only the free wind plays behind the woman’s back. The formless one rests further from everyone. , slaves of decay."

Normal difficulty: empty, old man, captive, empty, serpent.

Hard Difficulty: empty, old man, empty, serpent, captive.

We use each coin in turn, put it in the right place. If the combination is correct, the nightstand will open and we will take Laina's apartment key.

209 - on this number there is a note for Line, and we go there. There is nothing inside, but there is an open balcony, through it we will go to the next room.

208 - take cartridges from the chair, raise from the bed Key to the staircase door, Can survive . We return to the corridor, unlock the door to the northern stairs.

Boss: Pyramid Head

We will meet a monster with a helmet, it is impossible to kill him, you just need to dodge his blows for a while. The stairs down are flooded, we can only run on a narrow landing. The boss is slow and clumsy, so it will be easy to dodge. We are waiting for the siren to sound, and the boss will go down through the water. When the water level drops, we follow the boss to the street.

5. Western part of the city
Silent Hill 2. Where to get the pipe

Let's go to the western part of the city. Ahead is a dead end, to the right of it is a first aid kit. We leave the alley along the northern path. At the exit we will meet a little girl who did not give us the key. In a conversation, she will mention Mary, and immediately run away. At the underpass we go up the stairs to the left, there are 2 packs of cartridges at a dead end.

coastal park(Rosewater Park)

An underground passage will lead us to the park. On the left in a dead end 2 packs of cartridges. A little further to the left on the bench lies health drink. On the right path in front of the gazebo are cartridges. On the embankment on the right is a drink.

We walk along the embankment. We will meet Mary here, she is very similar to our deceased wife Mary. The next destination is the Lake View Hotel. Maria will come with us, and she will need to be protected in battle.

To the right of the exit from the park there is an enemy and health drink.

Jack's Motel(Jack's Inn)

We cross the street, ahead of the motel, but you can’t go anywhere. In the courtyard of the motel on the trunk of the car is preservation .

There is a collapse on the east side of the street, in front of it are cartridges. We can go to a dead end in the south, on a side street we will find health drink. At the end of Katz Street behind the bars we will find a first aid kit, on the other side the first aid kit lies on the ground near the car.

gas station(Texxon Gas)

There is a smoking car at the gas station, a pipe was stuck in its hood, we take this Steel pipe as a new weapon. There are 2 drinks and ammo in front of the truck. The locked garage has a drink and ammo.

Pete's bowling alley(Pete's Bowl-O-Rama)

North of the bowling alley by the grass lies health drink. Maria will wait for us at the entrance. Inside we will hear a conversation between Eddie and the girl Laura. When we approach, the girl will already run away. On the middle lane of the bowling alley at the end are cartridges. We leave the building.

Strip bar(Heaven's Night)

Maria outside saw the girl run across the yard to the south. There we will rest against the wall, and we will not be able to climb through the opening. Maria will open the back doors of the bar for us, she obviously worked here.

Inside we go up to the hall, on one of the chairs we will see a first aid kit. Let's go to the other side of the street. We will see how the girl ran into the hospital, we go there too.

6. Brookhaven Hospital
Silent Hill. Walkthrough site

There is a Hospital Map right at the entrance on the wall. We go to the front door of the registry, there we can survive . Here on the table there are records of three insane patients. On the next table health drink.

We pass into the next documentation room, near the typewriter we read the doctor's report on the disease, when a person goes to the "other side" of the world. read, take Key "Purple Ox". All other doors on the floor are locked, so we go to the stairs.

2nd floor

Two puppet nurses will immediately attack us, it is better to beat them with a pipe without spending ammo. In the women's locker room (Women's locker room) in the locker we find a new weapon - Shotgun. On the table from a teddy bear we take out Crooked needle. In the men's locker room in a lab coat we find Examination room key.

We go through the door opposite the stairs, we get into the second part of the corridor. There are ammo at the entrance. We unlock the examination room (Examining room 3), there is a first-aid kit on the bed, and left on the table in the typewriter Copy sheet with code. The number is always random, for example 6812. Remember it.

M2. In the room on the bedside table ammo and Key "Azure Eye".

M3. Enemy nurse, ammo and health drink.

M6. Same set: nurse, cartridges and drink.

Puzzle "Door with a code"

1st floor. We go to the first reception room (Examining room), near the reception, unlock it with a key. We pass into the next room, take from the sink shotgun shells. The message on the white board reads: "3F Patient Wing - 7335". (Hard level: the letter "T" represents the current month).

3rd floor. There are several nurses on the floor, all doors are closed. There is a first aid kit in the far east corner. nurses. To open the double door, you need a code from the reception room.

Easy, normal difficulty: 7335 .

Difficult level: 1328 (draw the letter "T" with numbers).

The door will open, in the second half of the floor there is a long corridor with single rooms.

In the bathroom, an object is visible in the drain until it is removed.

S3. In this ward, Maria will remain to rest on the bed. Take the Roof Key from the table.

S11. Here health drink And preservation .

S14. On the bed is a chest with many locks. On the wall is a note from Louise: "I will always take care of you. This is my destiny!"

Appearance of a stranger

We go to the roof along the landing, unlock the door. At the top we find the Diary. We examine the second door on the roof. Immediately after that, a pyramid head will appear nearby and throw us to the floor below.

We will find ourselves in the Special Treatment rooms, where there are 4 punishment cells. There is a note on the wall in the center, you can go into one of the punishment cells, inside it we examine the bloody stain, it can be seen four digit code, for example 4273. The code is always random.

Louise's chest puzzle

S14. We return to the chest with many locks, unlock them:

The rotary lock must be opened with a code from the punishment cell.

On the lock with buttons, you need to enter the code from the carbon paper (in the typewriter on the 2nd floor, in the inspection room).

On the remaining lock, use the key of the "Azure Eye" (from the 2nd floor of room M2).

We unlock the box itself with the key-plate "Purple Ox" (from the 1st floor, documentation room).

Inside the chest will be Hair. We go to the shower room on this floor. In the inventory, combine the Hair with the Bent Needle (for both items, select the line "combine", and then "use" on any of them). It will turn out a kind of fishing rod, with its help we will pull out of the drain Key from the elevator.

Boss: Hangmen

Laura tricks us into entering a room with two monsters hanging from the ceiling. It is better to attack them with a shotgun. From afar, they kick with their feet, but if they come close, they will immediately strangle. So we constantly move away from them, it is better to run from corner to corner, not forgetting to shoot. Each needs 8 hits. When we kill two, a third will appear.

After the victory, we will hear a siren, the familiar world will be covered with rust and blood. Someone will take us outside, where we will see the black sky.

7 Alternative Hospital
Silent Hill. How to open the box

We are in the garden, but in this world it looks like a cramped punishment cell. We return to the building, in the corridor we select shotgun shells, Can survive .

C2 - Inside is a nurse and first aid kit. C1 - Nurse, ammo and health drink. The rest of the doors are locked, we move on the elevator.

2nd floor

M6 - inside ammo, first aid kit, a piece of a note. In the wall under the wallpaper there is a drawing of stretching hands, and in the recess there is a battery and Cellar key. M4 - two nurses inside, shotgun shells, drink .

3rd floor

We kill enemies in the corridor. There is no Maria in room S3, only empty bottles of her pills.

S11, there are cartridges and an ampoule, on the bed there is a text about the angel Lady Doors (we are talking about a door with a picture near the elevator, we go out and inspect it until it can be opened).

In the second corridor in the storeroom (Store room) 2 packs of cartridges, first aid kit.


We go to the stairs, on the column there is preservation. We go down to the basement, unlock the doors. We take in the storage room shotgun shells, move the cabinet. Mary will come here and accuse us of not protecting her. Then we go together. We go down to the cache, take from the floor Copper ring.

3rd floor. We go to the decorated door at the elevator, we use the found ring on the hand, but we need one more.

Silent Hill Quiz

We sit down in the elevator, we go to the 2nd floor. Inside the elevator, the radio will turn on, the show "Award or Prank". The host will ask three questions about Silent Hill, each with three possible answers. Guessing and memorizing the correct answers:

1 question - 3 (What is the name of the park? - Lakeside Amusement Park).

Question 2 - 1 (What was the name of the killer? - Walter Sullivan).

Question 3 - 3 (What is the name of the road from the lake? - Nathan Avenue).

We return to the third floor, go to the warehouse (Store room), find an expensive chest, enter the answers: 3, 1, 3. As a reward, we will receive 5 packs of shotgun shells and 2 ampoules.

Leaving the hospital

On the second floor we go to the Day room, there is a large refrigerator on the floor, together with Maria we can open its door, from there we take lead ring. On the 3rd floor at the painted door, use the second ring.

The door will open, we go down the stairs. On the way down we will find a blue note, in which the criminal wrote that he hid the director's key in the park behind a statue.

Pyramid Head will chase after us in the lower corridor. We run faster, turning at numerous turns. We will have time to run into the elevator, and Maria will be left alone with the monster.

1st floor. All doors are locked, we can only enter the Director's Room. Inside, we examine the map with notes, transfer it to our map. Let's take Hospital lobby key. Through the window we will see Laura running past. We go to the exit of the building, we can survive .

8. Alternative South Valley
How to get through Silent Hill

Western District

The entire city was plunged into darkness. We need to return to the first part of the city along the southern roads. Collect useful items along the way:

Opposite the hospital shotgun shells.

At the western cul-de-sac of Rendell Street, there is a drink and a first aid kit by the car, and in the far left corner of the fence - shotgun shells, ampoule .

In the middle of the road along Rendell Street, we inspect the northern curb, there 3 packs of shotgun shells. A little further, behind a lattice fence under a tree, there are 2 packs of cartridges.

At the southern cul-de-sac of Munson 2 packs of cartridges, at the intersection of streets, there are 2 drinks by the door.

Along Saul street we get to the tunnel. Below, through the slatted floor, we will see thick-armed monsters, we quickly run past so that they do not hit with spikes.

Eastern District

At the exit from the tunnel we take a first aid kit near the van, inside the motor home there is a note and preservation. The next passenger car has . Further behind the hydrant and two boxes are 2 packs of cartridges.

At the turn in front of the corner building is a first aid kit. On the same side of the street near the next intersection there is another first-aid kit.

In front of the Happy Burger cafe, there are cartridges near two tanks, near the tank around the corner are rifle cartridges and first aid kit.

In front of Neely's Bar at the entrance are cartridges. Further on the right on the porch is a drink.

Along Neely street to the north on the left side we will find 2 drinks, and at the corner of the intersection there are cartridges. Near Big Jay's cartridges, near the Chinese restaurant opposite - also cartridges.

Down South Sanders Street at the crossroads at the top of the stairs 2 packs of shotgun shells. Near the Flower Shop in the parking lot 3 packs of cartridges.

There are cartridges at the north junction of Lindsey and Katz. There are more cartridges on the east wall of the street.

In the designated black place on the map, on Lindsey Street, on the site in front of the house we will find a letter and Wrench. An unknown person writes that the clue is in the museum, and the key to it is hidden in the park behind the statue.

Walk west along Katz Street. Now the entrance to the Woodside Inn is closed, but ahead on the road we can unlock the door with bloody inscription. So let's get to the next area.

park area

At the crossroads on the stairs of the house we will find cartridges and a drink. Nothing new has appeared in the remaining dead ends, we go to Rosewater Park.

At the entrance to the park on the left are 2 packs of shotgun shells. There is an ampoule on a bench in the left middle cul-de-sac of the park.

In the eastern part of the park in the nearest cul-de-sac, you can take 2 packs of shotgun shells.

We reach the statue in the center of the park, after it we dig up the earth with our hands. Find a box locked with bolts, use a wrench on it. Get it out of the treasure Old bronze key.

We go west along Nathan Avenue. If we go to the end, we will see that the bridge has collapsed, there is a dead body in front of it, cartridges, rifle cartridges. There is a first aid kit in front of the museum on the right side of the parking lot. Having collected everything, we enter the building "Silent Hill Historical Society".

9. Historical Museum
Silent Hill 2 (2001)

In the entrance room of the basement we read an entry from 1820. From the same table we take a first aid kit. There are a couple of monsters in the next corridor. The right door is closed, there are bullets in the intermediate door, the left door will lead us to a hole in the floor.

After jumping, we find ourselves at the bottom of the well. Here we go in a circle and inspect each section of the wall, in one place we notice strangeness. We take any weapon and break through the wall. In the half-flooded corridor we kill a couple of monsters.

Puzzle with cockroaches

We pass through the doors, immediately go into another side door. We take on the floor Key with spiral inscriptions. Immediately after taking the key, our flashlight will go out and the door will be locked. In inventory, use the battery on the lantern, turn it on (L key).

We will see that the whole room is in cockroaches. We can crush the closest ones, and then quickly approach the combination lock. Three buttons of the lock are worn out, we try to press them in different sequences. There are 6 options in total.

We leave, next to the floor we inspect the hatch, open it with the found key, jump into the abyss.

10 Toluca Prison
Silent Hill. Where to find a rifle

We will be in the prison cafeteria. We'll meet fat man Eddie, who killed a man here. After the conversation, he will leave. One of the columns has preservation. We take 2 drinks from the tables and Tablet "Voracious pig".

In the first corridor on the table we find cartridges. We reach the second table, on it lies Map of the prison.

We go in the door in the middle of the way, we will get into the corridor with shower cabins. In the left prison soul you have to bend down to take Tablet "Seductress".

prison rooms

We go to the southern corridor with the detention cells. The monsters are locked up, but they can spit acid through the bars. In the first open chamber there are cartridges, in the far chamber there are books about demons, there we take Wax doll from the table.

There are ammo on the table in the east corridor. In the side room on the shelves rifle cartridges. From here we can enter the northern corridor with cameras. An artist was sitting in the 1st cell, we will find the paintings "436 people at a concert" and "A burning man" in his room. In the 7th chamber we take Tablet "Oppressor".

In the yard there is a scaffold with three loops. It has a drawing about the atonement of three sins, and three indentations. We apply here all the boards found, we will hear the death cry of the executed. When we leave the yard, we will find a Horseshoe on the doors.

Staff rooms

In the central corridor in the northern part on the left there are two meeting rooms, in the first one there is a first aid kit, a lighter is visible behind the glass. We pass through the second room, where the glass is broken, go over and take the Lighter.

In the west corridor in the women's bathroom, someone hid in a stall. The men's restroom has preservation .

We pass into the side security room, take a first aid kit from the TV, an ampoule at the sink, a drink on the table. On the table we can read the legend about Toluca Lake (two ships sank on it, and many bodies rest at the bottom). We go into the next room, there are cartridges and new weapons - hunting rifle.

We reach the stairs, it is locked, but in front of it there is a hatch in the floor, it lacks a handle. We glue a homemade pen (in the inventory we combine three items: wax, lighter, horseshoe). We jump down.

way down

We find ourselves in the basement, you can only go through the double doors to the morgue. We pass further and a couple of times we jump into the abyss. We sit in the freight elevator, take 3 types of cartridges and a first aid kit. On the ground floor we can survive .

11. Labyrinth

Let's get into an abandoned building. There is no map, but it will be drawn as you progress. Ahead is a door blocked with wire. On the left we pass through the corner corridor with several monsters. We go along the left wall, and we reach two stairs, both lead to a circular corridor.

A pyramid-headed one walks in a circle, we run away from him in the other direction. In the center you can enter the room, there are 2 packs of cartridges and Pyramid Head Knife.

We go south along the top floor, go down the stairs to the half-flooded floor, kill a couple of monsters, climb another ladder.

Cube puzzle

In the center is a cube with multi-colored faces, it can be rotated left to right and up and down. Nearby is a metal room that turns after the cube. It is necessary to rotate the cube so that in the room the notch turns towards the door. Solution:

On the right side - green eyes, head upside down.

On hard difficulty: random value.

Go through the opened door into the living room. Behind the bars we will see the living Mary. She will attribute her miraculous resurrection to our forgetfulness. And he will tell about the videotape that only Mary knew. To free the girl, you need to go here from the other side, so let's go out for now.

Behind the wire

In the room with the cube near the stairs we will see an open switchboard, we take the Nippers from there. We return to the beginning of the maze, bite the wire.

There are two other stairs in the half-flooded tunnel, we climb the nearest one. Further on is an intricate two-story labyrinth with monsters. Along the way, you can find 3 packs of ammo. As a result, we will reach a room where there is a newspaper on the floor and preservation .

Boss: Purgatory Gatekeeper

We go through the corridor with newspapers, we will hear a cry. Angela was attacked by "daddy" in the living room with pistons. It's better to use a shotgun. We get up in one corner, shoot back, run across to another, continue. You need 8-10 accurate shots. After the victory, Angela will finish off the boss with a TV. She complains about some rapist, accuses us, and leaves.

Puzzle "6 hangmen"

In the side room we will find 6 placed bodies, each has his crime written on his face:

1) Murder, 2) Theft, 3) Arson,

4) Abduction, 5) Fraud, 6) Counterfeiting.

In the next room we will see 6 empty loops. Nearby on the wall on a small poster is a warning that a wrong answer will cause monsters. All 6 crimes are described on a large poster. According to the description, you need to understand which of them is not guilty, and pull the loop in his place.

Easy level: Abductor (4) .

Normal level: Pyro (3) (he was framed by the sheriff),

Difficult level: Counterfeiter (6).

We pull the loop of the innocent, we go to another room, where the Key of the Wronged will appear instead of the body.

We go back, a side corridor has opened. We rise, take the first-aid kit and go out to the cemetery. In the corners and behind the tombstones we find 3 packs of cartridges, in the far left corner lies an ampoule. Here you can survive . You can read the inscriptions on the tombstones. In the far left corner, there are three graves together: Eddie Dombrowski, Angela Orosco, James Sunderland - all three that roam Silent Hill. We jump into our grave.

Boss: Eddie

In the freezer we will meet Eddie among many dead people. Now he is killing everyone, and he will start shooting at us. We can always run away from him. If health is low, use first-aid kits right during the battle. It fires 6 shots and then reloads. At this point, we arm ourselves with a shotgun, shoot 3 times, and Eddie will run away into the next room.

We take shotgun ammo, rifle ammo. We go into the hall where carcasses of meat hang. This is where Eddie will hide from us behind the carcasses. We can also run up from behind and shoot from behind. 8-9 more hits and Eddie will be killed.

12. Lake View Hotel
Silent Hill 2. LakeView Hotel

Lake Toluca

We leave the warehouse on the coast. At the docks, we board a boat and swim across the lake. You need to find the light of the beacon in the fog and swim to it. This will take about 2 minutes. On the hard difficulty level, you need to manually control the movement of the hands in order to row with oars. When we swim, we will see a hotel on the northern shore.

1st floor

We examine the fountain on the left, take from it Music box "Mermaid". In the building at the entrance hangs Hotel card (for guests), marked with the number 312.

We go to the Lake Shores restaurant on the right, inside we take the Key "Fish" from the table. We will meet Laura near the piano, she will give a letter from Mary. It turns out that Mary wanted to adopt this girl. Soon Laura will run away for the second letter.

Two dangerous monsters in frames roam the corridor. In the western part of the corridor we can enter the restroom, there are two mannequins, and in the back room on the shelves 3 packs of cartridges, rifle cartridges.

We go down the stairs, on the right in the non-working elevator we find Solvent.

In the lobby, in the information window, we will find a note that a videotape was left for us in the office on the 1st floor. Nearby we go in the door, behind the counter in the eggs we will find Room key 312. In the center of the hall is an old jukebox. There is also in the lobby preservation on the armchair.

2nd floor

We go to the dressing room (Cloak room), take a first aid kit, 2 packs of ammo, 2 packs of shotgun shells. We examine the suitcase, use the "Pisces" key on it, inside we take Room key 204.

There are 2 packs of cartridges in the dead end of the southern service corridor. In the next room is a library where shotgun shells and drink.

204. In the room on the table we will find Service elevator key. Through a gap in the wall we pass into room 202, there is a locked suitcase and scattered photographs. We use a solvent on a photograph painted over with a felt-tip pen, we will see the code from the suitcase: DAMN. Inside the suitcase Music box "Cinderella".

We go to the east wing, in the corridor near the elevator we take rifle cartridges and drink. The main elevator does not open, but to the right of it we can unlock the door to the service elevator. We take 2 drinks here, we can survive . The elevator has a weight limit. We need to put all our things in the closet, only after that we can go downstairs.

Without weapons

1st floor. We take from the wall Hotel card (for staff).

We go to the Office room, from the open safe we ​​take Videocassette and Opener. In the recreation room (Employee lounge), we take from the refrigerator 2 packs of rifle cartridges. In the pantry (Pantry) on the right shelf we will find Music box "Snow White".

We go down the stairs to the basement. There are a couple of mannequins in the corridor, we dodge them. We go into the boiler room (Boiler room), take the first aid kit and the Key to the bar. We pass into the kitchen (Kitchen), take 3 drinks, using the opener we open a large canned food without a label, we suddenly find a Light Bulb in it.

Bar Venus tears. We approach the door on the left, we have a key, but in the dark the door cannot be opened. On the bar opposite we will see a lamp, we insert a light bulb into it, after that we unlock the door.

We find ourselves in the basement near the central elevator. We go up the stairs to the 2nd floor in the east wing to pick up all our things from the closet.

Music box puzzle

We go to the lobby, install all three boxes found. Approach the device with three different sides. We read the clues on the tablets, and put the corresponding character:

1. Cinderella (ran away at midnight).

2. Snow White (awakened from the dead).

3. Little Mermaid (didn't say a word).

Difficult level: 1 - Cinderella, 2 - Mermaid, 3 - Snow White.

When we turn on the correct melody, we get Hotel staircase key. We go to the 3rd floor, unlock the door on the stairs.

312. In the room we use a cassette for a VCR. We'll see the tape with Mary at the hotel. And then a short passage in the hospital. It was James himself who killed Mary. Laura will come, tell her about it. Left alone, we hear Mary's voice through the radio, we continue to search for her.

13. Alternative hotel
Silent Hill 2. How to get a good ending

2nd floor

Now water is dripping from the ceilings of the hotel, and there is more and more mold on the walls. In the corridor of the 3rd floor, you can survive .

We go down to the 2nd floor, enter the reading room. On the table we will find headphones, through them we will hear a dialogue with the doctor about Mary's fatal illness.

Entering some doors of the rooms, we will teleport to other doors. We only need a transition from 202 to 219. There are 2 packs of cartridges near room 219, 2 ampoules further down the corridor near the elevator. We go down the elevator to the basement.


Half-flooded corridors are inhabited by crawling mannequins. We take 5 drinks in the Venus Tears bar. We take in the kitchen 2 packs of rifle cartridges, 2 shotgun cartridges, and first aid kit.

We go to the landing, there we will meet Angela. After a dialogue with us, she will go into the fire - into her personal hell. We go out the door, go in again, and we can climb the usual stairs.

1st floor

We pass through the burnt corridors. At the dead end on the left are 2 ampoules. On the right along the way we will find 2 packs of rifle ammo. We pass along the corridor with a slatted floor, we will be attacked by thick-armed ones. In the room we will see a square of 9 sheets saves .

Boss: Pyramid Heads

We will see Mary captured by monsters, she will be executed right in front of our eyes. Pyramid Heads - the feeling of guilt of the protagonist, and now we will try to get rid of this feeling. Monsters will run after us with spears, faster than usual. The hall is large enough, we can constantly run from corner to corner and shoot from a rifle.

After our victory, the pyramid heads will kill themselves with spears. We examine them, from one of the hands we take Scarlet egg, from the second - Red egg. We use both quail eggs on two doors. We run along a long corridor. If we go to the standard ending, we will hear a conversation with Mary in the hospital, as she asked to be killed. We go up the stairs to Mary's room.

Boss: Maria

The girl will offer to stay with us, we refuse. Then she will turn into a monster hanging on the bed. If she flies up close, she will try to strangle us with a tentacle, we press all the buttons to get out. From afar, she attacks with a cloud of butterflies, it delays us for a while. We act as with any boss: we run away, shoot from a rifle, run across to another corner. At the end, Maria's bed will fall, we make the last shot at close range.


Leaving / Farewell (Leave)

Conditions for receiving:

Try to avoid injuries, quickly heal the hero.

Ignore Maria: don't visit her in the hospital, don't wait for her, let her get hurt.

Examine the letter and photograph of Mary.

We see a conversation between James and Mary in the hospital. James finally speaks out everything that has tormented his soul for so long. He asks for forgiveness for what he has done. Mary forgives him and gives him the letter, after which she dies. We read the letter on the background of the cemetery. At the end, James and Laura leave Silent Hill. James' sin is forgiven and he can start a new life without guilt or pain.


Conditions for receiving:

Do not inspect Angela's knife, Mary's photo and letter.

When you meet Maria, protect her from the monsters.

Revisit her in the hospital room and in the cell.

In the hallway before the final, run through without listening to Mary's words.

After final fight James returns to the dock. Mary approaches him. He invites Maria to leave Silent Hill with him. Mary gives James Mary's letter, which gives him forgiveness and permission to start a new life. Together with Mary, James returns to the car.

In Water (In Water)

Conditions for receiving:

Don't heal James right away, leave him wounded longer.

Examine Angela's knife several times.

Read the diary on the roof of the hospital.

Read the text in "Neely's Bar" after the hospital.

Listen to the conversation on headphones in the hotel library.

Listen to Mary's monologue in the hallway before the finale.

After killing the last boss, James is next to Mary lying on the bed. He apologizes for taking her life. Despite his wife's pleas to continue living, he picks up Mary in his arms and gets into the car. Suicide seems to him the only way out. He accelerates and the car dives into Toluca Lake.


Conditions for receiving:

You need to find 4 items for the ritual (appear only when you repeat the passage):

1) White fir. Blue Creek Hotel, #105, in the kitchen.

2) The book "Lost Memories" (Book: Lost Memories). Gas station "Texxon Gas", in a box.

3) Obsidian goblet. Historical Museum, in a broken glass case.

4) Book "Crimson Ceremony" (Book: Crimson Ceremony). Alternative hotel "Lakeview", 2nd floor, Reading room, on a shelf.

After the final fight, James, along with Mary's body, floats on a boat on the lake. He has collected all the necessary things to conduct an ancient local ritual for the resurrection of the dead, and is going to carry it out. James hopes to cheat death and bring Mary back.

Dog ending (Dog)

Conditions for receiving:

1) You need to get the "Rebirth" ending or the other 3 main endings.

2) After that, near the hotel "Jack" s Inn "in the parking lot inside the doghouse, we take the dog key (Dog key).

3) Use the key to unlock the door to the observation deck (Observation room) on the 3rd floor of the alternative hotel.

Using the key, James will enter a room with computers. A dog sits on a chair in front of the computer and controls everything. James exclaims, "So it was you!" and falls to all fours. The dog runs up to James and starts licking his face. After that, there are funny credits with funny music.

UFO ending (UFO)

Conditions for receiving:

Both scenarios must be completed. After that during new game blue will appear on the floor in the toilet gem(Blue gem). It should be used in:

1) Alternative Hospital, 1st floor, in the garden (Garden).

2) At the boat dock right after defeating Eddie.

3) Hotel "Lake View" (LakeView Hotel), No. 312.

In response to the third use of the stone, an armada of flying saucers will fly in. Harry from "Silent Hill 1" will meet us. Harry will ask if we have seen his daughter. In response, James will ask if he has met his wife Mary. After that, the alien will stun James, and Harry will help bring him into the flying saucer.

Secret weapons
in Silent Hill 2

Chainsaw - when you pass again, we will find it on the initial path, at the entrance to the city.

Spray - to get you need to beat the game twice, with the same ending. On the third playthrough, we'll find him in a house on Saul Street. The spray will have a random color from the following:

Green spray - kills any enemy;

Yellow spray - kills bosses: gatekeeper, Eddie;

White spray - kills dummies, nurses.

DLC Born From A Wish

We play as Maria, armed with a revolver. We start in the inner room of the Heaven's Night bar. In our room we take 2 packs of cartridges in the closet, 2 drinks at the sink. In the main hall from the bar we take a first aid kit and Chinese cleaver.

City streets

From the bar we go south. We can collect useful things on the way:

In the middle of Rendell Street to the north, there are 2 drinks by the truck.

At the western cul-de-sac of Katz Street, there are 2 packs of cartridges behind bars. In the middle of Katz, next to the jeep is a first aid kit. In the eastern dead end of the street, before the collapse, there is a first aid kit and cartridges in the back of a jeep.

At the north cul-de-sac of Munson Street, at the left post, there are 2 packs of cartridges.

We get to the northern dead end, near the Blue Creek Apartment, we enter the bloodied door. There are two monsters and a dead man in the yard.

House Baldwin

In the hall, the side doors are locked, we go straight into the double doors. In the living room with a fireplace we find the Map of the house, in the center on the table there is a first aid kit and 2 packs of cartridges, on the right there is preservation. You can only go through the door on the left, there we go up the stairs, along the way we take 2 packs of cartridges.

2nd floor. We are trying to open the western door to the Lounge, but the door will be closed in front of us. The recluse Ernest is sitting there, he will never let us in.

We go to the southern corridor, kill a couple of monsters, take a first aid kit from the table. Through the side door we go out to the balcony, there we take White Board.

We return to the 1st floor, in the living room the sash of the fireplace has opened, a staircase is hidden inside it, we will climb it to the summer garden.

Puzzle Tombstone

In the garden we take Red board and Black board. We read the inscription on the headstone. All three boards must be inserted into the recess, you need to focus on the square holes in the boards. Correct option:

1. White board.

2. Red board, rotate 90 degrees to the left.

3. Black board. Paste as is.

For solving the puzzle we get Acacia Key.


We go to the 2nd floor, on the southern balcony we unlock the door. There is 1 monster in the corridor. We go into the children's room, take Matches from the bedside table. At the end of the corridor we will rise to the attic.

We see a thing under the chair, but we can’t take it in the dark. There is a candlestick on the table, use matches on it. When lighting candles, we take from under the chair greeting card Ernst from daughter Amy.

We return to Ernest's room, now you can enter, but there is no one inside. On the table we read the book Acacia, take first aid kit, 2 drinks. From here we can go to the northern corridor, there is a monster and a couple of cockroaches. We go down the north stairs.

There are ammo and a couple of enemies in the long corridor. We reach the service room (Service Room), there are cartridges and 2 drinks. There are a couple more mannequins in the south corridor and preservation. In the studio (Study) we read a book about the resurrection of the dead. We can talk to Ernest through the door, we give him a postcard. We learn that his daughter died after falling down the stairs. Ernest will ask you to bring him a white liquid to create a potion.

From the southern corridor, we can now unlock the door to the central room with a fireplace. We return to the southern short passage, opposite the save sheet, we pass to the southern stairs.

Below we read a memorial tablet about Amy Baldwin. We pass along the basement corridor with cockroaches. Let's go out to the backyard, kill a few mannequins. We pass into the neighboring yard, we go into the hotel building.

Hotel "Blue stream"

On the landing on the 2nd floor is the Hotel Map.

105. We take in the kitchen first aid kit, drink. There is in the closet preservation. In the main room, the puzzle is a coin box with a vial of White liquid on it.

203. You can enter the room with the safe, but it is empty. There is nothing else on the second floor. We return to the mansion.

We bring the liquid to Ernest. He will talk about James. We enter his room, but it turns out to be empty. On the street, Maria decides to kill herself with a revolver, but changes her mind and goes to the embankment to meet James.

Questions - answers

Question: What to do if the videos do not work?(Silent Hill 2)

Answer: The cutscenes of the game only work well on single-core processors. On multi-core, you need to manually switch to one core: after starting the game, minimize it (Alt + Tab), open the task manager (Ctrl + Alt + Del). Go to the 2nd tab "Processes", find the process of the game "sh2pc.exe". We click on it with the right button, select the line "Set Affinity" (Set Affinity ...), leave a tick on only one core "CPU 0" (CPU1). This should be done every time you start the game.

Question: What's in the toilet? Question: What happened to the wife?(in game Silent Hill 2)

Answer: According to the plot of the game, we learn that the wife of the protagonist suffered from a serious illness, lay in a hospital bed for a long time, and tormented herself and her husband with reproaches. As a result, James could not stand it, and killed his wife to end her torment. But later he began to doubt the correctness of this act, he had a feeling of guilt. And the town of Silent Hill called him to give a chance for redemption.

Question: Where to find coins?

Answer: 1) Coin Old Man - you need to clean the garbage chute in the hotel on the 2nd floor, and then inspect the fallen bag of garbage on the street. 2) Serpent Coin - in the courtyard of the hotel, at the bottom of the pool. 3) Coin Captive - in the hotel in room 109, in the room with Angela.

Question: Answer: In the final hotel, the service elevator is located in the center, slightly east of the main elevator, we will find it behind the next door.

Question: How to open the box in the hospital?(in game Silent Hill 2)

Answer: You need to listen to the quiz questions on the knowledge of the city of Silent Hill in the elevator, guess and remember the correct answers. After that, on the 3rd floor in the warehouse (Store room) enter the answers: Q1 - 3, Q2 - 1, Q3 - 3.

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Endings: Departure, Maria, In the Water, Rebirth, Doggystyle, UFO.
DLC Born of Desire. Questions - answers.
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Silent Hill 2

So we and our main character James Sunderland finds ourselves in a not very cozy place called Silent Hill. I think we can do without backstories, and that's it
everybody knows.
1. Beginning of the game, cemetery.
We leave the toilet, watch a short video insert with the text of the letter, go to the car, pick up the map of the city. A map is a useful thing, there you can find out your own
location. We go forward, we go down the stairs. There is only one road, so we won't get lost. We go to the cemetery. There we find a girl at the grave. We speak with
her, we learn that her name is Angela, she explains that<с городом что-то не то, и этот туман совсем не туман, а:>, inspect the video, go to the exit near
small church. Then everything goes on and on. Look around - there may be health drinks that will come in handy later. Likewise, if you
play on the lowest difficulty level along the way you can find a chainsaw (the campaign is the most powerful weapon in the game).
2. City.
When you exit Sanders Street (look at the map), turn right. If you are too lazy to walk, look to the left, there is a first aid kit. We are trying to reach
Lindsay Street, we see traces of blood and a shadow in the fog. James is just tempted to go after her. Let's go. We reach Vachss Road, go to the end (on the way you will find
patio with two health drinks and a saver), having heard the noise, we climb into the passage clogged with boards. There's a monster out there. James will tear off the pacu (second weapon), and
your job is to beat the creature to death. After the video, we go back to Lindsay Street. Be careful - a lot of monsters live there, if you don't want to fight back, just
run. Further - on Martin Str. straight ahead, then right to the corpse, from which we borrow the key to the Woodside Apartments. Accordingly, we go to this building
(find on the map). If you can't find it yourself, drag yourself to the very end of the map on Saul Street, and then to Neely's Bar behind the map, where you will find
exact coordinates.

3 Woodside Apartments.
We are inside. From the stand on the left we take the map of the room. A health drink is lying nearby. We go up to the second floor, go into apartment 205 (where it is,
look in the corridor, because unless you have a flashlight you can't see anything in the dark). Just here we will find a luminary - a lantern on a mannequin. As soon as we take it
a monster will attack, kill it and continue your journey.
Now to apartment 210. There are cartridges inside. We go out, kill the monsters, go to the stairs to the third floor. We went in, we saw the key behind the bars. Trying to reach
it doesn’t come out, out of nowhere, a girl of 8 years old will run out, step on your hand, and even throw the key into the corridor far, far away. Yes, calm down! We keep the way
to apartment 301. The whole room is strewn with cartridge cases, but for good reason - there is a pistol in the basket (a very useful thing). We return to the 2nd floor. On the way to the room
208 we hear a scream - where would it come from? Let's move on to sq. 208. There's a monster behind bars, don't waste ammo, he'll leave on his own. We go into the room, and we see the corpse in the chair.
Not very pleasant, but it will amuse the bloodthirsty. On the shelf near the corpse is the key to room 202. We take it. We leave for the room with the clock. Reading the writing on the wall
on the clock. We leave, we go to the square. 202. There are butterflies in the room, and they cannot be killed. Too bad they annoyed me. In the back room there is a hole in the green muck - we put our hand in,
we get the key from the clock. We return to 208.
4. Riddle with a clock.
We open the clock with a key from the green hole, they offer to translate the hands. We set 21:15. We hear a click, the clock opens. Trying to move the clock - in the wall
hole. We climb into it. We are behind bars, where the monster was. By the way, don't forget to save! We move forward, climb the stairs to the 3rd floor.
5. First acquaintance.
Now we need to find the key that the girl threw away. On medium and hard difficulty levels, James does not mark this place on the map, so look for it yourself.
It will not be difficult, the main thing is to find a grate in the wall. We take the key, in the room next to the cartridges. Further searches are limited to room 307. We go in and see
Pyramid Head, who, to put it mildly, rapes his<подчиненных>monsters. James will hide in the closet. Watch the video insert, then take it out of the closet
the key to the courtyard. Exit, to the right, and to the stairs. We go down to the 1st floor. In the hallway with a broken door, at the end is a pack of juice. We select.
6. Coin from the trash and clippings from the magazine.
We go outside. We return to the entrance, which we entered here for the first time. We rise to the 2nd floor, in the room next to the entrance we find an open
garbage chute, throw juice inside. Juice pushes stuff stuck in the garbage chute. We go outside. There is a small alley near the main entrance.
We head to where the outlet of the garbage chute is. We pick up the Old Man Coin from there, read the magazine about the murders that have taken place,
we turn back into the building, on the ground floor, open the door to the courtyard, enter.
7. Courtyard.
Looking for a pool in the yard. There is a wheelchair and<плавают>three monsters. Shoot the monsters from above, go down, take the Snake Coin from the stroller.
We go to the door opposite the pool, kill the monsters, then to apartment 101. When you enter, do not be afraid of the sounds. There's some ammo in the bathroom
find the cause of the sound. There we will meet Eddie, a slightly plump man who is a little<не в себе>. We return to the main building of Woodside Apartments,
We rise to the second floor, turn left, we reach the blue door. We open it with the key to the fire exit. James takes a chance and climbs through the window into
another building.
8. Blue Creek Apartments.
We found ourselves in the bedroom. I'm going to the toilet. James sees something interesting in the toilet and pulls it out. It turned out to be a wallet. Inside a note with
combination. We enter another room, there is a safe on the chair to the right.
9. Safe.
Once again we look at the piece of paper from the toilet, remember the combination and enter.
(combinations may vary depending on the version of the game, as well as on the selected level of difficulty of the puzzles in the game):
Easy level: 09 >> 15<< 09 >> 06;
Normal level: 01 >> 14<< 07 >> 16;
Hard level: VV2 >> 05<< VV4 >> 07;
To correctly enter the code, I give an example:
let's say the combination is VV2 >> 05<< VV4 >> 07. VV2 means Roman 5 + Roman 5 + 2 = 12.
So, put the number 12 under the pointer, turn the dial clockwise to 5, then counterclockwise to 14, clockwise to 7. It's simple. Inside
Once again, the combinations may change depending on the version of the game.
10. Third coin.
We leave this room, on the way to the kitchen, picking up a drink of health. We turn right, do not forget to fight off the monsters. We are looking for a door with a sign
. We get into it. On the left is a map of the Blue Creek Apartments building. We go to the 1st floor, we go into room 109, we select cartridges. We are looking for an open door here.
We watch a video of Angela going crazy. She leaves behind a knife and a third Prisoner Coin.
11. Bedside table in room 105.
Yes, we have a collection. We go to apartment 105.
We see a bedside table with five holes. Our task is to guess where to put which coin.
Again, the level of difficulty matters.
Easy level: Old Man Coin in the first hole,
Snake Coin in the third (middle) hole, and Prisoner Coin in the last hole.
Normal level: Old Man Coin in the second hole, Prisoner Coin in the third (middle) hole, and Serpent Coin
(Snake Coin) into the last hole.
Hard level: Old Man Coin in the second hole, Snake Coin in the fourth hole, and Prisoner coin
Coin) to the last one.
The box will open, inside is the key to Lin's apartment, which lives on the second floor of this building. Let's go up there, to room 209. Through this apartment, through
balcony, we make our way to the neighboring apartments, we find the cartridges and the key to the exit. We go out into the corridor, to the left, kill the monsters, open the blue door and:
12. The first boss is Pyramid Head.
We went in, watched a short video, how this creature is again engaged in debauchery, and we are trying to kill him. Shooting at him is useless - the point of this episode is
to run around him, and not get hit by a huge, deadly knife. The battle time depends on the difficulty level - easy: 2 min., normal: 3-4
min., difficult: 5 min. and more. After a useless run around this trough, a siren will sound, and Pyramid Head will leisurely wander down the flooded
stairs. I do not advise you to run after him - he will beat him. We wait. The water has receded, we can continue our journey.
13. New acquaintances.
We go down the stairs, we find ourselves in an alley near the Rose Water Park, where James had to get from the very beginning of the game. But by the time we get there
we can collect first-aid kits on the roadsides, and, going around the corner, we will meet a girl from Woodside Apartments. Watch the video and move on. We pass through the park, we move
to the pier, and we find a new acquaintance, or rather, an acquaintance - Mary, who is very similar to James' ex-wife. After the cutscene, we go through the park to Nathan
Ave., Maria followed us.
14. Quiet Hill again.
By Nathan Ave. we go to the gas station, where we get a new weapon - a piece of metal pipe. Then we head to Pete's Bowling Alley
Bowl-O-Rama). Maria will wait for you outside. We go in the door on the left, run around the table, another door. We enter, we speak with Eddie. He will say that this girl's name is
Laura. Of course, we are very happy to return to the street. We meet Maria, who tried to catch up with Laura. She did not succeed, so you have to catch up with her.
We pick up a health drink near the bowling alley, then without going out onto the road, turn into the alley and run south. We run straight and to the right to the wire fence.
We go in the door. Left. Laura was dexterous and was able to crawl between the buildings. Maria will tell you another way, but it's closed there. No nerves, she has
master key. Let's get into the club<Райская Ночь>(Heaven's Night), we go up the stairs, at the very end of the corridor there is a green door. We enter. In the hall from the chair, pick up
first aid kit. We leave the club through the door near the counter, go down the stairs.
We go down Carroll Street, we see how Laura enters the building of the city hospital. We, of course, follow her.
15. Brookhaven Hospital.
On the left is a map stand. Go straight through the Registration room, at the end find a typewriter, a note next to it, and a Red Bull Key.
Prepare your firearms - along the way you will meet some evil nurses who just want to hit you with their crutches. Find the stairs
go up to the second floor, turn left, shoot all the medical staff, (just be careful, do not shoot Maria, otherwise it will be Game Over). Then again
to the left, and through the right door (men's locker room). In the bloody robe you will find the key to the diagnostic room. Exit, go to the door opposite. There will be
quite a powerful thing - a shotgun. Also inspect the teddy bear, and remove the Curved Needle from it. Go back to the 1st floor, open the room for diagnostics.
There's a health drink in there. Shotgun shells in the sink, on the wall near the door is a notice board. Write down the code. Come out. Climb up to the 2nd floor.
Go through the door opposite the staircase, find a room in the corridor, inside a first aid kit. Pull out the code sheet from the typewriter. Remember it.
Note: The code on this leaflet can only be seen in the English version of the game. So, if the codes I proposed do not work, you will have to reinstall
game (if you played the Russian version).
It's time to go to room M2, for ammo and a key<Глаз Ляписа>with a strange stone inside.
There is a health drink in room M3. We go to the third floor. Doctors again! What to do, you know. The door opposite - on the code lock. The code you saw in the room
for diagnostics.
easy level and normal levels: 7335; heavy: 1328;
Come in. We go to room S3, Maria will get sick and lie down to rest. On the bedside table we find the key to the roof. On the roof. Let's walk there, get some air, read
someone's diary, we want to go back - but no! The door is locked from the inside. This is not good. We retreat to the fence, and then HE will come out. Drop us down into the chambers for
psychos. We use the first aid kit, because. health is nearing its end. In a cell with a bright door, the wall is covered in blood. You need to see a four-digit code on it,
Again, it depends on the level of difficulty. On a hard level, the inscription will be literally<смазанная>, so we buy more powerful glasses. We return to the third floor. IN
room S14. there is a very strange box, all in chains. Gotta open it. We use the keys of the Lilac Bull and the Eye of Lapis to remove the chains, and to
open the locks, enter the codes that you saw on the bloody wall and in the typewriter.
In my case, the codes were: 7834, 4949, 2312, 3793, 4564, 8216; Someone's hair was found in the open box. No, well, you have to think about it! I'm going to the shower
room on the 3rd floor, we stand above the green drain, we connect the hair and the needle in the menu. Then use. James will fish out the key to the elevator from the hole. be like
around the rooms, collect the cartridges for the shotgun, you will need them soon. Then go to the elevator on the 3rd floor. Get down to the first floor. arm yourself
shotgun. Go into room C3 for ammo, then into room C2, where you will find Laura. Watch a rather long video, after which Laura is tricked into
will lock you in a room:
16. Second boss - Hanging Creatures.
: with two monsters enclosed in metal frames and hanging from the ceiling. You have to be very nimble because this boss loves to grab you by the
throat. The number of shots in each creature is determined by the difficulty level:
Light: 2 shotgun hits, 15 pistol hits.
Medium: 6-7 shotgun hits, 20 pistol hits.
Heavy: 12 shotgun hits, over 25 pistol hits.
After you kill these two types, a third one will appear. With him you need to do the same as with the previous ones. The end of the battle will not be happy - James
glitch, everything around will change, and he will be in the backyard of the hospital.
17. Evil in Brookhaven Hospital (Evil Brookhaven Hospital).
Go to room C2 - there is a first aid kit. When the sounds of breaking glass are heard - do not be afraid. Now everything here is going to scare you. We go to the elevator.
We rise to the second floor. After shooting the nurses, go into room M6, where you will find the key to the basement, and batteries for the flashlight. (batteries and key
are inside the green symbol with eyes). They will come in handy later. Read the note next to it and take the first aid kit with ammo. We return to the elevator. Let's go to the 3rd
floor. We see a pretty nice door with protruding 3D arms. You need 2 rings to open it. In room S11, find the ammo and ampoule. Read the note
where you will learn that the ampoules are a powerful medicine that can restore any amount of lost health. Look for stairs on the map and go down
into the basement using the key you just found... There is a shelf on the left, walk up to it and push it. Maria will find you herself, and after a short
video you will be together again. Go down the stairs. There is a copper ring on the floor. Climb up and go to the 3rd floor, then go down to
elevator to the 2nd floor. As you drive, listen<Радио-шоу>, remember the questions that will be there, and preferably think about the answers. Go to the second floor
in the Day Room, find the refrigerator. James can't open it, he'll have to ask Maria. Together, you will get the leader's ring from there. Go to Store Room
on the third floor. There you will see the box that was mentioned during<Радио-шоу>. You need to correctly answer the questions, and, therefore, correctly click on
buttons. In the first row, press the third button, in the second row - the first, in the third - the third. The box will open, there will be a lot of cartridges and ampoule. now and
go to the door with your hands. Use the rings, James will put them on his fingers<двери>. When the door opens, run down the long stairs. Save. After
run as fast as you can to the next door, and try not to linger on the turns, because Maria will be chased by this Pyramid Head guy. If he
stab her before you get to the elevator, game over. If you managed to jump into the elevator, watch a terribly sad video. Exit the elevator.
Go to the director's office. Find a map on the table, and the key to the entrance to the hospital. Leave this building.
18. Dark Valley.
Go down Carroll Street, then left down Rendell Street, go through the tunnel, shooting the creatures stuck below. Go to the Mexican bar
where it says on the map. There, on one of the porches of the houses, you will find a letter and an adjustable wrench. Go to Rose Water Park. Go to the parking lot
marked with a red circle on the map. Find the nun statue. Behind the statue, the earth is brown, covered with a hill. Dig out, open the box with the key, inside
find the key of the Silent Hill Historical Society. Find on the map where it is and go there.
19. Historical Society of the Quiet Hill (Silent Hill Historical Society).
Enter the task. Find an open door there. Inside you will see a broken wall. Go there, for some time run down to the door. Jump
down. You are inside the well.<Прощупайте>wall with a metal pipe to open the door. Go straight and to the right, to the open door. Coming through
sewer, door on the right. We go in, take the key to the hatch. The flashlight went out in our hands. We change the batteries, there are a lot of cockroaches around. shoot them off
useless, so immediately go to the combination lock on the door. It is necessary to determine the code by the highlighted three keys. Code: 634. We leave, on the right we see the hatch.
We use the newly found key on it. We jump down. James will light up the surrounding area with a flashlight, and see Eddie with a gun. After video insert
search the room for ammo, a first aid kit, and a Pig board. Exit the door after Eddie.
20. Toluca Prison.
Instead of a historical society, we ended up in prison. Go left for the map. Then a little back and to the right, into the shower room. There left, right, and
right. Take the Seducer's Tablet. We leave, we head to the very bottom of the corridor to the lower chambers. Inside one of them lies a wax doll. Take away.
Walk forward, to the left. Then through the large door on the left, behind the ammo from a hunting rifle. Then again up to the north, and through the door on the left. In one of the cells
(fourth from the end) find the third tablet of the Oppressed. Go back and go to the large courtyard. In the center of the courtyard is<эшафот>with three holes.
Use the found boards, hear the cry of the killed person (?!). Walk back. Remove the horseshoe from the door you came from. Back to the northern chambers, we pass
into the first corridor and the upper room. Go through the broken bar. The next door on the left - there is a lighter. Go through the door near the lattice itself -
you will find a couple of monsters, a bunch of ammo and a hunting rifle. We pass through the grate, in the floor there is a hatch with a recess. In the menu we combine the doll with a lighter and a horseshoe
(in that order), the hatch will open. Let's jump. We pass through the tunnel, jump again. Find an elevator, collect ammo and first aid kits in it. Ride for a long time.
Exit the elevator, save.
21. Labyrinth.
Here it is better to use a map, because. James himself will finish painting the rooms we visited. Go right and right again to the stairs down.
We're going down. Beware, Pyramid Head roams this hallway and can stab you. Find the door in the depths of the corridor. Take two boxes from the table
ammo and the Great Pyramid Head Knife. Go back where you came from. Find holes in the floor at the other end of the maze. We're going down. We score
monsters, and go straight across the water to the stairs. When we rise, we will see a strange design: a pedestal with a rotating cubic head. On each face a face with
colored eyes. The higher the difficulty, the darker the cube will be, and the more difficult it will be to see the color of the eyes. Easy level: green eyes upside down
in front of you. Medium level - inverted yellow eyes, Heavy level - standing sideways, forehead on the left, blue eyes. Go through the iron room
stairs down. The unexpected will happen - Maria is alive again, sitting on her chair, but she cannot remember anything. James promises to release her. I go back to
cube with faces. Near the door in the electrical panel you will find wire cutters. Return to the very beginning of the labyrinth, to the door covered with wire. Go down the stairs.
Go to the stairs in the middle of the passage, go up. Next, find another staircase on the right, go down, then wander a little along the passages, find the exit,
he is nearby. One piece of advice - always go to the left. When you go up the stairs, and you find yourself near the door and save, by itself, save.
22. Third boss - Man-door.
Go ahead, James will hear the screams, he will go into the room. Watch the video. Shoot the boss with a shotgun.
Easy level: pistol - 30 hits, shotgun - 15, shotgun - 10.
Intermediate: pistol - 45 hits, shotgun - 25, shotgun - 15.
Hard level: pistol - 63 hits, shotgun - 30, shotgun - 20.
Exit the room. Go to the next door.
23. Six corpses.
In one of the corridor rooms you will see six corpses with signs on their faces. It will be written there for what each of them was executed. Your task is to determine which
the attackers are not guilty. Answers: easy level - the kidnapper is not guilty, medium level - arsonist, hard level - counterfeiter. In the next room you will see
six loops. You need to pull on that loop, the location of which coincides with the location<невиновного>corpse. Pull, return to the corpses. If all
right, instead of a corpse, there will be the key of the pursued.
We leave into the next corridor. We use the key of the pursued man on handcuffs to release the handle, and raise the grate. We're going down. I'm going through the dungeon
closed exit to another door. We go. Let's watch the video. Maria died again. James is shocked.
24. Cemetery.
Exit through the stairs to the cemetery. Search the area, you will find a lot of useful things. Save. Jump into the grave. Run up the stairs and corridor until you
see bloody walls.
25. The fourth boss is Eddie.
Watch the cutscene and start shooting at Eddie, preferably with a shotgun. Hit him 5 times with any weapon on any difficulty - he
run away. Collect ammo and follow him. Now after the next video, the difficulty level affects the number of hits:
Easy - 10 from a pistol, 5 from a shotgun, 3 from a rifle.
Medium - 25 from a pistol, 15 from a shotgun, 10 from a shotgun.
Heavy - 50 with a pistol, 25 with a shotgun, 20 with a shotgun.
It's better to reload in the menu so that Eddie doesn't shoot you. After half the hits, this fat guy will start to run away from you, hiding behind the carcasses. catch up and
finish off. Exit through the large door to the pier.
26. Toluca Lake, boat.
Turn right, get in the boat, and paddle into the sun (it should be behind James). You will have to row for a long time, besides, at a difficult level you
mysterious creatures will interfere with rowing.
27. Hotel overlooking the lake (Lake View Hotel).
Walk along the pier to the garden, turn left, take the Little Mermaid's box from the fountain. Come into the hotel. On the left is a visitor map. Go to
bar-restaurant<На Берегу Озера>where approach the piano. Laura will scare you, then she will give you a letter from Mary. Then she runs away. Take the key from the table
<Рыба>, and exit. You will be attacked by monsters, such as the third door man boss. But they can be killed with two shotgun hits. Go up the stairs leading
down. Kill the dummies, walk up to the bar<Слёзы Венеры>. It's actually closed, but there's a can of solvent in the elevator nearby. Take away. Come back to
Lobby on the first floor. In the center of the room is a cabinet with three recesses. Put the Little Mermaid's Music Box in the left slot and go up to the 2nd floor.
Turn right. Enter the Cloak Room, where you will find a first aid kit, four boxes of ammo, and a suitcase. Open it with a key<Рыбы>, get the key to room 204.
Go there, take the key to the elevator. Through the broken door, drop into the next room, where photographs are scattered on the bed. One of them is painted
marker. Use the solvent to see the suitcase code. In my case, the code was at all levels of complexity. Go to the elevator room with
other side of the 2nd floor. If your health is bad, fix it. You will have to put all your things (both weapons and first aid kits) in a box near the elevator, otherwise it will
will not agree to take you. We go to the 1st floor. On the left we take the card for the staff. We go to the Pantry room, pick up Snow White's box there. Go to Office, from
from the safe, take the video cassette and the opener. Find two boxes of rifle ammo in the Employee Lounge. Go to the boiler room
(Boiler Room), for which go down the stairs. Be careful - there are monsters, and you have no weapons. There, take the first aid kit, and the key to the bar<Слезы Венеры>. Go to
kitchen (Kitchen). There are three health drinks and a can. Open it with an opener - get a light bulb. Go through the next door - it's a bar. James can't
insert the key into the well, because it's dark there. Insert the light bulb into the socket opposite the door, open it, and exit. Climb up the stairs to the 2nd floor
left things. Return to the Lobby and place your second box next to the little mermaid. It remains to find the third one - we go to room 202, and from
suitcase pick up Cinderella's box. Pick up, return, install. We select the desired combination of location, we get the key from the 3rd floor. I go there to
number 312. Use the VCR and cassette, watch the film and talk to Laura. Everything changes again, like in a hospital. Water is dripping from everywhere, James is buggy.
28. Evil in the hotel overlooking the lake (Evil Lake View Hotel).
Go to the library on the 2nd floor. We listen to the story with headphones. All the doors of the rooms have become portals, so you never know where you will end up, going into one or
another door. We go to room 202, appear in room 219. From there, straight to the elevator, we go down to the basement, to the bar<Слезы Венеры>. We pick up five drinks there
health. In the kitchen - cartridges and a first aid kit. From there, go to the technical staff stairs (near the Storeroom). Watch the video with Angela, give her the knife. Has begun
fire. Exit, you will find yourself on another staircase. Climb up, go past the broken wall to the open door. You can run down the corridor, or you can
shoot the monsters. But better save your ammo. When you get to the end, there will be nine saves hanging on the wall. Save on one of them and go
to the next door.
29. Fifth boss - Two Pyramid Heads.
You get to the former Lobby, watch the cutscene, and start killing the Pyramid Heads. It’s better to shoot them from a hunting rifle for two rounds - for a long time, but
save lives.
Easy level: pistol hits - 30, shotgun hits - 15, shotgun hits - 12.
Intermediate: Pistol - 45, Shotgun - 30, Rifle - 20.
Hard level: Pistol - 70, Shotgun - 55, Rifle - 40.
After the couple is covered, search them - you will find two eggs.
Insert the red egg (Rusted Egg) into the left door, and the red egg (Scarlet Egg) into the right one. Exit and go to the exit of the hotel.
30. The sixth, last, main boss is the Silent Hill Demon.
After leaving the hotel, turn left and climb the stairs to the roof. There you will see a bed with your ex-wife. The ladder will fall and the escape route
cut off. Talk to her, watch the video, and, armed with something, nail your love. Final video, END.

Note: There are four possible endings in the game, divided by difficulty levels. At the lowest level, James will stay with Maria, at the middle level -<вернет>yourself
Mary, and on the other two - something more interesting. See for yourself when you pass.

Passage of the game Silent Hill 2. 1st part


James Sunderland looks at his reflection in the mirror and rubs his eyes. He does not believe that he is in Silent Hill, but he is. He came to find his dead wife. He is ready to forgive her everything. Come out of the toilet to the street and take the card from the car, which is standing nearby. The map is very convenient to use, so you need to use it whenever you need to get somewhere.

Now let's go down and follow the path until a gate appears in front. Enter the gate and you are in the cemetery. There is a girl near the grave. Talk to her and find out her name. Her name is Angela. Now exit through the west gate and go to Sanders Street.
Turn onto Lindsay Street, where there are pools of blood, and then go to Vachss Road. There are first-aid kits on the side of the road, take them. Follow Vachss Road to the very end. At the end there will be a wooden dead end. Break the boards and climb inside. This is your first monster. Kill him with a stick with nails that lies nearby. Along with the stick you will find a radio. When there are monsters nearby, it will notify you. Head to Lindsay Street. Turn onto Saul Street and then onto Martin Street. There are already a lot of zombies on the street. Go to the end of Martin Street. There lies a corpse, and next to it is a monster. Kill the monster and take the Woodside Apartments key from the corpse. Go there and enter the house. Take the building map from the stand. There is also a bottle of lives. Climb up the stairs. Go forward to apartment 205. Inside is a corpse or remains. Examine it. There is a lantern nearby. Take it. A monster will appear. Kill him. Now let's go to apartment 210, there will be a monster along the way. Ammo is inside 210, take it and go up the stairs to the third floor.

On the 3rd floor you will see the key. Try to get it, but you won't succeed, because when you try to pick up the key, a little girl will come out and throw the key away. Go to apartment 301. Take a shotgun there. Get down to the second floor. Go to 208 apartment. There is a monster outside the gate, but you should not be afraid of him because he is outside the gate. Enter the room. Inside is a dead man to be feared. In this room you will find the key to room 202. Go there. There is a drink in the kitchen, and the key to the clock, which is located in room 208, is lying in the bedroom. Again go to 208 room.

Use the key from 202 numbers to open the clock. Opened well. Now rotate the arrows until you hear a click. We are trying to move the clock, and if you did everything as described above, then you will succeed. There is a hole behind the clock. Get into it. Go forward and go up to the third floor. You need to get the key that the girl threw away. Look at the map where it is and run there. Take the key. Go to room 307.
A monster is coming, and you don't move or breathe, let the monster pass. Then take the key from the yard from the closet and exit. Go to the stairs to the east and go down to the first floor. Near the closed door lies a pack of juice. Pick it up and return to the second floor to the room with the garbage chute. Throw the juice into the garbage chute and go outside. Here is the garbage chute into which you previously threw the juice. The place of juice here is a coin lying around. Pick it up and enter the building. There is a locked door near the stairs. Use the patio key to open it. Behind the door there is a pool in which you need to jump and quickly get out. This will attract the dead. We pick up another coin of the snake. We leave through the door in the east and go to room 101. Take the ammo inside. You will also find Eddie inside who you need to talk to. After the conversation, go outside. We go to the second floor. There is a door at the left end of the corridor. Open it using the fire exit key. You are in the bedroom. If you go to the toilet, then there you will find a piece of paper with a code, now you can still search the room. Safe. There is a safe in front of you. Use the code to crack it. There are 4 boxes of ammo inside. We take them. Exit by finding a door with an exit sign. On the right is the map. Take it and go down to the first floor. You can pick up ammo in room 109. Now go to the next door. Angela will come out to meet you. See cartoon. Take the knife and the prisoner's coin. Riddle - three coins.

We go to room 105. We find there a bedside table with 5 circles. If you are playing a medium difficulty level, then the coins should be placed like this: 2 OLD MAN slots, the last SNAKE slot and the middle PRISONER slot. If you play at a different difficulty level, then you will have to select the slots yourself. Sorry. So, if you did everything right, then a box will open in which the key is located. We take the key and go to room 209. Room 209. Enter and head to the balcony, and from there go to room 208. Take the key to the stairs and equipment. Exit through number 209, turn left and open the door. Watch the video. First leader. This is your first leader. Not complicated. Stay away from him and shoot. After a while, you will hear a siren howl. The ringleader will also hear, and rush down. Don't run after him, just wait. Once the water is gone, you can go down. Head to ROSEWATER PARK. Watch the video. Talk to the girl and go further to the park.

Passage of the game Silent Hill 2. Part 2

Rose Water Park

There is a lake in front of you. Watch the video. You have a companion. Be careful with her. Now we go to Pete's bowling alley. Pete's bowling alley. Roller again. Laura runs away. Talk to Eddie. Then go outside. Maria will show you the place where Laura ran. Go down the alley and enter the door that Maria will open.

Passage of the game Silent Hill 2. 3rd part


You are in the hospital. On the left is a map of the hospital. Take her. Go through the reception to the room with documents. There is a key next to the typewriter. Read the patient's journal. Go to the second floor up the stairs. Go to the women's locker room. Take the bent needle and the shotgun there. Now for the men's. There is a key to the inspection room. This key is in the pocket of the robe. Go down and use the key on the door to inspect. Inside, take the ammo and you can go up to the second floor. Go to room 3. There, take the first aid kit and check the paper in the typewriter. It has a number written on it. Remember it. Now go to room M2 and take the ammo and the key. Now move to room M3. We pick up a health drink and cartridges there. Go to the 3rd floor. In front of you is a locked door under the letter s. The code is on the wall on the ground floor in the inspection room. The door has opened and now you need to go to room S3. Mary is leaving you. Take the roof key from the table. Now we walk around the rooms and collect cartridges and first-aid kits, as well as read the diary. We climb on the roof. The door is locked and this is the merit of our first leader. Watch the video. You need to get to the 3rd floor to the therapy room. In one room, the wall is covered in blood. Your task will be to see the password. Go to the second floor and check what is there with Masha. Now to room S14. Use 2 keys and type in the passwords that you memorized during the game, there are only 2 of them. Inside is a strand of hair. Now head to the shower room and look at the green muck. In inventory, combine the strand and needle. Pick up the key from the elevator on the third floor. Take the elevator down to the 1st floor. Go to room C3 and talk to Lorca.

Passage of the game Silent Hill 2. 4th part

Second leader

Now you need to kill the second leader. There are two of them so far. Kill one by one with the shotgun and a third will appear. He also needs to be killed. Search room C2 and you will find first aid kits. Head to the elevator and go down to the second floor. Collect ammo. Go to room M6. Take the batteries and the vault key. You will need batteries when your flashlight goes out. Next to the batteries, take a note, first aid kit and ammo. Again to the elevator and go up to the 3rd floor. You are in front of the door. To open it, you need the rings mentioned in the book you just found. Go to room s11 and pick up the ammo with the amulet. After reading the note, you will learn that the amulet is magical. It makes the owner invisible for 20 seconds. Again on the 3rd floor. Open the vault with the key. Inside you need to push the shelf. Watch the video. Now go down the stairs and take the ring. Go (again) to the 3rd floor. Take the elevator down to the 2nd floor. Remember what is being said on the radio. Go to the Day room which is located on the second floor and open the refrigerator. Maria will help you take the ring. Return to the closed door on the 3rd floor. On the closed box you will see buttons. Press in the correct order. Row 1 button 3. Row 2 button 1. Row 3 button 3. There are 2 amulets and ammo behind the box. Go to the door on the 3rd floor. Use 2 rings. Now down the stairs. And you are in a long tunnel. Now all you have to do is RUN. Run to the elevator. Watch the video. Now head to the director's office and pick up the key to the hospital. Exit the hospital. Go to CARROLL STREET and then to RENDELL. Now to MONSON. There are a few things there.

Passage of the game Silent Hill 2. 5th part

south valley

Go back to SAUL STREET. Look out the window. Take the files from the bar. We go to the MEXICAN RESTAURANT restaurant. Go north on LINDSAY. Take the wrench and note. Go back to the Rose Water Park, to the place where you met Mashulka. Enter the park and find the statue of a woman. There should be a brown spot behind the statue. You need to find it and dig a hole. Now use the wrench on the box in inventory. Take the bronze key. We go to the Historical Society. There is only one room open that you need to enter. There is a hole in the wall. Climb into it and run forward. Go through the door and take the ammo and first aid kit. Exit through the door that is nearby, that is, the next one. Now we are looking for a room with a hole in the wall. Climb in and you find yourself in a well. Arm yourself with a pipe. Make your way into the sewers. Go right to the open door. We go in the door and take the key. For no reason, your flashlight goes out. We change batteries. Monsters attack you, and we fight back. Find the button bar. Your task will be to choose a combination, but you need to press the buttons that glow. With the correct combination, the door will open. Exit and go right. At the end there is a hatch on which you need to use the key.

Passage of the game Silent Hill 2. 6th part


Now let's go down. James will end up in a deserted cafeteria
Video clip! Looks like Eddie is in trouble. After he leaves, take two
bottles with a healing drink and a strange plaque with the inscription gluttonous pig. Let's follow Eddie. As you run past the second table in a row, stop and
take a map of the surroundings, which we so lacked. This hall has
pistol cartridges. Now let's go east to the room in the middle
the hall is a shower room. Immediately finish off two obsessive demons and pick up the plank
with the inscription the seductress in an open cockpit in the north
east side of the room. Now exit and head south down the corridor to
the only door on the left. You will find yourself in the southern part of the building in the cells. IN
some chambers have monsters, so be careful! In the fifth chamber
there are pistol cartridges, and in the ninth there is a wax doll. Now make your way
through the east wing to the north. Take the ammo for the pistol lying on the table.

Grab the rifle ammo in the middle room. In this room you need to observe
caution and start shooting from the threshold at the nurses. Return to the hall and follow first to the north, and then to the west.

You must reach the cells. In the first chamber you will see strange drawings and nothing
more, and in the seventh you will find a plaque with the inscription the depressor. It's time to return to the east hall. Go outside into a fairly large courtyard, in the center of which is a scaffold with three loops. In its center there are scaffolds with gallows. In its front part there are three notches into which you need to insert the brought boards. When all three boards are on their own, you will hear the cry of the executed man. Go back to the doors you came out of and find the horseshoe. Take it and enter the building. Go through the cameras located in the northern part of the building. Look for anything useful. Exit the corridor and return to the hole that leads to the sewer. In inventory, use the doll on the lighter. Now use the horseshoe and the door to the sewers will open. Go through the door into the room where the hole is located. Enter the elevator and roll to the stop. We ended up in a long hallway.

Passage of the game Silent Hill 2. 7th part


There is no map for this area in the game. Enter the long corridor and turn right. Ahead should be a door entangled with wire. You will find yourself in another water corridor. Then head east, and you will find yourself in another corridor leading from north to south. In it you must find a ladder to go down. Quietly look for the door without attracting too much attention. You will find a large knife that our first leader once used, also grab two boxes of shotgun ammo and run to the south stairs. There will be several nervous demons. Quickly kill them and go up the stairs. To the place with the hole. Go forward through the tunnel until you see a block. We approach it and begin to turn the cube until a face with red eyes appears at the top, and green eyes appear at the bottom. The entrance will open and you will enter. You see a living Masha. Return to the room where the block is located and take the wire cutters. Now we run to the beginning of this level. We find the door, which is blocked by wire and bite it with wire cutters. Get down. Go up the 1st staircase that leads to the right. Walk around a little in search of something useful. And get out. Climb up the stairs. And go left. Now we climb even higher and +. Leader again. Third leader. We run around him at a distance and shoot him with a shotgun. Angela runs away. Follow her. There are 6 corpses in one room. You must decide who is not guilty and pull the loop in the next room. Easy level: kidnapper, medium level: arsonist, hard level: coiner. Remember the location of the corpses in the room. Take the persecutor's key. Go out into the corridor and step into the room where you have not been yet. You are in Masha's cell. Exit the gate to the cemetery. We pick up the cartridges and go to the grave. Jump down.

Passage of the game Silent Hill 2. 8th part

Battle with Eddie

After the cutscene video, immediately start shooting at Eddie. As soon as you notice that
the level of health will begin to decrease, start healing your hero. After every
six shots, reloading will take him some time, which is necessary
use it as wisely as possible. Stop and keep shooting at him.
Eddie may try to hit you at this point, but the power of his punch is not comparable to
gunshot wound.

When Eddie feels the breath of death, he will run away to another room. At that time
James needs to heal, reload his weapon and take two boxes of ammo
for a gun. Run after him and finish him off. Now you can exit the maze. Boat. You are behind the building of the historical society. The day has come. Go to the pier. Get in the boat and row into the light. After a while you will see a pier next to the hotel. Come out. Climb up the stairs and turn left.

Near the fountain, find the little mermaid's music box. Enter the hotel.
On the left is a card that you need to take. Go to the lakeside restaurant. Examine the piano and read the letter from Laura.
On one of the tables is a fish key. Monsters will appear, but they will be weaker than their boss. Run to the small stairs behind the door. Get down. Find the Tears of Venus bar. It's closed. Nearby in the elevator lies a felt-tip pen with a solvent. Take it and go down to the first floor to the lobby.

Use the box on the center stand on the left slot. Take the key to room 312 from the letterboxes.

Climb up the stairs and turn right. Go to the clock room. Inside is a suitcase that opens with a fish key. Take the key to room 204. Go there and find the key to the working elevator. Climb through the hole in the wall to the neighboring apartments.
There are photographs on the bed. Use the solvent pen to find the hidden code. Use the found code to open the safe. Inside is Cinderella's box. Exit and go to the working elevator. Near the elevator there is a locker where you must put all your items from the inventory, otherwise you will not be able to ride the elevator.

Get down to the first floor. Take another map of the hotel with marked work areas. Go to the pantry and take Cinderella's box.

Go to the office nearby and take away the videotape and the can opener. Go to the boiler room.
Inside, take the key on the right on the rope. Go to the kitchen. Inside is a tin can. Open it with a knife and get a new flashlight bulb. Go to the bar "Tears of Venus". Now, using the new light bulb, find the door and open it with the newly found key. You will again find yourself in a corridor with an elevator. Climb to the second floor to pick up the left things. Go to the lobby and place the box next to the little mermaid. It remains to find the last box. She's in an office next to a working elevator.
Take Snow White's box and return to the lobby. Play with combinations of boxes until you get the key to the third floor of the inn.
Climb up to the third floor and go to room 312. Inside, watch the videotape and talk to Laura. Exit the room.

Go to the second floor to the reading room. Listen to the conversation with headphones. Go to the elevator. Then to room 202, from where you will get to room 219. From there, run to the elevator and to the bar Tears of Venus."
Come in and collect five health drinks. Run to the kitchen for ammo.
Talk to Angela on the staff stairs. A fire started. Get down to the first floor.
Pick up the ammo in the manager's office. Now you need to run as fast as possible along the corridor to the door. Once you're in the room, there will be nine save locations on the wall in front of you. Get your shotgun ready. Leader. Now there are two of them. The main thing - do not stand, but move and constantly shoot. If you still have amulets, it's time to remember them.
The number of hits is not less than twenty. A little less when using a hunting rifle, but you need to be even more agile.

When the bosses die, run up to them and search them. Take the rusty egg and the crimson egg from their cold corpses. Go to the nearest doors. Insert the purple egg into the right door, and the rusty one into the left. Enter any of the doors. Go through the hall, you can run, or you can sneak. At the end of the hall, enter the door. Turn left and go up the stairs. At the top, the last leader is waiting for you.
The last leader.
Well, that's all, almost the end of our torment. The last monster left. Take what you want and beat the bastard. Wish you luck. After you kill the monster, look latest video video clip. Enjoy!

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