Didactic games on social and communicative development card file (group) on the topic. Didactic game "Who is doing what?" Abstract of an open lesson in the first junior group Who does what the goal of the game

Didactic games using elements


Systematic approach to the environment

Game "Find the whole and the parts"

Target: teach children to determine by analogy the task that needs to be completed. Following the pattern of the first pair of words, learn to determine which rule takes place here: whole-part or part-whole.

1. B: car - wheel;

e: airplane - ... (wings, sky).

Children are asked to name the correct answer.

2. B: cherry - stone;

e: cancer - ... (claw, fish).

3. B: cat - mustache;

e: tree - ... (forest, trunk). Etc.

Game "Find the main thing"

A system is proposed for it with several subsystems, from which it is necessary to choose two subsystems that are necessarily parts of this system.

Example: the forest is a hunter, a wolf, trees, path, bushes, swamp.

Garden - plants, gardener, dog, fence, earth.

River - shore, fish, fisherman, mud, water.

City - cars, buildings, crowd, street, bike.

Book - drawings, adventures, paper, bookmark, text.

Hospital - wards, doctor, gowns, patients, injection, X-ray.

The game "What is connected with what"

Target: to teach children to find connections between objects, even if they are connected not directly, but through an intermediary. Learn to draw conclusions that everything is interconnected.

For example:

Wood is water. (A tree cannot live without water.)

Button - shirt. (a button is needed to button a shirt).

The table is a vase. (a vase of flowers is placed on the table).

The fish is the hand. (a fish is caught with a net, and the net is thrown with hands; they clean the fish with their hands; they feed it in an aquarium).

System operator

The game "Name the object by properties"


To consolidate knowledge about the world around us by analyzing familiar objects and highlighting their properties.

To activate in the speech of children the concepts of the properties of objects.

To form the concept that one and the same object can combine several features.

For example:

strong + kind =

loud + loud =


Complicated version:




Game "What of what"

Target: teach children to disassemble any object into parts. Name these parts, count their number.


The teacher or the child quickly names the object (object), the children must name what it consists of.

Complicated version:

Children are invited to immediately name the number of parts.

For example: car - one body - one steering wheel - four wheels, two large headlights, etc.

Game "Teremok"

Target: to consolidate the concepts of children about the objects of the world around them, analyzing familiar objects and highlighting their properties and functions.

Learn to use in speech short description properties of objects, highlighting the most important quality in them.

To form the concept that one and the same object can combine several features and functions.

Stroke: the educator shows a “teremok” (box, box, etc.), to which heroes (objects, animals) periodically approach and ask to live.

Each of the newly arrived "heroes" - objects asks who lives in the tower, and the "resident" - the object must answer him, listing who he is, what he can do.

The game "What was - what became"

Playing with children after four years. The material is called (clay, wood, fabric), and the children give options for the objects in which they are. You can play the other way around. An object made by a person is called, and the children determine what materials were used in its manufacture.

For example:

Was formerly molten glass and became ...

D: became a vase, a light bulb, glass in a car ...

Game "Auction"

Target: to acquaint (fix) children's knowledge about the signs, parts, properties of objects. Learn to describe the subject in a certain sequence, choosing and emphasizing it best qualities, the possibility of its use.

move: Select a child (may be an adult at first) to lead the auction. He, choosing an item for the auction, describes its merits. A child who wants to buy it must reasonably prove why he needs this item and why he likes it.

The item is sold to the one who more convincingly proved its necessity. The subjects should be familiar to the child.

Game "What can do"

Target: to teach the ability to highlight the functions of an object.

1 option:

The children are facing each other. One names the object, the one who stands opposite - its function, etc. in turn. The one who couldn't answer loses. A nearby child moves to his place. Whoever stays wins.

Option 2: "Give the word to the neighbor"

Children stand in a circle, as if passing the word from hand to hand. The first one calls the word, “transmits” it - touching the hand of the neighbor with the palm of his hand. A neighbor names a function by passing it to its neighbor. This child names an object that performs the function assigned to it.

For example: bird - flies - plane - buzzes - train - lucky - car - rides - tractor - plows - tractor driver - eats - child, etc.

State budgetary educational institution of the city of Moscow kindergarten No. 689.

Didactic game in the first junior group

"Who's doing what?".

Prepared by the teacher

Solovieva M.A.



Target: to teach children, looking at the picture, to name the objects depicted on it and their qualities, actions; perform the actions that they see in the picture; develop playing skills.

Equipment: subject and plot pictures, a drum, a barrel, a brush, a watering can, a doll, a comb, a ball, a collar.

Game progress:

On the teacher’s table are plot pictures with one action (images down): a boy plays the drum, a bear cub tightly pressed a barrel of honey to himself, a girl sweeps crumbs from the table with a brush, a boy waters flowers from a watering can, a girl combs a doll with a comb, a baby rolls a ball in collar.

On the next table, the objects and toys depicted in the pictures are laid out: a drum, a barrel, a brush, a watering can, a doll, a comb, a ball, collars.

The teacher calls the child. He chooses a picture, talks about what is shown on it, shows it to everyone. Then, having transferred the picture to the teacher, the kid goes to the next table, finds the desired object (toy) and reproduces the action depicted in the picture.

The lesson ends with the independent play of children with these objects and toys. Their number should correspond to the number of children or slightly exceed it.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

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Didactic games on social and communicative development

theme "Professions"

The purpose of studying the topic: to continue to expand children's ideas about a variety of professions, their names and activities. To cultivate respect for the work of adults, the desire to choose a profession and the need to work.
“Who does what”.
Target. Fix the names of actions performed by people of different professions.
Game progress. Children take a picture of a person of a certain profession and say what he does. Cook ... (cooks food), doctor ... (heals people), teacher ... (teaches children), builder ... (builds houses), artist ... (draws pictures), pianist ... (plays the piano), writer ... (writes books), dressmaker ... (sews clothes), laundress ... (washes clothes), cleaner ... (washes floors), seller ... (sells goods), photographer ... (takes pictures of people), educator ... (educates children), weaver ... (weaves fabrics), machinist ... (leads the train), controller ... (checks tickets), typist ... (types on a typewriter), etc.
“Who knows more professions”
Target. To teach children to correlate the actions of people with their profession, to form the corresponding verbs from nouns (builder - builds, teacher - teaches, etc.).
Game progress.
Educator. I work as a kindergarten teacher. This is my profession. I teach you how to behave, play with you, draw, read you poems, stories, walk with you, put you to bed ... This is my profession - to educate you. And what is the profession of Irina Vladimirovna? She cooks dinner for us. That's right, chef. What other professions do you know? (Answers.) Every adult must learn some profession. Having mastered it, he goes to work and performs certain actions. What is the chef doing? (Children: The cook cooks, bakes, fries, peels vegetables.) What does the doctor do? (Examines the sick, listens, heals, gives medicine, gives injections, operations.) What does a tailor do? (Cutting, basting, smacking, stroking, trying on, sewing.)
The teacher names other professions - a builder, teacher, shepherd, shoemaker, and the children name actions.
"Pronounce it right."
Target. Formation of the correct pronunciation of sounds, fixing the names of professions.
Game progress. Learn tongue twisters or tongue twisters, jokes, so that whistling and hissing sounds are clearly pronounced when repeated;
- The watchmaker, narrowing his eyes, repairs the watch for us.
- The water carrier was carrying water from the tap.
- Old watchman Tom guards the house.
- The weaver weaves fabric on Tanya's dress.
- The baker baked a bagel, bagel, loaf and loaf of dough early in the morning
- Roofer Cyril crooked roof wings. Grisha was invited to cover the roof.
- Porridge, porridge, yogurt, our cook Masha, instead of porridge for lunch, she cooked an omelet.
Target. Fix the names of professions and the actions that are performed by them.
Game progress.
You ask the child the question: "What does ... ..?" and call a representative of any profession, and the child answers. At first, it is better to take professions, from which the answer follows - the teacher educates, the baker bakes, the cleaner cleans. Intersperse well-known professions with unfamiliar ones, at the same time tell about professions unknown to the child. It turns out interesting if you ask in a row "What does the doctor do?", "What does the veterinarian do?" (make out the difference), and then the same way "teacher" and "scientist". Sometimes you hear interesting versions from children.
"Give me a word." (“Additives”).
Target. Develop logical thinking, attention, memory; learn to pick words to rhyme.
Game progress. Children suggest words, finish the poem.
In the carpenter's bag you will find a hammer and a sharp ... (knife).
Any tool at the place - and a planer, and ... (chisel).
We must fight fire.
We are brave workers.
We are partners with water.
We are very much needed by all the people.
So who are we? - ... (firefighters).
I would be a pilot pilot
Definitely wanted to become
I'm on a plane then
To Moscow would be ... (Flew).
The pilot lifts the blue into the sky ... (airplane).
He drove the goats to the hillock merry ... (shepherd).
But our painter does not come into the house with a brush and a bucket:
Instead of a brush, he brought a mechanical ... (pump).
So that people do not get wet in the rain
The roofer covers with iron ... (house). Baruzdin S.
White sawdust is flying, flying from under the saw:
This carpenter makes frames and ... (floors). Baruzdin S.
Every day a newspaper brings us to the house ... (postman).
In front of the children, the roof is being painted ... (painters).
I'm flying dolls in the morning. Today I ... (nurse). Shigaev Yu.
It's time to paint the rooms. They invited ... (painter). Baruzdin S.
The circus performer knows how to prance, animals and birds ... (to train).
He brought us southern fish, the future cabin boy ... (sailor).

Didactic game "Who is doing what?"

Target: develop the ability to correlate the action of a person with his professional activity; cultivate respect for the working person.

caregiver distributes cards with the image of representatives of various professions to children. Then he demonstrates subject pictures depicting the object of their activity, while asking questions: “Who builds houses?”; “Who sews dresses?”, “Who sells milk?” etc. Examples of children's answers: “The builder builds houses”, “The tailor sews dresses”, “The seller sells milk”.

Didactic game
"Who needs what?"
Target: to systematize knowledge about the professions of a cook and a doctor; about their work.
The teacher calls two children. On one he puts on a chef's hat, on the other - a doctor's hat (with a red cross). He sits them at the table facing the rest of the participants in the lesson. Invites a third child to the table. He invites him to get a thing out of the box and, having named it, transfer it to its intended purpose: either to the cook or to the doctor. The one who received the thing should name it and tell what it is for, for example: “This is a meat grinder, you can crank meat, bread, onions and make cutlets.”
During the game, the composition of its participants changes once or, if time permits, 2 times.

Didactic game "Parsley goes to work"
To teach to classify objects according to their functional purpose (satisfaction of labor needs); develop a desire to help adults.
Equipment: Pictures depicting items necessary for playing and for working in the garden, in the kitchen, in the apartment; three layouts (garden, kitchen, room)

Game progress:
A letter arrives from Petrushka, in which he says that he is visiting his grandmother. He plays, draws, walks, and also helps his grandmother. Today she gave him three tasks: to plant carrots in the garden and water the flowers; cook soup; clean up the room (remove toys, dust, vacuum).

However, Petrushka is entangled in the tools and asks the guys to help.
The teacher offers the children layouts of the garden, kitchen and room and explains that you need to take one picture, look carefully, name the item, tell how to use it and what work it is for, then put the picture to the appropriate layout. For example, a vacuum cleaner is needed to clean the carpet, it needs to be turned on and vacuumed, so the picture with the image of the vacuum cleaner needs to be put to the layout of the room. The teacher draws the attention of the children to the fact that among the pictures with tools there are pictures with toys. They need to be selected and put into a box. The task is considered completed if all the pictures are laid out correctly.
At the end of the game, the teacher invites the children to tell Petrushka in a letter what items he needs to complete the grandmother's tasks.

Didactic game "Professions"
Target: develop an idea of ​​professions, enrichment and replenishment of the vocabulary of words; development of imagination, thinking, word formation skills.
Inventory: Not required.
Content: The host starts the sentence, the children must complete it by inserting the missing words. Or asks a question, and the children answer. There are many options for such games, below are a few examples.
Game progress:
The facilitator describes various professions. The task of the children is to name the profession.
-Wears a white hat, cooks delicious food. Who is it?
- Cook!
- Drives a car...
-Driver! etc.

We offer you game material for the formation of children's interest in people of different professions.

The game "Who works where?"

Ask your child: who works in the store. .. , in kindergarten. .. , in the hospital. .. at the barbershop. .. For example: educators, assistant educators, cooks, a nurse, a head work in a kindergarten. Make riddles: “I have a lot of things to do if someone is sick. I will cure all my friends! Guess who I am?”, “Every day I get into the cab, start the engine of the car, go to distant lands. Guess who I am?”, “Scissors, shampoo, comb, I’ll do hair for everyone. I cut both adults and children. Guess me soon!"

Game "Who needs it?"

Show your child different objects (vacuum cleaner, syringe, pan, bucket). Offer to name them and tell when they are used and for what purpose. For example: this is a ladle, the cook needs it to pour soup and compote. Or: a knife, a board, a pan - the cook needs to cook food.

Game "Who's doing what?"

Ask your child what the chef does. .. , doctor. .., teacher's assistant. .. , driver. .., hairdresser, etc. Invite the child to show the intended action of a person of any profession, and you, in turn, try to guess. You can compete: who will name the most actions (cook - cuts, fries, bakes, cooks, cooks, etc.)

Game "Fix the Mistakes"

Invite the child to listen, notice and correct mistakes. For example: a doctor prepares a delicious dinner, a teacher treats people, a cook gives injections. What's wrong? The child corrects and says the correct answer.

The game "The Fourth Extra"

Show the child 4 pictures or draw a diagram (pan, syringe, thermometer, phonendoscope). Ask: what item will be superfluous? Why? The child expresses his assumption, building a logical chain: the pan is superfluous, because the cook needs it, and the doctor needs all the other items. One may ask: why?

"Who Can't Do Without Them"

Purpose: to consolidate children's knowledge about the materials, tools, equipment needed by people of different professions.

Game progress: the teacher shows the children the subject, and the children name the profession of the person who needs it. It should be borne in mind that the same items are needed by people of different professions.

"What first, what next?"

Purpose: to consolidate children's knowledge about the sequence of labor actions.

Game progress: the teacher asks to teach the doll how to vacuum. Asks what needs to be done first, then what (plug in, then press the button, vacuum, press the switch button, pull the plug out of the socket). Offer children and other labor processes.

"What does Masha want to do?"

Purpose: to clarify children's ideas about some labor activities; about the materials, tools and equipment necessary for the work.

Game progress: the teacher addresses the children on behalf of Masha's doll:

Masha asks me for a basin, a bucket of water and soap.

Substitutes the doll named objects.

What do you think she will do? (wash). Right. And now Masha asks for a pot, milk, sugar, salt, millet. What is she going to do? (the doll wants to cook porridge). What is the name of the porridge? (millet).

IN game form other labor activities that require appropriate items may be considered. Toddlers are shown these items, for older children the teacher uses pictures depicting items or simply lists these items without showing illustrations.

"Who needs it"

Purpose: to consolidate children's ideas about objects and their use in labor processes. Get to know professions.

Game progress: the teacher shows the children various objects, asks them to name them and tell when they are used and for what purpose (this is a ladle, the cook needs it to stir porridge, pour soup and compote).

"Guess what I'm doing?"

Purpose: to expand children's ideas about labor activities. Develop attention.

Game progress: the teacher and the children join hands and stand in a circle. A child comes to the center of the circle. Everyone walks in a circle and says:

What are you doing, we don't know

Let's take a look and guess.

The child imitates actions not only by movements, but by transmitting sounds (vacuuming the floor, sawing, driving a car, washing, cooking food). Children guess actions.

“Who needs what to work?”

Purpose: to teach children to use nouns in speech. hours of date case (knife, board, pan, ladle - needed by the cook, etc.).

"Name the item that is missing"

Purpose: to teach children to select objects by analogy.

A janitor - a shovel, a salesman - a cash desk, a doctor - a phonendoscope, a cook - a saucepan

"Who's doing what?"

Purpose: to teach children to select as many verbs as possible for the name of the profession.

What is the doctor doing? What is the chef doing? What is the janitor doing? What does the hairdresser do?

"Guess the profession from the description"

Purpose: to teach children to find the corresponding concepts. (cook - cooks; doctor - medicine, white coat, thermometer)

"Who is what, what?"

Purpose: to expand the vocabulary of children, to learn how to choose definition words for different types of professions.

What driver? - attentive, strong, focused

What cook? - dexterous, careful, attentive

"Say the opposite"

Purpose: to teach children to choose words antonyms.

Good - benefit - buy - dirt

Enter - speak - take - litter

Help - fix - break - early

Difficult - fast

"Correct the mistakes in the sentences"

Purpose: to train children in the use of sentences with the meaning of opposition.

The doctor prepares a delicious lunch for the children. The cook prepares a delicious dinner, and the doctor treats people.

"I will start and you continue"

Purpose: to train children in the use of complex sentences.

A doctor treats people to...

A builder builds houses to...

The barber cuts people's hair to...

"Small big"

Purpose: to exercise children in the formation of nouns with a diminutive suffix.

Shovel - shovel, bucket - bucket

"What comes from what"

Purpose: to exercise children in the formation of words by analogy.

Carrot juice - carrot; apple jam - apple

"Name what is superfluous"

Purpose: to teach to group objects according to a certain attribute and to highlight an extra object.

Rake, shovel, cart, ladle - ? the ladle is superfluous, because the janitor needs a rake, a shovel and a cart, but he does not need a ladle for work.

Olga Anatolyevna Vasilyeva

My kids like didactic game:"Who what does?". Me this the game is cute that it has several levels of difficulty. Since babies come to a group with different levels speech development, and you need to deal with everyone, then games for all kids from 2 to 3 years are more valuable.


To teach children to carefully consider the picture and name the objects depicted on it (or people, animals, birds, their qualities, actions;

Activate children's vocabulary;

Learn to coordinate speech nouns, adjectives and verbs, use prepositions.

The easiest level - pictures with one action, for example - the doll is sleeping or the doll is eating.

The task is more difficult - pictures with several actions. For example: the boy sits on a chair and puts on trousers.

The most difficult level is making up sentences using different prepositions. For example: the cat sleeps on the bed, and the dog under the bed, on the mat. Such sentences can be compiled or repeated after the teacher only by very well-speaking children.

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