Earth soil map. Soil map of the world

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The soil

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"Soils" - Soils and soil resources. What does the soil "mirror of the landscape" mean? Who was the founder of the new science "Soil Science"? Soil types in Russia. What factors influence soil formation? Soil profile Meadow felt, What determines soil fertility? Check of knowledge. What is soil? Fill in the table "Types of soils".

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In total there are 14 presentations in the topic

November 28, 2019 -

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Due to its fertility, it gives life to plants. Most of the soil is organomineral compounds. Other constituents are liquid and gaseous elements. Macro- and microelements influence the growth and development of plants.

Continuous land use is negative. Since the 1980s, 10 million hectares of arable land have become unusable. Most of the soils of Russia were acidified, saline, waterlogged, and also subjected to chemical and radioactive contamination. Soil fertility is adversely affected by wind and water erosion.

Soil types and map of Russia

The vast extent, variety of climate, relief and water regime formed a motley soil cover. Each region has its own type of soil. The most important indicator of fertility is the thickness of the humus horizon. Humus is the top fertile layer of the soil. It is formed due to the activity of microorganisms that process the remains of plant and animal origin.

The following types of soils are most common in Russia:

arctic soils

Arctic soils are found in the Arctic. They practically do not contain humus, soil-forming processes are at a low level due to. The Arctic regions are used as hunting grounds or for the conservation of populations of unique animal species.

tundra soils

Tundra soils are located in and along the coast of the seas of the Arctic Ocean. These areas are dominated by permafrost. Lichens and mosses formed during the summer are not a good source for the formation of humus. Due to permafrost, the soil thaws only 40 cm deep in a short summer. The lands are often saline. The content of humus in the soil of the tundra zone is insignificant due to weak microbiological activity. The land is used by the locals as pasture for deer.

Podzolic soils

Podzolic soils are common in mixed forests. The territories occupy 75% of the total area of ​​Russia. The abundance of water and the cool climate create an acidic environment. Because of it, organic matter goes to the depths. The humus horizon does not exceed ten centimeters. The soil has few nutrients, but a lot of moisture. When properly processed, it is suitable for agriculture. On podzolic soils enriched with fertilizers, cereals, potatoes and cereals give a good harvest.

gray forest soils

Gray forest soils are located in Eastern Siberia, its forest-steppes and deciduous forests. The formation of the flora of the region is influenced by the temperate climate and relief. The lands are a combination of podzolic and chernozem soils. The abundance of plant residues, summer rains and their complete evaporation contribute to the accumulation of humus. Forests are rich in lands with calcium carbonate. Due to high fertility, 40% of gray forest soils are actively used for agriculture. A tenth part falls on pastures and hayfields. On the remaining lands, corn, beets, buckwheat and winter crops are grown.

Chernozem soils

Chernozem soils are located in the south of the country, near the borders with Ukraine and Kazakhstan. The thick humus layer was influenced by the flat topography, warm climate and low rainfall. This type of soil is considered the most fertile in the world. Russia owns about 50% of the world's chernozem reserves. A large amount of calcium prevents the leaching of nutrients. In the southern regions there is a lack of moisture. The lands have been cultivated for hundreds of years, but they still remain fertile. More than other crops, chernozems are sown with wheat. Sugar beet, corn and sunflower give a high yield.

chestnut soils

Chestnut soils predominate in Astrakhan region, Minusinsk and Amur steppes. There is a shortage of humus due to high temperatures and lack of moisture. The earth is dense, swells when wet. Salts are poorly washed out by water, the soil has a slightly acidic reaction. It is suitable for agriculture if regular irrigation is maintained. Alfalfa, cotton, wheat and sunflower are grown here.

Brown and gray-brown soils

Brown and gray-brown soils are found in the Caspian lowland. Their characteristic feature is a porous crust on the surface. It is formed due to high temperatures and low humidity. There is a small amount of humus here. Carbonates, salts and gypsum accumulate in the soil. Land fertility is low, most of the territories are used for pastures. Rice, cotton and melons are grown on irrigated plots.

Soils of natural zones of Russia

Map of natural areas of Russia

Natural complexes replace each other from north to south of the country, there are eight of them in total. Each natural zone of Russia is characterized by its unique soil cover.

Soils of the arctic desert

The soil cover is practically not expressed. Mosses and lichens grow in small areas. In warm weather, grass appears above the ground. All this looks like small oases. Plant residues cannot form humus. The thawed layer of the earth in summer does not exceed 40 cm. Waterlogging, as well as summer drying, leads to cracking of the earth's surface. There is a lot of iron in the soil, which is why it has a brown color. In the Arctic desert, there are practically no swamps, lakes; in dry weather, salt spots form on the surface.

Tundra soils

The soils are waterlogged. This is due to the close occurrence of permafrost and insufficient evaporation of moisture. The pace of humification is very slow. Plant residues cannot rot and remain on the surface in the form of peat. The amount of nutrients is minimal. The earth has a bluish or rusty color.

Soils of the forest-tundra

The forest-tundra is characterized by a transition from tundra to taiga soils. Woodlands already resemble a forest, they have a superficial root system. Permafrost begins at the level of 20 cm. The upper layer warms up well in summer, which contributes to the formation of lush vegetation. Moisture does not evaporate well due to low temperatures, so the surface is swampy. Forest-tundra areas are a combination of podzolic and peat-gley soils. There is little humus here, the lands are acidified.

Taiga soils

There is practically no permafrost zone, so the soils are podzolic. Iron is destroyed under the action of acids and washed out into the deep layers of the soil. Silica is formed in the upper layers. Undergrowth is poorly developed in the taiga. Fallen needles and moss take a long time to decompose. The humus content is minimal.

Soils of deciduous and mixed forests

Soddy-podzolic and brown soils predominate in broad-leaved and mixed forests. This natural area is home to oaks, larches, maples, birches and lindens. Tree litter forms a lot of humus. The sod layer reduces the power of the earth, so the soddy-podzolic soil is poor in phosphorus and nitrogen. Brown soils are rich in nutrients. Humus gives them a dark color.

Soils of the forest-steppe

Forest-steppes are characterized by high evaporation of moisture; in summer, drought and dry winds are observed. Chernozem and gray forest soils are formed in this natural zone. The humus layer is large, while mineralization is slow. Due to the special fertility of the forest-steppe land, it has been actively cultivated for many years in a row. Plowed areas are subject to weathering and drying.

steppe soils

Represented by dark chestnut, ordinary and low-humus chernozems. The soil has enough nutrients. There is less humus in chestnut soils, so they are lighter than the rest.

Soils of deserts and semi-deserts

Chestnut soils predominate. Due to insufficient moisture, salts accumulate. Vegetation does not form a continuous cover. Plants have deep roots that can extract moisture far from the surface. Salt marshes occur in places. There is little humus; gypsum can be found in the lower layers.

Which region of Russia has the most fertile soils?

Chernozem is the most fertile type of soil. It cannot be created artificially. Chernozem occupies only 10% of the total territory of the country, but its productivity is much higher than other soils. This type is rich in humus and calcium. The structure of the soil is heavy, loose, porous, so water and air easily penetrate to the roots of plants. Chernozem is found in the Central Black Earth economic region, which includes the Voronezh, Kursk, Belgorod, Lipetsk and Tambov regions. Podzolic soils with proper agricultural practices also give a high yield. They are common in the European part of Russia, the Far East and Eastern Siberia.

A soil map is a reduced and generalized image of the soil cover on a plane (topographic basis) on a given scale, built according to mathematical laws, in a certain system of symbols.

A soil map is a cartographic basis with the contours of soil-taxonomic units plotted on it.

Depending on the practical tasks of soil-geographic research, soil maps can be made at different scales.

Scale maps - the degree of reduction of distances and areas on the map in relation to the horizontal projections of these distances and areas on the ground.

The numerical scale (1: 1000, 1: 500,000) is expressed as a fraction: the numerator is one, the denominator is a number that shows how many times the distance on the ground is reduced when it is displayed on the map. The smaller the scale denominator, the larger the image on the map.

Soil maps have a generally accepted scale, but their division into groups differs from the division adopted in other geographical sciences. In terms of scale, soil maps are divided into overview, small-scale, medium-scale, large-scale, detailed (Fig. 10.2; Table 10.1).

Rice. 10.2.

Table 10.1

Characteristics of soil maps of various scales





Survey 1: 2,500,000 and smaller

For continents, states, large natural regions

Types, subtypes

To identify patterns of spatial distribution of soils

small scale

1: 1 000 000 - 1: 500 000

For large regions - republics, territories, regions

Types, subtypes, sometimes genera

For zoning of the territory (natural, agricultural), state registration of lands



Taxonomic units of soils displayed on maps



Medium scale 1:300,000 - 1:100,000

administrative regions or districts

Types, subtypes, genera, species, varieties

For planning agricultural activities and reclamation works

Large scale 1:50,000 - 1:10,000

For agricultural organizations of various types

For on-farm land management, soil appraisal, planning of land reclamation measures


For the territories of experimental stations, hospitals of NRU, etc.

All taxonomic units that can be distinguished under the existing classification

To select sites for experimental work, design drainage and irrigation, etc.

The scale of the maps determines the minimum size of the soil area that can be displayed on the map. For example, at a map scale of 1:10,000, the minimum contour area will be 20-25 mm2, which corresponds to a soil area of ​​20-25 m2.

According to the chosen scale, certain levels of soil cover organization are displayed on the soil map.

The lowest level of soil cover is the elementary soil area (EPA). These are soil areas belonging to any one classification unit of the lowest rank. The next levels of soil cover organization are formed by ESA regularly repeating in space, which form micro-, meso- and macrostructures of the soil cover (see also Chapter 8, paragraph 8.2).

The areas of individual ESAs are identified on detailed soil maps. Large-scale maps make it possible to convey on the map areas of heterogeneous contours - microstructures and small-contour mesostructures.

These maps are informative and make it possible to judge the genesis of soils, their conjugation in the landscape, to identify and substantiate the structure of the soil cover. Basic building materials large scale maps are the materials of aerial photography, space photography, field research.

Medium-scale soil maps display various combinations of soils by mesorelief elements. These maps show the soil cover of vast areas in general terms, fixing the distribution of predominant soils that are associated with meso- and macrorelief. The boundaries of soil contours are more schematized than on large-scale maps.

Small-scale maps show the distribution of the dominant soil and sometimes one of the associated soils according to their distribution. The content of small-scale soil maps is highly generalized and schematic. These maps are created by generalizing maps of a larger scale, often with the use of route-key studies.

Consider typification of soil maps according to purpose. Soil maps can be divided into the following groups: general (basic) and special.

Are common soil maps display the distribution of soil genetic varieties (types, subtypes, etc.).

For various practical purposes, special(thematic) soil maps, among which the following groups can be distinguished.

  • 1. Soil and reclamation maps.
  • 2. Maps of soil properties: a) agrochemical (humus, pH, potassium, phosphorus, nitrogen, etc.) (Fig. 10.3); b) salinity maps (total content of water-soluble salts, toxic salts and individual ions); c) environmental (gross and mobile forms of trace elements, pesticides and other pollutants); d) soil erosion.
  • 3. Evaluation cards: a) quantitative evaluation (bonitet); b) qualitative-evaluative (agro-industrial, reclamation, etc.).
  • 4. Educational and general educational cards.

Rice. 103.

Soil property maps are varied. They depict one or more properties, which are given in quantitative terms or as a ranked series.

Evaluation maps provide a complete picture of the quality of land, the nature of their use in the present and recommendations for future use.

Educational and educational maps are designed for a wide range of readers and are made on a small or medium scale; they are contained in textbooks, atlases, often accompanied by drawings depicting the morphological profiles of soils.

Methods for displaying information on soil maps. The soil cover is a continuous (continuous) formation. When mapping it, the main task is to identify the same type of contours - soil areas, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich can be displayed on a map of a given scale.

The classification of soils makes it possible to distinguish in space different homogeneous areas according to classification criteria and to identify patterns of soil distribution within a given territory.

The distribution of soils on soil maps is shown using the area method (Fig. 10.4).

Rice. 10.4.

Background colors are used to designate the ranges of various genetic units (types, subtypes, etc.). Soils similar in genetic properties are shown on the map in similar shades and tones. Certain colors are assigned to certain soil groups:

  • soils of the tundra zone - shades of grayish-bluish color;
  • podzolic soils - pink;
  • gray forest - gray or lilac-gray;
  • chernozems and chestnut soils - various shades and tones of brown;
  • soils of semi-deserts and deserts - grayish-yellow;
  • marsh soils - in bright blue tones;
  • alluvial, meadow soils - green;
  • salt licks and solonchaks - purple.

On each soil contour there is a certain soil index or a system of indices showing the composition of soil complexes and combinations (Dk - soddy-calcareous soils, K + C - chestnut and solonetzes).

Various types of shading are used to show the granulometric composition of soils; areas of stony soils and rocks are distinguished by special icons.

Contribution of V.A. Codes in soil mapping

A significant contribution to soil cartography was made by V.A. Kovda. He, like I.P. Gerasimov and many other soil scientists, visited many countries for scientific purposes, published a large number of articles on the soils of certain regions of the globe. On his initiative, a project was adopted to create a "World Map of Soils", based on the cooperation of scientists and specialists from 65 countries. In 1975 V.A. Kovda and E.V. Lobova and co-authors compiled a world soil map on a scale of 1:10 million. The legend for it is built according to the genetic and geochemical principle.

The development of the FAO/UNESCO Soil Map of the World on a scale of 1:5 million was undertaken on the recommendation of the International Soil Science Society (ISS) at its Seventh Congress in Madison (USA, 1960). Work began in 1961 / /.

The first version of the Soil Map of the World was presented to the IX Congress of the IOP in Adelaide (Australia) in 1968, which approved the scheme of the legend, definitions of soil units and the proposed nomenclature. The first sheets of the Map relating to South America were already published in 1971, the last two sheets out of a total of nineteen sheets were published in 1981, i.e. this work was carried out over a twenty-year period. More than 300 soil scientists from different parts of the world took part in its preparation.

This work, which was the product of international collaboration, filled a gap in knowledge about the world's soil resources. Widespread use has contributed to the comparison and correlation of soils, understanding of soil conditions and their potential, has provided a useful tool for planning agricultural and economic development.

When compiling the Soil Map of the World, the following tasks were set:

Give the first assessment of the soil resources of the world;

To give scientific grounds for the transfer of experience between areas with the same natural conditions;

To promote the introduction of a generally acceptable soil classification and nomenclature;

Establish common grounds for more detailed studies in developing areas;

Create a foundational document for activities in the field of education, science and development;

Strengthen international contacts in the field of soil science.

The Global Inventory of the World's Soil Resources has been especially valuable in an era when countries have become increasingly interconnected in obtaining food and other agricultural products. There was international concern about the problems of land degradation, the disproportion between the potential of production and the bearing capacity of the land in relation to the population. The Soil Map of the World was the basis for determining the development policy and optimization of land use on a global scale through the development of the World Map of Desertification (FAO/UNESCO/WMO, 1977), the methodology for assessing soil degradation (FAO/UNEP/Unesco, 1979) and the study of the potential bearing capacity of lands in population in the developing world (G. Higgins et al., 1982). The Soil Map of the World made it possible to identify the world's zones of agro-ecological equivalence, determining the suitability of different areas for the production of various agricultural products. This study laid the scientific foundation for the transfer of experience between areas with similar natural conditions and for establishing complementarity(complementary structures fit together like a key to a castle) territories with different production potentials.

Control questions

1. Why is soil cartography considered a "transmission belt" between theoretical soil science and the practice of using soils in the national economy?

2. What was the continuity between K.D. Glinka and L.I. Prasolov in soil science?

3. What soil maps were compiled by L.I. Prasolov and under his leadership?

4. Based on what L.I. Prasolov made a calculation of the land resources of the USSR and the world?

5. What new subtype of chernozem was established by L.I. Prasolov?

6. In which work L.I. Prasolov formulated the definition of soil type?

7. The founder of what stage in the development of genetic soil science is L.I. Prasolova?

8. Which three-volume edition edited by L.I. Prasolov was published in 1939 and what is it about?

9. Describe the research and organizational activities of L.I. Prasolova.

10. How is the contribution of L.I. Prasolov in soil science?

11. In what areas of soil science, in addition to soil cartography, did I.P. Gerasimov?

12. What soil-cartographic works of Gerasimov were published in 1964 in the physical and geographical atlas of the world?

13. What is the essence of Gerasimov's doctrine of soil-climatic facies? How many soil-climatic facies did they allocate on the territory of the USSR?

14. What was established by Gerasimov new in Dokuchaev's doctrine of vertical zoning?

15. What method was used by Gerasimov to estimate the age of soils?

16. Describe the research, teaching and organizational activities of I.P. Gerasimov.

17. How is the contribution of I.P. Gerasimov in science?

18. What is the contribution of V.A. Soil cartography tricks?

19. When did the development of the Soil Map of the World begin?

20. How many sheets of the Soil Map of the World have been published and for what period?

21. What tasks were set when compiling the Soil Map of the World?

22. What opportunities has this Map given to the world community?

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