Passage of skyrim legendary edition finn's lute. Finn's lute in Skyrim: description, receipt, application

Finn's Lute(orig. Finn's Lute) - quest item, miscellaneous in the game The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim .


A standard eight-choir lute once owned by a bard named Finn. It wouldn't be unusual if it wasn't for the fact that Finn invented the eight-choir lute by figuring out how to string the strings for additional choirs. Prior to this, bards used lutes with six choirs. New musical instruments have gained great popularity among the musicians of Skyrim. And it is this lute that is the first eight-choir.

About a year ago in College of bards thieves entered and stole many valuables, including a rare musical instrument. It is unlikely that they understood what a treasure it was. One of the teachers of the College, Inge Six Fingers, is very sad, dreaming of someday returning the lute back to the educational institution. Recently it became known place where the thieves fled, and protagonist can offer your help in the return of the relic.


The lute is in the bandits' lair, a cave Stone Stream. It is stored in a chest located at the end locations, next to the leader of the gang.


  • « Finn's Lute» is the target subject of the assignment.



  • After completing the quest, the lute may remain in the inventory as a quest item, and it will become impossible to get rid of it in the usual way.
    • Solution 1: The bug was fixed in the official patch for Skyrim version 1.4 and above.
    • Solution 2 PC : use console command player.removeitem DABAB 1 .
  • If the lute was found before receiving the quest, then in the final it will remain in the inventory as a quest item.
    • Solution PC : bug fixed in Unofficial Skyrim Patch version 1.2.1 and above.
  • If the lute was found before receiving the quest, then it may get stuck in the quest log, even if it was turned in to the quest giver and the reward was received.
    • Solution 1: in a dialogue with Inge Six Fingers, you need to select the topic " I managed to find Finn's lute", and the item " Why are you sad?» can not be selected in any case. If the theme is chosen correctly, then the script will work as it should and the quest will be completed.
    • Solution 2 PC : bug fixed in Unofficial Skyrim Patch version 1.2.1 and above.
    • Solution 3 PC : choose a topic Why are you sad?”, initiating the beginning of the quest, and then using the console command SetStage BardsCollegeLute 40 , switching the stage of the quest. After that, you can talk to Inge and turn in the quest in the normal mode.

To join this guild, you need to get to Solitude. Find a house called "College of Bards", and there talk to a man named Viarmo. He will inform you that the Board accepts only those who will fulfill their task. That is, you must prove that you will be useful to the bards.

Set it on fire!

Walkthrough skyrim games continue with this task. It turns out that the bards have long had a holiday, during which the effigy of the king named Olaf is burned. However, in modern times, the government has decided to cancel the celebration. To prevent this, you need to find the ancient "Song of King Olaf". Its location, a kind of dungeon, will be shown on the map. Go there and go. There you need to clear the premises and solve the riddles placed. Also beware of traps. To play Skyrim, do not skip the levers in the walls, because with their help you will be able to open the bars (they are also doors) and, thus, go forward. For example, one lever there moves the grate on the floor. In the resulting hole you will have to make a jump.

Use the beacon to find a closed room and press the lever on the left side. Then the "door" will open, behind which is the "Song of King Olaf." Take it and follow the ghost, who should open the locked magic door. And behind it, the passage of the game Skyrim has prepared a riddle for you. It consists in the correct arrangement of the rings on the door. By the way, just outside the entrance to the dungeon you saw a claw and had to take it. According to the picture below, arrange the rings, then use the claw and open the door

And then you will be attacked by many draugr enemies along with their commander Olaf One-Eye. Eliminate everyone, take the ebony one-handed sword and the key, then leave the dungeon. On the way outside, dig through the royal treasure chest. And on the wall, read and memorize the new word of the dragon - "Rage. Swift jerk." Now go to a meeting with Viarmo and give him the book. However, he will notice some broken places in it, so you suggest that he finish the book. Then visit the song chanter and look for Jorn. Let him know that the holiday will be and it is necessary to complete the creation of the scarecrow. Then you need to find a place marked with a beacon and watch the burning of this stuffed animal. Talk to Viarmo again and be glad that you have become a bard! Take your well-deserved 1000 coins and complete the current task. To complete other missions in Skyrim, you need to talk to the Bards College with three professors.

Inge Six Fingers will ask us to find Finn on the lute

Head to the cave called "Stone Stream". Move along the stream up. Be careful and watch the road - do not fall into traps. Deal with a few robbers and go right at the first turn. Ahead you will see a chest containing a lute.

A certain alchemist Marauder is the guard at the chest. By the way, you can take the heart of the Daedra from him. If you follow the stream forward, you will come to a place where moonstone is mined. Now you can return to Inge and receive a reward for your work. This time you will be taught Alchemy, Lockpicking, Stealth, Pickpocketing, Light Armor and Speech. Passing the game Skyrim will allow these skills to increase by one point up

Panthea Atheia wants to return the stolen flute

The necromancers bought the flute because it was said to be able to bring people back from the dead. You need to go and find her in Hoba's cave. You will pass through the icy corridors, where you will meet a couple of skeletons and necromancers. Kill them all and reach a small room with a locked passage. Pull the chain (to the right of the passage). By the way, on the left side on the shelf you can find the heart of the Daedra. An easy trap awaits you ahead. She can hit with "frostbite".

Next, you will see columns from which you need to draw soul stones. Also, you will see a ladder on the rise, necromancers and, finally, a chest on top and a flute on it. After taking it, make a jump from the ledge and get to the entrance. Come back for a reward. For completing this quest in Skyrim, Panthea will allow you to improve such skills as Sorcery, Destruction, Illusion, Enchantment, Alteration by one point.

Giro Zhiman needs Rjorn's drum

You must get to Cairn Holdir. In the cave you will see a mystical pillar with energy and corpses. Ahead of the top of the pedestal is a diary. In it you can read the life story of the unfortunate robbers. Take the key to the crypt near the diary. Go there and expect to meet draugr and skeletons. Click on the lever in the locked passage (right behind the stone chair).

Ahead of you is a room, the door of which is made of stone again. Be careful, the lever here will activate a trap. On the walls there are images of animals on a pair of tablets. You will also see stones on the opposite side of them. To complete the Skyrim game, they must be positioned so that the picture with the animal on the stone is identical to the image on the wall.

If you list according to the clockwise direction, starting from the entrance, it should be like this - an eagle, then a snake, and finally a fish. Click on the lever and go forward. Meet Holdir, who turns out to be a ghost possessing the Draugr.

Destroy it and take the expensive staff, as well as the drum in the chest. Open the hatch, make a jump to the entrance. Return to the College of Bards for a reward of new skills: Two-Handed and One-Handed Weapons, Blacksmithing, Marksmanship, Heavy Armor, Block.

Finn's lute in Skyrim - game item, which can be encountered by each player. But where to get it? How to use? What is this tool for anyway? To understand all this and not only we will try further. In fact, everything is easier than it seems.


Finn's lute in Skyrim is a quest item. It is an ordinary eight-choir lute. The instrument used to belong to a bard named Finn. The item in question is the first eight-choir lute. She is highly regarded in the world of Skyrim.

In addition to the item, Finn's lute is called the quest of the same name. It comes down to finding the cherished tool for the Bards Guild.

Where to look

Where can I find Finn's lute? She was stolen by thieves. You can find it in The tool is stored in a chest near the leader of a gang of thieves.

The quest is issued by the professor of the College of Bards, if the player has completed the task "Set it on fire!". The player needs to talk to Igne and go in search of the treasured tool.

Who to give Finn's lute in Skyrim after a short trip and a skirmish with thieves? We need to return to Igna in Solitude. She will take the tool and increase the Thief's skills by one point as a reward.

How to get without problems

In Skyrim, Finn's lute can be issued using game console. This is a quick solution to complete the quest.

In order to use the technique, the player will have to:

  1. Open the console in Skyrim by pressing "~" on the keyboard.
  2. Type player.additem 000DABAB 1.
  3. Click on the "Enter" button on the keyboard.

After the done actions, 1 lute will appear in the character's inventory. She doesn't have any special skills.

Here are the characteristics that are prescribed for the tool:

  • weight - 4;
  • price - 25 coins.

As already mentioned, the item is used to complete the quest of the same name.

Important: in order not to die during the battles in Skyrim, you can turn on the "God mode". To do this, you need to write TGM in the console. The command disables the cost of life, mana and stamina in the game.

To join the ranks of the bards, go to Solitude, find the Bards Collection building there and talk to Viarmo. He will say that not everyone is accepted, and in order to prove his usefulness for the board, you need to complete one task ...

The task is taken in Solitude, in the College of Bards, from Viarmo.

Viarmo will tell you that the bards, from time immemorial, have a holiday - the burning of the effigy of King Olaf. But now the holiday is under threat of cancellation, and in order to persuade the authorities to leave the holiday you need to find the ancient "Song of King Olaf"

The map will mark the dungeon to which we go:

Get ready to clear a large dungeon, with a couple of puzzles and traps. First tip be careful about the levers on the wall, they open doors / grates to go further, for example, this lever on the wall opens a grate in the floor where you need to jump:

We find a locked room on the marker, use the lever on the left, the “door” opens where the “Song of King Olaf” lies. After you take it follow the ghost.

He will open a sealed magical door, after which there will be a puzzle a door with rings that need to be turned in the right direction (by the way, at the beginning of the dungeon, there was a claw on the table I hope you took it?). We turn the rings as shown in the pictures, use the claw, and the door opens:

Next up is the fight with huge amount Draugs, led by King Olaf One-Eye. We kill them all, take the key and the ebonite one-handed sword from the body and get out. Don't forget to open the king's treasure chest on the way to the exit. And also go to the wall to learn a new dragon word:

We return to Viarmo, we give the book. He will say that some pages are damaged, to which we suggest that he finish the book himself. I always chose the first options. After that, we have to be present at the performance of the song, then find Jorn and say that the holiday will take place, and we need to finish the effigy, and then come to the place indicated by the marker, see how the effigy of King Olaf will be set on fire.

In the same place we speak with Viarmo once again now you are a bard! We get 1000 gold, the task is completed.

To take other tasks talk to three professors in the bards guild.

Inge Six Fingers will ask us to find Finn on the lute

To do this, we go to the cave "Stone Stream".

We go upstream, look under our feet for traps, kill a few bandits. The first turn to the right will lead us to a chest with a lute.

It is guarded by one Marauder alchemist (I got the heart of a Daedra from him). If you go further along the stream there will be a place where moonstone was mined. We return to Inge, she pays for our work with training Alchemy, Light armor, Pickpocket, Pickpocket, Stealth and Speech are increased by one point.

Panthea Atheia wants to return the stolen flute

The flute was sold to necromancers because supposedly can revive the dead. We go after her to Hob's Cave. Making our way through the icy corridors, we kill several necromancers and skeletons. Having reached a small hall, we see a closed passage, we pull the chain to the right of it.

(Here on the shelf on the left, in the pharmacist's bag, I came across a Daedra heart)

We take out the soul stones from each column and pass. Ahead we see an ascent with a ladder and several necromancers, at the top there will be a flute in the chest.

After jumping off the ledge, we find ourselves at the entrance and go back for a reward. Panthea will increase Alteration, Illusion, Sorcery, Restoration, Destruction and Enchantment by one point.

Giro Zhiman needs Rjorn's drum

Our path lies in the Cairn of Holdira. Entering the cave, we see a mysterious column of energy and several corpses. On the pedestal is a diary from which you can learn about the fate of unsuccessful bandits. Next we take the key to the crypt and go into it. Inside we will meet ghosts and draugr. Having reached the closed passage, we pull the lever it is located behind the stone chair.

Further there will be a room with a stone door on the left, do not rush to activate the lever the trap will work. On the walls we see pairs of plates with the image of an animal. Opposite each pair there is a stone that needs to be rotated so that the image matches the tablets.

Clockwise from the entrance is eagle, snake, fish. Now, pulling the lever, we go further and meet with Holdir. He himself is a ghost, but will inhabit the bodies of draugrs.

Having defeated him, we pick up a staff and a drum from the chest that are not bad for the price.

Open the hatch and jump down to the entrance. We return to the college of bards. Our reward is skill upgrades: Blocking, Marksmanship, One-Handed Weapons, Two-Handed Weapons, Heavy Armor, Blacksmithing.

Descriptions of the following tasks will be added later.

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