How to solve keywords example. What are keywords? How to unravel them? Keywords play online

Also known as: Keywords, Codeword, Code cracker
Target jigsaw puzzles is to crack the code and show a standard crossword grid where every word read across or down is a standard word. Unlike standard crossword puzzles, proper names, words and acronyms are not allowed.

Each letter in the crossword has been replaced with a number, and your goal as a solver is to determine which number corresponds to which original. All letters are in at least one place in the grid, so the code will have a unique solution. You can track your solution using the number under the mailboxes below the grid, and track the letters you've already solved using cross letters outside the grid.

Keywords usually solved with a combination of skill and intuition. It is especially useful to look for sequences with two letters, as well as letters that appear frequently throughout the grid. Some starting grid squares are also provided to help you get started.

Keywords play online

website is the creator and supplier of Keyword puzzles. All these puzzles are created by us and are designed to test logical thinking and knowledge of the Russian language, as well as expand vocabulary and testing.

We can provide various levels difficulty, with any given number of initial letters, to help people solve the puzzle. Crosswords can also include specialized erudite words in addition to "standard" words from a dictionary as needed.

Puzzle Keyword can be seen on the pages of this section, along with a list to solve corresponding to each number. Each crossword contains a solution, a grid filled with letters, and cells on the right. See examples of this type of puzzle.

To display jigsaw puzzle online that you would like to use the online tool which is a codeword player you can obtain a license from us. Our Code Words online player greatly enhances the puzzle by doing search and replace letter rows for you. You can also change your mind and step back and each time the grids, code words and alphabet letters of the listing log are automatically updated in real time.

To see a demonstration of examples of solving our codewords, take a look at the player's online player in action integrated on the website.

How to solve the Keyword (Keyword or puzzles A-Z)

A-Z-puzzles is a very interesting twist on the standard crossword puzzle.

AT puzzle A-Z you are presented with a crossword grid with a difference. All clues are gone and most of the letters are already filled! All you have to do is fill in the grid. To do this, you will notice that there are exactly 28 empty squares left on the grid.

Each cell on the grid must be filled with a letter from A-Z to complete a valid crossword grid and thus complete the puzzle. Each letter from A-Z must be placed exactly once in the grid, so there will be an "A" under one specific number you need to place, then a "B" under another number, and so on.

Of course it's not that easy as some letter patterns will have a lot of possible solutions. Therefore, to solve Keyword puzzles The key skill you will need to develop is to scan the grid and find places where there is only one word that possibly fits, and then write it down. This will remove some letters, and so lower the options for some other letter patterns that may have more than one possible word that fits.

Be aware of where less common letters might go - for example, if there is a "U" in the grid with a space in front of it, then where is the "K" hiding? Also consider that the word ends with "IN?" may well have a "T" instead of a question mark, although of course this is not necessarily the case.

Using your knowledge of common patterns in Russian, along with reducing options, placing words that only have one option, and seeing which letters are left, you should be able to pave the way for a solution for each puzzle Keyword. We hope you enjoy this rather rare version of the crossword puzzle presented here on our website.

    Keywords are also called keywords. Their peculiarity lies in the fact that words are hidden in the cells, but numbers are located. Moreover, each letter has its own number. When the solver guesses the first word (with the help of a hint), he puts letters instead of the guessed numbers, all over the keyword. Thus, with each guessed word, the general task becomes more and more simplified. This type of crossword, as a rule, has a table attached below. In it is not possible to enter the meanings of already guessed letters.

    At one time, I willingly solved such puzzles, and they seemed to me much more interesting than ordinary crosswords.

    Keyword or in another way you can call it a keyword, this is a very interesting, let's say, rebus. Since childhood, I have loved various riddles and crossword puzzles, but this is something new, there are no questions here, everything here depends on your logic. You are given one word that has several numbers above each letter. The rest of the letters you need to look for yourself. As you fill in the gaps in the keyword, you will learn all the new letters under the numbers. This is the difficulty of the scanword, to guess what words are in a given line.

    Keyword (keyword) is a crossword where the key for each letter will be its own number. Usually in keywords there is already the first word, where each letter of the word is associated with some number. We find the same numbers in other empty cells and enter the letters that are already open in the keyword. And we select the letters in those words where they are obvious. So we open new letters in the keyword and continue to enter them into the cells with numbers and select new letters to form words. For myself, I discovered keywords relatively recently and now I often solve them. Here is a picture from the keyword I am currently playing. This is exactly what this puzzle looks like.

    Keywords are crosswords, only in them each letter is replaced by a number. In a keyword, the same numbers correspond to the same numbers. Using the prompted word, you just need to enter the letters in the cells with the corresponding numbers. After replacing numbers with known letters, we get words with letter spaces and determine the word by fragments. As you guess the words, letters will be added instead of numbers. With each new letter, the keyword will become easier to guess.

    The essence of keywords is to find out which letter corresponds to which number. This is similar to a crossword puzzle, but more difficult, and somewhat reminiscent of Sudoku. To do this, you must first arrange the letters that are already known, and then think about what words can be placed in free lines, where there are several letters.

    To find out if you guessed the letters correctly, you need to line up the words with crossroads. If it doesn't work, then you probably made the wrong assumption.

    If you want to try to play a keyword, you can do it on this site without registration.

    Keywords, or (keywords) - this is a puzzle, the same as a crossword, only numbers are entered in the places for letters, it turns out that the number corresponds to the letter, just think a little and you will understand that solving keywords is not difficult, here you can read more about this puzzle and for one to guess it.

    This is the same crossword puzzle, only easier. The letters are encoded as numbers - each letter corresponds to its own number.

    It is enough to know the answers to at least a couple of questions, and then it's a matter of technology. Throughout the field, we arrange the letters corresponding to the numbers in the words found. With each guessed word with new letters, a crossword puzzle is filled in, and it becomes easier to guess incomplete words.

    Keywords (keywords) - this is an original puzzle, it resembles a crossword but with words in which letters are replaced by numbers. Each letter corresponds to a certain number. Logically thinking, you can solve keywords, it trains the brain, this is especially important in old age.

    The keywords are quite exciting puzzles resembling crossword puzzles. However, in such crossword puzzles as keywords, there are numbers instead of letters. And it turns out that a specific letter corresponds to a specific number. That's the essence of the keyword is just to guess the correspondence of numbers to letters. The point is that having guessed the word, you insert letters in place of the numbers and so on with each guessed word.

    Keyword is a very entertaining type of crossword.

    To solve a keyword, you need to break your head a little, but then your brains will work.

    I like to solve such riddles, in the keywords there are numbers in the cells, but to get the word in letters you have to strain a little, as a rule, in the keywords there is a small hint with which you need to start solving this puzzle.

    In general, a very interesting type of crossword puzzle, it helps to pass the time, and at the same time to tighten up the logic, and this is something new, otherwise the usual crossword puzzles and crossword puzzles have become a little boring, but here there is such a variety.

    Here is what the keyword looks like.

Solving puzzles is a favorite pastime for many of us. Today, there are many varieties of intelligence tasks designed to develop memory, thinking and attention. We will talk about one of the types of crossword puzzles called keywords.

Look for the key in numbers

Back in the First World War, encryption was used to transmit intelligence or classified information. The most common coding at that time was numerical, when each letter of the alphabet corresponded to a number. The developers of the puzzles we are talking about have adopted this principle, creating a new kind of number crossword puzzle.

It is classified as a task of medium difficulty. A person who fills the cells with letters experiences difficulties only in the first 10-15, then things go easier and faster.

How to act as a beginner?

For those who are taking their first steps in the field of solving digital puzzles, we advise:

  • consider less complex options first. On them you will understand the principles of constructing a puzzle, get your hands on it, and then you can proceed to more complex ones;
  • when choosing a puzzle site, give preference to resources that have the function of saving an incompletely filled table. Agree, it’s convenient: if for some reason you interrupt, after a while you can return to solving the crossword puzzle and bring it to its logical conclusion;
  • if you don’t want to manually enter the same letter in all cells with a number designating it, look for options for “quick” games, where transferring a letter to one of the cells automatically places it in all the others;
  • it’s not interesting to play yourself, because the element of competition encourages improvement and stimulates further development. Sites with ratings of players will help with this. When you see yourself in the standings, there will be more reasons to be proud of yourself and your intellect;
  • the more functions, the more convenient the game process. The ability to change the scale of the cells and the size of the letters will greatly facilitate the work on the puzzle;
  • on some resources, users have the opportunity to evaluate digital crosswords in terms of their complexity, thus compiling a rating of puzzles. Focusing on it, you can choose the most interesting options.

About the benefits of digital

To skeptics who consider solving crossword puzzles a waste of time, we can say with confidence: you are wrong. Such an activity brings a lot of benefits:

  • helps to neutralize the effects of stress. The crazy rhythm of modern life makes our nervous system be in constant tension. Puzzles distract from problems, switch attention to other issues and help to relax;
  • maintains clarity of thought in old age. Mental exercise trains memory and thinking, helping them stay in good shape for longer;
  • develops ingenuity. In the course of solving a digital crossword puzzle, we expand our vocabulary, learn new things and make our brains move.

So arm yourself with a dictionary - and get to work: on our portal, the best digital word collection sites are at your service.

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