Thieves Guild Special Quests. Thieves Guild

In The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim, you will be given the opportunity to restore it to its former glory. For this, it is necessary to perform additional quests given by Vex and Delvin at the Ragged Flagon.

Each of them gives several small tasks in the five large cities of Skyrim: Whiterun, Windhelm, Markarth, Solitude and Riften. After completing five of any such tasks in one city, you receive a special quest from Delvin, after which, the influence of the guild in this city increases. The only exception is Riften, everything is already fine here.

As a reward, various sellers will settle in the guild, and the stock of gold from buyers of stolen goods will increase. After completing all the special additional quests, you will become the head of the thieves guild, receive a set of armor and a key to a warehouse with gold.

You can only complete two simple quests at the same time - one from Vex and one from Delvin. They are issued randomly, but you can refuse them and immediately take others. Therefore, it is a good idea to combine two tasks in the same city before receiving a special quest.

Quests Vex

  • Theft(Burglary Job) - you need to steal the right thing from the specified house.
  • toss(Shill Job) - you need to put the item in the chest in the specified house.
  • Cleaning(Sweep Job) - you need to steal the three specified items from the house.

Delvin's quests

  • Ches(Bedlam Job) - in the desired city, steal items or money for a total of 500 gold. You don't have to sell.
  • Fishing(Fishing Job) - steal the desired item from the specified character.
  • Numbers(Numbers Jobs) - forge entries in the account book.

Perhaps the easiest and fastest bunch are quests " toss" (Shill Job) by Vex and " Numbers» (Numbers Job) by Delvin.

They will be easily passed by those characters who do not have theft and stealth pumped.

Special quests

List of special additional quests by city.

Amnesty by hand (Whiterun)

After completing five simple side quests in Whiterun, you will receive a quest from Delvin called " Amnesty by hand» (Imitation Amnesty). Our goal will be to free Olfrid's friend, Arn, from prison.

To do this, it will be necessary to steal a letter of testimony and forge an entry in the prison register.

If you have already become the thane of Whiterun, then you get the right to be in all parts of the castle, which makes completing this quest a simple walk.

Silver blank (Markarth)

After completing five simple side quests in Markarth, you will receive a quest from Delvin called " Silver blank» (Silver Lining). Our task will be to return the workpiece, which was stolen by the bandits during transportation.

We go to Markarth and go into the first store on the left, there we meet Endon, who asks for the return of the silver blank.

We leave for the Pine Outpost (Pinewatch) - a house northeast of Falkreath. There in the basement we press the button near the rack with books and we pass into the secret room. We interrupt the bandits, deftly avoid the trap and at the end we find the blank.

Also here is one of the, do not miss it.

Summerset Shadows (Windhelm)

After completing five simple side quests in Windhelm, you will receive a quest from Delvin called " Summerset Shadows» (Summerset Shadows). Our task will be to investigate the situation in the city, where another guild of thieves is trying to gain power.

Upon arrival, we learn that a terrible murder of a little girl has been committed. Torsten Cruel-Sea asks for the medallion to be returned to his daughter.

We speak with Niraniya (Niranye) and find out the place where the bandits are sitting. We go there, interrupt and take the medallion from the leader. We set fire to the banner.

Fastidious Sload (Solitude)

After completing five simple side quests in Solitude, you will receive a quest from Delvin called " Picky Sload» (The Dainty Sload). In it, at the request of tan Erikur, we need to throw contraband on the ship. He can be found in the castle or near his house.

Balmora Blue will act as contraband. It can be bought for 1500 gold from Sabina Nitt, or you can dive under the pier and find the blue in a chest (expert lock). After that, we make our way to the load and put the bottle in the desired chest.

Also here is one of

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The Thieves Guild is an important organization in the world of Skyrim., which, as you already understood, is engaged in various thefts. Like most others, the thieves guild has its own line of quests, passing which you will not only see their line of work, but also personally contribute to many changes in the organization.

In this article, we will tell you, starting from joining the organization and ending with the last mission.

Joining the Thieves Guild:

To become a full member of the organization, you must go to Riften and find a Nord named Brynjolf in the square, who will give you a small Quest "First meeting". According to the assignment, you need to wait for the moment when Brynjolf starts to make a speech, and at that very moment you must get to Madesi's shop, steal the ring from the box and put it in the pocket of the distracted Brand-Shei.

After that, Brand-Shei will be imprisoned for theft for seven days, and you will get access to the Ragged Flagon tavern, which is the guild's base.

Having reached the tavern through the sewers filled with rats, you will meet Brynjolf again, who will give the last quest to join the guild.

For execution quest "Reliable roof" you must bypass three merchants in Riften and demand the payment of debts:

  1. To knock out a debt from Kirava from the Bee and Sting tavern, you first need to approach the Argonian standing next to her. After talking with the Argonian, you will understand that Kirava has a very important family, and just by mentioning relatives from Morrowind, she will immediately pay off the debt.
  2. Bersi at the Pawned Shrimp will only pay off her debt after a fistfight or if you break an urn that is dear to her.
  3. Helga will pay the debt only if you steal the vase and promise to smash it if you refuse.

Thereafter return to the guild hideout and tell about the completed task.

Quest: "Clarity"

So now you've become one of thieves guild members. Immediately after joining, you will receive a task "Clarity", in which you need to sneak into the estate, steal all the contents from the safe and set fire to three beehives. In order not to run into all the guards of the estate, you will have to make your way to the house secretly, through a secret hatch located in the northwestern part of the island.

After entering the house, go up to the second floor, steal the key and go down to the basement. Practically at the passage to the safe there will be the last guard who can be killed or sneaked with the help of an invisibility potion.

Thus, after completing all the instructions, you need to escape from the island and report to the guild about the completion of the task.

Quest: "The Wrong Honey"

Based on the stolen documents from the estate, the guild members began to realize that someone was trying hard to stop the organization's funding. But, unfortunately, the exact name is still unknown, and you need to complete an assignment from Maven Black-Briar, who owns the best mead in Skyrim.

During the conversation, Maven reveals that another meadery has appeared near Whiterun, which takes away all the customers from her.

Your task will be to poison the vat before the tasting itself and thereby help in the change of leadership in the meadery. On the this moment The meadery is run by Sabjorn and to get to the vat you have to pretend to be a rat fighter.

Having made your way to the honey factory, poison all the holes of the rats and, of course, the vat itself. As a result of the tasting, Sabjorn will be arrested, and Maven will take his place.

To complete the quest, go up to the second floor and pick up another note regarding thieves guild.

Quest: "Reckless Design"

After reading the note, Brynjolf realizes that the traitor is inside the guild and sends you to Solitude, where you must extort information from an Argonian named Gulum-Ai. To blabber Gulum-Aya, you need to use bribery or persuasion.

After talking, Gulum-Ai will only tell you that there is one woman in the guild who hates Mercer.

Next, you need to follow Gulum-Ai and periodically kill all the guards. At the end, having taken the Argonian by surprise, he will immediately tell that this woman's name is Karliah and that she killed the former leader of the guild and is going to repeat the same with Mercer.

Quest: "Conversation in Silence"

After returning to the guild and telling all the information to Mercer, you go together to Snow Veil Monastery. Making your way through the dungeons you will reach a small room behind a stone door. Once you get there, you will immediately get an arrow in the back and fall in a semi-conscious state. It turned out that the traitor was not Karliah, but Mercer, and it was he who killed the former head and stole the entire budget of the guild.

Next, you will receive a strong blow with a knife and almost find yourself on the verge of death. At the last moment, Karliah will heal you and tell you that you can prove Mercer's guilt only by reading his journal, written in an incomprehensible language. To unravel the incomprehensible language, Karliah gives you another quest.

Quest: "Difficult Answers"

In this quest, you need to go to Markarth to Kalcelmo (on a tip from Enthir from the tavern in Winterhold), who is the only one who can translate this journal.

But after talking with Calcelmo, he will refuse to translate and provide you with the necessary dictionary. You can find the dictionary only in the museum and to get there you need to find the key. In the museum, you need to go through all the security and find the Kalcelmo tower, where the dictionary we need will lie.

Quest: "Pursuit"

After telling everything to Brynjolf, you will go to Mercer's house, the path to which will be blocked by his personal guard Vlad.

Having dealt with Vlad, lower the drawbridge and go into the house.

Quest: "The Reborn Triad"

In this small task, you and Brynjolf will join the Nightingale organization, receiving at the same time the light armor of the same name.

Quest: "Blinding"

Traveling to the ruins of Irkngthand, you, Brynjolf and Karliah must stop Mercer and prevent him from stealing the Falmer's eyes. On the way to Mercer, there will be a large number of Falmer on your way, having dealt with them, you will reach your intended goal. You will have to fight Mercer alone, as he will cast spells on Brynjolf and Karliah, forcing them to fight each other.

The difficulty of fighting Mercer is that he will be invisible. To defeat him, use the scrolls or simply pinch him in the corner, chopping him with a sword. After you take all the items from Mercer, the room will begin to flood with water.

The main thing is not to panic, just wait until part of the wall collapses and swim towards it.

Quest: "Darkness Returns"

In the last task, you must return the Nocturnal key that Mercer stole. To return the key, you must pass the following tests:

  1. At the beginning, you will be attacked by several ghosts, killing them is quite simple.
  2. Next, you need to go along the corridor, stepping only on the dark areas of the floor.
  3. In the last test, pull both chains behind the torches, as a result of which the door will open for you.

After passing through the passage, you will fall down, where you can put the key in place. As a reward for returning, Nocturnal grants you one of three abilities:

Invisibility for 120 seconds,

Drain 100 health from an enemy

Forcing your enemies to fight each other for 30 seconds.

In the future, you will be able to choose one of three abilities, but only once a day.

Summing up:

Now you know the whole process of passing the skyrim thieves guild. Of course, these tasks do not end there, and you will be able to receive additional quests. After all, the guild is in decline, and you, as one of the leaders, must return it to its former glory.

"You want to join a guild. Make acquaintances. Put in the effort.

Our guild is like all the others. We have our own requirements for those wishing to join us. If you want to climb the corporate ladder, we have our own standards.
Want to be agile and fast. You want to be able to sneak up unnoticed. You want to know everything about security - about locks, traps and how to bypass them. You want to protect yourself. You are traveling light.
Why enter? Everything is very simple. Everyone needs friends.

Friends can provide you with information. Your friends in the Thieves Guild know where to do business and where it's safe and where it's not. Friends should provide each other with a place to rest, as well as a place where you can buy the necessary equipment. Helping friends means solving problems with the guards at big discounts. This is what "thieves' honor" is all about. Friends stick together and help each other."

How to start a storyline
“Being a thief is not the same as being a warrior. You can't just go to the local guild building" - and it is rightly said. Do you want to join the guild? Find a thief who trusts you enough to take you with him.

In order to start the storyline, you need to take the first quest. This can be done in two ways:

  • take the task through the collections menu (tab at the top right - DLC), there is Thieves Guild, click Accept Quest
  • take the task directly from the NPC - go to any thieves hideout in any of the main cities

Progress storyline
No spoilers, honestly! You just need to know that in order to advance in the storyline, you will need to increase the rank in the Thieves Guild. In fact, exactly the same system worked for the Mages Guild and the Fighters Guild, but since you went through their tasks gradually, along with increasing levels, the increase in ranks in the guilds remained imperceptible. Therefore, it will be much more convenient if you grow in the Thieves Guild in exactly the same way - simultaneously passing other content.
Ranks in the Guild are raised by completing daily tasks. Therefore, after the first quest, you will have to go on typical business for a thief. At first, not all types of tasks will be available, over time there will be three of them, one without restrictions on completion per day and two available only once a day.

Classes for a thief

Board tips (Tip Board) - available after completing the "Partners in Crime" quest
Everything is extremely simple - you are given instructions where and what to steal, you collect your simple belongings and go to distant places to fulfill. These tasks are simple and come down to pickpocketing, breaking safes, collecting certain items and other things in the same vein.

Pretty boring and monotonous, but not all Khajiit are moon sugar.

The contact person: Nord Kari
Awards: experience, gold, guild reputation, pardon decrees, junk containers (may be useful for quests or you can just sell them for decent money)
Repeatability: as many times as you like

Heist Board- available after completing the quest " The Long game"
The most interesting and difficult tasks are waiting on this board. You will be sent to an instance where you will have to sneak past the guards, find what you need and hide without a trace. Such places are usually crowded (or multidimensional, as it turns out) and you should beware of everyone in your path.

Ordinary residents- not very attentive, but they can make noise if they notice you, attracting the attention of the guards. Every resident who notices you will report to the right place in any case - a reward will be put on your head. And if you are not lucky, then the guards will personally come running to their screams and simply kill you without talking.

Guard- more attentive than the inhabitants, to talk is not located from the word at all.

Guards with lanterns- these can be seen from afar, but they can see far. The level of their vision is marked on the ground with a blue circle - it should not be hit in any case.

You can hide in different boxes, baskets and other suitable places, specially illuminated and visible to an attentive thief from afar. Carefully study the routes of movement of everyone - both residents and guards, and especially those with lanterns, do not rush and use shelters wisely. You will be given a certain time for everything about everything, and everyone who notices you greatly reduces this time. The guards can kill you, and this is not the end, of course, if you have soul stones with you, but then again - time! However, if you want, you can cut through by force to the target, but then you won’t see the bonus from careful passage for a while.

The contact person: Khajiit Fa'ren-dar
Awards: experience, gold, guild reputation, pardon decrees, junk containers
Bonus Reward (for timed completion): random item from the Thieves Guild sets
Repeatability: once a day

Advice: build yourself a medium set Night's Silence: This will grant bonuses to the increase in stealth from medium armor and 60% to movement speed in stealth from 5 pieces of the set. A set will also help. nightshade- a necklace and two daggers will give you a reduction in detection radius by 2.3 meters and the cost of movement in stealth by 22%

Treasures are everywhere
Together with the Thieves Guild, small chests will appear throughout Tamriel, glowing with a deep blue-violet light. These are thieves' treasures that do not require master keys to crack. In addition to gold, they contain a variety of things hidden by some thief for a rainy day: containers with various goods (for sale or for completing quests), documents on the removal of a fine (up to 100,000 gold at a time if you're lucky!) and others in the same vein. Most often, of course, there is nothing particularly valuable in them, but is this a reason to pass by? ..

But when you open them, remember - you give out a thief in yourself and "commit theft", if you are noticed, then the fine will be added.

Skill Line
The Thieves Guild has no active skills, and the passive ones look like this:

Finders Keepers: Thieves Trove can be found all over Tamriel, if you find one, it's yours if you can open it. This passive skill is needed in order to pick up the found.

Swiftly Forgotten(4 levels): A skilled thief knows the value of stealth. Swiftly Forgotten reduces your bounty and attention after just three seconds, turning you into a distant memory for those who longed for your arrest.

Haggling(4 levels): The art of bargaining is a delight for members of the Thieves Guild. With this passive skill your bargaining skills will give you up to 10% more profit from the sale of stolen goods. But you will have to launder items at the same price - buyers need to live on something.

Clemency: every thief knows at least one story to divert the attention of the guards. With the Clemency skill, that's exactly what you'll do. The guards were just about to arrest you, and suddenly they changed their mind and don’t even want to take money with goods! In addition, the guards will not pursue you for a whole minute, unless, of course, you commit new crimes. You can use the skill once a day, so use it wisely!

Thieves Guild (orig. Thieves Guild) is a criminal organization made up of bandits and thieves that can be found throughout Tamriel.
All the features of this guild will become available by installing or purchasing the official expansion. DLC:Thieves Guild. Joining the Thieves Guild provides access to an exclusive skill line.


The Thieves Guild is based in the city of Abah's Landing, located on the desert peninsula Hew's Bane, on the south coast of Hammerfell. Its headquarters is the Den of Thieves (Thieves Den), located in the same city. The guildmaster of the guild is Zeira.

Like in the Fighters Guild and Mages Guild, skill progress in the Thieves Guild is also achieved through leveling up. This can be achieved by completing the various quests associated with this DLC. Losing access to the DLC will disable this progress, but any skills you have earned will remain unlocked and useful. There are 12 reputation ranks in the Thieves Guild.

Skill Perks

Thieves Guild skills consist solely of passive abilities designed to assist you in your criminal activities. Known abilities are listed below.

Passive abilities

Name Level Skill level Description
What I found is mine
(original Finders Keepers)
1 Thieves' caches are hidden throughout Tamriel. Only members of the Thieves Guild can open them.
Swiftly Forgotten
(orig. Swiftly Forgotten)
2 Every 3 minutes the penalty is reduced by 46 points. Suspiciousness is reduced by 36 every 3 seconds.
5 Every 3 minutes, the penalty is reduced by 69 points. Suspiciousness is reduced by 46 every 3 seconds.
8 Every 3 minutes, the penalty is reduced by 92 points. Suspiciousness is reduced by 55 every 3 seconds.
11 Every 3 minutes, the penalty is reduced by 115 points. Suspiciousness is reduced by 64 every 3 seconds.
(orig. Haggling)
3 Increases the price of stolen items sold to the Fence Fence by 2%. Does not affect laundering.
6 Increases the price of stolen items sold to the Fence Fence by 4%. Does not affect laundering.
9 Increases the price of stolen items sold to the Fence Fence by 7%. Does not affect laundering.
12 Increases the price of stolen items sold to the Fence Fence by 10%. Does not affect Laundering.
(original Clemency)
7 If you are caught by a guard, you can use Pardon once per day. In this case, the guard will not arrest you and will not take the fine or stolen goods. In addition, the guards will not molest you for 1 minute after using Pardon, unless you commit another crime.
Time Escape
(original Timely Escape)
9 Flee from justice with the Thieves Guild's Timely Essare ability.
Veil of Shadows
(original Veil of Shadows)
9 Reduces the detection radius of witnesses and guards by 10%. Witnesses will now be less likely to notice crimes, and guards won't harass you until they get close enough.

Getting quests

Thieves Guild quests can be obtained on three bulletin boards, which are located near and inside the Den of Thieves (Thieves Den).

  • Theft quests(Larceny Quests) Issued by Kari, a strict Nord woman who oversees the guild's finances, collects information and rumors on the Tip Board, and oversees the Heist Board.
  • Robbery quests(Heist Quests) gives out Fa "ren-dar, a frisky Khajiit, which is located at the far end of the Lair, next to the exit from the sewers. He is involved in robberies and keeps an eye on the Heist Board. Quests from this board will only be available after completing The Long Game quest.
  • Quests for returning things(Reacquisitions Quests) is given by Spencer Rye, a trendy Breton who is located just outside the Den of Thieves, next to the Reacquisition Board.


Story quests

  • Partners in crime (Partners in Crime)- Become a partner of a young thief and enter into thieves guild.
  • House cleaning (Cleaning house)- Find the connection of the missing Thieves Guild member to the Iron Wheel.
  • long game (The Long Game)- Learn about an aspiring merchant named Kosh at Zeira's request.
  • The Perfect Plan (A Flawless Plan)- Find out the truth behind the Thieves Guild's failed heist.
  • Or be silent for the rest of your days (Forever Hold Your Peace)- Make your way to the Habalajad Palace.
  • Jail break (Prison Break)- Rescue the guild master from No Shira Prison.

Quests from Quen

  • Double life (A Double Life)- Help Quen with her personal file.))
  • His greatest treasure (His Greatest Treasure)- Find Father Quen's treasure.))

Quests from Walks-Silently (Walks-Softly)

  • The shell game (shell game)- Help Steps-Silently with his personal file.
  • Everyone has a price (Everyone Has A Price)- Learn from Steps-Silently.

Quests from Velsa

  • withered flower (A Faded Flower)- Help Velsa with her personal file.
  • What was lost (That Which Was Lost)- Help Narahni find her son.

Quests from Zeira

  • The one who got away (The One That Got Away)- Help Zeira with her personal file.


  • Pickpocket Art (The Cutpurse's Craft)- Prove to the Guild that you are good at pickpocketing.
  • robbery master (Master of Heists)- Meet Fa "ren-dar, master of robberies of the Thieves Guild.

Repeatable quests

Thieves Guild Quests

These quests will be completed throughout Tamriel, where you must complete theft.

Return of Paradise

These quests are related to the Delves and Group Bosses dungeons in Hugh's Bane.


These quests will lead you to locations where you need to complete the "Robbery", they can be completed either alone or in a group.

Thieves Guild Achievements

All achievements of the Thieves Guild are located.


The reputation of the Thieves Guild is earned by completing various quests and quests for the guild. For completing most of the quests, you can earn 10 points, and for completing the quests received from the Bulletin Board - 5 points, for each major theft you will be awarded 30 points.

Rank Reputation Required
for the next rank
Final reputation
for Rank
1 10 0
2 25 10
3 30 35
4 30 65
5 35 95
6 40 130
7 40 170
8 40 210
9 50 250
10 75 300
11 100 375
12 - 475


  • For historical information about the Thieves Guild, see this article. here.

See also

  • justice system - (orig.Justice)
  • Artful deception - (orig.Legerdemain)
TESO factions
Playable factions

One of the most powerful organizations in Skyrim is the Thieves Guild. Her followers prefer to constantly remain in the shadows and from there, covertly and imperceptibly, do their dark deeds. Nevertheless, Dovakin will have the opportunity to join the famous guild and even receive certain privileges for this.

Before becoming part of the thieves' elite, the main character will have to complete a chain of tasks. Almost all of them will not cause any difficulties, but there is one that will make even Skyrim veterans sweat. "Pursuit" is the name of this quest and it's about it will be discussed in the article.

Beginning of the chain

First, Dovakin needs to go to Riften. This city is famous for its skillful meadeurs and is located in the southeastern part of the kingdom "Skyrim". The Thieves Guild, for reasons known to them alone, decided to establish their headquarters here, carefully hiding it in the sewer network.

To start the first of the tasks in the chain, the hero just needs to walk around the city market. There, a representative of the thieves' fraternity named Brynjolf will approach him and offer to crank out a small business. Its essence is to steal the ring and slip it to a local merchant, for which the latter will be put in a dungeon.

After that, Dovakin will need to knock out debts from local businessmen, infiltrate the estate, take part in the dismantling of meads and complete other tasks that the Thieves Guild will give him. The Pursuit quest will become available towards the end of the chain. It's time to talk about it in more detail.

Passage of the quest

So, Dovakin helped Karlia to get evidence of her innocence, after which the thief invited him to meet at the Rampant Flask tavern. It is at this place that the quest "Skyrim" "Pursuit" originates. Arriving at the place, the hero needs to convince Brynjolf to open the Guild vault and make sure that it is empty.

Now Dovakin needs to go to the Riftveld estate and find out what Mercer did with the loot. The problem is that the house is guarded by a certain Wald. The watchman can either be killed or persuaded to give the key to the estate and leave the territory. One way or another, the path to the estate will be open and the hero will have no choice but to proceed there.

Once in the house, the first thing to do is to inspect a suspicious closet on the ground floor. Behind him will be a secret passage that will lead the hero to a secret room. Here, on the table, are Mercer's plans, which Dovakin must take to Brynjolf to complete the quest.

There are a few useful tips, which will make it easier for you to complete the "Pursuit" quest. "Skyrim", the passage of the main storyline of which was supposed to teach you that any situation in the game can be solved in several ways, and this time does not deviate from its traditions. So, for example, Wald, guarding the estate, can not only be killed, but also persuaded to leave his post. And you can do this in two ways:

  • If the hero has a high Speech skill, he can deceive Vald and tell him that Mercer is waiting for him in Markath. The watchman will give the key and go home.
  • You can learn from Vex that Wald owes money to Maven. The latter will agree to forgive the guard, but will ask for a dual pen for this. It can be found at the bottom of a lake near Riften.

In addition, many of the locks on Mercer's estate will require you to have an expert lockpicking skill. If you pump this skill, you can find several valuable items.


During the "Skyrim" "Pursuit" you may encounter several unpleasant bugs:

  • Karla does not want to go to the tavern anywhere and, accordingly, the quest stops there. This problem is solved with console command Setstage tg07 20. She teleports the naughty thief to the agreed place, and you can safely continue to complete the task.
  • If you visited Mercer's manor and took the plans from there before you started the Pursuit quest, the task will be bugged and it will become impossible to complete. The situation will be corrected by the commands Setstage tg07 10 (it will start the task) and Setstage tg07 60 (return the plans to the table in the estate).

Continuation of the quest chain

Dovakin, if desired, can continue to carry out the instructions of the Thieves Guild and make decisions that will ultimately affect the entire Skyrim. "Pursuit" is one of the most important quests in the chain, but not the last one. After its completion, the hero will not only have to sort out the squabbles of the thieves' brethren and join a mysterious cult, but also get one of the powers of the dark goddess Nocturnal.

By the way, under certain circumstances, the Dragonborn can even lead the Thieves Guild and return it to its former glory. For this, he will receive excellent armor, an amulet that replaces the Eloquence skill, and, of course, the key to the treasure chest. In general, thieves' quests are not only interesting for their plot, but also can bring good profit.

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