How to make a helicopter in minecraft from blocks. But there is both a fairly small and a very solid way to solve the problem with the inclement force of the earth's gravity.


If you want to build such a flying machine, you will not be able to do it without special mods. Several of them are very popular among gamers - in particular, MC Heli and THX Helicopter. Choose the modification that you personally like, and download the installer for it from any Internet resource dedicated to various Minecraft plugins. After downloading, move the contents of its archive to the mods folder of your Minecraft Forge. Enjoy new gameplay features.

Launch the game and go in search of crafting resources. In the event that you liked MC Heli more and you installed it, you will have access to three options for helicopters: EC-665 Tiger, AN-6 and AN-64 Apache. To create the first and third versions of flying machines, you only need iron blocks, and for the second, you also need ingots of the same metal (they are obtained by firing in a furnace). To craft an AN-6, you will need to place four of the latter in the center slots of the top and bottom rows of the workbench, and in the outermost slots of the middle one. An iron block will go to the very center. The helicopter is ready!

The creation of the AN-64 looks even simpler. Arrange five iron blocks on the workbench in a checkerboard pattern so that its central slot and four cells diagonally from it are occupied. EC-665 is crafted from the same material but slightly different. Fill with iron blocks those cells that were empty in the case of the AN-64.

Control the movement of your flying car with the standard Minecraft keys - W, A, S and D. To hover in the air, press the space bar. The X button (X) switches the types of weapons with which you can fire at the surroundings and destroy hostile mobs. By pressing C you activate the night vision mode. When you want to exit the helicopter, land and click Left Shift.

By installing the THX Helicopter mod, you will add only one type of such an aircraft to the game. However, he has no less opportunities, and for crafting you will need even simpler materials - ordinary boards (in the amount of six pieces), and from any type of wood. Arrange their blocks on the workbench as follows: completely occupy the entire bottom row with them, the two extreme cells of the middle one and the central one of the top one. If you perform these actions in creative mode, you will not get a helicopter, but some kind of "egg" with which you can create at least a dozen of these machines.

Get into the aircraft by clicking on it with the right mouse button. Climb up on it, holding the space bar, and go down, holding X (x). Move forward, backward, right and left in the same way as in the MC Heli mod (W, A, S and D). You can shoot mobs by pressing the right mouse button. If you also want to destroy solid blocks, select its left button - it activates more powerful projectiles. To exit the helicopter when it has landed, press Y. The same button will eject you if you press it while the vehicle is in the air.

How to make a helicopter in Minecraft?

If you dream of conquering the sky in the Minecraft game, you simply cannot do without the appropriate transport. It is best to craft a helicopter, it is not very difficult and minimal in cost. Below you will learn how to make a helicopter in Minecraft.

How to make a helicopter using the THX Helicopter mod

You can make a helicopter in Minecraft using a mod called THX Helicopter. You can download it - or. Then unzip the archive and copy its contents into a Minecraft.jar file. It is in the game folder.

In addition, you will need to download and install Modloader. It can be done - . It is installed by unpacking the archive and moving its contents to the game folder.

After installing mods, you can start crafting a helicopter. This vehicle will require 6 planks. Place them on the crafting bench so that the top two and one in the middle are empty. As a result, you will have a helicopter.

How to control a helicopter in Minecraft

After you have made a flying helicopter, you need to learn how to control it. It's easy, you just need to use certain keys.

Get into the helicopter, press RMB. You can take off by pressing the "Space" key. Landing can be done with "X". Fly forward - "W", back - "S". Turn right - "D", left - "A".

It is important to know that this helicopter is also capable of firing at evil mobs. To shoot with the main weapon, just press the LMB, the secondary - RMB. As you can see, making a helicopter in Minecraft is not difficult, but if you have any questions, you can watch the video. Happy crafting!

Surely, each of us at least once dreamed of flying over the Minecraft world to the very sky in order to enjoy the view of our buildings from above, to explore the world, laughing at the evil mobs rushing about below. It's possible! It is enough to build a helicopter - and the entire sky will belong only to you.
True, although everyone can, of course, build a helicopter, it is impossible to make it fly in “pure” Minecraft. To do this, you will need to install a special mod. I offer you a choice of two of the most interesting mods for creating a helicopter.

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THX Helicopter()

This mod allows you to add small single-seat helicopters to the game, which are very simple. You will be able to create your helicopter on the first day. To do this, you just need to arrange in a certain order 6 blocks of boards on a workbench.

Your small helicopter is equipped with weapons that can be used to destroy mobs, ensuring a quiet landing.


After installing this mod, you will be able to craft a special command block, which lifts any structure up to 2000 blocks into the air. For crafting, you will need diamonds, obsidian and a gold block. You can build a helicopter, a plane, a flying ship, or just an ordinary house that will hover above the ground at your command. Flight control is carried out from the numeric keypad.

Today we will talk about how to build a helicopter in Minecraft. IN certain moment players begin to think about new opportunities that they want to give their character. Often they want to take to the skies and appreciate their possessions from a bird's eye view. This will help a special aircraft.

Add-on installation

To solve the issue of how to build a military helicopter in Minecraft, we need boards, iron blocks and ingots. First of all, you will need to install special add-ons. Among them, THX Helicopter and MC Heli are especially popular. Note that the solution to the question of how to build a helicopter in Minecraft without mods is this moment not provided by the developers. So, choose and install a more suitable add-on. To make everything work correctly, we transfer the contents of the archive with the modification to the mods section, which can be found in the folder with the Minecraft game.


To solve the question of how to build a helicopter in Minecraft, we launch the game and go for the resources necessary for design. If the MC Heli solution is used, 3 helicopter options will become available to us. To create the two named flying machines, iron blocks will be required, and to produce the third option, in turn, ingots of a similar metal are needed. Let's start with the design of the AN-6. To do this, we place 4 ingots in the central holes of the lower and upper rows of the workbench, as well as in the extreme cells of the middle one. At the same time, we put an iron block in the center. That's all, the first helicopter is ready.

AN-64, C-665 and others

The solution to the question before us (how to build a helicopter in Minecraft) can be even simpler. In the case of the AN-64, we place 5 iron blocks in a checkerboard pattern on the workbench. In this case, its central cell should be occupied, as well as 4 holes located diagonally from it.

C-665 is made from a similar material, but in a different way. We fill with iron blocks the cells that remained empty during the development of the AN-64. Control is carried out using the keys D, S, A and W. To make the helicopter hover in the air, use the "Space" key. Press "X" button to toggle. Press "C", the aircraft will be in night vision mode. To leave the helicopter, we land and use the left Shift. If you use the THX Helicopter modification, one type of aircraft will appear in the game, while its capabilities are impressive. To create such a helicopter, you need ordinary boards. Any type of tree will do. We arrange the elements on the workbench as follows: we completely occupy the bottom row with them, 2 extreme cells of the middle one, and also the central one - the top one.

In the conditions of the creative mode, the character will not receive an aircraft, but a semblance of an egg, with which we can create many helicopters. We sit in the cockpit using the right mouse button. You can go up by holding the "Space", and go down easily with the "X" button. The movement is carried out in the same way as in the MC Heli add-on. You can open fire with the right mouse button. So we figured out how to build a helicopter in Minecraft and control it.

Today we will talk about creating various devices that will help the player move around the world of Minecraft. We paid special attention in the article to the construction of a helicopter.

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If you have never played Minecraft, then this is a game in which the player can create or "craft" all sorts of things - from a "house" with a garden bed to a monorail train or a helicopter. The game is based on the so-called "blocks" from which, as from the designer, you can create all sorts of gizmos. There are "blocks" of wood, stone, earth, various metals. All these blocks can be transformed using a special crafting "box". The game is paid and is constantly updated. On average, a game costs about twenty euros and there are many servers where you can play with other people. If you want to try the game, there are many "pirated" copies on the net, although you can only play in single player mode and some functions may not work. In fact, Minecraft is a game about a huge constructor.

Minecraft is very popular game, it can be found on a variety of platforms (even on smartphones and set-top boxes). Exists great amount mods for the game.

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However, we digress from the main task of the article - how to assemble a helicopter. The helicopter can be created in the regular version of Minecraft or in the game with a special mod, in the latter case the process is much simplified. The number of different mods today is huge and you can easily find them on the net. If you want to create a helicopter in the original version, then this process will be more complicated.

As you probably already understood, the creation of a helicopter in official Minecraft is a complex matter, so we will divide the process into several stages. First you need to create a skeleton, a car frame - use iron for this. The shape of the frame can be very different, the main thing is the elongation and the presence of a helicopter "tail". Do not forget about the doors for the pilot and passengers, if such are planned.

Let's move on to the interior. You should take care of the seats and iron is not suitable for this - use "soft" materials. The number of seats will depend on the size of the helicopter and the number of intended passengers. After you have finished with the seats, make a special "cushion" - two long strips of railings that will stabilize the helicopter on the ground so that it does not fall. "Pillow" should be made more authentic.

When planning a cockpit for pilots, care should be taken to ensure good visibility. To do this, equip the cab with a large prudent window and block it with glass blocks. The helicopter flies with the help of blades, in our case the blades will be made of wool. So the helicopter is ready, you can sit down and fly.

As we said above, in the creation of a helicopter, the main thing is the general concept: blades, the presence of a tail and a "cushion" to stabilize the entire structure. You can create your own variations of helicopters: by changing the size of the cabin, the location and number of blades. Good luck with your experiments!

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