How to use the command block in minecraft to create a mechanism. How to make a command block in minecraft? How to issue a command block

In this article, we will look at how to give yourself a command block in Minecraft. When creating a map that differs from the generated areas, building or creating story scenarios, no server administrator can do without using the built-in functions. The command block allows you to implement them. We are talking about a special device on which you can save a system command, such as a player receiving a resource or teleportation to a specific place.


Next, let's take a closer look at how to give yourself a command block. There are two ways to obtain this item. Both will require the use of system commands. This situation is due to the fact that it is impossible to craft a command block with improvised materials. But the problem still has a solution.

The ways

Let's move on to the practical part of solving the question of how to give yourself a command block. The command that will allow you to do this will be given below. The first method is to create a map in creative mode. In this case, the command block is available among other items. That's not all. Let's move on to the next method of solving the question of how to give ourselves a command block. In this case, you will have to use the console command.

So, we open the chat. We enter the following command: / give (name) command_block (amount). Thanks to this solution, you can not only personally receive the necessary item, but also give it to another user. All syntax is specified without parentheses. By the way, the main condition for such a command is the permission to use cheats. If the corresponding option is disabled, you will not be able to obtain the specified item in either multiplayer or single player games. It takes just one action to place a block on the ground. Move it to Quick Access Toolbar. Next, select the block and indicate a suitable place. At this point, the control interface will appear, with which you can enter the function.


It is not enough to know how to give yourself a command block. You need to learn how to use it. To do this, you must correctly specify the syntax of the instruction. Here are the basic rules. First, the command itself is indicated. We enter any function activated using the console. Next, the "area of ​​application" is indicated. That is, the user to which you need to add the ability or the coordinates of the object's appearance.

Finally, let's move on to additional arguments. They allow you to clarify the various characteristics of the object. The finished combination is indicated according to the following scheme: / (command) (coordinates or player's nickname) (parameters). Let's consider how to give yourself a command block and manage it using examples. Let's start by giving out items.

Enter / give @p. With the help of this instruction, our command block will give out 30 iron ingots to the nearest player within a radius of ten blocks. Now let's give an example of working with coordinates. Enter / spawn 10 20 30 / summon EnderDragon. It is obvious from the syntax that the command at certain coordinates summons a dragon. We will get a complete list of functions that the command block has if we enter the / help command in the chat.

When creating any playable map that will differ from randomly generated terrains, construction, pixel art or storyline scenarios, the server administrator cannot do without using the "built-in" functions. To implement them, you can use the command block. This is a special device into which you can write a system command, starting from the player receiving a resource and ending with his teleportation to a specified location. But how do you give yourself a command block?


There are only two ways to acquire this item. Both of them are that you need to use system commands. This comes from the fact that it is impossible to make (craft) with improvised materials. That is why the question: "How to give yourself a command block?" - always remains relevant. No matter what fashion you set for yourself, no matter how you experiment with ingredients, nothing will come of it. Anyone who claims that by downloading his mod, you can create command blocks - a scammer who seeks to "plant" a virus on you. So how do you give yourself a command block?

The ways

The first method for getting a command block is that you can create a map in creative mode. The command block will be available for obtaining among other items.

The second method is a little more complicated. To do this, you will have to use How to give yourself a command block using the system? To do this, you will have to open a chat and write the following: / give [name: command_block [number]. Also, this command will be the answer to the question of how to give to another player.

All syntax is written without parentheses. Instead of the character's name, you must indicate the nickname of the player you want, the number is the number of command blocks received. By the way, the main condition for this command to work is the permission to use cheats. If this feature is disabled, you will not receive this item in either single or multiplayer games.


So, let's say you figured out how to give yourself a command block, and it is in your inventory. Now let's learn how to use it.

To place a block on the ground, drag it to the Quick Access Toolbar. After that, select it and click on the desired place. At this moment, the control interface will open in front of you, with the help of which we will introduce the function. It should be borne in mind that one command block can execute only one instruction.

However, it is not always necessary for the player to be able to find a command block and use it. It is much more interesting so that the user can press the lever, and a mountain of gold or the necessary items appears in front of him. In this case, you can use redstone patterns.


In order to use the command block, it is not enough to know how to get or install it. The most important thing is to be able to correctly spell out the syntax of the instruction. To do this, it is important to remember a few simple rules.

  1. First, the command itself is written. Any function that can be activated using the console can be written here.
  2. Then the "zone of application" is set. That is, the player to whom the effect or the coordinates of the object's appearance will be applied.
  3. And finally, additional arguments to clarify the characteristics of the object.

In general, the command will look like this.

/ [command] [player nickname or coordinates] [parameters]

To make it clearer, let's give some real-life examples. Let's start with how to issue items with the command block.

/ give @p iron_ingot 30

Using this instruction, the command block will give the nearest player within a radius of 10 blocks iron ingots - 30 pieces. Now let's see how to work with coordinates.

/ spawn 10 20 30 / summon EnderDragon

Actually, from the syntax it is already clear that the team summons a dragon at certain coordinates. Finally, note that the full list of commands used by the command block can be seen by typing / help in the chat.

The execution of any actions assigned by the participants of the game is carried out by command blocks. You can't create a team like that in survival mode. Calling them as tools while using the creative game mode will not work either. To get such blocks functionally, you need to use a couple of fairly simple commands, which, in fact, will allow you to execute their call. Let's take a look at some simple methods.

Get a command block in Minecraft: method 1

Start Minecraft and select single player mode. Complete the creation of a world that has cheats enabled.

Open the chat window and press the "/" key. This symbol will open a window where you can enter commands.

Enter the destination you want by choosing from the following lines:

  • "/ Give" the name of minecraft: command_block and the required number - after entering it into the console, the summoned items will appear among the tools;
  • "/ Setblock x y z minecraft: command_block" - this line turns one of the blocks into another, making it a command one, and to find it, you need to press F3 and select one of the found ones;
  • "/ Summon Item x y z (Item: (id: minecraft: command_block, Count: 1))" - by entering this sequence, the game participant will call the blocks to wherever he needs.

Get a command block in Minecraft: method 2

Run the game, select single mode. Log in to your existing world, possibly a server. Enter the chat required to set commands by clicking on "/".

Enter one of the suggested options:

  • "/ Give minecraft name: command_block the desired number" - this line allows you to call the required number of items and add them to the existing inventory;
  • "/ Setblock x y z minecraft: command_block" - if you enter such a text, you can replace any existing block with a command block, and to determine the location in which it is located, you need to press the F3 key;
  • "/ Summon Item x y z (Item: (id: minecraft: command_block, Count: 1))" - blocks will appear in the specified area.

Get a command block in Minecraft: method 3

  • Use the "E" key to drag the block and place it on the panel. Click on the right mouse button and place the object on the ground.
  • Click on it again with the same mouse button. This will open a menu in which you can configure actions.
  • In this window you need to enter the symbol "/". The options in these blocks are similar to those used in chat. They are sometimes associated with an electrical board. This allows commands to be executed automatically.
  • Press the "/" key, a console window will appear, in which write the word "help". After it, type the name of the subject to which the sequence of commands is prescribed.

Many of you know that in Minecraft it is possible to achieve the fulfillment of the goals necessary for the player by prescribing a specific command in the command line. It is very comfortable. It is also very convenient to download free games for Android and enjoy your favorite game from your phone or tablet. But you should always strive to improve convenience. At this point, the developers have risen to such an interesting thing as the command block. The essence of this device is that it executes your console commands, receiving a signal from the redstone (attention to the screen). With the advent of this block, the capabilities of crafters who create maps with an adventure mode have significantly expanded.

Of course, with this functionality, the command block is not at all "eager" to succumb to crafting. Only the "chiefs" of the servers - their administrators - can get it in multiplayer. To do this, in “"They need" enable-command-block"Set to position" true". Why is such a useful thing available only to the bosses in a multiplayer game? Everything is very logical. Imagine that two gardener neighbors are praying at the same time: one for the sending of rain, the other for a clear sky. Who should I answer? First or second? This is how it is in Minecraft, if all the crafters could get to the command block, whose will, whose commands should he execute?

But loners can also get a magic box. In the settings for this you need to write the following cheat code: / give @p command_block... Given the number of cheat codes, the owner of the command block becomes a truly cool crafter. Do you want to become your own director? Try this device.


However, such a multifunctional box presupposes the ability to use it. "Trachtibidochus" is clearly not enough here, but there is no smell of nuclear physics here either, so fears away. To begin with, you need to use the command block through the text area interface. You can save the changes made only with the server administrator status and creative mode. The entered commands will be executed in Minecraft by activating the block with a redstone. To use the full command block, it is very useful to use special pointers for gamers:

  • @p - to the nearest player
  • @a - "hint" to all crafters, if the situation allows
  • @r - random player
  • @e - pointer to all Minecraft entities

For example, if you are in a good mood and you want the closest crafter to be enriched with boulders, you need to issue the following: / give @p (4)... The id of the cobblestone is indicated in parentheses. Do you want to communicate with the crafters in writing? Write in the interface field: / w @a [your text]... You can write, for example: "What do you want here, next to my command block?"

Pointer arguments

A pointer to a specific crafter can be made even more specific if you use arguments that must be specified separated by commas and in brackets [square], for example, like this: @p... Minecraft has the following arguments:

  • X, Y, Z- coordinates of the search center. If you set the value to "~" (tilde), then the center will be our command device
  • r- search radius (maximum)
  • rm- search radius (minimum)
  • m- game mode argument
  • l- experience level (maximum)
  • lm- experience level (minimum)
  • name- player's nickname
  • c is a special argument for the pointer " @a". Its purpose is to limit the number of crafters to which commands are applied. For example, @a- the first 8 crafters from the list, @a- last 8.

Pointer " @e"Can be bound to a specific type with the" type "argument. For example, using the command “/ kill @e"You can kill all the zombies in Minecraft.

We hope you were able to benefit from this guide. Now you need to learn how to use the command block in Minecraft at a decent level. Practice will help with this.

Related materials:

In which the long-awaited innovation was added - command blocks.

With the help of command blocks, you can set certain commands that can be distributed both to the entire server and to a random player.

It is important to know: Only the creator of the game world can ask commands and only in the creative mode. Command Blocks in Survival Mode do not work.

Many players do not know and do not understand how to use these blocks and what commands need to be entered in order for them to be active.

To get a command block, you need to open a chat and write the command / give @p command_block

Then we select it and install a lever or any other activator to it.

How do I set a command for a command block?

In order for the command block to perform this or that function, it needs to set a specific command. To do this, click on the command block and a window with settings opens. In the "Console Command" field, you need to enter the command we need.

Below will be presented the Top 15 most popular commands for the command block for mobile minecraft.

Top 15 Commanders for Minecraft PE

/ title @a tittle Your message. With the help of this command you can write and send to everyone on the server some kind of message or instruction.

/ effect @a regeneration 2000 2000. Regeneration team. 2000 is the level and quantity.

/ tp @a 0 0 0. Where are your coordinates, and 0 0 0 are the coordinates where you want to teleport. To find out your coordinates, you need to download a special mod.

/ clone ~ -1 ~ 1 ~ 3 ~ 3 ~ -3 ~ 4 ~ -1 ~ -3 Command for endless road for mine cart. That is, the road will be constantly cloned and created.

/ setblock its coordinates are diamond_block. A team for an endless diamond block. This way you can get rich very quickly.

/ weather rain. The command to change the weather to rain.

/ weather clean - The clear weather change command turns off rain.

/ gamemode 0 - Fast transition to Survival mode. / gamemode 1 - switch to creative mode. We expose for whom the mode will change, for example / gamemode 0 @a - this way the mode will be applied to all players.

/ time set night - this command changes the time of day to night. / time set day - thanks to this command, a day will come in minecraft.

/ give @a diamon 1 is a command that gives you the items you specify. In our case, these are diamonds. Where 1 is the number of diamonds.

Today we'll talk about what a command block in Minecraft is, how to get it, why you need it and how, where and what it can be used for.

What are command blocks?

In Minecraft, the command block (KB) can automatically execute certain console commands as long as it is activated by a red stone.

They work in adventure mode and allow map creators to better interact with the player. At the same time, the player is not able to destroy blocks and build new ones.

Command Blocks cannot be interacted with or destroyed in Survival Mode.

They cannot be crafted and cannot be found in your inventory when playing in creative mode. Creative players and server admins can use the "give" console command to get the KB or make it available to other players. It looks like this:

/ give minecraft: command_block

When typing a command, remove the parentheses around the edges of the player's name and quantity:

/ give atombox minecraft: command_block 1

KB has a graphical interface with a text field, accessible by right-clicking.

Only creative players and players with server admin status can place command blocks, enter commands, and save changes.

To use them in single player or multiplayer worlds, you must enable LAN mode and enable cheats.

Where Command Blocks Are Used

Have you ever played adventure maps where it is always night or where the weather never changes? You could download maps where players receive special rewards, upgrades or experience at the push of a button or for completing a mission. All this becomes possible thanks to KB. When creating your Minecraft map, you need command blocks if:

  • You want permanent day or night;
  • You want to change the weather;
  • You want to change the difficulty of the game;
  • You want to play a specific sound;
  • You want to send a message to the player;
  • You want to teleport to another location;
  • You want to give the players items.

There are tons of videos on YouTube describing a variety of Minecraft maps. Multiplayer maps are especially popular. There are many categories of downloadable Minecraft maps that use command blocks to enhance the player's convenience. There are many reasons for their use by map developers. Among them are maps of the following categories:

  • Adventure cards;
  • Parkour maps;
  • Puzzle maps;
  • Survival maps;

Adventure cards sharpened by the plot, and the gamer acts as the main character of the narrative. Previously, adventure cards relied on storytelling through signs and books, but now narration is available through dialogue and sounds, all thanks to KB.

Parkour maps force the player to travel from one end of the world to the other with a minimum number of deaths. They often contain incredible jumps and other deadly obstacles. Command blocks make it possible to set spawn (spawn) points of the character in front of difficult obstacles.

Puzzle maps emphasize problem-solving skills with mazes, traps and other challenges. Some of these cards have a storyline like adventure cards. Using KB allows such maps to more easily suggest directions, plot-related dialogues and sounds.

Survival maps can focus on survival in single player or multiplayer, or include a story along the way. CBs can provide players with a starting point for spawning, as well as story-related information. The possibilities here are endless.

How to use the command block

Setting them up is easier than most Minecraft players think. The commands can be confusing, but some of them (like setting the time of day) are very easy to program. Larger projects can be planned later, but first try to master the basics of hosting, configuring, and using KB.

Keep in mind that Command Blocks can only appear in Creative Game Mode. To go to it, you need the appropriate privileges on the server (if available) or activated cheats.

In the chat box, type "/ gamemode c", "/ gamemode creative" or "/ gamemode 1" without quotes.

2. Clicking on the command block with the right mouse button

In creative mode, right-click on the Command Block to access it. To generate it, you need to use the "give" command, as described above in the text:

/ give minecraft: command_block

Command blocks work only when connected to the redstone electrical circuit (by the way, there is a good mod that allows you to increase the distance of energy transfer). Right-clicking opens a dialog box where you can enter a server command. The maximum command length can be 254 characters.

3. Enter the command and click "Finish"

When you enter a command into a block, you need to indicate which player it is aimed at. This can be done by entering a player's name or by choosing three different variables: "@p" (closest player), "@r" (random player), or "@a" (all players). These variables are especially useful in situations where the player who activates the command is unknown. After specifying the command, click "Finish" to save it.

Remember, one KB can only execute one command!

Practical examples of use

The following examples are simple and practical command block applications in single and multiplayer Minecraft worlds.

How to change the rules of the game

Game Rules is a relatively new feature that allows players and command blocks to change certain basic settings of the Minecraft world. There are nine described game rules that can be controlled using the command block on the map.

You can use game rules to create permanent daylight or darkness, disable spawning mobs, drop items from mobs, and much more. When entering the "gamerule" command, use the following command:

Game rule Effect of the rule
commandBlockOutput Enables / disables text input in KB
doDaylightCycle Enables / disables the day / night cycle
doFireTrick Enables / disables fire spread / disappearance
doMobLoot Enables / disables the dropping of items from mobs
doMobSpawning Enables / disables spawning mobs
doTileDrops Enables / disables drops of items from KB when they are destroyed
keepInventory Enables / disables saving items in the inventory after the death of a player
mobGriefing Enables / disables destruction of KB by creepers or endermen
naturalRegeneration Enables / disables health regeneration for players

How to set the weather

Some cards use a dark theme that blends perfectly with rainy weather or thunder, while others are best played with clear skies. There are many options for controlling the weather using command blocks. A simple example of a weather command:

In this case, the word input can be replaced with “clear”, “rain” or “thunder”.

You can connect a button or lever to the command block to manually switch the weather, or create an automatic redstone circuit to switch the weather all the time. This is easily accomplished using repeaters, a button, and a building block.

How to set the spawn point

Spawn points are an important component of many Minecraft maps, including adventure maps, parkour maps, puzzles, and more. Having to replay the map from the very beginning every time you die is extremely annoying. Using the "spawnpoint" command, you can save game progress and respawn after death at the nearest passed checkpoint. The command looks like this:

By connecting the command block to the building with a button or pressure plate, players can set a spawn point at the location of the KB.

If you need something more complicated, you can add coordinates to the command to specify the location of the spawn point.

Running from one place to another is tiring, especially on a multiplayer server. With the use of the teleport command, players can move to certain coordinates of the Minecraft world or to the locations of other players. Enter in the command block:

With them, you can have a certain set of coordinates for teleporting the player, like the location of the next part of the adventure map.

If the block is not intended for a specific player, you can use "@p" to select the closest player.

If you are on a multiplayer server, you can bind the command block to yourself using your username in Minecraft.

These are just a few of the options for how to use command blocks in single and multiplayer Minecraft games. There are many much more complex redstone commands and schemes that map creators use.

How to make a command block in minecraft?

The command block did not appear in minecraft right away. Only in version 1.4 do players have new opportunities. It is in this version of minecraft that users learn what a command block is, which is closely related to console commands.

What is a command block

Actually, the command block is a block in which the players prescribe certain commands. The command block can be opened by clicking on it with the mouse. After that, a field will appear in which the commands for execution are written. Below will be displayed information about the result of the commands entered.

How to make a command block

Unfortunately, it is impossible for an ordinary user to make the command block in minecraft himself, despite the player's great desire, because using the command block in the virtual world, you can completely control the map and chat with all the players at the same time. You can't make a command block yourself, you can only get it. There are several options for how to get the command block.


In order to get a complete list of commands that can be written in the command block, just enter the word help in the chat window.

Entering these commands will give you the output you want:

  • give @p iron_ingot 10 - 10 iron ingots
  • setblock 42 21 60 wool - set the block at coordinates x = 42, y = 21, z = 60
  • tp Player 42 21 60 - teleport to a point with coordinates x = 42, y = 21, z = 60

You can also use pointers to players:

  • @p - nearest player;
  • @a - all players;
  • @r - random player;
  • @e - all entities.
  • x - X coordinate of the search center;
  • y - Y coordinate of the search center;
  • z - Z coordinate of the search center;
  • r - maximum value of the search radius;
  • rm - minimum value of the search radius;
  • m - game mode;
  • l - the maximum amount of experience a player has;
  • lm is the minimum amount of experience a player has.

The command block in Minecraft is a special cell in which the user can enter commands. The commands in the block start executing when a signal from a redstone arrives. The command block is a great help for those who create maps in Minecraft, or for those players who want to "privatize" any territory. Using special commands can save you and other players in this interesting but rather harsh pixel world. So how to create and activate a command block in Minecraft?

If the answer to this question is purely formal, then in no way. You can get the command block, because a special person is responsible for this matter - the administrator of the server on which you play. You can get the command block yourself (if the game mode is single). To make a block, type in "/ give Player command_block", where Player is the nickname of the player who needs this block.

Let's figure out how to write commands to the newly created command block. To do this, right-click (RMB) on the command block. A window will appear in front of you, in which you need to enter commands. In the same window, you can see the logs of the executed commands: this will help you figure out at what stage of the "programming" the mistake was made. To explore all the commands available to you, you need to type "/ help" in the chat.

About limiting command actions in Minecraft

Using the command block will make your Minecraft game livelier and more intense. Depending on the type of game, you or your comrades will receive a number of privileges. In this case, the action of the commands entered can be limited to a certain radius or extended to all players and to all entities.

And now - more specifically:

  • @p - the action of the command applies to the nearest player;
  • @a - the command applies to all players (if possible);
  • @r - command to apply an action to a random player;
  • @e - the command applies to all entities.

For the first team, a special parameter "c" has been selected, which limits the number of players to whom the action will be applied. So, @a indicates that the command will be used in relation to the first 10 players from the list, @a - the action refers to the last ten players from the list.

Using the command block, you can reverse the entire game and literally change the environment in Minecraft beyond recognition.

This guide is designed for a beginner's level of knowledge of playing Minecraft. If you decide to study the command block and create your first mechanism in Minecraft, then it is advisable for you to study this instruction.

Installing command blocks

To start creating, you first need to get a command block. To do this, make sure you have cheats enabled and write to the console:

/ give<имя игрока>command_block

After the command block appears in your inventory, place it 5 times in a row. Then right click on the first block and type:

Then close the command entry of that block and move on to the next. Do the same with the following block by entering another command:

Great, there are still two commands left for the next two blocks, just continue the number by typing / give @a.

For the last block, enter the following command:

That's all for this command for now, let's move on to the next stage.

We connect command blocks with red dust

Now you need to connect all the command blocks using red dust. It is not necessary to do this as shown in the screenshots, this is just an example.

Here you can already use your imagination to implement something more interesting.

Checking and testing the mechanism

We created command blocks and registered objects in them, connected them with red dust, and all that remains is to put the lever to make the whole thing work. You can also put a button instead of a lever.

By pressing the lever (or button), red dust is activated and you will be given an iron armor and an iron sword.

If you want to be given other items, then just find out the item number and instead of 262 from the command block or any other enter your own.

That's it, enjoy it! By the way, be sure to find out before it's too late.

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