Learn to do card tricks. How is card trick training going? How to learn to do magic tricks with fingers: step by step instructions, secrets

Card trick training it is knowing the secret of focus and training before a real performance. You can practice doing tricks in front of a mirror. Bring the show to the audience to automatism. Then you can perform card trick in any setting. Practice doing some simple card tricks that even kids can do.

How to guess one card out of five

To show focus you need:

  • Card deck
  • table.

Announce to your viewers that you read minds and can easily guess the audience's intended card from your magic deck. Call four volunteers (assistants) from the hall, seat them at the table and give them cards (5 each).

Ask each person to guess one of the cards in their hands. Now collect all the cards (one at a time, in a circle), arrange them into five piles. During this procedure, say some magic words.

Invite the assistants to choose the stack of cards they like and give it to you. Fan the cards and turn the picture towards the audience. Ask the assistants which of them noticed their map. As soon as someone answers, you immediately pull out the hidden card. If the desired card is not in the selected pile, take another pile. She, too, should be chosen by assistants.

The most interesting thing is that you guess anyway desired card, even if there are several hidden cards in the pile.

Learn this card trick.

In this room, only you know the secret of focus. The thing is that you pick up "five cards" clockwise: first from the first assistant to your left, then further in a circle. At this time, you hold the cards face down, the last will be your pile of cards, it will also be on top of the pile. After that, you will again lay out the cards, five pieces in each pile.

In each pile, the cards will be in the order in which you collected them from those sitting at the table. For example, if the fourth assistant sees his card, it means that his card is the fourth from the top of the pile; if the first, therefore, the card is the first. Your task is to collect the cards so that the audience would not guess about a certain order of “collecting cards”.

That's why a red herring is magic words. You can think of something else to distract viewers. For example, suppose they count backwards from 20 to 0.

Another trick with cards is called Four Aces.

For focus you will need:

  • Card deck

Announce to your viewers that you know one secret of card trick - drawing aces. It was presented to you by one well-known card player, the same one who is mentioned in The Queen of Spades by Alexander Pushkin, Count Saint-Germain (this can be said if you have adults among the spectators).

You will be able to draw four aces without digging through the deck of cards. Call anyone from the hall, let him name any number between 10 and 20. Now take the same number of cards from the deck and put them aside in a pile. Add the digits of this number together (for example, 12 = 1 + 2) and remove the same number of cards from the top of the pile. You can now put them back in place.

Put the very first card from the top in another place face down, and return all other cards to their place. Again ask the audience to name any number between ten and twenty and do the same operation as at the beginning of the focus. This whole procedure must be repeated 4 times so that you have 4 cards left aside. Now you say the magic words: "Kribble-crabble-booms", unfold the cards in a fan with pictures towards you, wave them and turn the picture towards the audience. You have four aces in your hands.

Learn to show this trick.

  • Put aces on the 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th places in advance at the top of the deck, then everything will go by itself.
  • The main thing is not to shuffle the cards at the beginning of the focus.

So, no training is needed - the focus will turn out by itself. You will need: a deck of cards, a table.

With a dexterous movement, pull the deck out, unfold and fan it in front of the audience. Then pick 10 cards from the top. Move the rest somewhere to the side. Lay out the cards in front of the audience: the first from above - face up, the second from above - under the bottom of the pile (do not turn the card over), then one again - face up, the second - under the bottom of the pile, until all 10 cards from the pile are in your hands and will not end up on the table.

All movements must be done quickly and clearly, without hesitation. In a moment, a row of red and black cards will appear on the table in front of your audience.


“Guessing the cards” is a very simple trick with which you can name. These two cards will be chosen from the deck.

You will need a deck of cards with Latin markings. To show this trick, divide the deck into two types of cards: one should consist of cards with numbers or letters with a flat or sharp top (ace (A), king (K), jack (J), 3, 4, 5, 7, and the second - from cards with numbers or letters with a round top (queen (Q), 2, 6, 8, 9, 10. With practice, you can sort the cards, right in front of the audience.
Call two volunteers and, after dividing the deck into two parts of different types, give each of them one of the parts. Ask each of the two focus participants to draw one from the other's deck. Now each assistant must look at the card he has chosen, show it to the audience and remember. You can turn away or close your eyes at this time. Next, each participant must put the chosen card in his half of the deck and mix the cards thoroughly.

Ask the assistants to place the cards from their halves of the deck face up on the table. You can easily guess the cards chosen by the assistants, because they will be of a different type.

The next focus is on arithmetic. Remember 27 - you will need it. After that, ask the viewer to take cards and shuffle them, a card and put it on top of the deck. Then ask to remove any number of cards and count them, say 15 cards. Next, let him count the number of red cards among them, for example, 6. Next, let him take the second part of the deck and, turning it upside down, count and remember the sixth black card. Then the viewer must put this part of the deck on those cards that he took at the beginning and must give all the cards to you. The deck is turned face down, and you lay out one card from the bottom, mentally counting black cards, 27-15 = 12 - the twelfth will be the card that the viewer has chosen.

Another simple but very effective trick.

Shuffle the deck and memorize the bottom or top card, for example, the ace of diamonds. Ask any viewer to give you an ace of diamonds from the deck. The spectator pulls out any card from the deck and, without looking at it, gives it to you. For example, the lady of hearts. Ask the same viewer to pull the lady of hearts out of the deck, the viewer will draw another card and give it to you again. For example, he pulled out 6 clubs. Then you say: "And I will pull the 6 clubs out of the deck myself," which imperceptibly take from the deck the card that you memorized at the beginning of the focus. Now you have all 3 announced cards in your hand: Ace of Diamonds, Queen of Hearts and 6 Clubs. Show these cards to the audience.

How do you spend your free time? Love to play computer games, take cool tests, communicate on social networks, but what about learning magic tricks? Surprise your friends!

The most important thing when performing any trick is persistent practice. You can get acquainted with the simplest trick and learn how to perform it step by step in at least half an hour, but in order for everything to really succeed and you are not exposed, you need to train a lot and for a long time, honing your technique and skill. You need to learn tricks, moving from simple to difficult, so further we will talk about how to learn how to do tricks that any beginner can handle.

Simple trick with cards

Those wishing to learn how to learn how to do magic tricks often start with cards. Among the card tricks, there really are a lot of easy options that you can quickly learn and surprise the audience with them, and one of the most popular of them is simple card guessing tricks. We will now consider one of them. The trick is called “guess the card”.

What the viewer sees. The magician shuffles a deck of cards and hands it to someone from the audience, so that he chooses one of the cards. The viewer chooses his card, remembers and, without showing it to anyone, gives it back to the magician. The magician returns the card to the deck, shuffles it again, lays out the cards and unmistakably finds the spectator's card!

The secret of focus. Take a deck of cards and shuffle it. Warning: the key to this trick is to discreetly spy on which card is the bottom one, that is, the last one in the deck.

The viewer chooses a card and returns it to you. Divide the deck randomly in half - you have two parts of cards in your hands, one of which contains the bottom card - you memorized it at the very beginning. Place the spectator card on one side of the deck and cover it on top with the second part. The viewer sees that his card is now hidden, but you know that it lies under the very bottom card.

Fan the cards, then look with your eyes. bottom card- on the right next to her will be the one that the viewer has envisioned. Voila! Do not select it too quickly, for example, pretend that you are trying to feel the energy emanating from the card - entertain the viewer.

The coin goes through the glass

The next simple trick is the glass and coin trick. It is more difficult than the previous one, as it requires a certain manual dexterity.

From the side of the viewer. The magician shows the audience a coin, takes it in the fist of one hand, and brings the glass to it with the other, then knocks the glass on the hand with the coin - and it turns out to be inside, passing through the bottom!

Actually. Choose a large coin and glass, plastic or glass. Show the audience a coin and then pretend to shift it to your other hand, covering your palm from above and as if raking the coin into your fist. But the coin, of course, remains in the same hand as it was.

This is the key point: it is important to practice and learn how to grip the coin with an open palm, or grip it between the palm and the little finger, whichever is more convenient for you - the main thing is that it should be held imperceptibly and not fall out.

With the same hand, in which you have a coin clamped, you take a glass and bring it over your hand with a fist, where the coin lies in the opinion of the audience. Tap the glass on your fist several times. At the last knock, relax your hand so that the coin falls into the glass, and at this moment open your palm with your fist, imitating the passage of the coin through the bottom of the glass. It is important to work out this number well so that everything works out dexterously and at the same time quickly, and the audience does not have time to come to their senses and expose you.

Trick with matches

And finally, we will tell you how to do magic tricks with matches, which require only manual dexterity.

As viewers see. The magician clamps a match between the fingers of both hands. Having arranged them perpendicularly, he hits the matches against each other, as a result of which one match passes through the second.

The secret of focus. Before picking up the matches, moisten the index finger of your right hand. After that, hold the matches between the thumb and forefinger of each hand. The key to this trick lies in the fact that a match held in the right hand with a sulfur head touches the moistened index finger and therefore sticks to it, and if you unclench your fingers, the match will continue to "hang" anyway.

Turn the matches held in your fingers perpendicular to each other. Now begin to lead the left match to the right, and at the moment of their collision, open your fingers, passing the left match forward, and then squeeze back. You need to learn how to do it quickly and sharply, imitating the blow of matches - then the audience will not notice the catch.

How to learn to do magic tricks with a scarf

The audience also loves tricks with a scarf. One of the most popular of these tricks is "Passing a coin through a scarf." How to learn how to do it will become clear after watching the following video:

In order for your performance to make the right impression on the viewer and surprise even the simplest tricks, remember a few golden rules that experienced illusionists follow: do not repeat tricks for an encore, do not tell the technique of performing them and do not warn the audience about what trick you will be doing next. ... So the effect of surprise will be achieved, and the mystery will remain.

It so happened that at any age, regardless of whether it is a student party or an office corporate party, a person who knows how to show at least one trick with cards will always become the highlight of the program. All viewers understand that they were deceived somewhere, but hardly anyone can prove, let alone show how this happens. Therefore, you should not immediately reveal your secrets of tricks with cards, because the longer the audience remains in the dark, the more attention the lucky fakir will get. And the girls will gladly give the hero their kiss in exchange for revealing the secret of mysterious manipulations.

Easy Focus - Four Aces

The simplest card trick is when the viewer is asked to divide the deck into four random piles, after which he shuffles them, and at the end he discovers that there is an ace at the top of each pile. There is no limit to surprise and bewilderment. After all, a voluntary participant in the show knows that he himself divided the deck, shuffled it himself, took out the cards himself, and therefore what happened can only be explained by mysticism. Although there is nothing simpler than the person who volunteered to help, he himself will do all the necessary work, precisely following the instructions of the homebrew magician. To show easy tricks with cards, no training is required, it is enough to have a confident look and know a few secrets.

Preparation and execution

So, for the successful execution of this number, you need a deck of cards, a table and a volunteer assistant, and, of course, precise instructions. The first step is to place all four aces at the top of the deck. Naturally, neither the guest nor the assistant should see this. After asking the viewer (or assistant) to divide the deck into four parts, you need to note for yourself where the stack of aces lies. Usually it turns out to be on the far left or right.

After that, you need your assistant to remove the top three cards from the pile without aces and put them on the bottom, and then spread three more on adjacent decks. The same must be done with the rest of the packs (without the 4 pictures we need). At the end, there will be a turn and decks with aces. The assistant will transfer the top three cards that fell into this pile from adjacent ones to the bottom, and the freed aces will spread out in their places on top of the decks. Now you can ask one of the guests, or, again, the assistant-assistant, to turn over the cards that are on top, and the whole audience will be delighted to see that these are indeed four aces.

Self-ordering deck - another easy math trick

You can perform this trick with cards either yourself or again entrust the deck to someone from the audience and only direct his actions. But imagine that the corporate magician-wizard decided to do everything himself. Then the deck must be prepared in advance. All cards must be laid out by suits into four sets. The first will be the ace, then the deuce, the three, the four, and so on until the king. Having stacked all the packs on top of each other, you can show the deck to the guests.

Having counted exactly 21 cards, so as not to confuse the sequence of their arrangement (of course, no one should notice that they were divided by count), the top pack must be placed down the entire deck. Now you need to split the deck 9 times anywhere. Again, you can do this yourself, or you can invite one of the guests. After these manipulations, it is necessary to decompose the pack into thirteen piles, one after the other one after the other. That's it, the focus is ready! Now you can invite viewers to make sure that the entire deck is packaged at its true worth: aces, deuces, threes, and so on.

I won! Pay with a kiss

The point of the whole trick is that a man makes a bet on a kiss that he will guess the card chosen by his companion. This card trick is not only simple, but also very easy to perform. It is enough, having divided the deck into two parts, ask the girl to put the chosen card on the bottom pile and see which card will be at the bottom of the top one. After that, you can safely cut the deck several times and begin to remove and turn over cards one by one. As soon as the card that was spied on appears, you can announce that the next one will be hidden ... and rip a kiss from the lips of the surprised beauty.

This question worries many. Card tricks look very, very impressive. And the more incredible the implementation of the focus seems to the audience, the more impressive it makes. Almost every person, at least once taking cards in their hands, wonders how to do tricks with cards. In this article, we will look at several options to show that anyone can master this art.


As you know, almost every trick is based on the principle of "sleight of hand and no fraud." That is why certain training will be required from the magician himself. It is about the ability to shuffle cards in several ways, to do the trick in time, as well as the ability to divert the audience's eyes at the right time.

It is highly recommended that you first learn exactly how to shuffle cards. There are special materials for beginners, where everything is described in detail. For a beginner who is wondering how to learn how to do it, it is not at all necessary to immediately get into professional tricks. At first, you can start with simple tricks such as “4 by 4”. This trick has other names as well, "lock" for example. Its essence lies in the fact that 4 jacks, 4 queens, 4 kings and 4 aces are sequentially laid out in 4 piles.

4 eights: idea

If you are one of those who are wondering how to learn how to do magic tricks with cards to amuse children, then this trick is especially for you.

Its essence lies in the fact that 4 cards - eights - are laid out on the table (or other horizontal surface). All stripes, respectively. To perform this trick, by the way, different decks of cards are suitable, and 52. So, when the cards are already laid out face up, the magician advises the viewer (it can be a child or a person of a different age) to think of one card.

After the illusionist turns away, the viewer must rotate the card 180 degrees. That is, so that the values ​​are swapped, however, in fact, nothing has changed. When the viewer finishes, he informs the magician, he again turns to face the cards.

You (if you play the role of the one who makes the focus) can make different movements, depicting reading on the viewer's face, on cards, and so on. After that, it remains only to name the correct answer.

4 eights: secret

If you look closely at all the cards, except for the diamond suit, you may notice one very interesting thing. The thing is that the pattern of the suit is located in three columns. Three patterns on the left and three patterns on the right, two in the middle. So, in the side rulers, the central patterns can be directed either to the magician, or from him. Since the diamond suit is represented by a rhombus, this rule does not apply to it.

That is why, when the magician turns back (having previously memorized where the suits are directed), he can see if the direction of one of the cards has changed. If so, that is the answer. If the direction has not changed, then it was turned card of diamonds... So we gave an answer to the question of how to do magic tricks with cards for beginners. As you can see, everything is quite simple. At least at first.

Transformation: idea

The meaning of this trick is that the magician holds one card in his hands, and then, having made a click on it, presents to the viewers a completely different card. A bit rustic, but quite impressive.

Transformation: secret

This trick is easy enough. But the first time you are unlikely to learn how to perform it, because it requires a certain skill and developed fingers. So what is the secret of the transformation focus?

From the very beginning, the illusionist (naturally, unnoticed by his viewer) takes two cards at once. One, which will be shown at the end, he places face down on the back of the main card, which is shown to the viewer at the beginning of the trick.

The cards should be held not in the up-down position, but in the sideways position. In this case, the index and middle fingers of the hand should lie on the front side of the main card from above, and the thumb should lie on the back of the spare card in the area of ​​the middle finger. That is, the thumb and middle finger are on the same line, but from different sides.

Simultaneously with the click, the cards change. Very fast, it should be noted. This is done due to the synchronous movement of the fingers in different directions: the middle one pushes the old card back, the big one pushes the new one forward.

It should be noted that in this case old map must be fixed in a certain position. The trick must be performed, always standing directly in relation to the viewer. There should be no turns, displacements, decreases and increases in maps. Otherwise, the viewer will see that the second card is at the back.


Thus, by giving examples of two simple tricks, we answered the question: "with cards?" The training is quite simple, as you can see, there are no special difficulties. Of course, further tricks will be more difficult. But once you learn the basics, you can figure out the hard ones too.

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