Black desert night day schedule. Night Trader in Black Desert Mobile (Patricio)

After talking with a night merchant, you can buy quite interesting things at reasonable prices. The assortment of the Night Trader has three types of points, legendary and mythical equipment, Boss equipment can also be redeemed for a tidy sum.

Patrizio is found in all major cities. AT mobile version The Night Trader is available 24/7, except for 30 minutes during day shift.

To trade with the Night Trader, you need Work Points, one item is 10 Work Points. Up to 20 random items are available per day.

After spending 10 work points, a window with items appears in front of you, we will analyze its price and various buttons in more detail.

  • 1. An item that we redeem.
  • 2. The price at which Patrizio is ready to sell it to us. A little lower immediately shows the percentage of how much the price differs from the price at the auction.
  • 3. Bargain button, 10 work points are required for bargaining, gifts are also needed to increase the chance, with a successful bargain, there is a chance to lower the price of the goods. You can bargain until the price of the item is below 100% or in case of unsuccessful bargaining.
  • 4. Button to reserve an item. Booked for 12 hours, during this time you can collect the required amount.
  • 5. Button to buy an item.
  • 6. Next item, which costs 10 work points.

Coming to the Night Trader is worth a decent amount of silver. Be careful with items for sale, remember about the 30% tax on the auction.

This next-generation MMORPG, which is rapidly becoming famous, will launch this year. What makes this project stand out from the rest? First of all, a successful combination of stunning graphics with all those game mechanics that many fans of the genre have dreamed of. This game contains all the best that is in multiplayer and single-player role-playing games. In addition to the excellent implementation of all your favorite chips, the capabilities of users in Black Desert Online are truly limitless in such a matter as changing the world.

Do good MMORPG it is as difficult for developers as it is for alchemists to mix the elixir of immortality. Many tried, but few got exactly what they wanted. What will happen to the studio Peral Abyss, which presents BDO? It will be possible to make a final verdict only by tasting Black Desert personally. In the meantime, we can take a captious look at all the ingredients that this promising game will consist of.


BDO is being developed by Pearl Abyss. Its founder is MMO industry veteran Kim Daeil, who has given the gaming community some great titles such as C9 Continent Of The Ninth, R2 Reign Of Revolution and Risk Your Life (RYL). The studio is represented by a team of more than 60 employees, some of whom took part in the creation of C9. The work on the game concept alone and the prototype of its own 3D engine lasted a whole year, and the development of the basic game systems took another two. The developers themselves called Black Desert semi-sandbox MMORPG, meaning amazing opportunities and huge freedom in every possible aspect of the project.


Despite the fact that the Black Desert project is not an RvR-based game, we see the struggle between two powers as the basis for the plot background. On the one hand, we will meet the civilization of materialists in the face of the Republic of Calpheon (Chalpheon Republic), and on the other hand, minions of spiritual values ​​in the face of the Kingdom of Valencia (Kingdom of Valencia).
They are fighting for a source of energy and an invaluable resource - the Black Stones, the possession of which promises unimaginable advantages to the owners. In addition to appearing in historical chronicles, this resource has also found application in game mechanics. Treasured stones are mined in the huge Black Desert location, which is also a place of many years of war and prolonged bloodshed.


The developers are convincing us that players will be able to make their characters literally “run on walls”. A huge seamless world is open to you not only along and across, but also in height. Overcoming obstacles, jumps and rolls, settlements on trees, which you will have to climb through branches, multi-level labyrinths and abandoned underground cities and much more!

Day and night

Changing the time of day is no longer an innovation, but the Pearl Abyss developers were able to bring their own nuances here. Day and night are not just a beautiful visual effect, they affect many aspects of the game. At night, monsters in BDO will transform, becoming even more terrible, while NPCs, on the contrary, will disappear from view, going to rest in their homes. Part of the content is actually intended for passage at night, and the other part - during the day. Thus, the change of day and night requires close attention when choosing a character's activity in the short term.

Beyond the traditional daily cycle influence on game process there will also be weather and climate the area where your character will be. It will be more difficult to fight in the rain, and for a trip to cold regions, you will need to get warm clothes.

World in fire

And here is another surprise: the developers promise dragon attacks on settlements and cities. Both NPC characters and ordinary players will be able to defend their homes. And the most effective weapon against flying monsters will be a weapon resembling a ballista.
If the dragon attack is successful and it destroys the settlement, then players will not be able to use city services for some time, as they will be unavailable. True, there is a possibility that the developers had in mind the unavailability of such services precisely during the period of the dragon attack.

Combat system

Having become so popular, it acquires both its fans - those who like to show skill, and enemies (causality is our everything). But this game uses exactly this system and
the only assistant to the player will be a kind of sight showing to whom and where the damage will be done. In this regard, dodges and jumps become more relevant than ever.

A special feature of the Black Desert combat will be full-fledged battles on horseback. Each class will be able to use their own weapons and a set of special skills in mounted combat. An armed rider can knock opponents down in an attack, sow chaos and destruction in their ranks, and then proudly ride towards the setting sun.


The developers based the PVP system on GvG (Guild vs Guild) with the ability to fight in open world with other users. Large-scale with the ability to use siege equipment and combat animals is one of the main features of the game, which will appeal to fans of mass PVP. Scattered throughout the world of Black Desert are 12 castles that belong to no one, with unique architecture and layout of defense structures. If you are a fan of massive tactical pvp battles, then you will like Black Desert!

Trading system

Trading in BDO is something akin to trigonometry, and maybe more abruptly. At first, this system causes only bewilderment. Its complexity at the initial stage for the average player just rolls over, but without understanding this part of the game it is impossible to fully immerse yourself in the amazing and diverse world of Black Desert. You just can't trade like that. It will be necessary to develop relationships with NPC merchants, complete quests, open trade and transport hubs and other tricks.

NPCs in general are very interestingly implemented in the game. These are not just sources for getting the job. They have their own life - they sleep at night, closing workshops and shops, and in case of danger they hide in the city. AI-controlled characters take part in every area of ​​life - working with or for you, fighting, helping or hindering. "Nepis" character is also inherent, you will either improve relations with them, or spoil them. And this will determine what their reaction will be and the reward that they will share with you, including items of equipment or data on a new dungeon near the village.

Houses in Black Desert

Each room in the game is a well-designed unique area with balconies, doors and windows. If you have not closed the shutters, then a player passing by your house can look through the window and see you. Your things are in the room, you can also arrange a workshop or a shop from it by hiring an NPC to be on duty behind the counter. You have the opportunity to decorate houses yourself and lock them when you leave (you can make duplicates for friends). And guilds can use houses as "clan halls".

But not everything is so simple. We have already mentioned above that the world of Black Desert is absolutely seamless. In the case of real estate, this means that the number of houses is strictly limited and the right to own one of them will have to be bought at auction. If there is no money to buy a house, then you can purchase a fairly multifunctional tent from a merchant. She, of course, will not replace the house, but you will have where to cook food. However, the tent has its own advantage - you can carry it with you and make yourself a "home" wherever your heart desires.


Of course, the developers have everything to make a high-quality and interesting MMORPG. Pearl Abyss regularly stirs up interest in its project by posting stacks of mind-blowing screenshots, new interesting information about combat mechanics or fascinating video clips, after which you want to immediately go to conquer and dominate. Whether the developers will be able to mix all the ingredients in the right proportions, we will find out only after the release of the game. But you can watch the alchemical magic in action very soon - at the upcoming CBT and OB, which will be covered on our portal.

Black Desert Online has a NPC friendship system. Each NPC has "Friendship Points", and the higher their scale, the more friendly the NPCs are to you. While communicating with an NPC, the friendship between you and this NPC increases. When you interact with an NPC, there will most often be 2 functions in the interaction window - Dialogue "R" and Greeting "F5". But some NPCs will have another function, F6 Theft. But let's talk about everything step by step.

In order to get the location of the NPC, you need to chat with him.

Basics of communication with NPCs

By clicking the NPC on the Dialogue function, a window will open. Here you can see the scale of friendship points, the total amount of friendship received with this NPC, the chat button, and the knowledge required to communicate with this NPC.

Preparing to Communicate

So, on the left, in a green frame, the scale of friendship with the NPC is displayed. This bar is limitless, even when it shows that it is full. On it you see the total number of friendship points with the NPC. In addition, different icons are often displayed near the scale. If you hover over them, you will see that it can be a quest, knowledge, buff, shop. That is, in order for you, for example, to open a friendship store, you will need to fill 501 friendship points.
To start a conversation, you will need energy points. One stage of communication usually starts with 2 energy points each time, but as your friendship with the NPC increases, the amount of energy you have to spend will also increase. You can see how much energy is needed for communication and the total amount of your energy on this moment. For example, in the image above (highlighted with a red box in the screenshot above), you can see that the current communication cost is 20 energy points, and I have 218 energy points that I can use.
In addition, you will also need knowledge so that you have topics to talk about with NPCs. Knowledge is obtained during various actions in the game, it can be communication with other NPCs, killing monsters, completing quests, exploring new areas, etc. Each NPC has a specific area of ​​expertise they like to talk about, and talking to them will become available to you if you meet certain requirements. In the window on the left (circled in blue in the screenshot above), you will see the total amount of knowledge you currently have and how much you need to unlock to communicate.

Start of communication

Interact with the NPC by pressing "R", then press "Communicate" to open the conversation interface.
In the conversation interface, you will see the NPC zodiac sign with box circles for each knowledge and lines connecting them. This is the order in which you will place each knowledge. The knowledge you can choose will be shown in the lower right corner. Right click on knowledge to add it to the dialog.
Once you have filled all the available knowledge slots, you can press the button at the bottom to start a dialogue. When the dialogue is completed, you will receive a positive or negative response from the NPC, which will be depicted as happy or sad emoticons. At the top of the screen, you will also be given a goal, what you need to do in order to get friendship points with the NPC. Each goal is backed up in detail with advice on what to do to get the desired effect.

Continue the conversation or end?
When the conversation is over and you have successfully reached the goal, you will have the option to either continue the conversation or end it.
If you decide to complete, you will receive the accumulated amount of friendship points that you scored during the dialogue. If you choose to continue, you can continue the conversation without spending Energy Points, but if you don't reach the next goal, you will lose everything you've gained from all the steps in that conversation. You can continue to talk 2 more times, making a total of 3 conversations for one amount of energy points.

Percentage level and interest

When you start a conversation with an NPC, their level of interest will be shown in the window on the left. The interest of an NPC may change every time you start a conversation, but if you decide to continue the conversation, it will remain the same. If the interest is very high it can make it difficult to get friendship points with the NPC.
When you hover over knowledge (topic icons at the bottom), you can also see that it also has an interest. The interest of knowledge is stable and does not change. The knowledge effect is calculated by dividing the percentage level of knowledge by the percentage level of the NPS. The knowledge effect is the percentage of receiving a positive response in a conversation. If the percentage level of the NPS is below the interest level of the knowledge, you will always get a positive response when using this knowledge.

In the image below, for example:
Lara has an interest of 22
Knowledge of Caresto Fonti - interest 25
Knowledge of Caresto Fonti effect interest: 25x100/22 = 100% (it goes higher there, but 100% is the maximum).

This means that there is a 100% chance that you will get a positive reaction when using this knowledge in a conversation.
It is also important to note that the knowledge effect can affect the next knowledge in the chain. If you manage to get a positive reaction, you may have a higher chance of getting the next knowledge and vice versa.

Sympathy and interest

When you start a conversation with an NPC, their amount of sympathy is displayed in the window on the left. The sympathy of the NPC can also change every time you start a dialogue, but if you decide to continue the conversation, it will remain the same. If sympathy is very low, then it can make it difficult to get friendship points with this NPC.
When you hover over a knowledge, you can also see the liking of the knowledge. The sympathy of knowledge is always stable and does not change. Percentages are calculated by subtracting the NPC's liking from the knowledge's liking. Percentages affect your Max/Accumulated sympathy during a conversation, and the higher these percentages are, the more sympathy you collect at the end of the dialogue.
You will only get interest if you get a positive response from NPCs!
In the image above, for example:
Lara has sympathy 7
Knowledge of Caresto Fonti - liking 23 ~ 26
Caresto Fonti's Sympathy: (23 ~ 26) - 7 = (16 ~ 19)
This means that if you get a positive reaction for this knowledge, you will receive a random number of points from 16 to 19.

Maximum and accumulated levels of sympathy

Max Level liking is calculated by summing the interest you get from each knowledge. Each time knowledge is discussed, the maximum liking level will be recalculated and used to calculate the accumulated liking level.
The maximum level of sympathy can also be reset if you receive a negative response from knowledge.
It is also important to note that the maximum level of sympathy and the level of accumulated sympathy are only displayed when the next knowledge is discussed.

Goals of the conversation

Every time you start a conversation with an NPC, you need to reach the goal that is indicated at the top of the screen. In order to complete this task, you must get the exact number of knowledge reactions required during the conversation. Depending on how the goal is phrased, you may also need to generate interest consistently over a certain number of times.
Basic goals:
Talk to the NPC - you need to get any reactions to the knowledge, the best option select knowledge with a high rate of interest;
Arouse interest 5 times in a row - you need to get positive reactions to knowledge 5 times in a row;
Failing an attempt to arouse interest 5 times in a row - you need to get negative reactions to knowledge 5 times in a row;
Raise the maximum sympathy parameter to 23 - you need to get a minimum of maximum sympathy of 23.
Raise the accumulated sympathy parameter to 23 - you need to get a minimum of accumulated sympathy of 23.

Combo effects

Combined effects can be created between knowledge to earn additional interest or sympathy points, which in turn will increase your maximum/accumulated sympathy level. The wording can be confusing, but once you start to understand it, you can easily use them.
Some lore will have a description of the combo effect when you hover over it. For example, Lara's knowledge: "After 3 turns, the next 3 knowledges gain +5 to the Sympathy parameter." This means that it will combine with knowledge that is placed 3 turns after it. It will increase the percentage level of knowledge by 5, and will also increase the level of sympathy of the next three knowledge after that. Some knowledge may not have combo effects.
A combo link is displayed between knowledge with a glowing blue line, and you can view the effects by hovering over the knowledge that triggers the link. Effects are displayed in blue.

NPC Communication Function - Greeting

There are cases when, for some reason, it is not possible to make friends with an NPC, or you need a very small amount of friendship points with this NPC, then you can use the Greeting function or F5. This method will cost 3 energy points and give 3 friendship points respectively, this is a quick way to get a small amount of friendship.

Function of communication with the NPC - Theft

You can commit a theft and receive some random item from the NPC, but if the theft fails, your friendship with this NPC will decrease and may go into negative. In addition, during the commission of the theft, guards may come running.

Use of friendship

In shops, NPCs may have some items that can be purchased by gaining the required amount of friendship. Once you have the required number of friendship points, you can buy these items at the indicated price. When buying a product, friendship points with this NPC will also be spent. If the NPC does not have a friendship store, then they can offer you rare item, new quest, new knowledge, buff or some valuable information.

Additional Tips
Leveling a node makes it easier to communicate with NPCs in that area. In addition, if you have the same zodiac sign that was given to you at the start of the game, it will be easier for you to communicate with this NPC by 10%.
To facilitate the dialogue with the NPS, you can use various additional tools:
Buff of the havens of Shakatu, Merkes, Tallia, Ismail, Kilto: increase in friendship points + 10%.
Salted fish, sour pickled fish - friendship points + 5%
Chicken Pie, Big Chicken Pie - Amity Points +5%
Friendship Potion - Friendship Points +20%
Strong Friendship Potion - Friendship Points +30%
Calpheon noble costume - friendship points + 15%

After creation account during the first entry into the game, you will be asked to come up with a unique surname for your family (all characters on the account, whose property is common). The surname must consist entirely of the Latin or Cyrillic alphabet, the simultaneous use of two different layouts is not allowed. The surname, as well as the name of the character, are visible to all players without exception (except when the character is wearing an ent costume or a desert set). Character data is displayed in the following order: which he is a member of, title (if selected), last name, first name.

2. Customize your character in detail

The character editor in the game is truly revolutionary.

You can adjust any body parameters: the proportions of the limbs and torso, the degree of muscularity, the presence of tattoos and much more. The face is a separate conversation: thanks to the many changeable zones, after spending several evenings, you can create your own double or some kind of celebrity. If you can't wait to start your adventure in the world of Black Desert, but you still want your character to look different from the standard one, you can download and install the appearance preset you like. It should be placed in the C:UsersUserDocumentsBlack DesertCustomization folder.

3. Correctly update the game

Game updates, with rare exceptions, are installed once a week - usually on Wednesdays. Unfortunately, the GameNet launcher, without which it is generally possible to launch Black Desert, does not always work correctly, cutting off the network connection (noted by subscribers of some ADSL providers). For your convenience, you can download updates using any torrent downloader. The file named 30000000000 is located in the Black Desert folder in the live directory. This is where all updates should be downloaded. After checking the files with the launcher, it will launch the game (provided that the technical work has already ended).

4. Customize the interface

By default, the game interface contains a lot of unnecessary elements that do not help in any way, but only take up space on the screen. You can turn them off by pressing the Esc button and selecting "interface" in the window that appears. The visibility of the elements is turned off by clicking on the eye icon.

The settings will need to be saved. The appearance of notifications about the beginning of wars between guilds, the strengthening of equipment by other players, the appearance of an expensive item at the auction, and much more is disabled in the settings menu in the "Game" tab. Please note: the checkbox must be checked if you want notifications to NOT BE DISPLAYED.

5. Save energy

The maximum amount of energy (and you will need it) is common for all characters on the account. It is generated even when the character is offline. Create as many characters at once as free account slots allow. After completing a short introductory quest, the character enters the global map and begins to generate energy.

6. Study your class

Learn all about the strengths and weaknesses of the class, effective skills and combos, choose the right equipment. It's better to be good at playing a class you like than a mediocre "imboy" that can theoretically defeat any opponent.

7. Don't level up

Do not rush, headlong, to destroy mobs around the clock to get up to level 50. Learn game world, get knowledge that will help increase the maximum amount of energy. Do what you like: this will help you find an additional source of income, in addition to grinding.

8. Join a Guild

This will allow you to receive a daily salary depending on your gaming activity and will give additional buffs (if the guild is upgraded and has already activated the skills you need). In addition, in a serious guild you can find experienced members who will explain incomprehensible aspects of the game or support with weapons in case of difficulties.

9. Mobs

The fastest way to swing on mobs, the level of which is higher than yours. Their names are highlighted in pink, red or purple. If you still have weak armor, you should stock up on enough cans to restore health.

10. Boss Quests

Upon reaching level 50, the Black Spirit will issue a daily quest to kill the boss (1 per account). At first, to get a summon scroll, you will need to destroy various monsters - depending on which boss you are going to summon. When you get the knowledge about the boss, the scroll will be issued immediately, without the need to exterminate the mobs. It is more profitable not to kill the boss on the same day, but to collect at least 5 scrolls (they are valid for a week) and join a group to farm. At the same time, each member of the group receives loot not only from their own bosses, but also from the bosses of other members - for example, Black Stones or Hunter's Seals.

11. How to save on equipment

At the initial stage of the game, while your character is not very rich, you can use simpler equipment: getting and strengthening the boss set to the desired level is expensive. At the same time, it is more profitable not to strengthen the equipment yourself, but to buy ready-made equipment at the auction: in addition to silver, this way you will save a lot of time that can be spent on more interesting activities.

12. Where is it more profitable to take armor and weapons

Crafting armor and weapons is more profitable than buying - in total, the ingredients are cheaper. To become a successful crafter, you need to upgrade not only crafting, but also crafts such as gathering and alchemy. Keep in mind that gathering resources and crafting some equipment takes longer than stealing it from a mob while grinding. Any entry-level equipment can be crafted, except for Roshar weapons and Rohava armor: they can only be knocked out from mobs in Valencia.

13. Pets are our everything

Any interaction in the game, including collecting loot, is performed by pressing the R button. When, after leveling up, you begin to kill mobs en masse, collecting manually can take more time than the extermination process itself. In order to automate actions, you need a pet, and even better - 5 (the maximum possible number of pets that can be summoned at the same time). You can buy a dog, cat, fox, penguin and other representatives of the fauna at the auction (highly unlikely, given the number of applicants) or in the game store. Another useful function of pets is various buffs, which depend on its type and rank.

14. Quests that help

As the professions develop, the Black Spirit will offer you the so-called help quests (you can find them in the Black Spirit menu in the "Help" tab). In addition to increasing the skill of the craft, for completing the task you will receive a reward - symbolic for a beginner and more worthy as professionalism grows.

15. Twink for farming world bosses

If you spend a lot of time in the game, it will not be superfluous to pump a twink to level 50 and equip him with green weapons and armor, enhanced by at least +15. Such a character, along with a fast horse, should be left in Heidel. This will allow, by changing the character, if you play another, to quickly get to the place when the world bosses Kzarka, Karranda, Mud, Giant Ancient, Red Nose and Cowardly Bheg appear, by killing which we can get valuable items.

16. Twink for "reset point"

A twink with negative karma is required for anyone who is seriously engaged - in order to kill the guards in the city, reduce armor sharpening from +15 to +14 with an unsuccessful set of procs. One effective method is to create a twink of the same class as your main character. Having reached level 30 and taking the equipment of the main character (and by this time it will be quite good), you can go in search of players that you will PK-shit.

17. What is the best way to spend miles

Every day each account receives 100 miles - a currency that can be spent in the game store in a special section. Before reaching level 50, it is better not to spend miles, but to buy Elion's Tears for this currency. When dying at the hands of mobs, unlike other players or summoned bosses, the character loses the experience gained. The size of the penalty depends on the karma, but is not less than 2%. At level 50, getting such an amount of work experience will not be, but starting from level 55, 2% is already a tangible loss. Using the Tears of Elion allows you to resurrect the character without penalty.

18. How important is luck?

The character's luck affects the quality of the drops while grinding or farming resources, harvesting and fishing, but not the chance of a successful equipment upgrade. To further increase the chance of obtaining rare valuable items at a node, it is recommended to build a trade route from it to the nearest city. In addition, it is worth pumping the node by investing energy in it. To do this, find the node on global map, click on it and click the "Invest in Node" button. The maximum node level is 10. It also makes sense to upgrade locality, if you are engaged in its territory or fishing in AFK mode.

19. What are the characteristics of the character

Tone is a parameter that affects the amount of energy consumed while running or swimming. The amount of tone increases when the character moves on foot. Since you will have to walk a lot, there is no need to specifically download this skill. The character's health affects the amount of additional HP. It increases with food intake. For a character to be viable, he must eat well. It's worth eating food even if you don't need the buffs it provides. You can increase the strength that affects the carry weight with the help of seaweed. AT huge quantities this product grows in the waters of the city of Epheria.

20. Sell or not?

AT recent times developers are constantly launching events, thanks to which you can get rare or unique items- for example, a part of a boss set or an ogre necklace. It is not recommended to sell them. There are many ways to earn silver, except for the auction, but the second time to get unique equipment can be much more difficult.

21. Don't Forget About Black Spirit Adventures

This mini-game can be found by pressing the Esc key and selecting the corresponding menu item. Adventures, like events, are also regularly launched by developers (usually in honor of some holidays), and you can roll the die every hour three times a day. The prize received is affected by the Great Koroyian Random: you can win as a buff that is currently useless (for example, if you went to and rolled an increase in the chance of a critical strike in Adventures). But valuable prizes are also available here, which you can keep or sell at auction.

Of course, these are not all the nuances that a beginner who has just begun to explore should know about. huge world Black Desert. But, by following the above recommendations, you can significantly simplify the game by making leveling faster, farming silver more profitable, and upgrading equipment easier.

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