Where to get fireworks in minecraft 1 12. Instructions on how to make fireworks at home

As you know, in version Minecraft 1.4.6, developers have introduced the ability to create beautiful fireworks. Therefore, if you want to arrange a little holiday for yourself, we will tell you how to make fireworks in Minecraft without using mods.

To begin with, we will create a rocket, which will later become a salute or fireworks. Whoever likes :). To do this, take gunpowder paper and do everything as in the picture.

If you take not 1, but 3 parts of gunpowder, our fireworks will fly much higher! To create a full-fledged firework, you need to add another important ingredient to the rocket - stars. When they are added, the salute changes color, shape, etc.

Diamond - colored particles leave a bright trail in the sky.
Feather - the salute explosion becomes asymmetrical.
Light Dust - Salute particles flicker before disappearing.
Gold nugget - fireworks will be in the form of a star.
The head of any mob is a firework in the form of a creeper face.
Fireball - the diameter of the salute explosion will be larger.

How to launch fireworks in Minecraft

It can be launched in two ways. The easiest is to shy right out of your hands. Take the salutik in the handles and right-click. And the second way is to make a dispenser and launch a lot of rockets at once, arranging a real mega-fireworks.

Learn how to make fireworks without mods in Minecraft 1.5.2 after watching this tutorial video!

Fireworks were added to the game along with the Minecraft 1.4.6 update, and if you are playing an older version of the game, even mods will not help to install them. But, most players play on modern clients, and they can afford to create an in-game holiday if they have the necessary resources.

First you need to make a rocket (it is made from gunpowder and paper). Keep in mind - the more gunpowder, the higher your salute will fly. By adding 1-3 gunpowder, your rocket will take off to the maximum possible height.

Give color to fireworks

To make the explosion more colorful and accompanied by the release of stars, we need to add them. We take gunpowder and blue dye (any color is possible), and we can make as many stars as we like. In Minecraft, all items are made quite simply.

Adding epic

In order to add more epic to the explosion of fireworks, we need mods, of which there are 6 in total.

  • Light Dust - when the firework disappears, it flickers.
  • Feathers add asymmetry to the explosion.
  • The diamond leaves traces of multi-colored shots in the sky.
  • The gold nugget turns the fireworks explosion into a star.
  • The head of the monster allows you to see the head of the creeper in the sky.
  • Fireball increases the duration of the salute.

It is important to remember that you cannot use several modifiers in one salute, only one is allowed!

How to start fireworks

The launch process is simple: we put it on the ground, and it will take off by itself. However, you can go the other way, and, for example, install fireworks in the dispenser. At the moment the dispenser is activated, a salute will fly up into the sky, illuminating everything around. With due ingenuity and a sufficient amount of necessary resources, you can make a whole pyrotechnic show in Minecraft in the game without any mods.

Now you know how to make fireworks and can use them at any time in the game world. They will help create a festive atmosphere.

After the rockets that you launch begin to fly as they should and without misfires, the next question that may arise is how to make a salute with your own hands so that the rocket can put a beautiful dot in the sky, or a lot of dots, commas or something even more interesting.

And so, in order to make a salute, you must first determine the weight that your rocket can lift to a sufficient height. To do this, it is necessary to have a dynamometer on which it will be possible to check the traction ability of the rocket engine. The easiest way is to use a pointer or electronic scale and a video camera (this method will be described separately). It is worth saying that each rocket has its own weight limits and it depends on the diameter of the engine, the composition of the fuel, and other characteristics. For those missiles, this limit is still 300 grams.

For work, we need some materials and equipment. Some of this is easily accessible, some will have to be looked for. In any case, if you try, you will find everything.

The list of necessary materials and tools for the manufacture of a salute ball 2.5 inches.

Step 1 Install the time fuse.

In order for the salute not to work ahead of time, it is necessary to calculate the delay of the explosion in seconds. After it becomes clear what the delay should be (for me it is 2 - 2.5 seconds), we measure the required amount of wick and insert it into one of the shells of the sphere, having previously drilled a hole in it.

With a 4.2 mm drill, we drill a hole in the center of one of the shells. Insert the retarder wick into the drilled hole

After the time fuse is installed, it must be glued to the hemisphere from the inside. This is best done with hot glue.

Step 2. Layout of stars and installation of a bursting charge.

In salute (festival) balloons of 2 and 2.5 inches, you don’t go around much when laying out some special drawing, so there are a few simple options here:

  • spread the stars evenly over the inner surface of the hemispheres;
  • make a ring or cross at the junction of the hemispheres;
  • fall asleep stars mixed with explosive composition.

In order for the expansion of the stars to be as uniform as possible, it is better to lay them on the inner surface of the hemispheres.

Step 3. Connecting the festival ball and winding it.

In order to connect the halves of the festival ball, one of these halves must be wrapped in a napkin. This must be done so that when we put it on the lower half, gunpowder and stars do not spill out of the upper half.

Wrap half of the ball in a napkin

After that, we install the upper half on the lower one, while making sure that the edges of the hemispheres coincide.

Installation of the upper hemisphere of the festival ball

Having connected the halves of the hemispheres, we wrap the connection line with electrical tape in three layers.

Starting the wrapping process

As a result, after the connection line has been strengthened, it is necessary to wrap the entire ball in at least 4 layers.

It should turn out something like this.

That's all for now. Next time I will tell you how to properly glue the ball to the rocket engine.

It will take quite a lot of time for an inexperienced player, and will also take a lot of resources. Creating a rocket with shapes and colors in the game is really a difficult task, but in this guide I will try to put everything on the shelves.

Before crafting a rocket, you need to create a material called an asterisk.

How to get an asterisk?
The asterisk is the item that is responsible for the color, shape, and effect of the firework explosion. You can only get an asterisk using crafting, creative inventory, or the "/give" command.

There are two types of star crafting.

In the first, the material itself is created. Up to eight dyes can be added to craft to explode fireworks. You can also add any one head, gold nugget, feather or fireball for an explosion shape.

For convenience, I hid all the crafts under the spoilers below.

Any dye, gunpowder and feather.


Any dye, gunpowder and any head.


Any dye and gunpowder.


Any dye, gunpowder and fireball.


Any dye, gunpowder and gold nugget.


In addition to these crafts, you can add diamond or light dust. The diamond will make the explosion bigger, and the light dust will create a shimmer. It doesn't matter what order you put the items in the crafting slots!

Don't be in a rush to craft them separately, because diamond and light dust can be combined to create a star with trail and shimmer!

The second type of crafting is to add a color change to the explosion effect when the fireworks fade. For crafting, you will need one star and up to eight of any dyes. The craft itself looks something like this:

How to get a rocket?
So we have reached the final stage of crafting and it remains to create the rocket itself. Use a sheet of paper, gunpowder and a star to create a rocket. You can put these items on the workbench in any order.

For myself, I crafted an asterisk from red dye, creeper heads and added yellow dye to the fading effect. Here's what happened to me:

You can also increase the duration of the flight. Just add more gunpowder when crafting the rocket (maximum three gunpowder can be placed). So the rocket will fly longer and accordingly higher.

Or you can add more colors to the fireworks. In total, you can add up to 7 different colors of stars!

You can experiment and create fireworks in different colors and shapes!

How to fly faster with a rocket?
The rocket is used not only to create fireworks, but also for fast elytra flights.

Be sure to use an empty rocket, i.e. create it without an asterisk, otherwise it will explode and you will receive damage!

Put on the elytra, climb somewhere higher and jump off. Press the jump button to activate the elytra. Now you need to activate the fireworks. On Android or IOS, you need to hold your finger on the screen, on Windows 10, press the right button.

If you have any other questions or I have indicated something wrong, then immediately write in the comments!

Any celebration is remembered more with fireworks! Birthdays, anniversaries, graduations, Valentine's Day gift, will be better, memorable with the final point-fireworks! Chemical compounds, physical properties make you feel the feeling of a fairy tale, inspire you to act, become happy! How to make fireworks with your own hands? How to make a fairy tale?

To create homemade fireworks, you will need various items, their properties. It is necessary to purchase a package of matches, magnesium, a tube for the frame, foil, a wick. The tube for the frame should be ten centimeters long and two to three centimeters in diameter. Prepare all items in advance, clean, buy, cut the tube. These goods can be purchased at hardware stores, some in the pyrotechnic department.

Step-by-step creation of fireworks with your own hands

To create a salute, you need to take magnesium and mix it with a sulfuric substance. If sulfur is not available in stores, then take it from matches. You need to add more, making a thick, shimmering mixture. The power of the explosion, fireworks depends on this mixture. At this stage, the base, the basis of the fireworks, is created.

To prevent the inside from falling out, plaster should be applied to fix the components. As soon as the gypsum dries, fixes, put the explosive inside, carefully. Next, you need to fix the foil, preferably in several layers. We make a conical structure and a hole in it by one centimeter. We fix this design with paper and insert the wick.

To give brightness, fire, flash, a variety of colors, sodium, chromium and other chemical elements can be added to the chemical. In the manufacture, safety rules and precautions should be observed. Do not use, invent at home, near children. Do not use near gas, fire, in a closed, unventilated space.

How to make big fireworks at home

To make a large firework at home, you should purchase materials for construction, chemical elements. Aluminum, magnesium, chromium, sulfur (matches can be used), paper, a frame in the form of a pipe. First you need to mix sulfur and magnesium. A multi-colored chemical mixture should form. For more explosion energy, more chemical materials need to be put in. The frame is in the form of a pipe, you need to plaster it. Add the chemical mixture to the dried tube. We fall asleep in an even layer, without lumps. Making a foil filter We fix the foil on the tube with a conical shape, making a hole with a diameter of one centimeter.

We fix, close, with paper the second part of the hole. We insert the wick, in the form of a thread. The thread can be dipped in an explosive substance (gasoline, kerosene, alcohol) for better burning.

Use precautions when using. Do not explode in a crowded place, when lighting the wick, run away to a safe distance of about thirty to thirty-five meters. Do not do in the house, near children. If the fireworks did not break out, you should wait twenty to thirty minutes, then lower the structure into the water. It should lie for about three to four days. After pulling out and blowing up in a remote area, the people of the area.

Is it possible to make fireworks out of paper

Absolutely safe, non-aggressive, light, beautiful, simple version of paper fireworks. Making paper salute is easy, simple, interesting, safe! This option will serve as a great way to spend time with children, learn how to work a miracle, safely talk, show fireworks. A budget option for lovers of fireworks, firecrackers, firecrackers, pyrotechnics. To make fireworks out of paper, you need to prepare the paper, select the desired salute, fireworks.

To assemble a paper salute, you should prepare sheets of paper ten by ten centimeters. The dimensions must be the same, without violations. There should be twelve sheets of paper. After that, you should bend diagonally, vertically, in all directions a sheet, followed by all twelve.

After, you should bend the square so that you get a voluminous, two-sided triangle. The top edges, bend to the fold line in the middle. Next, open the part, holding the first layer of the triangle. Turn this layer over with a flattened square.

So do all twelve squares, no mistakes, side effects, defects, errors. To fix the frame, you need to connect all the modules together. We bend one layer of the module, insert it into another layer, the bent module. With this method, we make all twelve modules ten by ten centimeters in size. Bend the bottom corners, previously marked when cutting cubes. On all layers of the module. On the sides it is necessary to open the modules, the last part, bending up. So move all twelve modules.

The last step, the first part, we connect with the second. It turns out a beautiful, interesting, diverse, creative, bright, fun invention from modules - fireworks!

Any celebration can be decorated, completed, with an unforgettable, bright, impressive, interesting fireworks display. Having learned all the nuances, you can create a miracle of pyrotechnics at home. When manufacturing, observe safety rules and precautions. Do not use near children, crowded places, near flammable, explosive substances and sectors. Do not explode near tall trees, multi-storey buildings. Do not use in windy, rainy weather (hail, snow is taken into account). If the salute did not explode, you should wait twenty to thirty minutes after launch, then lower it into the water for three to four days, depending on the power of the fireworks. After the expiration of three or four days, blow up in a place isolated from people, on a field, outside the city.

The safest fireworks are fireworks made from paper modules. They will decorate a children's event with interesting take-offs of figures.Absolutely safe, practical, educational structure. Can be used with children, in crowded places, in different weather conditions.

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