Game "Loyalty: Knights and Princesses": maps of locations with descriptions. Knowledge base for the game Loyalty: Knights and Princesses Secret ceremony in the game Knights and Princesses

In this guide, I will tell you the secrets of fighting in the game Loyalty: Knights and Princesses.

Always pay attention to the damage numbers that the enemy deals to you. Thanks to the numbers, you can calculate whether you will be able to defeat the enemy in battle or not.
So, what are the best tactics and tricks to apply
1. At the start of each battle, you can attack the enemy without spending Rage. You need it primarily to heal your own hero. Soon you will be able to perform an Assault attack, after which you can easily defend against attacks.
2. First of all, the enemies need to try to break the Shield. It is most effective to do this when the enemy does not have Rage, because he will not be able to make a special move. As soon as you break the shield, immediately attack it - with the Evil Eye or Assault. Before attacking, remember that the enemy can use the Hex too.
3. To avoid the situation with the Evil Eye, use it before attacking the enemy, only if he has not yet applied it. I do not advise using this ability at the very beginning of the game, so try to wait for the right moment.
4. By any means force the enemy to spend Rage, because it is the key to developing the fight. Blocks, assaults - let him spend all his rage on tricks in order to eventually throw the Evil Eye.
5. The shield is best used when the enemy wants to make an assault. An attack made by an enemy with Sturm will destroy their weapon if you use the shield in time. Shields generally reflect half the damage to the enemy, but if the enemy starts to heal, then he will restore half as much health.
6. During battles in arenas or in casual battles with enemies whose level is an order of magnitude higher, you can make a tricky move. Reload the page with the game, after which they will pick up a new enemy.
7. You can play without spending energy - for this there is a Shadow Fight mode in which you participate in duels with friends. However, such battles can be arranged 5 times per knock.

8. Healing is most effective when the enemy has already used up the Evil Eye or at least the Shield is broken.
9. When you gain a character level, you can use double moves without cooldowns. The bonus is always short-lived, so run to profitably arrange battles.
10. Before the battle, all your characters should eat properly so that there is energy. Your lady can cook meals to feed you and herself by increasing the parameters. The lone knight suffers without a lady, because he has to buy food himself - and this is expensive.
11. Of course, there are also protracted battles in the game, during which you will spend more strength and energy, and it also happens that you barely get out of the water dry. You can use accessories to reduce energy consumption.
Well, the fight is more or less clear, so let's talk about the economy.

Case management

1. It is better not to spend all the collections received during the passage of tasks, since they were given to you for a reason. Collections are best spent during the passage of tasks.
2. Never mindlessly sell items and other things from the warehouse. When you need to craft or build something, the materials will be at hand.
3. After harvesting, handle the stock sparingly.
4. If a building is in need of repair or asking for improvement, do it right away, because time = money. You can improve buildings thanks to decorations. Accordingly, neighbors and helpers react to beauty, and you increase their numbers.
5. Accumulating various kinds of coins, experience, fame and other details of the collection becomes easier if you start interacting with your neighbors. Visit them to help harvest or clean up. When you build a castle, you can use 100 actions per day, and if there is no castle, then 50 actions.
6. When you are visiting your neighbors, pay attention to the flower beds and cups, because they will bring more experience. Do you want to accumulate coins? Then find the Sarcophagus or the Statue of Galina. By interacting with the Fearless Dragon, the Statue of Galina, the Christmas Carousel and the Cup of Fearlessness, you can get energy. Details of the collection can be found in the Princess Tower and in the Knight's Tent.
7. From the beginning of the game, you need to complete the goal - to build up the territory with workshops, but it is best to buy a Magic Workshop. Thanks to this, the economy will spin-wrap, which will make your life easier.

8. Are you experiencing any difficulties with the workshop? Try building the Barn. This building will be able to produce livestock feed regardless of the workshops.
9. Workshops are best filled with work to get the most out of them. When you are online, try to bet fast processes– steel, spindle, combs, etc. When you are going to go out, then put on a long process. Usually these are some kind of spinning wheels, velvet and armor.
10. Interact with the harvest in the same way as with the workshops. Play for a long time - then grow fast-growing plants. Get out of the game - plant long-growing ones.

11. Waste your energy - don't be afraid. Grow trees, flowers and vegetables, create things. What you grow in any case can be sold.
12. Before you start growing and working in workshops, try to calculate what you need first of all, what can be sold profitably, etc.
13. By the way, there are plants that restore your energy. Most of all you can get from the Scarlet Flower and Dahlia.
14. It is better to process stones and trees with the help of specialized buildings - sawmills and quarries. Helpers clear the path so that you do not waste your energy.
15. Rubies are the hardest to find, so try not to spend them if you want to buy milk. Accumulate rubies until you collect on something really worthwhile. By the way, neighbors can also give you rubies.
16. When you improve buildings - a sawmill and a quarry, then at the same time both the speed of collecting resources and the capacity of buildings increase.
17. Of course, friends will be of great use, so find active ones who play often. Thanks to this, you can exchange various gifts with them, etc.
18. Always go to the exchangers, because there are a lot of cool offers there. You can exchange resources with players, getting the missing ones. Someone may have a lot of stones, and you have a tree, respectively, you can make an exchange.

And this, in fact, the advice ends, friends. I wish you good luck in the game.

Location cards in Loyalty: Knights & Princesses come in a wide variety. Their total number is twenty-two, and some of them will be discussed in the article with a description, the main attractions and how to get to them.


In Loyalty: Knights & Princesses, location cards include a variety of points of interest. On the territory called "Battlefield" the player may encounter the head of a bandit gang. He hides in the lair, which is located in the center on the west side. This will be the main building after the victory, which can be improved after killing the boss. Almost immediately near the entrance on the right side, you can free the prisoner, and the captive girl is a few steps diagonally in the forest. In order to turn the bandit's lair back into a huge beautiful estate, you need to bring the Throne inside. This item can be found in the upper left corner from the entrance to the territory. The development of the building will help in the accumulation of resources, they are also issued for the release of captives.

"Magical forest"

If your character has reached level 10, then among all the location cards in Loyalty: Knights and Princesses, you must first visit the Enchanted Forest. On this territory, the main building opens to the eye immediately after arrival, because it is located near the entrance. Also in the vastness of this region you can find lakes and magic gates. For the discovery of the latter, valuable prizes in the form of resources are provided. The main task will be to search for an unknown animal with the body of a horse and a horn on its head. First of all, the player will have to bring the "Magic Rainbow" into working condition, then start creating the "Magic Wand" in this area, and only then go in search of a secret creature. Of all the cards in Loyalty: Knights & Princesses, this one can be turned into a real tribute settlement. To do this, you need to clear the bridgehead from thickets, do excavations and follow the instructions. Adventures and a lot of work are provided for the player here.

"Lava Craters"

Among the Loyalty: Knights and Princesses location cards, the Lava Craters territory is available only from level 20. You can fly here by airship for forty units of fuel. The first attraction here will be a stone statue of the Istukan. You can get to it if from the entrance at the first turn go left and straight to the other end. This decoration can be taken away without restoration. To restore the main building in the form of a water tower, it is necessary to build a water pipe through three craters in the corners of the map: two from the bottom and one from the top left. The valves on the ground should be the guideline for the correct solution. If everything is done properly, the craters will become piles of sulfur. From them, it will be possible to collect tokens for the ancient machine in the native territory. Also, various treasures are scattered throughout the region, but you should be prepared for a collision with robbers. They can be killed in normal combat or by spending energy on instant destruction.

"Ancient Temple"

In Loyalty: Knights & Princesses, the Ancient Temple card is also available from character level 20. Initially, these lands will be shrouded in fog and will open up only as resources are cut down from this region. Then a lot of interesting things will open up to the user's gaze. The location has many buildings that can be restored. This list includes "Stonecutters", "Elder's House" and the main building "Ancient Temple". It is the last of them that needs to be restored so that treasures regularly fall into the player's piggy bank. Access to the "Treasury" will open only after bringing all the totems into working condition. In total, there are twelve types of gifts that a character can receive. The map also has great amount vegetation to be removed. Only after that it is possible to conduct geological work on it, to extract malachite and iron, for this there are three veins.

"Ghost town"

In Loyalty: Knights & Princesses, the location cards of all territories are unique in their own way, including Ghost Town. You can get there by airship with the cost of fifty units of fuel. If you go through quests related to the location, you can find out the story of an ancient city that suddenly completely died out. The main building on the territory is the “Abandoned Bungalow”, which can only be restored with the help of pirate or gold amulets. Not far from the entrance there is a "Dwarf Camp", where you can hire future workers for yourself. There are seven more similar places with small creatures, and they are placed along the outline of the map. There are treasure chests in the west and east in the central part in the direction from the entrance. This location can also be turned into a gnome settlement and collect tribute from it. There are also many other places in the game that you can visit during your travels. The player is waiting for different missions and interesting stories.

Play the game Loyalty: Knights and Princesses will appeal to men and women. Depending on the choice of character, completely different adventures await them. Some will have to gain honor and glory in valiant battles, others will have to become ideal housewives and equip a cozy estate. This game is imbued with the romance of the Middle Ages, when the ladies froze at the sight of strong knights, and the men were ready for any feats for the sake of the fairer half.

Game review Loyalty: Knights and Princesses

Plot and setting

From the very beginning, players will learn an entertaining story about how the king and queen decided to deal with their children who have reached the age of majority. On the birthday of the prince and princess, they gave them an inheritance and sent them to study independent living. The young heir was taken in by Uncle Bill, and his sister is accompanied by Aunt Mary. The uncle and the prince will go to a training camp, and the aunt and the princess will go to the old family estate, where young people can not only learn all the intricacies of adult life, but also win fame and honor, or spend the rest of their days in poverty and infamy.
In the Middle Ages, women and men had little choice, how you were born, and live like that, so before you go on an adventure, you need to accurately decide on the choice of a hero. Medicine in this game is not yet developed and sex change is not supported by public opinion, and parents will immediately deprive you of all benefits.

Game process

Before you start playing Loyalty: Knights & Princesses, registration is required. It will not be difficult to pass it, and then it will open Magic world adventure. You can do this by entering your email address and password in the appropriate fields, or by clicking on one of the icons with the logo of social networks.

At their new home in Loyalty: Knights & Princesses, the royal offspring are in for a lot of trouble. The manor and the training camp have not been lived in for many years, everything has fallen into disrepair and is overgrown with thick grass. You will have to start ennobling a new home from the very first minutes, even if the player is a man. After all, after the battles, he still has to return home.

Ladies will do pleasant things, they need:

  1. Tidy up the area.
  2. Cultivate and plant a garden.
  3. Get livestock.
  4. Decorate everything to your liking.
With the first harvest, you can begin to learn the secrets of culinary masterpieces, especially since you can easily treat the gentleman you like with them.

Young people, although they must organize their own food, but this is a secondary occupation, for a real knight success in victories. Upon arrival, you can immediately go to the arena, where various tournaments are constantly held. Loyalty: Knights and Princesses is fun to play, the battle itself is organized in the best traditions of chivalry, glory goes to those who could stay in the saddle.

Opponents are at different ends of the court, there are many tricks to choose from, from the very beginning there will be only three of them - attack, block and assault. Each of the techniques has a different effect and energy consumption, some add rage, but are inferior in strength to others, others inflict a crushing blow, but consume the fighting spirit. The player will need to be a real tactician to defeat the enemy.

Location cards in Loyalty: Knights & Princesses come in a wide variety. Their total number is twenty-two, and some of them will be discussed in the article with a description, the main attractions and how to get to them.


In Loyalty: Knights & Princesses, location cards include a variety of points of interest. On the territory called "Battlefield" the player may encounter the head of a bandit gang. He hides in the lair, which is located in the center on the west side. This will be the main building after the victory, which can be improved after killing the boss. Almost immediately near the entrance on the right side, you can free the prisoner, and the captive girl is a few steps diagonally in the forest. In order to turn the bandit's lair back into a huge beautiful estate, you need to bring the Throne inside. This item can be found in the upper left corner from the entrance to the territory. The development of the building will help in the accumulation of resources, they are also issued for the release of captives.

"Magical forest"

If your character has reached level 10, then among all the location cards in Loyalty: Knights and Princesses, you must first visit the Enchanted Forest. On this territory, the main building opens to the eye immediately after arrival, because it is located near the entrance. Also in the vastness of this region you can find lakes and magic gates. For the discovery of the latter, valuable prizes in the form of resources are provided. The main task will be to search for an unknown animal with the body of a horse and a horn on its head. First of all, the player will have to bring the "Magic Rainbow" into working condition, then start creating the "Magic Wand" in this area, and only then go in search of a secret creature. Of all the cards in Loyalty: Knights & Princesses, this one can be turned into a real tribute settlement. To do this, you need to clear the bridgehead from thickets, do excavations and follow the instructions. Adventures and a lot of work are provided for the player here.

"Lava Craters"

Among the Loyalty: Knights and Princesses location cards, the Lava Craters territory is available only from level 20. You can fly here by airship for forty units of fuel. The first attraction here will be a stone statue of the Istukan. You can get to it if from the entrance at the first turn go left and straight to the other end. This decoration can be taken away without restoration. To restore the main building in the form of a water tower, it is necessary to build a water pipe through three craters in the corners of the map: two from the bottom and one from the top left. The valves on the ground should be the guideline for the correct solution. If everything is done properly, the craters will become piles of sulfur. From them, it will be possible to collect tokens for the ancient machine in the native territory. Also, various treasures are scattered throughout the region, but you should be prepared for a collision with robbers. They can be killed in normal combat or by spending energy on instant destruction.

"Ancient Temple"

In Loyalty: Knights & Princesses, the Ancient Temple card is also available from character level 20. Initially, these lands will be shrouded in fog and will open up only as resources are cut down from this region. Then a lot of interesting things will open up to the user's gaze. The location has many buildings that can be restored. This list includes "Stonecutters", "Elder's House" and the main building "Ancient Temple". It is the last of them that needs to be restored so that treasures regularly fall into the player's piggy bank. Access to the "Treasury" will open only after bringing all the totems into working condition. In total, there are twelve types of gifts that a character can receive. The map also has a huge amount of vegetation that needs to be removed. Only after that it is possible to conduct geological work on it, to extract malachite and iron, for this there are three veins.

"Ghost town"

In Loyalty: Knights & Princesses, the location cards of all territories are unique in their own way, including Ghost Town. You can get there by airship with the cost of fifty units of fuel. If you go through quests related to the location, you can find out the story of an ancient city that suddenly completely died out. The main building on the territory is the “Abandoned Bungalow”, which can only be restored with the help of pirate or gold amulets. Not far from the entrance there is a "Dwarf Camp", where you can hire future workers for yourself. There are seven more similar places with small creatures, and they are placed along the outline of the map. There are treasure chests in the west and east in the central part in the direction from the entrance. This location can also be turned into a gnome settlement and collect tribute from it. There are also many other places in the game that you can visit during your travels. The player is waiting for different missions and interesting stories.

This game has conquered millions of players, what Secret Loyalty Knights and Princesses. In this article you will find all the answers, new 2017 codes for money, rubies and coins. How to get resources to the account for free, and is it possible to use cheats. All questions and answers will be discussed in small review and game guide. Loyalty Knights and Princesses is a flash game that is free to play without downloading. Vkontakte, classmates and other networks, you can start the game and choose the role of a prince or princess. And a lot will depend on this choice, each of the characters fulfills their roles. By choosing a woman, you will play a classic farm, grow plants, take care of your territories and look for a prince. By choosing a prince, in addition to the farm, you get the opportunity to fight in the arena. In any case, you will get a small kingdom, you have to expand it, buy new items, buildings, animals and more. To get money in the game, everyone can use secrets.

Cheats Allegiance Knights and Princesses:

  • 1,100,000 coins - nknkfezo*372
  • 2 400 000 coins for free - ldriil1o*318
  • 1,960 rubies - 4kqfkjvm*740
  • 4,300 rubies for free - dyk45dib*759

The purchase of ordinary items in the game is made for coins, this is the main currency. Rubies are a premium currency that is bought with votes (real money), with their help the player will be able to buy premium items, speed up processes and feel complete freedom. In addition, the game has an energy that limits your actions. When completing tasks, you spend energy, using the resources you receive, you can restore it for free. To get the benefit, the player does not need to download cheat allegiance knights and princesses, or other programs that violate the rules of the game.

Of course, the game is worth the attention of all fans of farms, it is not for nothing that it fell in love with millions. Colorful graphics, an interesting plot and the ability to farm, as well as participate in battles in one game. Having reached a high level, a knight player can get a wife who will feed him deliciously and run errands, than not a dream;). The battles in the game are quite simple, but have a feature common to everyone. free games. Whoever has more money has better skills and a greater advantage.

This forces the player to make a purchase, or search Hack Loyalty Knights and Princesses. But the game has strong protection against the external influence of programs, bots. Their use may result in blocking your account. Use the game store to get resources, it's fast and safe, codes will help you with this.

The developers of the game have created a truly entertaining gameplay with a division into women and men. In addition to differences depending on gender, each player can find a soul mate, and the game contributes to this in every possible way. Such a farm, a fighting game for dating. By choosing a knight, you will be able to devote the battle to your chosen one, thus attracting attention. Rubies Loyalty Knights and Princesses make the possibilities here endless. After all, you can dedicate the victory not only to girl friends, but also make new acquaintances. This is very exciting, and having money will allow you to give gifts and dispose.

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