Dragon age inquisition specialization quests. Walkthrough Dragon Age: Inquisition

Today we have prepared for you a review of the dragon age inquisition game, it is the brainchild of the famous Canadian studio BioWare, and Electronic Arts has taken on the role of the publisher. Inquisition was released on November 18, 2014 for owners of PCs, consoles from Microsoft and Sony. The game dragon age inquisition (the final part of the trilogy) will plunge the user into a beautiful and open world with almost complete free action.

Walkthrough of the game dragon age inquisition

The events take place a few years after the end of the second part of the story. At a meeting of a conclave of mages and templars, a catastrophe occurs that causes a split in the fabric of the universe and opens the way for hordes of demons to the world of Thedas. The user will have to revive the ancient order of the Inquisition, gather many allies under their banner and act as a united front against the Evil that threatens all living things.

In the process of passing storyline You will meet dozens of characters (both old acquaintances and new ones) who will need to be attracted to your side. A huge open world with its own secrets will constantly throw up a variety of tasks (sometimes requiring urgent solutions).


First of all, you need to make a choice in the race and field of your future protagonist, not only the reason why he got to the Conclave will depend on this, but also at later stages will open access to unique (racial quests). Available for selection:

The man is the heir to a noble house, from an early age he was attached to the service of the church and the templars. If you choose the class of the magician, then the previous story will remain the same, with only one difference that the hero was trained by the spellcasters of the Circle.

The dwarf is a smuggler and a member of a criminal organization. A terrestrial born in the Free Marches with no connection to his Clan progenitor.

The elf comes from the nomadic Lavellan tribe. A versatile race, since no matter which class you choose, you will have a great bonus to your profile stats.

Kossit is a member of a band of mercenaries who has renounced the covenants of the Qunari. He is hated by his relatives and bears the insulting nickname tal-vasgot (infidel).

There are only three classes (warrior, mage, robber), but each has a wide branch for the development of passive and active skills, which allows you to make your own build. Twice in all time new level mastery of dragon age inquisition, you can choose a multi-class with special books in stock.

What awaits us?

It is necessary not only to see, but also to take a direct part in huge number significant events for the world, build your own castle and, of course, lead the Order into battle. Various companions will help you with this - Cassandra Pentaghast (the last of the seekers of truth), Blackwall (a veteran of the gray guards), Cole (an otherworldly spirit that has taken the form of a young boy) and non-player characters - Hawke (a DA2 hero who was originally supposed to become the head of the Inquisition ), Morrigan (a well-known witch from the first part of the series), Alistair (depending on the choice, she can be either a king or a simple guard) and many others.

System requirements

Operating system - Windows Vista/7/8 (64 bit) and newer

Processor - Intel Core i3 (similar from AMD) with a frequency of at least 2GHz

Video card - GeForce 8800 GT


Dragon Age has six story add-ons, the last of which "The Outsider" was released on September 8, 2015 and provides an opportunity not only to once again save the world, but also determine the path of your organization for many centuries to come.


Computer game in the RPG genre, the third part of the series dragon age , was developed by the Canadian company BioWare. The publisher is Electronic Arts, the release took place on November 18, 2014 for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, Xbox One platforms. After the events of the first part of the world Thedas plunges into the abyss of internecine wars and political intrigues. In addition, unusual rifts open up in different parts of the world, allowing demons to enter Thedas. The protagonist receives a mark and after closing several faults in Temple of Sacred Ashes receives the leadership of the Inquisition to eradicate the resulting chaos.


Fortress Skyhold becomes a new base for Inquisition, The Herald gains the status of Inquisitor for his merit. At this stage, a certain number of locations on the map will become available for the player to explore, however, there are several tasks in the fortress that require the attention of the main character.

Welcome to Skyhold

It is necessary to examine the fortress, the Herald must visit forge and talk with the blacksmith (you can customize the appearance of some elements of the fortress in the cave). Next, the main character should call military council.

forgotten boy

Till the protagonist dealt with problem solving Cole disappeared and is hiding in Skyhold territory. Near the target mark of the protagonist, a conversation with other members of the order awaits, Vivien again offers to get rid of the unusual companion (the player needs to make a decision). Solas speculates about Cole's nature, suggesting that the Inquisition is dealing with a spirit.

In Skyhold, the Inquisition has established a new headquarters and is now ready to make itself known around the world. On the fortress wall, the Herald will meet with hawk, Defender of Kirkwall (the protagonist of the second part of the game). The protagonist can get some information about his opponent by finding a member of the order Gray Wardens(Exercise There lies the abyss).

After talking with Varric, the Inquisitor should talk to Josephine(You can find the NPC in the lobby, next to the command headquarters). The Ambassador asks to prevent a possible attack on the Empress Selina, the Herald will receive an invitation to the ball in order to personally meet with a possible victim and warn of the danger (Task Evil Eyes and Evil Hearts).

Skyhold Prison has prisoners who are waiting for the verdict. We are located in the hall on the throne of the Inquisitor and begin to consider the proposed cases. For example, the first thing will be the crime of the leader of the Avvars Movran the Hungry who sprinkled the building of the Inquisition with goat's blood. However, the leader makes it clear about his arrogant attitude towards his son, who was killed by the Inquisitor. The decision to arm the Avvars and send them to Tevinter will allow obtaining the approval of several associates of the protagonist, and there will also be one more recruited agent in the Inquisition.

Next, the Herald will have to pass judgment on the Knight Templar Denamu. In this case, it would be more appropriate to send the captain to trial in the order that he betrayed.

secret infatuation

Cassandra got carried away Varric's books"Swords and Shields", but the dwarf did not finish the last book. It is necessary to convince your colleague to complete the work for the sake of Cassandra. Varric will agree to finish the book, only on the condition that he personally hand it over as a token of reconciliation (the dwarf, in his time, hid Hawk's whereabouts when Cassandra was looking for him).


Commander Kalen, being a Templar, like other representatives of this order, took lyrium. After Kalen joined the Inquisition, he stopped taking lyrium, which in turn led to "breaking". The main character will have to decide whether Kalen will continue to take lyrium.

Barris rise

After the death of the false Lord Seeker, the Templars were left without a commander. Barris very successfully carried out several operations, exercising leadership, the results allow us to conclude that a new leader has been found for the Order of the Templars. In the throne room, the Inquisitor can announce his decision (the task can be completed when the throne becomes active, for example, when the condemned appear).

Forced March: Vershile

Sera gives the protagonist another additional task, it is necessary for the forces of the Inquisition to make a forced march in the Versil area in order to intimidate the local nobility. After completing the corresponding task at the headquarters of the command, we talk with Serah and go to Crestwood. After a small fight, the task will be completed.

Vow of Destruction

Cassandra asks to find the real Lord Seeker, we perform the corresponding task at the command headquarters. After receiving the report, we go to new location"Caer Oswin Castle". In the dungeon of the castle, we enter into battle with the Promisers (a sect that tries to oppose the Seekers) and get the key. Let's go to courtyard and we find a letter, from the content of which it follows that the Seekers were transferred to the Promisers by Corypheus.

Further, the protagonists discover a member of the Seekers named Daniel, who reports that Lucius betrayed the order before the appearance of the demon Envy.

Finally, the Inquisitor meets the Lord Seeker, who has gone completely mad and made no secret of his crimes. We clean the area and return to Skyhold. We talk with Cassandra, who managed to study the secret book of Seekers.

Do not submit to his will

Cole, after the events in Adamant Fortress, is concerned about the possibility of binding spirits against their will (Cole is known to be the spirit of a young man tortured to death). At first, your comrade-in-arms asked Solas to tie him to himself, but the elf refused to do this and offered an alternative - to get an amulet for Cole that would protect the spirit from external influences. At the command headquarters, we carry out the corresponding task and hand over the amulet to Cole. The amulet will not help, since Cole has become too much "humanized" (according to Varrick). The main characters go to Redcliffe, it is here that the person who is involved in the death of Cole lives. The player must decide whether Cole will be a human or remain a spirit.

Specializations for the Inquisitor

The main character needs to master new combat skills, at the headquarters of the command we perform the corresponding task. Next, we talk with mentors in the courtyard of Skyhold, after which three more tasks will appear on the Inquisitor branch.

Mechanic's path

The quest appears after a conversation with a mentor named three-eyed, a description of the corresponding techniques was found in Val Royeaux from a bookseller (or in Varric's things in the throne room). First you need to get the indicated components (obsidian can be found on inland lands, the needleback is worth looking for at the Western Limit in the area of ​​​​the passage of Nazaire and the canyon).

To complete the task, you must complete the corresponding order on the request table and talk with the mentor (other tasks in specializations will not be able to be completed).

Left Hand of the High Priestess

Leliana received a suicide letter from Justinia, the main characters need to visit the Temple in Valence. The high priestess left something there for Leliana to see. During the inspection of the church, the main character will have to solve a small riddle by finding three hidden mechanisms (after the cut-scene, the task will be completed).

Western limit

Scouts report a large influx of people in Western limit, it is necessary to accumulate influence and investigate the situation in the region. In the camp area on the Stony Ridge, you can find a large poisonous cloud, at this stage your squad will not be able to overcome the obstacle (you need to visit Skyhold).

Breaks in the canyons

After the establishment of the camp in Western limit, Vestnik has to close several gaps in the area. Do not forget about the possibility of influencing the portal, after which all the demons are in the "camp" for several seconds.

Breaks in the dust and in the sand

After the camp was founded rocky ridge, the main character needs to eliminate several gaps in various areas (Dusty Plain and Giant Stairs).

Fortress Griffin Wings

When exploring the location in the camp area on the Stony Ridge, you should pay attention not fortress, which is captured by the Venatori (in addition to the foot soldiers and archers, on top of the siege tower, the Herald will have to destroy the Venatori caster Macrinius). Having cleared the fortifications, the Inquisition gets a new transshipment base and outpost in the Western Reach (the player will also receive additional tasks from the captain of the outpost).

Breaks near the aisle

Around the camp in the passage of Nazaire active gaps were noticed, the Inquisitor and his squad need to suppress the resistance of the demons and close the shadow portals.

On the trail of the church

In the desert, the Herald finds a small stone monument, church symbol indicates a cache that the main characters need to find. To complete the task, you need to visit the cave in the camp area in the passage of Nazer. Blueprints and rare items can be found inside the cave.

Shards in the Western Reach

The herald continues to search for fragments of the artifact, there are also several Ocularum, which will indicate the location of the component parts.

In red colors

At the location of the Western Reach there are several deposits of red lyrium (Sands and Forgotten Mine), which Varrik asked to destroy. The squad will be able to get into the Forgotten Cave using Solas' shadow skills. Also, deposits of red lyrium can be found in the shimmering stone mine (the area is Nazer Pass).


Robbers intercepted and destroyed caravan, which was supposed to deliver material for scientists from the University of Orlais. Judging by the records found, Frederick's camp (it was for him that the cargo was intended) is located nearby. In the area of ​​​​the camp (Nazer Pass) we explore the area and find a camp with a red tent. We talk with Frederick and transfer the supplies found to the scientist (we receive the task of Frederic's life and the Specification of the Inquisition +1).

Frederick's life

The main character must examine the designated areas for the presence Frederick's tools. At this stage, the player needs to look for the camps of the bandits of the "White Claw" group, from the bodies of the dead, you can pick up the necessary supplies.

How to lure a dragon

Frederick almost finished bait and now it lacks very specific ingredients (phoenix feather and needleback entrails, animals can often be found in the wastelands, finding the ingredients will not be difficult).

hunting habits

The hunting habits of dragons are almost not studied, Frederic asks to find the victims of the attack in the desert and deliver them to him for research (it is necessary to look for the remains of needlebacks in the indicated areas).

Break the "White Claws"

Frederic gives another additional task, you need to deal with the gang "White Claws" to eliminate problems with the further stay of scientists in the desert. Your task is to eliminate in the designated area the bandits installed traps. Further, the main characters are attacked by the leader of the gang, eliminating him, the player will calm the gang for a while.

Funny taste of this water

The well in Griffinwing Keep is in a state of disrepair, as the Venatori dumped dead bodies into it. It is necessary to find a new source of water, there is an oasis nearby lonely key, but the area is infested with varghests. After the destruction of the animals, the task will be completed.

Lustrin: Western Limit

The Quartermaster asks to get samples of ores from the Western Limit (the protagonist will be able to find lustrin and lapis lazuli on large stone boulders).

Application for fauna

The messenger will have to collect tissue samples from various representatives of the local fauna (hyena skins, phoenix feathers, etc., the material can be found on the bodies of dead animals).

Frederick discovered manuscripts, the content of which is dedicated to dragons. You need to find a Tevinter scientific work on alluring dragons. After completing the task Relic Hunt in one of the rooms in the Viridis path area (inner courtyard Of the windless ruins, located behind the Hall of Silence) we find a large volume that should be taken to Frederick.

To complete the task, the ancient manuscript must be translated, you can order this work on the table at the command headquarters.

Relic Hunt

The Venatori are searching the Windless Ruins in the Western Reach, it is necessary to investigate the location for valuable items. The task will be completed when the leader of Venatori - the caster Lucanus (Viridis trail area) is eliminated.

Heart of the Windless Ruins

After the elimination of the caster Lucanus, we raise the key-stone from the body of Venatori. The main characters need to find other components of the key in order to get into the laboratory (the parts are scattered in different parts of the Viridis trail).

Mysterious Gap

In the Windless Ruins, the protagonists will find a large number of fighting demons and Venatori, who are frozen in time. It is necessary to remove the mysterious spell and close the gap. After completing the task Heart of the Windless Ruins we remove the staff and return to the main hall, suppress the resistance of the demons and close the gap.

Abyssal High Dragon

After completing the task Authoritative source", Frederic passes the bait to the main character to lure the dragon that flies over the sky in the Western Reach. Having spread the bait, the main characters will attract the dragon, after which they will have to defeat it in battle (the dragon is level 15, has a vulnerability to cold and is well protected from fire.) After the victory, the scientist will join the Inquisition as an agent.

Dark Spawn Trouble

Venatori led by Serbis stumbled upon a tunnel with a creature of darkness, the main character must examine the designated area for traces. At this stage, it will not be possible to complete the task, since the passage is closed by a poisonous cloud, through which the player will not be able to pass. It is necessary to visit the Skyhold fortress and find a way to overcome the obstacle (requires influence).

It is worth noting that until the Herald returns to the command headquarters, he will not be able to pass through Gates of Andorhal(they can only be opened from the inside). One of the captains of the Inquisition proposes to build bridge, which will allow you to get into the old ruins (according to intelligence reports, this is where the creatures of darkness come from). Having crossed the bridge, the main characters find themselves on the old prison road, which will lead the detachment to the ancient ruins.

Further, the Herald enters Korakavus (an old prison that was captured by darkness). It is worth paying attention to the cameras on the lower level, in this room there are several boxes and a rune. We move through the hall of guards and close tunnel using the skills of Solas.

We continue to explore the ancient ruins, in the front corridor we find the corpse of Venatori, on the body of which is key and note. The message contains information that the Venatori were excavating under the direction of Sarbis, but after the discovery of the tunnel, the caster fled. The protagonist must track down Sarbis in the Western Reach.

In the South Passage, we engage in battle with Giant, after the victory we leave the ruins of the prison and create a camp in the Echo Canyon. Outside the camp, the player will have to face another giant.

Moving in Fort Echo and we clean the Venatori camp, after the victory, the Herald can send Serbis for trial in Skyhold, or leave him to die in the desert. In case of court (Task Judgment Is Coming), Sarbis can be used as an agent of the Inquisition.

In memory of the guards

Blackwall is interested in the artifacts of the Gray Wardens that may have been left behind in the old camps. In the western limit are two destroyed camps of the order, the first artifact is located on a tower in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe gap in the old fort. The second artifact (the blood of the archdemon) is located in Fort Echo (Serbis' lair).

Breaks in Echo

Inquisition scouts have discovered active ruptures in Echo Canyon that need to be repaired.

unfinished business

Cassandra asks the Inquisitor to deal with the criminals whose crimes the Seekers have left unheeded. One of the wanted Leo of Lucien Bay located in the Western Reach (camp in the Gates of Thoth).

Service for the first sorceress

Vivien asks the Inquisitor to help the circle of mages and find the looted books at the location of the Western Limit. The documents are located in the area of ​​the shimmering stone mine in the north of the location.

This article is part of the Dragon Age: Inquisition walkthrough series.

Keywords: dragon age inquisition, inquisition, herald, mark, rifts, cassandra pentagast, solas, varric, leliana, skyhold, welcome to skyhold, forgotten boy, from the ashes, judgment is coming, secret infatuation, western limit, canyon ruptures, gaps in dust and sand, griffon wings fortress, gaps near the passage, along the trace of the church, fragments in the western limit, in red tones, dragonology, Frederic's life, how to lure a dragon, hunting habits, break off white claws, this water has a funny taste, Lustrin: Western Reach, Fauna Claim, Authoritative Source, Relic Hunt, Heart of the Windless Ruins, Mysterious Rift, Abyssal High Dragonling, Darkspawn Trouble, In Memory of Guardians, Echo Rifts, Unfinished Business

Dragon Age: Inquisition - What you need to know about Skyhold (GameInformer)

During your stay as Inquisitor, you will travel to different distant lands, fight exotic monsters and explore ancient buildings. However, at the end of all these adventures, you and your Inquisition will need a place to regroup - a place that could be called home. AT Dragon Age: Inquisition this house will look like a castle called Skyhold.

While it serves as a nexus for many of the gameplay elements that are important to the Inquisition, Skyhold isn't just a utilitarian hub. During a visit to the studio bioware in Edmonton, creative director Mike Laidlaw and producer Cameron Lee shared with me some curious details about the unique functions that the castle serves and how Skyhold gives players a huge sense of the power and development of the Inquisition.

Fix and mend

Skyhold will not be your base of operations from the start of the game. In the initial stages of the adventure - before the Inquisition has even formed properly - you and your allies will gather in the village of Haven. And later, when you get to Skyhold, the castle will not look presentable at all.

Quote: Laidlaw

When you first get to Skyhold, its condition will be far from ideal. Holes will gape in the roof, the castle itself is damaged, you won’t even be able to completely bypass it from the inside, because it will not be cleared of the collapsed masonry yet.

As your Inquisition grows and gets stronger, buildings and conditions will improve. By the way, looking around your castle, you can determine the level of your progress. In addition to this, since you will be able to specify exactly how the premises will be rebuilt and decorated, the team bioware wanted you to have a sense of possession his "version" of Skyhold.

Quote: Laidlaw

Over time, as you progress through the story, you'll see it rearranged and with more open space. He will go from "the ruined castle" to "your castle". The walls have been repaired. Soldiers bypass it patrol. You will see how the number of service personnel will increase several times. Merchants will arrive and open shops. You will have the feeling that it becomes a grandiose structure, a real castle of the Inquisition.

You choose the look

Before in the Dragon Age series, we were always superficial about the idea of ​​building a base; in addition to Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age: Awakening, was a fortress Vigil's Tower, which was converted to Stronghold of the Gray Wardens. Of course, you could strengthen the Vigil's Tower's defenses, but its customization options were limited.

Quote: Cameron Lee

Vigil's Tower's changes were more reactive than proactive. In Skyhold, everything will change: “how I rebuild it and how I change it will only be my decision”

Is not Sims where you fuss over every detail of your dream home. Skyhold's layout is generally standard, but the Inquisitor makes decisions about decor and other elements during the transformation. For example, if a tower needs to be rebuilt, you can decide whether it will be equipped to accommodate mages or templars, depending on who you are more loyal to. Or if your character is Dalish Elf, you can decorate the castle with Dalish wooden carvings.

Quote: Cameron Lee

As you explore the world, complete various quests and explore side content, you will gain access to, say, different variants of thrones that you can install in your castle, as well as various decorations, heraldry and symbols. So you can remodel and expand your castle based on your own choice and taste.

You can freely choose what you like because skyhold customization does not apply to the statistics of the Inquisitor.

Quote: Laidlaw

Otherwise, we would have faced the problem of complicating the mechanics of this gameplay element. If we were to create a system where "this appearance does this, and this is the most the best way”, you would have to use it at the expense of gameplay. So no matter which banner or decor you choose, it shouldn't affect gameplay. As you understand, we do not want you to feel that we are forcing you to do anything. In other words, the reward for customization will be solely in the appearance of your base, which will correspond to the decisions and preferences you make, but this does not mean that Skyhold will not have enough ways to make you stronger.

Three options for decor and furniture in the main hall of Skyhold:

Your seat of power

In addition to your literally, throne seat, Skyhold is also the place where it is determined where and how your Inquisition will grow. Using military table, you will be able to determine where the attention of the Inquisitor is most needed, and you will also be able to choose which location to open and where to send your agents.

Quote: Laidlaw

The military table is your command post. You'll have a better understanding of the things you're doing, from "throwing little pebbles into a pond to throwing boulders." Every now and then, the war table will tell and visually demonstrate to you the history of the formation of the Inquisition, as well as help you, as a commander, make decisions ... You will begin to feel that you have a huge impact on the world, in addition, you will receive reports from your advisers confirming your conjectures.

When the time comes to expand your Inquisition, you will need to develop in three different directions at once. The first is influence, which is essentially experience points of the Inquisition, which grow as you progress in your adventures and tasks. When the Inquisition reaches a new level, you can spend points on global improvements such as: the ability to carry more items or the ability to collect additional crafting materials. The second direction is power. While influence is constantly growing, power is " currency which is earned and spent. Power is used to progress through the main story as well as to unlock additional territories on the war table. The third direction is time. The Inquisitor doesn't deal with every problem personally, so special missions called operations(unlocked also by power level) allow you to send agents to complete them in real time. After a certain amount of time has passed (some operations may take a whole day or more), the mission will be completed and you will receive your reward. Some operations will have multiple components that will require the intervention of the Inquisitor to resolve the situation when the dust of battle settles and so on.

Earning and spending these three resources forms the basis of the Inquisition's structure. Are you completing side quests whether gathering materials for crafting, exploring different territories - all this is part of your overall progress.

All here

Since Skyhold is the place where are going all members of the Inquisition, you can wander around the area and meet all your allies. They will all find nooks and crannies to settle in; Leliana can be found in the yard, while Sir feels more comfortable in a bar.

Quote: Laidlaw

You'll see how the characters' places really become their homes - they sort of personify them. Some degree of their behavior will show through, for example, Doriana there will be a massive chair with a leather back.

These characters will not just be hanging around, but the player's interaction with them will be deeper than it was in Dragon Age II.

Quote: Laidlaw

Many of our fans missed the ability to interact with their team members and close friends who simply said, “Hi. How are you?". So it was in Dragon Age: Origins. Many of the fans will be happy to know that the interaction is returning, in full, in Skyhold. You come up and say, “Hi Varric, how are you? Tell me about Kirkwall." This will allow you to better study the nature of the characters, to understand the true essence.

In some cases, your main interaction with the character will be romantic interest. Your advisors Cullen and Josephine will not travel with you as combat companions, but they will be potential targets for your love claims. How you use your time with them in Skyhold will shape your relationship.

Your word is law

The throne, located in the main hall of Skyhold, is not just there for decoration. Sitting on it you will have the opportunity to take part in litigation- scenes depicting how the Inquisitor, in essence, administers justice and makes decisions regarding the future fate of someone.

Quote: Laidlaw

Litigation has two purposes. The first is to feel like a commander, and the second is that they give us a way to complete some unfinished business. Such trials are not always random. Because you did "X", or because you did "Y", and then these characters appear in front of you. As a result, you already have context (situations). You've dealt with these guys - or stood up to them on many occasions - and now they're standing in front of you.

Each of these scenarios is intentional, so you won't end up with an endless stream of repetitive situations. Since there will not be many of them in the game, the proceedings that you will see should be imprinted in your memory.

Quote: Laidlaw

My favorite is definitely the goat situation. The father of the clan chief you killed in Fall Mire, suddenly appears in your castle and besieges it with the carcass of a dead goat. He slams it against the walls in ritual abuse. You have options, but I think you could make him an ambassador.

I like those characters who, depending on your actions in the game, can almost always be coaxed, rather than confronted with them in open conflict. This is a kind of social victory. I don't want to go into details, but such characters can bring you to court. Later it may turn out that the person has a lot of information and will be able to work with your spies, making them more effective. Also, depending on your mood, you can sentence him to the position of a permanent jester at your court.

While Lee and Laidlaw enjoy discussing "easy" examples, not all court sessions end in merriment. You can exile a character or execute him, and even in one of the cases, sentence the mage to pacification.

The court and the war table - everything in Skyhold is arranged so that control is in the hands of the player.

Quote: Laidlaw

The most important thing in the work of the Inquisition is to be a leader.

Quote: Cameron Lee

Skyhold is where you make your plans and increase your power.

Translation: GrimHunter (special for website)

Appears automatically when you first enter Skyhold. Standing with your back to the throne, go left to the basement. There will be a blacksmith there. The door to the command headquarters is located on the right, if you stand with your back to the throne and a little closer to the exit from the building. We pass straight to the dead end past Josephine and run into a large door to the headquarters of the command. We go into it and complete the quest.

Attributes of the Inquisition

Appears automatically when you first enter Skyhold. Go down to the basement to the left of the throne, if you stand with your back to it. At its far end, near the parapet, there will be the necessary machine. Activate it and complete the quest.


Activates when you first enter Skyhold. It is necessary to perform the operation "Arrival of the Enchantress" on the command headquarters table. Upon her arrival, go to the basement to the blacksmith. After a short cut-scene, talk to the enchantress (who played Dragon Age: Origins will be pleasantly surprised). Next, go to the weapon crafting table and look at the tab with runes. You can even not make anything to complete the quest, you can just view it.

Judgment is coming

Periodically, you will have to try on the skin of a judge. Usually, new defendants appear after completing the main quests at any location. Your decision can either improve or worsen the attitude of satellites towards you. You can also get new agents for the Inquisition.

A new level of skill

Activated after entering the basement for the first time after the arrival of the enchantress. You need to do two things. First, make an excellent thing. To do this, we approach the table for the manufacture of armor or weapons and activate them. To create such an item, you need a special rare ingredient that is inserted into a special slot from above, and the success of creating an excellent item is not 100%. Therefore, it is better to save before trying to create such a thing. The second point to be completed is to insert the rune into the weapon. To do this, we approach the weapon improvement machine and, having selected an item where you can insert the rune, add it to the appropriate cell. Remember that you can no longer get the rune, you can replace it, while the previous rune will disappear. After that the quest will end sya.

Oh, in my garden

The quest is activated by reading the note on the desk in the Inquisitor's private quarters in Skyhold. If there are enough necessary resources, the Skyhold garden can be improved and expanded, for this we go to the quartermaster of the fortress and fulfill the request on his table. After we go to the garden and there we already choose which improvement to make: either build the Church Garden or the Grassy Garden.

exemplary yard

The quest is activated by reading the note on the desk in the Inquisitor's private quarters in Skyhold. If there are enough necessary resources, the Skyhold courtyard can be improved and expanded, for this we go to the quartermaster of the fortress and fulfill the request on his table. After that, on the stairs leading to the main hall of the fortress, we approach the stylized level and choose which improvement to make: the Infirmary or the Battlefield.

Higher, higher and higher

The quest is activated by reading the note on the desk in the Inquisitor's private quarters in Skyhold. If you have enough necessary resources, you can restore and improve the main watchtower of Skyhold, for this we go to the quartermaster of the fortress and fulfill the request on his table. Then we rise to the fortress wall, activate the level and choose who will be located in this tower: Mages or Templars.

Reading Skyhold

The quest can be activated by talking three times with Leliana's assistant in the library, which appears only with the "Deep Studies" perk taken in the specifics of the Inquisition in the "Secrets" section. It turns out that Varrick's story "A Hard Life in the Upper City" is much more popular than he thinks. The Skyhold library is missing 48 copies of this book. You need to collect them all, and for this you will have to search all the nooks and crannies both inside the fortress and outside.

Dragon Specialization Age: Inquisition is a unique player skill, offered to choose from three possible ones. Each class (warrior, mage or rogue) has its own specializations. They will be discussed in the article.


The actions of the third part of Dragon Age are a logical continuation of the events of the previous two parts. The first tells of the invasion of the creatures of darkness, as well as how the magicians of Thedas were oppressed. They were kept in special "circles" in order to prevent the spread of the forbidden doctrine - blood magic, and also to stop demonic possession in every possible way.

Those who aroused particular suspicion were subject to pacification - a ritual that resulted in the complete deprivation of magical abilities. The protection of the mage circles was provided by the templar knights.

The second part tells about the personal tragedy of the Hawk family, who were drawn by the will of fate into the growing conflict between the mages and the templars of the Free Marches. Wizards were increasingly persecuted, the templars, in turn, only added fuel to the fire. Especially those who saw blood magic on every corner.

The result was the destruction of the church and the uprising of mages throughout Thedas, which escalated into a civil war.

"Age of the Dragon: Inquisition": a rift in the sky

The third part begins with an attempt to convene representatives of the magicians and templars in order to conclude a peace treaty and stop the war. But an explosion occurs, which leads to a rift in the sky, through which demons enter the human world.

The first half of the game proceeds at a leisurely pace: the heroes must find a way to close the hole, periodically returning to the shelter, healing their wounds. And also the main character, the bearer of a mysterious magical mark in the palm of his hand, is proclaimed Lord Inquisitor. Only he knows how to close these faults, using his gift.

After the hero and his entire team are forced to leave the shelter, along with all civilians, by a non-random coincidence, the first ones in Dragon Age are opened: Inquisition Specializations for the inquisitor. The protagonist learns about this thanks to hints. The Mark of Rupture ability appears, which deals massive damage to the enemy. Requires the accumulation of "concentration" - when the scale is full, the skill will be active.

Dragon Age: Inquisition; classes and specializations in the game.

As mentioned above, each class in the game has its own specializations. You can open them by visiting the headquarters of the command and completing the task "Specializations of the Inquisitor" on the map. The latter will be available after arriving at Skyhold, when the main character and his entire team will be able to seriously settle in this castle.

After completing the mission, three strangers will arrive at Skyhold. These are the teachers who will be able to teach new skills. You can choose only one person, he will issue a quest, after which access to a new specialization in Dragon Age: Inquisition will be opened:

  • mage specializations: knight sorcerer, necromancer, mage of gaps.
  • for a warrior: knight, templar, ripper.
  • rogue: mechanic, assassin, storm.

Each class should be considered separately for a more detailed discussion of specializations.


One of the most interesting skills in Dragon Age: Inquisition is the Wizard Knight specialization. You can get it by completing a quest from Commander Helen, one of the three teachers who arrived at Skyhold. In fact, the ability tree allows you to upgrade the hero into a war mage: it creates a magic blade with which you can fight in close combat. And also the hero can envelop himself with an energy veil (the “shadow cloak” ability), granting invulnerability and the ability to pass through enemies. Having pumped a branch, the hero will be able to resurrect fallen comrades.

The Necromancer has a number of abilities that allow you to instill fear in enemies, restore health at the expense of killed opponents, send spirits to enemy targets, and also turn enemy soldiers into walking bombs. There are a couple of abilities that stand out: haste (expends "focus", allows the hero and allies to move faster) and afterimage (after the death of the main character, his spirit still fights for a while). This specialization of Dragon Age: Inquisition is issued by a man with the strange name Viuus Anaxas, who is a dead master - Mortalitasi.

Rift Mage, on the other hand, is not a very remarkable specialization. It can be obtained from a woman who calls herself "Your Mentor". Having mastered the specialization, the protagonist will be able to crush enemies with energy fists, send a firestorm or stupor to enemies, and also increase damage to allies.


In Dragon Age: Inquisition, the rogue is a favorite class for many players. He can be an archer, able to learn skill in both hands, hide, disappear from the battlefield and suddenly attack the enemy with renewed vigor. In this case, several skills will also stand out:

Mechanic. The task for obtaining this specialization is issued by a certain Three-Eyes - a mentor in the Skyhold courtyard. A very interesting ability. Especially useful for archers (the “hail of arrows” skill consumes focus points), and for those who like to set traps. It also makes it possible to retreat to a safe area, replenishing health, increases crit for yourself and allies.

Murderer. Issued by an elf named Heiress. An extremely useful tree of abilities, the main of which will allow you to hide the entire squad in the shadows and attack. And during the attack, stealth will not go anywhere. The rest of the tree skills will be very useful for a rogue with two daggers.

Storm. A highly unusual specialization given by the rogue Khim. It will allow the player to use various chemical mixtures that either freeze the enemy, or set it on fire, or completely envelop the battlefield with lightning.


In Dragon Age: Inquisition, warrior specializations make up for the shortcomings of the class itself. The fact is that this class is rarely played, since the mechanics of the battle have not been worked out very clearly - BioWare turned out to be too slow a warrior. In addition, either Kassandra or Blackwall is mainly engaged in tanking. There are also several skills here:

Knight. The tree of abilities characteristic of the "tank". Helps increase stamina, strikes back, is able to stand on the battlefield for a long time, protecting weaker allies. A special skill that consumes "concentration" - Counterstrike, allows you to fully cause fire on yourself, attack in response, while staying on your feet for a long time. It is extremely useful when you need to go kill the dragon and distract the cubs that periodically run around the battlefield. The quest is given by Lord Chance de Lyon.

Templar. A Dragon Age: Inquisition specialization that allows you to resist mages and demons with the ability to burn spells, inspire allies, increase resistance to various elemental magics, and also cause high resistance to enemy attacks (a skill that spends "focus"). Issued by a strange warrior who calls himself Ser.

Ripper. A skill tree that allows you to turn a warrior into a berserker. Intended for the player who wields (heavy axes, hammers, two-handed swords). The essence of the skills of this specialization: the more damage a character receives, the more violent his attacks. A special skill - Fury - allows you to restore health with each attack.

Choice of specialization

It should also be noted that mentors teach the knowledge, skills and abilities that other characters already have in the game.

These have:

  • Solas is the Mage of Rifts.
  • Vivien is a sorcerer knight.
  • Dorian is a Necromancer.
  • Varric - Mechanic.
  • Sir - Storm.
  • Cole is a killer.
  • Blackwall - Vityaz.
  • Cassandra - Templar;
  • Iron Bull - Ripper.

Partners can comment on the choice of the main character, expressing approval or condemnation. For example, when choosing necromancy, Cole and Blackwall will express condemnation, while Cassandra will simply comment.

Also, the specialization of Dragon Age: Inquisition contributes to the fact that appropriate rumors will circulate about the Lord Inquisitor. For example, many evil tongues will not disdain once again to reproach the Inquisitor for his passion for necromancy.


It is recommended to use the unique skills of these specializations at the most critical moments, and it is desirable to use them all at once.

For example, when a player decides to hunt a dragon. In Dragon Age: Inquisition, these creatures are no match for the dragons of Skyrim, where they can be knocked out of the sky with a scream, quickly killed and run on. Here you need to carefully consider tactics, choose armor that will resist the dragon's breath (ice, flame or electricity), conduct reconnaissance in battle to find out which element the dragon is most vulnerable to. Then enchant the weapon in the appropriate way and only then go into battle.

In this case, you need to bring down precious unique skills on the enemy in order to knock out the initiative. And then, even in this case, victory is not guaranteed. After all, dragons are complex creatures. They often call on cubs to help, fly from place to place, and also use wind currents to attract characters to themselves. For teammates with weak armor (especially mages) this is certain death.


There are various software, which changes some components of Dragon Age: Inquisition. Mods can change the appearance of some characters. For example, through the efforts of craftsmen, a modification appeared that adds a hairstyle game for Qunari women. Playing a beautiful horned character has become much more interesting.

Also, these plugins can slightly change the appearance of some armor samples in the game, making it more attractive. There are a lot of variations of elven armor that (unfortunately) the developers did not introduce into Dragon game Age: Inquisition. Mods fix this bug.

A number of retexture modifications improve the appearance of grass, flowers, trees and other elements of the environment.

Mods are able to fix flaws with tattoos, scars, add new elements when creating a character (beards, eyebrow shapes, hairstyles, and more).


Dragon Age: Inquisition's specialization has been significantly improved with the release of the Outlander and Jaws of Hakkon expansions. There were many additional "thoughts" in the specialization tree.

In the first addition, we will talk about the arrival of the head of Ben-Hazrat. If in the original version of the game the Iron Bull retained his squad, and the Qunari Dreadnought was sunk, then the character will remain loyal to the Inquisitor. If on the contrary, then the Ox will betray the player, because the code of honor of Kun tells him so.

The Jaws of Hakkon tells the story of an ancient plot by the Hakkonites to bring their merciless god back to earth.


Dragon Age: Inquisition is the pinnacle of fantasy creative genius from Bioware. Everyone can find something different in the game: game style, favorite characters, tactics, favorite places to which you want to return, favorite characters, dialogues with which you want to listen again and again, romantic lines, which are also integral parts of the gameplay.

The Dragon Age trilogy ended with the death of Corypheus, but spawned many fan projects, comics, mini-games, and animated series. Who knows if there will be a continuation of the series. Will it be the beginning of a new series of events or a continuation of what has already happened. Although, the ending of the third part, in which Solas and Mythal (aka Flemeth, the witch from the Waste) are present, hint at the obviously upcoming continuation of the heroic saga, whose name is the Age of the Dragon.

Fans of this game series can only wait.

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