How to do tricks in mortal kombat. Miscellaneous


Known almost all over the world, Mortal Kombat is still one of the most popular applications of the fighting game genre. There are even world championships where players have to prove their skills in controlling the character in battles with the best players in the world. It is in such cases that the unique features put into the game by the developers, such as super strikes in Mortal Kombat and similar chips, turn out to be especially useful.

Using the techniques below, which are essentially unique to each of the characters presented, you will be able to prevail in the fight against almost any opponent. At first, their implementation may seem too complicated and even unnecessary, but in the future you will be able to apply Mortal Kombat 9 super attacks so quickly and with such force that opponents will only experience the bitterness of defeat.

1. Sindel:
Flight - twice back, then forward and Z;
Fire breath - forward, down, C (press in flight);
Shout - forward three times, X;
Throw hair - forward, A (come close to the opponent).

2. :
Fiery skull - twice back, X;
Double fiery skull - twice back, forward and X;
Triple fiery skull - twice back, twice forward, H.

3. Jax:
Earthquake - press C for a couple of seconds and release;
Wave of energy - forward twice, Z;
Ground Slam - Quickly press X when throwing;
Break Back - B while in the air near an enemy;
Throw - coming close to press forward and A;
Launch fire rockets - back, forward and X.

4. Kano:
"Cannon Strike" - hold C for a couple of seconds and release;
Throw - close to hold forward and A;
Choking - down, forward, A;
Throw blade - back, down, X;
Push mid-flight - B when near the enemy;
Cut the stomach - forward, down, X.

5. Kung Lao:
Throw a hat - down, Z (reap in a jump);
Teleport - up and down;
"Yula" - press forward, down and Y;
Air attack - down, Z (in flight).

6. Cabal:
Throw with hooks - forward, A (close);
Meat grinder - back, four times Y;
Tornado - twice back, forward, C;
Fireball - back twice, X.

7. Liu Keng:
Dragon Breath - forward twice, X;
The same from below - twice forward, A;
Bicycle with legs - hold C for a couple of seconds, then release.

8. Sector:
Rocket - forward twice, A;
Self-guided missile - back, down, X;
Teleport - forward twice, C;
Mechanical arm - forward, A (close).

9. Night Wolf:
Shadow Strike - forward twice, C;
Rip open the stomach (axe) - forward, down and X;
Enable force field - press back, down and Z (2Z);
Shoot a bow - back, down, A.

10. Shiva:
Teleport - down, up (fast);
Start fire - press forward, down and X;
Earthquake - press forward, down (you can + Z);
Sonya Blade;
"Bicycle" legs: twice back, then down and Z;
Take a hold with your feet - down, then A and B;
Energy rings - press forward, down and A;
Air attack - press forward, back +X.

11. Stryker:
Knock down with a club - forward twice, Z;
Throw a grenade up - back, down, X;
The same, but on the bottom - back, down, A.

12. :
Ice jet - down, back, A (in the air);
Freeze the enemy - down, forward, A;
Release freezing rain on the enemy - forward, down and X.

13. Cyrax:
Power grid - twice back, C;
Teleport - forward + down, V.

All Mortal Kombat 3 super hits will inflict much more damage on your opponent than regular attack methods. In addition, for each of the numerous fighters they are absolutely unique, i.e. by typing a certain combination of keys (from the above) you can see a rather interesting list of strikes performed by your fighter.

At the same time, when choosing a hero for a fight, it is worth remembering that super blows in Mortal Kombat for different characters can have different damage, so not every fighter has the ability to deliver strong blows as such. This is easy enough to specify by going to the game settings. As for the speed of the combinations, it all depends on your skills. The faster you adapt to fast input combinations - the easier it will be to defeat new opponents.

Fatality(fatality) and babality(babality) in Mortal Kombat refer to the final actions, when an ominous voice kindly entrusts the fate of the defeated enemy into the hands of the winner, and the cherished inscription “Finish Him / Her” (Finish him / her) appears on the screen. Only 10 seconds are allotted for actions, during which you need to have time to press a certain key combination, unique for each fighter. In the case of a fatality (finishing with a fatal outcome) - the enemy will be torn to pieces in a particularly cruel way, and babality will allow you to show mercy and turn into a child. Each fighter, a participant in a deadly battle, has access to two or three fatalities and one babality. Fatalities in Mortal Kombat are divided into ordinary ones, available from the very beginning, and secret ones, which you need when wandering around the cemetery and buying costumes or lists with unique movements for coins, you can also select them yourself by pressing the necessary keys. Coins are earned in battles during the passage of the story mode, challenges in the tower or in competitions.

Combinations for carrying out fatalities and babality are added to the list of super actions in the main menu of the game (Move List), from where they can be viewed at any time during the game. The location of the buttons in the list automatically changes based on the position of the characters on the battlefield, which allows you not to get confused and makes it easier to perform finishing moves.

The execution of a fatality is affected by the distance to the victim and the location of the contest. Special arenas include - Dead Pool ( The Dead Pool), Hell (Hell), Living Forest (The Living Forest), Pit (The Pit), Street (The Street) and Subway (Subway). They can carry out special deadly finishing moves, the so-called level fatalities(Stage Fatality); they cannot be performed anywhere except for these levels. You can hone your skills in finishing moves in the training mode - Fatality Tutorial. It doesn't matter which combination is on the screen, it all depends on the buttons that will be pressed. Fatality combinations where a jump is used, that is, the “up” key, must be carried out with a clamped block. For example, Scorpio's secret fatality "Toasty!" performed as follows: hold [block], [down], [up], [up], release [block], [right hand strike] at a jump distance from the victim. Otherwise, the hero will just jump. Perform babality in Mortal Kombat 2011 is possible only on the condition that in the last round the block was never used to repel enemy attacks.

Control keys on PC, XBOX360, PS3 in Mortal Kombat 2011:

PlatformUp/Left/Down/RightFront Punch, Left handBack Punch, Right HandFront Kick, Left FootBack Kick, Right LegblockThrowTag, Team ActionsFlip Stance
PC[W], [A], [S], [D][T][U][G][J]
PC (alternate), [←], [↓], [→] [+]
XBOX360, [←], [↓], [→] [X][Y][A][B]
PS3, [←], [↓], [→] [■] [▲] [X][●]
Joystick (alternate), [←], [↓], [→]

The list is given taking into account the fact that the default character is on the left side of the victim. If the side changes to the right, then the ←/→ buttons also change to the opposite ones. If you can’t perform a fatality from a jump distance, you need to take one or two steps towards the victim in order to get into the action of the conditional zone, because characters who have the [back] and [forward] buttons in their movements can go beyond it, which interferes carrying out strikes. The list is suitable for all platforms, you just need to replace the numbers from Joystick "and with adjacent designations, operating on the table above. For example, the combination "→, →, ↓, →," on the XBOX360 will look like this - "→, →, ↓, →, [X]", and on PS3 it is "→, →, ↓, →, [■]".

Fatality and babality of characters in Mortal Kombat 2011:

  1. baraka:
    • Fatality (Up The Middle): →, →, ↓, →, (strike distance).
    • Secret Fatality (Take A Spin): →, →, ↓, ↓, (strike distance).
  2. Cyber ​​Sub-Zero:
    • Fatality (Kold Fusion): ↓, ←, ↓, →, (jump distance).
    • Secret Fatality (Brain Freeze): ↓, ↓, ←, ↓, (jump distance).
    • Stage Fatality: hold , ↓, ↓, , release , (close).
    • Babality: ↓, ←, →, (jump distance).
  3. Cyrax:
    • Fatality (Buzz Kill): →, ↓, →, ←, (close).
    • Secret Fatality (Nothing But Net): ←, ↓, ←, →, (jump distance).
    • Stage Fatality: hold , ↓, , release , (close).
  4. Ermac:
    • Fatality (Mind Over Splatter): hold , ↓, , ↓, ↓, release , (jump distance).
    • Secret Fatality (Pest Control): →, ←, →, ↓, (jump distance).
    • Stage Fatality: hold , ↓, , ↓, ↓, release , (close).
    • Babality: ↓, ↓, ←, ↓, (jump distance).
  5. Freddy Krueger
    • Fatality (Tell "Em Freddy Sent Ya): ←, →, ↓, ↓, (any distance).
    • Secret Fatality (Welcome To My Nightmare): hold , ↓, , →, ←, release , (strike distance).
    • Babality: ←, →, ↓, (jump distance).
  6. Jade:
    • Fatality (Head-A-Rang): hold , , , ↓, →, release , (screen edge).
    • Secret Fatality (Half Mast): ←, ↓, ←, ↓, (strike distance).
    • Babality: ↓, ↓, →, ↓, (jump distance).
  7. Jax:
    • Fatality (Smash And Grab): ←, →, →, ←, (close).
    • Secret Fatality (Three Points!): →, →, ←, ↓, (strike distance).
  8. Johnny Cage:
    • Fatality (Heads Up!): →, →, ←, ↓, (close).
    • Secret Fatality (And The Winner Is...): ↓, →, ↓, →, (strike distance).
    • Stage Fatality: ↓, →, →, (close).
    • Babality: →, ←, →, (jump distance).
  9. Kabal:
    • Fatality (Hook Up): ←, →, ←, →, (hit distance).
    • Secret Fatality (It Takes Guts): ↓, ↓, ←, →, (strike distance).
    • Stage Fatality: ↓, ↓, (close).
  10. Kano:
    • Fatality (Heartbreak): ←, ↓, ←, →, (strike distance).
    • Secret Fatality (Eat Your Heart Out): ↓, ↓, →, ←, (strike distance).
    • Babality: →, ↓, ↓, (jump distance).
  11. Kenshi(DLC or Mortal Kombat: KE only):
    • Fatality (Scatterbrained): hold , , ↓, , ↓, release , (strike distance).
    • Secret Fatality (Split Ends): ←, →, ↓, →, (jump distance).
    • Stage Fatality: ↓, →, ↓, (close).
  12. Kitana:
    • Fatality (Fan Opener): ↓, ↓, ←, →, (strike distance).
    • Secret Fatality (Splitting Headache): →, ↓, →, ←, (strike distance).
    • Stage Fatality: →, ↓, ↓, (close).
    • Babality: →, ↓, →, (jump distance).
  13. Kratos(PS3 only):
    • Fatality (Blade of Olympus): ↓, ↓, ←, →, (close).
    • Secret Fatality (Medusa's Gaze): ↓, ←, ↓, →, (jump distance).
    • Babality: ↓, →, ←, (jump distance).
  14. Kung Lao:
    • Fatality (Hat Trick): ←, →, →, ←, (strike distance).
    • Secret Fatality (Razor's Edge): ↓, ↓, →, ←, (strike distance).
    • Stage Fatality: ↓, →, ↓, (close).
    • Babality: ↓, →, ↓, (jump distance).
  15. Liu Kang:
    • Fatality (Fist Of Flame): →, ←, ↓, ↓, (strike distance).
    • Secret Fatality (The Beast Within): ↓, ↓, →, ↓, (jump distance).
    • Stage Fatality: ↓, →, ←, (close).
    • Babality: ↓, ↓, ↓, (jump distance).
  16. Mileena:
    • Fatality (Be Mine): ←, →, ←, →, (jump distance).
    • Secret Fatality (Rip Off): ←, →, ←, ↓, (jump distance).
    • Stage Fatality: ↓, ↓, ↓, (close).
    • Babality: ↓, ↓, →, ←, (jump distance).
  17. Nightwolf:
    • Fatality (Little Of The Top): ↓, →, ↓, ←, (jump distance).
    • Secret Fatality (Ascension): ↓, ↓, →, ←, (strike distance).
    • Stage Fatality: ↓, ↓, ↓, (close).
    • Babality: →, ←, →, ←, (jump distance).
  18. Noob Saibot:
    • Fatality (Make A Wish): ←, →, ←, ↓, (jump distance).
    • Secret Fatality (As One): ↓, ↓, ←, ↓, (jump distance).
    • Babality: hold , →, , →, release , (jump distance).
  19. Quan Chi:
    • Fatality (Beat Down): →, →, ↓, ↓, (strike distance).
    • Secret Fatality (On Your Knees): ↓, →, ↓, →, (strike distance).
    • Stage Fatality: ←, →, ↓, (close).
    • Babality: →, ↓, ←, (jump distance).
  20. Raiden:
    • Fatality (Just A Scratch): ↓, →, ↓, →, (jump distance).
    • Secret Fatality (Transplant): ←, →, →, ↓, (impact distance).
    • Stage Fatality: ↓, ↓, ↓, (close).
    • Babality: ↓, ←, ↓, (jump distance).
  21. Rain(DLC or Mortal Kombat: KE only):
    • Fatality (Bubble Burst): ←, →, ↓, ←, (jump distance).
    • Secret Fatality (Does It Sting): hold , , ↓, ←, →, release , (jump distance).
    • Stage Fatality: →, ↓, →, (close).
    • Babality: ←, ↓, →, (jump distance).
  22. Reptile:
    • Fatality (Acid Yak): hold , →, →, ↓, , release , (impact distance).
    • Secret Fatality #1 (Weight Loss): ↓, ↓, →, ←, (strike distance).
    • Secret Fatality #2 (Yummy!): ←, ←, →, ↓, (jump distance). Unlocked after purchasing a classic suit.
    • Stage Fatality: →, ↓, ↓, (close).
    • Babality: ←, →, ←, ↓, (jump distance).
  23. Scorpion:
    • Fatality (Split Decision): →, ↓, →, (close).
    • Secret Fatality #1 (Nether-Gate): ←, →, ←, (close).
    • Secret Fatality #2 (Toasty!): hold , ↓, , , release , (jump distance). Unlocked after purchasing a classic suit.
    • Babality: ↓, ←, →, ↓, (jump distance).
  24. sector:
    • Fatality (Robo-Sek): →, ↓, ←, →, (screen edge).
    • Secret Fatality (The Scarecrow): ↓, ↓, →, ←, (screen edge).
    • Stage Fatality: ↓, →, ↓, (close).
    • Babality: ←, ↓, ↓, ↓, (jump distance).
  25. Shang Tsung:
    • Fatality (Bang Bang!): ←, ↓, →, (strike distance).
    • Secret Fatality (Identity Theft): ↓, ↓, ←, ↓, (jump distance).
    • Stage Fatality: hold , , , ←, release , (close).
    • Babality: ↓, ←, ↓, (jump distance).
  26. Sheeva:
    • Fatality (Stripped Down): →, ↓, ↓, →, (strike distance).
    • Secret Fatality (Lend A Hand): →, ←, →, ←, (strike distance).
    • Stage Fatality: ↓, ↓, ↓, ↓, (close).
    • Babality: ↓, ↓, ↓, ←, (jump distance).
  27. Sindel:
    • Fatality (Migraine): ←, →, ↓, →, (strike distance).
    • Secret Fatality (Mouthful): hold , ←, →, , release , (strike distance).
    • Stage Fatality: ↓, ↓, ↓, (close).
    • Babality: ↓, ↓, ↓, (jump distance).
  28. Scarlet(DLC or Mortal Kombat: KE only):
    • Fatality (Blood Bath): ↓, ←, ↓, ↓, (close).
    • Secret Fatality (Make It Rain): →, ←, ↓, ↓, (jump distance).
    • Stage Fatality: →, ←, →, (close).
    • Babality: ↓, ←, ↓, →, (jump distance).
  29. Smoke:
    • Fatality (Smoked Out): ←, →, ←, →, (strike distance).
    • Secret Fatality (Tremor): ←, ←, ↓, →, (strike distance).
    • Stage Fatality: hold , →, , , release , (close).
    • Babality: ↓, ←, ↓, →, ↓ (jump distance).
  30. Sonya:
    • Fatality (Scissor Split): ↓, ↓, ←, →, (jump distance).
    • Secret Fatality (Kut-Throat): ↓, ←, →, ←, (strike distance).
    • Stage Fatality: ←, →, ↓, (close).
    • Babality: ↓, ↓, →, (jump distance).
  31. Stryker:
    • Fatality (Time Served): →, ↓, →, (strike distance).
    • Secret Fatality (Have A Blast): ↓, →, ↓, →, (strike distance).
    • Stage Fatality: hold , →, , , release , (close).
    • Babality: ↓, →, ↓, ←, (jump distance).
  32. Sub Zero:
    • Fatality (Have An Ice Day): ←, →, ↓, →, (impact distance).
    • Secret Fatality #1 (Spinal Smash): ↓, ←, ↓, →, (strike distance).
    • Secret Fatality #2 (Spine Rip): →, ↓, →, (strike distance). Unlocked after purchasing a classic suit.
    • Stage Fatality: →, ↓, ←, (close).
    • Babality: ↓, ←, ↓, (jump distance).

To date, they have not yet created a fighting game that could surpass Mortal Kombat. This series has been at the top of all ratings in this genre for many years now, because it has an incredibly developed battle system, a variety of techniques for all characters, an abundance of heroes, unique moves, a constantly evolving story, and much more. Naturally, in fighting games, moves are the most important thing, and if you want to succeed, you need to know how to execute them. There are basic strikes that can be performed with the press of a button. When combined with the movement direction buttons, more advanced strikes are obtained. You can also make combinations of several clicks on different buttons to get the most powerful moves. And of course, in no case should we forget about fatality, since this is the highlight of the entire series. That is why you definitely need to know how to do fatalities in Mortal Kombat.

What is fatality?

Before you figure out how to do fatalities in Mortal Kombat, you need to understand what this technique is. So, it’s worth starting with the fact that in this game you can bring the enemy to an unconscious state, when he can no longer do anything to you. This condition occurs at a time when the enemy has very little health left. Then he starts to stagger, a bloody inscription "Finish Him!" appears above him, and the gamer loses control over the character. It is at this moment that you can perform a fatality - this is a spectacular finishing move with which you can finish off your opponent, and for each character it is unique and inimitable. However, you should remember that you need to act first of all carefully, and secondly - quickly. If you accidentally press the wrong button while performing a fatality and your character hits the enemy, he will fall and you will lose your chance. The same will happen if you take too long to prepare. Your opponent will not be unconscious forever. After a few seconds, he will fall, you will be credited with a victory, but you will not be able to make a fatality. As you can see, this technique requires serious preparation. Accordingly, you need to learn in advance how to do fatalities in Mortal Kombat.

The appearance of fatality

If you think that you need to learn how to do fatalities in Mortal Kombat only in the last episodes, then you are mistaken. The fact is that this feature has been inherent in the series since ancient times. In the very first game of the MK series, it was already possible to do fatalities. And even then, these techniques were considered one of the most difficult. Later, other fighting games began to follow the example of Mortal Kombat and introduce a similar function into the gameplay, but everyone knows that MK is the ancestor of fatality, no matter how this technique is called in other projects. Thus, you need to know how to do fatalities in Mortal Kombat X in exactly the same way as in the very first episode of the game, of course, if you plan to play it. It is not necessary to memorize the techniques of absolutely all the characters, it will take a very long time, and it cannot be said that such actions are justified. You only need fatalities for the heroes you plan to play as in the future.

Basic fatality move

Every gamer should know how to do fatalities in Mortal Kombat X, as this project is the latest in the series and the latest. Naturally, here these techniques are the most spectacular, so you will enjoy their implementation a lot. In order for you to have at least some idea of ​​what a fatality is, it is worth giving a few examples from the game. But first, it’s worth talking about the fact that fatalities in the game are divided into several types. For example, in the latter there are only three. The first of them is performed at close range, the second - at a long distance, and the third is characterized by the fact that you will drop your opponent from a height.

But first things first. First you need to disassemble the techniques that are performed close. For example, for the character Barak, the basic fatality is performed as follows: in a specific sequence, you need to press right, right, down, right, and then punch. On the keyboard, this is the default "T" key, and on the gamepad, which is much easier to play fighting games with, this is the "X" button. Naturally, you need to separately learn how to do fatalities in Mortal Kombat 10 and in every other game in the series, since the execution of techniques is guaranteed to change from episode to episode.

Secret fatality

If you have learned how to do a fatality in or another episode at a basic level, then you should not think that this is where the learning process ends. The fact is that all basic fatalities are performed at close range, that is, you must stand in close proximity to your opponent. But all the characters also have a hidden fatality that needs to be performed in a different position, and it is made much more difficult. For example, a secret fatality is performed at strike distance for Liu Kang, and at a jump distance for Liu Kang. Naturally, the keys that you need to press in order to succeed in performing the technique are also different. Please note that if you learn how to do fatalities in Mortal Kombat 9, then you will have to learn the combinations separately, as well as at what distance you need to perform the technique.

Stage Fatality

There is another type of fatality that can only be performed in certain arenas. The fact is that the meaning of this technique is to drop the enemy from the place where you are fighting down, and this can not be done everywhere. For example, if you are learning how to do fatalities in Mortal Kombat 9, then you need to pay attention to the fact that it will be possible to drop the enemy only at such levels as "Pit" or "Dead Pool". In the first case, the enemy will fall on the spikes, and in the second - in a puddle of acid. At the same time, you need to understand that it is much easier to learn how to do fatalities in Mortal Kombat on a joystick, because the button layout is much more convenient there than on the keyboard.


If you are still learning how to do fatalities in Mortal Kombat on the keyboard, then you should forget about many complex combinations, including babality. What is the essence of this subspecies of fatality? Everything is quite simple here: after you execute the combination, your character turns the defeated enemy into an infant copy of the original. This is a rather funny and interesting way, which is quite difficult to use. At first glance, it may seem that everything is quite simple. For example, in Milena, babality is performed by pressing the buttons down, down, right, left, and then Y, that is, the upper hand punch. But in this case, the keys must be pressed almost simultaneously, being at a certain distance, so it will not be easy to do this technique, and it is almost impossible on the keyboard.

Keyboard vs Joystick

And yet, what is better to use for fatality - the keyboard or the joystick? You can play the keyboard, but many tricks will be either inconvenient for you to do, or even impossible. Therefore, it is recommended to use a joystick.

Fatality is a spectacular finishing action that takes place during the sparring of two opponents. And because many players want to know. It all starts with the traditional cry: "Finish him!". After the ominous voice announces its signature phrase-order Finish Him!, the gamer has exactly ten seconds to complete the action. During this time, the player can activate, specific to each fighter, a combination of several consecutive button presses on the keyboard or gamepad.

If the player manages to quickly press the right keys, then a babality or fatality can be successfully accomplished.

  • Fatality - a brutal finishing off of the enemy, always with a fatal outcome.
  • Babality - a manifestation of mercy to the opponent, turning him into a harmless child.
  • In the arsenal of skills of each fighter, there are 2-3 fatalities and only 1 babality.

In Game "Mortal Kombat" all fatalities are divided into:

  1. Ordinary - they are available from the first minutes of the game;
  2. Secret - they can be opened by sorting through the difference in keystroke combinations or bought with in-game coins, which can be obtained by completing the story, participating in competitions or battles in towers.

In the main menu of the game there is a list of "SUPER Actions" that can be opened at any time during the process. As the Mortal Kombat 9 story progresses, the list is constantly updated with new entries. Information about the correct execution of combinations of babality and fatality is added to it.

The location of the character in the arena causes an automatic change in the location of the buttons on the sheet. This is very convenient - the player will no longer get confused and can easily do fatalities in mortal kombat 9 when it pleases.

The quality of the fatality performance directly depends on the place where the battle takes place and the distance to the victim.

The game has special Arenas:

  • Subway
  • Dead Basin
  • live dog
  • The outside

In these places, you can perform especially cruel and bloody finishing moves. These are unique level fatalities. They are only available in the above arenas.

Training Mode

In this mode, it is good to train to quickly press the desired keys. Here, almost all combinations of punches can be worked out to automatism. Those gamers who spend a lot of time on virtual training usually defeat opponents 3 times more often than those who do not want to exercise.


In order to defeat your opponents in Mortal Kombat 9 as often as possible, you need to devote a lot of time to practicing your skills. It is necessary to wait patiently until all combinations are worked out at a subconscious level. That's when the victories in "Mortal Kombat" will become regular. Just like in real sports ... Well, how to do fatalities in mortal kombat 9 you now know, and therefore - run on the battlefield, hone your acquired skills!

The game mechanics of Mortal Kombat X are deeper than the previous parts from the 90s. Combos, super blows, X-Ray attacks... You can't figure it out right away. It is quite difficult to learn a large number of strokes at once, and our article will come to your aid. We'll figure it out Mortal control Kombat X and tell you what you need for a successful game.

Before moving on to our guide, let's set the button assignments for hits (left - for PS4, right - for Xbox One):

square / X - left hand strike (LP)

triangle / Y - right hand strike (RP)

cross / A - left leg kick (LK)

circle / B - right leg kick (RK)

Part 1: Controls in Mortal Kombat X

Normal attacks and thrusts

This is the basis of any fighting game. The name "normal attacks" speaks for itself, while poking is a specific technique that is used to break combos, as well as to keep the opponent at a distance. For most characters, strikes like LK and RK in a sitting position are their best jabs. Some normal hits are overheads. The overhead is blocked only while standing, it cannot be blocked in a sitting position. Take advantage of this - mix overheads with low thrusts and other low attacks to confuse your opponent. This is the main strategy in Mortal Kombat X.

Unique attacks

Some fighters have special normal attacks - they have special qualities. For example, Yermak. Hold down the RP button to stun an opponent with a powerful attack for a few seconds. This attack is useful in that it cannot be dodged. You can also cancel the blow at the last moment so that the enemy is worried.

Jumping, moving, dashing

Each character moves and feels different. Walking speed is very important in Mortal Kombat X, so you should get used to moving forward and backward for your favorite hero. Another important type of movement is dash speed. Dash allows you to quickly get close to your opponent or, conversely, jump back to a safe distance. To execute it, double-click "forward" or "back" on the cross.

Launch an enemy into the air for a powerful combo

Practicing jumping is also very important. You need to know how high and how far your character can jump. By mastering jumping, you will be able to get closer to the enemy faster or avoid pressure (when the enemy has cornered you and attacks without stopping). Jump carefully - the right jump will save you, while the wrong one will leave you vulnerable to enemy attacks. During the jump, a pre-defined animation is activated, during which you cannot do anything. Keep this in mind before using the jump to constantly avoid blows.

Stamina bar (stamina)

One of the most important components in Mortal Kombat X. You need a full bar of stamina, as well as two bars in the energy bar for the breaker on the block. Then press "forward" + RK to break your opponent's combo. Stamina is also used for running. Dash and simultaneously press the block button. The run can be canceled at any second by hitting or blocking again. In addition, stamina is needed for dashing backwards and for using interactive items in the environment.

Part 2: How to do combos in Mortal Kombat X


The combo system in Mortal Kombat X involves combos. Combo Links are a sequence of recorded animations and hits that deal damage to your opponent. Which combos to use depends on the situation.

1. Is it safe to block?

It is very important. If you're using combos that will leave you vulnerable to a lot of damage once they're completed, it's best to ditch them. The only option when to use them is after a stunning blow (Scorpion's spear, Erron Black's moves and Sub-Zero's freeze).

2. What is the distance of the first strike?

Attacking from a distance is safer

Knowing the distance to strike, which will allow you to be safe and attack at the same time, plays a big role. Keeping the enemy at a distance is very important in Mortal Kombat X. You need to understand how far your first strike hits and what is the ideal distance for your character.

3. What strikes can be canceled in a special move or run?

You can cancel during links and move on to a super punch or a run. This will confuse your opponent and prevent you from predicting your next move. It is also a good way to develop a combination and launch the enemy into the air.

Throwing in the air and canceling the run

The toss means that your strike will send the other fighter into a long flight. Almost all the combos that throw the enemy into the air can be combined in combinations as you wish. How you use the toss is up to you - catch a fighter on the ground or perform an additional jumping kick.

You can throw an enemy into the air, for example, with an uppercut

As for canceling a run, you have three options:

1. Easy run cancellation

To run, press forward twice, then block. After the start of the run, no buttons need to be pressed - the character runs automatically. This is very useful - while running, you can press any enter button and cancel the animation in a special move or kick. For example, you can block, perform an X-Ray attack, and so on.

2. Super blow

Stun (or freeze) an enemy to continue the combo chain

During most of your ultimates, your character moves faster than when running. Take Liu Kang for example. His bike kick, as well as his fireball and flying kick, will quickly nullify an opponent's bar even from a distance. Combine these hits into combos for massive damage.

In this article, we talked about the basic controls in Mortal Kombat X, as well as how to make combos. We wish you a pleasant game!

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