How to unlock all artifact skins in WoW Legion. Walkthrough of additional tasks Pillars of Eternity Walkthrough of tasks Bounty for the head

Article under development (last updated 04/19/2015).

The article describes the passage of the game on the normal difficulty level.

In the game, quests are divided into main quests, as well as side quests. The main ones must be completed in order to move forward through the plots, the auxiliary ones help us gain experience, money and reputation. Many quests can be completed in several ways, taking one side or the other. In the article " Location " is the place where the task was received.

Act I

It all starts with linear quests, however, already the first dialogues will affect your biography, and in the first mini-quests you will need to make a choice that will affect the game, although not very significantly.

Location :Camp

Gilded Valley

Our task is to get to the town called Gilded Valley.

Performance: In order to get to the Gilded Valley, we have to overcome the locations: Camp, Silant Lees (underground part), Silant Lees (incomprehensible construction), and Veilwood. How to complete each of them is described in the descriptions of the quests below. As for Veilwood, to get to the city you just need to follow the path down. At the end there will be an exit to the stone road. At the bottom there will be a compass icon, by clicking on which we can go to the cherished city.

brief respite

Part 1. We need to collect freckles for treatment.

Performance: We leave their camps and run up the road. We run past Sparfel, which stands on the road, near the tree. Immediately after the ruins, we turn left and run to the killed animal. There will be a small fight. Then we take the plant.

Part 2. We need to find Comrade Sparfel, who went for water. After that, get to the camp.

Performance: We go down to the river. We raise the waterskin with water, we fight with the bandits. We return to the camp, they are already waiting for us there. We deal with the hunters, after which the splash screen and text mini-quest. There are two options - either we save Heodan, or he dies. It all depends on your choice and the characteristics of the hero.

Location : Silant Lees (underground part)

Ruins of Silant Lees

Our task is to get out of the ancient ruins.

Performance: This task can be completed in a few minutes. It is interesting that the authors give us a large selection of options for passing this location. We reach the glowing symbols on the floor. Be careful! A lot of squares are traps. In order to pass here, you need to find traps and carefully neutralize them. This problem can be solved by a hero with a high level of perception (find traps) and mechanics (defuse). There is another way. To find a safe path, you can go to the room to the left of the runes and there, with the help of a torch or a fiery godlike, light the flames on six pillars. Then the safe symbols will go out, and the mined squares will continue to burn bright yellow. Another option is to go around. To the right along the corridor you can find a wall that is easy to destroy. And one more important point. If you go through the hall with torches to the end, then there is a large circle in the wall. If you insert a gem into it, a cache with very valuable loot will open. The gem is located in the same location, in one of the corpses. We deal with various monsters and exit the ruins. Let's watch the scene.

Location : Silant Lees (incomprehensible design)

Leading and whispering

Part 1.Need to figure out what happened to us.

Performance: Our satellites have died and we are moving alone again. To complete the quest, we need to get to the Gilded Valley. There you need to talk with Urget.

Part 2. Find a dwarf from a dream

Performance: She is in the center of Gilded Vale, on a tree with bodies. A purple glow spreads around her. You need to talk to the gnome.

Location : Gilded Valley

old keeper

Part 1.You need to get to the fortress of Caed Nua to talk with Merwald there.

Performance:: In order to get there, you need to overcome the locations: Magranovo Crossroads and Black Meadow. You should not go there immediately after receiving the task. It’s better to level up a bit, take some good things for yourself, and then go on this task. Otherwise, even the road there will be a difficult test.

Part 2. Enter the fortress

Performance:: To do this, explore the area inside the castle. There is an entrance in the upper right corner.

Part 3. Find Merwald

Performance:: Merwald is in the fortress. At the top of the large hall you need to open the door and go down the stairs. Then we pass through the ruined prison, we go down the stairs. We get to the location "Endless Paths of Od Nua, level 1". We go into the first door, which is located to the left of the stairs. There we have to talk with Merwald, after which there will be a fight with him. Then return to the "Great Hall"

Food War

To get the quest, you need to go to the mill in the east of the city.

Performance:: There are several options for passing. We can protect the miller Trambel, or we can choose the side of the farmer Sveinar and get a discount. Sveinar appears in the inn after the quest is received, Trambel is in the mill building. The quest can be completed in dialogues, but you can also fight. It all depends on your characteristics, as well as on your preferences.

Remains of a dispelled faith

To receive the quest, you need to take Eder with you. It will be possible to take this task after completing the quest "Whispers and Wisps".

Part 1. Find Merwald.

Performance:: To complete the quest, you need to get to Merwald with Eder.

Part 2. Get to the archive and find there records about Eder's brother.

Performance:: Access to the archive is closed due to a low reputation in the city. Therefore, in order for the archivist to give us the treasured records, we will need to sweat a little. Namely, you need to complete the quest "The Parable of Vael". After that, we are allowed to touch the necessary records. The archivist is located in the location: "First Lights" (Bay of Defiance), in the "Duke's Palace".

Part 3. Explore the battlefield at Kliaban Rilag.

Performance:: You need to get to the location of Kliaban Rilag. In order to find out where this place is located, talk to the priest in the "Dyrford Village". She is in the temple of Beras in front of the bridge. After that we go to this location.

Part 4.Find Brother Eder's item. Bring the artifact to the cipher.

Performance:: We cross the river along the ford. We enter into a collision with two robbers. After the victory, we examine the area around. The item you are looking for will be there. After we go to the Bay of Defiance, location "Brackensbury", we go into the house of Hadret, rises to the second floor. There we communicate with Lady Webb.

Location: Gilded Vale - Temple of Eothas

Buried Secrets

You need to explore the temple and find the remains of the priests. We take the quest from Wirtan in the Temple of Eothas.

Performance: We clean the temple from various evil spirits. There are many traps, both on the floor and in items for loot: boxes, tombs. To open the gate on the first level, we perform a text quest with bells. After that we go down the stairs. We destroy hostile spirits. Find the spirit of the priest, talk to him. After that, we go to Virtan. The quest can be completed by getting a different reputation, it all depends on the last dialogue.

What is the sequence of bells in the quest Buried Secrets?

The answer to the riddle "Three bells in the temple of Eothos" is right, center, left, right.

Location: Gilded Valley - Ofra's House

mother's prayers

Find Mother Randa in Anslog's Compass.

Performance: We leave for the Ansloig Compass. You can get there by passing through the Magranovo Crossroads. We go to the lower part of the location. We communicate with Ranga. She says that she will help us, but before that we need to do her a favor - destroy the xaurips who are in the camp in the northeast of the lagoon. We destroy creatures. In order not to go twice, we immediately go into the cave and deal with sporelings, take loot from them. Back to Rank. She gives us a potion with which we go to Gilded Vale. We hand over the medicine to Orphe. Again a dialogue in which we have to make a choice that will affect the reputation we will gain.

Location: Gilded Valley - Inn "Black Hound"

late for dinner

Find the missing chef named Tenfrita.

Performance: Tenfrit is captured by bandits and cooks them meals in the Veilwood location. We deal with the gang and send the cook home. We go to the tavern and talk about the task. We get reputation, experience and now we have small discounts in the Black Hound tavern.

Location: Gilded Valley - Black Hammer Forge

Forge Cargo

Find a wagon with cargo for Tuatan.

Performance: The wagon is located in the Black Meadow location. It is guarded by a serious gang: the leader of the bandits, the magician, the archer, the bandit. Therefore, at the initial levels, the battle will not be very easy. We search the boxes, in one of them is the cargo for the blacksmith. We return the finds to the blacksmith of the Gilded Vale. Quest will pass.

Location: Veilwood - cave

Revenge of the scoundrel

Find the man in the red coat.

Performance: Nonton is located in "Ingred's house" in the city of Gilded Vale. We communicate with him and choose the completion of the quest, which we like.

Location: Magranovo crossroads

Trial of Stoick

Near the stone statue is a monk named Stoick. He worships the goddess Magran. Need to spend some time traveling with him.

Performance: The quest with Stoick does not require you to search for some things or people. You just need to travel in a squad with this monk and after a while the task, consisting of several parts, will be completed. All that is required is to be in the same squad and periodically communicate with your friend. Conversations will appear on their own.

Location: Esternwood

Lord of the Wastes

Part 1. It is necessary to get into the fortress of Lord Redrik.

Performance: To begin with, we reach the location "Redrik's Fortress". To visit the fortress, you need to already have a good level, and you can also take the whole team with you, since the battles there are not easy. There are three options to enter the fortress. The first - through the main entrance. Here you need to have a very serious team. The second is to climb the wall. Before reaching the bridge, turn left. At the very top, you can climb the wall up. We carefully go up the fortress there, deal with a small number of guards and go in the "Sanctuary of Redrik's Fortress". The third option is to go through the sewers. To do this, turn right before the bridge. In fact, if you choose between a sewer and a wall, then there is not much difference. Especially if you want to get more experience and clear the whole castle.

Part 2. We need to eliminate Lord Redrick.

Performance: You also need to get to the lord himself in the castle. To do this, you can either take the quest in the dungeon. Another option is to take the quest from Nedmar in the location of the castle "Sanctuary". After completion, Nedmar will give us the key to the closed door through which you can get into the hall to Redrik. The lord is located in the throne room of the Redrik Citadel location. After we got to the hall, you can talk to the ruler. There are two options here. Take the side of Kolosh and attack. Or take the quest from Redrik and go to visit Kolosh.

Part 3. Having abandoned the uprising, you need to destroy the rebels.

Performance: Kolosh is in the house, location "Magranovo Crossroads".

Location: Bridge Madmr

Lost cargo

It is necessary to take away from the marauders the cargo that was washed ashore after the shipwreck of the trader Peregund.

Performance: We go down to the sea. We communicate with marauders. After we destroy their grouping and pick up the cargo. We take it to the togovka.

Restoring the eastern barricades in Caed Nua. Then we go through two locations to the Bay of Defiance.

Act II

Location: Copperlane - "The Goose and the Fox"

Broken engagement

Give Purnisk Kainara's ring.

Performance: Purinisk's house is located in Copperlane, on the other side of the city market. We go to his house. The house is taken over by a mage who pretends to be Purinisk. Therefore, we destroy the magician and his company, go upstairs, untie the owner of the house. We give him the ring. We return to the tavern to the girl.


Rogue Knight

The quest is issued by Comrade Osric. It is necessary to return his family armor, which is in the possession of the Knight of the Forge Penhelm.

Performance: First of all, we go to Penhelm. It is located in the Forge Fortress, location "First Lights". We communicate with him. In one of the cabinets will be his characteristic. With her we go to the location "Brackenbury", we go into the house of Hadret. There we communicate with the cipher Karren, who confirms the words of Osrik - the document is a fake. After leaving Hadret's house, Penhelm attacks us. We deal with him and his assistants. We pick up the bib and take it to the owner. Now you can take a new quest from Dozens.

Location: Copperlane - "The Shelter of Admes"

Bronze at the bottom of the ocean

We need to find an ancient weapon and bring it to Venan.

Performance: Let's go to the Rural Plains. There we meet a group of giant fighters. We destroy their group and take the key from them. We go to the location "Stormvol". There, almost immediately you need to turn down, in this area there are ruins. They are constantly guarded by the Knights of the Forge. You can carefully pass in stealth mode, thereby avoiding collisions with the patrol. We approach the building in the form of a circle, in the center there is a ladder leading down. If you go a little lower, then closer to the slope on the ground lies a stone circle with which you can interact. Put the hell disk in there. Now you can go down the stairs. There we deal with spiders and other monsters. We pass through the passage, closed by cobwebs. In the large hall after the battle we pick up the ancient weapon. After leaving the dungeon, we are met by the Knights of the Forge. After the battle, we go to Venan and give him the weapon.

Location: Copperlane - "Hall of Revealed Secrets"

The Parable of Wael

Retrieve the stolen scroll from the robbers.

Performance: We leave for the location "Rural Plains". We deal with the gang, take the scroll. After we go to the location "Black Meadow". We find the remains of a dragon there. Click on the skull, a text mini-quest will appear. Bury the scroll under the dragon's head. We return to Grimda.

Location: Copperlane

We take the quest from a peasant named Dalton. It stands slightly above the entrance to the catacombs. You need to go to the catacombs and find there a girl named Rovina or something connected with her.

Fulfillment: We find there a villain named Helig from Tein. He was the one who killed Rovina years ago. He can show where she is now, but first he needs a book, which is located in the hospital (Brickenburi location). There she was hidden by an old enemy, Heliga Moidred. If you don’t really want to help, then we attack. After the fight, we take the medallion. We carry it to Dalton, and there we already decide what to do with the find.

Location: Copperlane

Our little secret

We take the quest from a boy named Gordy. It is located near the house, which is located at the gate to Brackenbury.

Performance: We go to the market and communicate with the merchants there, they direct us to the Geese and the Fox tavern. On the second floor there is a group that has recently returned from an expedition. For 100 MP we buy a dagger and carry it to Gordy. You can pick up the dagger for free by simply defeating the mercenaries.

Location: Copperlane - Catacombs


It is necessary to decide the fate of the eagle Ayorn. He is wanted by the Knights of the Forge.

Performance: You can help the poor fellow get out of the dungeon by allocating a small amount for the road - 300 MP. Another option is to tell Ayorn that he will go to the Knights of the Forge. Then the battle will begin, and after completion, you will need to go to report to the knights in the fortress.

Location: Brackenbury - "Tar Barrel"

Away from home

Return the medallion to Tristvin.

Performance: We go to the location "Gifts of Odra". We go to the Salt Mast brothel. We talk with the head of the institution. We pay him 1000 MP to meet with Cyril. We go up to the top floor, find a girl there and buy a medallion from her for 6000 mp. After we take it to Tristvin.

Location: Brackenbury - House of Hadret

Last act

We have the role of a detective. We need to investigate the disappearance of three girls.

Performance: First, we conduct a survey of friends and relatives. Elkga is located near the Domenel house. Oli can be found on the second floor of the Salt Mast in Odra's Gifts. Laura trades in the city market, location "Copperlane". After the survey, we go to the theater in the center of Copperlane. We communicate there with Lamdala. After we go to Lamdala's house. There we communicate with Kadal. Through the house we penetrate into the secret theater. There we are met by Lamdala's gang, we destroy it and go to Hadret's House to Karren.

Location: Brackenbury - "The Asylum"


Aloth needs help

Performance: I'm going to the hospital. We go down to the bottom floor. We talk with a girl named Bellasedge. She will help the mage.

Location: Audra Gifts - "Salty Mast"

Supply and demand

Deal with bandits attacking visitors and workers at the Salt Mast.

Performance: In the Brackenbury location, robbers attack us, dissatisfied with the prices in the brothel. We pick up the key from one of them after the battle. The gang is in one of the dilapidated houses. We go there, communicate and find out that they need a discount. We go to May and tell her about it. After we go to the Domenel House. We complete one quest for Mrs. Domainel, after which she agrees to lower prices. Tell Mei about it.

Location: Audra's Gifts - "Vailan Trading Company"

At any cost

Deliver the package to Gareth.

Performance: We go to the tavern "Goose and Fox", it is located in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe city "Copperlane". We send the parcel to the addressee. After we communicate with representatives of the local influential family. If you answer aggressively, then the reputation of the Domainels will increase. After we go to Verzano in the Gifts of Odra. In the trading company, we again meet with representatives of the criminal syndicate. You need to make a choice with whom to work next.

Location: Odra Gifts

Weeping Banshee

It is necessary to clear the lighthouse of ghosts and other creatures.

Performance: We clean three floors from ghosts, spirits and other evil spirits. On the third floor, a serious fight awaits us, so be careful. After we return to Nia. Now the lighthouse is being actively reconstructed.

Location: Odra Gifts

Child of the Five Suns

It is necessary to help Palegina find a more serious task for herself.

Performance: We go to the location "First Lights". There we communicate with Agosti, he gives us a task. We go to the Twin Elms. There, in the location "Hartsong", we go into the "Passage of Six." We communicate with Besvil.

Location: Odra Gifts

Brave Derry

Near the "Salt Mast" in the water lies the body of a boy. We approach him. Now we need to find the parents.

Performance: Mother is in one of the houses in the same location. We talk with her.

Location: First Lights - "Duke's Palace"

Smoldering lights of faith

To the right of the entrance to the palace is a round-shaped room. A girl named Firgi works there, she will give us this quest. You need to find the "spark".

Performance: We go to the location "Scorching Waterfalls". Drakes and xaurips live there, so be vigilant. In the upper left corner of the map there is the entrance to the cave. We go there. There, among the lava flows, we have to fight the dragon, who has the nickname Kyle the Silent. After the victory, we pick up the fire stone and take it to the palace. The ending of the quest and the reputation we get will depend on what we say in the dialogue with Firgi.

Location: First Lights - "Vailian Embassy"


Obtain information on cargo smuggling in Defiance Bay.

Performance: We go to the bridge, to the location "Edelvan Bridge". There we meet with the "forgotten". After a short conversation, we enter the battle. After the victory, we again go to the embassy to Vicente Agosti.

Location: First Lights - "Fortress Gorna"

Lost Guardians

You need to find the missing knights in a closed area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe city.

Performance: We go to the location "Treasured Hills". There are many different enemies outside the gates. Clearing the path from the monsters, we move to the left. There will be a crypt. We go inside, there will also be the knights who are looking for Vila. After the battle, we return to the fortress again and talk about completing the task.

Location: First Lights - "Treasured Hills" - Waltas Mansion

safe haven

The quest can be obtained by walking a little in the mansion.

Performance: In the house you also need to find a letter and a key to the crypt. After we go outside, we find the crypt of the Waltases. We go there, save the girl. We send the girl home.

Location: Caed Nua

Always near the queen

Part 1. You need to talk to the manager of Caed Nua.

Performance: After the fight with Merald, we rise to the very top. In the large hall of the fortress Kaed Nua we communicate with the manager.

Part 2. We need to study the activities of the Lead Key organization.

Performance: In the fortress of Caed Nua, we restore the eastern barricades. After the construction is completed, we go to the Bay of Defiance. In the location "Cooperail" we go down into the catacombs. Several members of the organization can be found there. We talk with them. In one of the halls we have to fight with the monks.

After the fight, we go upstairs and find ourselves in the location "First Lights".

Location: Bay of Defiance - Catacombs

Imperishable covenant

Part 1. It is necessary to find a tower that is connected with the activities of the Lead Key.

Performance: We leave for the location "Treasured Hills". To get there for free, you need to take the quest "Missing Guardians" in the fortress of the Knights of the Forge. If the quest does not interest us, then we pay 1000 coins and the gate is open. After we go along the paved road, before the bridge we turn left, go down the stairs. There will be an entrance to the tower. We go there, go up to the 3rd floor.

Part 2. We need to deal with the Engwithan machine.

Performance: First you need to find a person who knows how the unit is arranged on the roof. In the location "Treasured Hills" we find Ikant's house. We go inside, talk with the hostess, she will help us learn the Engwithan language. After we return to the tower, we create an overload in the unit, which leads to the destruction of the machine.

Location: Bay of Defiance - catacombs


You need to find the Lead Key agent.

Performance: We leave for the hospital - location "Brackenburi". We communicate with Ethelmoer. We go down to the bottom floor. We communicate there with Moidred, we solve the problem of Alot, in the same place in one of the rooms there are cases of patients. We pick them up, study them, and then tell Etelmore about the experiments on patients. We go down again and go into the department with patients, we find Azo there, we communicate with him. We take from him the key to the Northern branch and go there. There we approach the patient with a purple glow, he is in the cell right along the corridor. We study his soul. After that there will be a small battle. Quest completed.

Location: Bay of Defiance - Catacombs

Through the Gates of Death

Part 1. You need to reach the village of Dyrwood and find out where Kliaban Rilag is located.

Performance: Let's go to the Dyrwood. There, before reaching the bridge to the city, there is a temple of Beras. We learn from the priest where the ruins are located. We leave for the location "Kliaban Rilag. There are two entrances to the ruins themselves: the first is blocked by the Glanfatans, on the way to the second, a couple of bandits set up their camp. By the way, next to them is a standard that Eder wants to find. We choose which path we like and We go into the ruins. We get to the second level. And through it we go up the stairs again to the first. There is a unit that we already met in the Treasured Hills and at the beginning of the game. We approach the petrified man.

Location: Defiance Bay - Brackenbury

Hermit of the House of Hadret

Part 1. After completing the quest "Waiting", we are met on the street by a man who says that they are waiting for us in the House of Hadret.

Performance: We go to the House of Hadret. We rise to the second floor. We communicate with Lady Webb. After we go to pass the quest "Through the Gates of Death". After that, we come back and talk about what we saw.

Part 2. Take part in an animation meeting.

Performance: First you need to enlist the support of one of the organizations. To do this, they need to have a good reputation. We go to one of the leaders and ask to take part in the meeting from their faction. Again we go to Lady Webb and talk about the invitation. After that we go to the meeting. We go to the location "First Lights" and participate in the council. After the riots begin, and we go back to the House of Hadret. The lady is already dead, but with the ability of the Guardian we see what happened here.

Location: Bay of Defiance - House of Hadret

Killer on the loose

Set off on the trail of Taos.

Performance: We leave for Elms-Gemini. We reach the "Stormvol Gorge". There the flood has passed and now you can go down into the gorge. We go further, to Elshmore, and from there to the Twin Elms is within easy reach. In the city we go to the "Passage of Six". There we communicate with Besvil. She gives us permission to visit other parts of the city. Then we move to Elmrich, where we talk with the delemgan sisters. They send us to Teir Evron.


Location: twin elms

Court of Sinners

We're chasing Taos again.

Performance: We go to the location "Burial Island". There you need to find a hole, but before you jump into it, you need to enlist the support of one of the gods. Otherwise, our journey ends here. In the hall of Tair-Euror we choose one of the gods. You can get information about each of them by studying books, of which there are many in the hall. Several gods will be available in the hall, depending on the reputation. We ask one of them for help and get the task. For example, the goddess Khaylin gives the task to kill the dragon, which is located on her temple. After completion, we return, report to God. Now, after receiving support, you can safely jump into the pit. After the jump, you cannot go back, so stock up on provisions.

Location: twin elms

council of the gods

You need to get the blessing of the gods.

Performance: The quest is almost identical to the "Court of Sinners" quest. In the hall of Tair-Euror we choose one of the gods. You can get information about each of them by studying books, of which there are many in the hall. Several gods will be available in the hall, depending on the reputation. We turn in prayer to one of them for help and get the task. For example, the goddess Khaylin gives the task to kill the dragon, which is located on her temple. After completion, we return, reporting the completion of the task to God. Now you can safely jump into the pit, which is located in the "Burial Island."

End of the game

Location: twin elms

Memories of the Ancients

Find Taos.

Performance: We pass through the location "Bray-Eamam". We go down the stairs, get into the location "Sun in the Shadow", go through it and get into the location, which is also called, but is a large hall. We go along the spiral path and come to a large round area. From it you can see the unit, similar to those that we have met more than once during the game. We come closer, Taos appears. After the conversation, a very interesting battle begins. Our old friend revives two stone giants (guards of Voedika), the duel begins. After Taos has little health left, he will move into one guard, then return to his body again with full health, then move to the body of another giant. Then it will return to its original form. Therefore, it is better to immediately destroy two guards, and then Taos will actively hide, however, he should not be given much freedom, he is a serious magician. To cope with the guards, you can knock them down with a trap from a monk or disorient them with a magician. The guards do good damage, besides, they can hit several targets with one blow, and also knock our guys down. After the victory, we have to make a choice what to do with Taos. After we approach the unit and decide what to do with the souls. Let's watch the final screensaver. What will be shown there depends on what quests you completed and what choices you made during the game. Congratulations!

Game over!

Article under development.. Comment, send passages of quests that are not yet in the article.

After thousands of years, she turned this place into the Tomb of Sargeras, hoping that the seals could neutralize the Fel that filled the remains of the titan's avatars. Although all five Pillars were used by the Highborne of Suramar, four of them ended up outside the magical barrier that protected part of the ancient city. By the beginning of the new invasion of the Burning Legion, which began from the Broken Isles, each of the relics was in one of the localities, including Highmountain, Azsuna, Stormheim and Val "shara.

Information about these artifacts was known to Dalaran magicians and recorded in a tome, which was entrusted to protect the Guardian of Tirisfal. The tome was in Karazhan's library, and Khadgar read it when he was still Medivh's apprentice. Magni Bronzebeard, who had turned into a diamond statue during the Cataclysm, awakened and told Khadgar that the Pillars of Creation would be needed to close the portal in the Tomb of Sargeras. Khadgar remembered that he had already read about them and went to Karazhan to get the right book. In Medivh's tower, he assumed that Sargeras already knew about the plan with the Pillars, as the demons were also trying to break into Karazhan. Khadgar was able to defend the castle and take possession of the tome in which the artifacts were described. This book was called Remarkable Relics of Ancient Azeroth and was written by Alodi, the first Guardian.

Since the tome contained no information about the whereabouts of the Pillars, Khadgar decided to appeal to the author of the book, whose spirit was forever linked to the Forge of the Watcher, which guarded the Kirin Tor. Alodi did appear as a ghost and revealed that his research had led him to the Broken Isles, but he did not discover the exact location of the artifacts. Khadgar decided that Dalaran would be moved to the Broken Isles and would become a pivotal point in the war against the Legion. In the Guardian's Chamber, located in the central part of the city, a hall was allocated to store the Pillars of Creation after discovery. Heroes of the Alliance and Horde set out to explore the Broken Isles to collect relics.


  • Aegis of Aggramar : Halls of Valor , Stormheim
  • Tidestone of Golganneth: Eye of Azshara, Azsuna
  • Hammer of Kaz "mountain: Neltharion's Lair, Highmountain
  • Tears of Elune: Val'shara
  • Eye of Aman "Tula: The Night Citadel, Suramar

Hammer Kaz "mountain

Hammer Kaz "mountain in the Guardian's Chamber

Legion to World of Warcraft.

Hammer Kaz "mountain(eng. Hammer of Khaz "goroth) is named after the titan, who was the greatest blacksmith, and grants its owner power over the earth. After the War of the Ancients, the artifact ended up in the treasury of the black dragon Neltharion inside his lair, from where it was taken by Khaln Highmountainto expel For thousands of years, the Hammer was kept by local tauren, but they did not dare to use it.With the start of a new invasion of the Legion, the spirit walker Tarhorn received a message from the spirits, which indicated that the artifact be handed over to the heroes of the Alliance and Horde, who intend to close the portal in the Tomb of Sargeras.

Aegis of Aggramar

Aegis of Aggramar in the Guardian's Chamber

The source of information in this section is an addendum Legion to World of Warcraft.

Aegis of Aggramar(Eng. Aegis of Aggramar), named after the defender of the Pantheon and bestowing unprecedented protection on its owner, eventually fell into the hands of the guardian Odin, who was in the Halls of Valor along with his army of the Valarjar. The aegis was to be given to the most worthy warrior who had gone through many trials, and many tried to achieve this. The Alliance and Horde have arrived in Stormheim, intending to take possession of the Pillar of Creation to close the portal to the Tomb of Sargeras. Although both factions had their own special goals, the heroes began to pass tests, in which they were assisted by the mysterious vrykul Xavi.

The initial trials were conducted by Vigilante Yotnar of Aggramar's Vault. The vrykul, Bloodtotem tauren, and Mightstone drogbar gathered here to claim the artifact. The Vrykul were led by the God-King Skovald, who was willing to take the test by any means, even if it was against the rules. Skovald made a pact with the Burning Legion and received demons as allies. The vrykul began to tap into fel energy, granting them new powers.

Finally, the demons and vrykul began to lay siege to the Gates of Valor, through which one could enter the Halls. The heroes fought the opponents and Skovald himself, but he managed to slip away before he could be killed. The God-King made his way to the Halls of Valor, where new trials awaited him. Xavi, who helped the heroes all this time, turned out to be the embodiment of Odin's own guardian, who invited the heroes to enter the Halls and try to get the Aegis.

In the Halls of Valor, the heroes went through several more trials, including a battle with the gatekeeper, val "kira and a huge wolf. Finally, they convinced Odin that they were worthy to take possession of the Aegis of Aggramar, but the God-King Skovald suddenly burst into the hall. Although Odin informed him that the decision had already accepted, the vrykul tried to take the artifact by force and was killed. Odin liked the battle he saw so much that he decided to personally fight the heroes before they left the Halls of Valor with Aegis. The Guardian was defeated and declared that he had not fought a worthy opponent for a long time. The Aegis of Aggramar was taken to Dalaran and placed in the Guardian's Chamber.

Tidestone of Golganneth

Tidestone of Golganneth in the Guardian's Chamber

The source of information in this section is an addendum Legion to World of Warcraft.

Tidestone of Golganneth(eng. Tidestone of Golganneth), named after the lord of heaven and oceans from the Pantheon, was kept in the famous Academy of Nar "thalas, located in Azsuna. Prince Farondis, who ruled here, dared to oppose the will of Queen Azshara during the War of the Ancients and decided to destroy in Zin -Azshari to close the Legion's portal and ward off trouble from Azeroth.To do this, Farondis needed the Tidestone from the Academy, but many of the inhabitants of his palace remained loyal to the queen.Vandros told Azshara about Farondis's plan, and she was not slow to punish the prince.Demonstrating the terrifying power of arcane magic , the queen destroyed the Tidestone of Golganneth, thereby unleashing a wave of dark energy that engulfed Azsuna and its inhabitants.Since then, the elves of Azsuna could no longer experience the release that death brings.Their souls continued to roam the land aimlessly, and they blamed this of his prince.

The fragments of the Tidestone again fell into the Academy of Nar "Thalas, where they were stored in the eastern wing until the beginning of the new invasion of the Burning Legion ten thousand years later. Queen Azshara sent her nagas, led by the lord of the waves Atissa, to Azsuna to deliver the fragments to her. in time, the hero, following the instructions of Farondis, entered the Academy, where the ghosts continued their studies.He pretended to be one of the students and received the key to the east wing, having fought with the headmistress Aley Azuremoon.When the hero collected all the fragments, he was overtaken by Atissa and her commander Parjesh. captured the hero, they took the shards of the Tidestone so that Azshara would personally restore it.

Although Prince Farondis freed the hero, who then destroyed Atissa, Warlord Pargen managed to escape through the portal along with the Pillar of Creation. A band of heroes traveled to the Eye of Azshara, an island located in the southern part of the Broken Isles and captured by the naga. Azshara had already managed to restore the Tidestone, but it was protected by the sorceresses, who summoned a huge monster to defeat the entire coast of Azsuna. The heroes managed to interrupt the ritual and destroy the Wrath of Azshara before it could gain strength. The Tidestone of Golganneth was taken to Dalaran and placed in the Chamber of the Guardian.

Tears of Elune

Ysera, who informed about the Emerald Nightmare and that only the Tears of Elune obtained from her temple would save Cenarius. The hero went there and saw that the temple was under siege by the demons of the Legion and the creatures of the Nightmare. Entering the vault at the eastern edge of the temple, the hero met with the projection of Xavius, who first took possession of the Tears of Elune.

In pursuit of Xavius, Malfurion and Ysera fell into a trap. Xavius ​​struck the green Aspect with the corruption of the Emerald Nightmare using the Tears of Elune and ordered her to destroy the entire Val "shara, starting with the defenders of the temple of Elune. Ysera attacked them and after a long battle was destroyed by the combined efforts of the defenders. Dying, she asked for forgiveness for what happened A lunar eclipse began, and fetters of energy stretched from the heavens that freed Ysera's spirit, leaving only the Tears of Elune, used to corrupt it and cleansed of the Nightmare, from the body.The tears were taken to Dalaran by the nightborne.

The artifact, located inside the Night Citadel, fell into the possession of Gul "dan from an alternative Draenor, who swayed the nightborne Suramar to the side of the Legion. He tried to use the Eye to summon Sargeras to Azeroth. The embodiment of the power of the Eye of Aman" Tula is a chronomatic anomaly that arose from a whirlpool of pure energy at the base of the Nightwell. Emissions of energy from this anomaly distort the time stream like the relic itself.

Walkthrough for the original version of the game

A description of the controls in the game and the author's notes can be found in the text of the walkthrough of the first book.

Note. To enlarge the screenshot, click on it in the walkthrough text. To view additional screenshots, click on the active links highlighted in the text of the walkthrough in dark red.


Earlcastle, Aliena's room

Eight months earlier

Lady Aliena Shirinskaya, daughter of Bartholomew, Earl of Shearing, sits in her room, which is blown through by broken windows. William Hamley's cries can be heard from below, demanding from her servant, Matthew, to call Aliena to come downstairs. The sound of a slap is heard, and a minute later there is a knock on the door - this is Matthew asking not to anger William and go down to him.

Wait for Matthew's return

We pass to the left, to the door. We click on it with the left mouse button (LMB).

Matthew enters the room. He asks not to provoke Hamley and go down to him. Whispering, Matthew adds that you need to "arm yourself properly."

We choose the option of addressing Matthew (" How is my brother?»)

Responding that Richard is being treated "like a dog," Matthew reveals that he has hidden weapons in the yard. You can find it by "a piece of red rag". The voice of Walter, William's servant, is heard, demanding to stop whispering and go downstairs.

  • We get the Key item "Matthew hid the weapon ..."

Aliena goes down.


During the conversation, we choose any answers (the answers chosen by the author in this walkthrough are in bold):

To William's question (" What will you sow...»).

When Matthew intervenes (" I am able to speak...»).

To William's statement about his possibility of marrying Queen Maud (" Maud will marry you? …»)

Aliena and William's heated argument is stopped by Walter. He invites Aliena to go out to "ventilate".

We choose any option for answering this proposal (" Is it for me to ventilate?»)

Walter turns to the owner, who demands that Aliena bring him food. Walter escorts the girl outside.

  • We get the Key item "Hamley told me ...".

Find food for William Hamley

Yard (west end)

We move to the left, to the stables. We speak with Richard tied to a pole on all the proposed topics, twice using the topic “You really didn’t see ...”

Richard reveals that he has a plan and shows his sister his uncuffed hands. Aliena asks about her red scarf to find out where Matthew has hidden the weapon, but Richard does not understand her sister's question.

After talking with Richard, we communicate on all the proposed topics with Walter, who is watching the conversation from the side.

Hamley's servant states that Percy Hamley likes the way he raises his son and pays him enough to keep Bartholomew's offspring free and "muddle the waters".

We pass to the right, we go into the "Pantry".


Throw aside the "Piece of Cloth" on the shelf on the left, take the BREAD. From the shelf on the right we take the ROTTEN MEAT, we leave the pantry.

Yard (west end)

We're heading to the Donjon.


We offer William ROTTEN MEAT (or BREAD - it doesn't matter). Select the replica option (" From me you are...»)

Enraged, William is ready to deal with Aliena. Suddenly, someone blows out the candle and the room becomes dark. Richard runs into the room. Walter following him stabs Matthew with his sword. William grabs the guy by the throat, but Walter stops the owner when William is ready to stab Richard with a dagger.

Chapter eight. Aliena

Yard (west end)

Take off your shackles

Aliena and Richard are chained to posts in the stable. Walter is dozing, sitting in the open gates of the donjon. Richard, with a crippled ear, is unconscious.

We look at the "Hammer" and the "Horseshoe", we try to reach them, but it does not work. Three times we turn to Richard, and after the third shout of Aliena, he comes to his senses. We speak on all proposed and newly opened topics.

  • We get the Key item “Praise the Lord! Richard is alive.

At the request "Throw me a horseshoe", Richard pushes the desired object to Aliena.

We select a HORSESHOE. We throw it at the "Hammer" hanging on a pole (we play a mini-game, stopping the running ball on the displayed zones of the scale).

Aliena picks up the knocked down OLD HAMMER.

We use it on the "Chain".

With two precise blows (with our help), Aliena knocks the chains off her legs, then gets up and frees Richard. Richard offers to steal William's horse. Aliena intends to go in search of the weapon hidden by Matthew.

  • We get the Key item "If you calm the horse ...".

Find Matthew's weapon cache

Yard (west end)

We click LMB on the sign "Climb the wall".

Aliena climbs the fortress wall.

Yard (east end)

We pass to the right.

Aliena listens to the conversation of the guards below.

  • We get document number 13"Minions of William".

We move towards the "Piece of Cloth" to the right. We pick up the DAGGER OF THE FATHER

Escape from Earlcastle

Yard (west end)

Finding the weapon, Aliena returns to the stable.

We choose the option of action with William's horse (" Remove saddle bag»).

The horse lets out a neigh that nearly wakes Walter up. The knot of the bag is too tight.

Select the option " Cut saddle bag».

Aliena cuts the rope with her FATHER'S DAGGER.

We take oats from the bag, give it to the horse.

Aliena invites Richard to get into the saddle, because she intends to get to Winchester, find her father and talk to the king. Jumping into the saddle, the fearless girl gives the horse a spur.

On the road to Winchester

Moving around the map: Jump through the forest», « Ride to Winchester».

In the forest, the fugitives are stopped by a woman - this is "the wife of the one who keeps this forest on behalf of the king." Noticing Richard's wound, the woman offers to take Aliena and Richard to her house nearby.

  • Making a choice of action:

Option 1: "Take a risk: let her help Richard»

Forester's house

The woman kindles the hearth, and the fugitives quickly warm up.

Select the option to proceed (" Insist on helping Richard»).

Taking advantage of Aliena's momentary confusion, distracted by the noise outside the door, the woman grabs the dagger from the girl. A man enters the room.

Making a choice of action (" Fight»).

The visitor easily takes away from Aliena a piece of the board with which she armed herself. Together with the woman they leave the house. The woman returns the dagger to Aliena, advising to cauterize Richard's wound. Looking out into the street, Aliena discovers that the robbers have galloped off on William's horse.

After the rest, we set off on a journey (according to the map) on foot: “ Continue on to Winchester»,

IMPORTANT: This option is required to receive Achievements "Stay alone" at the end of the ninth chapter and affects the receipt of another achievement.

Aliena and Richard still remain without a horse, because. the partner of the robber meets them ahead on the road. In this case. Aliena does not cauterize Richard's wound and the wound inflames when they get to Winchester. Let's sum up the events.

I've always been a bit suspicious of Khadgar, especially after he's so well and too perfect at the beginning of Warlords, and all his actions in this expansion have always raised questions. Partly because of how well he knew Gul "dan, and vice versa - because there was neither much friendship nor enmity between them. And also, with what determination he tortured his old girlfriend Garona.

And remember his attitude towards us. We took on the roles of champions, heroes, and glorified messengers hunting for powerful magical artifacts as Khadgar desperately tried to hunt down Gul'dan. the good of Azeroth.

Time to put on our tinfoil hats! The following text consists of hypotheses regarding Khadgar's personality and actions. These assumptions are just theories and should not be taken for granted or official lore.

Path of Khadgar

Khadgar's arrival was just too lucky. When the Iron Horde broke through the portal to the Blasted Lands, Khadgar appeared with all the knowledge he needed. He sent us through this portal so that we can close it from the inside and save our world. Khadgar looked alarmed at Gul'dan's release, but told us it was a small price to pay for Azeroth's safety.

And we trusted and followed him throughout the journey through Draenor. Between military strikes against the Iron Horde, we played cat and mouse with Khadgar and Gul "Dan. Several times we had a chance to see Khadgar's heated arguments with Jaina Proudmoore, where he tried to try on the Alliance and the Horde, and unite them against a common enemy - Guldan.

But everything went to hell with the advent of Garona. Cordana Felsong most likely fell under the influence of the Orb of Dominion, but even before that, she was suspicious of Khadgar's activities and even reported this to the Guardians. After the end of Warlords, Khadgar knew that the fight against Gul'Dan wasn't over yet.

Pillars of Creation

The Tomb of Sargeras audio drama brought me back to the idea that Khadgar was okay. He pursued Gul'dan and tried to stop him from completing the Legion's mission. Khadgar intended to immediately warn Stormwind of the Legion's return and find a way to stop it.

In the process, he once again argued with Jaina Proudmoore, insisting that the Horde return to the Kirin Tor over her protests and oust the organization's leader. Of course, this raises some questions, but Khadgar clearly wanted to do what was best for Azeroth. If we are to defeat the Legion, all factions must work together.

Shortly thereafter, we learn of the existence of the Pillars of Creation, powerful artifacts capable of closing the Legion's portal. To find out more about them, Khadgar goes in search of the book in Karazhan and summons the spirit of Alodi's first guardian. Needless to say, after that they threw all their strength into searching for the artifact.

But once again, something haunts me, and suspicions about Khadgar are growing again, especially after the events in the Emerald Nightmare.

Whisper Il "gynot

The second boss of the Emerald Nightmare was Il "gynot - a manifestation of all the horrors of the Emerald Nightmare. And at the meeting, he tells us some interesting phrases. Consider those associated with Khadgar.

  • Five keys to open our way. Five torches to light our path.

Sounds pretty simple, right? But why do we have five? We can assume that we are talking about five dragons, but they are no longer there, so most likely we are talking about the five Pillars of Creation. But we do not open anything with them, but on the contrary, we use them to close the Legion portal.

  • The lord of the ravens will turn the key.

You can dig in the direction of Lord Kur "talos Ravencrest purely because of the coincidence of names, but in fact, we are talking about Medivh, or his successor Khadgar, who has the ability to turn into a raven. Khadgar was determined to collect the Pillars of Creation, since when I heard about them from Magni Bronzebeard. Speaking of which…

  • The king of diamonds has become a pawn.

But here, not everything is as simple as it seems. Because when we visited Ulduar and found Magni, he was attacked by the Legion. But a little earlier, we were attacked by servants of the ancient gods. Which means Yogg-Saron is still active. If Magni has become a pawn of the ancient gods, then what are we looking for here?

Narrowing the circle

This addition is just littered with references to some kind of circle or cycle. It was first mentioned by Echoes of Medivh when Khadgar and I tried to get the book in Karazhan. The echo told us:

  • What was foreseen happened. The circle is drawing to a close. Sentinels, take care of our "guests!".

And the Echo of Medivh isn't the only one talking about him. Oddly enough, Il "gynot also mentions him, saying the phrase: "Your arrival was predicted in the rings. The long circle is nearly complete." Since then, the thought of the circle has been bugging me. What kind of circle? What was foretold? Defeat of the Legion?

It is unlikely. There have been several cycles in the history of Warcraft. Factions fight, then work together, peace is achieved, conflict erupts again, and again, again and again. The very invasion of the Legion to some extent can be considered a cycle - first there was the War of the Ancients, then the Third War, and again we are fighting with someone.

But that's not all, there is also a phrase that can shed light on the riddle with the circle.

Third death

  • With her third death, she will announce us.

Who is this mysterious "she", and what does the third death mean? There are many people who think it's most likely Sylvanas Windrunner, but I don't agree with them. Why? Yes, because Sylvanas has already died three times. The first time, at the hands of Arthas, once more when she jumped from the top of Icecrown Citadel, and the third time when Lord Godfrey shot her in Silverpine Forest.

It seems to me that something more global is hidden here. I think "she" is the planet itself, all of Azeroth. When Aman "Thul tried to tear Y" Shaarj away from Azeroth, he inflicted a wound on the whole world, flooding the surface with blood. I think it was the first death. But the Titans managed to save Azeroth, and imprison the remaining old gods.

Then the War of the Ancients began, and Queen Azshara tried to open a portal to let Sargeras in. Malfurion managed to stop him in time, but not without consequences - the explosion from the collapse of the Well of Eternity destroyed the earth and stained the sky. The seas rushed to fill the wound in the earth, forming the continents as we know them today. I consider this a second death.

Shortly after the shining halls of Zin-Azshari fell into the sea, Queen Azshara and her loyal followers were turned into naga. The eternal prisons of the ancient gods were weakened by the explosion, and their influence slowly began to spread throughout the world.

What will happen the third time? We are about to realize this, as the third death is at hand.

Turning the key

If the closing of the portal meant to bring Sargeras to Azeroth nearly ripped the world apart the first time, what should we expect now? Today's events are much bigger than the War of the Ancients. A portal has been opened in the Broken Isles to let the Legion in, and the Nightwell is used to fuel it. Kagdar wishes to close the portal, but we know perfectly well what happened last time.

I think if we manage to cope with this task, Azeroth will not be in trouble. The dungeons will be destroyed and the old gods will break free. And if you think that the War of the Ancients and the invasion of the Legion is the worst thing that could happen, then compared to the Dark Empire, these are just childish pranks.

Khadgar's Gambit

Suspicions about Khadgar are still relevant. On the one hand, he acts for the good of Azeroth and is ready for anything for him. But, on the other hand, there is a huge amount of evidence against him. The fact remains that Khadgar appeared too perfectly in the alternate Draenor, and oddly enough, Ghul'dan slipped away despite his best "efforts".

It was Khadgar who appointed Jaina as leader of the Kirin Tor, according to prophecy, but he didn't bat an eyelid when she stepped down as leader. He seemed to know about the attack in Ulduar. It was he who found the book on the Pillars of Creation, and activated Karazhan's defense system.

Does Khadgar really have good intentions? Or is he just being manipulated by the ancient gods? Or is he a manipulator? In any case, I don't think that defeating the Legion is the end of our troubles... it's just the beginning. And if we succeed in our mission to save the world, we may unleash even greater horrors that even the Legion pales in comparison.

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