"Knockout" or "knock out the white" is a new game in the US. 'Knockout': American Black Teenagers' Brutal 'Game' Takes Over World Knockout Fighting Game

Description of the flash game

Knockout 2D

2D Knock Out

Go to trip around the world in the best rings of the country and defeat your rivals in the online game "Knockout 2D". This is a free fighting game in which you will play as a boxer. So, just like in a classic fighting game, you have to fight with different opponents, each of whom wants to win. The browser game "Knockout 2D" can only be played by one player. By gameplay fighting is simple.

You find yourself in the ring, you see your opponent - you beat him. He will do the same in return. The most important thing is to win. During the game, various bonuses will appear that can help you. For example, it could be speed, which allows you to hit harder and move faster. Use the left mouse button to strike. Keep an eye on your opponent's life bar to assess the situation. After you have defeated one in battle, get ready for a new attack, because there are still many different opponents ahead. Remember that their strength only increases with each time.

In the USA is gaining fashion fatally dangerous game"Knockout". The essence of the game can be understood from the video report: when a random white passer-by passes by a flock of black teenagers, the host must suddenly knock him out with one blow.

A terrible new "game" that has already caused deaths in Syracuse, St. Louis and New Jersey is spreading across the country, and the unsuspecting people on the streets, everywhere, are becoming its victims.

A recent report from New York's CBS-2 sheds light on the growing trend, showing disturbing footage of teenagers participating in the game. The game is called "Knockout", and random passersby unwittingly take part in it. The goal of the game is to knock out a passerby with one blow.

In the video we see several victims. One of them is Ralph Santiago, 46, of Hoboken, New Jersey, who was found dead with a broken neck and head stuck between iron railings, according to NJ.com.

A security camera shows Santiago walking down an alley in broad daylight, as he passes a group of teenagers, and as one of them suddenly delivers a fatal knockout blow to him.

And why do they do it?

"For fun," says one of the teenagers in the video.

"They're just wondering if they have the strength to knock someone out," says another.

The metropolitan area has not escaped the spread of this cruel fashion.

A local woman who was attacked on 14th Street in Columbia Heights on Thursday tells DCist.com that she believes she was the victim of the game. A group of about eight teenagers on bicycles came up behind her and one of the teenagers hit her in the head. According to the report, the police classified the attack as a "simple assault."

The woman told the publication that she believes others in the area should also be wary of similar attacks.

Interestingly, the game has already gone beyond the US and is spreading to other Western countries. Here, for example, footage from London:

The video description says:

The perpetrator, Michael Ayoad, was caught by the police. He said in his defense that the victim deserved to be punished because she had an "unfriendly face" that he was "intimidated" by.

The "game" is spreading like a plague, and it has a characteristic racial connotation - blacks knocking out whites. This article provides a large number of examples of attacks:

…this game of Knockout began when a University of Michigan student ran over a rock, fell off his bike, and sprawled out on the pavement in front of a street company. The Good Samaritan from the company asked if everything was all right and offered to help.

Extending one hand for help, the Samaritan used the other to punch the cyclist in the face. After that, the attacker, laughing, returned to the company.

It is curious that the vast majority of attacks are ignored by the police and are classified as ordinary hooliganism.

update. Comments on Russia.ru.

Nothing is more hateful to wisdom than cunning.


On the other hand, it is understandable that such material may well be simply propaganda in nature - “Here they say in America ..” - such, of course, in different quantities, can be found in all countries of the world - which can easily rush at a person if he differs in something from them. (And they were always like this - something reminds me of this one - a year ago I accidentally went into the clinic - I saw a man of 40-45 years old - such a simple, ordinary hard worker - his whole face was a solid bruise - teenagers attacked - he could not fight back. So much for you " knockout")

Although directly in America this game probably also of a rather risky nature - in many states even concealed carry is allowed - a cool situation can happen with a “player” - if suddenly the “knockout” fails and the alleged object of attack turns out to be some kind of Colt 45 caliber. (Again a black man in America.)

But actually - reports from the US - people were really worried about the spread of this "game". (And these are only Russian-language videos - which we managed to find on the Web.)

A whole “flash mob”, as they say now, was staged by teenagers in the USA - a mass brawl with a game of “Knockout”

UK Knockout News - TV appears to have played a significant role in spreading the "game" outside of the US. "Hot news" - they distribute, and there are a lot of morons - nifiga yourself - a new game in America!

A kind of "knockout game" in Russia.

Video from the phone about the game "knockout" - the type approaches unnoticed and inflicts an unexpected blow to the man in the jaw. And on the Internet. (The technique of striking is curious - apparently the person is quite seriously engaged or something else. The blow is delivered very clearly and precisely - the person falls and that's it. In a knockout.)

Video blogger from Los Angeles - a man explains what's what from America. ("America is a country of contrasts")

Now, by the way, nothing is heard about this “game” ... The news has passed and that’s all - no one was especially interested,

That is, what is the point - an unexpected surprise attack - which, in principle, every person can be subjected to - simply because some psychos decided to "play knockout." (Again, if you look closely at the objects of attacks - just people - attack. They feel - who can answer - and send him to "knockout" if something happens. Therefore, the victims are very selective. And the attacks are so unexpected.)

Conclusion: there are some morons out there - you always need to be - although the likelihood of such an attack is rather small. But you need to remember - anything can happen.

(But actually - these types used to have fun - even more trenchant - about the Chinese Boxer Rebellion - . (Attention!!! Impressive people and children - of course it is better not to watch this is not a game "Knockout")

In the United States, the deadly game "Knockout" is gaining fashion. The essence of the game can be understood from the video report: when a random white passer-by passes by a flock of black teenagers, the host must suddenly knock him out with one blow.

A terrible new "game" that has already caused deaths in Syracuse, St. Louis and New Jersey is spreading across the country, and the unsuspecting people on the streets, everywhere, are becoming its victims.

A recent report from New York's CBS-2 sheds light on the growing trend, showing disturbing footage of teenagers participating in the game. The game is called "Knockout", and random passersby unwittingly take part in it. The goal of the game is to knock out a passerby with one blow.

In the video we see several victims. One of them is Ralph Santiago, 46, of Hoboken, New Jersey, who was found dead with a broken neck and head stuck between iron railings, according to NJ.com.

A security camera shows Santiago walking down an alley in broad daylight, as he passes a group of teenagers, and as one of them suddenly delivers a fatal knockout blow to him.

And why do they do it?

“For fun,” one of the teenagers in the video says.

“They are just wondering if they have the strength to knock someone out,” says another.

The metropolitan area has not escaped the spread of this cruel fashion.

A local woman who was attacked on 14th Street in Columbia Heights on Thursday says she believes she was the victim of the game. A group of about eight teenagers on bicycles came up behind her and one of the teenagers hit her in the head. According to the report, the police classified the attack as a "simple assault."

The woman told the publication that she believes others in the area should also be wary of similar attacks.

The game has already gone beyond the US and is spreading to other Western countries.

Here, for example, footage from London:

The video description says:

The perpetrator, Michael Ayoad, was caught by the police. He said in his defense that the victim deserved to be punished because she had an "unfriendly face" that he was "intimidated" by.

The "game" is spreading like a plague, and it has a characteristic racial connotation - blacks knocking out whites.

The game of Knockout began when a University of Michigan student hit a rock, fell off his bike, and sprawled out on the pavement in front of a street gang. A "Good Samaritan" from a nearby company asked if everything was all right and offered to help. Reaching out with one hand for help, he hit the cyclist in the face with the other hand. After that, the attacker, laughing, returned to the company.

At the same time, the vast majority of attacks are ignored by the police and are classified as ordinary hooliganism.

The participants of the game "Knockout" open hunting

The American police seriously took up the investigation of crimes related to the so-called "knockout game." As a rule, dark-skinned teenagers and their Arab peers are fond of this deadly fun, and white Americans become victims. The goal of the "game" is to knock down a random passer-by with one blow.

"Knockout" has already caused the death of at least three people, ITAR-TASS reports. One of them was 46-year-old homeless Ralph Santiago, who was found lying in the street with a broken neck in September. Anthony Caruso, a police detective in the city of Hoboken (USA, New Jersey), said: "Death occurred as a result of a strong blow." According to him, the moment of the attack was recorded by street surveillance cameras, and two weeks later, several black teenagers were detained in this case.

Similar attacks have been recorded in the states of New York, Missouri, New Jersey, Illinois, and in the US capital Washington. According to the police, only in New York for Lately there were at least eight such incidents, most of the attacks were committed in the Brooklyn area, where the victims, as a rule, were members of the city's Jewish community, including a 78-year-old woman.

NYPD spokesman Brendan Ryan said: "The police have taken seriously the participants in this monstrous 'game'. According to him, these cases will be considered, including as hate crimes.

In the US, there is a special legal qualification of crimes based on racial, religious or ethnic hatred. Under US law, this is an aggravating circumstance, resulting in sentencing offenders to lengthy prison terms, up to life.

Knock out the white game failed: two hooligans shot dead

Police are still trying to piece together bits and pieces of the events that took place on Monday, November 18, when a woman was attacked and then shot at a crowd of teenagers who attacked her.

Boyla Montgomery, who turned 60 the day before the events, was walking home after buying lottery tickets when a group of seven teenagers approached her on her way home. Montgomery initially thought they were trying to steal her purse, but instead she was hit by one of the teenagers, the second tried to do the same. Then she grabbed the weapon.

“All I felt was pain. And I told myself that I lived to be 60 years old and I want to live to at least 61,” the victim recalls. "Then I began to pray and asked the Lord to guide my hands." Montgomery then stuck her hand into her purse and then fired in the direction of the teenagers, after which they began to run. However, she hit two.

Boyla, who is a member of her local district watch, says she has always carried a gun ever since she was robbed. "It's a shame that you can't walk around your neighborhood, where you seem to feel safe, without being attacked or treated badly," she continues. "I bought the weapon hoping never to use it, but I'm glad I'm still alive and among the people."

The latter, however, cannot be said about her two victims: Montgomery shot 5 times, hitting one of the teenagers in the chest and the other in the stomach. Due to the age of the dead, police are yet to release their names, but say the teens died as a result of gunshot wounds. The police are still looking for other teenagers from the group. Witnesses say the teens ran away after the shots were fired.

Police have not yet filed charges against Montgomery, who had no previous arrests - she was only detained and then released.

This is the latest story in a series of other similar cases taking place in the US, where teenagers play the so-called "knockout" game. During this "game" they approach passers-by and try to knock them out with one punch.

With a high degree of probability, we can say that the story is fake. Or maybe just the media for some reason do not want to advertise this incident. In any case, there were real cases of self-defense with weapons. from these street hooligans (examples: , ).

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