The most interesting quest for children 10 years old. Scenario quest for children at home - Search for a gift! What is a scrapbook gift search

All of them are successfully carried out by active mothers and novice animators. Thanks for the kind comments!

This quest is intended for children 10-13 years old. Many at this age love dinosaurs, so the sci-fi story of my favorite Conan Doyle, The Lost World, based on which the game is based, will not disappoint them. I really hope that after the quest the children will run to read the book itself.

I can’t tell you with what pleasure I myself re-read the tattered PAPER book when I was preparing the material for the script… I envied myself!

The essence of the quest

  • This is a quest that can be carried out in an apartment of any size, in a cafe, in a country house, in a classroom and in nature. The props are the simplest, and you don’t need to hide anything anywhere. Conveniently! .
  • There can be only two children (these are already two teams), 6, 8, 10, etc. If the area allows, the quest can be held for 30 people, divided into teams.
  • I have prepared worksheets with tasks (download them for free), but you can easily remove the extra ones and add your own tests. On the first sheets, the riddles are more complex, on the last - just fun tasks so that the children have fun and "let off steam", dance and make faces.
  • The purpose of the quest is to get admission to the Lost World (the country of Maple White). It will be just a sheet of paper with the appropriate entry, but you can put gifts for the birthday boy or all guests along with the certificate.

For the completed tasks, the teams receive points, which I propose to give out in the form of gummy worms (in the story of Conan Doyle there were poisonous yarakaki snakes). We put Yarakak for passing the tests in separate banks for each team. If the task is completed without a hint - 2 worms. If with a hint - 1 worm. Failed - the worm is not supposed to.

At the end, we give everyone the same gifts, but the winning team can be additionally awarded with chocolate dinosaur eggs.

Where to begin?

My script uses the names of the main characters in the story. In principle, you can play right away, but it would be better if you at least briefly tell the essence of the book. I propose to sit children in front of a computer screen and show footage from the old Soviet filmstrip "The Lost World". This will take about 10 minutes. Everything is very short, but the game will go differently.

What should the leader do?

1. Give each team a sheet with a task, supporting materials and props.
2. Make sure that the children read and understand the task or read and explain the essence on their own.
3. Record the time when it is necessary
4. Follow the progress of solving riddles and give hints in time.
5. Kindly announce the winner of each challenge and put the gummy worms in different jars.
6. Follow the progress of the game, help and cancel difficult tasks if the children do everything very slowly.

What do tasks for teams look like?

I tried to prepare everything so that you can just download and use. I remind you that you can edit each sheet, adding or simplifying tasks.

These are 8 sheets with a brief dossier and tasks from all the heroes and characters of Conan Doyle's story "The Lost World".

I give you 10 folders, which will contain:

1. The task sheet itself from one of the heroes of the story (this is a text format, pictures are not visible on the preview, you need to download for editing)
2. Auxiliary pictures, if they are needed to complete the quest
3. Filmstrip Part 1 and Part 2 (you can watch directly from my Yandex disk, using the arrow, you can download it to your computer)

Quest scenario and instructions for the host

In the left column - briefly about the task for children (it is completely on the sheets that I give for download).
In the right column - comments for the presenter. I don’t write riddles in detail - everything is in that wonderful folder.


Greetings, daredevils. I am a descendant of Professor Challenger, who proved to his contemporaries the existence of the Lost World. The laws of nature have lost their power in this place due to complete isolation from the outside world. This is an amazing plateau with dinosaurs, pterodactyls and ancient plants.

My great-grandfather carefully encrypted all the coordinates, and only a select few can get admission to the Lost World! Are you ready to take the risk?

If you manage to cope with all these tasks, you will receive a certificate from me. Present it to our faithful assistant, who lives in the Amazon, who will show you the way to the Lost World.

Maple White Artist Jobs

Who found the artist

In the task "Who found the artist", the children have to compare the fingerprint on the bottle with the prints they get on the extra sheet.

One print needs to be cut out and glued to any bottle. Children compare pictures. Correct answer: Professor Challenger found the artist.


Each team receives one any book and a word (phrase) of 8 letters. Children encrypt words and exchange books and ciphers to decipher the opponent's code.

The host gives one team the word "Help", the other - the phrase "Diamond is here." Monitors the correctness of actions, gives a command for the exchange of encryption.

Album with drawings

The team gets a dinosaur coloring book. But you need to color it ... with plasticine! Tear off small pieces and quickly close up the dinosaur itself and the background. Everyone needs to work at the same time to get something worthwhile in 5 minutes.

The leader marks exactly 5 minutes. Based on the results, it gives the teams points. At the end of the quest, you can arrange an exhibition of plasticine paintings.

Assignments of Professor Challenger

Three riddles

Riddle 1.Continue the sequence C, O, N, D, Z, F, M (there are details on the sheet)

The host gives a hint in case of difficulty: remember the calendar. Correct answer: these are the first letters of the months starting from September. The next letter is A (April).

Riddle 2. If you call her name, she will disappear...

Correct answer: silence.

Riddle 3. Five round gingerbread should be divided into 6 people. But! You can not divide each gingerbread into 6 parts.

To solve, distribute paper and pencils, let them divide circles on paper. Correct answer: If we cut 3 gingerbread cookies in half, we get 6 identical parts. We cut the remaining 2 gingerbread into 3 identical parts and again we get 6 identical parts.


Children receive materials and instructions for making a balloon with a basket for flights

The facilitator gives each team one helium balloon, thick thread, sticky tape and a disposable cup. The team that did everything quickly and efficiently wins.

It took my daughter 4 minutes to make such a ball. To prevent it from flying away, they put a dinosaur there.

Assignment of journalist Ned Malone

Lost world map

2 people from each team participate. One holds the open felt-tip pen motionless, the second runs a piece of paper along the tip of the felt-tip pen, trying to repeat Ned's card.

The facilitator distributes felt-tip pens and pieces of paper on a solid basis - the sheet should not be bent. The winner is determined by the quality of the drawings.

Professor Summerlee's Quest

Ice Balls Mystery

Children receive balls that must be thawed under running water and find a note with a puzzle about a father and two sons.

Ordinary balloons are pulled over a faucet, filled with water to the size of a tennis ball, tied and frozen in a freezer. With a toy, they look very cool! Place a note with the task in one ball, after wrapping it in a bag. If this is not possible, inflate the balloons and let them pop.

Correct answer: Both sons cross first. One of the sons returns to his father. The father moves to the opposite bank to his son. The father remains on the shore, and the son crosses to the original shore after his brother, after which they both cross to the father.

extra phrase

Children must find an extra phrase among 7 sentences.

Correct answer: all phrases are palindromes, i.e. are read from left to right and from right to left in the same way. All but one: "I'm joking like that."

Traveler John Roxton's Quest

Fruits and roots

Choose one representative from each team and blindfold him. They have to try 5 different fruits and vegetables and guess what it is.

We cut all the products into small pieces, give them in the mouth, piercing them with a toothpick. Apples, pears, plums, grapes, carrots, beets, cabbage, bell peppers, garlic, onions, etc. Oh, they make such faces ... Everyone has fun!

Color and name of stones

Just connect the color and the name with lines. There are 2 stones for each color.

The fastest team wins, as the task is very simple.

The task of the black servant Sambo


You need to quickly, efficiently and firmly tie 10 pieces of clothesline.

Quest for a boy is a rather conditional name. This is my answer to the many requests from site visitors who complain about the rare boyish collections of ideas. A mixed team of children aged 10-12 years old or even girls alone can play.

I give!

  1. I give this script to all active parents, older brothers and sisters, teachers and novice animators. By the way, it is also great for a family holiday in which adults and children participate.
  2. I tried to save your time and prepared all the materials for the game. These are pictures, texts, QR code, videos, etc. . (7 pictures, video, text file, folder with files).
  3. If you would like to give me kind words for 20 hours of work on this script, please leave a comment on any article on this site. I really need this for inspiration...

Home quest for a 10-year-old boy's birthday: script and comments

Any quest requires a lot of preparation. I hope you are ready for this. I tried to come up with such tasks that use the simplest props. Without the participation of an adult host, nothing will work out, so parents need to think through all the stages of the quest well.

It is difficult to imagine 10-year-old children running around the apartment, so the entire movement around the apartment will be leisurely and thoughtful.

For tasks, we need two rooms - a room and a kitchen, for example. While the children are in one room, you are preparing a task in another.

The essence of the quest

As it should be in the quest, you need to solve a whole chain of riddles and find the treasure. It could be tickets to a movie, a circus, or a ride for guests hidden in a book. If the gifts are different, think of a box or briefcase with a combination lock. I give all the tasks as an example, you can easily change the text of the riddle and the place where the next letter is hidden.

It’s good if you use various options for delivering information: sms, email, QR codes, video links. If this is not possible, just write notes on paper and come up with places in the apartment where you can hide the next message or hint (refrigerator, washing machine, microwave, photo frames, vases, shelves with books, upholstered furniture, etc.).

SMS is sent by the quest host from an unknown number, hiding in another room.

For the presenter, I came up with a role that does not require a special costume. This is just an "underground bunker keeper", and he can look like anything - even in jeans and a T-shirt. The host's lines will always be in quotation marks after the blue word. "The keeper".

Quest script

The guardian meets the children at the entrance to the closed room. Here are the first two tasks. You can use stools or a small table.

The keeper:“Greetings to the underground bunker, which is located at a depth of 150 meters and was built over 50 years ago. Who and why needed to build housing underground is unknown! The bunker was opened by a librarian who found a strange book hidden under the library's shelving. From him, we all learned about the existence of a strange underground apartment, where an important envelope is kept among the things.

I am a bunker keeper. There have already been a lot of curious people here. They came singly and in groups. Everyone wanted to find the envelope, but it is not so easy to do it in the bunker... The secret of the envelope is guarded by a strange ghost... It does not allow you to rummage through things, shake everything off the shelves and open cabinets in a row. Only the one who can pass all the tests and solve all the riddles will be able to find the hidden envelope!

I do not know all the secrets of this mysterious place! Only the Ghost can give you some clues! I advise you to carefully study his messages. Here's a phone for you, Ghost can send you sms.

Exercise 1

The keeper:“Before you get into the bunker, you need to test your wits! Consider this your entry ticket to the mystery room.

Here is an example laid out from matches. As you can see, the answer is wrong. You need to shift one match so that you get the correct answer.

If the children find it difficult, tell them that you need to move one match from the first number and put it on the last one (turn 8 into 9, and zero into 8).

Task 2

The keeper:"Now let's test your memory! This is the international distress signal system. These figures are laid out on the ground from improvised materials so that the sign can be seen from the air. Divide the icons among themselves and try to remember their meaning in 2 minutes.

Why is this needed? You already know about the ghost. One of these signs will be placed on the floor in the room. You will understand what needs to be done next ... "

Children remember (it is better to divide 2-3 icons between the players), the Keeper lets them into the room, having previously taken the table. The letter F is laid out of clothes or some other items (you need food and water). The host makes it clear that the Ghost invites them to the table. I deliberately make a small gastronomic break at the very beginning of the quest, as it is better for children to have a bite to eat before the quest. It lasts an hour and a half, children may want to eat. Let it be a small buffet before hot dishes. Salads, small canapes, fruits, juices.

Task 3

The children are still at the table, but they have already eaten and are waiting for the continuation.

The keeper:“The ghost did not just put you at this table. Look for the clue right here."

To one of the plates you need to stick a QR code with adhesive tape, through which the children will receive the next task.

Task 4

In order for the text to appear, you need to open a special program on your smartphone (there are many of them) and point at the black and white square. In a second, the following text will appear on the phone screen (I have already created it in the form of a code, print “Task 4”): “Go to the next room. There are 5 glasses with numbers and a bottle of odorous liquid. Add 1 teaspoon to each glass. Hissing will give the desired clue number.

The odorous liquid is vinegar. In the fourth glass - soda, there will be a reaction, in all the rest - flour, nothing will change.

If you do not have the opportunity to use such a code, just stick a note to the bottom of the plate.

Task 5

The keeper:"Go back to the bunker. Look for this figure on the shelves!

Answer: We put any multi-volume publication in a prominent place, the children should see VOLUME 4. There they will find a new task.

Children open and leaf through the book, but find only a blank sheet of paper. The fact is that the letter was written with milk. It must be ironed with a hot iron to reveal the message. An iron and a board can be placed in the hallway, make sure everything is safe.

The children are prompted. This SMS: "Iron".

To make such a letter, simply paint with milk with a brush such a large graphic image of a washing machine (A4 format), dry it, fold it and hide it in a book.

Task 6

The children go to the washing machine, where they find paper with strange icons. You need to carefully consider the picture and insert the missing icons.

Answer: They are simply numbers from 1 to 7, written normally and mirrored along the vertical axis. You just need to add the numbers 2, 3 and 5, 6.

The task is very difficult, the Ghost can help and send SMS: "Count aloud from one to seven."

Task 7

As soon as the children complete the task, a new message comes to the phone: "Look for paints." Somewhere, jars of paints (red, blue and yellow gouache) and a spare sheet of paper, which will be a palette, should already be prepared.

On the coloring page, the task: "Color the balls orange, brown, purple and green" (print out "Task 7")

Children must mix the colors correctly. Green is blue and yellow. Orange - red and yellow. Purple - red and blue. Brown - all three colors together.

The finished drawing is given to the Guardian.

Task 8

The keeper:“Yes, you did the job, I will leave the drawing on the closet so that the ghost can see the correct answer. While you were drawing, the Ghost left a video message for you!”

Bring the kids to the computer or open the link on the tablet. The video can be viewed at the link: . If there is no Internet, use the entry from the task folder, it is also there.

There, the Ghost says the following text: “You have already come a long way ... But I feel so sad ... I love tongue twisters. I love it very much! Take turns climbing into a chair and read tongue twisters for me. Expressively. And dress up so I can have real fun. Only then will I allow you to continue searching for the important envelope."

Children read tongue twisters. You can give away all sorts of funny ears, noses, wigs. I recommend shooting on video, then you will laugh again.

The tongue twisters themselves are in the same folder (task 7).

You can make a video yourself. I hung a garland with light bulbs on my 16-year-old daughter and covered her with a tablecloth. Filmed in complete darkness, voiced in a special program. My daughter hissed, and I read the text.

Task 9

The keeper pours out a lot of balls from the bag (you can use a 120 liter garbage bag) : “This is for your fun! But the Ghost gives these balls for a reason! One of them contains a hint!”

Balls need to be prepared in advance, do not forget to put a piece of paper with the task in one. Children burst balloons, find a task (there is in a folder, print it out).

The names of famous composers will be written on a piece of balloon paper. And only one of them is not a composer: Vivaldi, Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, Schubert, Chopin, Liszt, Brahms, Albinoni, Boccherini, Brahms, Vivaldi, Shishkin, Glinka, Tchaikovsky, Prokofiev, Rachmaninov, Strauss.

The keeper:"You have found? Artist Shishkin? Fine! Find his painting in the room."

At my house I had a framed small reproduction of Shishkin's painting "Rye" in a frame. You can print any picture from the Internet and temporarily insert it into a photo frame. The frame needs to be disassembled, the children are happy to bend the metal holders. Under the cardboard - a new task!

Task 10

This is the last task. When preparing for the quest, print out the "Task 10" square with a fragment of Pushkin's poems from "The Tale of Tsar Soltan", cut the square into polygons along the lines and hide it in the frame. Children must find and collect the text.

Leading questions help to draw a conclusion - you need to look for a book with Pushkin's poems and fairy tales. There is such a book in every house, and we put an envelope with tickets to the cinema, circus or attractions in it.

After the quest, a big feast is due!

Ideas from site readers

Most of the tips, additions and ideas are in the comments. For a couple of years, many letters have also come in, the authors of which amaze my imagination with their creativity. I decided to quote one of these letters here, it was too much usefulness. Photos were also sent by Victoria Smirnova, many thanks to her!

“In fact, the contests are probably not new to you, and most likely I took them from your site :), I looked everywhere, but only here everything turned out to be very accessible and interesting. It’s just that we are all so impressed by the quest, and therefore the review is from the heart.

We had the theme "pirate island", 2-room apartment, children 9-10 years old.

I supplemented with the tasks Fishing, Without hands, Rainbow (drawing on milk), the children themselves determined on the map where to go next + gave them a description of the task (print it on striped notes, the numbers are out of order on purpose).

The task with matches “= 8”, respectively, further on the map we found the number 8 and determined the path “latrine” (we barely remembered what it was, because our bathroom is combined, there is also a bathtub full of water with a floating bottle (Morse code - the word piranha), we catch all the fish (made with paper clips, spatulas and disposable plates) on which the numbers are indicated, adding them up, we get the number 13. We find this number on the map and see the task "Quicksand". Instead of sand, there were 2 kg of seeds , you need to find exactly 13 coins and save them until the end of the quest, in order to later redeem the torn "piece of the map" from the leading pirate.

“International Distress Signal System” was reduced, because. There were only three children, so that each would remember three.
They remembered that the kitchen on the ship of the pirates is called the Caboose, they determined from the map what kind of task was next.

"No hands" - to get a QR code, you need to free the plates filled with mm&s with the help of straws, without helping with your hands. 10-12 pieces are enough for each, I went too far and not all children have enough breath.

"Note with milk" - with the help of an iron did not work! and above the candle it easily appeared, so the hint “Bonfire” is on the map.

"Rainbow" - replaced drawing with gouache, with drawing on milk with food coloring and cotton swabs with a secret ingredient 🙂 (faerie) - and the main task is to figure out how to save unusual paintings for a long time (guessed it yourself - take a picture). On the map, the task "Boom" is a note in balls, I put notes in all the balls, but only one is correct.

Don't know how to surprise a child on his birthday? No desire to hire an expensive animator? Do the quest on your own, even if you've never done it before!

The idea of ​​the home quest is as follows: the player sequentially solves riddles and completes tasks hidden around the house. The answer to each task indicates the object or place where the next clue is hidden. As a result, the chain of tasks leads to a gift or a hidden surprise. Children adore such games, they leave memories of a wonderful holiday in their memory for a long time!

Our ready-made colorfully designed set for a birthday quest for a child of 6, 7, 8, 9 or 10 years old is a great way to interestingly congratulate a child on his birthday. It will help to conduct an exciting game with the search for hidden gifts according to the clues in the premises of an apartment or a private house.

The quest for the birthday of a child can be carried out both individually, for one child, and for twin children, as well as for a group of children led by a birthday boy - the game will be even more fun. In this case, we recommend hiding along with the gifts for the birthday boy also surprises for other children, such as sweets or souvenirs.

All the tasks are completely ready - you just need to select the most suitable ones by keywords, print them out and arrange them right before the start of the game in accordance with a well-thought-out search chain.

Ready scripts for the quest. Detailed information can be viewed by clicking on the image of interest.

Set design

We offer to start the quest in an original way with the help of a special stable postcard in which you need to place the first clue. The format of the postcard is A4, in finished form it looks like this:

assignment assignments

Description of tasks

(in parentheses are key places where you can hide clues and a surprise)

  1. sweet hint (package, your option). A fun activity for mindfulness. To make a keyword, you need to find a dessert in each row in the picture that is different from the rest.
  2. Gift cipher (computer, bedside table). Colorful cipher. First, using the key, you need to decipher the letters, and then make a word out of them. The kit offers 2 options for the complexity of encryption for children of different ages.
  3. funny clowns (pot). Using the original cipher, you need to read the encrypted hint.
  4. Puzzle "Birthday" (towel, TV, your choice). A fun activity that kids love. To find out the next search location, you need to collect a cut picture.
  5. fairy path (entrance hall, your option). An interesting task in which a certain sequence of steps will help to read the keyword.
  6. funny snippets (angle, your choice). You need to find the given fragments of cute dogs.
  7. Secret encryption (closet, your option). An interesting type of encryption, a task for the speed of thinking.
  8. Tricky coloring (window, your choice). Unusual coloring. To read the keyword, you need to paint over certain letters.
  9. cake crossword (bed or pillow). An exciting stage of the quest, consisting of two tasks (details included). Places in the room that need to be used according to the task "Find differences": lamp (any lamp), plant, mirror, picture (picture, drawing), chair, kitchen drawer, refrigerator. In these places, the player (players) needs to find cards for solving the Crossword Cake: either pictures of animals, or cards with mixed up animal names. The choice of cards depends on the age of the players.

Advantages of this kit for the quest organizer:

  • The tasks are not related to each other, so they can be laid out in any sequence: for example, the clue "Crossword Cake" can be made the first, last, and also an intermediate step.
  • It is not necessary to use all tasks, you can reduce the number of stages.
  • The kit offers templates for the tasks "Sweet hint", "Puzzle", "Fairy tale path", "Funny fragments", "Secret encryption", "Cunning coloring": if the keywords in these tasks do not suit you, you can replace them yourself.

An approximate step-by-step scenario for conducting a quest for one child

  1. At the right moment, the child discovers a postcard with the first task "Sweet hint". The child guesses the keyword "package".
  2. The child finds a package containing the task "Gift cipher" and guesses the keyword "bedside table".
  3. In the nightstand, the child finds the task "Funny clowns" and guesses the next search location - "pot".
  4. In the saucepan, the child finds pieces of the puzzle with the keyword "TV".
  5. Behind the TV, the child finds the task "Fairytale Path". After completing it, he learns that the next clue must be sought in the hallway.
  6. In the hallway, he finds the task "Funny Fragments" with the answer "corner".
  7. In the corner of the room, the child finds the task "Secret encryption". He deciphers the clue to what to look for next in the closet.
  8. In the closet, the child finds the task "Cunning coloring". Having completed the task, he recognizes the next place to search - the window.
  9. On the windowsill, the child finds two parts of the last task: "Find the Differences" and "Crossword Cake". Having done everything, he guesses the keyword "bed".
  10. Under the bed, the child discovers a hidden gift.

The content of the quest for the birthday of the child

  • birthday card to start the quest
  • recommendations for the host on the preparation and conduct of the quest
  • tasks and answers (each task is immediately followed by an answer, and for convenience and clarity, all answers are formatted in the same way as the tasks themselves)
  • templates 6 tasks

The kit is offered in electronic form - you need to print everything you need on the printer yourself (postcard and assignments look great on ordinary office paper).

Kit format: instructions - 5 pages, tasks and answers - 34 pages, templates - 6 pages (pdf files), birthday card (jpg file)

After clicking on the button, you will be transferred to the basket

Payment is made through the payment system Robo cashier over a secure protocol. You can choose any convenient payment method.

Within an hour after successful payment, 2 letters from will be sent to the mail you specified: one of them with a receipt confirming the payment made, the other letter with theme“Order on #N for the amount of N rubles. paid. Congratulations on a successful purchase!" — It contains a link to download the content.

Please enter your email address without errors!

The first option is ideal for a small company, not exceeding 5 people. Cafe halls and open areas are ideal for organizing quests for 10 children in Moscow and providing a high level of dynamics.
It is important that there are a sufficient number of mobile relay races for elementary and middle school students, where they can release energy, run and compete. The main goals of the game are to develop attention and logic, acquire new knowledge, improve coordination of movements and communication skills.
For school-aged children and teenagers, one of three types of adventures is suitable:

  • Escape room - the main task is to find an exit. At the stage of passing, players find clues in non-standard ways that help them open the treasured door;
  • Performance is a format where the main roles are assigned to the participants, and secondary actors. As part of the game, it is necessary to achieve the goal;
  • Sports genre - the event consists in performing tasks, 50% of which require fitness and muscle engagement.

When choosing one or another type, it is important to pay attention to the sports training or intellectual development of the participants in the game. It should be fun, not a painful search for answers.

How good is this entertainment

Solving puzzles is a universal pastime. Adults, teenagers and even preschool children enthusiastically participate in it. For the younger generation, professional screenwriters carefully develop scripts, taking into account the preferences of the birthday person, the number of guests and the desired theme.
The quest, as the central entertainment of the solemn event, allows you to:

  • Get a flurry of indescribable emotions;
  • Take part in a real adventure;
  • Completely immerse yourself in the atmosphere of another reality;
  • At the end, enjoy prizes and awards.

In addition, despite the fact that quests for children 10 years old in Moscow are developed taking into account the age group, adults often take part in them with no less joy. If the parents are busy, they can leave on business, leaving the offspring to the organizers. Throughout the game, teams will be fully occupied with guessing puzzles.
Adventure in the form of puzzles provides not only an unforgettable experience. In the process, each team member can show their strengths and learn how to work as a team.

Task types

Tasks must be chosen carefully. In the first place are your favorite films and books of the hero of the occasion. Based on them, a fun scenario is developed, within which one or more teams operate. The mechanics of the game is simple: a chain of hints leads to the end of the story, but in order to get them, you must complete the task. Main types:


  • Tasks using props;
  • Active actions.

The first type develops logic, teaches to go beyond traditional thinking. Hints are encrypted in anagrams, crosswords and rebuses. Successful passage unlocks a code word that helps you move forward in the story.
The props open up a wide field for activity. It is possible that players will be asked to find a way to open the box or to reveal the invisible inscription in various ways. The clue you are looking for is hidden in a chest or on the wall until part of the surface is heated.
Active actions make up a significant part of the scenario, according to which quests for 10 people are held in Moscow and the Moscow suburbs. A lot of quest rooms in the city and large territories in the region help to complete complex tasks related to overcoming the obstacle course. In addition, this type of task involves manual work - it may require a whole object from parts and brew a magic potion. The necessary components will first have to be found.
Our professional screenwriters will develop a program taking into account the wishes of the parents and the interests of the participants. We offer holding events in Moscow at specialized venues, as well as in cafeterias or outdoors. Bright props, devices for relay races, non-standard riddles will turn an ordinary birthday party into a fabulous adventure that you will want to experience again and again.
See also.

What can be a quest for the birthday of a child from 10 years old? Quests are logical tasks for teamwork that must be completed within a certain time. Participants are waiting for a variety of tasks for search, logic and ingenuity.

This game gives children a chance to transform into their favorite characters - mysterious spies, all-powerful wizards, cartoon characters. You can order the game at home, or come to the location yourself.

Quests for a children's birthday: the main advantages

Still in doubt about choosing a gift? Three reasons why you should choose this type of entertainment:

  • The quest is suitable for both a child from 10 years old and a teenager. A variety of topics to suit every taste;
  • Such a role-playing game is suitable for children not only as entertainment, but also as a way to learn how to interact in a team, think logically and make decisions;
  • Entourage rooms, musical accompaniment and a dynamic plot will create a realistic atmosphere of what is happening.
  • KvestInfo has collected the best quests for children in Moscow from the leading companies in this field this year. Present an exciting game in Moscow to your child, which he will remember for a long time!

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