The most farm tanks in World of Tanks. The most farmed tanks in World of Tanks Tier 5 gold tank for farming

16.3.2017 15101 views

This article will discuss in detail the question of which premium tank is better for farming silver and which one, best premium tank for farming.

Almost any Word of Tanks player sooner or later faces a shortage within the game currency called “silver”. And if, playing at levels up to the sixth inclusive, this deficit is almost imperceptible, then starting from the seventh level and above, the issue of farming silver becomes relevant.

To this question, Word of Tanks offers two available solutions - this is buying a premium account for a certain period or buying a premium tank that you will have on a permanent basis.

Which premium tank is best for farming

Before you buy the much desired best tank for farming and enjoy the amount of silver you earn, you need to figure out which premium tank is better for farming silver and why it is called premium.
A premium tank is a vehicle purchased for “gold” inside the game client, in the Research tab, or on the portal in the premium store for real money.
Premium tanks are divided into levels, starting from the second to the eighth level, and also divided into classes, such as: heavy, medium, light tanks, anti-tank self-propelled guns and artillery (prem artillery is limited to the fifth level). Above the eighth level, premium cars that bring increased silver income are not currently represented in the game.

What is silver for?

The main criterion for obtaining silver is the damage dealt and the amount of damage dealt by your light. Therefore, when answering the question of which premium tank is better to buy for farming loans, you should start from these two parameters. Since the amount of potentially inflicted damage increases with the level of the vehicle, this means that the most profitable tanks will be the eighth level. Further, only the eighth level machines will be considered.

Which premium tank is better to buy for farming

Based on the foregoing, you can rank the eighth level premiums by the amount of damage dealt per shot:

1. Rheinmetall Skorpion G

The German tank destroyer is currently perhaps the best premium tank for farming silver, its alpha of 490 units with a base projectile penetration of 246 mm allows you to pierce your classmates just in silhouette, and with an accuracy of 0.3 you can target the vulnerable points of well-armored vehicles. And if you need to penetrate super-heavy vehicles like E 100, there are gold shells with a penetration of 311 units. This tank is suitable for players who like to play from the second line, since it has no armor, it suffers very much from high-explosive guns and artillery.

2.Object 252 U Defender

This is a novelty from Wargaming with the best alpha among heavy premium tanks of the eighth level. The penetration of the base projectile is 225 mm, which allows it to penetrate most of its classmates without any problems, but the accuracy of 0.44 indicates that this vehicle is exclusively close combat. The weaknesses include a small viewing radius of 350 meters, which is the lowest indicator on the level. Suitable for those who like to play on the first line.

3. American T 34

This machine is famous for its excellent gun with 400 damage per shot and 248 mm penetration, which, with an accuracy of 0.35, practically excludes the use of gold shells, even during the battle at the bottom of the list with tenth levels. It is also famous for its strong turret, capable of repelling projectiles from level 10 guns. The body of the vehicle is lightly armored, so this vehicle suffers greatly on flat maps. Suitable for players who love the style of play from the tower.

4. M4A1 Revalorise

French medium tank, the only merit of which is the gun. 390 units are applied per shot, penetration is 200 mm, and accuracy is 0.35. These parameters allow you to play from a medium distance and target vulnerable areas of the enemy.

5.Heavy German tank Lowe

Alpha in 320 with a penetration of 234 mm and an accuracy of 0.33 allow you to confidently deal damage to almost all enemies, and the excellent armor of the vehicle’s forehead, combined with good gun angles, allow you to feel great in close and long-range combat on any maps of the game.

6. 8.8 CM PAK 43 Jagdtiger

A separate line in this list of premium vehicles is the 8.8 CM PAK 43 Jagdtiger - this vehicle does not have high one-time damage, which is 240, and penetration is 203 mm. But the excellent accuracy of 0.31 and a phenomenal rate of fire of 11 rounds per minute, turns this car into a formidable opponent that is capable of one-on-one shooting almost any opponent.

In conclusion, I would like to emphasize that best premium tank for farming silver there will be a tank where you will be good at dealing damage, which means if you like heavy vehicles, then there is no point in buying a tank destroyer on which you will die with minimal damage.

In this article, we will look at 10 most profitable vehicles for farming silver in World of Tanks. Indeed, in WoT, each vehicle brings a different amount of silver and experience, repairs for some tanks cost much more than others. For those who have a premium account, this may not be a significant difference, but for those who have a regular account, it is very noticeable. Sometimes, in order to play on your favorite 10, you have to earn extra credits on 5...

Do not forget, for good farming it is desirable to choose the technique that you know how to play, know all the subtleties and often win. If such a machine is on the list - great! We advise you to install all the necessary modules on it, pump the crew to the maximum - then you will receive not only silver, but also a bonus in the form of a pleasant game on the pumped tank! By playing on such a vehicle, you can increase your efficiency and win percentage in World of Tanks - improve your statistics. And if you play in a platoon on the same type of vehicle, it will happen much faster.

10 most farm tanks:

1. pzkpfwIII
This tank is good because at its fourth level it has a fairly good view to detect the enemy, as well as the caliber of the gun (75 mm) allows you to often pierce and destroy the enemy. pzkpfwIII is welcome in company battles, if you like this kind of battles - this is a great option for you!

2. Grille
Level 5 Arta occupies the second position, she is also in demand in companies. Her opponent is su5, which has too little ammo.

3. su26
This artillery can be thrown at maximum at level 5 tanks, and due to the high rate of fire and accuracy due to the rotating turret, the artillery brings a good profit, dealing good damage.

4. sq2
The tank was nicknamed the shaitan because of the 152 mm gun, which can one-shot from one penetration. With a 107 mm gun, the damage is not as high, but it has more penetration and faster reload.

5. su85
This tank has a 107mm gun that has good penetration and good damage. su85 farms an average of 5000 silver thanks to inexpensive shells and repairs.

6. StuGiii
StuGiii is another German tank farmer. Fri-sau which is similar to su85 in farming. The gun of this tank has high accuracy and fast reloading.

7. kv3
This tier 6 tank outperforms even the M6 ​​and ARL 44. The kv3 is the best heavy tank among the tier 6s! When playing in company battles, a 122 mm caliber gun will work well. Since one projectile costs about a thousand, then the profit naturally depends on the hits. Therefore, for random battles, it is better to install a 100 mm or 107 mm gun.

8. su8
There are no distinctive features, but on this art you can farm at higher levels.

9. T-34-85
This tank with top modules brings good profit and is very good in company battles, thanks to a 100 mm gun that can penetrate tanks up to lvl 9.

10. A-20
Many will think, why not the T-50, why this particular tank? Because the A-20 is superior to the T-50, because the T-50 is just a firefly that does not stand out in anything else, and the A-20 is good at farming silver, but only with the right play. It is because of this that he is ranked 10th.

This information on tanks is subjective. After all, in different hands the same tank can win, bringing a bunch of silver and experience, or lose in the first minute without firing a single shot. If you know a good tank for farming silver, you can give a couple of examples from successful battles - write in the comments!
If you are still a beginner, you don’t know how and what to do, we advise you to read the article - how to become an excellent player in World of Tanks. Simple tips will help you quickly get acquainted with the intricacies of the game.

The economy of the game World of Tanks is designed so that from level to level you earn more and more silver. At the same time, with an increase in the level of technology, you may notice an increase in the cost of repairing vehicles, as well as the purchase of shells. For the most part, this applies to repairs. The beginner first enjoys the increase in profitability from the battle, buying more and more expensive high-level tank modules and collecting credits for the tank itself. But after level 5-6, a problem arises - the cost of the battle begins to exceed the reward. The developers made this trick on purpose so that you can “train in low-level battles” so to speak and already perform well at higher levels. You will not be able to play “somehow” at high levels. And that means you need to think about something.

The Problem of Experienced Players

Here, a similar situation can arise in two main cases:

  • in the heat of the game, they did not notice large expenses and lowered their accumulated savings;
  • the player has not played World of Tanks for a long time and, having come back to the game, quickly spent the accumulated credits.

The fuse in the World of Tanks game was probably felt by everyone. “One more fight and sleep” is probably the most common situation among players. You can chase the performance of LBZ (personal combat missions) on high-level vehicles. You can actively participate in Marathons. Try to complete a daily or weekly combat mission. In the end, just play in clan wars or team games. As a result, you will come to a logical question - how to farm silver in World of Tanks?

Ways to farm loans in World of Tanks

Perhaps for some players it will be a revelation that you can really accumulate credits in World of Tanks. Even when various factors change in the game, various updates come out, you can accumulate silver. There are quite a few ways to do this, which will be presented in the article. And most importantly, almost all of them work stably. In other words, once you take note, you can use them all the time.

To begin with, it is proposed to divide all methods into: direct and indirect actions. Direct farming methods are actions that directly affect the increase in silver. Indirect actions - actions that do not directly relate to the farm, but, nevertheless, lead the player to enrichment. Let's look at direct farming methods first.

An example of a successful battle on the KV-2:

Method number 1 - Premium account

Wargaming offers the player to improve the profitability of his game at any time by acquiring a premium account in the Premium game store (colloquial - Prem). What will you get if you buy Premium? The first is an increase in profitability by 50% (in credits) when playing on any vehicle (except for premium tanks, they have their own calculation). The second is an improvement in the leveling of crew experience by 50%. And the third is an improvement in the pumping of equipment (combat experience, and hence free experience) also by 50%. This is a great solution for a player to earn silver, but there are nuances.

The first nuance is that you need to buy a premium account optimally, based on the money you have. Lots available for purchase are updated daily in the Premium Shop (in this case, the number of Premium days) and it is better to keep an eye on this. Also, during various promotions, you can save a lot on the purchase of Prema. So follow the news on the official World of Tanks game portal.

The second nuance is the opportunity to get the same Premium for free by performing either daily / weekly tasks, as well as in case of unplanned technical work on the servers.

The third nuance is the reverse side of the coin - the deterioration of the playing conditions for the player. This nuance became known from the experience of playing World of Tanks mastodons and is constantly confirmed. According to him, it seems that when playing with Prem, your tank becomes stock (with basic modules), and the crew is only 50%. Perhaps this is how Wargaming encourages players to get hooked on Prem on an ongoing basis, or perhaps this is the result of the relaxation of the player himself with Prem.

Method number 2 - Premium equipment

You probably know from the first battles in the game that in the Premium Shop you can immediately (without a long upgrade) buy a tank of almost any level and class. This moment still causes controversy among the players. Some people talk about breeding “crawks and crabs” (bad game and bad players), as Wargaming's idea of ​​training and preparing the player for high-level fights is violated here. The result is the entry into battle of inexperienced players to high levels and leads to “drains” (defeats) in the battles of one of the parties due to the fault of these most inexperienced players. Others talk about the benefits of premium vehicles, but only for players who have a certain number of battles (from 20k). Still others say that high-level premium vehicles give an inexperienced player a chance to see how they play at high levels and give an idea of ​​how to develop and what to strive for in the game. Well, there are fourth ones that talk about the ban on premium cars altogether, since they give a certain odds to the player compared to an ordinary player of the same level.

Be that as it may, Wargaming sells premium tanks, which means that you can buy them and increase your profitability (and in general the comfort of the game). Specific farm improvement figures are individual for each tank (usually +30% credits, you need to look at each tank). But it is undeniable that you improve your profit in every battle. Again, there are a few things to keep in mind:

The first nuance is that the additional profitability from playing on a premium tank and the profitability from a premium account are summed up. But as no one knows for sure, Wargaming specifically leaves loopholes here for itself.

The second nuance is that premium vehicles are periodically nerfed (changed in terms of characteristics for the worse) by developers, and this causes a lot of indignation among players. So far, there has been only one precedent in the game when the SuperPershing T26E4 could be sold for the same amount of in-game gold (purchasable game currency) that the player bought. Usually, you can sell a premium tank for silver at an extremely unprofitable rate, or if there is a promotion, get on Trade-in (exchange with an additional payment of your premium tank for another, with an underestimation of the cost of the tank being sold).

Method number 3 - Personal combat consumables

Recently (less than a year ago), LBR (personal combat consumables) have appeared in the World of Tanks game. A player can activate no more than 3 LBRs at once for a certain time. There are four types of LBR: increase in combat experience, increase in crew experience, increase in free experience and increase in profitability in loans. Each consumable has a different duration (from 30 minutes to 3 hours) and a different bonus level (from 5% to 300%). LBR can be bought in the Premium Shop, but almost no one does it (it is expensive and you need to play all the time the consumable is active for the maximum effect). Fortunately, the administration of Wargaming distributes them right and left in every promotion. Therefore, do not forget to activate them and use 100% of their duration.

Method number 4 - Promotions and event modes

The game quite often hosts various promotions dedicated to events related to tanks and famous personalities from tank building or wars. In addition to daily / weekly combat missions on the occasion of these promotions, you can also get into the event mode (a completely new mode in World of Tanks that will not be repeated). Everyone needs to follow this in the news on the official portal of the game and be sure to participate in them. This is sometimes just a great way to significantly increase your savings without loss.

In the game World of Tanks, the best way to accumulate in-game currency and get more experience for upgrading your crew is to play with a premium account, on premium tanks. Also, the developers have provided the opportunity to play without buying a premium account and equipment. The accrual of silver and experience depends on the usefulness of the player in battle. How much damage was inflicted, the initial light of the enemy, the damage inflicted by the allies with the help of the player (light, immobilized the car), the amount of equipment destroyed.

Equipment is divided into classes: heavy, medium, light tanks, as well as tank destroyers and artillery. Since the highest coefficient is given for dealing damage (damage), heavy vehicles are considered the most farming. The highest coefficient is given to premium cars of the eighth level.

Which tanks bring in the most revenue?

This is a technique that can do something in combat. On any premium vehicle of the eighth level, you can even get more than 150,000 silver and a couple of thousand experience. But this is with a premium account and a lot of damage. Basically, on average, on premium vehicles, 80000-100000 silver with more than 2000 hit points of damage. Prem equipment is set by the developers in terms of technical indicators somewhat worse than the pumped equipment. So, for example, the Soviet IS-6 and the American T26E4 SuperPershing are exhibited with preferential combat levels +1, that is, they do not fall into the tenth levels.

This is due to weak armor penetration, the IS-6 has 175mm armor-piercing and 217mm gold ammunition, the pershing has 170mm armor-piercing and 258mm gold ammunition. And of course, at the tenth levels, you can’t do anything with such a penetration of a bb shell. Cars with a preferential level of battles do not often get to a higher level, more often the game takes place with classmates. And here, I would like to note the medium tank of the American branch - T26E4 SuperPershing.

It does not quite look like a medium tank, it is slow because of the frontal armor hung on it, with a weak penetration of 170mm armor-piercing ammunition and excellent penetration of a gold shell of as much as 258mm. This medium tank of the first line, it is difficult to break through it in the forehead, of course, you need to be able to play it, but it does its 2000 damage even with a pumped crew in capable hands, it is quite a formidable machine.

A very good farming machine is the FCM 50t heavy tank. Like any Frenchman, there is almost no armor, except for the frontal part, he is, as it were, considered a tank of the second line, conducting sniper shooting, and sometimes he can tank damage with his 120mm armor. T-34 and LOWE armored bands are also great for good farming.

In terms of premium vehicles, the third-tier anti-tank self-propelled artillery mount FCM36PAK40 can be singled out separately. The highlight of this machine is its visibility of 400m. At the third level of the level, no other car has such a view. And what happens if the disguise is pumped, the brotherhood in arms, there is a stereo tube. This is an invisible tank. Another interesting easy way to earn silver is the unloved artillery, the premium vehicle of this class in the game is represented by the only variant of the French LeFN18B2 self-propelled artillery mount of the fifth level.

How to farm if there is no premium account and premium vehicles?

After all, starting from the eighth level, the pumped equipment requires a lot of silver, and often playing without a premium account at the end of the battle leaves you in the red. The developers took care of this. This is a level 5-6 game. The Tier 5 T-67 anti-tank self-propelled artillery mount, light, fast, with a good camouflage coefficient, quick-firing and with good one-time damage, with a pumped crew will bring a stable income of 7000-15000 silver. According to many reviews, as well as going into the statistics of the players, you can see the leading places in terms of the number of battles are occupied by the Soviet heavy tank of the fifth level KV-1. The tank is unpretentious in the game, forgives mistakes and steadily, without a premium account, brings owners 10,000-20,000 silver.

The best tanks for farming silver in WOT.

I would like to sum up and pay attention to another 10 tanks presented below, with skillful management and tactics, they can become one of your the best tanks for farming silver in World of Tanks.

  • Grille;
  • SU-26;
  • KV-2;
  • SU-85;
  • StuGiii;
  • KV-3;
  • SU-8;
  • T-34-85;
  • A-20.

As a conclusion, it can be noted that the best farm is a good game that is rewarded with an increased profitability ratio.

It can be difficult for beginners to earn silver. But tanks of level 10 cost (just think!) 6 million! Getting about 5k silver for a victorious battle, it will be very difficult to save up for such a car in HERE Blitz. The good news is that not all technology is equally unprofitable. You can make good money on some pumped tanks even with 40% statistics, low FPS, without a premium account and credit boosters!

Each tank in World of Tanks Blitz has its own silver farm coefficients. For some machines, the developers deliberately increase them so that users who play without donations have an easier life. To date, the best farm French people And Germans . But do not rush to rejoice. To get a good reward, you will have to learn how to shoot a lot of damage. A good indicator is 1000 or more per battle, but if you manage to get closer to 2000, then the reward will increase significantly.

TOP 3 pumpable tanks for farming

Not everyone has money for tanks for farming in Blitz, which are bought with donations. But there are a lot of pumped cars with increased profitability. In the original version of this article, the best results were shown by pz . IV , Vk 16.02 and ginger pz . III / IV . Each of these machines easily took out 25-40 thousand credits per battle in the old days. But after several updates, the best blitz farm tanks have changed: Pazik has been nerfed, Leopard has lost its cheat damage, and Pz. III / IV and completely became a collector's item. What to farm on in 2020?

ARL 44 (heavy tank VI rank, France)

ARL 44 is a real "imba" among classmates of its level. Its gun can easily penetrate almost any armor, so the tank does not need improved shells for gold from the word “absolutely”. It is mobile, has a high hull traverse rate for a TT, and the sloping frontal armor allows good tanking of hits from single-level opponents. To play poorly on ARL 44, you have to try very hard. After all, even in the worst battle, the car easily deals thousands of damage.


  • Pharma ratio - 118%
  • high penetration
  • Mobility
  • Hull rotation speed
  • Good armor


  • Dimensions
  • Long mixing (6.1 sec)
  • flat sides

BDR G1 B (heavy tank V rank, France)

In second place is the predecessor of the ARL 44, the French heavy tank BDR G1 B. The BDR has always been good, but in one of the recent updates (summer-autumn 2019), its armor was increased, so now it has become even stronger. The car can withstand hits from the same level opponents well and is played quite comfortably to deal from 1000 damage per battle. In addition, the tank is quite mobile, but at the same time it has a rather high silhouette and mediocre vertical aiming angles, which you will have to get used to.


  • Pharma ratio - 145%
  • high penetration
  • Mobility
  • Strong Armor


  • high silhouette
  • Poor elevation angles
  • All the same flat sides

T25 AT (PT-ACS rank VII, USA)

Let's face it: the profitability ratio of this machine is not too high - only 113%. For some tank destroyers, it is an order of magnitude higher. For example, in the British AT-8 it is as much as 139%, but what a pleasure it is to farm on it, you yourself probably know. But with the T25 AT, everything is different.

Firstly, this tank destroyer is quite fast and confidently keeps an average speed around 30 km / h. Secondly, it has wonderful vertical aiming angles +20 / -10, which will allow you to play from hills and shoot comfortably from hills. At the same time, her top gun can penetrate as much as 198, which is more than enough for single-level opponents and even for part of the rank 8 TT. In a word, a fairy tale, not a PT! But you have to learn how to play it correctly.


  • Pharma ratio - 113%
  • Very high penetration
  • High average speed - 30 km / h
  • Good armor
  • Elevation angles +20 / -10


  • You need to be able to play tank destroyers

BONUS #1: Pz. III/IV (medium tank V rank, Germany)

Pz. III/IV is currently a collectible vehicle that cannot be obtained through gameplay. But it still remained in the hangar of many tankers from the time when it was available in the German tank tree.

Pz. III/IV has a farm coefficient in WOT Blitz among pumped tanks (146%) and is able to bring up to 35-40 thousand silver per battle even without a premium account. Of course, for this you will have to shoot quite a lot of damage, but for a skilled player this will not be a problem. The 3v4 Pasik has an excellent penetrating cannon with an average damage of 160, excellent armor that often catches ricochets, and almost the speed of a Leopard. Like previous vehicles, the tank is perfect for raising statistics, and in direct hands it can work wonders at all!


  • The best farm ratio among upgraded tanks – 146%
  • Good DPM, average damage ~160, cooldown 6-7 sec.
  • High mobility and maneuverability
  • Excellent armor for CT, which often catches ricochets


  • Collectible, cannot be obtained by playing
  • In the hands of a 40% "extra" he is unlikely to be able to bend
  • Typical CT gameplay from cover
  • Difficult to learn for a beginner

BONUS #2: Leopard (Tier V light tank, Germany)

Most contemporary extras remember what this furious kid was capable of. Despite the cardboard body, LEO was able to magically take ricochets from time to time even from heavy enemy tanks! Speeds under 60 km/h and turns over 60 degrees per second still make it one of the most maneuverable tanks in the game today.

But Leopard's gun was nerfed. If earlier his machine gun fired 4 bursts, now there are only 3. This is no longer the deadly weapon as we remember it. And yet, in the right hands, the tank not only farms well with its coefficient of 140%, but also raises the statistics of victories.


  • High farm ratio - 140%
  • With straight arms, tank stats will be 75%+
  • Good (and not boring) farming silver if you shoot a lot of damage
  • Speed, maneuverability, high visibility
  • Penetrating machine gun - damage to modules, fires in almost every burst
  • One of the best stat tanks


  • Not the most efficient on small screen touch devices
  • Difficult for a beginner gameplay
  • cardboard armor

TOP 3 premium tanks for farming

If farmed WOT Blitz tanks come and go and change their characteristics, then with premium vehicles everything is exactly the opposite. There were no significant changes in them, and the best results in terms of the amount of silver per battle are shown by the same top three of rank 8 leaders.

T26E4 SuperPershing (medium tank rank VIII, USA)

When we hear "super pershing", the memory of a completely impenetrable forehead, which seems to be able to withstand a direct hit from a long-range ballistic missile, involuntarily pops up. Such abnormal strength allows the T26E4 to simply shove ahead with the team without fear of anything. In addition, the tank also has a high penetration around 205 mm, comfortable vertical aiming angles of +20 / -10 and the highest farming ratio at level 8 - 190%.


  • Highest farm ratio at level 8 - 190%
  • Very strong frontal armor of the hull and turret
  • Elevation angles +20 / -10
  • High armor-piercing


  • low mobility
  • Highly vulnerable from the sides and rear
  • Expensive (7200 gold)

Löwe (heavy tank VIII rank, Germany)

The German Lion is one of the most popular premium tanks for farming. It is massive, large in appearance and well armored. There are only 2 weak points in the forehead of the "lion": the commander's hatch and the NLD, which is often quite difficult to aim at. The tank's gun penetrates 294 mm of armor and deals an average of 310 damage. Its characteristics are enough to deal 2-3 thousand damage in battles without any problems and receive 100 thousand credits.


  • Pharma ratio - 185%
  • Strong forehead, but there are vulnerabilities
  • High armor-piercing


  • Easily breaks through the sides
  • Slow
  • Large dimensions

Т34 (heavy tank VIII rank, USA)

The American T34 has a much lower return on the Lion, at just 170%. Among the premium vehicles there are many tanks with a high farm ratio, but the T34 stands out among them with its comfortable gameplay. Like the German, it is well armored in the forehead and even has a slightly higher average speed (21 km/h). The gun deals an average of 400 damage, penetrating 248 mm of armor. If you have a premium account on T34, you can consistently export from 70-80 thousand silver per battle.


  • Pharma ratio - 175%
  • well armored
  • High one-time damage, armor-piercing
  • Comfortable elevation angles +15 / -10


  • Slow turret turn
  • Low speed
  • Large dimensions

Where to watch the profitability of tanks

There is a special topic on the official forum of the game, which has been updated by an enthusiastic player for several years now. It shows the farming coefficients for almost all existing tanks, as well as the formula for calculating the amount of credits that the player receives per battle.

Which tank to choose

One that you enjoy playing.

Farming is an activity that you will have to do all the time in order to buy new equipment in WOT Blitz. Therefore, choosing a car is not based on technical characteristics and profitability ratios, but on personal preferences. Yes, T34 farms less than T26E4 - that's right. But what is better: to roll 15 fights for your own pleasure, or for the sake of the same amount, reluctantly play 10-12 fights through force? The answer is obvious.

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