Rules of the game of backgammon with display. Backgammon game rules for beginners with pictures

To understand the main goal of backgammon, you need to get to know the playing field. It has a rectangular shape and is divided into two parts. Each of them has 12 points, there are 24 in total. They are triangles stretched from the edges to the middle of the board, and have their own numbers - for each player their own - from 1 to 24.

Field for backgammon

To play backgammon, you need to realize that what for one side will be the number 24, for the other will be one, and vice versa. This applies to all items. Each player has 15 checkers of the same color, his task is to pass a full circle around the board, leaving the "house" and, returning back to it, take the checkers out of the field. "Home" is six consecutive points in one of the corners of the field, the starting position of the two opponents. The game plays a big role in randomness, as both sides use a pair of game dice. There are many different varieties of backgammon, but only two of them, namely long and short, have received worldwide recognition. For both types, the rules for how to play backgammon are different.

How to make a move

In any case, the right of the first move is determined by rolling one dice. The player with the highest number of points starts the game first, and then they move in turn. How many points you need to move the checker is determined by the number of points dropped on the two bones. Opponents move their pieces towards each other, from 1 to 24 points. In short backgammon, it is allowed not only to place checkers on unoccupied points, but also to knock out the opponent's pieces standing alone, but not in long backgammon. It is impossible to put a piece on a point or knock out an opponent's checker if several of his pieces are on the position at once. It is permissible to remove only one checker and only from the head in one move. A video posted in the public domain on the net helps to learn how to play backgammon: you can learn about the rules of the game using a good example.

When a player moves one piece, it is required that at least one of the intermediate points between its former location and the new one be free. The knocked checker is placed in the "bar" - on the line passing through the center of the board. Before moving the pieces, it is necessary to return all the knocked-out checkers back to the field, and place them in the competitor's "home" in accordance with the points dropped on the dice. At this time, it is allowed to knock out the opponent's pieces.

Victory in backgammon

Anyone who knows how to play backgammon correctly knows that the one who removes all his checkers from the board, having previously brought them to someone else's "home", becomes the winner. Throwing out pieces is allowed only when they are all in the "house". If at the moment of throwing them out the opponent knocked out at least one piece from the field, it must be returned to the “home”. Until this happens, it is impossible to remove the pieces, however, the player can move the checkers inside the "house".

As mentioned, dice are of great importance in backgammon. So, the number of points by which you want to move a piece during the first move is determined by the points that fell on both dice at once during the draw. To learn how to play backgammon, you need to understand that directly during the game, opponents take turns throwing dice and moving for a number of points equal to the points on the dice. A "jackpot" or "double" is possible - the same numbers fell on both rolled dice. Then the points are doubled, and the player gets the right to move 4 pieces at the same time per turn. If the rolled number is greater than the distance from the farthest piece to the edge of the board, and all the checkers are in the "house", the farthest checker is removed from the field. In the situation when during the move there is only one option for moving, it is permissible to move the piece by more points than the number of points. If there are several alternative moves, it is better to choose one that requires two dice, rather than one. When the checkers cannot be moved at all, the move has to be skipped.

What is the difference between long and short backgammon?

The rules for playing long backgammon differ from the above only in that it is forbidden to knock out opponent's pieces in them. In addition, White's "home" is points numbered 13 and 18, and "Black" - 1 and 6. Also, the difference is that in long backgammon both players move the pieces counterclockwise, that is, not towards one another, but one after another. One of the rules says that in no case should an impenetrable barrier be built in front of the opponent's checkers. It is allowed to remove checkers from the board according to the dropped points: the figure is displayed from the field whose number corresponds to the number of points scored. In short backgammon, the starting position is more difficult. The “house” of the player and the “yard” of the player are positions 6 and 1, 12 and 7, respectively, the “house” and “yard” of the enemy are 19 and 24, 13 and 18. Before playing short backgammon, you need to place the pieces in the correct order: two each - at positions 1 and 2, and four each - at 12 and 19, and three - at point 17. The same, taking into account the reverse numbering, applies to and an opponent.

In addition to long and short, there are other varieties of backgammon, among which short Caucasian ones stand out. Their rules are no different from those adopted, however, the opponent's checkers cannot be knocked down in their "home". When the game is played with stakes, its terms are negotiated separately between the parties. Sometimes a so-called “doubling cube” is used to help keep track of rate increases. In addition, during the "double" rates are raised twice. If desired, you can negotiate with your opponent the maximum number of "doubles" per game.

How to play backgammon? Competition Rules

Many people remember the game of corners. White and black pieces line up in groups in diagonal opposite corners of the field, and the player's goal is to move to the enemy's territory as quickly as possible. A similar principle applies to backgammon. How to play backgammon?

The rules of the game, at first glance, seem complicated. However, this is not so, let's deal with everything in order.

What are backgammon and the rules of the game

The set includes: a playing board with cells along the inner perimeter, thirty chips: 15 pieces of black or white for each player, two dice (dice).

Chips of the selected color are placed in the upper right corner from you. There are no special requirements for how they should stand, most often they are simply lined up in a vertical row. The main thing is that they are all at the start, that is, in the initial corner cell.

The forces of the opponent, respectively, will be under your left hand.

The game begins with players rolling one die at a time. Whoever gets the most points goes first. Further, throughout the game, players roll a couple of dice and move their chips as many cells as there are dots.

All chips move counterclockwise across the field! When it's your turn to roll the dice, you will get two numbers, for example, you rolled 5 and 2. You can sum up these results and make a single move of 7 steps. One cell - one step.

Or you can not add up these results and move two figures at once. One for 5, and the other for 2 moves forward.

Moving around the field, you need to follow one rule. You can stop either on an empty cell, or on your own color. This is called "put on the head."

Simply put, if necessary, you can put your chips on top of each other, but stopping on an opponent's chip is prohibited. This rule also applies if you add up the results of the dropped points. In this case, we move with a stop.

Example: If the dice showed 5 and 2, then first the chip steps 5 cells, looks around, and only then takes the remaining 2 steps. It is possible and vice versa: first by 2, then by 5. The main thing is that the stop does not fall on the enemy's head: this is prohibited by the rules. Otherwise, you will have to look for another option.

There is one more rule. At the beginning of the game, all the pieces are lined up in one corner cell. Any chip starts from it, this is called "remove from the head."

So you can only remove it from your head in one move.

Example: the dice showed 2 and 6. You remove the chip from your head and take 2 steps with it. The remaining 6 steps you can make either with her, or with any other piece on the field. In other words: no more than one removal from the head per turn.

It happens that you cannot make a move for the number of steps that you have dropped out. No matter how you look, your every move stops at enemy positions. Most often this happens towards the end of the game, when almost the entire territory of the field is occupied.

Alas, in this case, you skip the move and hope for the mercy of the dice.

It is also called a double. This is when both cubes showed the same number of points. In this case, the player gets the right to make 4 moves, each for as many steps as the number of points shown by each of the cubes.

Example: with a 3:3 double you get 4 moves of 3 steps each. In total, you get 12 moves, and you dispose of them at your discretion. You can also play with one jack figure by moving it all 12 steps.

The main thing is that the stops do not fall on the opponent's head.

If the double 6:6 fell on your very first move in the game, then it gives you the exclusive right to “remove two chips from your head” for the only time, because you won’t be able to make a single move for 24 steps: we will find ourselves at the start of the opponent.

It happens that a successful jackpot has fallen out, but you cannot make all 4 moves: the balance of forces of the opponent does not allow. We act according to the rule described above - we are sadly waiting for the next chance.

What to strive for

Learning the rules and playing backgammon, as you can see, is not at all difficult. Your goal is to competently move around the field and line up all your soldiers of the same color on the opponent's territory. This is called "bring home". Home is the 6 spaces in the bottom right quarter of the board.

As soon as your last piece is in the cherished territory, we begin to “drive them out”.

In the online backgammon electronic game, the necessary chips are automatically removed from the field. In real backgammon, you simply push them away: to the center or to the start, in a bunch or in a row - it doesn’t matter. The main thing is that they no longer participate in the game.

How to "kick out"

We number all home cells, starting from the far right. She is assigned the number 1 and then ascending to the left, up to 6. On your next turn, you roll the dice. The number of dots dropped on them is the numbers of cells from which you can remove chips.

Example: the dice showed 3 and 1. You either remove 2 figures from the cells of the same name, or add the result and remove one figure from cell number 5.

It happens that the cubes show the numbers of empty cells. In this case, you either move the pawns the number of steps indicated by the dice in your home territory, or remove the leftmost pawn if the field boundary does not allow the move to be completed completely.

If you hit the jackpot, then you also get the right to remove four figures at once.

Example: Jackpot 3:3. Delete four figures from the 3rd cell. If it is empty, then make four moves from cells numbered 4, 5 or 6. If they are also empty, remove the four leftmost pieces from the remaining ones.

Who has won?

The winner is the one who first removes all the chips from the field. However, even losing in backgammon has its own nuances. The most offensive is the loss-coke.

This is when all your figures are collected in the house, but you did not manage to drive out any of them. All lost points are multiplied by 3.

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If the opponent finished the game, and some of your chips did not make it home, then this is a loss-mars, the lost points are multiplied by 2. If at the end of the game you removed at least one chip from the field, the loss is considered normal, the points lost are equal to the number remaining on figure field. The score of the game is 0:1. The video with the rules will help to highlight some of the nuances and clearly answer the question “how to play backgammon”. Good game!

A beginner trying to understand the rules of backgammon often does not realize that this game has two varieties: long and short backgammon. But it will be difficult for a novice player to learn the rules of backgammon at the same time on the example of both games, because the player will confuse the rules of one game with the rules of another. Therefore, it is better to first learn how to play one game, and then move on to learning another. And it's easier for a beginner to start playing long backgammon, because this game is a bit easier to understand than short backgammon.

To start playing long backgammon, you need to correctly place the checkers. Each player places fifteen checkers. The player who plays white checkers places his checkers in hole number twenty-four. It should be in the upper right corner of the board from the player. The player playing with black checkers places them in hole number twelve. In relation to the second player, hole number twelve is also located in the upper right corner of the board.

The players then take turns throwing the dice and moving their checkers counterclockwise around the holes on the board. The point of playing long backgammon for a player with white checkers is to bring all his checkers into a field with a range of holes of one to six, and then remove them from the board. And for the black checkers player, the meaning of the game is to do the same, but his checkers must end up in the range of holes numbered thirteen-eighteen before they are removed from the board.

On the first move, it is allowed to walk with two checkers from the initial hole, but even then, under the condition of the complete absence of the possibility of moving a second time with one checker. Such a case happens infrequently. For all subsequent moves, you can use only one checker from the initial hole per move, and make the second move with the same or some other checker. When moving in a circle from the initial hole to the end range of holes, you can place checkers in holes in which there are already own checkers, but you cannot place them where there are checkers or an opponent's checker.

In the absence of possible options, the player skips the move. When the checkers have moved into the final range of holes, you need to remove them from the board. That is, throw dice and remove checkers with such numbers of holes. If there are no checkers in the holes with these numbers, you can transfer them to the number of holes that have fallen forward. If there is nowhere to transfer, then checkers are removed from the board from holes with lower ordinal values. The player who first removes all his checkers from the game board wins. Instruction "backgammon game rules for beginners" will be useful to everyone who wants to master this interesting game.





Playing backgammon means immersing yourself in an ancient tradition that came from the East, the oldest found board is at least 5000 years old.

It was once common among the nobility, and the outcome of the party influenced the decisions of the rulers.

Where do the white and black stones go

The meaning of the process is to ensure that the player’s stones go a full circle around the board, end up in the “house” (the last quarter of the playing board), and then the player must remove the stones from the board before the opponent.

Is there a difference between long and short backgammon

Differences between short backgammon and long backgammon:

  • The initial arrangement in short ones is more complex;
  • In them, you can shoot down single enemy chips, which is unacceptable in long ones;
  • In short ones, there is a doubling cube, which allows you to double the bet, increase interest. When the doubling system was implemented in 1920, backgammon became a sport;
  • The skill of the player means a lot to win. In long backgammon, the role of chance is great.

Backgammon, or backgammon, is preferred by most people in the West.

The result of a game is often unexpected. Sometimes it seems that one player is in a hopeless situation, in one move a desperate situation can change radically. This is why this game is loved all over the world. The long backgammon variant is popular, but its rules are simpler.

Where to begin

If you sit down for backgammon, you should learn how to play, the rules and basic principles in advance.

Before starting the game, it is important to understand how the playing field is arranged.

There are 24 triangles on the board, which are called "points".

Stones move over them. The initial position of the checkers is called the "head".

The movement is counterclockwise. You need to pass all your stones through the board to the "house".

Chips are usually red and white or red and black.

The main thing is that they should differ in color.

Cubes (zara) when thrown must fall on one side of the board and lie steadily on the edge. The game is played with 2 dice.

2 numbers fall on them, for example 4-1. One checker can be rearranged by 4 points, and the other by 1.

The exception is the first move (“from the head”), you can only move one chip. If during the first move it hits the points where the opponent's chips are, then let's move with two checkers.

The tactic is to take as many points as possible to limit the enemy's movement.

Backgammon in social networks and for smartphones

The social network "VKontakte" offers to play in applications. - Follow this link to play long backgammon, short ones are here -

For iOS, there is such an application With different designs, game options and difficulty levels. Or here classic design. You can play both short and long backgammon for free.

You can have fun and earn while playing

You can play for money on the following resources:

  • - This is one of the most popular places to win. Here you can find different variants of backgammon.
  • - On this site, you do not need to download an additional client to play. All known payment systems work.
  • - There is a large selection of tables. You can choose the appropriate level, size of bets, speed.

What needs to be done to win

Do not forget what the essence of long backgammon is. You need to remove your checkers from the board before the opponent. Before you make a move, you should consider its benefits to you.

Superiority must be won from the first moves. To do this, each move you need to rearrange one chip from the initial position, and move the second forward. So soon everyone will be introduced into the game, and there will be no forgotten and blocked by the enemy.

You can not give the enemy the opportunity to occupy 3 points in a row near your "head". Putting chips into the game will become much more difficult.

A special combination of dropped dice of 2 identical numbers (“jackpot”) makes it possible to make 4 moves, instead of the usual 2. Try to prepare for this. Such a case can change the course of the whole game.

Blocking the enemy on the approach to your quarters will help slow his advance forward. You need to take from 3 to 5 points in a row.

On the way to the "home" with checkers, you need to take the most advantageous positions from the middle of the quarter. One stone stuck among the opponent's chips leads to defeat.

In short backgammon, you should calmly follow your plan, the enemy will definitely try to confuse you if he understands your strategy.

Understanding its importance comes with the growth of skill. Mastering various tactics will bring self-confidence.

You need to keep the situation under control all the time: who is closer to victory, how to turn the game moment in your favor.

Short backgammon strategies:

  1. House building. It is necessary to transfer the checkers to positions in the house as soon as possible. It will be more difficult for the opponent to retreat and bring in the captured checkers. The reset phase will be closer.
  2. Combination. Simultaneous construction of the house and the removal of 2 checkers from the opponent's house.
  3. Risky game. The desire to occupy strategically advantageous positions can lead to both an early victory and an equally quick defeat.
  4. Withdrawal of checkers. The main task is to withdraw 2 checkers from the opponent's space. Only rolls on 5-6 and 6-6 give this opportunity.
  5. Anchor game. "Anchors" on the opponent's side at least do not prevent him from moving towards the "home", but substitute his checkers for knocking out.
  6. Careful game. The player focuses on defense, the game can drag on. One successful move by the opponent can decide the outcome of the game.

When playing both long and short backgammon, understanding the opponent's strategy already brings your victory closer.

Backgammon develops strategic and tactical abilities no worse than chess. This game will be a test and training for attention and ingenuity.

It is worth looking for worthy real, not virtual opponents, because they can become real teachers for you, pointing out mistakes and revealing interesting combinations.


Backgammon exists in two types - long and short. in Western countries, short backgammon is the most popular, which is also played in most tournaments and is the basis for playing backgammon online. The main difference between the game of short and long backgammon is the initial arrangement of game chips on the board and the drawing of beaten chips. To start the game, each player in turn rolls a dice. This roll determines who goes first and with what numbers he makes that move. If the same values ​​fall out on the dice, they are rolled until different values ​​fall out. In accordance with what has fallen on the dice, the player moves the chips around the board. Then, in order to make a move, each player rolls both dice. The number dropped in total on two dice determines how many points the player will go forward, we remind you. that chips move from high value pips to lower value pips.

Starting from the home of each player, the points are numbered for each player individually. The home is the last quarter for the player, which begins with the point on which there are 5 chips at the beginning of the game. the farthest point is the twenty-fourth, which is also the first for the enemy. In this type of backgammon, each player has exactly 15 chips. When the game begins, they are arranged in this order: two checkers in point 24, five in point 13, three in point 8 and five in point 6.

The goal of the game in short backgammon, the same as in long backgammon, is to remove all checkers from the board, transferring them alternately between points to the house. Accordingly, the game is won by the one who first removes all the checkers from the game. In order to more clearly distinguish between short and long backgammon, we present the basic rules for playing short backgammon.

1. In the game, a checker can only fill an open point - one that is not occupied by two or more opponent's pieces.

2. The numbers that fell on both dice cause different moves. For example, if a player rolls a 3 and a 5, he can move one chip for three points and another for five, or one chip for eight points at once.

3. During the game of backgammon, the player who has two identical numbers on the dice - double, the numbers are played twice. For example, if we get 4-4, then the player makes four moves of four points, and the chips can be rearranged in a different combination - as the player wishes.

4. The player must move with two numbers rolled or four (if a double rolls). If a condition arises when it is possible to play with one number, the player is forced to choose one and play it. If each of the numbers can be played separately. but not two at once, the player must make the next move. When a player does not have the opportunity to make a move, he misses it. Provided that a double falls out, but it is not possible to beat all four moves at once, everything possible is done.

In short backgammon, a point on which there is only one chip is called a blot. And therefore, when the opponent's chip stops at such a point, the blot is considered closed, or beaten. From this it becomes clear that in order to protect the chips, it is necessary to place them twice, and not singly, of course, if the situation allows it. the opportunity to put two chips on one point is determined by rolling the die. The opponent will not be able to beat the doubled chips, and take this point with his own. If the die allows you to go to a point occupied by more than one enemy pawn, then the pawn does not move. But when the six squares in front are occupied by several enemy pieces, your piece is closed and can only move when one of the fields is free. You cannot beat the opponent's piece and move it in the same move so that it is placed in the point with its own piece and becomes doubled. But there is an opportunity to beat and block one of your chips with the help of another, to beat and move to a free point, to beat and throw away a chip. When there are chips on the bar, the most important duty of the player whose checks they are is to launch them into the opponent's house. The chip comes into play for a point equal to the value rolled on the die. For example, if a player gets 6 and 4 in the game, he has the right to put a checker in the sixth or fourth point, provided that there are no opponent's chips on them. If the two points that correspond to the numbers on the dice are occupied, the player is forced to skip his turn.

If it is not possible to return all the checkers to the game, the points disappear. As soon as all the checkers are back on the board, you can move in the usual way, moving the checker you see fit. Throwing chips in short backgammon. After all fifteen chips are in the house, the player can start throwing them out of the game. To do this, you need to roll a die and the chips are transferred from those points that fell on it, that is, if 6 and 3 fall out, you can pick up chips from the sixth and third points, respectively. If there are no checkers on the desired point, chips are thrown from the points, the number of which is less than what fell on the die.

The rules are pretty simple and easy to remember. If you play at home, it will be just entertainment for you and your opponent, but you can also play with the help of bets that will be interesting and useful for you.

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