Download old maps of Belarus. Old maps of Belarus

This section presents all the maps of Belarus.

Plans of general land surveying - 1765-1861.

Special Map of European Russia.

is a huge cartographic publication, calculated on 152 sheets and covering a little more than half of Europe. Mapping lasted 6 years, from 1865 to 1871. Map scale: in 1 inch - 10 versts, 1:420000, which in the metric system is approximately 1 cm - 4.2 km.

Maps can be downloaded.

Maps of the Red Army.

(Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army) were compiled and printed both in the USSR in the period from 1925 to 1941, and in Germany, in preparation for the war, in the period 1935-41. On maps printed in Germany, the German name is often printed next to the Russian name of a village, river, etc.

250 meters.

Poland (Poland) 1:25 000

500 meters.


Maps can be downloaded.

Polish maps WIG.

The cards were published in pre-war Poland - Military Institute of Geography (Wojskowy Instytut Geograficzny), the map data scale is 1:100000 and 1:25000 or, to put it simply, 1 cm - 1 km and 1 cm -250 m the quality of the maps is very good - 600 dpi, respectively, and the size of the maps is also not small, in fact, everything is more than 10 megabyte.

Explanatory, detailed and search engine-friendly maps. All the smallest details are visible: manors, dungeons, farms, manors, taverns, chapels, mills, etc.


WIG map sample.

250 meters

One-verst map of Belarus.

A one-verst map of the western border area in a scale of 1 verst in an inch (1:42000) was published from the 1880s until the First World War, and was reprinted until the end of the 1930s.
Maps in scale 1:42000.

Military topographic 2-verst map of the Western Border Space.

Maps on a scale of 1:84000 (two-verst). Two-verst maps of the western border area began to be printed in 1883. The cards were also basic topographic maps during the First World War in the Russian army.

Ten years ago, you could go to some unfamiliar places using only the “General Staff” kilometer or true friends and comrades who rode with you as a navigator, getting confused in the testimony and giving inaccurate advice: “so, it seems like you need to turn left here, I remember here there was a fallen tree…”

Now, in a few hours of sitting on the Internet, you can explore the length and breadth of areas of interest, plan a route, put it all into your phone and then use it as a map. And after all this, also get to the point using all this data.

If you are interested in new places that you have not been to yet, and you do not have any other information (“tips” from acquaintances, posts on the Internet, etc.), then you can try to find such places on your own.

What is needed for this?

Firstly, a computer with Internet access and, preferably, some kind of mobile device with a GPS sensor and a screen with which you can then navigate: a modern mobile phone or tablet.

Second, services:

Created on April 23, 1793 after the 2nd partition of the Commonwealth. It occupied the territory of Minsk and partly Novogrudok and Brest Voivodeships of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. From May 3, 1795 to 1796 it was called the Minsk vicegerency. Initially, the province included 13 counties: Bobruisk, Borisov, Vileysky, David-Gorodoksky, Disnensky, Dokshitsky, Igumensky, Mozyrsky, Minsky, Nesvizhsky, Postavsky, Pinsky, Slutsky. In November 1796, the Rechitsa uyezd was annexed, and the David-Gorodok, Dokshitsky, Nesvizh, and Postavy uyezds were abolished. In December 1842 from Grodno province Novogrudok uyezd was annexed Vilna province Vileika and Disna counties were transferred. From that time until 1919 Minsk province administratively divided into counties: Bobruisk, Borisovsky, igumensky, Mozyr, Minsk, Novogrudsky, Pinsky, Rechitsky, Slutsky. The site is presented on the site list of places and settlements Minsk province for 1870, indicating parishes and belonging to estates.

From 7.11.1917 Minsk province as part of the Western region, from 03.1918 as part of the BNR, from 1.1.1919 in the BSSR, from 2.2.1919 in LitBel. In 1919-20 Baranovichi and Nesvizh uyezds were formed, Rechitsa, Mozyr and parts of Bobruisk, Borisov and Igumen uyezds were annexed to the Gomel province. Since July 1920 in the BSSR. On March 18, 1921, when part of the territory of the province, except for Bobruisk, Borisov, Igumen, Mozyr, Minsk and Slutsk districts, became part of Poland, the province ceased to exist.

The population of the Minsk province

In 1845, there were 9 cities in the Minsk province (1 provincial and 8 county), 2 provincial cities, 116 towns, 2983 villages, 15,121 villages, 2162 dungeons and outskirts. According to the 1897 census, 2,147,600 people lived in the province. According to the national composition of Belarusians - 76.04%, Jews - 15.9%, Russians - 3.91%, Poles - 3.01%; according to the religion Orthodox - 72.56%, Jews - 16.06%, Catholics - 10.15%, Old Believers - 0.74%, Protestants - 0.27%, Muslims - 0.21%; by class: nobles - 3.64%, priests - 0.26%, merchants - 0.16%, petty bourgeois - 23.6%, peasants - 71.8%; literate - 17.8% of the population, in cities - 45.2%. In 1893 there were 860 churches, 67 churches, 6 Protestant institutions (churches, gatherings, prayer houses), 9 mosques, 36 synagogues, 420 Jewish prayer houses.

The main occupations of the population: agriculture, animal husbandry, fishing, beekeeping, forestry, handicrafts. In 1892, 320 enterprises were operating, of which 138 distilleries, 23 breweries, 14 mead factories, 36 flour mills, 7 oil mills, 3 cloth factories; in the 1890s there were 24 stud farms; in 1908 there were 215 distilleries, 16 breweries, and 445 factories and plants.

Railways passed through the territory of the province: Libavo-Romenskaya, Moscow-Brestskaya, Brest-Bryansk, Vilna-Rivne, Baranovichi-Bialystok, Balogoe-Volkovysk.


2020-01-12 Vasily Bylinskiy Yatra, village (Novogrudok district)

The parish registers of the Yatra Church are in the State Institution "National Historical Archive of Belarus in Grodno" BY NIABGR f. 1844 for 1915,1918-1943... > > >

2020-01-12 Vitaly Dragun Sinelo, village (Igumensky district)

Hello! My grandfather was born in 1908 from the village of Sinelo. Where are registers of births, marriages and deaths of a given parish kept?
the address of the archive in which the parish registers are stored?... > > >

2020-01-10 Zbigniew Mariusz Wołocznik Ivenets, city (Minsk district)

Z działalności gminy iwienieckiej powiatu wołożyńskiego.
Rada gminy iwienieckiej w pierwszej połowie 1928-1929
wybudować 7 klasową szkołę podstawową w Iwieńcu, elektrownię, łaźnię i ubojnię zwierząt.
W tym celu poczyniono kroki przed Bankiem Gospodarstwa Krajowego w Warszawie w celu pożyczki.
W wyniku tych starań bank udzielił pożyczki gminie Iwieniec w wysokości 60.000 zł na budowę szkoły.
A co dotyczy pożyczki na budowę elektrowni, jest ona uzależniona od przedstawienia planów, kosztorysów
i sprawozdania z jej eksploatacji.
Z tego powodu Rada Gminy zwr... > > >

2020-01-09 Ermolovich Inna Shestisnopy, village (Igumensky district)

2020-01-08 Grzegorz Glodek Berbashi, dungeon (Novogrudok district)

Witam, szukam rodziny Jana Catewicz, urodzonego w 1932 r w tej miejscowości. Jego rodzice to Mikołaj oraz Anna Trzabatarowicz.... > > >

2020-01-07 Shtrykova Tatiana Zholkino, village (Pinsky district)

Good afternoon!
I, Shtrykova (Borichevskaya) Tatyana Nikolaevna, live in Belarus. I am looking for all possible information about my grandfather. I appeal to you with a huge request to help find my grandfather, Grigory Nikolaevich Borichevsky or (Dorofeevich). During the Second World War, he went to fight at the front. For a long time we didn't know anything. In 1945 a letter came from him in which he wrote that he had been a prisoner in Germany. He was released by the Americans, and he ended up in Canada. My father and I corresponded with him periodically. In Canada, he lived until 1977, at the following address: (WINDSOR, ONT. SUB. 15NO868). 1977 grandfather wrote in a letter that he was going to go to the hospital to have his leg amputated. Since 1977, our relationship has been cut off. After that, we repeatedly wrote letters, but there was no answer. He was born in the BSSR ...

In principle, it is clear that scientific articles arouse much less interest among visitors to my site than all kinds of maps, especially those of a general, overview nature. And now, I think, the selection of maps on the history of Belarus presented below will attract a lot of attention. In fact, this is an atlas that reflects (with a few exceptions) all the milestones of the historical development of Belarus and, in part, the states that it was part of at one time or another.


Maps were created in record time. They were intended for a monumental edition, which eventually received the pretentious name "Belarus: People. State. Time", but among the employees of the Institute of History it was called "Semidnevka" (yes, they call it that now). True, I didn’t have to write the text, and as many as 10 days were given to create 16 cards. I did it, but then the maps were repeatedly corrected, supplemented, etc. Their number has grown to 20 due to the expansion of military topics. As often happens, texts and maps were required to be handed in quickly, and the book had been waiting for release for more than 2 years.

At present, as the scientific secretary of the Institute of History said, my maps have become "public property", they are used by all and sundry, and I unexpectedly come across some of them published in various, in my opinion, strange publications. The last example: the map "GDL as part of the Commonwealth in the 17th century." in the book "Russians in Belarus" (Compiled by A.N. Andreev. - Minsk: Makbel, 2010).

Being limited in time, when creating maps, I could make some mistakes. Gradually they appear. I will note that here I will post the already corrected options. But, for example, a serious drawback of several maps was that they did not show the entire territory of the BSSR, which it had been since 1939 (with Bialystok). I did not have the necessary cartographic basis, and Belarus turned out to be "educated" in a sense. Now I can't fix it.

In addition, the editors of the publication considered it necessary to remove the map frames I created, remove the names and type them again, shift the legends and, most importantly, reduce the already small cards. Nevertheless, everything was printed at a high printing level, however, the cards were somehow shaded against the background of a large number of illustrations, design elements, etc. Here I post exactly my works, in my own edition, but I give links to the edition, since the internal content (except for correcting errors) has not changed much. And another point - the book itself does not reflect anywhere who is the author and compiler of the maps.

Belarus: People. State. Time / National acad. Sciences of Belarus, Institute of History; editorial board: A.A. Kovalenya [i dr.]. – Minsk: Belarus. science, 2009.

Population of the territory of Belarus in the Stone Age. S. 15.

Archaeological cultures and settlements on the territory of Belarus in the Bronze and Iron Ages. Early 2nd millennium BC - IV-V centuries. AD S. 22.

Ancient Russia in the 9th - early 11th centuries. S. 43.

Principalities on the territory of Belarus in the 11th - early 13th centuries. S. 46.

Grand Duchy of Lithuania in 1250–1430 S. 63.

Grand Duchy of Lithuania in 1430–1548 S. 72.

Grand Duchy of Lithuania in the 2nd half of the 16th century. Formation of the Commonwealth. S. 74.

The Grand Duchy of Lithuania as part of the Commonwealth in the 17th century. S. 79.

As a clear example of the thieves' use of my work - the placement of this map in the following edition: ON as part of the Commonwealth in the 17th century. // Russians in Belarus / Comp. A.N. Andreev. - Minsk: McBell, 2010. - S. ?. (page to be updated)

Variant of the same card (with additions)

The Grand Duchy of Lithuania as part of the Commonwealth at the end of the 17th - the first half of the 18th centuries. S. 86.

Sections of the Commonwealth. 1772–1795 The inclusion of Belarusian lands in the Russian Empire. S. 88.

Belarus as part of the Russian Empire in the 2nd half of the 19th – early 20th centuries. S. 94.

Belarus during the First World War. 1914-1918 S. 221.

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