The official group of Klondike classmates. Klondike bonus links

Klondike free game on VKontakte and other social networks. In the story, your hero goes in search of the father of the gold digger. To do this, you have to follow the steps of your father and overcome obstacles and explore the entire northern edge. In addition to the main mission, you need to survive in harsh lands, build a hut and develop a farm so that you have something to eat. Take care of the farm, grow animals and plants and earn money for it. Although the game is free, there are purchases in the game to speed up the progress of the game. Gold coins and emeralds will be needed to make purchases, unlock items. But all this costs money, often players try to download cheats Klondike to get money for free. But breaking the rules of the game can lead to the loss of your account. To avoid this, you need to use a play store. Using bonus codes, you can get a lot of money in the game for free and enjoy the game without restrictions. Show your achievements to your friends and surprise with your high level.

Klondike codes for free:

  • 500 emeralds - lcz # t5s1ugq
  • 1 111 emeralds - ljz # 8o52tf1
  • 600,000 coins - thl # ez5nzig
  • 2,700,000 coins - bx4 # zdgjxho
  • Restore Energy - zdh # 3sn7sdh

The money is needed for the expedition. Using secrets, you can quickly unlock all the items in the game, buildings and animals. Speed ​​up your experience gain and level up quickly. Using emeralds Klondai to the player instantly loses units of energy. There are codes for their instant recovery. This allows you to quickly advance in the game and complete tasks. Speed ​​up construction processes and buy the right things.

This is a browser game with nice graphics that you can play on VKontakte, classmates and The main mission of the game is expeditions in search of the father, but we will spend most of the time on the farm. After all, we have very little money and in order to develop in the game you need to buy resources for emeralds, or spend all your free time on the game. From the very beginning, we have to learn all the basics of agriculture, how to manage the economy and build key buildings.

The economic part of the game limits the speed of passage. There are not enough coins and emeralds to get significant successes. Performing actions, construction, or harvesting a unit of energy is taken away from us. This prevents you from quickly gaining the experience required to unlock buildings and animals. The Shop and Warehouse are key locations in the game where the player can buy new items. To unlock the most interesting of them you need emeralds, or hack Klondike... This allows you to buy animals and premium buildings and get more varied items in the Warehouse. In the latter, you can sell things and make money from it.

Klondike Hack for Coins and Emeralds you can very easily thanks to our cheats. In order to do this, you just need to introduce our Klondike cheats into the game. Now, so that you can hack klondike, you do not need to download any hacking programs, thereby putting your computer at risk of infecting viruses. The Klondike game is very interesting, but it will become even more interesting after you hack it into Emeralds and Coins. Our Cheat Codes are very easy to use and you don't need any special training to use them. To activate the Cheat Code, you just need to enter it into the game (The Cheats themselves are written below). It happens that new users get here, and they still do not know where to enter cheats for hacking Klondike, especially for such, below in this article there is a link to the input instructions. Everything is short and clear there. If you have any questions in the process, then feel free to ask them in the comments.

Attention! In order to get instructions for cheats, you need to subscribe to this YouTube channel, and like each of its videos
After that, go to this site and see the instructions

  • You can get 99999 Emeralds after you enter this Cheat Code into the game - GJY-KGDKUcMa
  • You can get 99999 Coins after you enter this Cheat Code into the game - LAC-J2oUBYHJ

Basically, in order to hack the Klondike, our cheats are used, because:

After reading this article, you will definitely not have a question on how to hack the Klondike. This is the easiest way to hack the Klondike, since you can do it without any additional programs and by simply entering cheats into the Klondike game. And it is also a universal method, and it works on Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki, Maila and Facebook.

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Vizor Interactive

In the game Klondike Lost Expedition, secrets are found at every step, you just need to know and remember them. Knowing the secrets of the Klondike, you can quickly make money and enrich yourself with resources. In this article, we will try to give practical advice and reveal the secrets of the Klondike game to make it easier and easier for you to play.

One of the secrets of the Klondike game, which many forget about, is that it is better to mine coal in the game on your own with the help of energy: stone cutters are not very suitable for this purpose. In addition, in this way, you can gain additional experience (on average, one hit is given from 4 to 54 units of experience), as well as discover the elements of the collection.

The main task of the stonecutters is to break stones, so it is better to send them to crush large boulders into small pieces, which the main character can already finish off. A similar secret of the Klondike works with lumberjacks: the more area of ​​the forest they cut down, the less experience and chances of finding something useful for themselves. In the case of self-cutting, the chance increases.

At the same time, three workers can work in a quarry and a sawmill, performing various mining operations.

At the station, the player has two free workers - Eskimos. The rest of the workers will have to be hired for pay if necessary from among friends. The hiring price can vary quite a bit for each friend. Hiring at the lowest cost is most likely among friends who log into the game every 2 days. Hired workers will need housing. Therefore, you will have to build a tent, shack, apartment or a whole house with an attic. The quality of housing affects the cost of an employee's services: the better the dwelling, the less the employee takes for his labor and the longer he will be able to work without a break for rest.

Next Klondike secret- while the Eskimos-woodcutters go about their business, break up pyrite, coal, ore and clay. For mining, you can not only get a lot of experience, but also coins and energy. It is better to finish off the last unit of stone or wood on your own, since this gives an increased amount of experience, and also often drops out collection items and gold. During the last blow of energy on pyrite, gold almost always drops out, which can be sold to buy something more necessary. If you resort to the help of stonecutters when mining, then you will not be able to get anything except an ordinary stone. If you need a certain type of resources under it, you can try to dig from a friend: very often, during this process, several units of the mineral being dug fall out.

Try to collect as many products as possible, which will later be useful in the construction of buildings and completing tasks, from animals (an ordinary cow and sheep). Check your stations and friends' stations regularly for bird nests. In order to take possession of a nest belonging to a friend, he must be recruited to work. It should be borne in mind that, having fulfilled its product limit, the animal dies.

The limits for different types of animals are as follows:

  • birds - 25 nests,
  • sheep - 25 wool,
  • ordinary cows - 50 milk,
  • pedigree sheep - 125 wool,
  • thoroughbred cows - 200 milk,
  • rabbits - after eating 26 units of grass.

A little secret of the Klondike: after death, the animal turns into a golden statue, which opens with a mouse click. This can only be done by the owner of the animal. The Golden Monument is a source of collection elements, among which there are often quite rare ones, coins, experience and products from this animal.

Despite the fact that the grass contains food for birds (worms) and mammals (grass), it is not necessary to completely remove it: otherwise, this may result in additional costs (for animals, you will have to purchase hay, and for birds to prepare feeders, because without them they will not be able to rush).

Well, the main advice on the game is to constantly dig in your neighbors with the help of 100 free shovels available daily (5 for each friend). The restriction on free shovels is updated at midnight Moscow time and at 23-00 Minsk and Kiev time.

Another secret of the Klondike is that with the help of shovels you can take eggs from the nests from neighbors if they are covered with decorations or plants. To do this, you must first click on the object that covers the nest, and then on the nest itself. In this case, the character will dig up the object, and then pick up the eggs, if other neighbors have not yet had time to pick them up.

Every time you dig under a new building or a friend's decoration, you can stumble upon the Golden Mine, the location of which changes every week. And if you dig where none of the neighbors has yet begun excavations, the likelihood of stumbling upon a treasure in which you can find gold and experience increases.

At each friend's station, 20 veins are randomly buried every week, which can be located anywhere: under buildings, stones, decorations, and even grass. The fewer different items a friend has at the station, the higher the chance to stumble upon a vein. Finding the Goldmine is a great way to improve your well-being, however, in order to dig a Goldmine from a friend, he must first be hired. More information about Veins of Gold can be found in the "Other" section at the top of the Klondike game menu.

More neighbors in the Klondike provide more opportunities for exchange and gifts. Therefore, one of the tasks of a player who wants to succeed in the game is to send offers to his friends with a request to join the game process. You can send free gifts: the sooner you start doing this after the update and the more you send, the more of them will be returned in response. Friends will be happy to receive something they need as a gift: you can find out about their needs and requirements by ticking the box next to the item "Show who is looking for" when sending gifts.

An important tip on the Klondike game: you should not get rid of the products in the warehouse: the need for them will certainly arise in the course of the further game. After cutting down resources, coins can be found in caches. You can also get hold of them when selling collections, but it is better not to sell everything at once: they may be needed when completing quests. Also available for sale are gold and egg trays created in the barn. In this case, it is better to sell a little of each product, and not to clean up any one resource. In case of a sharp need for coins, they can be dug up under some of the buildings and decorations. It is more profitable for all to earn money to grow cucumbers and cabbage, as well as rabbits that breed after each feeding.
Having decided to exchange a collection, you should think carefully: the fact is that many collections will be needed in further adventures. Collections can be obtained by digging at your station and friends' stations, as well as by discovering Gold Veins. Rare collections are found inside animal monuments.

The character's energy grows rather slowly. It increases after completing adventure tasks. At the beginning of the game, the energy limit is 15. After reaching the third, sixth, tenth, fifteenth and twentieth levels, one more energy is added to the energy limit. Thus, after reaching level 20, the energy limit will be 20.
A little secret of the Klondike game - the limit can be increased, but for a limited period of time. To do this, with the energy limit filled to the brim, break as many resources, stones and trees as possible to the last unit. Then at one time you need to finish off all the resources in which there is only one unit. A lot of energy will fall out of the caches hidden under these resources. It can also be harvested from bread dropped from golden monuments, as well as using rabbits and pastries made at the Bakery.

Hacking the game - "Klondike: The Lost Expedition" in social networks Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki and others, with the aim of adding emeralds, energy or coins - is almost impossible.

Hack and cheats for Klondike

With the help of the program for hacking games Cheat Engine you can get gold, energy or emeralds, but as soon as you try to use them, you will immediately be thrown out of the game. If you want to show off your mythical achievements to your friends, a bunch of gold coins for example, which you don't have, then it's better to use Photoshop.

Despite the fact that it is not possible to hack the Klondike, many sites offer different solutions. Be careful. Scammers offer to download a cheat program, which is usually paid and the cost of the program may be higher than stated at the beginning, and after payment you may simply not receive it. Moreover, the program may contain dangerous viruses.

The game developers have officially admitted that they are not opposed to the players taking advantage of any errors and bugs and will not be punished by a ban in the Klondike. They said this because the game is well optimized and protected from various holes and is very difficult to hack.

On the site you will find a lot of useful information, secrets and tips for the game Klondike: The Lost Expedition.

How to hack the Klondike game in classmates or in contact?

There are no codes for this game. There are cheat codes for games that are installed on a computer. Here, all information on your account is stored on the game server, so you cannot influence the indicators using codes, cheats and other tricks.

You can use the holes and bugs of the game that appear after the updates, if they can be found.

Klondike: The Lost Expedition is a free online game, the administration never forces anyone to send them money and does not ask for your username and password from a social network account. But you can earn extra in-game currency and content by participating in various promotions and contests for the Klondike game run by the developers or administrators of fan sites and groups.

For a week, users of the social network Vkontakte have access to a new browser-based toy "Klondike: The Lost Expedition". During this time, we learned a lot about her. Pleasant surprises and insurmountable difficulties are what we encountered in the early days of the game. These few days were quite enough to level up to level 15-17, clear the island a little for the future village, as well as complete all the tasks presented to us ..


Better not to set up the stonecutters to mine coal. If possible, get it yourself, using energy. Thus, you can earn additional experience (4-54 experience per hit on coal) and find several collection items. It is better with stone cutters to break large stones until the main character can finish them off on his own. The same can be said about lumberjacks - the more they get wood, the less experience and collection items you can get for cutting down yourself.
In the sawmill and quarry, three workers can work at the same time, extracting different resources. At the station you have two Eskimos - free workers, the rest must be hired for a fee from among your friends. The cost of hiring different friends can vary significantly. To hire at the lowest cost - look for and mark friends for yourself who come into the game at least once every two days and who have few friends, and therefore are rarely hired. Or buy a Hotel, where the rental price is the same. Worker friends need housing. Place them in a tent, shack, apartments, attic house, or hotel. The better the housing, the less you will have to pay the employee per hour of work and the more time he will be able to work for you continuously.


While the Eskimo lumberjacks are chopping down trees, break up pyrite, clay, coal and ore. In these resources, a lot of experience drops out, as well as coins, energy and collection elements. You need to finish off the last unit of stone or wood yourself - for the last blow to a resource, a lot of experience is given, elements of collections, often gold. Pyrite needs to be broken down on your own - with energy - a lot of gold falls out of it, which can be sold to buy something more needed. If it is mined by stonecutters, they will bring an ordinary stone. If you need some kind of resource, dig under it from a friend, because when digging, several units of the resource being dug may fall out.


Collect as many products as possible from animals - ordinary cows, sheep and others - these products will come in handy in completing quests and building buildings. Look for bird nests at your station and at the stations of your friends. To take a nest from a friend, you need to hire him to work. To protect your nests from naughty friends, you will have to buy Guarded Birdhouses or Guard Dogs.
The animal dies when it reaches its production limit. All birds basically - 15-25 nests, ordinary sheep - 25 wool, ordinary cows - 50 milk, purebred sheep - 125 wool, purebred cows - 200 milk, rabbits - after eating 26 grasses. The animal turns into a golden statue-monument, which can only be opened by the owner of the animal, with one click on the statue. Elements of collections, including rare ones, coins, experience, materials and products of this animal are poured out of a golden monument of any animal. Do not remove all grass at the station. Although it contains food for raising birds - worms, mammals - cows, sheep - feed on grass ... If there is no place for the animals to graze, they will have to put hay for them. In order for the birds to fly, you need to buy or cook feeders for them in the barn, fountain or estate. You can also raise birds and animals (except for rabbits and swans) on the Farm and Poultry Farm. Livestock feeds there on compound feed.


Dig in your neighbors using all 100 free shovels daily (5 per friend). The limit for free shovels is updated at 00.00 Moscow time. Shovels also help to remove eggs from your neighbors' nests if buildings, resources, decorations or plants are covering them. You need to click on the object that covers the nest, and then on the nest itself. The character will dig up the object, and after that he will take the eggs, if the other neighbors of the player did not take them before you.
If you need energy, gold, resources or specific collections, dig those items from which it drops .. By exchanging a collection of luck - get super-shovels with which you can dig collections and energy from your friends.

Veins of gold

Dig each time under a new building, decoration or resource from a friend if you want to find a Goldmine that updates its location once a week. Also, the chance to find treasure increases if you dig in places that are difficult to dig, where the shovel of another neighbor did not dig. In this peculiar treasure, with a capacity of 2 to 8 shovels, you can find many useful things: gold, experience, collection elements. At the station of each of the friends, 20 veins are randomly buried every week and they can be located under any buildings, decorations, resources, and even grass. The veins are distributed to all sections of the station, even if they are not yet available (closed). The fewer items at a friend's station, the greater the chance of finding a vein in him, if it has not yet been dug up by other neighbors. Finding gold veins is a great way to get rich, but to dig a gold mine from a friend, you need to hire him to work. More details about the Goldmine can be found on its page in the "Miscellaneous" section in the top menu. The search for gold veins is made much easier by the Guard dog, which will do it for you for a tasty bone.


The more neighbors you have in Klondike, the more gifts and exchange opportunities you have, which means the more productive the game is. Invite new friends to the game. Send free gifts daily. The more gifts you send and the sooner you do it after the nightly update of the game, the more you receive in return. Give your friends what they need. A check mark next to "Show who is looking for" when sending gifts will be very helpful in this case. In this case, friends will be more grateful to you than if they receive unnecessary gifts instead of the materials they need.


Do not sell products from the warehouse to earn money - you will definitely need it further. Coins lie in caches left after cutting down resources, and they can also be obtained for the delivery of some collections. When handing over collections, always try to keep several of them for the future, because they may be needed on adventures. You can also sell gold if there is an urgent need to buy something useful or sell trays of eggs created in the barn. In this case, too, it is better to sell a little of everything, and not one type of material entirely. If you need coins urgently, you can dig them up under some buildings and decorations. Another way to earn money is growing cucumbers and cabbage, as well as selling rabbits, the number of which grows after each feeding. The fastest way is to get hold of coins, hand over the Indigo collection (drops out of nests and statues of various birds, for more details see the collection page). Or exchange it in the exchange on the right in the menu.


Collections are required when completing some quests, so when exchanging a collection, think carefully about whether it would be better to save it for the future. Collections drop out when digging from friends and at your station, come across in hiding places under stones and trees, and also pour from the Golden Veins. Good collections fall out of the golden animal monuments that your living creatures are transformed into by fulfilling their production quota. You can read more about where exactly you can find the required collection in the "Collections" section of the top menu.


The constant maximum energy limit of the character grows very slowly - thanks to the increase in the level. Starting the game, you have a maximum energy limit of 15. The third, sixth, tenth, fifteenth and twentieth levels give one more unit of energy to the total limit. Thus, having reached the 20th level, you will have a limit of 20 energy. The entire list of levels can be seen on the levels page in the top menu.
You can temporarily increase the limit. To do this, having energy filled to the edge of the limit, break a lot of resources, stones and trees to the last unit. And then at one time finish off all the resources (in which there is only one unit) at the same time. From the caches under these resources, a different amount of energy falls out (depending on the size of the resource). The effect of energy gain can be increased if, before updating the game (until 00:00 Moscow time), dig in the buildings and decorations from which it drops out from the neighbors. The same can be done immediately after the update. By increasing the total energy limit, you get the opportunity to break the resources previously inaccessible for breaking by the main character. Energy can also be obtained by using the Bread, which drops from the golden monuments of the Rabbits, and other pastries that can be prepared at the Bakery.


See tasks from the adventure map on the site in the upper menu in advance in order to better navigate the game. There you can find the entire list of current quests and tasks that need to be completed.

We will answer any question for you at.

How to send free gifts (instructions)

It is customary to send free gifts (BP) daily and by filter.

  1. Click on the gift box (top left).
  2. Select the most recent material available to you to send the BP.
  3. Uncheck the "Notify" option.
  4. Select the "Show who is looking for" option. Those who wish to receive this material will be displayed.
  5. Click "Gift to all."
  6. Move left to the next material (red arrow).
  7. Repeat steps 5 and 6 for all materials.
  8. Uncheck the "Show who is looking for" option. Those who have not selected any PSU will be displayed.
  9. Go back to water or coal (these are the most sought after) and donate to the rest.

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